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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reclassificação dos ativos financeiros e os possíveis impactos nos indicadores prudenciais e de rentabilidade dos bancos brasileiros / Reclassification of financial assets and possible impacts on prudential and profitability ratios of Brazilian banks.

Diana Lúcia de Almeida 14 September 2010 (has links)
Motivados pela crença de que um único conjunto de normas contábeis tecnicamente robusto seria fundamental para maior transparência nas informações, redução dos custos de capital, eliminação dos custos de adequação das demonstrações financeiras para outro conjunto de normas, redução dos riscos e, consequentemente, atração de mais investimentos, em 2002 o FASB assina o acordo de convergência com o IASB, no qual os órgãos se comprometem a desenvolver conjuntamente padrões contábeis compatíveis e de alta qualidade, que possam ser usadas no ambiente doméstico e internacional. A norma IAS 39, por ter sido considerada complexa desde sua emissão, já havia entrado no escopo de revisão conjunta entre o IASB e o FASB. Entretanto, a crise financeira de 2008 trouxe à tona algumas fraquezas da norma e ambos os órgãos foram pressionados a acelerar o processo de sua revisão. Em resposta à crise, o projeto foi dividido em três etapas, das quais a primeira é sobre classificação e mensuração dos instrumentos financeiros. Como parte do projeto, em novembro de 2009 foi emitida a IFRS 9 Instrumentos Financeiros. Esta norma introduz novos requerimentos para a classificação e mensuração dos ativos financeiros. Dentre as mudanças as quatro categorias de mensuração dos ativos financeiros - valor justo pelo resultado, mantido até o vencimento, empréstimos e recebíveis e disponível para venda foram eliminadas e introduzidas duas categorias - custo amortizado e valor justo. Tal alteração instigou uma análise sobre seus possíveis impactos. Nesse sentido, este trabalho procurou analisar, dentro do contexto da introdução da IFRS 9, se a mudança na classificação dos ativos financeiros introduz alteração estatisticamente significativa nos indicadores prudenciais e de rentabilidade dos bancos no Brasil. Para isso foi focada a reclassificação da categoria disponível para venda para a categoria valor justo. A amostra é não probabilística e formada por 38 bancos brasileiros. As variáveis operacionais são: Índice da Basiléia, Índice da Basiléia por Capital Nível I, Índice de Imobilização, Retorno sobre Ativos (ROA) e Retorno sobre Patrimônio Líquido (ROE). A estratégia de pesquisa utilizada foi a simulação e a significância das médias dos resultados de cada indicador, antes e depois da simulação, foram testados estatisticamente por meio do teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon. Os resultados indicaram que não há variação da estrutura do Patrimônio de Referência (PR) e, portanto, não há impacto no Índice de Imobilização. Com relação ao demais indicadores, a reclassificação dos ativos provoca um aumento estatisticamente significativo na média do Índice da Basiléia, enquanto as médias do ROA e do ROE reduziram. Para a média do Índice da Basiléia por Capital Nível I não há evidências estatísticas de variação significativa. Todos os resultados da pesquisa consideraram um nível de confiança de 95% e o respectivo nível de significância de 5%. Contudo, considerando que os testes estatísticos se basearem numa amostra não probabilística, os resultados encontrados são extensivos apenas aos bancos componentes da amostra. Este estudo contribuiu adicionalmente ao debate sobre o uso de reclassificações para fins de gerenciamento de resultados, concluindo que a IFRS 9 é mais restritiva, quando comparado à IAS 39 após emenda de 2008. No que tange aos objetivos da revisão da IAS 39, percebe-se uma melhoria, em especial ao reduzir o número de categorias de classificação dos ativos financeiros, apesar de ser ainda cedo para afirmar que a mudança introduzida pela IFRS 9 reduziu a complexidade da IAS 39. Por fim, nota-se um movimento de convergência entre as normas contábeis e prudenciais, apesar de divergências entre ambas ainda permanecerem. / Driven by the belief that only one technically robust set of standards would be fundamental for increased transparency in information, reduced capital costs, eliminated costs to adapt financial statements to a new set of standards, risks reduction and, consequently, by the attraction of international investments, in 2002 FASB signed a convergence agreement with IASB, according to which the bodies agreed to work together to develop compatible and high quality accounting standards that could be applied for both domestic and cross-border financial reporting. IAS 39 has been considered complex since it was issued and had already been included in the scope of revision by IASB and FASB. However, the 2008 financial crisis emerged IAS 39 weaknesses, being both bodies pressured to accelerate the revision. In response to the crisis, the project was divided in three phases and the first one regards to classification and measurement of financial instruments. As part of the project, in November 2009 IFRS 9 Financial Instruments was issued. The new standard introduces new requirements for classification and measurement of financial assets. Among the changes, the four categories fair value through profit and loss, held to maturity, loans and receivables and available for sale were eliminated and two categories were introduced amortized cost and fair value. This change instigated an analysis about its possible impacts. In that sense, this research aimed to analyse, within the context of IFRS 9, if the change in financial assets classification introduces statistically significant changes in the prudential and the profitability ratios of banks in Brazil. To that end, the reclassification from available for sale to fair value was focused. The sample is non-probabilistic and contains 38 Brazilian banks. The variables are: Total Capital ratio, Tier 1 ratio, Fixed Assets to Regulatory Capital ratio, Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE). The research strategy used is simulation and the mean significance of each ratio results, before and after the simulation, was tested by the non-parametric Wilcoxon test. The results show no variation in regulatory capital structure, thus, there is no impact on Fixed Assets to Regulatory Capital ratio. In relation to all other ratios, the reclassification makes a statistically significant increase in Total Capital ratio mean, while ROA and ROE means reduced. On Tier 1 ratio mean there is no evidence of statistically significant variation. All the results of this research took into account reliability level of 95% and the respective significance level of 5%. However, considering that the statistics tests are based on a non-probabilistic sample, the results refer solely to banks in the sample. Moreover, this research contributed to a debate about the use of reclassification for earnings managements, concluding that IFRS 9 is more restrictive when compared to IAS 39 after 2008 amendment. Regarding the objectives of IAS 39 revision, an improvement was perceived, specially because the reduction of the numerous financial assets classification categories, despite it is too early to state that the change introduced by IFRS 9 has reduced IAS 39 complexity. Finally, it can be noticed a convergence movement between accounting and prudential rules, despite some divergences that still remain.

Métrica de desempenho operacional: um estudo do EBITDA no gerenciamento de segmentos / Operating performance metric: a study of EBITDA in managing segments.

Claudia Marchioti Nicolau dos Reis 20 February 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar as práticas de divulgação do EBITDA como métrica de desempenho operacional no gerenciamento de segmentos, no período de 2010 a 2012. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa dos dados realizada por meio da Análise de Conteúdo das Notas Explicativas e do Relatório da Administração. A amostra objetiva é composta por 260 empresas com situação ativa na BM&FBOVESPA em 2013 e distribuídas entre 20 setores da economia. O ano inicial de pesquisa foi determinado pelo fato de ser o primeiro ano da obrigatoriedade de divulgação das Informações por Segmento conforme o pronunciamento técnico do CPC 22. Inicialmente, foram analisadas 780 notas explicativas. Em seguida, a partir da investigação das divulgações das Informações por Segmento pelo CPC 22 em notas explicativas a amostra de trabalho foi constituída por 185; 198 e 203 entidades, respectivamente, em 2010, 2011 e 2012. Deste modo, foram observados nesses três anos 586 relatórios da administração. Os resultados desta pesquisa demonstram que as práticas de divulgação do EBITDA com métrica de desempenho operacional no gerenciamento de Segmentos possui uma representatividade de evidenciação entre os relatórios financeiros de 18%; 16% e 17% respectivamente em 2010, 2011 e 2012. O relatório financeiro com maior participação na divulgação do EBITDA no gerenciamento de negócios foi o Relatório da Administração com 11% em 2010, 10% em 2011 e 11% em 2012. Conclui-se que, em média, 83% das companhias abertas brasileiras não utilizaram o EBITDA como métrica de desempenho operacional no gerenciamento dos segmentos no período de 2010 a 2012. / The aim of this study is to analyze the practices of disclosure of EBITDA as operating performance metric threads management, during the period from 2010 to 2012. This is a descriptive study, with qualitative and quantitative data approach, carried out through the analysis of content of the explanatory notes and the management report. The objective sample consists of 260 companies with active situation at BM&FBOVESPA in 2013 and distributed among 20 sectors of the economy. The initial year of research was determined by the fact of being the first year of mandatory disclosure of Information by segment as the CPC technical pronouncement n 22. Initially, 780 explanatory notes were analyzed. Then, from the investigation of disclosures of information by segment by the CPC 22 in explanatory notes, the working sample was made up of 185, 198 and 203 entities, respectively, in 2010, 2011 and 2012. In this way, were observed in those three years, 586 administration reports. The results of this research show that the practices of disclosure of EBITDA as operating performance metrics in managing threads have a representativeness of evidencing between financial reports 18%, 16% and 17% respectively in 2010, 2011 and 2012. The financial report with greater involvement in the disclosure of EBITDA in business management was the management report with 11% in 2010, 10% in 2011 and 11% in 2012. It is concluded that, on average, 83% of Brazilian listed companies did not use EBITDA as operating performance metric in the management of the segments during the period from 2010 to 2012.

Valor da marca: um estudo sobre a problemática de sua evidenciação contábil no Brasil. / Brand value: a study on the issue of its accounting disclosure in Brazil

Mariza Branco Rodrigo de Freitas 27 January 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente estudo, como investigação acadêmica de abordagem multidisciplinar, tem como objetivo geral contribuir para a identificação de possíveis caminhos que minimizem as discrepâncias verificadas entre os valores contábil e econômico das marcas. Neste contexto, em que o Brasil vivencia a transição para o International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), faz-se mister investigar a relação destas normas com a evidenciação da significância econômica desses bens, com o intuito de analisar as restrições normativas à contabilização das marcas, e identificar causas e impactos dessas discrepâncias. A pesquisa, de características essencialmente exploratória e qualitativa, aborda os conceitos teóricos de Ativos Intangíveis, Marcas, Brand Equity, Brand Value e Normativa Contábil, e utiliza a consulta bibliográfica e a entrevista presencial como formas de coleta de dados. No estudo, foram comparados os valores contábil e econômico das 31 marcas brasileiras listadas nos rankings de marcas mais valiosas divulgados em 2011 pelas três principais consultorias especializadas em avaliação de marcas; e entrevistadas 11 pessoas entre acadêmicos e profissionais das áreas Contábil, Econômica, Administrativa e Financeira, com o propósito primário de entender a essência da problemática da evidenciação contábil da marca. Como resultado, identificou-se que a questão basilar para a solução desse problema reside na confiabilidade da mensuração do valor monetário da marca, e que, como ainda não há consenso científico sobre a aplicabilidade dos métodos disponíveis na literatura aos diferentes propósitos de avaliação desse bem, é preciso que se desenvolvam novos e contínuos estudos a fim de identificar um padrão metodológico consistente, uniforme e objetivo que melhor se aplique aos interesses da Contabilidade como instrumento de gestão. / The main goal of this study, an academic research of a multidisciplinary approach, is to contribute to the identification of possible ways to diminish the discrepancies found between the book and the economic value of brands. In this context, in which Brazil is experiencing the transition into the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), is implied the need to investigate the relationship of these standards with the disclosure of the economic significance of these goods, in order to reflect on the normative constraints about the accounting of brands, and identify causes and impacts of these distortions. The research, essentially of exploratory and qualitative characteristics, addresses the theoretical concepts of Intangible Assets, Brands, Brand Equity, Brand Value and Accounting Regulations, and makes use of personal interviews and literature consultation as form of data gathering. In this study, a comparison was drawn between the book and the economic values of 31 Brazilian brands listed in the rankings of most valuable brands, published in 2011 by the three main consultancy agencies specializing in brand valuation, and 11 interviews were conducted with academics and professionals in Accounting, Economics, Finance and Administration, with the primary purpose of understanding the essence of the issue of brand accounting disclosure. As a result, it was identified that the primary issue for the solution of this problem lies in the reliability of measuring brand value, and that, as there is still no scientific consensus on the applicability of the methods available in the literature for different purposes of assessment of the asset, you must, it is necessary to develop new and ongoing studies to identify a consistent methodology pattern, equable and objective that best applies to the interests of accounting as a management tool.

Evidenciação das operações com derivativos pelas empresas não financeiras

Reis Neto, Carlos dos 02 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:32:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carlos dos Reis Neto.pdf: 1762994 bytes, checksum: ee19957e4e03071af1aed766e17e9bc0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-02 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / The acceleration of the financial crisis in late 2008 impacted currencies and markets so that companies operating derivative hedging purposes other than those they were surprised by sudden changes in their positions. This brought the derivative financial instruments to the center of attention and questioning what the role of accounting in providing information to stakeholders. These instruments are used to manage the risks to which companies are exposed because of their business, but these same tools can also be used to leverage a result, bringing great risks to stakeholders. This attitude is motivated mainly by the asymmetry of information between the parties, since the risks involved with the operation and derivatives are not fully reflected in financial statements, thereby causing an agency conflict. Accounting, through to recent international standards and pronouncements of the CPC, aims to reduce this information asymmetry through adequate disclosure of important information so that users can assess the nature and extent of risks arising from derivative financial instruments that the entity is exposed and how these risks are managed. This study aimed to show whether non-financial companies are adopting accounting standards adequately explained by the pronouncements of the Accounting Standard Committee (CPC) with regard to items concerning the disclosure of derivative transactions. To this were consulted Notes to Financial Statements. The Securities Commission has the power to search data from standardized financial statements. The methodology was developed a checklist with key standards for disclosure of transactions with derivative financial instruments, issued by the CPC. Firms in the sample were 98 companies with the most actively traded shares on the BOVESPA in 2010. The main results showed that the companies are, in general, adequately showing the operations with financial instruments, even though the need to adjust the financial disclosures for the year since 2010 and these rules are published in late 2009. / A aceleração da crise financeira no final de 2008 impactou moedas e mercados fazendo com que empresas que operavam derivativos com finalidades diversas das de hedge fossem surpreendidas por variações bruscas de suas posições. Isso trouxe os instrumentos financeiros derivativos para o centro das atenções e o questionamento de qual seria o papel da contabilidade na divulgação de informações para os stakeholders. Estes instrumentos são utilizados para o gerenciamento de riscos aos quais as empresas estão expostas devido aos seus negócios, porém estes mesmos instrumentos também podem ser utilizados para a alavancagem do resultado, trazendo grandes riscos para os stakeholders. Esta atitude é motivada principalmente pela assimetria de informação entre as partes, já que os riscos envolvidos com a operação com derivativos não são perfeitamente evidencias nas demonstrações financeiras, causando assim um conflito de agência. A contabilidade, através das recentes normas internacionais e dos pronunciamentos técnicos do CPC, tem como objetivo reduzir essa assimetria de informação através da evidenciação adequada de informações importantes para que os usuários possam avaliar a natureza e extensão dos riscos resultantes dos instrumentos financeiros derivativos que a entidade está exposta e como estes riscos são gerenciados. Este trabalho teve por objetivo mostrar se as empresas não financeiras estão adotando adequadamente as normas contábeis explicitadas pelos pronunciamentos técnicos do Comitê de Pronunciamento Contábil (CPC), com relação aos itens que dizem respeitos à evidenciação de operações com derivativos. Para isso foram consultadas as Notas Explicativas às Demonstrações Contábeis. A Comissão de Valores Mobiliários foi a fonte de consulta dos dados das demonstrações financeiras padronizadas. Como metodologia, foi elaborado um checklist com as principais normas referentes à evidenciação de operações com instrumentos financeiros derivativos, emitidas pelo CPC. As empresas da amostra foram as 98 empresas com as ações mais negociadas na BM&FBOVESPA no ano de 2010. Os principais resultados mostraram que as empresas estão, no geral, evidenciando adequadamente as operações com instrumentos financeiros, mesmo tendo à necessidade de adequar as divulgações financeiras já para o exercício de 2010 e sendo essas normas publicadas no final de 2009.

Vykazování vybraných skupin aktiv podle IFRS, US GAAP a české účetní legislativy / Reporting of Selected Groups of Assets according to IFRS, US GAAP and Czech Accountig Legislation

Prosserová, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
The master´s thesis focuses on excluding certain asset groups by IFRS and czech accounting legislation. The target of the thesis is the charecteristics of assets, there dispence, awards, managment from the point of view of mentioned systems as described by the czech accounting legislation and international accounting standards. In the master´s thesis i compare systems and pointing out the mostsignificant differences in reporting and then application to the selected entity.

Komparace Mezinárodních účetních standardů a národní účetní legislativy ČR / Comparison of International Accounting Standards and the National Accounting Legislation in Czech Republic

Bajbárová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
This Master´s thesis presents a comparison of the rules of Czech accounting legislation and International Accounting Standards IAS/IFRS. Based on the knowledge of these laws, the thesis analyses accounting principles and methods of data reporting in the financial reports - Balance sheet and Profit and loss account on the example of a concrete company and quantifies differences. By calculation of selected indicators of financial ratio analysis is considered the informational value of statements drawn up under the two laws.

NIC 23: Costos por préstamos y su impacto en la Rentabilidad de las Universidades privadas con sede en Lima Sur, año 2019

De La Torre Calla, Ana Luz, Moscoso Enrriquez, Yackeline Eugenia 24 May 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación de tesis tiene como objetivo determinar el impacto de la Norma Internacional de Contabilidad N° 23 “Costos préstamos” en la rentabilidad de las universidades privadas con sede en Lima Sur, año 2019. Debido a que, en los últimos años, las entidades de educación superior han obtenido resultados favorables en sus Estados Financieros, en comparación a años anteriores, por ende, han realizado construcciones de nuevas sedes para lograr el licenciamiento otorgado por Sunedu para seguir operando, así como tener un mayor alcance en potenciales alumnos. El trabajo de investigación se encuentra dividido en cinco capítulos que son: Capítulo I Marco teórico, se realiza una investigación, a través de fuentes primarias donde se desarrollan conceptos de las normas internacionales de información financiera (NIIF’s), norma internacional de contabilidad N° 23 “Costos préstamos”, rentabilidad y un análisis del sector educativo. Capítulo II Plan de investigación, se formula la situación problemática de la tesis, el problema principal y específicos, el objetivo general y específicos, hipótesis general y específicos. Capítulo III Metodología de investigación, se definió la población, la muestra para las investigaciones cualitativas y cuantitativas. Capítulo IV Desarrollo de Investigación, donde se realizó la investigación a través de las entrevistas en profundidad, las encuestas y el desarrollo del caso práctico. Capítulo V Análisis de Resultados, en donde el estudio de los instrumentos y el caso práctico son realizados. Se concluye con la validación de la hipótesis general y especificas en base a los resultados obtenidos en las tablas cruzadas y el CHI cuadrado. / The objective of this thesis research is to determinate the impact of the International Accounting Standards (IAS) 23 “Borrowing Costs” in private universities´ profitability in the south part of Lima in the year 2019.  In recent years, higher education institutions have favorable results in their financial statements in comparison to previous years, therefore companies have built new campus expecting to be licensed by Sunedu in order to keep operating and to have a greater reach and attract potential students.  The research work is divided into five sections: Chapter I, Theoretical framework, in which there are concepts of international financial reporting standards (IFRS), international accounting standards (IAS) 23 “Borrowing Costs”, profitability, and an analysis of the private higher education sector. Chapter II, Research plan, the problematic situation of the thesis research, the main and specific problems, general and specific objectives, the main and specific hypothesis are formulated. Chapter III Research methodology, in which the population and the sample size were determinated for a quantitative and qualitative analysis. Chapter IV, Development, in which the research was fulfilled through the in-deep interviews, questionnaires and the development of the practical case. Chapter V Analysis of results, where the research of the instruments and the practical case were executed. In conclusion, the general and specific hypothesis´ validation are based on the results obtained in the crossed tables and Chi square test. / Tesis

Applying a framework-based approach to teach complex problem-solving to Accounting students / Karen Odendaal

Odendaal, Karen January 2015 (has links)
Accounting transactions are becoming more complex, and more extensive accounting guidance is provided on a continuous basis in the accounting standards. In addition, accounting guidance changes often and additional guidance is added to the standards regularly. In view of this immense amount of accounting knowledge that an accountant can be expected to have, exacerbated by often multifaceted structures in accounting problems, it can be challenging and onerous to solve certain accounting problems. The premise of this study is that accounting problems can also be solved in a less complex manner with reference to the foundational accounting concepts included in the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting (CF). The solution to the accounting problem using the CF should result in a similar answer had the detailed, complex accounting guidance been consulted. This is based on the understanding that the detailed guidance is consistent with the CF and that the CF is not underdeveloped. In the experience of the author of this dissertation, however, the CF is rarely used to consider the accounting treatment of specific transactions and the first point of reference is usually the detailed, specific guidance. In order to impart a practice of incorporating the CF in problem-solving, the study in this dissertation is underpinned by educational philosophies rooted mainly in constructivism, and specifically in Ausubel’s subsumption theory. Applied to accounting education, this theory suggests a frameworkbased approach whereby educators first instil a detailed knowledge of the CF in an Accounting course and thereafter present details of specific accounting transactions by building and crossreferencing to the foundational concepts in the CF. In addition, the paradigm in Accounting courses should also incorporate problems and experiments through which students can construct their own knowledge, rather than being passive recipients of an educator’s teaching style. Recent literature on framework-based teaching suggests that such an approach is beneficial as it enhances lifelong learning. This study reported on a framework-based approach incorporated in an Accounting course and aimed to determine students’ ability to solve complex accounting problems by referring only to the CF, as well as to determine the factors that could influence their ability to solve the problems and the preferred problem-solving approach of students in facing future accounting problems. In order to address the broad aim of this study, it was divided into two sections, each to identify and analyse a different aspect of accounting problem-solving that incorporated the CF. The study in this dissertation focused mainly on an interpretive research paradigm. The first project had the primary objective of determining whether students have the ability to solve complex accounting problems by using only the CF and determining which factors could influence their ability. This was established by analysing the content and results of an assignment administered to third-year Accounting students at a South African university in which students were required to solve problems using only the CF. The second project had the objective of determining the preferred future approach students will take in solving accounting problems after they have been exposed to a framework-based assignment. This was established through qualitative measures and augmented by a questionnaire to analyse the students’ perceptions. The contributions of this dissertation are manifold and include, but are not limited to, the realisation that a conceptual approach to accounting education is beneficial in Accounting courses. The results in this study indicate that the ability of students to solve complex accounting problems by referring only to the CF may depend on the complexity of the scenario and the students’ familiarity with the problem. In addition, after being exposed to a framework-based assignment, students may tend to prefer a mixed approach in solving accounting problems, which entails a combination of the concepts in the CF and specific accounting guidance governing a particular transaction. The author also believes that this study makes a practical contribution by providing an actual framework-based assignment which can be used or adapted by other Accounting educators to use in similar courses, or to help them develop similar assignments or case studies or to replicate the study. From an educational perspective, it is recommended that Accounting educators incorporate an emphasis on the CF in their teaching approach. As students are exposed to opportunities to exercise their judgement using the concepts included in the CF, they will gain experience in this and be able to exercise better judgement in future. Each time a student is exposed to a problem requiring to be solved using the CF, or is required to make necessary judgements with regard to the CF, it will lead to the creation of new knowledge which the student can constantly link and cross-reference to existing knowledge and experiences. It also appears that, when students are exposed to problem-solving using the CF, it may lead to accountants adopting a more balanced approach by considering more CF constructs in solving future accounting problems. Although the study in this dissertation was conducted at only one university, its implications are by no means limited to this institution. Extrapolation of results cannot be attempted due to the nature of the research design, but the results in this study are valuable and enhance accounting education literature in better understanding students’ problem-solving abilities and their preferred problemsolving approach. The research is therefore valuable to any Accounting educator, as well as the institutional bodies guiding accounting education and its syllabi. It is hoped also that some of the findings will inspire other educational institutions to promote a framework-based approach in an innovative manner. / MCom (Accountancy), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Applying a framework-based approach to teach complex problem-solving to Accounting students / Karen Odendaal

Odendaal, Karen January 2015 (has links)
Accounting transactions are becoming more complex, and more extensive accounting guidance is provided on a continuous basis in the accounting standards. In addition, accounting guidance changes often and additional guidance is added to the standards regularly. In view of this immense amount of accounting knowledge that an accountant can be expected to have, exacerbated by often multifaceted structures in accounting problems, it can be challenging and onerous to solve certain accounting problems. The premise of this study is that accounting problems can also be solved in a less complex manner with reference to the foundational accounting concepts included in the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting (CF). The solution to the accounting problem using the CF should result in a similar answer had the detailed, complex accounting guidance been consulted. This is based on the understanding that the detailed guidance is consistent with the CF and that the CF is not underdeveloped. In the experience of the author of this dissertation, however, the CF is rarely used to consider the accounting treatment of specific transactions and the first point of reference is usually the detailed, specific guidance. In order to impart a practice of incorporating the CF in problem-solving, the study in this dissertation is underpinned by educational philosophies rooted mainly in constructivism, and specifically in Ausubel’s subsumption theory. Applied to accounting education, this theory suggests a frameworkbased approach whereby educators first instil a detailed knowledge of the CF in an Accounting course and thereafter present details of specific accounting transactions by building and crossreferencing to the foundational concepts in the CF. In addition, the paradigm in Accounting courses should also incorporate problems and experiments through which students can construct their own knowledge, rather than being passive recipients of an educator’s teaching style. Recent literature on framework-based teaching suggests that such an approach is beneficial as it enhances lifelong learning. This study reported on a framework-based approach incorporated in an Accounting course and aimed to determine students’ ability to solve complex accounting problems by referring only to the CF, as well as to determine the factors that could influence their ability to solve the problems and the preferred problem-solving approach of students in facing future accounting problems. In order to address the broad aim of this study, it was divided into two sections, each to identify and analyse a different aspect of accounting problem-solving that incorporated the CF. The study in this dissertation focused mainly on an interpretive research paradigm. The first project had the primary objective of determining whether students have the ability to solve complex accounting problems by using only the CF and determining which factors could influence their ability. This was established by analysing the content and results of an assignment administered to third-year Accounting students at a South African university in which students were required to solve problems using only the CF. The second project had the objective of determining the preferred future approach students will take in solving accounting problems after they have been exposed to a framework-based assignment. This was established through qualitative measures and augmented by a questionnaire to analyse the students’ perceptions. The contributions of this dissertation are manifold and include, but are not limited to, the realisation that a conceptual approach to accounting education is beneficial in Accounting courses. The results in this study indicate that the ability of students to solve complex accounting problems by referring only to the CF may depend on the complexity of the scenario and the students’ familiarity with the problem. In addition, after being exposed to a framework-based assignment, students may tend to prefer a mixed approach in solving accounting problems, which entails a combination of the concepts in the CF and specific accounting guidance governing a particular transaction. The author also believes that this study makes a practical contribution by providing an actual framework-based assignment which can be used or adapted by other Accounting educators to use in similar courses, or to help them develop similar assignments or case studies or to replicate the study. From an educational perspective, it is recommended that Accounting educators incorporate an emphasis on the CF in their teaching approach. As students are exposed to opportunities to exercise their judgement using the concepts included in the CF, they will gain experience in this and be able to exercise better judgement in future. Each time a student is exposed to a problem requiring to be solved using the CF, or is required to make necessary judgements with regard to the CF, it will lead to the creation of new knowledge which the student can constantly link and cross-reference to existing knowledge and experiences. It also appears that, when students are exposed to problem-solving using the CF, it may lead to accountants adopting a more balanced approach by considering more CF constructs in solving future accounting problems. Although the study in this dissertation was conducted at only one university, its implications are by no means limited to this institution. Extrapolation of results cannot be attempted due to the nature of the research design, but the results in this study are valuable and enhance accounting education literature in better understanding students’ problem-solving abilities and their preferred problemsolving approach. The research is therefore valuable to any Accounting educator, as well as the institutional bodies guiding accounting education and its syllabi. It is hoped also that some of the findings will inspire other educational institutions to promote a framework-based approach in an innovative manner. / MCom (Accountancy), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Technical uncertainties in and practical implications of the capitalisation of borrowing costs in South Africa / Leani van Staden

Van Staden, Leani January 2011 (has links)
The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the United States Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) have reaffirmed their commitment to accomplishing the convergence of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and US Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (US GAAP), following their March 2010 progress report. Among the standards subject to this convergence project, is IAS 23 - Borrowing Costs. Taken at face value, the convergence of IAS 23 (IFRS) and SFAS 34 (US GAAP), and looking at convergence in general, the idea is productive and beneficial. It will lead to more comparative information as it eliminates the differences. The downside, however, could very easily be that convergence might just be taking place for the sake of convergence, and that the end result might not necessarily lead to more comparative and cost effective information. When specifically considering the convergence of the two borrowing costs standards (SFAS 34 and IAS 23), it is clear that differences remain even after their convergence, and therefore it does not promote comparability. The revision of IAS 23 might actually have been more costly and less beneficial, rather than the other way around. The first article in this dissertation claims that the mandatory capitalisation of borrowing costs is more costly than not, and that the IASB did not adequately consider the cost implications in their decision to change IAS 23, as well as that the benefits obtained from the capitalisation of borrowing costs are not that noticeable in practice. Participants in this study also seemed to agree that the application of IAS 23 is fairly difficult. Delving deeper into the technical aspects of IAS 23, a number of questions also arise relating to its application. This appears to be substantiated by the findings in the second article where instances were identified where the opinions of the participants relating to, for instance, what would be regarded as a 'substantial period of time', were divided. Differences relating to the above above viii may lead to one person capitalising borrowing costs, while another in the same situation would not. On the upside, a few instances were identified where participants were not as divided in their views. Therefore, although there appear to be some uncertainties within IAS 23, there are fewer than one would have expected. In summary, the revised IAS 23, in other words, the mandatory capitalisation of borrowing costs on qualifying assets, was viewed by participants as being more costly and difficult to apply than not and they felt that some technical uncertainties do exist within IAS 23. Recommendations have been made in this dissertation based on the useful information obtained. / Thesis (M.Com. (Accountancy))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

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