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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Conflict resolution and Canada World Youth: examining the link between international exchange, cross-cultural communication, and conflict resolution

Berube, Lise 26 June 2008 (has links)
This thesis examines the link between international exchange programs, cross-cultural communication, and conflict resolution. Through a case study of the Canada World Youth Core Program, my research sought to answer the question: How do the participants of the Canada World Youth Core Program perceive their adaptability, cross-cultural communication, and conflict resolution skills to have been developed or improved as a result of their participation in the program? I asked eleven former Canadian participants of the program to share their stories of conflict and challenges throughout the exchange, which resulted in rich and detailed qualitative data. My findings suggest that increased opportunities to engage in cross-cultural communication through international exchange programs, such as Canada World Youth, can increase an individual’s adaptability, cross-cultural communication, and conflict resolution skills. I therefore conclude that such programs are an important component to the Canadian educational system, and should be supported, promoted, and made widely available to Canadian youth.

Hóspedes do Profeta sem Morada: estudo sobre modos de subjetivação da migração, a partir das experiências de estudantes de pós-graduação participantes de programas de intercâmbio internacional / Guests of the prophet homeless: study of modes of subjectivity migration, from the experiences of postgraduate students participating in international exchange programs

Luana da Silveira 15 March 2013 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Este trabalho problematiza a experiência migratória do estudante de pós-graduação participante de programas de intercâmbio internacional, entendendo que este é um trabalhador cognitivo que sofre a extração de sua força de trabalho segundo os mesmos padrões sofridos pelos demais trabalhadores, regulado pela universidade que tem sido atravessada por uma lógica administrativa repleta de imperativos de normatizações, padrões de eficiência e modelos bem-sucedidos. A partir da articulação entre a Análise Institucional, Filosofia da Diferença e Autonomia das Migrações, discute analisadores que atravessam a formação, como o efeito lattes, que incita o produtivismo; a tara contemporânea que nos impele a um estado permanente de formação; o aumento de programas de intercâmbio internacional, que tornam-se mais uma griffe em busca do status de excelência, e o processo de êxodo de cérebros, caracterizado pela migração de trabalhadores qualificados que não encontram, em suas cidades ou países, oportunidades para canalizar sua qualificação. Estes processos são analisadores de uma política que incita o processo de circulação, e também a delimita e a esquadrinha, como pode ser percebido pelas experiências dos sete estudantes que compuseram as travessias em estudo, cujos vestígios deixados pelos fragmentos das histórias/ modos de funcionamento encarnaram os personagens conceituais, conforme Deleuze. As experiências de intercâmbio internacional exprimem o mais alto grau da exigência do atual modo de subjetivação acadêmico por sua característica de se dar como longa imersão e em país estranho capaz de graves efeitos positivos e negativos em sua subjetivação, denotando que o paradoxo e o sofrimento são constitutivos da migração e da formação. / This paper discusses the migratory experience of post-graduation student participating in international exchange programs, understanding that this is a cognitive worker who suffers the extraction of its workforce to the same standards suffered by other workers, regulated by the university that has been crossed by a logic of full administrative imperatives of norms, standards of efficiency and successful models. From the relationship between the Institutional Analysis, Philosophy of Difference and Autonomy of Migration, discusses analyzers that cross training, as the lattes effect , urging productivism; tare contemporary compels us to a state of permanent training; increased international exchange programs, becoming more of a brand name in the search of excellence status, and the process of brain drain, characterized by the migration of skilled workers who are not in their cities or countries, opportunities to channel their qualification. These processes are analyzers of a policy that encourages the circulation process, and also delineates and scans, as can be seen by the experiences of seven students who made the crossings in this study, whose traces left by fragments of stories / modes embodied the conceptual characters, as Deleuze. The international exchange of experiences express the highest degree of requirement of the current mode of subjectivation academic for its feature to give as long immersion in a foreign country and capable of serious effects - positive and negative - in their subjectivity, showing that the paradox and suffering are constitutive of migration and training.

Hóspedes do Profeta sem Morada: estudo sobre modos de subjetivação da migração, a partir das experiências de estudantes de pós-graduação participantes de programas de intercâmbio internacional / Guests of the prophet homeless: study of modes of subjectivity migration, from the experiences of postgraduate students participating in international exchange programs

Luana da Silveira 15 March 2013 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Este trabalho problematiza a experiência migratória do estudante de pós-graduação participante de programas de intercâmbio internacional, entendendo que este é um trabalhador cognitivo que sofre a extração de sua força de trabalho segundo os mesmos padrões sofridos pelos demais trabalhadores, regulado pela universidade que tem sido atravessada por uma lógica administrativa repleta de imperativos de normatizações, padrões de eficiência e modelos bem-sucedidos. A partir da articulação entre a Análise Institucional, Filosofia da Diferença e Autonomia das Migrações, discute analisadores que atravessam a formação, como o efeito lattes, que incita o produtivismo; a tara contemporânea que nos impele a um estado permanente de formação; o aumento de programas de intercâmbio internacional, que tornam-se mais uma griffe em busca do status de excelência, e o processo de êxodo de cérebros, caracterizado pela migração de trabalhadores qualificados que não encontram, em suas cidades ou países, oportunidades para canalizar sua qualificação. Estes processos são analisadores de uma política que incita o processo de circulação, e também a delimita e a esquadrinha, como pode ser percebido pelas experiências dos sete estudantes que compuseram as travessias em estudo, cujos vestígios deixados pelos fragmentos das histórias/ modos de funcionamento encarnaram os personagens conceituais, conforme Deleuze. As experiências de intercâmbio internacional exprimem o mais alto grau da exigência do atual modo de subjetivação acadêmico por sua característica de se dar como longa imersão e em país estranho capaz de graves efeitos positivos e negativos em sua subjetivação, denotando que o paradoxo e o sofrimento são constitutivos da migração e da formação. / This paper discusses the migratory experience of post-graduation student participating in international exchange programs, understanding that this is a cognitive worker who suffers the extraction of its workforce to the same standards suffered by other workers, regulated by the university that has been crossed by a logic of full administrative imperatives of norms, standards of efficiency and successful models. From the relationship between the Institutional Analysis, Philosophy of Difference and Autonomy of Migration, discusses analyzers that cross training, as the lattes effect , urging productivism; tare contemporary compels us to a state of permanent training; increased international exchange programs, becoming more of a brand name in the search of excellence status, and the process of brain drain, characterized by the migration of skilled workers who are not in their cities or countries, opportunities to channel their qualification. These processes are analyzers of a policy that encourages the circulation process, and also delineates and scans, as can be seen by the experiences of seven students who made the crossings in this study, whose traces left by fragments of stories / modes embodied the conceptual characters, as Deleuze. The international exchange of experiences express the highest degree of requirement of the current mode of subjectivation academic for its feature to give as long immersion in a foreign country and capable of serious effects - positive and negative - in their subjectivity, showing that the paradox and suffering are constitutive of migration and training.

Economics of Base Metals

Nguyen, Bao Anh January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis I present three papers on the Economics of the base metals industry. The thesis studies production, trading, and investment in the base metals industry, and thus explains some phenomena of the industry in an international context. Using the features of the base metals industry such as the practices in production and trading, physical properties, geology of the deposits and so on, we build theoretical models to simulate the behavior of the industry. In Chapter One, we study the determinants and the trend of base metals prices over time by an equilibrium model of supply and demand. Because the different types of natural resources exhibit different patterns of price changes in history, we particularly simulate the long run equilibrium to study the impacts of the determinants for base metals prices. The Cobb-Douglass production function on the supply side allows substitution among production factors. The demand function for base metals from the economy is also derived. In the long run, equilibrium of aggregate supply and demand determines the systematic price trend. We show how trends of base metals prices depend on technological progress, resource scarcity, natural resource tax, and the interest rate. Assuming constant returns to scale in base metals production, the price elasticity of the supply of base metals is relatively small. Interestingly, a high natural resource tax leads to a high price but low rate of price change over time. On the supply side, the decline of base metals relative prices can thus be explained by the inverse supply functions. On the demand side, the relative price is also declining over time as we see the implications of the inverse demand functions and our numerical illustrations. By solving the equilibrium condition, we show that the economic rent of base metals minerals in reserve may decline over time, or even not be valuable in future. The price elasticities of supply and demand are calculated and decomposed into specific effects. These are systematic components of base metal price changes in the world market. Chapter Two deals with the fluctuations in the prices of base metals. We consider the price in the short run as an equilibrium of trade. If the long run equilibrium regulates the prices and sets them in a stabilization, then the fluctuations in price are caused by the trade and speculative activities. By simulating speculative activities and optimizing the utility of agents in international exchanges, we show that the price fluctuations are the response to risk preferences of agents and the scale of international exchanges. We find out the critical point of production investment, which depends on the market demand, profitability of the metal industry, and the distribution of base metal minerals in nature. In the specific case of the industry versus the market condition when the uncertain production is above the critical point, the price of base metal fluctuates more or less according to the number of producer offers in base metal exchanges, the speculative activities, and risk preferences of agents. In contrast, if the investment level of the base metals industry in uncertain production is below the critical point, the effects of base metal exchanges scale to the price are in the reverse direction. The comparative statics inequalities are derived to clarify the responses of the price to the risk preferences of agents and scale of the international exchanges. Hence, the non-systematic changes of base metals prices in international exchanges are explained. Chapter Three studies the impact of the industrial and commercial processes on investment decisions in the base metals industry. The investment decisions of investors in the primary capital market and the stock price in the secondary capital market reflect properties of the base metals industry in capital markets. We present a model of investments, which is a two stage game that incorporates Hall-Jorgenson neoclassical investment analysis and properties of the base metals industry. The paper presents a set of explanatory parameters for the properties of base metal stocks and analyzes the investment decisions. We define the industry factor and explain the empirical observations on the beta coefficient of base metal stocks. The relationships between stock prices and base metals prices are clarified using the geology of base metals deposits. The results show that there is a strong impact of the industry factor on the volatility of base metal stock prices. Economies of scale in the mining industry lead to different effects of tax policy and output prices on investment decisions. We support conclusions of the model by evidence in the base metals industry. There are policy implications that are derived from the equations of the optimal investment. Key words : Base Metals, Price Fluctuations, Price Trends, Risk Aversion, Metals Industry, LME, International Exchange, Metal Stocks, Investment.

Lietuvos studentų adaptacijos ypatumų užsienio aukštosiose mokyklose vertinimas: tarptautinių akademinių mainų atvejis (LEU ir VIKO studentų požiūriu) / Evaluation of peculiarities of Lithuanian students’ adaptation at higher educational institutions abroad: international exchange of students (from the viewpoint of LEU and VIKO students)

Vilčinskienė, Rūta 02 September 2013 (has links)
Darbo aktualumas ir problema. Lietuvos Respublikos švietimo įstatyme yra numatyta, kad Lietuvos gyventojai turi teisę mokytis kitose šalyse. Studijuoti užsienyje nėra lengva: su sunkumais susiduriama ne tik akademiniame, bet ir dvasiniame lygmenyje. K. Singhas (1993) išskiria pagrindines problemas, su kuriomis susiduriama bestudijuojant užsienyje: emocinės – vienišumas, namų ilgesys, mitybos sutrikimai, pergyvenimas dėl rūpesčių namuose; akademinės – bendravimas užsienio kalba, aukštesnis studijų lygis, nesusipratimai tarp dėstytojų ir studentų; prisiderinimas – tai priklauso nuo socialinės klasės (aukštesnio socialinio lygmens studentai adaptuojasi lengviau negu vidutinio), universiteto lygio (lengviau studijuoti provincijos universitetuose), studijų trukmės, amžiaus ir asmeninių savybių. Visi šie faktai rodo, jog užsieniečiai studentai kenčia labiau negu vietiniai, kadangi jie dažniau patiria papildomus stresus, tokius kaip komunikacijos barjeras, kultūrinė dezorganizacija: senos ir naujos kultūros vertybių susidūrimas, šeimos paramos stoka. Kuo didesnis skirtumas tarp kultūrų, tuo sunkiau individui akultūruotis naujoje aplinkoje, tuo jis ilgesnį laiką jausis ,,iškritęs“ iš bendruomenės. Akultūrizacijos procesas individualus, todėl vykstant svetur turėtų būti iš anksto pasiruošiama, kaip sušvelninti šią būseną. Darbo naujumas. Akademinio jaunimo dalyvavimas tarptautiniuose mainuose ir adaptacija svetimoje šalyje buvo gvildenta įvairiuose lietuvių moksliniuose darbuose... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Relevance and problem of the present paper: Educational Law of Republic of Lithuania supposes the right of Lithuanian citizens to study abroad. Studying abroad is not an easy task: students have difficulties not only in academic field but psychologically as well. K.Singh (1993) pointed out main problems that people have while studying abroad: emotional – loneliness, missing home, eating disorders, worries for what is going at home; academic – communication in foreign language, higher level of studies, misunderstandings between professors and students; readjustment that depends on social class (students coming from higher social level adopt themselves easier than those from average level), university level (it’s easier to study at regional institutions), time-span of studies, personal age and characteristics. Facts reveal that students from abroad suffer more than natives as they often experience additional stress like communication barrier, cultural disorganization: conflict between old and new cultural values, lack of family support. The more different cultural environment is the harder is acculturation process for individuals. Individuals feel out of community for a longer time then. Acculturation is an individual process so before moving abroad one has to be prepared how to ease the condition. Innovation of the present paper: Participation in international exchange of students and their adaptation in foreign countries was analyzed in various scientific works but mainly... [to full text]

FATCA – praktická implementace v České republice / FATCA - Practical Implementation in the Czech Republic

Hanáček, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information between the Czech Republic and the United States of America for tax purposes commonly known as FATCA - Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. At first, the Thesis describes the basics of international information exchange and then Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information FATCA in relation to the impact on Czech Republic. More detailed is discussed legislation - Dohoda FATCA and Lex FATCA, which became part of Czech Legal System in 2014. Aim of the Thesis is the analysis of the implementation process of Dohoda FATCA and the following legislative documents in first years of its validity, and therefore is in the next part the organizational integration of FATCA in Financial Administration of the Czech Republic discussed. Last part analyses the identified issues of implementation and proposes its solution. In context of current development in area of international information exchange of financial accounts, there is also connection to common standard, OECD - Common reporting standard, mentioned.

Intercultural learning for international students: Designing a pre-departure orientation

Hagar, LaRita D. 01 January 2014 (has links)
The State Department conducts exchange programs for thousands of participants each year to build mutual understanding between the citizens of the United States and other countries. At the beginning of each program, inbound exchange students participate in pre-departure orientations to prepare them for their experiences in the United States. It is vital that these pre-departure orientation programs lay the groundwork for mutual understanding by fostering intercultural sensitivity and developing intercultural competence. For this study, I explored best practices for facilitating intercultural learning online among international students and designed an interactive, facilitated, student-centered, and culturally adapted virtual pre-departure orientation that promotes intercultural learning online. Experts evaluated this course plan and their feedback resulted in lessons learned and recommendations for the development phase of instructional design for this course plan.

American and Honest About It: An analysis of Fulbrighter's national identity

Lally, Marisa 29 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Integrace zdravotně znevýhodněných do volnočasových mezinárodních projektů / The Integration of Disabled People to the Leisure Time International Projects

Velagyiová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is integration of the physically disabled into international exchange projects. By chosing this issue, I would like to point out the importance of integration of physically disadvantaged not only into educational facilities, where the integrated gain knowledge, but also into programs for free-time activities of children and youth and into programs where the informal and enterntaining ways are used. However, in the Czech Republic the integration of physically disadvantaged into schools is elaborated the best, I believe it needs to be attended to in other fields too. Another point I draw attention to in my thesis is the need for free time in a person's life. I specifically mean the free time dedicated to various activities either beneficial to one's health, bringing joy or as a way of relaxation. By the end of my theoretical part I describe the handicap in a persons's life. In the practical part I describe the EU program - Youth in Action, which enables young peope to travel into foreign countires for either short or long term period. This program also provides youth free-time exchanges with the possibilitiy of integrating physically challenged people. I describe what an international exchange involves. There are the demands on participants as well as organizers of the exchanges and...

Using university forests for interntional forest science education activities: The experiences of the University of Tokyo Forests, Japan

Kamata, Naoto 03 June 2019 (has links)
The University of Tokyo (UTokyo) is one of the leading Asian universities. The University of Tokyo Forests (UTF) was established in 1894 as the first university forest in Asia. To date, UTF owns seven forests and has accumulated long-term data regarding forest ecosystems, conifer plantations, and selection cutting with natural regeneration, in addition to data regarding meteorology and hydrology. In terms of quantity and quality, this longitudinal dataset is among the best available in the world of forest science. A teaching staff of 26 people belongs to UTF. The advantages of studying under the supervision of UTF staff members are as follows. First, students have the opportunity to gain broad disciplinary knowledge from the 26 members of the teaching staff. Second, they can use UTF as a context for their research fieldwork, relying on good research facilities supported by a 50-strong technical staff. Third, they can utilize longitudinal data accumulated by UTF over a period of more than 100 years. Students from at least ten countries have been supervised at UTF. Students are selected, in particular, from China, Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka. UTF has also provided fieldwork classes for students of foreign universities, such as Universiti Malaysia Sabah and the National Taiwan University. These students gain experience in disciplines such as forest vegetation and forest management, where Japanese practice differs from that of their own countries. Students can stay at UTF lodges for a modest fee. Students from European universities are also welcome to undertake fieldwork courses at UTF. We accept interns from overseas. Recently, interns from European universities have been increasing in number. The unique culture of Japan - with its traditional features and more modern ones, like the Japanese comics manga - are fascinating to European students. UTF provides the best environment for forest education in Asia.

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