Spelling suggestions: "subject:"international grade.""
1201 |
A Comunidade Econômica Européia e a economia portuguesa, 1986-2005 / The european economic community and the portuguese economy, 1986-2005Maria de Fatima Silva do Carmo Previdelli 19 May 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho busca estudar a trajetória da economia portuguesa ao longo dos vinte anos de participação no Bloco Econômico Europeu, acompanhando as mudanças em sua estrutura e as consequências que o processo trouxe para o país como um todo. Desde o pedido de adesão de Portugal à Comunidade Econômica Europeia em 1977, até à assinatura do tratado em 1985, decorreram oito anos de negociações, assinaturas de acordos e declarações onde o país lentamente se adequou às exigências para que pudesse ser integrado ao bloco. A situação econômica do país se alterou significativamente nos vinte anos em que integra a Comunidade Europeia. Adicionalmente, a adesão à unificação da moeda, com a adoção do euro em 1994, implicou na aceitação de uma autoridade monetária única, retirando do Estado uma importante ferramenta de controle macroeconômico que passa a ser utilizada de modo supranacional. / This work aims to present a study on the history of the Portuguese economy over the twenty years of her participation in the European economic block, following the changes in its structure and the consequences that the process has brought to the country as a whole. Since the request of Portugal to join the European Economic Community in 1977 until the signing of the treaty in 1985, eight years of negotiations, agreements and declarations passed by, in which the country slowly adapted itself to the demands that could be integrated into the block. The country\'s economic situation has changed significantly in twenty years as it was incorporated to the European Community. Additionally, adherence to a unified currency, with the adoption of the euro in 1994, implied an acceptance of a single monetary authority, depriving the state of an important tool of macroeconomic management which is now used in a supranational level.
1202 |
Evolução das relações comerciais Brasil - Estados Unidos de 1945 a 1995: no contexto da política externa dos \"interesses nacionais\" / The Brazil\'s and United States of America commercial relationship evolution between 1945 a 1995: under the external policy and the \"national interests \"Peggy Beçak 20 December 2007 (has links)
Esta tese trata das relações comerciais entre o Brasil e os Estados Unidos, através da perspectiva da história econômica, num recorte temporal de cinqüenta anos, que vão desde o pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial até meados dos anos noventa, período no qual se desenvolveram importantes transformações produtivas, nas relações comerciais, bem como no relacionamento político-diplomático bilateral. Também remontam a este período, a formação do marco institucional de representação dos interesses sociais e produtivos, tanto nas economias nacionais, quanto no âmbito internacional. Nosso objetivo foi traçar a evolução deste relacionamento bilateral, a partir do tema da política comercial, inserida no contexto dos interesses nacionais - expressos pelos setores produtivos domésticos -, e pela política externa, que limitam ou potencializam a evolução da política comercial e que ao mesmo tempo também são influenciados por ela. Para validar nossos argumentos, utilizamos a cronologia como fio condutor, entrelaçando as posições diplomáticas das relações internacionais, com os acontecimentos econômicos, comerciais e institucionais de representação. / This thesis is regarding Brazil\'s and United States of America commercial relationship under the economic history perspective, within a period of fifty years, since the post Second World War until mid nineties. In that period several important productive transformations occurred, at the commercial relationship, as well as at the bilateral political -diplomatic matters. It is also from that period the institutional representational mark of the social and productive interests, at the national and international economies. Our objective is to set an evolutionary track of those bilateral relationships, from the commercial point of view, inserted at the national interests context- expressed throughout the domestic productive sectors- and by the external policy which put a limit or give more strength to the commercial policy evolution, at the same time as they are influenced by it. In order to validate our arguments, we used the chronology as a conductor track, interlacing the diplomatic international relationship with the economic events, commercial and institutional of representation.
1203 |
Os impactos da volatilidade cambial nas exportações brasileiras de soja para a China / The impact of exchange rate volatility on Brazilian exports of soybeans to China.Tiago Boischio Votta 16 October 2017 (has links)
Seguindo a literatura mais recente sobre o tema, a presente dissertação teve por objetivo aferir as elasticidades da função de oferta brasileira de exportação de soja para a china à variabilidade da taxa de câmbio. Sob o viés que a alta inflação brasileira gera nas variáveis independentes, mais de um recorte para a instrumentalização dos diferentes determinantes foi considerado no design de pesquisa. Este adotoua cointegração por meio da abordagem do teste de Fronteiras de Pesaranpara a especificação concomitante de modelos ARDL(12,12,12,12) e ARDL (8,8,8,8,8) com doze ou oito trimestres-safra defasados, para o período compreendendo o primeiro trimestre de 1999 ao segundo de 2016. A busca por evidências para relações de longo prazo das exportações em toneladas de soja do Brasil para a China se deu em termos dos valores passados destas, bem como dos valores atuais e passados dos preços relativos, da demanda chinesa e da volatilidade cambial. A partir dos resultados destas projeções, o raciocínio sobre a influência da volatilidade cambial sobre as exportações de soja brasileira indica que esta, de fato, é positiva no longo prazo.Já no curto prazo são encontrados efeitos negativos. Assim, o aumento do risco pode diminuiras exportações dentro de um mesmo ano-safra, mas seu impacto é fundamentalmente positivo para o sojicultor. Dessa forma, como preconizado por Schultz (1980) os sojicultores são empreendedores que não são avessos ao risco. Pelo contrário, eles são entusiastas do risco, não apenas por este ser parte importante de suas decisões de investimento e financiamento, mas também porque a volatilidade maior aumenta a utilidade em exportar do sojicultor. / The objective of this dissertation was to assess the elasticity of Brazilian soybean exports to China in terms of the variability - or risk - of the exchange rate. In order to consider the bias of inflation volatility on the assessment of the independent variables, more than one methodology to calculate the different regressors was used. Projections were made using Pesaran´sbounds testapproach to cointegration, through the concomitant specification of ARDL (12,12,12,12) and ARDL(8,8,8,8,8) models consisting of up to twelve or eight lagged quarters- aggregated to the crop calendar- for the period from the first quarter of 1999 to the second quarter of 2016. Elasticity estimations from this approach allowed a search for long-run forcing influence between the regressors and Brazil\'s soybean exports, in terms of past values- in tons- of these, as well as current and past values of relative prices, Chinese demand and exchange rate volatility measures. The results of these projections indicate that an increase in risk has indeed a positiveeffect in the long term, while within the crop-year the effects are found to be negative. Thus, an increase in volatility may decrease exports in the short term, but its impact is fundamentally positive to the soy farmer. Thus, as advocated by Schultz (1980), soybean farmers are entrepreneurs who are not risk averse. On the contrary, they are risk enthusiasts, not only because the bulk of their investment decisions are subject to uncertainty, but also because an increase in volatility increases the utility that a soybean farmer extracts from exports.
1204 |
Wirtschaftswachstum und nachhaltiger Wohlstand. Mythen und MessungStockhammer, Engelbert, Fellner, Wolfgang January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Dieser Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über ökonomisch und
ökologisch orientierte Messansätze des nachhaltigen
Wohlstands. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird dabei dem
Bruttoindlandsprodukt (BIP) und dem Index of Sustainable
Economic Welfare gewidmet. Die Debatte um die
Folgeschäden von Wachstumsprozessen hat gezeigt, dass
das BIP ein unzulänglicher Wohlstandsindikator ist, der
systematisch verzerrte Informationen über die Nachhaltigkeit
der Wohlstandsentwicklung liefert. Trotzdem sind
bisher keine auf ökologische und soziale Nachhaltigkeit
ausgerichteten Indikatorensysteme implementiert, um
das BIP als zentralen Wohlstandsindikator zu ersetzen.
Die Diskussion in der Wirtschaftswissenschaft und ökologisch
orientierte Debatten scheinen sich eher auseinander
entwickelt zu haben.
1205 |
Le pavillon marocain de commerce : état des lieux et perspectivesEzzahrati, Hassan 20 January 2012 (has links)
Le navire possède une nationalité lui permettant d'être identifié partout où il se trouve. Il est le moyen de transport préféré des échanges commerciaux internationaux de marchandises, et/ou des personnes, d'un port à un autre, d'un pays à un autre. Avoir une flotte marchande nationale est primordial pour le pays ; mais diverses contraintes entravent son expansion et son développement. Les contraintes sont aussi bien internes qu'externes (hégémonie des grands armateurs, domination des grandes nations maritimes). Au niveau national, l'immatriculation d'un navire obéit à certaines conditions. Les procédures sont lourdes et longues ; les textes sont très anciens et nécessitent d'être modifiés afin de répondre aux besoins des armateurs désirant de créer ou de renforcer leurs flottes. Au niveau international , les contraintes datent depuis toujours. L'histoire du commerce maritime a toujours montré l'envie de domination des grandes nations sur les autres. Dans un certain temps par le colonialisme pur et simple, lequel a connu des protestations et des soulèvements des peuples colonisés dans le but de retrouver leur indépendance. Ensuite s'est instaurée la domination économique et commerciale, toujours par les mêmes nations, dites développées et industrialisées ; cette fois ci à travers les accords commerciaux bilatéraux ou multilatéraux, et des organismes internationaux (O.N.U., C.N.U.C.E.D., O.M.I., O.M.C., ...). Une grande partie de ces accords et ces conventions a été élaborée sur mesure, sous le lobbying des nations dominantes, de telle sorte que leurs intérêts soient préservés / Ship has a nationality (a flag) allowing her to be identified wherever she is. It's preferred means of transport for international trade of goods, and/or passengers, from a port to port or a country to another. To have a national merchant fleet is vital for the country (or the state), but various constraints hinder its expansion and development. The constraints are both internal and external (hegemony of the major shipping companies, domination of the major maritime nations). Nationally, the registration of a vessel is subject to certain terms. The procedures are cumbersome and complicated ; the legal texts are very old and need to be modified to meet the needs of owners to establish or strengthen their fleets. At the international level, the constraints have always existed. The history of maritime trade has always shown the desire of the great nations to dominate others. First, in a period of pure and simple colonialism, in which protests and uprisings of the colonized peoples occured, in order to regain their independence. Then, the commercial and economic domination has been established, still with the same nations, so-called developed and industrialized ; this time through bilateral or multilateral trade agreements, and international agencies (United Nations, U.N.C.T.A.D., I.M.O., W.T.O., ...). Much of these agreements and conventions were developed and personalized, under the lobbyong of the dominant nations, so that their interests are constantly safeguarded
1206 |
Redistribution, Selection and TradeKohl, Miriam 06 October 2017 (has links) (PDF)
This paper examines the distributional effects of international trade in a general equilibrium model with heterogeneous agents and a welfare state redistributing income. The redistribution scheme is financed by a progressive income tax and gives the same absolute transfer to all individuals. Ceteris paribus, international trade leads to an increase in income per capita but also to higher income inequality on two fronts. Inter-group inequality between managers and workers increases, and intra-group inequality within the group of managers goes up as well. We show that for constant tax rates, there is an endogenous increase in the size of the welfare state that works against the increase in inequality, yet cannot offset it. The paper also sheds light on the conditions under which trade can actually lead to a Pareto improvement.
1207 |
Étude de l'évolution du ''smart packaging'' alimentaire et analyse des marchés des pays industrialisés : actualité et tendances / Smart packaging market evolution in the industrialized countries : today's and future trendsMonborren-Benabdillah, Linda 04 May 2015 (has links)
D’un simple outil de protection des aliments et de transport des objets, l’emballage est devenu une science qui évolue sans répit. Depuis peu, l’emballage franchit une nouvelle étape, d’un outil de vente, il devient un acteur qui prolonge la durée de conservation des aliments et les préserve, ainsi qu'un langage censé parler au producteur, au distributeur et même au consommateur. En contradiction avec la plupart des législations qui définissaient l’emballage comme inerte, les nouveaux emballages sont des éléments actifs ou intelligents. Cependant, ce qu’en Europe et aux Etats-Unis on considère être de nouvelles technologies d’emballage, existe au Japon depuis plusieurs décennies déjà. Tout l’enjeu est donc de comprendre pourquoi et comment, sur un marché mondialisé où la course vers l’innovation et les nouvelles technologies est permanente, le Smart Packaging arrive en Europe avec quarante ans de retard. Cette étude a pour objectif de donner un aperçu sur les technologies, les applications existantes et les enjeux du Smart Packaging, ainsi que sur les perspectives des innovations. Il est par ailleurs essentiel d'analyser la pérennité et la viabilité des nouvelles technologies de l’emballage dans le secteur agroalimentaire des pays industrialisés, en apportant un éclairage sur l’actualité du marché ainsi que sur sa dynamique et sur les tendances majeures de son évolution à court et à long termes. Le projet a de même pour but de développer les stratégies de marketing, d’export et de gestion des risques à appliquer à un marché international, et de définir les cadres réglementaires des principaux pays industrialisés et les risques pour l’environnement et le consommateur. / Packaging used to be a very common, unnoticed, everyday life object for food protection and transportation. It is now a whole scientific subject that evolves on a daily basis. Recently packaging has crossed a new threshold: it is no more a simple marketing tool. Today packaging acts as a food protector that prolongs the shelf life and provides information to manufacturers, distributors, and even consumers. In complete contradiction with all the legislation that defined it as an inert object, new packaging technologies are active and intelligent devices. However, what is called in Europe and the United States a new technology, has been marketed in Japan for decades. The challenge is to understand how and why Smart Packaging was so late to enter Europe and the US at a time when globalization in trade and communication are stronger than ever, and the race for innovation and new technologies is permanent. The main objective of this report is to give insights into today’s market stakes, its opportunities, major trends and short and long term evolution, as well as its growth potential and the major factors that influence it on one hand. On the other hand it provides analysis for the future and the viability of the new technologies in food and drink sectors on developed countries markets. To achieve these purposes, it is essential to give an overview of the existing technologies and applications and explain the stakes of using Smart Packaging, as well as innovation perspectives. Moreover, this projects highlights how the companies meet the challenge of developing marketing, exportation and risk strategies on a global market, whithin the boundaries of the regulatory frameworks and risks for the environment and the consumer.
1208 |
Essays in the Law and Economics of the FirmVenturini, Roberto 22 August 2016 (has links)
Firms are central to the functioning of the economy. Ever since Smith (1838) and Coase (1937), economists have gone a long way trying to understand why firms exist, how they are organized, and how they interact through the market.This thesis contributes to the study of how regulation and market incentives can affect firm decisions and their organization. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
1209 |
A competitividade da carne suína brasileira frente aos principais exportadores mundiais (1990 2012) / Brazilian pork meat competitiveness comparing to the main worldwide exporters (1990-2012)Gastardelo, Tiane Alves Rocha 24 June 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work has the main objective of assess the competitiveness of pork meat exports from Brazil and its most important competitors on the international market (Germany, United States, Denmark and Canada), from 1990 to 2012. To this end, the Constant Market Share (CMS) method was used, comprising three effects: world trade; destination; and competitiveness. In order to better capture the changes in exports during the time, five sub periods were chosen, 1990/1993, 1994/1998, 1999/2002, 2003/2008 and 2009/2012. The analysis has demonstrated that United States are the most competitive country during the analyzed period, followed by Brazil. Although United States are more competitive, the growth percentage from Brazil was higher, 4,449.53%, while United States had 2,055.96% of growth. For both countries, ninety percent of this growth occurred due to increasing competitiveness. Denmark was the second country in pork meat exports in 1990, while Brazil and United States were not even among the ten larger exporters. However, Denmark presented the lowest percentage growth and the main reason was the decline of the competitiveness, not showing any positive competitiveness effect in the sub periods. Despite of been less competitive than the United States and Brazil, Germany is by now the largest exporter, with 704.45% of growth. Competitiveness was key to this growth in the complete period, but the increase in the imports of its most important importers was more relevant than in the other analyzed countries. Canada was the only country were most part of the exports growth was due to world trade growth of this product. The country also outstands because of its negative growing tendency at its main trade markets, especially the United States, which has become one of the larger players of world pig farming. / Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal avaliar a competitividade das exportações de carne suína do Brasil e dos maiores competidores no mercado internacional (Alemanha, Estados Unidos, Dinamarca e Canadá), no período de 1990 a 2012. Para isso, utiliza-se como método o Constant Market Share (CMS), decomposto em três efeitos: comércio mundial; destino; e competitividade. Para captar melhor as mudanças nas exportações ao longo do tempo, foram definidos cinco subperíodos, 1990/1993, 1994/1998, 1999/2002, 2003/2008 e 2009/2012. A análise demonstrou que os Estados Unidos são o país mais competitivo no período analisado, seguido pelo Brasil. Apesar dos Estados Unidos serem mais competitivos, o crescimento percentual do Brasil foi maior, 4.449,53%, enquanto o dos Estados Unidos foi de 2.055,96%. Para ambos os países, mais de noventa por cento desse crescimento ocorreu devido ao aumento da competitividade. A Dinamarca era o segundo país que mais exportava carne suína em 1990, enquanto o Brasil e os Estados Unidos sequer estavam entre os dez maiores. No entanto, a Dinamarca apresentou o menor crescimento percentual e o principal motivo foi a queda da competitividade, não apresentando nenhum subperíodo com efeito competitividade positivo. Apesar de se mostrar menos competitiva que os Estados Unidos e o Brasil, a Alemanha é o atual maior exportador, com crescimento de 704,45%. A competitividade foi fundamental para esse crescimento no período todo, mas o aumento nas importações em seus principais mercados se mostrou mais relevante que nos outros países analisados. O Canadá foi o único país onde a maior parte do crescimento ocorreu devido ao crescimento do comércio mundial desse produto. O país se destaca também pela tendência negativa de crescimento nos seus principais mercados compradores, especialmente os Estados Unidos, por este ter se tornado um dos maiores players da suinocultura mundial.
1210 |
Negotiating on the margin : the political economy of trade policy in the Fiji Islands 1999-2005Horscroft, Virginia January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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