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How Chinese internet celebrity influences consumers’ attitude to purchase on E-commerce. : In the case of internet fashion celebrity Dayi ZhangLi, Ying, Cai, Qian January 2019 (has links)
Problem/Purpose: Internet celebrities have shown huge commercial value by operating their E-commerce in the Chinese market. This article aims to research How Chinese internet celebrity influences consumers’ attitude to purchase on E-commerce. Method: The Primary data is collected by semi-structured interviews with consumers who followed the internet celebrity and bought products from her online stores. Meanwhile, word frequency analysis of posted context and comments on the internet is proceeded to conduct secondary data to support findings. Findings: Our findings show that the traditional source attractiveness, expertise, and involvement of celebrity are important to impact on the consumers’ attitude and drive to purchase behavior. However, source trustworthiness is not essential, and the perceived trustworthiness is limited in specialized fields (e.g. fashion) and is hard extend to other areas (e.g. cosmetics). Furthermore, perceived authenticity will reinforce trustworthiness and intimacy, and perceived interconnectedness will result in frequent and regular buying habit. Implementation: This research can serve to internet celebrities who are running or intend to start their E-commerce in China. Moreover, it is hoped this study of internet celebrity Ecommerce in China can serve for future comparative studies of internet celebrity globally.
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"Vi är vanliga människor" : En studie av hur YouTube-kändisar framställer sig själva för att lyckas med sitt kändisskapStiglund, Sara January 2017 (has links)
I det samhälle vi idag lever i ses offentlighet som statussymbol och värdemätare vilket gjort att människor, för att lyckas, måste skapa personliga varumärken. Internet har förenklat skapandet och spridandet av dessa personliga varumärken eftersom det på sociala medier finns verktyg att använda för att skapa en publik personlighet. Den här uppsatsen handlar om hur skapandet av den publika personligheten gett upphov till ett nytt slags kändisskap med primärt fokus på det kändisskap som är sprunget ur arbetet med personliga YouTube-kanaler och marknadsföring i sociala medier. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka det kändisskap som kan uppstå genom användandet av personliga YouTube-kanaler utifrån tre frågeställningar vilka är vad karakteriserar YouTube-kändisskapet, hur framställer YouTubers sig själva samt hur ser relationen mellan YouTuber och följare ut. Genom observationer av två av Sveriges största YouTube-kanaler kan denna studie visa hur YouTube-profilerna skapat en publik personlighet för andra att konsumera och hur de använder sig av intrycksstyrning och självpresentation för att lyckas med det. Det visar sig också att den publika personligheten ska vara en äkta och autentisk bild av deras vanliga jag. YouTubers använder sig av intrycksstyrning för att uppfattas som vanliga människor som utan ansträngning fått en stor publik men i studien framgår också hur medveten marknadsföring är en del av kändisskapet. Vidare kan studien också visa hur YouTuberns relation till sina följare är viktig för kändisskapet i stort eftersom den utgör kändisskapets vara eller icke-vara. Slutligen har studien kunnat beskriva hur YouTubers genom sitt kändisskap uppnått unika livsmöjligheter tack vare sin offentlighet.
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網路名人蛻變過程—從互動性到媒介特性 / The Process of Becoming Internet Celebrity in Taiwan-from interactivity to media properties顏婕妤, Chieh, Yu Yen Unknown Date (has links)
這篇研究採取半結構式面談,汲取六個成功經營的網路名人親身經驗,希望能全面且完整的提供台灣網路名人的蛻變面向。 / The present research aims to investigate how to positively help online content creators become Internet celebrities besides from continuously produce contents---by appropriately utilizing different characteristics of social medium and constantly interacting with the audience in Taiwan. Online social networks have provided a cyber space for everyone to express thoughts/opinion/creation, some content creators have gained loads of followers, fans and visibility due to continuously developing and cultivating the content and relationships. This study examines the process of how online content creators acquire social capital through practical performance to the path of becoming Internet celebrities with a strong focus on the social and cultural contexts in Taiwan. To fulfill the purpose, this study conducts face-to-face semi-structure interviews with six successful online content creators, in the hope to develop comprehensive understanding of the process and factors of becoming Internet celebrities in Taiwan.
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Influencer marketing: What if everything revolves around the consumer’s self-esteem : A study about the purchasing behaviour of Swedish women in relation to influencer marketingEgertz, Linnea, Almström, Jonathan, Truong, Benny January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines how female consumers’ self-esteem may impact an influencer’s ability to create a purchase through suggesting and testing a developed conceptual model. The Source credibility model, Similarity and Tie-strength were utilized as underlying theoretical frameworks. Five different independent variables were identified; Source- Attractiveness, Trustworthiness, Expertise, Similarity, and Tie-strength, which were evaluated in relation to the dependent variable; Purchase intention. Lastly, Self-esteem was introduced as a moderating variable. The goal with the conceptual model was to gain a deeper understanding of how a consumer’s self-esteem may affect their purchasing behavior, as well as which factors that may influence their purchase intention. A quantitative research method was used, and ten hypotheses were developed from the conceptual model. To test the hypotheses and answer the research questions, a questionnaire was distributed with the use of snowball sampling. Overall, 1029 Swedish females who followed an influencer on a social media participated in the survey. It was stated in the results and the analysis that all five independent variables had a significant positive relation on the consumer’s purchase intention. However, data shows that a consumer’s self-esteem solely had a relation on two of the five independent variables; Trustworthiness & Tie-strength. Trustworthiness was found to have a negative relation to the purchase intention, while Tie-strength was found to have a positive relation. A content analysis was conducted in order to identify other factors that the participants in the survey felt had a significant impact on why they followed their favorite influencer. The result of the content analysis identified two more factors that may impact the ability of an influencer to create a purchase. These were the Entertainment value and the Core values of the influencer.
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時尚設計之著作權保護-以服裝設計為中心游皓婷, Yu, Haw Tyng Unknown Date (has links)
經研究發現著作權法並非全然對於服裝設計不予以保護,僅係因立法政策與解釋論上之不穩定見解,導致保護的不確定性,希望透過此篇論文能夠提供我國主管機關解釋上之建議。 / Nowadays, copycat, knock-off accusements appear frequently within fashion design industry. Some of the scholars, industrial representors comment that fashion design is not copyrightable and shall not be protected. However, it is indisputable that fashion is an innovative and orginal form of art. Furthermore, fahion design consists of artisic expression and other unique features. Thus fashion designers and other kind of artists shall not be treated unfairly.
This study focuses on copyright protection both in Taiwan and United States. And discuss to what extent shall we protect garment design and how we can seafeguard talented fashion desingers’s creative works. The study is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction part. The second part is talking about the featues of fashion design industry and international rules which are related to fashion design. The third part focuses on copright law, domestic theoretical legal analysis and cases on garment design infringement lawsuits in the United States. The fourth part focuses on copright law, domestic theoretical legal analysis and cases on garment design infringement lawsuits in Taiwan. In the end, this study provides several suggestions for the Taiwanese adminstrtion agencies and juditial authorities.
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