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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Developing optimism : a cognitive-behavioural intervention to reduce stress

Bryant, Danielle Louise January 2011 (has links)
Optimistic explanatory style refers to the way in which individual’s routinely attribute cause to the events in their lives (Ambramson et al., 1978) and can be successfully enhanced through the use of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) group-based workshops (Buchanan et al., 1999; Seligman et al., 2007). It has been successfully measured via the self-report Attributional Style Questionnaire (ASQ: Peterson et al., 1982) and has been associated with better performance and lower levels of state anxiety following negative feedback (Martin-Krumm et al., 2003), a lower incidence of stress-related physical illness (Jackson et al., 2002; Buchanan et al., 1999), and lower levels of job-related emotional distress (Hershberger et al., 2000). In 2005, teaching was identified as the second most stressful job undertaken within the UK (Johnson et al., 2005) and two independent reviews of the teacher-stress literature both concluded that further research is required to develop effective stress-management interventions (Kyriacou, 2000; Jarvis, 2002). Furthermore, Jarvis (2002) specifically highlights CBT-based interventions as an avenue which requires research within the teacher-stress domain. In 2005, Bryant (unpublished MSc thesis) highlighted a link between optimistic explanatory style and lower levels of stress in student Physical Education (PE) teachers who were undergoing the practicum element of their one-year postgraduate diploma of education. The current thesis explored the effectiveness of a CBT-based optimism training programme in developing optimism and reducing stress in student and neophyte PE teachers. A longitudinal, repeated-measures, mixed methods design was employed in a naturalistic setting. Using a pre-test, intervention, post-test design, the effects of CBT-based training were shown to enhance optimism and positive affectivity, and reduce cognitive stress in student teachers during the practicum element of their professional training. To strengthen causal links, a dose-response design was used to provide enhanced training to a sub-group of student teachers. Although differences in optimism and perceived cognitive stress were present in the results, they were not significant. Finally, a qualitative interview based follow-up study identified that participants who had received the prolonged CBT-based optimism training exhibited higher levels of optimistic explanatory style, lower levels of stress and more dispositional optimism than participants who received either the initial or no optimism training. Theoretical and practical implications of the current findings and directions for future research are discussed.

Replacing market with government : the Indian experience in credit allocation

Kohli, Renu January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

Reducering av stråldos vid angiografier och endovaskulära interventioner : En litteraturstudie om metoder för ökad strålsäkerhet

Arvidsson Kälverot, Sarah, Lindgren, Sanna January 2017 (has links)
Reducering av stråldos vid angiografier och endovaskulära interventioner-En litteraturstudie om metoder för ökad strålsäkerhet Bakgrund: Angiografier och endovaskulära interventioner är patientgynnande undersökningar och behandlingar som till skillnad från kirurgi innebär mindre risk för komplikationer samt en kortare läkningstid. Längre genomlysningstid och ökat antal exponeringar medför dock en högre risk för oönskade strålskador hos patienten. Syfte: Litteraturstudiens syfte var att beskriva metoder för att reducera stråldosen till patienter som genomgår angiografier samt endovaskulära interventioner. Metod: Syftet besvarades i en litteraturstudie. 10 kvantitativa studier analyserades och sammanställdes. Sökning av studier genomfördes i databasen Pubmed. Resultat: Materialet bearbetades samt delades in i två domäner: metoder gällande personalen samt metoder gällande utrustningen. Resultaten som innefattade stråldosreducerande metoder presenterades som kategorier. Konklusion: Att ha uppdaterad och utbildad personal resulterar i miljö med högre patientsäkerhet. I takt med att teknologin utvecklas bör verksamheten se över sina behov och prioritera fortsatt utbildning av personal samt investera i anpassad utrustning. Fortlöpande forskning är viktig för att utvärdera effekter av den nya teknologin och röntgensjuksköterskor kan bidra med kompetens inom området. Nyckelord: Angiografi, Endovaskulär intervention, Strålskydd, Patientsäkerhet.

Hur oro och ångest kan minskas hos vuxna patienter vid MRT-undersökningar : En litteraturstudie

Ota, Emi, Wahlberg, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund:  Magnetresonanstomografi (MRT) används inom radiologi och är suverän inom vissa typer av diagnostik. Dock upplever många patienter oro och ångest i samband med MRT-undersökningar, vilket kan leda till avbrutna undersökningar. I röntgensjuksköterskans profession ingår ett ansvar för patienternas trygghet och välbefinnande. Syfte: Litteraturstudiens syfte var att belysa hur oro och ångest kan minskas hos vuxna patienter vid MRT-undersökningar. Metod: Syftet besvarades med en litteraturstudie med resultat från åtta kvantitativa studier. Sökningarna genomfördes i databaserna PubMed, CINAHL och PsycINFO samt genom manuell sökning. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades och analyserades. Resultat: Resultatet sorterades till fem kategorier som beskriver Utformning av gantry, Avslappning, Utökad information utöver standardiserad information, Utökad information kombinerat med avslappning och Utökad information kombinerat med avslappning samt introduktion till undersökning och miljö. Konklusion: Utformning av gantry och avslappning samt utökad information, var för sig eller kombinerat, kan minska oro och ångest hos vuxna patienter vid MRT-undersökningar. På så sätt minskas avbrutna undersökningar och kostnadseffektivitet uppnås.

The Effects of Police Interventions on Darknet Market Drug Prices

Hull, Glenn 01 January 2017 (has links)
This paper determines the effects of police interventions on darknet markets. Darknet markets have been rapidly growing and the amount of drugs being sold on them keeps rising. This paper finds no significant changes in prices of drug listings before and after drug busts, and no significant changes in price per unit of drugs across the entire market. The results are similar to prior research done on normal drug markets that determined that police interventions have no significant effect on changing drug prices. With the rapid growth of drugs being sold on darknet markets, it is critical for law enforcement to understand how the markets react to police interventions.

Implementation and Evaluation of an Educational Intervention, Regarding Prescription Errors, with Pharmacy Technician Students

Hanosh, Nicole, Espinosa, Rachel, Stursberg, Lisa January 2009 (has links)
Class of 2009 Abstract / OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this work is to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention, regarding prescription errors, amongst pharmacy technician students. METHODS: Pharmacy technician students over the age of 18 years attending Apollo College in Tucson, Arizona were eligible to participate. Pretests were given to students to assess baseline knowledge of medication errors. Posttests consisting of questions regarding medication errors were administered to students following a PowerpointTM presentation to assess the effectiveness of the presentation. RESULTS: Pretests and posttests were completed by 18 women and 14 men. Test scores improved significantly from 5.652 to 8.13 out of 10 in the morning class (P< 0.01), 5.8 to 8 in the evening class (P< 0.01), and 5.697 to 8.091 for both classes combined (p< 0.01). Differences in scores based on gender and general employment status did not reach statistical significance (p> 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: An educational intervention is effective in improving pharmacy technician student knowledge about prescription errors.

Beskriva sjuksköterskeledd intervention vid livsstilsförändringar hos personer med typ-2 diabetes

Bergkvist, Christel, Holgersson, Carina January 2017 (has links)
Sammanfattning    Bakgrund. Diabetes mellitus är en folksjukdom. Det finns flera olika typer av diabetes, typ 1 och typ 2 är de vanligaste formerna, cirka 85–90 procent av de som har diabetes har typ-2 diabetes. Diabetes är en kronisk sjukdom som kräver livslång behandling. Livsstilsförändringar är en viktig del i behandlingen och sjuksköterskan har en stödjande och betydelsefull roll. Teoretisk referensram Litteraturstudien utgår från personcentrerad vård. Patienten är en person som har vilja, förmåga och behov. Syfte Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskeledd intervention vid livsstilsförändringar hos personer med typ-2 diabetes.    Metod Metoden som använts var en litteraturstudie. Elva vetenskapliga artiklar med både kvantitativ och kvalitativ ansatts valdes ut. Resultat Tre kategorier identifierades i analysprocessen: Möte på personens nivå, Stöd från gruppen och Telefonkontakt. Intervention på personens nivå var en betydande faktor för att lyckas med livsstilsförändring. Gruppbaserad undervisning gav deltagarna en känsla av stöd från andra och ett utbyte av erfarenheter. Telefonbaserad intervention är enkel att implementera i vården, kostnadseffektiv och kan pågå under längre tid. Slutsats Kontinuerlig långsiktig kontakt med sjukvården på personens nivå underlättar och bibehåller livsstilsförändringar. Interventioner via telefon och i grupp ses som kostnadseffektivt.

Évaluation du programme V.I.P.-Camps : programme de formation en intervention psychoéducative offert aux moniteurs de camps d'été

Leblanc, Audrey January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


Lavelock, Caroline R. 01 January 2015 (has links)
Patience is among the most common colloquially known virtues, and yet its empirical attention is among the smallest of all virtues. In this dissertation, I focused on the conscientiousness-based virtue of patience in terms of theory and intervention. In my first study, I examined the effects of a preliminary intervention workbook designed to promote patience. In my second study, I examined a number of correlates informed by patience literature as potential antecedents, mechanisms, and outcomes of patience and, using structural equation modeling, present a theory of patience. Finally, in my third study, I beta tested the patience intervention workbook along with outcome measures posited in my proposed theory of patience in order to examine this theory under experimental and longitudinal design. In Study 1, the patience workbook did indeed produce higher patience outcomes at post-test relative to the control condition but was not significantly different from a positivity workbook condition. Participants in the patience workbook condition also improved in trait self-control, trait forgivingness, and trait negativity. In Study 2, familiarity with an identified stressor and perceived stress related to that stressor predicted state patience for that stressor, consistent with an ego-depletion model of patience. Additionally, patience predicted mental (resilience, anxiety, satisfaction with life, depression, positive affect, and negative affect), physical, relational (communicative competence and perceived social support), and spiritual (spiritual attitudes and involvement) health outcomes. Study 3 replicated the support for an ego-depletion model of patience, and those in the patience intervention workbook improved in trait and state patience, anxiety, and depression, extending and partially supporting the outcomes found in Study 2. The present studies support the use of a workbook intervention to promote patience and additional virtue and mental health outcomes. Implications of these results and future research directions are discussed.

Central Bank Interventions and Their Influences on Exchange rates: The Case of TURKEY

Ucar, Ferit January 2014 (has links)
This study attempts to analyze the efficiency of intervention policy in Turkey during the period between 4.1.2005 and 31.12.2012 with a sub period which is between 4.1.2007 and 31.12.2010. For our study purpose, therefore we investigated how interventions with pre-announced auctions as a whole influence the exchange rates. Further, we analyze whether there is an asymmetric effect among the buying and selling transactions with respect to their impact on the exchange rates. In the study, the E-GARCH model is employed to find the asymmetric effect. The final object of this study is whether buying auctions which are conducted to serve for only purpose of increasing international reserves influence the exchange rates. We evaluate the efficiency of transactions in the same direction of central bank statements. In conclusion, the findings did not amount to any significant impact of total transaction on exchange rates. The study findings also suggest that there is asymmetric effect among the selling and buying transactions. The amounts of selling transaction have a negative impact on both level and volatility while buying auctions did not have any significant effect on them. As a new research result, we found that buying auctions served well with respect to their contributions to reserves while they do not...

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