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Cadres intermédiaires en contexte de changements multiples : appropriation, préoccupations et interventions efficaces en développement organisationnelRousseau, Carolyne January 2012 (has links)
Cette étude à trois mesures répétées réparties sur une période de 27 mois, incluant à la fois des collectes de données qualitatives et quantitatives, vise à comprendre le vécu des cadres intermédiaires en contexte de changements multiples en termes de préoccupations et d'appropriation et à identifier les interventions en développement organisationnel (DO) perçues comme étant les plus efficaces auprès de ces destinataires dans ce contexte. Afin de répondre aux objectifs de la recherche, six questions de recherche ont été posées et cinq hypothèses ont été formulées à la lumière des connaissances tirées de la revue documentaire actuelle. D'abord, dans le but de comprendre le vécu des cadres intermédiaires en contexte de changements multiples, le modèle des phases de préoccupations de Bareil (2004) et la définition de l'appropriation de Wagner et al. (2003) ont été retenus. Concernant les préoccupations en regard des changements, une première question de recherche Q1 «comment évoluent les préoccupations des cadres envers les changements multiples» a été posée. L'hypothèse H1 «entre deux temps de mesure (T 2 et T3 ), l'intensité de la majorité des sujets de préoccupations (au moins 8 des 16 énoncés) évoluera» a été confirmée partiellement, car seulement trois sujets de préoccupations sur les 16 ont augmenté d'intensité entre les deux temps de mesure. L'hypothèse H2 «entre deux temps de mesure (T2 et T3), l'intensité des phases 2, 3 et 4 diminuera de façon significative, alors que celle de la phase 5 augmentera» a quant à elle été infirmée. Les résultats ont plutôt démontré que l'intensité de la phase 3 s'est accrue significativement, alors que l'intensité des phases 2, 4 et 5 n'a pas changé significativement. Une sous-question exploratoire Q1A «comment les sujets de préoccupations des cadres ont-ils évolué à travers les trois temps de mesure et ce, pour chacune des phases 2, 3, 4 et 5?» a été posée et les résultats ont fait ressortir une évolution quant aux contenus des sujets de préoccupations à l'intérieur même de chacune des phases 2, 3 et 4 (dynamique du mouvement intraphase). Une deuxième question de recherche Q2 «comment évolue l'appropriation des cadres dans le temps?» a été posée et l'hypothèse H3 «entre deux temps de mesure (T2 et T3 ), le degré d'appropriation générale envers les trois changements et les degrés d'appropriation spécifiques à chacun des changements organisationnels augmenteront» a été infirmée. Les résultats ont plutôt démontré que l'appropriation des changements est demeurée modeste entre les deux temps de mesure, sauf pour l'appropriation envers la fusion qui accuse un recul significatif. La question de recherche Q3 «quel est le lien entre leurs préoccupations et leur appropriation?» a été posée et l'hypothèse H4 «il existe une relation significative entre les phases de préoccupations (2, 3, 4 et 5) et l'appropriation des changements multiples chez les cadres intermédiaires» a été vérifiée et infirmée. Les résultats ont plutôt démontré une absence de lien entre leurs préoccupations et leur appropriation. Afin d'identifier les interventions en DO perçues comme étant les plus efficaces, le modèle des quatre niveaux d'évaluation (réactions, apprentissages, comportements, résultats) d'un programme de formation de Kirkpatrick (2006) a été retenu. D'abord, la question de recherche Q4 «quelles sont les interventions en DO perçues comme étant les plus efficaces chez les cadres intermédiaires en contexte de changements multiples?» a été posée et l'hypothèse H5 «l'intervention perçue comme étant la plus efficace chez les cadres intermédiaires est l'enquête feed-back» a été formulée. À la lumière des résultats obtenus, cette hypothèse a été infirmée. Les résultats ont plutôt démontré que les interventions de consultation sont perçues comme étant les plus efficaces. La question de recherche Q5: «quelles sont les caractéristiques des interventions en DO perçues comme étant les plus efficaces chez les cadres intermédiaires?» a également été posée. L'état actuel de la documentation actuelle n'a pas permis de formuler d'hypothèse de recherche. Les résultats de notre étude ont toutefois permis de cerner quatre caractéristiques à considérer afin de favoriser l'efficacité d'interventions en DO en contexte de changements multiples : l'opportunité de contribuer activement et d'influencer les décisions, des interventions concrètes qui répondent aux préoccupations quotidiennes et opérationnelles, l'accent mis sur les échanges et le dialogue, ainsi que la rigueur dans l'intervention. Enfin, la question de recherche Q6 «qu'avons-nous à apprendre de la gradation des niveaux d'évaluation de l'efficacité des interventions en DO selon le modèle de Kirkpatrick (2006)?» a été posée, mais aucune hypothèse n'a pu être formulée compte tenu de l'état actuel de la documentation. Les résultats de notre étude ont démontré l'existence d'un mouvement décroissant de l'efficacité des interventions en DO à travers les quatre niveaux, de même que le maintien des interventions de consultation à travers les quatre niveaux. [symboles non conformes]
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Analyse phénoménologique et opérationnalisation des champs I et II en psychothérapie gestaltiste des relations d’objetDelbeke, Nadine January 2016 (has links)
Dans le contexte où plusieurs études démontrent que la relation thérapeutique est l’un des meilleurs prédicteurs des résultats thérapeutiques (Castonguay & Beutler, 2006; Lambert & Barkley, 2001), la présente recherche au design qualitatif s’intéresse aux interventions thérapeutiques relationnelles selon une approche relationnelle contemporaine : La Psychothérapie Gestaltiste des Relations d’Objet (PGRO). Cette approche considère que les interventions relationnelles sont au cœur du processus thérapeutique et un levier essentiel de changement. Elle définit deux champs d’interventions liées à la relation thérapeutique : le champ I, l’ici-et-maintenant de la relation thérapeute client, et le champ II, l’histoire de cette relation thérapeutique. La recherche présente deux niveaux d’objectifs. Le premier vise à décrire les composantes des interventions du travail psychothérapeutique dans les champs I et II selon la PGRO et le deuxième vise à opérationnaliser par illustration les composantes des interventions en champs I et II. Une analyse phénoménologique de réduction descriptive et une analyse de contenu de la description par douze thérapeutes d’expérience formés à la PGRO de leur pratique clinique ont permis de définir des composantes liées 1) à la nature des interventions en champs I et II, 2) aux déclencheurs, 3) aux buts de ces interventions, 4) aux processus en jeu dans l’élaboration de telles interventions par le thérapeute. Les questions, les difficultés et les satisfactions des thérapeutes liées à la pratique de ces interventions ont été ensuite répertoriées. L’analyse de contenu d’exemples d’interventions en champs I et II a également permis de comprendre la nature de ces interventions. Finalement, les résultats ont pu être par la suite opérationnalisés et validés par le biais de verbatim d’entrevues PGRO provenant de l’école de formation à la PGRO (CIG). Les retombées de cette recherche sont avant tout d’ordre clinique. Elles ouvrent sur la possibilité d’activités de formation et de réflexion auprès d’intervenants intéressés à l’approche PGRO.
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China's biggest, most neglected health challenge: non-communicable diseasesTang, Shenglan, Ehiri, John, Long, Qian January 2013 (has links)
BACKGROUND:Over the past two decades, international health policies focusing on the fight against the human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), tuberculosis (TB), malaria, and those diseases that address maternal and child health problems, among others, have skewed disease control priorities in China and other Asian countries. Although these are important health problems, an epidemic of chronic, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in China has accounted for a much greater burden of disease due to the ongoing rapid socioeconomic and demographic transition.DISCUSSION:Although NCDs currently account for more than 80% of the overall disease burden in China, they remain very low on the nation's disease control priorities, attracting marginal investment from central and local governments. This leaves the majority of patients with chronic conditions without effective treatment. International organizations and national governments have recognized the devastating social and economic consequences caused by NCDs in low- and middle-income countries, including China. Yet, few donor-funded projects that address NCDs have been implemented in these countries over the past decade. Due to a lack of strong support from international organizations and national governments for fighting against NCDs, affected persons in China, especially the poor and those who live in rural and less developed regions, continue to have limited access to the needed care. Costs associated with frequent health facility visits and regular treatment have become a major factor in medical impoverishment in China. This article argues that although China's ongoing health system reform would provide a unique opportunity to tackle current public health problems, it may not be sufficient to address the emerging threat of NCDs unless targeted steps are taken to assure that adequate financial and human resources are mapped for effective control and management of NCDs in the country.SUMMARY:The Chinese government needs to develop a domestically-driven and evidence-based disease control policy and funding priorities that respond appropriately to the country's current epidemiological transition, and rapid sociodemographic and lifestyle changes.
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Patienters erfarenheter av sluten psykiatrisk tvångsvård : En beskrivande litteraturstudieMattsson, Madeléne, Hillman, Gabriella January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Patienter som ofta vårdas inom den psykiatriska slutenvården är patienter med psykotiska störningar, depression och patienter med risk för självmord. Tvångsåtgärder som kan förekomma på en psykiatrisk vårdavdelning kan exempelvis vara bältesläggning, tvångsmedicinering och isolering. För att en sjuksköterska ska kunna vårda dessa patienter behövs såväl kunskap som förståelse. För att axla denna roll behöver sjuksköterskor mer forskning som är fokuserad på patienters erfarenheter. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva patienters erfarenheter av sluten psykiatrisk tvångsvård samt att beskriva de inkluderade artiklarnas urvalsmetod och undersökningsgrupp. Metod: Litteraturstudien genomfördes med en beskrivande design. Studien innefattas av elva stycken kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar som svarar på studiens syfte. Resultat: Fem teman var grunden till beskrivningen av denna litteraturstudie: Betydelsen av relationen till vårdpersonalen, Betydelsen av information, Förståelsen av att vårdas mot sin vilja, Erfarenheter av tvångsåtgärder samt Erfarenheter av vårdmiljön. Resultatet avslutas med en beskrivning av artiklarnas urvalsmetod och urvalsgrupp. Slutsats: Patienter beskrev både bra och dåliga erfarenheter av sluten psykiatrisk tvångsvård. Viktiga aspekter som framgick enligt patienterna var: God information, god relation till vårdpersonal, förståelse samt en god vårdmiljö. Det är av stor vikt att sjuksköterskan har god kunskap om patienters erfarenheter för att kunna ge så god omvårdnad som möjligt. / Background: Patient who is treated in a locked psychiatric coercive care unit is patient with psychotic disorders, depression and patients with risk for suicide. Coercive measures that may be present in a psychiatric ward could be, for example medical restraint, forced medication and isolation. For a nurse to be able to care this patients who is in a need for good care it´s important with knowledge and understanding. To handle this role, nurses need more research and focus at the experiences of patients. Purpose: The aim of this study was to describe patient´s experience of a locked psychiatric coercive care unit. Present the selected articles' selection method and study group. Method: This is a literature study with a descriptive design. In this study eleven articles of qualitative approach are included to answer to the purpose of this study. Results: The result is based on five themes: Significance of relationship with health professionals, Significance of information, Understandning of being cared against their own will, Experience of being cared under coercion and Experience of the care environment. The last part om the result descibe the selctions method and the of the study group of the article. Conclusion: Patients described both good and bad experiences of locked psychiatric care. According to the patient important aspects was: Good information, Good Relationships with the health professionals and understanding, God care environment. It´s of great importance that the nurses have good knowledge about patients experience to be able to give such good nursing care as possible.
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Examination of Latin American Community-Based Interventions to Promote Physical Activity in Public Spaces: Analyzing Effectiveness, Applicability and Transferability Across National ContextsTorres, Andrea D 09 August 2016 (has links)
Physical inactivity is a leading cause of death worldwide and contributes significantly to the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Physical inactivity has become a global pandemic with the highest prevalence in the region of the Americas. There is strong evidence on the effectiveness of community-based PA interventions, including behavioral and social interventions, campaigns and informational approaches, and policy and environmental modifications to increase physical activity at the population level. The purpose of this dissertation was to examine the impact of two types of community-based interventions to promote leisure-time physical activity using public spaces and their applicability and transferability from the Latin American to the US context. Specifically, three programs were examined: (1) Atlanta Streets Alive (ASA) (the Open Streets initiative inspired by the Bogota Ciclovia, hosted in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, US); (2) the Bogota Recreovia (free PA classes in community settings in the city of Bogota, Colombia); and, (3) Academia Fit (the PA-classes in community settings program adapted from the Brazilian ACP for Latino Communities in San Diego, California, US). This dissertation shows different assessment approaches including a descriptive study, a pre-post natural experiment with multiple control groups, and a translation and implementation study using an evidence-based approach such as the RE-AIM framework.
Some of the overall findings include: community-based interventions implemented in public spaces such as Open Streets and PA-classes are promising for increasing moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) on leisure-time within the communities where they are implemented. Besides, these interventions are effective to reach vulnerable populations including low income, women and ethnic minorities such as Hispanics in the US. Finally, the implementation of an Open Streets initiative and a free PA-classes program was feasible (applicable) in Atlanta, GA, in the US and San Diego, CA, respectively.
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Prevalence, perceptions and potential interventions : a mixed methods investigation of childhood overweight and obesity among a pro-poor cohort in PeruPreston, Emma January 2014 (has links)
Over the past 20 years there has been a clear shift in Peru’s mortality profile towards non-communicable diseases. As part of this transition, childhood overweight and obesity (O&O) has become a growing public health concern. In order to address this challenge, context-specific information is needed concerning prevalence, associated factors and culturally appropriate interventions. To this end, I conducted a mixed methods study using a socio-ecological framework to investigate childhood overweight and obesity in Peru. This study found a prevalence of 19.2% overweight and 8.6% obesity among children aged seven to eight in a pro-poor cohort in Peru. Factors associated with being overweight in this cohort included: a high socioeconomic status, living in metropolitan Lima, an O&O mother, being male and being an only child or having only one sibling. The quantitative analysis highlighted the prevalence in O&O in this population and revealed a number of relationships explored in more depth via interviews and focus group discussions. The qualitative component of this research explored these associations amongst a sub-sample of children, parents and teachers in three distinct geographical regions in Peru. My qualitative research showed that parents, teachers and children are aware of the health implications of childhood overweight and obesity and that they have a sophisticated understanding of the many factors that influence its aetiology. Participants also had many suggestions for ways to address this issue in their community. This information was complemented by a systematic review and meta-analysis of the evidence of childhood O&O interventions that took place in Latin America published between 1990 and 2011. A combination of diet, physical activity and pharmaceutical strategies have shown modest effect on BMI reduction in O&O children, but more evidence is needed for effective population-level prevention strategies. The findings highlight the need for comprehensive, multi-level interventions. Notable intervention components include: kiosco reform, junk food taxation, creation of recreational space and enhancement of school-based physical activity programmes. To accomplish this, communities need to be mobilised and work together with school administration, municipal and national government.
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Effekter av icke-farmakologiska metoder vid beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom hos personer som lever med Alzheimers sjukdom : En litteraturöversikt / : Effects of non-pharmacological interventions for people affected by Alzheimer`s disease with BPSDTasci,, Gulseren, Schönning, Tetyana January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Alzheimers sjukdom (AD) är den vanligaste formen av demenssjukdomar och antalet människor som insjuknar i AD förväntas öka kraftigt med tiden. Dessutom kännetecknas personer med AD ofta av beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom (BPSD) som kan innefatta agitation, depression, vanföreställningar, oro, ångest, hallucinationer, sömnrubbningar, rastlöshet och apati. Dessa symtom kan orsaka lidande hos patienten och är svåra att hantera för både vårdgivaren och anhöriga, samt försvårar omvårdnadsarbetet. Syftet var att beskriva icke-farmakologiska metoder och effekter av dessa metoder vid omvårdnad av personer med Alzheimers sjukdom som har beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom. Metod: En litteraturöversikt bestående av 16 utvalda kvantitativa forskningsartiklar har genomförts. Artiklarna publicerades mellan år 2006-2016. Resultat. De studerade icke-farmakologiska metoderna var musikterapi, vissa typer av massage, reminiscence-terapi, vårdhundterapi och ljusterapi. Resultaten visade att icke-farmakologiska metoder kan ha en varierande effekt på BPSD. Litteraturöversikten visade att musikintervention var mest effektiv för att minska agitationsbeteende. Individualiserad musik i samband med speciella minnen minskade stress, fobier hos personer med svår demens. Intervention av handmassage, aromaterapi, taktil massage och terapeutisk beröring minskade aggression och agitationsbeteende. Vissa studier visade dock att fotmassageintervention och vårdhundterapi kunde öka verbal aggressivitet hos personer med demens, medan en annan studie visade att djurassisterade aktiviteter kunde minska nedstämdhet medan glädje och generell uppmärksamhet ökade. Effekten av ljusbehandling var förbättrad sömn, minskad depression, agitation och ätstörningar. Slutsats. Icke-farmakologiska metoder kan minska beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom hos personer med Alzheimers sjukdom, dock med varierande effekt. De varierande resultaten kan tolkas som att icke-farmakologiska metoder bör individanpassas och att det behövs vidare forskning inom området. / Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common of dementia and the number of people diagnosed with AD is expected to rise significantly over time. In addition, people diagnosed with AD often exhibit the Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD), which include agitation, depression, delusions, agitation, anxiety, hallucinations, sleep disturbances, anxiety and apathy. These symptoms can cause suffer to the patient and is difficult to manage for both the caregiver and family members, as well as hampers nursing. Aim: the aim was to describe non-pharmacological methods and effects of these methods when caring for people with Alzheimer's disease who have behavioural and psychological symptoms. Method: a literature review consisting of 16 selected quantitative research articles has been performed. The selected articles ware published between years 2006- 2016. Results: The studied non-pharmacological methods were: music therapy, certain types of massage, reminiscence therapy, dog therapy and light therapy. The results showed that non-pharmacological methods can have a varying effect on BPSD. The literature review showed that music intervention was most effective in reducing agitated behaviour. Individualized music in conjunction with special memories reduced stress, phobias for persons with severe dementia. The hand massage, aroma therapy, tactile massage and therapeutic touch decreased aggression and agitated behaviour. Some studies showed that foot massage intervention and dog therapy could increase the verbal aggression for people with dementia, while another study showed that animal-assisted activities could reduce depression and increase joy and general attention. The effect of light therapy was an improved sleep, decreased depression, agitation, and eating disorders. Conclusions: non-pharmacological nursing interventions can reduce behavioural and psychological symptoms for people with Alzheimer's disease, however, with varying effect. The varying results can be interpreted as following: nonpharmacological nursing interventions should be adapted in each individual case and that there is a need for further research in this area.
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Examining A Brief Behavior Progress Monitoring Tool's Sensitivity to ChangeSmith, Rhonda Lea January 2016 (has links)
Current research suggests schools face many barriers in effectively monitoring student's response to behavioral interventions in the classroom. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the FastBridge - Direct Behavior Rating (FastBridge-DBR), a brief, novel progress monitoring measure, designed to assess student behavioral change in response to a classroom behavioral intervention. Twenty-four elementary teacher-student dyads implemented a daily progress report intervention to promote positive student behavior during pre-specified classroom activities. FastBridge-DBR data were then collected for three target behaviors (i.e., Academic Engagement, Disruptive Behavior, Withdrawal) and compared to Systematic Direct Observation (SDO) data. Five change metrics (i.e., absolute change, percent of change from baseline, improvement rate difference, Tau-U, effect size; Gresham, 2005) were used to examine sensitivity to change. The Usage Rating Profile - Assessment (URP-A) was used to evaluate teacher acceptability of FastBridge-DBR. FastBridge-DBR scores were highly correlated with SDO data, demonstrating evidence of concurrent validity. FastBridge-DBR change metrics were significantly correlated with SDO change metrics. Additionally, while teachers provided high acceptability ratings for FastBridge-DBR, there was a lack of association between teachers' ratings of acceptability and student behavioral change. Implications for practice, study limitations, and areas of future research are discussed.
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Development of a family-based treatment programme for childhood obesity using Intervention Mapping methodsPittson, H. January 2013 (has links)
Background: Reviews of primary research in developed countries and policy in the UK demonstrate there is a lack of evidence from well conducted RCTs on lifestyle interventions for childhood obesity (NICE 2006, SIGN 2003, Oude Luttikhuis et al. 2009). Objectives: To develop, implement and evaluate the Y W8? family focused childhood obesity treatment programme using a randomized controlled trial. Methods: The programme was developed using Bartholomew’s Intervention Mapping framework. Using this stepped process a needs analysis was undertaken, a steering group formed, focus groups were completed in local schools and interviews took place with parents of obese children. The determinants identified by these processes were combined with relevant theories and information gathered through a literature review to develop the programme. Y W8? is a 12 week course for families with children aged 8–13 years designed to assist with weight management. The RCT was designed as an individually randomised parallel-group trial with a waiting-list control group. Children in the intervention group (n=59) had their height, weight, self-reported physical activity levels, self-reported fruit and vegetable consumption and a measure of self-esteem recorded at pre- and post-assessment, whilst only height and weight was collected from the children in the control group (n=55). Results: Twelve week (post course) results showed a significant difference in change in BMI z-score between the control and intervention group, mean difference = -0.12 (95% CI: 0.09 to 0.16, F (1, 98) = 54.04, p < 0.0005), with the control group increasing and the intervention group decreasing their BMI z-score. Analysis showed this positive effect on weight status did not adversely affect linear growth. For the intervention group 81% of children completed the programme. Implications: This RCT offers evidence to support the use of family-based treatment programmes in the treatment of childhood obesity and displays positive results in the short-term, at a lower cost than similar interventions. The thesis also demonstrates how a public health programme can be implemented and sustained in routine NHS practice.
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The neurophysiological effects of physiotherapy (spinal manual and manipulative therapies) on patients with low back painPerry, J. January 2013 (has links)
Low Back Pain (LBP) is a condition that most people experience at least once in their lifetime and for which many will seek physiotherapeutic intervention. Recently published and internationally recognised clinical guidelines for the management of LBP recommend the use of spinal manual and manipulative therapy techniques alongside exercise, advice, education and pharmaceutical therapies, particularly in the early stages. Other areas of development in the last decade include classification systems, clinical prediction rules (CPR’s), patient-reported outcome measures (PROMS’s) and minimum clinically important difference (MCID) thresholds. Additionally, sympathetic nervous system (SNS) measures of treatment responses are now recognised as providing quantifiable indicators of peripheral, spinal and central effects of manual therapy interventions although research in the lumbar spine is very limited with none providing data on a patient population. The aims of the study were; to determine the reliability and stability of the Biopac System in recording skin conductance (SC) activity levels and calculate the smallest real difference (SRD) statistic; to generate data on the magnitude of SC response to two commonly utilised treatments for LBP; and to observe the changes in a clinical population receiving guideline-endorsed physiotherapy treatment for the management of acute and sub-acute LBP. Furthermore, clinical data analysis sought to identify correlations of SC measures to PROM’s and evaluate the feasibility of using SC responses as a predictive tool for therapeutic outcome. The ability of the Biopac System to reliably record SNS activity was established by using SC measurements with 12 participants on two occasions, one-week apart. Data was recorded within a natural, non-laboratory setting. Results established that SC measurements could be reliably recorded between data sessions with a measurement variability of; ICC=0.99 (p<0.005) with an SRD value of 0.315 μmho’s (4.633%). In conclusion, any SC change above the SRD could be regarded as an SNS change that is independent of any measurement error or variability thus representing a real change ascribable to the intervention under investigation. The pre-clinical investigation compared the magnitude of SC response (SCR) of two, independently administered, specific MT techniques, applied, after randomisation, to the Lumbar 4/5 segment of 50 asymptomatic healthy volunteers. Treatments included; a rotatory lumbar manipulation technique or a repeated McKenzie extension in lying exercise. Findings revealed that both techniques produced statistically significant changes in SNS activity in the lower limbs (> SRD) with manipulative technique SCR’s (76%) that were twice the size of the McKenzie repeated extension in lying exercise (EIL) technique (35.7%)( p=0.0005). Only the manipulation technique had a lasting effect that was carried into the final rest period (p=0.012) but the SNS response was not a side-specific phenomenon (p= 0.76). The final clinical study recruited 60 acute and sub-acute LBP patients (symptoms of up to 12 weeks duration) who received guideline-recommended physiotherapy treatment within a hospital-based musculoskeletal out-patient physiotherapy department. SCRs were recorded throughout all treatment episodes with standardised, validated PROM’s used for comparison of status at inception, mid-point and at discharge. Functional impairment was determined using the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and the Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ) with pain intensity evaluated with the Narrative Pain Rating Score (NPRS). A preliminary comparison, between the asymptomatic population and a random selection from the patient population, revealed that patients had treatment SCR’s that were significantly greater (three-fold) than those of the asymptomatic groups (manipulation, p=0.003; EIL exercises p=0.001). Analysis of the patient data indicated that pre-treatment/baseline SC activity levels in the inception data capture point were lower than at discharge (18 µMho’s; p<0.0005) but, conversely, that treatment SC levels were initially high, but diminished in magnitude by discharge (230 to 172 µMho’s; p<0.0005) representing a SCR reduction of 125%. Correlational analyses of change scores of maximum SCR’s to PROM’s, from inception to discharge suggested weak positive correlations of SCR treatment responses to functional disability score improvements (rho 0.278) and pain intensity reductions (rho=0.229) that were significant for function (p=0.033) but not significant for pain (p=0.080). The final analyses indicated that there were trends in the magnitude of response to specific elements of treatment with manipulation having the largest SCR (266%). Further evaluative analysis of SC readings as a predictor, at inception, of functional outcome, at discharge indicated that a critical/cut-off value of 195% may indicate those patients least and most likely to respond positively to MT treatment. Preliminary logistic regression analysis indicated that the 195% SCR value was excellent at identifying poor responders but less successful at identifying good responders, functionally, to treatment. Nonetheless, SCR was a better predictor of outcome than duration of symptoms and patient age. Characteristically, patients achieving the 195% value were most likely to have higher functional disability and pain intensity scores at inception but by discharge had required fewer treatments, had greater overall functional improvement and lower pain intensities than those not achieving this threshold. In conclusion, SC activity levels and SCR’s may be a reliable, stable, alternative and objective measure of LBP patients’ SNS status and changes that occur as a result of symptom abatement throughout a course of physiotherapy treatment. SC readings may (indirectly) reflect the state of dorsal horn (DH) sensitisation and of the central nervous system (CNS) processing system and its facilitatory capacity to activate the descending pain inhibitory system (DPIS). Further research, in patient populations (including chronic LBP patients), is recommended to verify these findings and validate the 195% SCR cut-off point. Definitive RCT’s are indicated to further the understanding of guideline-endorsed physiotherapy treatment (a complex intervention –MRC, 2000) and to determine whether the SNS activity measurements can be used to help classify, predict, and ultimately, direct the care of patients with LBP.
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