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Evaluation of Veterinary Allergen Extract Content and Resultant Canine Intradermal Threshold ConcentrationsAbrams, Stephanie B. 14 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Desenvolvimento de formulações vacinais contra a dengue baseadas na proteína não estrutural 1 (NS1) administrada pela via intradérmica. / Development of vaccines formulations against dengue based on the nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) administered by the intradermal route.Pereira, Lennon Ramos 21 July 2016 (has links)
A dengue é uma doença causada pelo vírus da dengue (DENV) cuja incidência é alarmante no mundo. Seu principal método de controle, combate ao vetor, não é totalmente eficaz, o que faz da busca por vacinas seguras e eficazes uma prioridade. Por outro lado o uso de proteínas não estruturais do vírus mostra-se promissor ao desenvolvimento de vacinas contra a dengue. Assim, neste trabalho buscamos desenvolver e caracterizar estratégias vacinais, baseadas na proteína NS1, utilizando a via intradérmica (i.d.) de imunização. Para isso foram obtidas proteínas quimeras contendo a NS1 DENV2 fusionada a anticorpos específicos para os receptores DEC e DCIR2 de células dendríticas. O emprego destas proteínas em ensaios de imunização pelas vias i.d. e i.p induziram respostas humorais NS1-específicas, com modulação do perfil de subclasses de IgG, aumento da afinidade dos mesmos, sem causar efeitos adversos nos animais imunizados. Assim, a inédita combinação da estratégia de direcionamento aqui descrita com a via i.d. faz-se promissora ao desenvolvimento de vacinas contra o DENV. / Dengue is a disease caused by dengue virus (DENV) whose incidence is alarming in the world. Its main method of control, combating the vector, is not fully effective, which makes the search for safe and effective vaccines a priority. Moreover the use of non-structural proteins of the virus shows promise for the development of vaccines against dengue. In this work we developed and characterized vaccine strategies based on the NS1 protein using the intradermal route (i.d.) immunization. For this, chimeras containing the NS1 protein fused to DENV2 antibodies specific for the receptor DEC and DCIR2 dendritic cells were obtained. The use of these proteins in immunization trials by way i.d. and i.p. induced NS1-specific humoral responses, with modulation of the IgG subclasses profile, increased affinity thereof without causing adverse effects in the immunized animals. Thus, the new combination of targeting strategy described here with via i.d. any be promising for the development of vaccines against DENV.
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Genetics of disease resistance : application to bovine tuberculosisTsairidou, Smaragda January 2016 (has links)
Bovine Tuberculosis (bTB) is a disease of significant economic importance, being one of the most persistent animal health problems in the UK and the Republic of Ireland and increasingly constituting a public health concern especially for the developing world. Limitations of the currently available diagnostic and control methods, along with our incomplete understanding of bTB transmission, prevent successful eradication. This Thesis addresses the development of a complementary control strategy which will be based on animal genetics and will allow us to identify animals genetically predisposed to be more resistant to disease. Specifically, the aim of my PhD project is to investigate the genetic architecture of resistance to bTB and demonstrate the feasibility of whole genome prediction for the control of bTB in cattle. Genomic selection for disease resistance in livestock populations will assist with the reduction of the in herd-level incidence and the severity of potential outbreaks. The first objective was to explore the estimation of breeding values for bTB resistance in UK dairy cattle, and test these genomic predictions for situations when disease phenotypes are not available on selection candidates. Through using dense SNP chip data the results of Chapter 2 demonstrate that genomic selection for bTB resistance is feasible (h2 = 0.23(SE = 0.06)) and bTB resistance can be predicted using genetic markers with an estimate of prediction accuracy of r(g, ĝ) = 0.33 in this data. It was shown that genotypes help to predict disease state (AUC ≈ 0.58) and animals lacking bTB phenotypes can be selected based on their genotypes. In Chapter 3, a novel approach is presented to identify loci displaying heterozygote (dis)advantage associated with resistance to M. bovis, hypothesising underlying non-additive genetic variation, and these results are compared with those obtained from standard genome scans. A marker was identified suggesting an association between locus heterozygosity and increased susceptibility to bTB i.e. a heterozygote disadvantage, with the heterozygotes being significantly more in the cases than in the controls (x2 = 11.50, p < 0.001). Secondly, this thesis focused on conducting a meta-analysis on two dairy cattle populations with bTB phenotypes and SNP chip genotypes, identifying genomic regions underlying bTB resistance and testing genomic predictions by means of cross-validation. In Chapter 4, exploration of the genetic architecture of the trait revealed that bTB resistance is a moderately polygenic, complex trait with clusters of causal variants spread across a few major chromosomes collectively controlling the trait. A region was identified on chromosome 6, putatively associated with bTB resistance and this chromosome as a whole was shown to contribute a major proportion (hc 2= 0.051) of the observed variation in this dataset. Genomic prediction for bTB was shown to be feasible even when only distantly related populations are combined (r(g,ĝ)=0.33 (SE = 0.05)), with the chromosomal heritability results suggesting that the accuracy arises from the SNPs capturing linkage disequilibrium between markers and QTL, as well as additive relationships between animals (~80% of estimated genomic h2 is due to relatedness). To extend the analysis, in Chapter 5, high density genotypes were inferred by means of genotype imputation, anticipating that these analyses will allow the identification of genomic regions associated with bTB resistance more closely, and that would increase the prediction accuracy. Genotype imputation was successful, however, using all imputed genotypes added little information. The limiting factor was found to be the number of animals and the trait definitions rather than the density of genotypes. Thirdly, a quantitative genetic analysis of actual Single Intradermal Comparative Cervical Test (SICCT) values collected during bTB herd testing was conducted aiming to investigate if selection for bTB resistance is likely to have an impact on the SICCT diagnostic test. This analysis demonstrated that the SICCT has a negligibly low heritability (h2=0.0104 (SE = 0.0032)) and any effect on the responsiveness to the test is likely to be small. In conclusion, breeding for disease resistance in livestock is feasible and we can predict the risk of bTB in cattle using genomic information. Further, putative QTLs associated with bTB resistance were identified, and exploration of the genetic architecture of bTB resistance revealed a moderately polygenic trait. These results suggest that given that larger datasets with more phenotyped and genotyped animals will be available, we can breed for bTB resistance and implement the genomic selection technology in breeding programmes aiming to improve the disease status and overall health of the livestock population. Using the genomics this can be continued as the epidemic declines.
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Avaliação toxicológica in vivo de nanocápsulas poliméricas biodegradáveisBulcão, Rachel Picada January 2013 (has links)
Nanopartículas poliméricas biodegradáveis têm recebido atenção como carreadores de fármacos ao longo dos últimos anos. Em muitos casos, a segurança destes nanocarreadores não foi demonstrada e pouco se sabe sobre a relação entre as suas características físico-químicas e suas propriedades toxicocinéticas e toxicodinâmicas. A nanotoxicologia está emergindo como uma especialidade importante da nanotecnologia e/ou toxicologia, e refere-se ao estudo da interação de nanoestruturas com sistemas biológicos. Nos últimos anos, a maioria das pesquisas foi centrada em estudos in vitro, entretanto, os resultados destes estudos necessitam também ser avaliados em experimentos in vivo para o avanço na utilização de nanocarreadores na área biomédica. Com isso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a toxicidade de nanocápsulas de núcleo lipídico (LNC), de poli(-caprolactona), após administração intraperitoneal (i.p.) e intradérmica (i.d.) em ratos Wistar. Para a avaliação toxicológica aguda, foi administrada dose única em que se observaram sinais clínicos e fisiológicos, em ambas as vias. Após 14 dias, os animais foram eutanasiados e análises macroscópicas e histopatológicas foram realizadas. Além disso, sangue e urina foram coletados para análises laboratoriais e avaliação de funções teciduais. A avaliação toxicológica subcrônica foi procedida da mesma forma, exceto pela administração de doses repetidas diárias durante 28 dias. As suspensões de nanocápsulas foram preparadas pelo método de precipitação do polímero pré-formado, as quais apresentaram tamanho médio de partícula inferior a 250 nm, índice de polidispersão (IPD) < 1, potencial zeta negativo e pH em torno de 6,7. Os animais tratados pela via i.p. (n=6/grupo) receberam para avaliação da toxicidade aguda: solução salina ou polissorbato 80 (PS80) (12 ml/kg), utilizados como controles e diferentes doses de LNC (18,03, 36,06, e 72,12 × 1012 LNC/kg); no teste de toxicidade subcrônica foram utilizados os mesmos controles porém com doses de 3mL/kg e 6,01, 12,02 ou 18,03 × 1012 LNC/kg. Nos testes de toxicidade aguda, nos animais administrados pela via i.p., foi observada diminuição significativa de peso nos grupos tratados com LNC mesmo após 14 dias da administração (p<0,05). Entretanto no teste subcrônico esta alteração foi transitória, e ocorreu apenas no grupo que recebeu a maior dose até o quinto dia de administração (p<0,05). Houve aumento no peso relativo do baço nos animais que receberam a dose mais alta de LNC (p<0,05) no tratamento agudo. A análise histopatológica em ambos os tratamentos, demonstrou a presença de um granuloma de tipo corpo estranho no fígado e no baço dos animais que receberam a dose mais alta, provavelmente devido ao volume de LNC administrado. Não houve alteração nas análises bioquímicas de dano hepático, renal, dentre outros em todos os grupos tratados. Os dados hematológicos apresentaram uma leve alteração, entretanto foi demonstrada interferência metodológica, evidenciada por testes preliminares in vitro. Além disso, foram avaliados biomarcadores do estresse oxidativo (EO), marcadores inflamatórios e de genotoxicidade. Os resultados dos biomarcadores de oxidação de proteínas e lipídios não foram suficientes para iniciar um processo oxidativo, visto que não houve peroxidação lipídica. Ainda, não houve depleção de antioxidantes, dano ao DNA ou alteração nos marcadores inflamatórios. Nos ratos tratados pela via i.d., foi utilizada solução salina 1,2 ml/kg como grupo controle e uma dose de 7,2 × 1012 LNC/kg de LNC, para um estudo preliminar agudo e solução salina ou PS 80 (0,9ml/kg) e três doses de LNC (1,8, 3,6 ou 5,4 × 1012 LNC/kg) para avaliação da toxicidade subcrônica. No teste de toxicidade aguda, não houve alteração do peso corpóreo, entretanto no teste de toxicidade subcrônica houve uma diminuição reversível do peso no grupo que recebeu PS80 (p<0,05). Os dados histopatológicos não apresentaram alteração. Não houve alteração nos parâmetros bioquímicos, exceto uma leve diminuição da atividade da butirilcolinesterase no grupo que recebeu a dose mais alta (p<0,05). Por outro lado, houve aumento nos leucócitos no grupo que recebeu LNC, no teste de toxicidade aguda e nos grupos que receberam PS 80 e 5,4 × 1012 LNC/kg (p<0,05) após doses repetidas. Em relação à avaliação sanguínea e tecidual dos biomarcadores do EO e dos marcadores inflamatórios, foi observada uma indução nos marcadores de oxidação de proteínas juntamente com uma indução enzimática nos ratos que receberam a dose mais alta, além de uma diminuição dos níveis do IL-10 nos grupos que receberam PS80 e a dose mais alta (p<0.05). Pode-se concluir que nas condições dos experimentos, tanto pela via i.p. quanto pela via i.d., não foram demonstrados danos teciduais, pois os achados laboratoriais foram condizentes com os achados histopatológicos. Além disso, os mecanismos de reparo foram suficientes para contrabalançar eventuais danos oxidativos ou inflamatórios. Assim, o presente trabalho contribui para futuras avaliações toxicológicas de nanocápsulas poliméricas, visto que foram realizadas avaliações agudas e subcrônicas sistemáticas, com marcadores de dano renal precoce e possíveis mecanismos de toxicidade envolvidos após administração por ambas as vias. O aumento na utilização destas nanocápsulas e as lacunas nas informações toxicológicas fazem com que desafios importantes devam ser superados para permitir sua incorporação segura. Com isso, estudos nesta linha podem embasar a avaliação da resposta tóxica e, consequentemente, levar ao estabelecimento de regulamentações para avaliação da toxicidade da maioria das nanopartículas poliméricas biodegradáveis utilizadas como carreadoras de fármacos. / Biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles have received attention as drug carriers over the past years. In many cases, the safety of nanocarriers has not been demonstrated and little is known about the relationship of its physicochemical characteristics and their toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic properties. Nanotoxicology is emerging as an important field of nanotechnology and toxicology, and refers to the study of the interaction of nanostructures with biological systems. In recent years, most research has focused on in vitro studies; however, the results of these studies should also be evaluated trough in vivo experiments, in order to advance in biomedical application of nanocarriers. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the toxicity of lipid-core nanocapsules (LNC), prepared with poly(ɛ-caprolactone), after intraperitoneal (i.p.) and intradermal (i.d.) administration in rats. For acute toxicological evaluation, it was administered a single dose, i.p. and i.d., clinical signs and physiological effects were observed. After 14 days, animals were euthanized and macroscopic and histopathological analyses were done. In addition, blood and urine were collected for laboratory analysis and evaluation of tissue functions. Subchronic toxicological evaluation was similar, except for the administration of repeated doses for 28 days. The suspension of nanocapsules were prepared by interfacial deposition of polymer, which had particle size less than 250 nm, polydispersity index (IPD) <1, negative zeta potential and pH around 6.7. Animals were treated via i.p. (N = 6/group), the doses used for acute toxicity test were: saline or polysorbate 80 (PS80) (12 ml/kg) as controls or three different doses of LNC (18.03, 36.06, e 72.12 × 1012 LNC/kg); for subchronic toxicity test, same controls were used but the doses were 3 ml/kg and 6.01, 12.02 ou 18.03 × 1012 LNC/kg administered daily for 28 days. In acute toxicity test, with i.p. administration, groups treated with LNC presented a significant reduction in relative weight even after 14 days of administration (p<0.05); however in the subchronic test, this change was transient, and occurred only in the group receiving the highest dose until the fifth day of administration (p<0.05). There was an increase in relative weight of spleen in animals that received the highest dose of LNC (p<0.05) in acute treatment. Histopathological analysis in both the treatments, showed a granulomatous foreign body reaction in liver and spleen of animals receiving the highest dose, probably because the volume of LNC administered. There were no changes in biochemical parameters of liver or kidney damage, among all treated groups. Hematological data showed a slight change; however it was demonstrated an interference of the methodology, further evidenced by preliminary in vitro tests. Furthermore, we evaluated biomarkers of oxidative stress (OS), inflammatory and genotoxicity markers. The results of the oxidation of proteins and lipids biomarker were not sufficient to initiate an oxidative process, since no lipid peroxidation occurred. Still, no depletion of antioxidants, DNA damage or change in inflammatory markers was observed. In rats treated via i.d., saline was used as control (1.2 ml/kg) and a dose of 7.2 × 1012 LNC/kg of LNC to a preliminary acute study, and saline or PS 80 (0.9ml/kg) used as controls or three doses of LNC (1.8, 3.6 ou 5.4 × 1012 LNC/kg) for subchronic toxicity evaluation. In acute toxicity test, there was no change in relative body weight, however, a decreased was found for the group receiving PS 80 in subchronic test (p <0.05). No histopathological alteration was found. Also, there was no change in biochemical parameters, except a slight decrease of butyrylcholinesterase activity in the group receiving the highest dose (p<0.05). Moreover, in acute toxicity test, it was found an increase in white blood cells in group receiving LNC; these increasing also occurred after repeate dose test, in PS 80 and 5.4 × 1012 LNC/kg of LNC groups (p <0.05). Regarding blood and tissue biomarkers of OS and inflammatory markers, an induction in protein oxidation marker along with antioxidant induction in rats which received the highest dose were observed, also reduced levels of IL-10 in rats that received the higher dose and PS80 (p <0.05). It can be concluded that, under the experimental conditions, for i.p. and i.d. administration, tissue damage was not found, since laboratorial analysis results were consistent with histopathological findings. Furthermore, mechanisms of repair were sufficient to offset oxidative damage or inflammation.Thus, this study contributes to future toxicological evaluations of polymeric nanocapsules, since a systematic acute and subchronic evaluation with early renal damage markers and possible mechanisms of toxicity involved after ip and id routes were performed. The increase in the use of these nanocapsules and the gaps in toxicological information make important to overcome these challenges in order to allow its safe incorporation. Thus, studies in this line are important to evaluate toxic response, and lead to establishing rules for evaluating the toxicity of most biodegradable polymer nanoparticles used as carrier of drugs.
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Avalia??o da sensibilidade de c?es com dermatite al?rgica aos extratos alerg?nicos padronizados de ?caros da poeira domiciliar / Evaluation of the sensibility from dogs with allergic dermatitis towards standardized allergenic extracts of house dust mitesCunha, Victor do Espirito Santo 22 February 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-02-22 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / The objective of this case-control study was to evaluate whether allergenic extracts from five species of house dust mites standardized for humans may be taken into account in the diagnosis of the canine atopic dermatitis. Extracts of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, D. farinae, Blomia tropicalis, Lepidoglyphus destructor and Tyrophagus putrescentiae have been evaluated through intradermal testing on 45 dogs, from which 20 belonged to the control group and 25 suffered from allergic dermatitis. There was a significant difference on the response pattern between the two groups (p<0,05). Only one dog (5%) from the control group has reacted to the intradermal test, whereas from the allergic group, 14 dogs (56%) have presented at least one positive reaction (odds ratio = 24,2). Most of the positive reactions observed in the allergic group were to the extracts of T. putrescentiae or L. destructor, each one inducing reactions on ten dogs (40%). The D. farinae, D. pteronyssinus e B. tropicalis extracts were responsible for positive reactions on 7 (28%), 3 (12%) and 3 (12%) dogs, respectively. The intradermal testing sensitivity and specificity were 56% and 95%, respectively, and the positive predictive value and the negative predictive value were 93% and 63%, respectively. / O presente estudo do tipo caso-controle teve como objetivo avaliar se extratos alerg?nicos de cinco esp?cies de ?caros da poeira domiciliar padronizados para humanos podem ser utilizados no diagn?stico da dermatite at?pica canina. Extratos de Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, D. farinae, Blomia tropicalis, Lepidoglyphus destructor e Tyrophagus putrescentiae foram avaliados atrav?s de testes intrad?rmicos em 45 c?es, dos quais 20 controles e 25 com dermatite al?rgica. Uma diferen?a significativa foi observada no padr?o de respostas entre os dois grupos (p<0,05). Apenas um animal (5%) do grupo controle reagiu ao teste cut?neo, enquanto que no grupo dos al?rgicos 14 c?es (56%) apresentaram pelo menos uma rea??o positiva (odds ratio = 24,2). As maiores freq??ncias de rea??es positivas observadas no grupo dos al?rgicos foram aos extratos de T. putrescentiae ou L. destructor, cada um induzindo rea??es em 10 (40%) c?es. Os extratos de D. farinae, D. pteronyssinus e B. tropicalis foram respons?veis por rea??es positivas em 7 (28%), 3 (12%) e 3 (12%) c?es, respectivamente. A sensibilidade e a especificidade dos testes intrad?rmicos foram de 56% e 95%, respectivamente e, o valor preditivo positivo e valor preditivo negativo de 93% e 63%, respectivamente.
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A Fully Integrated Microneedle-based Transdermal Drug Delivery SystemRoxhed, Niclas January 2007 (has links)
Patch-based transdermal drug delivery offers a convenient way to administer drugs without the drawbacks of standard hypodermic injections relating to issues such as patient acceptability and injection safety. However, conventional transdermal drug delivery is limited to therapeutics where the drug can diffuse across the skin barrier. By using miniaturized needles, a pathway into the human body can be established which allow transport of macromolecular drugs such as insulins or vaccines. These microneedles only penetrate the outermost skin layers, superficial enough not to reach the nerve receptors of the lower skin. Thus, microneedle insertions are perceived as painless. The thesis presents research in the field of microneedle-based drug delivery with the specific aim of investigating a microneedle-based transdermal patch concept. To enable controllable drug infusion and still maintain an unobtrusive and easy-to-use, patch-like design, the system includes a small active dispenser mechanism. The dispenser is based on a novel thermal actuator consisting of highly expandable microspheres. When actuated, the microspheres expand into a liquid reservoir and, subsequently, dispense stored liquid through outlet holes. The microneedles are fabricated in monocrystalline silicon by Deep Reactive Ion Etching. The needles are organized in arrays situated on a chip. To allow active delivery, the microneedles are hollow with the needle bore-opening located on the side of the needle. This way, the needle can have a sharp and well-defined needle tip. A sharp needle is a further requirement to achieve microneedle insertion into skin by hand. The thesis presents fabrication and evaluation of both the microneedle structure and the transdermal patch as such. Issues such as penetration reliability, liquid delivery into the skin and microneedle packaging are discussed. The microneedle patch was also tested and studied in vivo for insulin delivery. Results show that intradermal administration with microneedles give rise to similar insulin concentration as standard subcutaneous delivery with the same dose rate. / QC 20100623
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Mode of Adjuvant Action of the Nasally Delivered Cytokine Interleukin 1 AlphaThompson, Afton L. January 2011 (has links)
<p>Although monophosphoryl lipid A was recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration, more vaccine adjuvants are needed to meet the demand for vaccines against new, emerging, and re-emerging diseases. Additionally, characterizing the mechanisms of action of potent vaccine adjuvants is important for moving toward more rational vaccine design based on the careful selection of antigens and adjuvants to stimulate only the desired immune responses. Two experimental vaccine adjuvants, compound 48/80 (C48/80) and IL-1, were evaluated in these studies. The safety and efficacy of the mast cell activator C48/80 was evaluated when used as an adjuvant delivered intradermally (ID) with recombinant anthrax protective antigen (rPA) in comparison with two well-known adjuvants. Mice were vaccinated in the ear pinnae with rPA or rPA + C48/80, CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG), or cholera toxin (CT). All adjuvants induced similar increases in serum anti-rPA IgG and lethal toxin-neutralizing antibodies. C48/80 induced balanced cytokine production (Th1/Th2/Th17) by antigen-restimulated splenocytes, minimal injection site inflammation, and no antigen-specific IgE. Our data demonstrate that C48/80 is a safe and effective adjuvant, when used by the intradermal route, to induce protective antibody and balanced Th1/Th2/Th17 responses. Histological analysis demonstrated that vaccination with C48/80 reduced the number of resident mast cells and induced an injection-site neutrophil influx within 24 hours. Nonetheless, rPA + C48/80 significantly increased antigen-specific IgG titers in mast cell-deficient mice compared to antigen alone, suggesting that C48/80 has mast cell-dependent and mast cell-independent mechanisms of action.</p><p>IL-1alpha and beta have been shown to have strong mucosal adjuvant activities, but little is known about their mechanism of action. Bone marrow chimeric mice were intranasally vaccinated with Bacillus anthracis lethal factor (LF) with or without 4 µg IL-1alpha or a control adjuvant (cholera toxin) to determine if IL-1R1 expression on stromal cells or hematopoietic cells was sufficient for the maximal adjuvant activity of nasally delivered IL-1alpha. IL-1alpha was not active in IL-1R1-deficient (<italic>Il1r1</italic>-/-) mice given <italic>Il1r1</italic>-/- bone marrow, demonstrating that the adjuvant activity of IL-1 was due to the presence of IL-1R1 and not contaminants. Cytokine and chemokine responses induced by vaccination with IL-1alpha were predominantly derived from the stromal cell compartment and included G-CSF, IL-6, IL-13, MCP-1, and KC. Nasal vaccination of <italic>Il1r1</italic>-/- mice given wild-type bone marrow (WT-->KO) and WT-->WT mice with LF + IL-1alpha induced maximal adaptive immune responses, while vaccination of wild-type mice given <italic>Il1r1</italic>-/- bone marrow (KO-->WT) mice resulted in significantly decreased production of LF-specific serum IgG, IgG subclasses, lethal toxin-neutralizing antibodies, and mucosal IgA compared to WT-->KO and WT-->WT mice (p < 0.05). Our results suggest that IL-1R1 expression in the hematopoietic compartment is sufficient for the maximal induction of antigen-specific adaptive immunity after nasal vaccination adjuvanted with IL-1alpha and that while stromal cells are required for maximal adjuvant-induced cytokine production, the adjuvant-induced stromal cell cytokine responses are not required for effective induction of adaptive immunity.</p> / Dissertation
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Avaliação de diferentes concentrações de histamina e extratos alergênicos em cães sadios submetidos a teste intradérmicoFerreira, Rafael Rodrigues January 2013 (has links)
Teste intradérmico avalia reação de hipersensibilidade a diversos agentes que possam apresentar poder reacional alérgico e são comumente utilizados para complementar o diagnóstico da dermatite atópica canina (DAC). Ainda não existe consenso sobre as concentrações de histamina e extratos alergênicos a serem utilizadas. Para determinar a concentração ideal de histamina, como controle positivo, e do limiar irritativo de extratos alergênicos em teste intradérmico é necessário que diversas concentrações sejam avaliadas em uma população bem numerosa de cães hígidos. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar em 160 cães sadios submetidos a teste intradérmico, quais seriam as concentrações de histamina e de extratos alergênicos consideradas ideais. A solução contendo 0,1 mg/mL de histamina foi considerada como parâmetro ideal, provocando reações cutâneas com diâmetro médio, mediana e desvio padrão, de 15,18 mm, 14,97 mm e 2,07 mm, respectivamente. A partir do estabelecimento da concentração de histamina, foram determinadas as concentrações ótimas dos extratos alergênicos, expressas em PNU/mL: 1.000 para Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, 500 para D. farinae, 125 para Blomia tropicalis e 2.000 para Malassezia pachydermatis. Futuros estudos devem ser conduzidos em cães atópicos para verificação da acurácia dos testes intradérmicos realizados com essas concentrações. / Intradermal testing evaluates hipersensitivity reaction to different agents that can present allergic reactivity power. It is commonly used to complement canine atopic dermatitis diagnosis. There is still no consensus about histamine concentrations and allergen extracts to be used. The determination of the histamine ideal concentration as positive control and the irritant threshold of allergen extracts for intradermal testing, requires evaluation of different concentrations on a large population of healthy dogs. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the ideal histamine and allergen extracts concentrations on 160 healthy dogs submitted to intradermal testing. A histamine solution 0,1 mg/mL was considered the ideal parameter. It caused cutaneous reactions with average diameter, median measure and standard deviation of 15.18 mm, 14.97 mm and 2.07 mm, respectively. From the histamine concentration establishment, the optimum allergen extracts concentrations were determined, expressed by PNU/mL: 1.000 for Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, 500 for D. farinae, 125 for Blomia tropicalis and 2.000 for Malassezia pachydermatis. Future studies have to be conducted on atopic dogs to verify the accuracy of the intradermal testing with these concentrations.
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Avaliação toxicológica in vivo de nanocápsulas poliméricas biodegradáveisBulcão, Rachel Picada January 2013 (has links)
Nanopartículas poliméricas biodegradáveis têm recebido atenção como carreadores de fármacos ao longo dos últimos anos. Em muitos casos, a segurança destes nanocarreadores não foi demonstrada e pouco se sabe sobre a relação entre as suas características físico-químicas e suas propriedades toxicocinéticas e toxicodinâmicas. A nanotoxicologia está emergindo como uma especialidade importante da nanotecnologia e/ou toxicologia, e refere-se ao estudo da interação de nanoestruturas com sistemas biológicos. Nos últimos anos, a maioria das pesquisas foi centrada em estudos in vitro, entretanto, os resultados destes estudos necessitam também ser avaliados em experimentos in vivo para o avanço na utilização de nanocarreadores na área biomédica. Com isso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a toxicidade de nanocápsulas de núcleo lipídico (LNC), de poli(-caprolactona), após administração intraperitoneal (i.p.) e intradérmica (i.d.) em ratos Wistar. Para a avaliação toxicológica aguda, foi administrada dose única em que se observaram sinais clínicos e fisiológicos, em ambas as vias. Após 14 dias, os animais foram eutanasiados e análises macroscópicas e histopatológicas foram realizadas. Além disso, sangue e urina foram coletados para análises laboratoriais e avaliação de funções teciduais. A avaliação toxicológica subcrônica foi procedida da mesma forma, exceto pela administração de doses repetidas diárias durante 28 dias. As suspensões de nanocápsulas foram preparadas pelo método de precipitação do polímero pré-formado, as quais apresentaram tamanho médio de partícula inferior a 250 nm, índice de polidispersão (IPD) < 1, potencial zeta negativo e pH em torno de 6,7. Os animais tratados pela via i.p. (n=6/grupo) receberam para avaliação da toxicidade aguda: solução salina ou polissorbato 80 (PS80) (12 ml/kg), utilizados como controles e diferentes doses de LNC (18,03, 36,06, e 72,12 × 1012 LNC/kg); no teste de toxicidade subcrônica foram utilizados os mesmos controles porém com doses de 3mL/kg e 6,01, 12,02 ou 18,03 × 1012 LNC/kg. Nos testes de toxicidade aguda, nos animais administrados pela via i.p., foi observada diminuição significativa de peso nos grupos tratados com LNC mesmo após 14 dias da administração (p<0,05). Entretanto no teste subcrônico esta alteração foi transitória, e ocorreu apenas no grupo que recebeu a maior dose até o quinto dia de administração (p<0,05). Houve aumento no peso relativo do baço nos animais que receberam a dose mais alta de LNC (p<0,05) no tratamento agudo. A análise histopatológica em ambos os tratamentos, demonstrou a presença de um granuloma de tipo corpo estranho no fígado e no baço dos animais que receberam a dose mais alta, provavelmente devido ao volume de LNC administrado. Não houve alteração nas análises bioquímicas de dano hepático, renal, dentre outros em todos os grupos tratados. Os dados hematológicos apresentaram uma leve alteração, entretanto foi demonstrada interferência metodológica, evidenciada por testes preliminares in vitro. Além disso, foram avaliados biomarcadores do estresse oxidativo (EO), marcadores inflamatórios e de genotoxicidade. Os resultados dos biomarcadores de oxidação de proteínas e lipídios não foram suficientes para iniciar um processo oxidativo, visto que não houve peroxidação lipídica. Ainda, não houve depleção de antioxidantes, dano ao DNA ou alteração nos marcadores inflamatórios. Nos ratos tratados pela via i.d., foi utilizada solução salina 1,2 ml/kg como grupo controle e uma dose de 7,2 × 1012 LNC/kg de LNC, para um estudo preliminar agudo e solução salina ou PS 80 (0,9ml/kg) e três doses de LNC (1,8, 3,6 ou 5,4 × 1012 LNC/kg) para avaliação da toxicidade subcrônica. No teste de toxicidade aguda, não houve alteração do peso corpóreo, entretanto no teste de toxicidade subcrônica houve uma diminuição reversível do peso no grupo que recebeu PS80 (p<0,05). Os dados histopatológicos não apresentaram alteração. Não houve alteração nos parâmetros bioquímicos, exceto uma leve diminuição da atividade da butirilcolinesterase no grupo que recebeu a dose mais alta (p<0,05). Por outro lado, houve aumento nos leucócitos no grupo que recebeu LNC, no teste de toxicidade aguda e nos grupos que receberam PS 80 e 5,4 × 1012 LNC/kg (p<0,05) após doses repetidas. Em relação à avaliação sanguínea e tecidual dos biomarcadores do EO e dos marcadores inflamatórios, foi observada uma indução nos marcadores de oxidação de proteínas juntamente com uma indução enzimática nos ratos que receberam a dose mais alta, além de uma diminuição dos níveis do IL-10 nos grupos que receberam PS80 e a dose mais alta (p<0.05). Pode-se concluir que nas condições dos experimentos, tanto pela via i.p. quanto pela via i.d., não foram demonstrados danos teciduais, pois os achados laboratoriais foram condizentes com os achados histopatológicos. Além disso, os mecanismos de reparo foram suficientes para contrabalançar eventuais danos oxidativos ou inflamatórios. Assim, o presente trabalho contribui para futuras avaliações toxicológicas de nanocápsulas poliméricas, visto que foram realizadas avaliações agudas e subcrônicas sistemáticas, com marcadores de dano renal precoce e possíveis mecanismos de toxicidade envolvidos após administração por ambas as vias. O aumento na utilização destas nanocápsulas e as lacunas nas informações toxicológicas fazem com que desafios importantes devam ser superados para permitir sua incorporação segura. Com isso, estudos nesta linha podem embasar a avaliação da resposta tóxica e, consequentemente, levar ao estabelecimento de regulamentações para avaliação da toxicidade da maioria das nanopartículas poliméricas biodegradáveis utilizadas como carreadoras de fármacos. / Biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles have received attention as drug carriers over the past years. In many cases, the safety of nanocarriers has not been demonstrated and little is known about the relationship of its physicochemical characteristics and their toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic properties. Nanotoxicology is emerging as an important field of nanotechnology and toxicology, and refers to the study of the interaction of nanostructures with biological systems. In recent years, most research has focused on in vitro studies; however, the results of these studies should also be evaluated trough in vivo experiments, in order to advance in biomedical application of nanocarriers. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the toxicity of lipid-core nanocapsules (LNC), prepared with poly(ɛ-caprolactone), after intraperitoneal (i.p.) and intradermal (i.d.) administration in rats. For acute toxicological evaluation, it was administered a single dose, i.p. and i.d., clinical signs and physiological effects were observed. After 14 days, animals were euthanized and macroscopic and histopathological analyses were done. In addition, blood and urine were collected for laboratory analysis and evaluation of tissue functions. Subchronic toxicological evaluation was similar, except for the administration of repeated doses for 28 days. The suspension of nanocapsules were prepared by interfacial deposition of polymer, which had particle size less than 250 nm, polydispersity index (IPD) <1, negative zeta potential and pH around 6.7. Animals were treated via i.p. (N = 6/group), the doses used for acute toxicity test were: saline or polysorbate 80 (PS80) (12 ml/kg) as controls or three different doses of LNC (18.03, 36.06, e 72.12 × 1012 LNC/kg); for subchronic toxicity test, same controls were used but the doses were 3 ml/kg and 6.01, 12.02 ou 18.03 × 1012 LNC/kg administered daily for 28 days. In acute toxicity test, with i.p. administration, groups treated with LNC presented a significant reduction in relative weight even after 14 days of administration (p<0.05); however in the subchronic test, this change was transient, and occurred only in the group receiving the highest dose until the fifth day of administration (p<0.05). There was an increase in relative weight of spleen in animals that received the highest dose of LNC (p<0.05) in acute treatment. Histopathological analysis in both the treatments, showed a granulomatous foreign body reaction in liver and spleen of animals receiving the highest dose, probably because the volume of LNC administered. There were no changes in biochemical parameters of liver or kidney damage, among all treated groups. Hematological data showed a slight change; however it was demonstrated an interference of the methodology, further evidenced by preliminary in vitro tests. Furthermore, we evaluated biomarkers of oxidative stress (OS), inflammatory and genotoxicity markers. The results of the oxidation of proteins and lipids biomarker were not sufficient to initiate an oxidative process, since no lipid peroxidation occurred. Still, no depletion of antioxidants, DNA damage or change in inflammatory markers was observed. In rats treated via i.d., saline was used as control (1.2 ml/kg) and a dose of 7.2 × 1012 LNC/kg of LNC to a preliminary acute study, and saline or PS 80 (0.9ml/kg) used as controls or three doses of LNC (1.8, 3.6 ou 5.4 × 1012 LNC/kg) for subchronic toxicity evaluation. In acute toxicity test, there was no change in relative body weight, however, a decreased was found for the group receiving PS 80 in subchronic test (p <0.05). No histopathological alteration was found. Also, there was no change in biochemical parameters, except a slight decrease of butyrylcholinesterase activity in the group receiving the highest dose (p<0.05). Moreover, in acute toxicity test, it was found an increase in white blood cells in group receiving LNC; these increasing also occurred after repeate dose test, in PS 80 and 5.4 × 1012 LNC/kg of LNC groups (p <0.05). Regarding blood and tissue biomarkers of OS and inflammatory markers, an induction in protein oxidation marker along with antioxidant induction in rats which received the highest dose were observed, also reduced levels of IL-10 in rats that received the higher dose and PS80 (p <0.05). It can be concluded that, under the experimental conditions, for i.p. and i.d. administration, tissue damage was not found, since laboratorial analysis results were consistent with histopathological findings. Furthermore, mechanisms of repair were sufficient to offset oxidative damage or inflammation.Thus, this study contributes to future toxicological evaluations of polymeric nanocapsules, since a systematic acute and subchronic evaluation with early renal damage markers and possible mechanisms of toxicity involved after ip and id routes were performed. The increase in the use of these nanocapsules and the gaps in toxicological information make important to overcome these challenges in order to allow its safe incorporation. Thus, studies in this line are important to evaluate toxic response, and lead to establishing rules for evaluating the toxicity of most biodegradable polymer nanoparticles used as carrier of drugs.
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Avaliação de diferentes concentrações de histamina e extratos alergênicos em cães sadios submetidos a teste intradérmicoFerreira, Rafael Rodrigues January 2013 (has links)
Teste intradérmico avalia reação de hipersensibilidade a diversos agentes que possam apresentar poder reacional alérgico e são comumente utilizados para complementar o diagnóstico da dermatite atópica canina (DAC). Ainda não existe consenso sobre as concentrações de histamina e extratos alergênicos a serem utilizadas. Para determinar a concentração ideal de histamina, como controle positivo, e do limiar irritativo de extratos alergênicos em teste intradérmico é necessário que diversas concentrações sejam avaliadas em uma população bem numerosa de cães hígidos. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar em 160 cães sadios submetidos a teste intradérmico, quais seriam as concentrações de histamina e de extratos alergênicos consideradas ideais. A solução contendo 0,1 mg/mL de histamina foi considerada como parâmetro ideal, provocando reações cutâneas com diâmetro médio, mediana e desvio padrão, de 15,18 mm, 14,97 mm e 2,07 mm, respectivamente. A partir do estabelecimento da concentração de histamina, foram determinadas as concentrações ótimas dos extratos alergênicos, expressas em PNU/mL: 1.000 para Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, 500 para D. farinae, 125 para Blomia tropicalis e 2.000 para Malassezia pachydermatis. Futuros estudos devem ser conduzidos em cães atópicos para verificação da acurácia dos testes intradérmicos realizados com essas concentrações. / Intradermal testing evaluates hipersensitivity reaction to different agents that can present allergic reactivity power. It is commonly used to complement canine atopic dermatitis diagnosis. There is still no consensus about histamine concentrations and allergen extracts to be used. The determination of the histamine ideal concentration as positive control and the irritant threshold of allergen extracts for intradermal testing, requires evaluation of different concentrations on a large population of healthy dogs. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the ideal histamine and allergen extracts concentrations on 160 healthy dogs submitted to intradermal testing. A histamine solution 0,1 mg/mL was considered the ideal parameter. It caused cutaneous reactions with average diameter, median measure and standard deviation of 15.18 mm, 14.97 mm and 2.07 mm, respectively. From the histamine concentration establishment, the optimum allergen extracts concentrations were determined, expressed by PNU/mL: 1.000 for Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, 500 for D. farinae, 125 for Blomia tropicalis and 2.000 for Malassezia pachydermatis. Future studies have to be conducted on atopic dogs to verify the accuracy of the intradermal testing with these concentrations.
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