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The effect of serotonin and serotonin receptor antagonists on motion sickness in Suncus murinusNaylor, Robert J., Javid, Farideh A. January 2002 (has links)
No / In the present study, we investigated the effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and 5-HT receptor agonists and antagonists on motion sickness in Suncus murinus, and the possibility that the emetic stimulus of 5-HT can alter the sensitivity of the animals to the different emetic stimulus of motion sickness. 5-HT (1.0, 2.0, 4.0 and 8.0 mg/kg ip) induced emesis and that was antagonised by methysergide (1.0 mg/kg ip), the 5-HT4receptor antagonist sulphamate[1-[2-[(methylsulphonyl)amino]ethyl]-4-piperidinyl]methyl-5-fluoro-2-methoxy-1H-indole-3-carboxylate (GR125487D; 1.0 mg/kg ip) and granisetron (0.5 mg/kg ip). Pretreatment with 5-HT caused a dose-related attenuation of the emetic response induced by a subsequent motion stimulus, which was not significantly modified by methysergide, granisetron or GR125487D pretreatment. (+)-1-(2,5-Dimethoxy-4-iodophenyl)-2-amino-propane (DOI; 0.5 and 1.0 mg/kg ip), 8-hydroxy-2(di-n-propylamino)tetralin (8-OH-DPAT; 0.1 mg/kg ip) but not methysergide, GR125487D or granisetron, attenuated motion-induced emesis, and that was not affected by pretreatment with ketanserin (2.0 mg/kg, ip) or N-{2-[4-(2-methoxyphenyl)-1-piperazinyl]ethyl}-N-(2-pyridinyl)cyclohexanecarboxamide trihydrocholoride (WAY-100635; 1.0 mg/kg ip), respectively. Indeed, ketanserin alone (0.1, 0.3, 1.0 and 2.0 mg/kg ip) attenuated motion sickness. These data indicate that 5-HT1/2, 5-HT3 and 5-HT4 receptors are involved in the induction of 5-HT-induced emesis. However, agonist action at the 5-HT1A/7 and 5-HT2 receptors, and antagonist action at the 5-HT2A receptors can attenuate motion sickness in S. murinus.
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Pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy (PIPAC) in patients with peritoneal surface malignancies (PSM): a prospective single-center registry studyEberth, Jonas Alexander 27 June 2024 (has links)
Malignome des Peritoneums (peritoneal surface malignancies, PSMs) treten als Mesotheliome oder Metastasen auf. Ihre Diagnose bedeutet häufig eine schlechtere Prognose als bei anderen Fernmetastasen. Die Standardtherapie in palliativer Intention ist in der Regel eine systemische Chemotherapie (sCHT).
Intraperitoneale Druck-Aerosol-Chemotherapie (Pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy, PIPAC) ist eine neue, palliative Behandlungsmöglichkeit für ausgewählte Personen mit PSMs. Das Prinzip der laparoskopischen Vernebelung von Chemotherapeutika soll die Bioverfügbarkeit im Vergleich zu und anderen intraabdominellen Applikationen erhöhen. Sie wird meist in Kombination mit sCHT eingesetzt und zielt darauf ab, die Symptom- und Asziteslast der Behandelten zu reduzieren.
Diese monozentrische, prospektive Registerstudie untersucht die Sicherheit, Durchführbarkeit und Wirksamkeit der PIPAC. Einschlusskriterien waren ein histologisch gesichertes PSM und eine positive Tumorboard-Entscheidung. Ausschlusskriterien waren extraperitoneale Fernmetastasen und ein Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Performance Status größer als 2.
Vor jeder PIPAC wurde eine strukturierte Anamnese, eine körperliche Untersuchung, sowie eine ausführliche chirurgische und onkologische Aufklärung durchgeführt.
Die PIPAC-Prozeduren wurden laparoskopisch in Allgemeinanästhesie gemäß interner Standard Operating Procedure durchgeführt. Zunächst wurde Aszites aspiriert und quantifiziert. Anschließend wurde eine diagnostische Laparoskopie durchgeführt, der Zugang zum Abdomen als „access“ oder „non access“ beschrieben, sowie der peritoneale Adhäsionsindex (peritoneal adhesion index, PAI) nach Coccolini und der peritoneale Krebsindex (peritoneal cancer index, PCI) nach Sugarbaker erhoben. Sechs Peritonealbiopsien wurden standardisiert entnommen. Nach Präparation und Färbung mit Hämatoxylin und Eosin wurde die relative Tumormenge bestimmt.
Nacheinander wurden Cisplatin und Doxorubicin in einer an die Körperoberfläche angepassten Dosierung appliziert. Die Chemotherapeutika wurden mit einer Injektionspumpe bei 200 psi und mit einer Flussrate von 0,5 ml/min über einen Hochdruckschlauch zum Vernebler gefördert. Dieser wurde auf dem 12 mm Trokar befestigt und verteilte die Medikamente im Abdomen. Währenddessen befand sich das gesamte Operationspersonal im separaten Einleitungsraum. Die Applikation wurde über einen Fußschalter gesteuert und durch ein Sichtfenster überwacht. Über den Druck im Kapnoperitoneum konnte freiwerdendes Aerosol detektiert werden. Nach 30 min wurde das Aerosol analog zu Narkosegasen in die Krankenhausentlüftung abgeleitet. Anschließend wurden die Behandelten für einige Stunden im Aufwachraum überwacht und dann auf die Normalstation gebracht. Postoperative Komplikationen wurden nach der Clavien Dindo Klassifikation (CDC) dokumentiert.
Insgesamt wurden 108 Patient:innen (n = 55 Frauen, n = 53 Männer) mit einem medianen Alter von 60 Jahren (Interquartilsabstand [IQA] 53–69 Jahre) eingeschlossen. Sie wiesen Primärtumore verschiedener Entitätsgruppen auf: n = 41 (38 %) gastral, n = 26 (24 %) kolorektal, n = 9 (8 %) gynäkologisch und n = 15 (14 %) weitere (n = 7 Mesotheliome, n = 3 Pseudomyxoma peritonei, n = 5 Krebserkrankungen mit unbekanntem Primärtumor). Im Median wurden zwei PIPAC-Prozeduren pro Patient:in durchgeführt (IQA 1–3). Bei 12 Patient:innen wurde zuvor eine zytoreduktive Chirurgie (CRS) mit hyperthermer intraperitonealer Chemoperfusion (HIPEC) durchgeführt.
Von 230 geplanten PIPAC-Prozeduren konnten 189 durchgeführt werden. 41 Prozeduren mussten abgebrochen oder storniert werden: 9 Patient:innen zeigten bei der Aufnahmeuntersuchung einen verschlechterten Allgemeinzustand (z. B. neue Fernmetastasen im Computertomogramm). 3 Patient:innen aspirierten während der Narkoseeinleitung. Bei 7 Laparoskopien war makroskopisch kein PSM mehr nachweisbar. In 22 Fällen war das Abdomen nicht zugänglich (non-access) und/oder es kam zu Darmläsionen.
Bei der Aufnahmeuntersuchung vor jeder PIPAC-Prozedur wiesen die Patient:innen in den meisten Fällen keine der spezifisch erhobenen Symptome auf. 55 (24 %) klagten über Bauchschmerzen, 47 (21 %) über Übelkeit oder Erbrechen, 16 (7 %) über Obstipation und 4 (2 %) über Dysphagie (mehrere Symptome gleichzeitig möglich). Die folgenden prä- und perioperativ erhobenen Werte änderten sich nicht signifikant mit aufeinanderfolgenden PIPAC-Prozeduren pro Patient:in (Varianzanalyse [analysis of variance, ANOVA], p > 0,1): ECOG Performance Status (Median 1, IQA 0–1), American Society of Anesthesiologists Klassifikation (Median 3, IQA 2–3), nutritional risk screening (NRS) (Median 2, IQA 2–3), global health status der European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) (Median 50, IQA 33–67), Operationsdauer (Mittelwert 104 min, Standardfehler des Mittelwertes 1,5 min), PCI (Median 15, IQA 6–24), PAI (Median 4, IQA 0–12) und maximaler histologischer Tumoranteil (Median 24 %, IQA 5–60 %). Die ersten drei konsekutiven PIPAC-Prozeduren zeigten eine signifikante Reduktion des Aszitesvolumens (ANOVA, p = 0,016). Die mediane postoperative Liegedauer betrug 4 Tage (IQA 3 4 Tage). Bei 31 von 213 PIPAC-Prozeduren (14,6 %), bei denen die Patient:innen in den Operationstrakt gebracht worden waren, traten postoperative Komplikationen auf (10,8 % Grad II, 2,4 % Grad IV, 1,4 % Grad V nach CDC).
Insgesamt wurden 21 non access-Fälle (9,9 % der 213 PIPAC-Prozeduren, bei denen die Patient:innen in den Operationstrakt gebracht worden waren) und 14 intraoperative Komplikationen (6,6 %) dokumentiert. In den 21 non access-Situationen traten 8 Darmläsionen auf (n = 4 Serosaläsionen, n = 4 transmurale Perforationen). Postoperativ kam es bei den non access Fällen zu 4 Komplikationen Grad II nach CDC und keinen höhergradigen Komplikationen. Bei 3 weiteren Prozeduren traten Darmläsionen ohne non access auf (n = 1 Serosa, n = 2 transmural). Ein:e Patient:in verstarb nach Darmläsion mit nachfolgender Nahtinsuffizienz, Peritonitis und Sepsis. Bei 3 Narkoseeinleitungen aspirierten die Patient:innen und entwickelten daraufhin eine Pneumonie. Auf der Intensivstation wurde sofort eine kalkulierte Antibiotikatherapie eingeleitet. Dennoch verstarben 2 von 3 Patient:innen nach 3 bzw. 4 Tagen. Ein:e Patient:in konnte erfolgreich behandelt und nach 15 Tagen entlassen werden.
Aufgrund der hohen Inzidenz von non access und Darmläsionen wurde nach prädiktiven Markern gesucht. Patient:innen mit einer CRS mit HIPEC in der Vorgeschichte hatten ein signifikant erhöhtes Risiko für non access (Odds Ratio [OR] 5,9, χ², p < 0,01) und Darmläsionen (OR 6,4, χ², p < 0,01). Patient:innen mit mehr als zwei Voroperationen im Bauchraum wiesen ebenso ein signifikant erhöhtes Risiko für non-access (OR 4,9, χ², p < 0,01) und Darmläsionen (OR 4,9, χ², p = 0,01) auf.
Am Ende des Studienzeitraums befanden sich noch 6 Patient:innen in Therapie. Bei den Übrigen (bei denen mindestens eine PIPAC-Prozedur durchgeführt wurde) gab es unterschiedliche Gründe für die Beendigung der Therapie: n = 26 (34 %) verstorben, n = 20 (26 %) Progression der Grunderkrankung, n = 12 (16 %) Regression der Grunderkrankung (n = 7 ohne weitere Therapie, n = 5 anschließend CRS mit HIPEC), n = 6 (8 %) non-access, n = 5 (6 %) Patient:innenwunsch, n = 8 (10 %) kein Grund dokumentiert. Das mediane Gesamtüberleben ab der ersten geplanten PIPAC-Prozedur betrug 264 Tage (IQA 108–586).
Insgesamt stellt die PIPAC eine neuartige off-label-Therapie für Patient:innen mit PSMs dar, deren Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit untersucht werden muss. Sie sollte daher nur im Rahmen klinischer Studien durchgeführt werden. Die vorliegende Studie liefert eine genaue Dokumentation von Symptomen, Komplikationen und unerwünschten Ereignissen im Zusammenhang mit PIPAC.
In Zusammenschau der vorhandenen Studien scheint die PIPAC gut geeignet zu sein, PSMs und Lebensqualität zu stabilisieren. Zum Nachweis eines kausalen Effekts sind jedoch randomisierte, kontrollierte Studien nötig.:Einführung 1
Epidemiologie 1
Magenkarzinom 1
Kolorektales Karzinom 1
Ovarialkarzinom 1
Pankreaskarzinom 2
Mesotheliom 2
Pseudomyxoma peritonei 2
Pathophysiologie 2
Ablösung vitaler Krebszellen 2
Intraperitonealer Transport 3
Adhäsion und Invasion 3
Wachstum und Metastasierung 3
Symptome/Klinik 3
Diagnostik 3
Bildgebende Verfahren 3
Peritonealer Krebsindex 5
Peritonealer Adhäsionsindex 5
Therapie 5
Systemische Therapie 6
Zytoreduktive Chirurgie 6
Hypertherme intraperitoneale Chemoperfusion 6
Intraperitoneale Druck-Aerosol-Chemotherapie 7
Weitere Therapieoptionen 8
Zielsetzung 8
Publikation 9
Zusammenfassung 21
Literaturverzeichnis 24
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Approches thérapeutiques de la carcinose péritonéale d’origine appendiculaire récidivanteGaudreau, Annie 11 1900 (has links)
Objectif: Le traitement de la carcinose péritonéale (CP) d’origine appendiculaire récidivante demeure sous-étudié. L’objectif est d’évaluer le traitement à offrir aux patients présentant une récidive de la maladie. Méthodologie: Depuis 2003, les données de tous les patients avec CP d’origine appendiculaire traités dans notre centre ont été recueillies. Le traitement de la maladie primaire consistait en une cytoréduction chirurgicale complète de la CP suivie d’une chimiothérapie hyperthermique intra-péritoneale (CHIP) à l’oxaliplatine. Lors d’une récidive, une deuxième cytoréduction avec une CHIP à la mitomycine C était offerte aux patients rencontrant certains critères de sélection. Résultats: Un total de 58 patients ont subi une cytoréduction complète suivie d’une CHIP avec l’oxaliplatine. Durant la période de suivi, 22 patients démontrèrent une maladie récidivante (39%). Le péritoine était le site de récidive le plus fréquent. Les survies sans maladie étaient statistiquement différentes selon le grade histopathologique et le degré de complétude de la cytoréduction. Parmi ces 22 patients, huit patients ont reçu une deuxième cytoréduction suivie d’une CHIP à la mitomycine C, un patient a subi une cytoréduction complète seule et 13 patients avaient une maladie non résécable. La survie globale moyenne des patients ayant reçu un deuxième traitement fut de 28 mois. Les taux de morbidité et de mortalité suite à une deuxième cytoréduction suivie d’une CHIP furent de 25% et 0%, respectivement. Conclusion: Une cytoréduction suivie d’une CHIP demeure une intervention possible chez les patients qui présentent une maladie récidivante, mais certains critères doivent être appliqués afin de maximiser la survie et minimiser la morbidité et la mortalité de cette approche. / Background: Additional treatment in patients presenting recurrent peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) has been much overlooked in the literature. The aim of this study is to assess the effects of additional treatment in patients with recurrent disease despite a first CRS with HIPEC. Methods: Since 2003, data from all patients with PC arising from the appendix treated in our center were prospectively collected. Treatment of primary disease consisted in CRS followed by hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) with oxaliplatin. When recurrent disease occurred, second CRS followed by HIPEC with mitomycin C were offered to patients meeting some selection criteria. Results: A total of 58 patients underwent CRS followed by HIPEC with oxaliplatin. During follow-up, 22 patients developed recurrent disease (39%). Peritoneum was the most common site of treatment failure. In the entire series, histologic grades and completeness of CRS were significant independent predictors of disease-free survival. Among patients with recurrent disease (n=22), eight patients underwent second CRS followed by HIPEC with mitomycin C, one patient received a CRS alone, and thirteen patients had unresectable disease. Mean overall survival for patients who received a second treatment (n=8) was 28 months. Morbidity and mortality rates following second CRS and HIPEC were 25% and 0%, respectively. Conclusions: CRS followed by HIPEC remains a possible intervention in patients with recurrent disease, but some selection criteria should be applied in order to maximise survival and minimise morbidity and mortality of this approach.
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Effet de la température sur l’absorption tissulaire et systémique de l’oxaliplatine administrée par voie intrapéritonéale chez l’animalPiché, Nelson 08 1900 (has links)
Depuis 20 ans, certains patients porteurs d’une carcinose péritonéale sont traités par une chirurgie de cytoréduction combinée avec une chimiohyperthermie intrapéritonéale (CHIP). Bien que l’oxaliplatine (OX) soit couramment utilisée lors de CHIP, une telle utilisation chez l’humain n’est supportée que par des études de phase II et il n’y a pas d’études précliniques caractérisant les propriétés de l’OX dans le contexte d’administration intrapéritonéale. L’objectif de ce projet de maîtrise est d’étudier l’effet de la température sur l’absorption tissulaire et systémique de l’OX administrée par voie intrapéritonéale chez le rat. Nous avons procédé à une perfusion intrapéritonéale de 3 différentes doses d’OX à 3 différentes températures pendant 25 minutes chez une total 35 rats Sprague-Dawley, puis effectué le dosage des concentrations d’OX dans différents compartiments. Nous avons observé une augmentation linéaire (p<0,05) entre la dose d’OX administrée et sa concentration dans tous les compartiments (péritoine, mésentère, sang portal et systémique). De plus, avec l’augmentation de la température de perfusion, nous avons observé une augmentation de la concentration d’OX dans le péritoine mais une diminution de sa concentration dans les compartiments systémique et portal (p<0,05). Ces résultats démontrent donc que la dose et l’hyperthermie augmentent indépendamment la pénétration tissulaire de l’OX et que l’hyperthermie limite son absorption systémique. Ces observations suggèrent que l’hyperthermie pourrait réduire la toxicité systémique de l’OX. Pour connaître la cinétique de l’OX, des études subséquentes doivent être faites. / Over the last twenty years, certain patients afflicted with peritoneal carcinomatosis have been treated with a combination of cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemoperfusion. Supported by phase II studies only, Oxaliplatin (OX) is commonly used in this context. However, pre-clinical studies to characterize its properties in such conditions are lacking. The purpose of this project is to study the effect of temperature on tissue and systemic absorption of OX when administered by intraperitoneal route in the rat. By intraperitoneal route, we administered 3 different doses of OX at 3 different temperatures for 25 minutes on 35 Sprague-Dawley rats. Samples from selected compartments were harvested and OX concentration was measured using high performance liquid chromatography. We obtained a linear correlation (p<0.05) between OX dose and tissue concentration in every compartments analyzed (peritoneum, mesentery, systemic and portal blood). With hyperthermia, we observed an increase in peritoneum and mesentery concentration of OX, but a decrease it its systemic and portal concentration (p<0.05). Intraperitoneal administration of OX leads to high concentration of drug in local tissues. Hyperthermia enhances tissue absorption and minimizes systemic absorption suggesting it could reduce systemic toxicity. Additional studies are needed to further define the pharmacokinetics of OX administered by intraperitoneal route.
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Efeito da hepatectomia parcial associada à administração de fatores nutricionais hepatotróficos sobre a morfologia, função e expressão de genes pró-fibróticos na cirrose hepática em ratos Wistar induzida por tiocetamida / Effects of partial hepatectomy associated with administration of nutritional hepatotrophic factors in morphology, function and expression of pro-fibrotic genes in thioacetamide-induced liver cirrhosis in Wistar ratsTrotta, Mauricio de Rosa 15 December 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho avaliou o papel da solução parenteral de fatores hepatotróficos nutricionais em animais com cirrose submetidos à hepatectomia parcial. Este procedimento é temido nestes animais devido à possibilidade de ocorrência de falência hepática aguda, já que a remoção de um fragmento do fígado reduz ainda mais a capacidade funcional de um órgão já comprometido. Além disso, é conhecido que o fígado cirrótico diminui sua capacidade regenerativa, fato que atrasa a recuperação do animal, bem como também regenera cirroticamente. Esses fatores, aliados, contribuem para uma considerável taxa de mortalidade pós-operatória. Porém, há algumas situações em que estes pacientes precisam ser submetidos a ressecções hepáticas, tais como traumas, infecções e neoplasias. De fato, a presença de hepatocarcinomas representa a maior indicação deste procedimento em fígados cirróticos. Por outro lado, tem-se mostrado que a administração parenteral de solução de fatores hepatotróficos nutricionais (FHN), uma mistura de aminoácidos, vitaminas, sais minerais e hormônios, aumenta consideravelmente a proliferação celular e o tamanho do fígado em animais sadios, com fibrose e com cirrose. Nestes dois últimos, além do crescimento hepático, ocorre também uma importante redução na quantidade de colágeno, significando uma melhora morfológica que, por muitas vezes, resulta em uma melhora funcional. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi o verificar se o uso de fatores hepatotróficos nutricionais traria também uma melhora morfológica e funcional em animais com cirrose induzida por tiocetamida após uma ressecção hepática de 40%. Utilizou-se 40 ratos (Rattus norvegicus) Wistar fêmeas cuja indução da cirrose foi pela administração intraperitoneal de tiocetamida. Ao final deste período, e após 10 dias de descanso, todos os animais foram submetidos a uma hepatectomia parcial (HP) de 40%. Foram então divididos em dois grupos: um que recebeu intraperitonealmente a solução de fatores hepatotróficos nutricionais durante 12 dias, designado grupo HP+FHN, e outro que recebeu solução fisiológica nas mesmas condições, formando o grupo HP+S. Os seguintes parâmetros foram avaliados no término do período experimental: dados biométricos (peso do fígado, IHS: índice hepassomático e IHC: índice hepatocarcaça), bioquímica hepática plasmática (AST, ALT, fosfatase alcalina, bilirrubina total e albumina), quantificação da densidade volumétrica de colágeno hepático por morfometria, quantificação do índice de proliferação celular por imunohistoquímica para PCNA e expressão de genes pró-fibróticos (MMP2, TIMP1, Cola1 e TGFb1) por PCR em tempo real. De fato, os fígados dos animais do grupo HP+FHN estavam maiores do que os animais do grupo HP+S (aumentos de 8,4%, 5,6% e 8,4% no peso do fígado, IHS e IHC respectivamente), e também apresentaram maior índice de proliferação de hepatócitos (44,9%). Ocorreu também redução de 27,9% na densidade volumétrica do colágeno hepático no grupo que recebeu FHN comparandose com o grupo que recebeu solução salina. Esta redução também foi observada na expressão do gene de colágeno a1, que foi de 53%. Porém, não houve diferença nos demais genes avaliados. Dentre os parâmetros bioquímicos, apenas a fosfatase alcalina mostrou redução. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que o uso de FHN acarreta em um aumento da regeneração hepática acompanhado de uma redução da quantidade de colágeno e, esses achados, em conjunto, podem representar uma condição benéfica na recuperação de pacientes com cirrose submetidos à ressecção hepática / The current study evaluated the role of parenteral solution of nutritional hepatotrophic factors in animals with cirrhosis undergoing partial hepatectomy. This procedure is fearful in these animals due to the possibility of acute liver failure, since removal of a liver fragment further reduces the functional capacity of an already compromised organ. Moreover, it is known that cirrhotic liver decreases its regenerative capacity, which impairs the recovery of the animal, and also regenerates cirrhotic. These factors, together, contribute to a considerable rate of postoperative mortality. However, there are some situations when these patients need to be submitted to liver resection, such as trauma, infections and neoplasm. In fact, the presence of hepatocellular carcinoma represents the most important indication of this procedure in patients with cirrhosis. On the other hand, it has been shown that parenteral administration of a solution of the nutritional hepatotrophic factors (NHF), a mixture of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and hormones, significantly increases cell proliferation and liver size in healthy, fibrotic and cirrhotic animals. In the two latter, beyond the liver growth, there is also a significant reduction in the amount of collagen, meaning a morphological enhancement, resulting in a functional improvement. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine whether the use of nutritional hepatotrophic factors would also lead a morphological and functional improvement in animals with thioacetamide-induced cirrhosis after 40% liver resection. We used 40 rats (Rattus norvegicus) female Wistar whose cirrhosis was induced by intraperitoneal administration thioacetamide. At the end of this period, and after 10 days of rest, all animals were underwent a partial hepatectomy (PH) of 40%. They were then divided into two groups: one that received intraperitoneally a solution of nutritional hepatotrophic factors for 12 days, designated PH+NHF group, and another that received saline under the same conditions, forming the PH+S group. The following parameters were evaluated at the end of the trial period: biometrics (liver weight, HSI hepatossomatic index, and HCI hepatocarcass index), plasmatic liver biochemistry (AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, total bilirubin and albumin), quantification of volume density of collagen in liver morphology, quantification of cell proliferation by immunohistochemistry for PCNA and expression of pro-fibrotic genes (MMP2, TIMP1, TGF1 and Cola1) by real-time PCR. In fact, the livers of animals in group PH+NHF were larger than the animals in PH+S group (increases of 8.4%, 5.6% and 8.4% in liver weight, HSI and HCI, respectively), and also had higher rates of proliferation of hepatocytes (44.9%). There was also a 27.9% reduction in liver volume density of collagen in the group receiving NHF compared with the group that received saline. This reduction was also observed in gene expression of collagen a1, which was 53%. However, there were no differences in other genes evaluated. Among biochemical parameters, only the alkaline phosphatase showed a reduction. The results indicate that the use of NHF leads to an increase in liver regeneration accompanied by a reduction in the amount of collagen, and these findings, together, can represent a beneficial condition in the recovery of patients with cirrhosis undergoing liver resection
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Monitoring of Splanchnic Regional Perfusion : An Experimental Study of New Application and ValidationKoga, Itaru January 2003 (has links)
<p>Systemic infection, major surgery, trauma and many other causes can lead to impaired organ function. Compensated shock is not detected by global hemodynamic and oxygen measurements, as they take no account for regional variations. Focus has therefore gradually turned from looking at systemic changes to selective investigations of regional blood flow and ischemia. This thesis presents a series of experiments evaluating new application and validation of various monitoring techniques.</p><p>An experimental porcine model with anesthetized and invasively monitored animals was used. The circulatory interventions included endotoxin infusion (septic shock), aortic constriction and selective clamping of splanchnic arteries. The aim was to compare air with saline tonometry, to validate the intraperitoneal use of tonometry and to reexamine the use of endoluminal reflectance pulse oxymetry. To investigate the relative contributions of regional blood flow and detection of ischemia, measurements of hepatic venous oxygen saturation (ShvO<sub>2</sub>), lactate concentrations and PCO<sub>2</sub> gap were used.</p><p>Our findings support the use of air instead of saline as the preferred technique for tonometric measurements. With the intraperitoneal application of tonometry we gain more information on regional aspects of the splanchnic circulation, and it appears to be a reliable monitoring option for early detection of ischemia in the small intestine. Measurements of ShvO<sub>2 </sub>will give an overall reflection of the intestinal circulation. The sigmoid colonic pulse oximetry showed a non-linear response in relation to regional blood flow, and will therefore not be able to detect gradual changes in oxygen saturation. Determination of the regional to endtidal PCO<sub>2</sub> gap might prove valuable for monitoring of the intestinal circulation.</p><p>Because of sophisticated interactions between portal and hepatic arterial blood flow and hepatic compensation for regional ischemia, a combination of monitoring techniques might be needed. The results of this study will hopefully encourage clinical evaluation of intraperitoneal tonometry and endtidal PCO<sub>2</sub> gap recordings for non-invasive, semi-continuous, trend monitoring of the splanchnic circulation.</p>
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Monitoring of Splanchnic Regional Perfusion : An Experimental Study of New Application and ValidationKoga, Itaru January 2003 (has links)
Systemic infection, major surgery, trauma and many other causes can lead to impaired organ function. Compensated shock is not detected by global hemodynamic and oxygen measurements, as they take no account for regional variations. Focus has therefore gradually turned from looking at systemic changes to selective investigations of regional blood flow and ischemia. This thesis presents a series of experiments evaluating new application and validation of various monitoring techniques. An experimental porcine model with anesthetized and invasively monitored animals was used. The circulatory interventions included endotoxin infusion (septic shock), aortic constriction and selective clamping of splanchnic arteries. The aim was to compare air with saline tonometry, to validate the intraperitoneal use of tonometry and to reexamine the use of endoluminal reflectance pulse oxymetry. To investigate the relative contributions of regional blood flow and detection of ischemia, measurements of hepatic venous oxygen saturation (ShvO2), lactate concentrations and PCO2 gap were used. Our findings support the use of air instead of saline as the preferred technique for tonometric measurements. With the intraperitoneal application of tonometry we gain more information on regional aspects of the splanchnic circulation, and it appears to be a reliable monitoring option for early detection of ischemia in the small intestine. Measurements of ShvO2 will give an overall reflection of the intestinal circulation. The sigmoid colonic pulse oximetry showed a non-linear response in relation to regional blood flow, and will therefore not be able to detect gradual changes in oxygen saturation. Determination of the regional to endtidal PCO2 gap might prove valuable for monitoring of the intestinal circulation. Because of sophisticated interactions between portal and hepatic arterial blood flow and hepatic compensation for regional ischemia, a combination of monitoring techniques might be needed. The results of this study will hopefully encourage clinical evaluation of intraperitoneal tonometry and endtidal PCO2 gap recordings for non-invasive, semi-continuous, trend monitoring of the splanchnic circulation.
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Effet de la température sur l’absorption tissulaire et systémique de l’oxaliplatine administrée par voie intrapéritonéale chez l’animalPiché, Nelson 08 1900 (has links)
Depuis 20 ans, certains patients porteurs d’une carcinose péritonéale sont traités par une chirurgie de cytoréduction combinée avec une chimiohyperthermie intrapéritonéale (CHIP). Bien que l’oxaliplatine (OX) soit couramment utilisée lors de CHIP, une telle utilisation chez l’humain n’est supportée que par des études de phase II et il n’y a pas d’études précliniques caractérisant les propriétés de l’OX dans le contexte d’administration intrapéritonéale. L’objectif de ce projet de maîtrise est d’étudier l’effet de la température sur l’absorption tissulaire et systémique de l’OX administrée par voie intrapéritonéale chez le rat. Nous avons procédé à une perfusion intrapéritonéale de 3 différentes doses d’OX à 3 différentes températures pendant 25 minutes chez une total 35 rats Sprague-Dawley, puis effectué le dosage des concentrations d’OX dans différents compartiments. Nous avons observé une augmentation linéaire (p<0,05) entre la dose d’OX administrée et sa concentration dans tous les compartiments (péritoine, mésentère, sang portal et systémique). De plus, avec l’augmentation de la température de perfusion, nous avons observé une augmentation de la concentration d’OX dans le péritoine mais une diminution de sa concentration dans les compartiments systémique et portal (p<0,05). Ces résultats démontrent donc que la dose et l’hyperthermie augmentent indépendamment la pénétration tissulaire de l’OX et que l’hyperthermie limite son absorption systémique. Ces observations suggèrent que l’hyperthermie pourrait réduire la toxicité systémique de l’OX. Pour connaître la cinétique de l’OX, des études subséquentes doivent être faites. / Over the last twenty years, certain patients afflicted with peritoneal carcinomatosis have been treated with a combination of cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemoperfusion. Supported by phase II studies only, Oxaliplatin (OX) is commonly used in this context. However, pre-clinical studies to characterize its properties in such conditions are lacking. The purpose of this project is to study the effect of temperature on tissue and systemic absorption of OX when administered by intraperitoneal route in the rat. By intraperitoneal route, we administered 3 different doses of OX at 3 different temperatures for 25 minutes on 35 Sprague-Dawley rats. Samples from selected compartments were harvested and OX concentration was measured using high performance liquid chromatography. We obtained a linear correlation (p<0.05) between OX dose and tissue concentration in every compartments analyzed (peritoneum, mesentery, systemic and portal blood). With hyperthermia, we observed an increase in peritoneum and mesentery concentration of OX, but a decrease it its systemic and portal concentration (p<0.05). Intraperitoneal administration of OX leads to high concentration of drug in local tissues. Hyperthermia enhances tissue absorption and minimizes systemic absorption suggesting it could reduce systemic toxicity. Additional studies are needed to further define the pharmacokinetics of OX administered by intraperitoneal route.
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Ochrana personálu při cytoredukční chirurgii a hypertermické intraperitoneální chemoterapii / Personnel safety during cytoreductive surgery and hypertermic intraperitoneal chemotherapyStein, Radim January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the protection of personnel in cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy, focusing on non-medical healthcare workers - anesthetist nurses. The aim of the work was to analyze the knowledge of anesthesia nurses in the use of personal protective equipment, the specifics of selection for the given performance, the use of an electrocautery with integrated suction, the availability of decontamination aids In case of an accident of cytotoxic substances and if the staff is afraid of their own health. The data was obtained through a questionnaire. For the research were selected anesthesia nurses working in operating theaters in selected health care facilities in the Czech Republic. The total number of respondents who participated in the research was 35. The results of the survey revealed that the staff did not find out what PPEs are recommended for this type of operation. It's either because the staff is less linguistically equipped or does not know EBN / EBP or EBM. The staff only uses those PPEs that are available to them. As a good result, 49% of respondents use an integrated electric exhaust system. With regard to the availability of decontamination aids, I have found that most of the staff does not know whether these utilities are available at...
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Efeito da hepatectomia parcial associada à administração de fatores nutricionais hepatotróficos sobre a morfologia, função e expressão de genes pró-fibróticos na cirrose hepática em ratos Wistar induzida por tiocetamida / Effects of partial hepatectomy associated with administration of nutritional hepatotrophic factors in morphology, function and expression of pro-fibrotic genes in thioacetamide-induced liver cirrhosis in Wistar ratsMauricio de Rosa Trotta 15 December 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho avaliou o papel da solução parenteral de fatores hepatotróficos nutricionais em animais com cirrose submetidos à hepatectomia parcial. Este procedimento é temido nestes animais devido à possibilidade de ocorrência de falência hepática aguda, já que a remoção de um fragmento do fígado reduz ainda mais a capacidade funcional de um órgão já comprometido. Além disso, é conhecido que o fígado cirrótico diminui sua capacidade regenerativa, fato que atrasa a recuperação do animal, bem como também regenera cirroticamente. Esses fatores, aliados, contribuem para uma considerável taxa de mortalidade pós-operatória. Porém, há algumas situações em que estes pacientes precisam ser submetidos a ressecções hepáticas, tais como traumas, infecções e neoplasias. De fato, a presença de hepatocarcinomas representa a maior indicação deste procedimento em fígados cirróticos. Por outro lado, tem-se mostrado que a administração parenteral de solução de fatores hepatotróficos nutricionais (FHN), uma mistura de aminoácidos, vitaminas, sais minerais e hormônios, aumenta consideravelmente a proliferação celular e o tamanho do fígado em animais sadios, com fibrose e com cirrose. Nestes dois últimos, além do crescimento hepático, ocorre também uma importante redução na quantidade de colágeno, significando uma melhora morfológica que, por muitas vezes, resulta em uma melhora funcional. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi o verificar se o uso de fatores hepatotróficos nutricionais traria também uma melhora morfológica e funcional em animais com cirrose induzida por tiocetamida após uma ressecção hepática de 40%. Utilizou-se 40 ratos (Rattus norvegicus) Wistar fêmeas cuja indução da cirrose foi pela administração intraperitoneal de tiocetamida. Ao final deste período, e após 10 dias de descanso, todos os animais foram submetidos a uma hepatectomia parcial (HP) de 40%. Foram então divididos em dois grupos: um que recebeu intraperitonealmente a solução de fatores hepatotróficos nutricionais durante 12 dias, designado grupo HP+FHN, e outro que recebeu solução fisiológica nas mesmas condições, formando o grupo HP+S. Os seguintes parâmetros foram avaliados no término do período experimental: dados biométricos (peso do fígado, IHS: índice hepassomático e IHC: índice hepatocarcaça), bioquímica hepática plasmática (AST, ALT, fosfatase alcalina, bilirrubina total e albumina), quantificação da densidade volumétrica de colágeno hepático por morfometria, quantificação do índice de proliferação celular por imunohistoquímica para PCNA e expressão de genes pró-fibróticos (MMP2, TIMP1, Cola1 e TGFb1) por PCR em tempo real. De fato, os fígados dos animais do grupo HP+FHN estavam maiores do que os animais do grupo HP+S (aumentos de 8,4%, 5,6% e 8,4% no peso do fígado, IHS e IHC respectivamente), e também apresentaram maior índice de proliferação de hepatócitos (44,9%). Ocorreu também redução de 27,9% na densidade volumétrica do colágeno hepático no grupo que recebeu FHN comparandose com o grupo que recebeu solução salina. Esta redução também foi observada na expressão do gene de colágeno a1, que foi de 53%. Porém, não houve diferença nos demais genes avaliados. Dentre os parâmetros bioquímicos, apenas a fosfatase alcalina mostrou redução. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que o uso de FHN acarreta em um aumento da regeneração hepática acompanhado de uma redução da quantidade de colágeno e, esses achados, em conjunto, podem representar uma condição benéfica na recuperação de pacientes com cirrose submetidos à ressecção hepática / The current study evaluated the role of parenteral solution of nutritional hepatotrophic factors in animals with cirrhosis undergoing partial hepatectomy. This procedure is fearful in these animals due to the possibility of acute liver failure, since removal of a liver fragment further reduces the functional capacity of an already compromised organ. Moreover, it is known that cirrhotic liver decreases its regenerative capacity, which impairs the recovery of the animal, and also regenerates cirrhotic. These factors, together, contribute to a considerable rate of postoperative mortality. However, there are some situations when these patients need to be submitted to liver resection, such as trauma, infections and neoplasm. In fact, the presence of hepatocellular carcinoma represents the most important indication of this procedure in patients with cirrhosis. On the other hand, it has been shown that parenteral administration of a solution of the nutritional hepatotrophic factors (NHF), a mixture of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and hormones, significantly increases cell proliferation and liver size in healthy, fibrotic and cirrhotic animals. In the two latter, beyond the liver growth, there is also a significant reduction in the amount of collagen, meaning a morphological enhancement, resulting in a functional improvement. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine whether the use of nutritional hepatotrophic factors would also lead a morphological and functional improvement in animals with thioacetamide-induced cirrhosis after 40% liver resection. We used 40 rats (Rattus norvegicus) female Wistar whose cirrhosis was induced by intraperitoneal administration thioacetamide. At the end of this period, and after 10 days of rest, all animals were underwent a partial hepatectomy (PH) of 40%. They were then divided into two groups: one that received intraperitoneally a solution of nutritional hepatotrophic factors for 12 days, designated PH+NHF group, and another that received saline under the same conditions, forming the PH+S group. The following parameters were evaluated at the end of the trial period: biometrics (liver weight, HSI hepatossomatic index, and HCI hepatocarcass index), plasmatic liver biochemistry (AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, total bilirubin and albumin), quantification of volume density of collagen in liver morphology, quantification of cell proliferation by immunohistochemistry for PCNA and expression of pro-fibrotic genes (MMP2, TIMP1, TGF1 and Cola1) by real-time PCR. In fact, the livers of animals in group PH+NHF were larger than the animals in PH+S group (increases of 8.4%, 5.6% and 8.4% in liver weight, HSI and HCI, respectively), and also had higher rates of proliferation of hepatocytes (44.9%). There was also a 27.9% reduction in liver volume density of collagen in the group receiving NHF compared with the group that received saline. This reduction was also observed in gene expression of collagen a1, which was 53%. However, there were no differences in other genes evaluated. Among biochemical parameters, only the alkaline phosphatase showed a reduction. The results indicate that the use of NHF leads to an increase in liver regeneration accompanied by a reduction in the amount of collagen, and these findings, together, can represent a beneficial condition in the recovery of patients with cirrhosis undergoing liver resection
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