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Nedotknutelnost místností mise / Inviolability of Mission PremisesHedvábná, Markéta January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyse the inviolability of diplomatic mission premises, as it is one of the basic principles of diplomatic law. The thesis examines the contents of this term, deals with its historical development and contemplates the unsolved questions related to the inviolability of mission premises. It presents a range of cases of violation or abuse of the inviolability of mission premises in the past as well as at the present time and at the end it tries to find out to what extent the current regulation of this institution in international law corresponds to the actual state practice. The thesis is based on international law regulations, theoretical approaches and description of the past experience of individual countries.
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Teisės į kūno neliečiamumą ir vientisumą gynimas pagal Lietuvos Respublikos civilinį kodeksą / Right to inviolability and integrity of the person according to the civil code of the Republic of LithuaniaKemežytė, Gintarė 24 January 2007 (has links)
The body of a person, assumption of bodily inviolability is the inherent matter acknowledged all over the world. Therefore each person has an inherent right to decide on any actions related to its body.By giving consent a person exercised his right to decided on any effect on his body. The problems caused by the inappropriate way of giving consent show the gaps of the legal acts, the problems of their implementation, possibilities of their improvement, etc.The cases when the person's right to inviolability and integrity of the person is violated presuppose the discussion on the issue of legal responsibility. In order to exercise one’s right to protection of the infringed right, it is necessary to know the institution where one should apply. It is necessary to emphasize that not only the court may guarantee the appropriate protection of the right. The main pre-trial institutions, which examine the complaints concerning the damage caused by the infringement of right to inviolability and integrity of the person, are the Commission and the Inspectorate.Thus, the protection of the right to inviolability and integrity of the person is not only the application to any institution for indemnification. This is a certain process, which starts from the meaning of the concept of this right. The content of this right sets the limits, which may not be outreached by the other person.
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Exekuce prodejem movitých věcí jako zásah do nedotknutelnosti obydlí / Execution sale of movable property as an interference with the inviolability of the dwellingTykvová, Iveta January 2017 (has links)
The master's thesis focuses on a topic which lies on the intersection of civil law procedure and constitutional law. The chosen type of execution proceedings is looked at through the lens of constitutional law with specific focus on dwelling and inviolability of the home, which are interfered with by specific steps of the execution sale of movable property. The aim of the thesis is to bring forth an analysis of the topic from an unusual perspective, and therein answer several research questions, especially to lay out specific (impermissible) interferences with the inviolability of the dwelling within execution proceedings with the goal of highlighting inviolability of the home as a value embodied in the constitutional system of the Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into two parts and only the conjunction of these parts forms a unique whole. The first part focuses on execution sale of movable items. Firstly, it gives an overview of the execution proceedings and clarifies the purpose and goals of the court executors. In the following chapter the thesis looks at the distraining enforcer as a person in direct contact with the debtors and third parties during his on-the-spot operations for the purpose of execution proceedings. The text then shifts its focus to specific aspects of execution sale of...
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Ústavněprávní ochrana tělesné integrity pacientů / Constitutional Protection of Physical Integrity of PatientsVu Thanh, Tam January 2020 (has links)
The main topic of the master's thesis is protection of bodily integrity, which started to play an important role since the beginning of this millennium in the continental Europe in support of patient's individual rights. The thesis particularly undergoes research by which means is patient's bodily integrity guaranteed on the constitutional level. For that purpose, the thesis analyses informed consent in its various forms, namely in comparisons to foreign literature and judgements in USA and United Kingdom. Simultaneously the court decision became the centre of attention, because of its guarantee to protect bodily integrity to minors and incompatible people. These conclusions the thesis then follows up and applies on cases, in which is bodily integrity of patient is most vulnerable. The conclusion of this thesis is that the protection of bodily integrity is guaranteed on the constitutional level by art. 7 par. 1 Charter of fundamental rights and freedoms and art. 8 European Convention on human rights. Simultaneously the thesis comes to the conclusion that in some cases the protection of bodily integrity in not fully guaranteed. That's the case of sterilization of transsexual patients who are forced to undergo this surgery by statutory regulation. The thesis in the case of compulsory vaccination...
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The Past is a Foreign Country : An Examination of the Retrospective Attribution of Organized Armed Groups According to Article 10 of ARSIWAWestling, Philippa January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Právní nástroje ochrany diplomatických misí a zastoupení / Legal tools for the protection of diplomatic missions and representations.Popovová, Daniela January 2012 (has links)
Legal instruments of protection of diplomatic missions and representatives This diploma thesis thematically deals with public international law, namely with the law of diplomatic and consular relations focusing on the legal instruments of the protection of diplomatic missions and representations. It aims to analyze selected international legal instruments and to evaluate the effectiveness of protection provided by them. The first chapter deals with the right of a sovereign state to establish diplomatic relations, i. e. ius legationis. Briefly mentioned are attempts to unofficial codification of the law of diplomatic and consular relations, which preceeded the official codification of the Vienna Convention, which are developed by the International Law Commission. The bulk of the chapter is devoted to the process of creation and adoption of both the Vienna Conventions. In the second chapter are analyzed those provisions of Vienna conventions, which provide preventative protection to diplomatic agents and consular officers as well as to premises of diplomatic missions and representatives. These provisions govern legal institut od diplomatic inviolability and also the special duty to protect diplomatic misssions and representatives provided by the receiving State. The third chapter focuses on selected...
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Asmenų privataus gyvenimo neliečiamumo baudžiamoji teisinė apsauga / Protection of privat human life through criminal lawJankauskaitė, Indrė 22 January 2009 (has links)
Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucijoje įtvirtinta teisė – teisė į asmens privataus gyvenimo neliečiamumą. Tačiau deja tenka pažymėti, jog nusikalstamumas yra socialinis reiškinys, kuris neišnyks tol, kol gyvuos visuomenė. Šiame darbe analizuojama gana aktuali šių dienų tema – pasaulis garbina saviraišką, suteikia jos vystymuisi ir reiškimuisi itin plačias ribas, kaip tokiame kasdien technologijų ir elgesio laisvės prasme tobulėjančiame pasaulyje yra saugomas asmens privatus gyvenimas. Darbe iškelta problema ar baudžiamasis įstatymas pakankamai išsamiai reglamentuoja ir efektyviai apsaugo asmenų privataus gyvenimo neliečiamumą ir kaip proporcingai reikėtų riboti šią asmens teisę. Taigi siekiant užsibrėžto darbo tikslo – išanalizuoti LR baudžiamuosius įstatymus asmens privataus gyvenimo neliečiamumo apsaugos klausimu, palyginant su kitų šalių šios teisės apsauga, nurodant problemas bei numatyti efektyvesnes apsaugos priemones, taip pat praktiškai iširti ir įvertinti didžiausius probleminius aspektus žmonių privataus gyvenimo neliečiamumo klausimus, darbe aiškinama privataus gyvenimo neliečiamumo sąvoka; analizuojama teisinė bazė asmens privataus gyvenimo neliečiamumo apsaugos klausimu; nurodomos probleminės baudžiamųjų įstatymų, reglamentuojančių asmens privatų gyvenimą, vietos; detaliai ir išsamiai analizuojami privataus gyvenimo ribojimo atvejai. Taip pat darbe pateikiamos rekomendacijos ir pasiūlymai kaip galima tobulinti tam tikras teisės aktų vietas, kad liktų kuo mažiau... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / There is human right to private life inviolability consolidated in the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania. Human‘s private life is sacred. Unfortunately criminality is concurent of society. The The nadion has to protect human rights, to punish criminals justly and reduce criminality as much as possible. There is analysed very relevant topic of nowadays in this work. The world adores self-expression, gives to it‘s growth and expression especially comprehensive limits and how is protected human‘s private life in such technological and freedom behaviour improving world. It is broached a problem in this work – does the criminal statute adequately properly regulates and effectively protects human‘s private life and how proportionally restrict this human‘s right. The work‘s purpose is to analyse criminal statutes about human private life inviolability of the Republic of Lithuania, to compare them with foreign countries this right defence, to indicate the problems and provide for more effective devices of defence, practically explore and assess the most often problems of human‘s privat life. So that to reach the purpose, there is explained human‘s privat life inviolability‘s conseption, analysed juridical base of private life defence, indicated problematical mases of criminal statutes, particularly and properly analysed the rectrictions of human‘s privat life. Also there are produced conclusions and recommendations how could we improve some statutes.
There was done the test... [to full text]
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Konflikt ochrany životního prostředí s právem na nedotknutelnost obydlí / Conflict of environmental protection with the right to inviolability of the homeChobotová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
The protection of fundamental rights and freedoms is the basic element of every modern democratic society. These rights are regulated in many international treaties and at the same time the states set them out in their constitutions. The Czech Republic is no exception. In the application of fundamental rights conflicts occur from time to time, and one of the rights must retreat to another. This thesis deals with the collision of the right to favourable environment and the right to inviolability of the home. The main theme is the new regulation of the Act no. 201/2012 Coll. on Air Protection, which from January 1st , 2017 allows the direct control of the combustion stationary air pollution sources and fuels in the households.
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Fundamentos teórico-constitucionais de proteção ao domicílio em flagrantes de crime permanente: análise do tema 280 da sistemática da repercussão geral à luz da teoria dos direitos fundamentais de Robert Alexy / Theoretical and constitutional fundamentals of domicile protection in flagrante delicto of ongoing crimes: an analysis of theme 280 of the general repercussion system in light of Robert Alexy\'s theory of fundamental rightsPinheiro, Lucas Corrêa Abrantes 02 December 2016 (has links)
Inserida na linha de pesquisa \"Racionalidade jurídica e direitos fundamentais na construção do Estado Democrático de Direito\", esta dissertação problematiza o flagrante de crime permanente como fundamento de restrição ao direito fundamental à inviolabilidade domiciliar. Predominante na jurisprudência, este parâmetro sofreu recente crítica e reformulação do STF no julgamento do RE 603.616/RO, que fixou o tema 280 da sistemática da repercussão geral. Trabalhando na fronteira entre a teoria do direito e a hermenêutica constitucional e buscando identificar pontos de convergência e de divergência entre ambas, este estudo revisa o tratamento doutrinário brasileiro atual referente à violação de domicílio e propõe, em seguida, outra perspectiva teórica a partir das categorias analíticas dos direitos fundamentais de Robert Alexy e de Virgílio Afonso da Silva. Após adotar o âmbito de proteção prima facie amplo dos direitos fundamentais e a teoria externa das restrições, admite expressamente a inviolabilidade domiciliar como princípio que admite restrição em casos concretos, o que não significa enfraquecimento, mas, ao contrário, fortalecimento da proteção, na medida em que exige maior racionalidade argumentativa e permite mais ampla participação e controle intersubjetivo dos fundamentos decisórios. Em seguida, o estudo avalia as repercussões dessa proposta teórica no processo penal de matriz acusatória, discute a questão da verdade no processo penal, os fundamentos ético políticos das proibições de prova e sugere categorias diversas do flagrante de crime permanente como justificativas plausíveis de restrição. Por fim, examina o acórdão que fixou o tema 280, explicitando a tensão criada com a jurisprudência ora dominante. / Within the \"Legal rationality and fundamental rights in the construction of the Democratic Rule of Law\" research line, this dissertation problematizes the flagrante delicto of ongoing crimes as a justification for constraining the fundamental right to domicile inviolability. Predominant in jurisprudence, this parameter was recently criticized and reformulated by Brazilian Supreme Court in the judgement of RE 603.616/RO, which stablished theme 280 of the general repercussion system. Working on the boundary between legal theory and constitutional hermeneutics and attempting to identify points of convergence and divergence between them, this study revises Brazilian current doctrinal approach to violation of domicile and then proposes another theoretical perspective based on Robert Alexy\'s and Virgílio Afonso da Silva\'s analytical categories of fundamental rights. After adopting the broad prima facie protection scope of fundamental rights and the external theory of constraints, it admits expressly the domicile inviolability as a principle that allows constraints in specific cases, which does not imply attenuation of the principle, but rather strengthening of the protection, in that it demands a broader argumentative rationality and permits wider participation and intersubjective control of decisions\' foundations. Afterwards, this study evaluates the repercussions of such proposed theoretical perspective in the accusatory system\'s criminal procedure, approaches the issue of the truth in the criminal procedure, the ethical and political foundations of the evidence prohibitions, and suggests other categories as plausible justifications for constraints, apart from the flagrante delicto of ongoing crimes. At last, this study examines the content of the judgment that stablished theme 280, demonstrating the tension created by the current dominant jurisprudence.
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Fundamentos teórico-constitucionais de proteção ao domicílio em flagrantes de crime permanente: análise do tema 280 da sistemática da repercussão geral à luz da teoria dos direitos fundamentais de Robert Alexy / Theoretical and constitutional fundamentals of domicile protection in flagrante delicto of ongoing crimes: an analysis of theme 280 of the general repercussion system in light of Robert Alexy\'s theory of fundamental rightsLucas Corrêa Abrantes Pinheiro 02 December 2016 (has links)
Inserida na linha de pesquisa \"Racionalidade jurídica e direitos fundamentais na construção do Estado Democrático de Direito\", esta dissertação problematiza o flagrante de crime permanente como fundamento de restrição ao direito fundamental à inviolabilidade domiciliar. Predominante na jurisprudência, este parâmetro sofreu recente crítica e reformulação do STF no julgamento do RE 603.616/RO, que fixou o tema 280 da sistemática da repercussão geral. Trabalhando na fronteira entre a teoria do direito e a hermenêutica constitucional e buscando identificar pontos de convergência e de divergência entre ambas, este estudo revisa o tratamento doutrinário brasileiro atual referente à violação de domicílio e propõe, em seguida, outra perspectiva teórica a partir das categorias analíticas dos direitos fundamentais de Robert Alexy e de Virgílio Afonso da Silva. Após adotar o âmbito de proteção prima facie amplo dos direitos fundamentais e a teoria externa das restrições, admite expressamente a inviolabilidade domiciliar como princípio que admite restrição em casos concretos, o que não significa enfraquecimento, mas, ao contrário, fortalecimento da proteção, na medida em que exige maior racionalidade argumentativa e permite mais ampla participação e controle intersubjetivo dos fundamentos decisórios. Em seguida, o estudo avalia as repercussões dessa proposta teórica no processo penal de matriz acusatória, discute a questão da verdade no processo penal, os fundamentos ético políticos das proibições de prova e sugere categorias diversas do flagrante de crime permanente como justificativas plausíveis de restrição. Por fim, examina o acórdão que fixou o tema 280, explicitando a tensão criada com a jurisprudência ora dominante. / Within the \"Legal rationality and fundamental rights in the construction of the Democratic Rule of Law\" research line, this dissertation problematizes the flagrante delicto of ongoing crimes as a justification for constraining the fundamental right to domicile inviolability. Predominant in jurisprudence, this parameter was recently criticized and reformulated by Brazilian Supreme Court in the judgement of RE 603.616/RO, which stablished theme 280 of the general repercussion system. Working on the boundary between legal theory and constitutional hermeneutics and attempting to identify points of convergence and divergence between them, this study revises Brazilian current doctrinal approach to violation of domicile and then proposes another theoretical perspective based on Robert Alexy\'s and Virgílio Afonso da Silva\'s analytical categories of fundamental rights. After adopting the broad prima facie protection scope of fundamental rights and the external theory of constraints, it admits expressly the domicile inviolability as a principle that allows constraints in specific cases, which does not imply attenuation of the principle, but rather strengthening of the protection, in that it demands a broader argumentative rationality and permits wider participation and intersubjective control of decisions\' foundations. Afterwards, this study evaluates the repercussions of such proposed theoretical perspective in the accusatory system\'s criminal procedure, approaches the issue of the truth in the criminal procedure, the ethical and political foundations of the evidence prohibitions, and suggests other categories as plausible justifications for constraints, apart from the flagrante delicto of ongoing crimes. At last, this study examines the content of the judgment that stablished theme 280, demonstrating the tension created by the current dominant jurisprudence.
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