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Optimization of Cubesat-Compatible Plasma Ion Analyzer for Asteroid Composition AnalysisZankov, Ivan January 2019 (has links)
Many space probes have conducted in situ explorations of asteroids, in recent decades, intent on identifying evidence of the solar system's earliest processes of formation within the asteroids' interiors. Several future asteroid missions are planned, among which include ESA's Hera mission to explore the Didymos binary asteroid pair. An ion mass analyzer is currently being designed at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics for use as part of the Hera mission. This thesis aims to optimize the instrument such that each of its parameters meets the requirement for performance. A computer simulation is used to calculate the trajectories of low-energy ions inside the instrument, where the electrostatic potential are imposed by grids and electrodes embedded inside the instrument. From the data analysis of the simulation results, the performance for each parameter can be derived. By changing the settings of the grids and electrodes (e.g., positions and voltages), the instrument parameters are to be optimized. Two tasks are set up in this project--- the first task is to optimize the focusing system of the incoming ions at the instrument's entrance, and the second task is to investigate the reflectron system so that the mass resolution of the instrument can be optimized via reducing the spread of the ions' time of flight spectra. The focusing system is found to already be optimized, but instead, a relation between its position of the grid at the instrument's entrance and the instrument's performance is derived. The method of and parameters for optimization within the reflectron are extensively tested individually during this project. Although several performances in each trial from the reflectron analysis cannot meet at least one of the requirements, enough scenarios are examined such that every parameter tested ends with a value suitable to be applied individually to optimize the ion mass analyzer. The findings from the individual tests done in this project can be applied to further optimization, particularly to optimize multiple parameters simultaneously in the near future.
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Applications of time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to study interactions of genetically engineered proteins with noble metal films /Suzuki, Noriaki, January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2006. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 132-140).
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Single fluid inclusion analysis using ToF-SIMS : Implications for ancient Earth biodiversiy and paleoenvironment studies / ToF-SIMS-analys av enskilda vätskeinneslutningar : Implikationer för studier av tidiga jordens biodiveristet och paleomiljöSiljeström, Sandra January 2011 (has links)
When and how life first emerged on the Earth is an area of intense research. Signs of the first life on Earth, including morphological fossils, are scarce and hard to interpret. An alternative approach is to study organic biomarkers, which are molecular fossils commonly considered as bona fide biosignatures. The main objective of the project is to develop an approach for analysis of single oil-bearing fluid inclusions and most importantly the detection of organic biomarkers in these inclusions. Analysis of oil-bearing fluid inclusions is advantageous since the inclusions may provide an uncontaminated sample source of Precambrian hopanes and steranes, which are key biomarkers for tracing the early evolution of life on Earth. Due to the presence of several inclusion generations, single inclusion analysis is desired in order to constrain biomarkers to specific inclusions. Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) could be an excellent tool for analysis of these types of samples. The development of the approach for analysis of single oil-bearing inclusions was done in a two-step process; i) a number of crude oils were analysed with ToF-SIMS and gas chromatography mass-spectrometry (GC-MS) to facilitate interpretation of ToF-SIMS spectra of these types of samples and, ii) a procedure that combines micrographs with ion etching and ToF-SIMS analysis was developed for analysis of inclusions. The feasibility of the technique was demonstrated for oil inclusions from the Siljan impact crater in which hopanes and steranes where detected. Single oil-bearing fluid inclusions trapped in mid-Proterozoic sandstones from Northern Australia were subsequently analyzed, and steranes and hopanes were detected in these inclusions. If applied on older inclusions this approach may help answer some of the questions regarding the emergence and evolution of life on Earth, and if applied on extraterrestrial samples, also the possibility of life on other planets and moons. / Livets uppkomst och tidiga utveckling på jorden är ett hett forskningsfält. Hur och när livet och dess olika domäner (arkéer, bakterier och eukaryoter) uppstod på jorden är fortfarande oklart vilket beror på att de första tecknen på liv, vilka inkluderar morfologiska fossil, spårfossil och isotoper, är få och svåra att tolka. Ett alternativt sätt att studera det tidiga livet är att studera organiska biomarkörer som är organiska molekyler som anses unika för liv. Huvudmålet med projektet är att utveckla en metod som kan detektera organiska biomarkörer i enskilda oljebärande vätskeinneslutningar. Vätskeinneslutningar, som är små mängder vätska (picoliter) infångad in en sten, är intressanta då de är en potentiell provkälla för prekambriska (äldre än 500 miljoner år) biomarkörer, som hopaner och steraner, vilka används för att utforska livets tidiga utveckling på jorden. Analys av enskilda inneslutningar är emellertid oftast nödvändigt för att kunna tidsavgränsa biomarkörer. På grund av att de flesta inneslutningar är små (10 µm i diameter) är det inte möjligt att analysera en enskild vätskeinneslutning med standardtekniken gaskromatografi-masspektrometri (GC-MS). Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spektrometri (ToF-SIMS) med sin höga känslighet, höga massupplösning och kapacitet för 2D-representation av analysdata och djupprofilering av prover är en utmärkt teknik för analys av enskilda inneslutningar. Metoden för analys av enskilda inneslutningar utvecklades i två steg. Först analyserades ett antal råoljor med ToF-SIMS och GC-MS för att underlätta förståelsen av ToF-SIMS-spektra från dessa typer av prover. Därefter utvecklades en metod som bestod av mikroskopering för att lokalisera inneslutningen, jonetsning för att öppna inneslutningen och ToF-SIMS analys av det exponerade innehållet. Metoden testades framgångsrikt på enskilda inneslutningar i hydrotermala vener av flusspat och kalcit i ordovicisk (488-443 miljoner år sedan) kalksten. Därefter användes den utvecklade metoden för att analysera enskilda vätskeinneslutningar i 1,43 miljarder år gammal sandsten från norra Australien, i vilka hopaner och steraner detekterades. De detekterade steranerna visar att trots att havet under denna tid var syrefritt existerade det lokala syrerika miljöer där eukaryoter kunde överleva. Om den utvecklade metoden används på ännu äldre inneslutningar, vilka har daterats till 3,2 miljarder år, kan den komma att svara på några de mest fundamentala frågorna kring livets uppkomst och tidiga utveckling. Om metoden används på utomjordiska prover kan den svara på frågan om det finns liv på andra planeter eller månar. / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Submitted.
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Improved understanding and control of Mg-doped GaN by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxyBurnham, Shawn David 18 June 2007 (has links)
By an improved understanding of Mg-doped GaN through an exhaustive review of current limitations, increased control over the material was achieved by addressing several of these issues. To address the issues of the memory effect, low sticking coefficient and high vapor pressure of Mg, a new Mg dopant source was implemented, characterized and modeled for p-type doping of GaN. The device enhanced the sticking coefficient of Mg by energizing the outgoing Mg flux, and also allowed the first reported demonstration of an abrupt junction between two non-zero Mg concentrations and a graded Mg-doped GaN film. The significant compensation of Mg acceptors at high dopant concentrations was used advantageously to develop a new ex situ resistivity analysis technique using the energy distributions of SIMS to characterize doping of buried layers. The new technique was used to identify the barrier between conductive and resistive Mg doping for increased Mg concentration, which was then used to optimize Mg-doped GaN. Because Mg doping exhibits a dependence upon the growth regime, a new growth and regime characterization technique was developed using specific RHEED intensity responses to repeat growth conditions. During the development of this technique, a new surface kinetics growth model for III-nitrides was discovered based on DMS observations, which suggests preferential buildup of the metal bilayer before growth begins with an unfamiliar cation-anion exchange process initially upon metal shutter opening. Using the new RHEED growth and regime characterization technique, a new growth technique called metal modulated epitaxy (MME) was developed to increase repeatability, uniformity and smoothness. The MME technique was enhanced with a closed-loop control using real-time feedback from RHEED transients to control shutter transitions. This enhancement, called smart shuttering, led to improved growth rate and further improvement of surface roughness and grain size, which were repeatable within low percentages. Effects of smart-shuttering MME were observed with Si, Mg and In during GaN growths. Repeatable Mg-doped GaN was achieved with a variation of less than 8%, and a peak hole carrier concentration of 4.7E18 cm^-3.
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Kvantitativní analýza matricových prvků metodami SIMS a LEIS / Quantitative analysis of matrix elements using SIMS and LEIS methodsStaněk, Jan January 2019 (has links)
This thesis studies comparison and connection of two spectrometric methods – low energy ion scattering spektrometry (LEIS) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). SIMS method, despite its many positive qualities, suffers of so called matrix effect, which makes quantifiaction of data very difficult. LEIS method on the other hand is immune to this effect and so it’s suitable completion of SIMS method. As a convenient sample have been chosen AlGaN samples with various concentration of gallium and aluminium. In the first part of thesis is introduced physical essence of SIMS and LEIS method, experimental details and studied samples. In second part of the thesis there’s a description of measurements and comparison of data gained by each method.
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A Versatile Sensor Data Processing Framework for Resource TechnologyKaever, Peter, Oertel, Wolfgang, Renno, Axel, Seidel, Peter, Meyer, Markus, Reuter, Markus, König, Stefan 28 June 2021 (has links)
Die Erweiterung experimenteller Infrastrukturen um neuartige Sensor eröffnen die Möglichkeit, qualitativ neuartige Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen. Um diese Informationen vollständig zu erschließen ist ein Abdecken der gesamten Verarbeitungskette von
der Datenauslese bis zu anwendungsbezogenen Auswertung erforderlich. Eine Erweiterung bestehender wissenschaftlicher Instrumente beinhaltet die strukturelle und zeitbezogene Integration der neuen Sensordaten in das Bestandssystem. Das hier vorgestellte Framework bietet durch seinen flexiblen Ansatz das Potenzial, unterschiedliche Sensortypen in unterschiedliche, leistungsfähige Plattformen zu integrieren. Zwei unterschiedliche Integrationsansätze zeigen die Flexibilität dieses Ansatzes, wobei einer auf die Steigerung der Sensitivität einer Anlage zur Sekundärionenmassenspektroskopie und der andere auf die Bereitstellung eines Prototypen zur Untersuchung von Rezyklaten ausgerichtet ist. Die sehr unterschiedlichen Hardwarevoraussetzungen und Anforderungen der Anwendung bildeten die Basis zur Entwicklung eines flexiblen Softwareframeworks. Um komplexe und leistungsfähige Applikationsbausteine bereitzustellen wurde eine Softwaretechnologie entwickelt, die modulare Pipelinestrukturen mit Sensor- und Ausgabeschnittstellen sowie einer Wissensbasis mit entsprechenden Konfigurations- und Verarbeitungsmodulen kombiniert.:1. Introduction
2. Hardware Architecture and Application Background
3. Software Concept
4. Experimental Results
5. Conclusion and Outlook / Novel sensors with the ability to collect qualitatively new information offer the potential to improve experimental infrastructure and methods in the field of research technology. In order to get full access to this information, the entire range from detector readout data transfer over proper data and knowledge models up to complex application functions has to be covered. The extension of existing scientific instruments comprises the integration of diverse sensor information into existing hardware, based on the expansion of pivotal event schemes and data models. Due to its flexible approach, the proposed framework has the potential to integrate additional sensor types and offers migration capabilities to high-performance computing platforms. Two different implementation setups prove the flexibility of this approach, one extending the material analyzing capabilities of a secondary ion mass spectrometry device, the other implementing a functional prototype setup for the online analysis of recyclate. Both setups can be regarded as two complementary parts of a highly topical and ground-breaking unique scientific application field. The requirements and possibilities resulting from different hardware concepts on one hand and diverse application fields on the other hand are the basis for the development of a versatile software framework. In order to support complex and efficient application functions under heterogeneous and flexible technical conditions, a software technology is proposed that offers modular processing pipeline structures with internal and external data interfaces backed by a knowledge base with respective configuration and conclusion mechanisms.:1. Introduction
2. Hardware Architecture and Application Background
3. Software Concept
4. Experimental Results
5. Conclusion and Outlook
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Vlastnosti bodových defektů v CdTe při teplotách 300 - 600 K / Properties of point defects in CdTe at temperatures of 300 - 600 KKorcsmáros, Gabriel January 2019 (has links)
The thermal stability of p-type CdTe crystals by using conductivity and Hall-effect measurements have been studied at room and slightly increased temperatures. It was observed that thermal changes often implicate an anomalous behavior of the hole density characterized by reversible decrease/increase in a heating/cooling regime. This anomaly was explained by a transfer of fast diffusing donors between Te inclusions and the bulk of the sample. Sodium and potassium were determined by the Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS) as the most probable diffusing species. To verify this behavior samples were also treated in saturated NaCl solution for different time intervals in order to examine the influence of the oxide layer and sodium on the surface of the sample. To determine the structure of the surface the sample was characterized by ellipsometric and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and SIMS. Very low determined diffusion coefficient of Na was explained by trapping of Na in Cd sublattice
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Spectroscopic Characterization of Metal Oxide NanofibersBender, Edward Thomas 18 May 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Synthesis and Characterization of Surface Relaxations of Macrocyclic Polystyrenes and Interfacial Segregation in Blends with Linear PolystyrenesWang, Shih-fan 09 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigation of AlGaN films and nickel/AlGaN Schottky diodes using depth-dependent cathodoluminescence spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometryBradley, Shawn Todd 04 March 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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