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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Einfluss von Propylenglycol und Huminsäuren auf klinische und klinisch-chemische Daten von Milchkühen im peripartalen Zeitraum

Barthmann, Jens 28 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
In vorliegender Arbeit wurde der Einfluss von Propylen-glycol als glucoplastische Verbindung im Präparat "Schaumann Energizer" sowie die Wirkung der den Mineral- und Energiestoffwechsel stabilisierenden, Toxine bindenden Huminsäuren (HS) im "Cellu-Ligno-Karbon-Isolat" in alleiniger Anwendung bzw. in Kombination beider Wirkstoffe beim Hochleistungsmilchrind im peripartalen Zeitraum untersucht. Zur Charakterisierung der Effekte der angewandten Präparate wurden folgende labordiagnostische und hämatologische Parameter bestimmt: Leukozytenzahl, Calcium, anorganisches Phosphat, Natrium, Kalium, Chlorid, Eisen, Glucose, BHB, Gesamtprotein sowie Albumin, Cholesterol, Bilirubin, GLDH, AST, GGT und CK. Des Weiteren wurden klinische Kriterien, wie die 100-Tage-Milchleistung sowie aufgetretene Erkrankungen, wie Mastitiden, Panaritien, Nachgeburtsverhaltungen und Stoffwechselkrankheiten, wie die Gebärparese, das Fettlebersyndrom und die Ketose erfasst. / This paper investigated the effect of propylene glycol as a glycogenic compound in the preparation called "Schaumann Energizer". It was also looked into the effect of humic acids (HA), which stabilize the mineral metabolism and the energy metabolism and bind toxins, on the "Cellu-Ligno-Karbon-Isolat" in single and combinational administration of the active substances to high dairy yielding cows during the peripartal period. The following laboratory diagnostic parameters and haematological parameters were determined in order to characterize the consequences of the two preparations in use: number of leucocytes, calcium,inorganic phophate, sodium, potassium, chloride, iron, glucose, BHB, total protein as well as albumin, cholesterol, bilirubin, GLDH, AST, GGT and CK. Furthermore the following clinical criteria were recorded: 100-day-milk yield, resting time, occurred diseases, e.g. mastitis, paronychia, placental retention and metabolic diseases, such as milk fever, fat liver syndrome and ketosis.

Elaboration et caractérisation de nanoparticules de protéines. / Development and characterization of protein nanoparticles

Inthavong, Walailuk 18 July 2018 (has links)
Des solutions d'isolat de protéine de lactosérum (WPI) et d'isolat de protéine de soja (SPI) ont été chauffées à différentes concentrations en protéines conduisant à la formation d'agrégats fractals polydisperses de taille moyenne variable. Lastructure des solutions a été analysée par diffusion de la lumière en fonction de la concentration en protéine. La compressibilité osmotique et la longueur de corrélation dynamique diminuent quand la concentration augmente deviennent indépendantes de la taille initiale des agrégats pour les suspensions denses. Pour une taille d'agrégat donnée, la viscosité augmente initialement exponentiellement avec la concentration croissante puis diverge. Plus lesagrégats sont grands, plus l’augmentation de la viscosité apparaît à des concentrations faibles. La dépendance avec la concentration de la viscosité des solutions d'agrégats fractals est beaucoup plus forte que celle de microgels. Le comportement de mélanges de différents types d’agrégats (fractals/fractals ; fractals/microgels et WPI/SPI) a étéétudié principalement par rhéologie.Le recouvrement de fluorescence après photoblanchiment (FRAP) a été utilisé pour étudier la diffusion de chaînes de dextran marquées par des fluorophores dans des solutions d’agrégats et des gels de WPI. Une diffusion brownienne estobservée dans des suspensions d’agrégats et des gels faibles formés juste au-delà de Cg avec un coefficient de diffusion (D) qui diminue avec l'augmentation de la concentration mais, avec une dépendance plus faible que celle de la viscosité (). A des concentrations plus élevées, des gels densément réticulés sont formés, ce qui induit une forte diminution de la mobilité des chaînes de dextran. Pour ces systèmes, la recouvrance de la fluorescence est logarithmique avec le temps,suggérant une distribution exponentielle des coefficients de diffusion. La diffusion des chaînes de dextran a également été étudiée en fonction de la concentration en protéines pour les suspensions de trois types d'agrégats de WPI (petits et grands fractals et microgels). / Polydisperse fractal aggregates of varying average sizes were formed when solutions of whey protein isolate and soy protein isolate were heated at different protein concentrations and at neutral pH. The structure of these fractals aggregates solutions was analyzed by light scattering as a function of protein concentration. In dense suspension, the osmotic compressibility and the correlation length decreases with increasing concentration and become independent of the initial aggregate size. In this concentration regime, the aggregates are strongly interpenetrated and can be visualized as a set of "blobs". For a fixed aggregate size, the viscosity initially increases exponentially with increasing concentration and then diverges at the gel point. Larger fractal aggregates show a more important increase of the viscosity with increasing concentration than smaller aggregates, because they are less dense. The increase of the viscosity was much stronger for large fractal aggregates than for homogeneous microgels (microgels were formed by heating the WPI solution in present of CaCl2) of the same size.Dynamic light scattering, rheology and FRAP measurements were performed to investigate mixtures of different type of aggregates of WPI (fractals/fractals, fractals/microgels) and fractals of mixtures of WPI and SPI. Flow measurements were used to characterise the rheological properties of the aggregate suspension whereas Fluorescence recovery after Photobleaching (FRAP) was used to determine the self diffusion of fluorophore-labelled dextrans chains in mixtures over a wide range of concentrations. The results were compared to the concentration dependence of zero shear viscosity, gel stiffness, osmotic compressibility and correlation length. Brownian diffusion of the dextran chains was observed in aggregate suspensions and weak gels formed just above the gel point with a diffusion coefficient that decreased with increasing concentration, but the dependence was weaker than that of the viscosity. At higher concentrations, densely crosslinked gels were formed, which induced a sharp decrease in the mobility of the dextran chains. For these systems, the recovery of fluorescence was logarithmic over time, suggesting an exponential distribution of diffusion coefficients.

Étude du couplage procédé/produit lors de la production des mousses par des agrégats protéiques

Nicorescu, Irina 06 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de cette thèse consiste à comprendre les interactions procédé/produit et à mettre en évidence les paramètres d'influence (conditions du traitement thermique, formulation, paramètres opératoires de foisonnement) afin de maîtriser les propriétés d'usage, et notamment la microstructure des produits foisonnés stabilisés par des agrégats de protéines sériques (WPI). Une première étude nous a permis d'évaluer l'impact du traitement thermique sur la solution protéique (proportion, taille, morphologie des assemblages protéiques) et sur l'aptitude au foisonnement des WPI natives et dénaturées lorsqu'un procédé de bullage a été utilisé. Dans un deuxième temps, à l'aide d'un batteur ménager nous avons mis en avant le rôle clef joué par les agrégats solubles sur l'amélioration de la stabilité et sur celle de la texture des mousses en l'absence de matière grasse. En revanche, l'application d'un post-traitement thermique sévère s'est avérée défavorable à la stabilité et la rigidité de la mousse. L'utilisation de deux foisonneurs continus a ensuite permis de démontrer le couplage entre formulation et procédé. Lorsqu'on applique un traitement thermique 80°C en amont du foisonnement sur l'installation rotor-stator, celuici semble améliorer d'une manière significative la texture des mousses et a confirmé que leur stabilité dans le temps reste gouvernée par l'état de dénaturation et d'agrégation des protéines, les conditions opératoires ne jouant ici qu'un rôle secondaire. En revanche, lors du foisonnement dans une colonne à faible entrefer, cet effet bénéfique du traitement thermique sur la stabilité et sur la texture est masqué par les effets du procédé et aucune amélioration n'a été observée.

Einfluss von Propylenglycol und Huminsäuren auf klinische und klinisch-chemische Daten von Milchkühen im peripartalen Zeitraum

Barthmann, Jens 03 June 2003 (has links)
In vorliegender Arbeit wurde der Einfluss von Propylen-glycol als glucoplastische Verbindung im Präparat "Schaumann Energizer" sowie die Wirkung der den Mineral- und Energiestoffwechsel stabilisierenden, Toxine bindenden Huminsäuren (HS) im "Cellu-Ligno-Karbon-Isolat" in alleiniger Anwendung bzw. in Kombination beider Wirkstoffe beim Hochleistungsmilchrind im peripartalen Zeitraum untersucht. Zur Charakterisierung der Effekte der angewandten Präparate wurden folgende labordiagnostische und hämatologische Parameter bestimmt: Leukozytenzahl, Calcium, anorganisches Phosphat, Natrium, Kalium, Chlorid, Eisen, Glucose, BHB, Gesamtprotein sowie Albumin, Cholesterol, Bilirubin, GLDH, AST, GGT und CK. Des Weiteren wurden klinische Kriterien, wie die 100-Tage-Milchleistung sowie aufgetretene Erkrankungen, wie Mastitiden, Panaritien, Nachgeburtsverhaltungen und Stoffwechselkrankheiten, wie die Gebärparese, das Fettlebersyndrom und die Ketose erfasst. / This paper investigated the effect of propylene glycol as a glycogenic compound in the preparation called "Schaumann Energizer". It was also looked into the effect of humic acids (HA), which stabilize the mineral metabolism and the energy metabolism and bind toxins, on the "Cellu-Ligno-Karbon-Isolat" in single and combinational administration of the active substances to high dairy yielding cows during the peripartal period. The following laboratory diagnostic parameters and haematological parameters were determined in order to characterize the consequences of the two preparations in use: number of leucocytes, calcium,inorganic phophate, sodium, potassium, chloride, iron, glucose, BHB, total protein as well as albumin, cholesterol, bilirubin, GLDH, AST, GGT and CK. Furthermore the following clinical criteria were recorded: 100-day-milk yield, resting time, occurred diseases, e.g. mastitis, paronychia, placental retention and metabolic diseases, such as milk fever, fat liver syndrome and ketosis.

Enerom, et smitte- og sykdomsforebyggende tiltak i sykehus? / Single-occupancy rooms: an infectious disease prevention measure in hospitals?

Wang Børseth, Anita January 2011 (has links)
Hensikt: Hensikten med studien var å undersøke om enerom reduserer forekomsten av Clostridium difficile hos innlagte pasienter i sykehus. Metode: En deskriptiv epidemiologisk undersøkelse som benyttes for å kartlegge insidensen av C.difficile infeksjon hos innlagte pasienter på fire norske sykehus i perioden 2001-2010 knyttet til antall enerom. Det ble i tillegg gjennomført en retrospektiv undersøkelse der vi så på risikoen for C. difficile infeksjon i en avdeling før flytting i gammelt sykehus med få enerom, til nytt sykehus med bare enerom for nesten alle pasienter. Resultat: I denne studien fant vi ingen sammenheng mellom insidens av C. difficile og økt tilgang på enerom. Det var stor forskjell i insidens av C. difficile mellom fire store norske sykehus. Det ser ut til at risikoen for C. difficile infeksjon var høyere i gammelt sykehusbygg enn nytt sykehus i en avdeling med en høy forekomst av C. difficile infeksjon, men dette var ikke statistisk signifikant. Denne undersøkelsen kan ikke vise lavere risiko for C. difficile infeksjon for pasienter som ligger på enerom. Konklusjon: Andel enerom har økt ved flere sykehus i løpet av studieperioden, men denne studien har ikke klart å vise om enerom har en smitteforebyggende effekt i sykehus ved C. difficile infeksjon. Enerom kan sannsynlig tilrettelegge for bedre smitteforbyggende atferd hos helsepersonell. Det må til flere forebyggende tiltak, som blant annet enerom, for å forbygge spredning av C. difficile infeksjon. / Aims: This study aimed to investigate whether single-occupancy rooms reduce the incidence of Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) among hospitalized patients. Methods: The study used a descriptive epidemiologic approach to investigate the incidence of C. difficile infection in patients in four hospitals during 2001–2010, in relation to the number of single rooms. In addition, we conducted a retrospective study to investigate the risk for C. difficile infection in a hospital ward, in relation to the transfer of a hospital department from old hospital premises that contained only a few single rooms to a new hospital building containing single-occupancy rooms for almost all patients. Results: This study determined no correlation between the incidence of C. difficile infection and increased access to single-occupancy rooms. However, the incidence of C. difficile infection was considerably different in the four hospitals. The old hospital buildings showed higher but insignificant risk of C. difficile infection compared to the new hospital building. We were unable to demonstrate a lower risk of C. difficile infection among patients in single-occupancy rooms. Conclusions: Although the proportion of single-occupancy rooms increased in several of the hospitals during the study period, we were unable to show that the single-occupancy rooms prevent C. difficile infection in hospitalized patients. Single-occupancy rooms likely facilitate improved infection prevention behaviours in health professionals. Preventing the spread of C. difficile infection requires a collection of several preventive measures, including single-occupancy rooms. / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-21-8</p>

Extraktion av proteiner från olika råvaror för humankonsumtion / Extraction of proteins from raw materials for human consumption

Smedberg, Vilma January 2020 (has links)
Som följd av dagens ökning i global befolkning och köttproduktion är alternativa hållbara köttsubstitut mycket eftertraktat. Som basal råvara kan växter eller mikrobiella produkter utnyttjas för proteinrika hållbara livsmedelsprodukter. Detta arbete syftar till att undersöka olika proteinextraktionsmetoder som i nuläget används för att erhålla ett proteinisolat som kan ha användning i livsmedelsindustrin. Utvalda råvaror som kommer studeras och diskuteras är ärta, quinoa, mjölmask och filamentösa svampar. Allmän information för varje råvara diskuteras men fokus har lagts på att studera processer för att extrahera proteiner till ett isolat från råvarorna. Arbetet inkluderar generella tillvägagångssätt vad gäller proteinextraktion likväl som mer specifika metoder från enskilda försök att extrahera ett visst protein. Slutligen jämförs val av extraktionsmetoder och vilka råvaror som idag är i kommersiellt bruk och reflekterande tankar om varför inte vissa råvaror hunnit lika långt i utvecklingen i proteinextraktion som andra. / As a result of today's increase in global population and meat production, alternative and more sustainable meat substitutes are highly sought after. As a basic raw material, plants or microbial products can be utilized for protein-rich sustainable food products. This work aims to investigate various protein extraction methods currently used to obtain a protein isolate that can be of use in the food industry. Selected raw materials studied and discussed are pea, quinoa, flour worm and filamentous fungus. General information for each raw material is discussed, however focus has been on studying processes for extracting proteins into an isolate from the raw materials. The work includes general methods to protein extraction as well as more specific methods from individual attempts to extract a specific protein. Finally, the extraction methods are compared, the raw materials that are currently in commercial use are discussed as well as thoughts why some raw materials have not progressed as far in protein extraction as others are compared.

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