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The Johnson City Community Health Center: A Qualitative Analysis of the Center's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats in Johnson City, TennesseeCruz Enriquez, Enrique A. 01 May 2014 (has links)
The Johnson City Community Health Center is one of over 1200 community health centers serving over 22 million patients across the United States. Community health centers primarily serve patients with low income or without health insurance, but most serve all the members of their communities. These centers provide many services and treat health problems in a holistic manner in order to improve the health of their communities and also allow the members of those communities to progress. The Johnson City Community Health Center is compared to successful CHCs from across the nation to determine if it has characteristics to be successful in this community. A SWOT Analysis is conducted by evaluating the Marketing Mix, or the Product, Price, Placement, and Promotion, of the center and also by examining the Political, Economic, Social, and Technological environments it operates in. This research determines the internal Strengths and Weaknesses and external Opportunities and Threats of the Johnson City Community Health Center and concludes that it does have the characteristics needed to be successful in the community. This research can be used by center management to improve services, but it can also be used by other researchers to continue evaluations of community health centers across the nation.
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Análise experimental e numérico-computacional da influência do jateamento com granalha na propagação de trincas. / Experimental and numerical-computational analysis of the influence of shot peening on crack propagation.Rosalie, Beugre Ouronon Marie 20 February 2019 (has links)
O Jateamento com granalha (shot peening, em inglês) é um processo de fabricação amplamente utilizado em indústrias mecânicas, automotivas, navais, aeronáuticas e outras indústrias metalúrgicas. O objetivo principal é induzir tensões residuais de compressão para melhorar a vida à fadiga das peças e estruturas. A modelagem e simulação do processo são muito difíceis, pois envolvem a consideração de muitos e complexos aspectos. Este trabalho propõe um método de modelagem tridimensional utilizando o método dos elementos finitos para a simulação numérica desse processo assim como a sua influência na propagação de trinca, considerando efeitos pouco estudados, como o amolecimento do material devido ao aumento da temperatura na peça durante os impactos, ao comportamento elasto-plástico das granalhas e a rugosidade da peça tratada nos parâmetros da trinca. A modelagem proposta para simular o processo de jateamento com granalhas inclui: (i) análise dinâmica explícita, (ii) modelagem tridimensional, (iii) cálculo da velocidade real das granalhas, (iv) modelo de contato com coeficientes de atrito estático e dinâmico entre as áreas em contato, (v) o modelo constitutivo de Johnson-Cook para o comportamento do material alvo, (vi) um comportamento elasto-plástico multilinear para as granalhas, (vii) a consideração da cobertura real de uma área dada da superfície jateada, (viii) a consideração do aumento da temperatura no material durante o processo e (ix) o relaxamento de tensões residuais devido a este aumento de temperatura. As simulações numérico-computacionais para investigar a influência do processo em fenômenos, tais como fadiga e propagação de trinca, necessitou uma nova abordagem para a incorporação das tensões residuais num modelo de elementos finitos. Além disso, foram realizados vários ensaios quase-estáticos e dinâmicos para a determinação dos parâmetros do modelo constitutivo de Johnson-Cook para o aço AISI 5160. Para a avaliação das metodologias propostas, as tensões residuais foram introduzidas e avaliadas em uma mola parabólica automotiva, sendo que as tensões residuais foram avaliadas através da técnica de difração de raios-X, a intensidade e a cobertura do processo de jateamento com granalha na mola foram avaliadas com Lupa e rugosímetro. Também, dados experimentais de ensaios de fadiga relatados na literatura, realizados em corpos de prova tipo CT foram utilizados. A modelagem numérica do processo de jateamento com granalha desenvolvida neste trabalho consegue prever com sucesso os perfis das tensões residuais, com valores bem próximos aos obtidos experimentalmente. A investigação numérica do efeito do processo na vida à fadiga e fratura das peças comprovou a sua influência nos parâmetros de propagação de trinca nas regiões afetadas pelo processo, ocasionando um amplo aumento da vida à fadiga, e confirmou o relaxamento das tensões residuais devido aos ciclos de carregamento conforme as observações experimentais na literatura. / Shot peening is a manufacturing process widely used in the mechanical, automotive, marine, aeronautical and other metallurgical industries. The main purpose is to induce residual compression stresses to improve fatigue life. The modeling and simulation of the process are very difficult as they involve the consideration of many and complex aspects. This work proposes a three-dimensional modelling method using the finite element method for the numerical simulation of this process as well as its influence on crack propagation, considering little studied effects such as softening of the material due to the increase in temperature in the part during impacts , the elastic-plastic behavior of the shot and the roughness of the treated part in the crack parameters. The proposed modelling approach to simulate the shot peening process includes: (i) explicit dynamic analysis, (ii) three-dimensional modeling, (iii) calculation of the real velocity of the shot, (iv) contact model with static and dynamic friction coefficients between the contact areas, (v) the Johnson-Cook constitutive model for target material behavior, (vi) a multilinear elasto-plastic behavior for the shot, (vii) consideration of real coverage in a given area of the peened surface, (viii) consideration of temperature increase in the material during the process and (ix) relaxation of residual stresses due to this rise in temperature. Numerical-computational simulations to investigate the influence of the shot peening process on phenomena, such as fatigue and crack propagation, required a new approach for the incorporation of residual stress in a finite element model. In addition, several quasi-static and dynamic tests were carried out to determine the parameters of the constitutive Johnson-Cook model for AISI 5160 steel. To assess the proposed methodologies, the residual stresses were introduced and evaluated in an automotive parabolic spring, with the residual stresses being evaluated by the X-ray diffraction technique, the intensity and coverage of the shot peening process for the spring were evaluated with magnifying glass and roughness gauge. Also, fatigue tests available in the literature, carried out on types of CT specimens, were used. The numerical modeling of the shot peening process developed in this work can successfully predict the residual stress profiles, with values close to those obtained experimentally. The numerical investigation of the effect of the process in the fatigue life and fracture of the pieces proved its influence in the parameters of crack propagation in the regions affected by the process, causing a wide increase of the fatigue life, and confirmed the relaxation of the residual stresses due to the cycles loading according to experimental observations in the literature.
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De nouveaux résultats sur la géométrie des mosaïques de Poisson-Voronoi et des mosaïques poissoniennes d'hyperplans. Etude du modèle de fissuration de Rényi-WidomCalka, Pierre 05 December 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse traite de trois modèles de géométrie aléatoire: les mosaïques de Poisson-Voronoi, les mosaïques poissoniennes d'hyperplans et le modèle de fissuration unidirectionnel de Rényi-Widom. Nous montrons tout d'abord l'équivalence entre les deux approches historiques pour l'étude statistique des mosaïques: la convergence des moyennes ergodiques et la définition au sens de Palm de la cellule typique. Nous donnons ensuite en dimension deux la loi du nombre de sommets de la cellule typique et conditionnellement à ce nombre, les lois des positions des frontières, de l'aire et du périmètre. De plus, nous explicitons la loi conjointe des rayons des disques centrés en l'origine inscrit dans (resp. circonscrit à) la cellule typique et nous en déduisons le caractère circulaire des "grandes cellules". Dans le cas Poisson-Voronoi, nous relions en toute dimension la fonction spectrale de la cellule typique au pont brownien, ce qui permet en particulier d'estimer asymptotiquement la loi de la première valeur propre en dimension deux. Dans le cas des mosaïques poissoniennes d'hyperplans, nous exploitons les techniques de Palm pour en déduire une construction explicite en toute dimension de la cellule typique à partir de sa boule inscrite et de son simplexe circonscrit. Une preuve rigoureuse d'un résultat de R. E. Miles lorsqu'on épaissit les hyperplans est également donnée. Par ailleurs, nous modélisons un phénomène de fissuration par un processus unidimensionnel stationnaire dont nous calculons la loi de la distance inter-fissures typique. Nous montrons en outre que les points successifs sont ceux d'un processus de renouvellement conditionné explicite.
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Méthode des Champs Virtuels pour la caractérisation de comportements viscoplastiques et d'endommagement, à partir de mesures de champs mécaniques hétérogènesNotta, Delphine 22 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Le comportement de matériaux subissant des chargements dynamiques à hautes énergies (impacts, explosions \dots) est généralement sensible à la vitesse de déformation (viscoplastique) et/ou à l'endommagement. Les procédures classiques de caractérisation des modèles de comportement associés utilisent des essais statiquement déterminés nécessitant le respect d'hypothèses limitatrices. Ainsi, le traitement de champs mécaniques hétérogènes est impossible, ce qui limite l'exploitation des essais à de faibles gammes de déformations et oblige à réaliser plusieurs tests à vitesse de déformation constante pour la caractérisation de la viscoplasticité. Enfin, ces restrictions empêchent de profiter pleinement de la quantité importante d'information accessible par mesures de champs. Une solution est alors de recourir à des essais statiquement indéterminés, permettant d'exploiter des champs hétérogènes. Parmi les outils disponibles, la Méthode des Champs Virtuels (MCV) présente des avantages certains par rapport aux méthodes classiques de recalage par éléments finis. L'accent est mis dans ces travaux sur le développement de la MCV pour la caractérisation du modèle viscoplastique de Johnson-Cook. Un des grands atouts de la MCV est qu'elle permet de caractériser la partie viscoplastique du modèle à partir d'un unique essai en conditions de chargement dynamiques, grâce à son exploitation statiquement indéterminée de champs de déformations et de vitesses de déformations hétérogènes. Une perspective à court terme, dont la faisabilité est vérifiée sur des tests numériques, est l'identification simultanée par la MCV de paramètres de modèles élastoplastiques endommageables (Lemaitre).
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Fluctuations quantiques de courant dans les nanotubes de carboneDelattre, Thomas 25 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a pour objet l'étude du transport électronique dans les nanotubes de carbone monoparois par l'intermédiaire des fluctuations du courant. L'étude se place dans le cadre de la physique mésoscopique dans des conducteurs balistiques. Dans ce type de conducteur, plusieurs régimes diff´erents peuvent apparaître : blocage de Coulomb, transport modulé par les interférences quantiques, effet Kondo. Nous avons étudié les fluctuations du courant dans un régime d'interféromètre de type Fabry-Pérot électronique qui se présente comme une situation id´eale afin de sonder le régime où l'effet des interactions est faible. Les fluctuations du courant ont été analysées dans le formalisme de Landauer-Büttiker et nous obtenons une bonne correspondance entre la théorie et l'expérience. Nous avons ainsi observé la suppression du bruit dans les régimes de transmission unitaire et, par le biais des données combinées de la conductance et du bruit, nous avons pu déterminer les transmissions pour des canaux de conduction non dégénérés. Par ailleurs, le régime de l'effet Kondo a fait l'objet d'une étude dans laquelle nous avons observé des comportements universels dans la conductance et le bruit. Nous avons ajusté ces différentes grandeurs avec une théorie de bosons esclaves de champ moyen. Finalement, nous avons étudié une configuration de type Hanbury Brown et Twiss : un nanotube monoparoi sur lequel nous avons déposé un multiparoi qui nous sert de sonde afin d'injecter des électrons sur le conducteur.
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Att leda storföretag : En studie av social kompetens och entreprenörskap i näringslivet med fokus på Axel Ax:son Johnson och J. Sigfrid Edström, 1900-1950Nordlund, Therese January 2005 (has links)
This thesis investigates leadership in Swedish business during the period of 1900-1950. The main aim is to explore the relationship between entrepreneurship and leadership and how the leader uses his social competence, both inside and outside the company, to enhance economic and organisational change. The study focuses on two main characters: Axel Ax:son Johnson (1876-1958), manager and owner of Johnsonkoncernen (The Johnson group), and J. Sigfrid Edström (1870-1964), professional manager of ASEA (today ABB). They represented Swedish capitalism in its golden years. The study uses archives previously never opened to researchers. To understand how and why leadership have changed during the 20th century, the theoretical framework is based on the concepts of entrepreneurship, paternalism, network and charisma. Leadership involves communication. The corporate leader in the early 20th century had to build networks both of stronger and looser types, each of these two types with a different aim, but with the ambition to care for the company’s best interest. Johnson and Edström used their personality to attain more power inside the company as well as to attract attention from the outside. This thesis shows that if the leaders took advantage of their social communication skills they could create new combinations, which could benefit their companies. Therefore, the leader had to bring out the best in his co-workers, in order to attract new ideas, competence and entrepreneurial skills around him. The leader did not only involve himself in networks with fellow industrialists, but also with Social Democrats and journalists. Johnson and Edström had to be leaders not only within the company but also in the surrounding society. They involved themselves in many other areas; in the local community and as opinion builders. The patriarchal strategies still proved fruitful during the period. Yet, modern strategies connected to large organizations and bureaucratic methods were also introduced. It was hard for the employees to accept these changes. If the companies would expand, the leader could attract admirers and followers who fully accepted the leadership and strategies. The leader had to become an entrepreneur with a will to encourage others.
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“[T]he subtle but powerful cement of a patriotic literature”: English-Canadian Literary Anthologies, National Identity, and the CanonHughes, Bonnie K. 24 April 2012 (has links)
The dissertation investigates the correlations among the development of general anthologies of Canadian literature, the Canadian canon, and visions of national identity. While literature anthologies are widely used in university classrooms, the influential role of the anthology in the critical study of literature has been largely overlooked, particularly in Canada. The dissertation begins with an analysis of the stages of development of general anthologies of Canadian literature, demonstrating that there are important links between dominant critical trends and the guiding interests of the various phases of anthology development and that anthologies both reflect and participate in moulding views of the nation and its literature. Focusing then upon five eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Canadian authors, the dissertation traces their treatment in anthologies and analyzes in detail the impact of stages of anthology development upon authors’ inclusion and presentation. The reception of Frances Brooke, John Richardson, William Kirby, Susanna Moodie, and Emily Pauline Johnson over a span of nearly 90 years is examined, and points of inclusion and exclusion are scrutinized to determine links with prevailing critical interests as well as canonical status. These case studies reveal the functions of anthologies, which include recovering overlooked authors, amending past oversights, reflecting new areas of critical inquiry, and preserving the national literary tradition. Their treatment also reveals the effect of larger critical concerns, such as alignment with dominant visions of the nation, considerations of genre, and reassessments of past views. The dissertation shows that the anthology is a carefully constructed, culturally valuable work that plays an important role in literary criticism and canon formation and is a genre worthy of careful scrutiny.
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Johnson-Mehl-Avrami Kinetics of Intracellular Ice Formation in Confluent Tissue ConstructsSumpter, Megan Louise 06 May 2004 (has links)
In an effort to minimize the harmful effects of intracellular ice formation (IIF) during cryopreservation of confluent tissues, computer simulations based on Monte Carlo methods were performed to predict the probability of IIF in confluent monolayers during various freezing procedures. To overcome the prohibitive computational costs of such simulations for large tissues, the well-known Johnson-Mehl-Avrami (JMA) model of crystallization kinetics was implemented as a continuum approximation of IIF in tissues. This model, which describes nucleation, growth, and impingement of crystals in a supercooled melt, is analogous to the process of intracellular ice formation and propagation in biological tissues. Based on the work of Weinberg and Kapral (1989), the JMA model was modified to account for finite-size effects, and was shown to predict accurately the results of freezing simulations in 1-D tissue constructs, for various propagation rates and tissue sizes. An initial analysis of IIF kinetics in 2-D tissues is also presented. The probability of IIF in 2-D liver tissue was measured experimentally during freezing of HepG2 cells cultured in monolayers, and compared to Monte Carlo simulations and predictions of the continuum model. The Avrami coefficient and exponent for IIF in HepG2 tissue were estimated to be k = 0.19 and n = 0.45.
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“[T]he subtle but powerful cement of a patriotic literature”: English-Canadian Literary Anthologies, National Identity, and the CanonHughes, Bonnie K. 24 April 2012 (has links)
The dissertation investigates the correlations among the development of general anthologies of Canadian literature, the Canadian canon, and visions of national identity. While literature anthologies are widely used in university classrooms, the influential role of the anthology in the critical study of literature has been largely overlooked, particularly in Canada. The dissertation begins with an analysis of the stages of development of general anthologies of Canadian literature, demonstrating that there are important links between dominant critical trends and the guiding interests of the various phases of anthology development and that anthologies both reflect and participate in moulding views of the nation and its literature. Focusing then upon five eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Canadian authors, the dissertation traces their treatment in anthologies and analyzes in detail the impact of stages of anthology development upon authors’ inclusion and presentation. The reception of Frances Brooke, John Richardson, William Kirby, Susanna Moodie, and Emily Pauline Johnson over a span of nearly 90 years is examined, and points of inclusion and exclusion are scrutinized to determine links with prevailing critical interests as well as canonical status. These case studies reveal the functions of anthologies, which include recovering overlooked authors, amending past oversights, reflecting new areas of critical inquiry, and preserving the national literary tradition. Their treatment also reveals the effect of larger critical concerns, such as alignment with dominant visions of the nation, considerations of genre, and reassessments of past views. The dissertation shows that the anthology is a carefully constructed, culturally valuable work that plays an important role in literary criticism and canon formation and is a genre worthy of careful scrutiny.
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Konsten att övertyga : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av valkampanjerna i samband med den brittiska folkomröstningen under 2016Karlsson, Patrik January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med följande undersökning var att analysera korrelationerna mellan valkampanjerna Britian Stronger In Europe och Vote Leave, Take Back Control i förhållande till retorikens tre element ethos (trovärdighet), logos (förnuft) och pathos (känslor). Utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys har valkampanjernas dokument, rapporter, affischer, tal och videoklipp analyserats för att presentera korrelationerna faktorerna emellan. Undersökningen kommer fram till att valkampanjen Britian Stronger In Europe och dess kampanjmaterial gick att korrelera till samtliga retoriska element, medan Vote Leave-kampanjen enbart gick att korrelera till ethos- och pathos-elementen. Anledningen till detta berodde på att Vote Leave-kampanjen inte utgick från något tillförlitligt material för att styrka sitt ställningstagande i relation till Storbritanniens medlemskap i EU, vilket var ett krav för att uppfylla logos-elementets kännetecken. Detta till trots, lyckades Vote Leave-kampanjen gå segrande ur den brittiska folkomröstningen med 52 % av rösterna gentemot Stronger In-kampanjens 48 %.
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