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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

São José - SC

Corrêa, Rafaella Krüger January 2007 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia. / Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-22T23:36:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 242960.pdf: 24423153 bytes, checksum: 9588f20af51e02fae526f8c15eff2af7 (MD5) / Esta pesquisa trata o Lazer e o Turismo no Município de São José - SC, e tem como foco o (re)conhecimento dos espaços de produção e consumo daquelas potencialidades para o lugar e sua inserção regional. Este município, como parte integrante da Região da Grande Florianópolis teve, nas últimas décadas, um desenvolvimento bastante significativo, uma vez que a urbanização se expandiu como uma mancha indissociável, processo ditado pelas estratégias de desenvolvimento da capital catarinense para sua hinterlândia. Isto vêm promovendo elevado crescimento demográfico que, aliado à outras manifestações, fomentam a geração de necessidades para a produção de espaços comuns de uso do tempo livre (lazer, entretenimento e turismo). Assim, nos últimos anos, o resgate das manifestações histórico-sócio-culturais (cultura de base açoriana, preservação do patrimônio histórico, etc.), através de festas, feiras e outros eventos, têm servido de estratégias para viabilizarem empreendimentos, muitos dos quais estão associados às perspectivas de condições impostas pelos tentáculos da urbanização e do desenvolvimento turístico de Florianópolis. Nessas condições nota-se que, nos últimos anos, o município tem revelado interesse pelo incremento das receitas geradas com a atividade turística, na economia local, despertando inovadora mentalidade, advinda tanto do setor público quanto do privado e que vêm, cada vez mais mostrando-se capaz de redirecionar o município para novas #trilhas# da atividade turística, na região da Grande Florianópolis. Desse modo, este trabalho tem como propósito identificar e analisar configurações sócio-espaciais daquelas atividades no município, como atrativos locais/regionais, associando-os às conexões mundiais, na contemporaneidade promovidas a partir de Florianópolis e outros espaços mundiais. Como referência nos fundamentos teóricos, foram utilizadas contribuições acadêmicas de autores como Milton Santos, Roberto Lobato Corrêa, Adyr Rodrigues, Celso Barroso Leite, Luiz Gonzaga Trigo, entre outros. Tomou-se como apoio metodológico, procedimentos embasados em princípios de C.D.P. (Condicionantes, Deficiências, Potencialidades), onde os dados/informações, coletados a partir de fontes publicadas, foram reconhecidos in loco e, sistematizados, deram suporte ao texto dissertativo. Espera-se então, através das reflexões e discussões aqui contidas, contribuir para avanços nas análises da temática focada, nos contextos espaciais analisados. This research is about leisure and tourism at São Jose County # SC, and its focus is the recognition of the production spaces and the consumption of the power to the place and its regional insertion. This County, as a part of the Region of the Big Florianopolis had, in the last decades, a really significant development, once that the housing development has expanded as a stain without reverse, process dictated by the strategies of development of the Catarinense Capital to your outskirts. This has promoted a high demographic growing that, with the other demonstrations, make the generation of necessities to the production of common use spaces of free time (leisure, entertaining and tourism). Likewise, in the last years, the ransom of this demonstrations, historic-social-cultural (a culture of Açoriana basis, preserving the historical heritage, etc), through parties, fairs and other events, has served of strategies to make it possible the enterprising, most of the are associated to the perspectives conditions commanded by the tentacles of the urbanization and the tourism development of Florianópolis. In this conditions we notice that, in the last Years, the County has revealed interest by the growth of the incomes generated with the tourism activity, at the local economy, awaking a brand new mentality, brought by both the public and the private sector which more and more shows capacity to make it go into a direction of new ways of the tourism activity, in the Big Florianópolis. This way, this work has as a propose, identify and analyze the settings social-space of those activities in the County, as local-regional attractive, associating to the world connections, promoted from Florianópolis and other world spaces. As reference at the theories fundaments, were used academies contributions from authors# as Milton Santos, Roberto Lobato Correa, Adyr Rodrigues, Celso Barroso Leite, Luiz Gonzaga Trigo, beside others. It became a methodological support procedures embased in principals of C.D.P. (Conditions, Deficiencies, Potentiality), where this data bases, collected by founts published, where recognized in loco and systemized, and gave support to the dissertate text. From this reflections and arguments that it#s content, we hope to contribute to the advance of the analysis of the focus thematic, in the space contest analyzed.

O Parque Residencial Kobrasol no processo de expansão urbana de Florianópolis /

Pereira, Fátima Regina da Silva January 1999 (has links)
Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. / Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-18T21:36:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0Bitstream added on 2016-01-09T01:47:37Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 169877.pdf: 30929538 bytes, checksum: 0605a63545e7286a13d757c11df5a469 (MD5) / Este trabalho aborda a produção do Loteamento Parque Residencial Kobrasol, localizado na Área Conurbada de Florianópolis, na década de setenta, evidenciando que sua criação só se tornou viável porque está diretamente vinculado à expansão urbana de Florianópolis. Desenvolvido a partir da junção de capital de três empresas privadas, transformou-se em um dos bairros mais importantes da área em estudo, revelando principalmente a existência de dois agentes que participaram diretamente, num tempo histórico, deste processo de apropriação do espaço urbano: o Estado e a Kobrasol Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Neste aspecto, o conteúdo complexo pelo qual a urbanização desta área vem se realizando, levou-nos a considerar duas importantes variáveis: a primeira nos remete ao processo de urbanização de Florianópolis e São José, que originou a Área Conurbada de Florianópolis; a segunda destaca a inter-relação entre as empresas privadas e o poder público na valorização do empreendimento.

Vistoria preventiva rsidencial (VPR)

Silveira, Miguel Ângelo January 2012 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil, Florianópolis, 2012 / Made available in DSpace on 2013-06-26T00:34:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 313837.pdf: 2579415 bytes, checksum: 622cfe8681f82c7203d6a921ef462b88 (MD5) / A vida, a integridade física e o patrimônio, são direitos essenciais assegurados pela Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil, promulgada em 1988, sendo também o foco e de responsabilidade dos órgãos de Segurança Pública. Assim buscou-se promover a redução da criminalidade, contribuir para os serviços de segurança pública e para a diminuição dos custos estaduais com a segurança urbana. Para isso, criou-se um questionário para realizar a vistoria em residências, objetivando a prevenção do crime. Através das análises de pesquisas e estudos sobre a ação criminosa em residências, elaborou-se um questionário que apontam as características e os elementos constitutivos do ambiente construído que influenciam na prática criminosa, e descortinam a conduta do infrator na tentativa de invadir as residências. Foi realizado um pré-teste em uma quadra do bairro Jardim Florianópolis, do município de São José - SC, para verificar a coerência e confiabilidade do questionário. Tendo confirmado estas características, aplicou-se o índice de vulnerabilidade nestas residências, apresentando estes dados em um SIG. Como resultado obteve-se que das 20 residências vistoriadas, 01 residência apresentou alta vulnerabilidade, 17 apresentaram índice de média vulnerabilidade e 02 residências apresentaram índices de baixa vulnerabilidade. Comparando com os dados históricos de ocorrências policiais, constatou-se que as casas com baixa vulnerabilidade nunca foram assaltadas, as residências com média vulnerabilidade 40% foram assaltadas e as casa com alta vulnerabilidade foi assaltada 02 vezes. Estes dados comprovam a probabilidade que pretende apontar o questionário com relação a vulnerabilidade de ser vítima de crimes residenciais.<br> / Abstract : The life, physical integrity and property, are essential rights guaranteed by the Brazilian Constitution, promulgated in 1988. Their protection is also one of the main purposes of Public Safety activities. Thus, the present search analyzes and propounds a way for the communities to feel more secure, promoting the crime reduction, contributing with public safety services and aiding states to reduce expenses in urban security. That#s why a questionnaire was created in order to be applied during homes inspect, objecting crime prevention. This questionnaire has been the result of analysis on researches and studies about criminal activities in residences, it also points the characteristics and elements of the built environments that become easy the criminal practices, and shows the way of invade homes used by bandits. A previous test has been applied in a block of Garden Florianópolis neighborhood, placed in San José-SC, to check the consistency and reliability of the questionnaire. Once confirmed the characteristics above, it was also applied the vulnerability index on these residences and the data results had been presented in a GIS. It was verified that among 20 homes inspected, 01 was extremely vulnerable, 17 were reasonably vulnerable and 02 evidenced low levels of vulnerability. Analyzing the historical data from police reports, it was detected that homes with low vulnerability had never been mugged, among households with average vulnerability, 40% were robbed and houses with high indication of vulnerability was assaulted for 02 times. These data demonstrate the probability which this questionnaire intends to point, in other words, the vulnerability on being a victim of a residential crime.

Identificação de áreas de conflito entre a ocupação do solo e a legislação através do uso da cartografia temática

Girardi, Róger Vigley January 2003 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil. / Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-21T06:07:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 192227.pdf: 11517983 bytes, checksum: 11194e59048e5df1fa6c37dfe6307924 (MD5)

Análise da gestão do IPTU

Costa, Alexandre Marino January 2004 (has links)
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção. / Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-21T11:10:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / O presente estudo trata da análise da gestão do Imposto sobre a Propriedade Predial e Territorial Urbana # IPTU, estudando em particular as inter-relações da gestão territorial e administração tributária municipal. A estratégia de pesquisa utilizada tem como base o estudo de caso na Prefeitura Municipal de São José, localizada na região metropolitana de Florianópolis, Estado de Santa Catarina. A delimitação de pesquisa define os instrumentos de gestão de acordo com IBGE e os fatores de análise da estrutura

Character and symbol in José Lezama Lima's 'Paradiso'

Ritchie, Fiona M. January 1982 (has links)
This thesis explores the possibility of some degree of unity in Paradiso, which appears initially to be a work of poetic self-indulgence, lacking a coherent plot, credible characters and causality, and possessing seemingly extraneous chapters. In particular, the characters, with their one shared voice (Lezama’s) and apparently arbitrary appearances in independent scenarios, demand scrutiny. Lezama Lima's earlier works are devoted to his sistema poético, a working method aimed at a material representation of the mystical world of the Spirit in the "incarnate Word". Since the writer himself has defined Paradiso as a novela-poema, the novel is here examined as a poem, with the characters (recurring images) fulfilling symbolic roles. Luis Fernández Sosa’s reading of some of Lezama’s poems "anagogically" (following the terminology of Northrop Frye) is equally applicable to Paradiso, with its multiple levels of meaning. In Paradiso each act or incident is ritualized, suggesting that the characters are indeed symbolic and may attain the stature of archetypes. Characters derived from members of Lezama’s family circle acquire symbolic names and layer upon layer of additional imagery until they are expanded into archetypes. The recurring image of the (family) tree linking heaven and earth, continual emphasis on the cycle of birth/death/renewal and the main configurations, such as hero/princess/dragon/treasure, assist in the identification of the principal symbolic characters: Great Mother Goddess, Son/Lover, Dionysiac sacrifice, the questing Orpheus and the magnificent doomed Icarus. Each concept or character is a stepping-stone for the central auto- biographical figure, inspired by personal tragedy to seek self-perfection and accept his vocation. The stages on the journey --family relationships, the discovery and mastery of sexuality and creativity, the pursuit of infinite knowledge-- are presided over by a variety of tutors, not least Rialta, Cemí’s anima, poetic Muse and spiritual guide. Within Cemí’s heroic conquest of the Unconscious, the imagery of the quest yields much when interpreted in terms of Jungian archetypes. With his eventual assimilation of opposites, Cemí becomes actively contemplative, attuned to ritmo hesicástico and obedient to his calling. 'The analysis of character is the key to Lezama’s fictionalized autobiography, which emerges as a finely structured novel given precise form by its symbolic characters.

O REAL E O FICCIONAL EM A CASCA DA SERPENTE E GUERRA NO CORAÇÃO DO CERRADO / The real and the fictional in A casca da serpente and Guerra no coração do cerrado

Silva, Maria José Modesto 01 October 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T11:07:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MARIA JOSE MODESTO SILVA.pdf: 945696 bytes, checksum: de7a2e79e1d1763c5492387c1e2e2731 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-10-01 / This study aims to analyze the works A casca da serpente (2001), José J. Veiga and Guerra no coração do Cerrado (2006), Maria José Silveira, focusing on the language crafted by the writers for the construction of their narratives. The theoretical depart from Bakhtin in Marxismo e Filosofia da Linguagem (2004), Hayden White, Trópicos do discurso ensaios sobre a crítica da cultura (1994), to investigate the tropes of language. Julia Kristeva Introdução á semanálise (2005) to work on intertextuality, Linda Hutcheon Poéticas do pós-modernismo: história, teoria, ficção (1991), André Trouche - América: História e ficção (2006), Alcmeno Bastos Introdução ao romance histórico (2007) e João Adolfo Hansen com a obra - Alegoria:construção e interpretação da metáfora (2006). The drama will be assessed by indicators of historical referentiality intertexts taken as the process of poetic structure. At first, seeing will be the language as"linguistic construct" and as sociological factor and differential societies chronicled in the novels under study. Then check will interdiscursive the relationship between history and fiction in the novels A casca da serpente and Guerra no coração do cerrado. At another point, the novels will be seen within a peculiarity that is narrating history and fiction. / Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as obras A casca da serpente (2001), de José J. Veiga e Guerra no coração do cerrado (2006), de Maria José Silveira, tendo como foco a linguagem trabalhada pelos escritores para a construção de suas narrativas. O embasamento teórico partirá de Bakhtin em Marxismo e Filosofia da Linguagem (2004), Hayden White, Trópicos do discurso - ensaios sobre a crítica da cultura (1994), para averiguação dos tropos da linguagem. Julia Kristeva - Introdução à semanálise (2005) para se trabalhar a intertextualidade; Linda Hutcheon - Poéticas do pós-modernismo: história, teoria, ficção (1991); André Trouche América: história e ficção (2006), Alcmeno Bastos - Introdução ao romance histórico(2007) e João Adolfo Hansen com a obra - Alegoria:construção e interpretação da metáfora (2006). As obras de ficção serão avaliadas pelos índices de referencialidade histórica tomados como intertextos no processo de estruturação poética. Em um primeiro momento, ver-se-á a linguagem como construto lingüístico e como fator sociológico e diferencial nas sociedades narradas nos romances em estudo. Em seguida, buscar-se-á a relação interdiscursiva entre História e Ficção nos romances A casca da serpente e Guerra no coração do cerrado. Em outro momento, os romances serão vistos dentro de uma particularidade que é o narrar histórico e a ficção.

The Exploration and Preliminary Colonization of the Seno Mexicano under don José de Escandón (1747-1749): An Analysis Based on Primary Spanish Manuscripts

Cunningham, Debbie S. 2010 August 1900 (has links)
In 1747, José de Escandón led an expeditionary force into the Seno Mexicano, the remote northern frontier of New Spain, which had developed into a safe haven for rebellious natives who had fled to the region as they resisted Spanish domination in the interior provinces. News of foreign encroachment into the region prompted officials in New Spain to renew their efforts to explore and pacify the region. Within three and onehalf months, the area that had resisted previous attempts at exploration had been thoroughly explored and mapped. In December, 1748, Escandón set out to colonize the newly explored region, named Nuevo Santander. During the preliminary colonization of Nuevo Santander from 1748 to 1749, Escandón founded fourteen settlements along the Río Grande. In this study, I transcribe, translate, and study all primary Spanish manuscripts documenting the exploration of the Seno Mexicano, and the preliminary colonization of the newly founded province of Nuevo Santander. I provide the first English annotated translation of Escandón’s Informe documenting the exploration of the Seno Mexicano, and the first English-language account of the preliminary colonization of Nuevo Santander that is based on all available manuscripts documenting the event: Escandón’s Autos and Friar Simón del Hierro’s Diario. Escandón accomplished what no Spaniard before him could. He successfully explored the Seno Mexicano, and began colonizing the newly founded province of Nuevo Santander. Under Escandón’s colonization design, for the first and only time in the history of New Spain, Spanish officials relied on colonists rather than soldiers and priests to colonize a region. This colonization design had a definitive impact on the future development of the region, and provided the framework under which a civilian ranching industry would emerge and flourish. Escandón was one of the most important people in 18th century New Spain, and the impact of his accomplishments and unique colonization plan is still evident today on both sides of the Río Grande.

La autoevaluación según los modelos de gestión de calidad total y el aprendizaje en la organización: Una investigación de carácter exploratorio.

Balbastre Benavent, Francisco 26 September 2001 (has links)
No description available.

José Lezama Lima's Paradiso : knowledge and the labyrinth

Díaz, Gloria del Carmen 10 April 2014 (has links)
In this study Lezama’s Paradiso is “the mysterious labyrinth of the cognitive image,” a metaphor for his search for ultimate enlightenment--knowledge of super nature toward the Highest Good. The Preamble introduces the novel Paradiso as his poetic sum of knowledge generated by the Cognitive Eros like an encyclopedic narrative with revelation at the center. Chapter One presents labyrinth fundamentals and the mythic method to analyze the novel. It identifies a heightened perception or sensation, cognition, and imagination as “new” senses “beyond reason” needed to read this “new other” novel. It also explains how the author’s clues aid comprehension, how the poetic word illuminates a fourfold method for interpretation, and how the double structure of the narrative superimposes a circuitous pathway of multicursal storylines and descriptions of Old World images upon a linear unicursal surface narrative. Chapter Two examines three cognitive images in Lezama’s labyrinth: Confluence analyzes how multiple streams of thought and images flow from chaos into order in the poet’s mind and how the labyrinth’s principle of opposition represents the convergence of contradictory images whose combination will inspire other images. Androgyne or Oneness illustrates the nature of creativity--how symmetrical opposite images unite or copulate to germinate other imagery. Figure and Revelation show Lezama’s use of Scriptural figura to represent the prefigurative sense of his writing. Chapter Three interprets Lezama’s own labyrinthine method and steps for interpreting Paradiso derived from his scrutiny of “the other” analogous novel, Julio Cortázar’s Rayuela. The study concludes that Paradiso delivers Lezama’s Delphic Course, a systematized literary orientation based on the belief that each text transmits wisdom. The protagonist/reader undergoes Anthropophany, is transformed into a learned interpreter and a higher self toward manifestation in the image of the Word/God. With the author-protagonist as mentor Paradiso proclaims Lezama’s ideal program of cultural, intellectual, ethical, and spiritual formation of the individual after the classic Greek Paideia, parallel to the way of purification and redemption achieved through the Paideia of Christ. Finally, the text embodies Lezama’s crusade to restore Cuba as a bridge for cultural exchange and development between the Old World and the New World. / text

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