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Modul pro správu nastavení systému NLPIS / Module for Management of Settings of NLPIS SystemLinhart, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
This master's thesis is focused to create a module for management of settings of NLPIS system. The module will serve to make using of the NPLIS system easier, focusing especially on the session management improvements. The topic contains introduction of the issue, description of the NLPIS system and its technologies, as well as various solution drafts and final implementations including testing are covered in the thesis. The main focus is on improving user experience by simplifying the interface and hence making their work more effective.
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Software pro jízdu pravidelnosti / Software for Regularity RacingKříž, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The main goal of this master‘s thesis was to create software solution suitable for measuring and results processing of regularity rally races and to create supplementary web application. The measuring application was created using integrated development environment Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 and c# programming language. For application to work correctly, it was necessary to create a database model, using MySQL relational database management system. The measuring application can work both with local and remote database server. Web application allows user to see various data including results of racing events or tournaments, data are being fetched from the MySQL database. There was an option to explore existing circuit racing software Vola Timing Circuit – Pro for inspiration.
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Geografický informační systém pro pasportizaci a vizualizaci rozlehlých počítačových sítí / GEO Information System for Passportization and Visualization of Wide Computer NetworksFibich, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the problem of the passportization and the visualization of wide computer networks with the usage of geographic information systems. It discusses principals and properties of geographic information systems and spatial databases that are frequently used as data carriers for geographic information systems. The main part of the thesis is dedicated to the passportization of computer networks with focusing on the physical network structure. After the definition of the passport format the thesis continues with the analysis, the proposal, the implementation and the testing of the geographic information system for managing and visualization of the passport in this format. The thesis is ended by a case study that demonstrates the passportization process of an access computer network in the implemented system.
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Rapportverktyg : Till mätsystemet PerceptionGlimmerdahl, Michael January 2021 (has links)
The overall purpose of this project is to create a tool that will be able to generate reports for measurements and calculations performed by the Perception system. At present, this is a manual procedure that is both time-consuming, inefficient, and increases the risk of error. Since Perception is developed in C#, the reporting tool will be developed in ASP.NET Core with C# based on the MVC pattern and all data will be stored in Microsoft's SQL server. Transfer of data between systems will be handled by export files that Perception can generate as well as a self-developed import function in the reporting tool. With a few simple settings and options, the operators will be able to generate reports for the selected project and then copy them to the final report. Initial work with design and usability, based on the existing graphic profile, will result in an application that significantly facilitates the work of producing test reports. To make the design appealing, Bootstrap and self-written CSS will be used and to make the user experience as good as possible, JavaScript and AJAX will be used together with jQuery and thus be able to provide relevant information without the need of page reload. Focus will be placed on validating imported data to ensure that correct information is available and stored in the database. To further help the users, relevant messages will show status both in case of problems but also in case of successful procedures. / Det övergripande syftet, för detta projekt, är att skapa ett verktyg som ska kunna generera rapporter för mätningar och beräkningar utförda i systemet Perception. I dagsläget är detta ett manuellt förfarande som både är tidskrävande och ineffektivt vilket också ger en ökad risk för felkällor. Eftersom Perception är utvecklat i C# kommer rapportverktyget att utvecklas i ASP.NET Core med C# baserat på MVC-mönstret och all data kommer lagras i Microsofts SQL server. Överföringen av data mellan systemen kommer att ske med hjälp av de exportfiler som Perception kan generera samt en egenutvecklad importfunktion i rapportverktyget. Med några enkla inställningar och val ska operatörerna kunna generera rapporter för valt projekt och sedan kunna kopiera dem till slutrapporten. Ett inledande arbete med design och användbarhet, som grundar sig på den befintlig grafisk profilen, ska mynna ut i en applikation som väsentligt underlätta arbetet med att producera testrapporter. För att göra designen tilltalande kommer Bootstrap och egenskriven CSS att användas och för att användarupplevelsen ska bli så bra som möjligt kommer JavaScript samt AJAX att användas tillsammans med jQuery och på så vis kunna ge relevant information utan att sidan behöver uppdateras. Stort fokus kommer att läggas på kontroller av importerad data för att säkerställa att rätt information finns representerat samt sparas till databasen. För att ytterligare underlätta för användarna ska relevanta meddelanden ge status både vid problem men också vid lyckade procedurer.
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Dynamicky rekonfigurovatelný web / Dynamically Reconfigurable WebsitePreuss, Radek January 2009 (has links)
This work deals with the possibility of dynamically configurable web applications. It compares the methods of dynamic web technologies, graphical user interfaces and principles of using templates. In other parts describes the analysis, design and implementation of applications, enabling change dynamically the structure of the website. The last part is focused on a description of the system and its operation from the user's point of view.
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Cross-platform Mobile Development and Internet of Things : Developing a cross-platform mobile application using web technologies to interact with smart thingsAnton, Andersson, Runbert, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Today more and more objects in our daily lives are getting connected to the Internet. This phenomenon is called the Internet of Things and is a way for physical things such as cars, buildings or even bus stations to get access and communicate with other objects using the Internet. The problem is that for every Internet of Things device, an application is often needed in order to communicate with these devices. Developing mobile applications in a separate programming language for each operating system can be an expensive and time consuming task. In this thesis, we implement and evaluate a cross-platform mobile solution for users to interact with smart things using the advantages of web technologies. To compare previous findings in this area, two literature reviews has been performed to find out which is the state of the art on cross-platform mobile development frameworks and smart-things technologies used for interacting with physical objects. The result is a mobile application developed using PhoneGap and jQuery Mobile that interacts with iBeacons, where students inside a university building can get directions and schedules for different rooms. The application received good results from a couple of usability studies, and performed well when measuring its performance. The outcome shows that web technologies that exist today are a viable solution to native mobile applications in terms of interacting with smart things such as tagging technologies.
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Moderní Java frameworky pro front-end webových aplikací / Modern Java frameworks for front-end of web applicationsJahoda, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is the analysis of selected frameworks for the development of modern web applications on the Java platform focusing on the front-end. The work is complemented by well-chosen source code examples that help the reader to create one's own view of the frameworks and it can also server as a tutorial. Introductory section focuses on the trends of modern web applications, especially on the front-end. It affects themes such as support for mobile devices, AJAX or responsive design of user interface. There are also introduced the latest technology on the front-end including HTML5, CSS3, jQuery library and dynamic language LESS whose main objective is the simplification, shortening and making cascading style sheets more dynamic. The output of this section: General LESS template is freely available and it can be applied to emerging projects. For the analysis there has been created static registration form on which there are applied frameworks Apache Wicket and Spring MVC with template engine Freemarker. In terms of analysis were chosen following points: the basic structure of the project, the application of static templates, external JavaScript / jQuery library, internalization, application of the form, submitting the form and validation of the input fields. The points were discussed in detail, especially in terms of implementation of both analysed frameworks. The outputs of the analysis are freely available structures of the projects and both of the resulting applications.
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Webová služba pro podporu vedení diplomek / Web Service for Master's Theses SupervisionSpilka, David January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with design and implementation of new version of web portal for master's thesis supervisioin. The website is written in PHP using Nette framework. The goal of this application is to simplify the work of theses supervisors. The application provides supervisors with overview of students' activity by weekly reports. It allows students to cooperate and share information and motivation. The main reasons for creating a new implementation were improvement and extension of functionality and improvement of user interface and user experience. Results of testing show that all the above-mentioned changes were successful. Users are more satisfied, especially with the user interface.
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Inteligentní řízení domácnosti / Smart Home ControlFučík, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis summarizes the subject of intelligent homes and describes commonly used standards and commercial solutions on the market. The thesis covers the design of a low-cost and easy to use smart home system which can be managed over the internet, uses a genetic algorithm for heating regulation optimization and its central computing unit is a low-cost, embedded device with low power consumption. The functionality of the system is verified on a practical application of heating regulation in a house. The efficacy of the system for energy savings is shown; it is based on measured data statistics.
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Webové rozhraní pro zpracování obrazu / Web Interface for Image ProcessingBeran, Milan January 2010 (has links)
This paper concerns design and implementation of a system which provides easier control of digital image processing console applications. The work is based on threes information technology domains: distributed systems, image processing and web technologies. The system consist of number of separated components communicating with each other in order of processing desired tasks. Control interface and the task daemon are implemented in PHP language. Image processing programs are implemented in C language using OpenCV graphic library. Control of the system is carried out through web graphical interface using dynamic control components implemented in Javascript language, jQuery library and jQueryUI interface. Part of the work is also a description of employment of the system in practical use in two environments, experiments concerning system performance and web interface user acceptance testing.
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