Spelling suggestions: "subject:"june"" "subject:"juni""
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Parques y justicia ambiental urbana en San Juan de Lurigancho: análisis comparativo de proximidad, calidad y gestión de parques urbanos entre la urbanización Las Flores de Lima y el asentamiento humano Su Santidad Juan Pablo IICampos Montes, Pedro Martin 23 September 2024 (has links)
La presencia de parques urbanos es un factor importante al pensar la vida en ciudad por
los beneficios ambientales y sociales que poseen. Sin embargo, la situación en la que se
encuentran puede verse afectada por ciertos factores que impide a la población obtener
un beneficio por igual. Por ello, es importante evaluar de qué manera algunas personas
pueden estar en desventaja frente a otras, aun encontrándose en una misma jurisdicción
político- administrativa. El objetivo de la presente investigación es evaluar la presencia
de justicia ambiental urbana al realizar un análisis comparativo a escala barrial entre dos
áreas que reflejan las diferencias socioeconómicas del distrito de San Juan de
Lurigancho. En ese sentido, se aborda la justicia ambiental desde sus dimensiones
distributiva y participativa a través de los indicadores de calidad y proximidad y
explorando la gestión de los parques. A partir del análisis realizado se constató que en
ambas áreas existe un nivel óptimo de proximidad a parques, pero la calidad sí es
distinta e inferior en el área con un menor nivel socioeconómico. Sin embargo, no es un
escenario de injusticia ambiental producto de una mayor presencia de la municipalidad
distrital en el área con mayor nivel socioeconómico, sino el resultado del nivel de
organización vecinal desarrollado en cada jurisdicción y el rol principal que los vecinos
asumen en la gestión y transformación de sus parques. En ese sentido, la metodología
aplicada permite entender las dinámicas que existen y explican la situación de los
parques, lo cual permite identificar los retos y oportunidades donde intervenir para
generar una ciudad donde todos gocen de los beneficios de los parques urbanos. / The presence of urban parks is an important factor when thinking about city life due to
the environmental and social benefits they have. However, the situation in which they
find themselves may be affected by certain factors that prevent the population from
obtaining an equal benefit. Therefore, it is important to evaluate how some people may
be at a disadvantage compared to others, even if they are in the same politicaladministrative
jurisdiction. The objective of this research is to evaluate the presence of
urban environmental justice by carrying out a comparative analysis at a neighborhood
scale between two areas that reflect the socioeconomic differences of the district of San
Juan de Lurigancho. In this sense, environmental justice is addressed from its
distributive and participatory dimensions through quality and proximity indicators and
exploring park management. From the analysis carried out, it was found that in both
areas there is an optimal level of proximity to parks, but the quality is different and
lower in the area with a lower socioeconomic level. However, it is not a scenario of
environmental injustice resulting from a greater presence of the district municipality in
the area with the highest socioeconomic level, but rather the result of the level of
neighborhood organization in each jurisdiction and the main role that neighbors assume
in the management and transformation of their parks. In this sense, the applied
methodology allows us to understand the dynamics that exist and explain the situation
of the parks, which allows us to identify the challenges and opportunities where we can
intervene to generate a city where everyone enjoys the benefits of urban parks.
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Ineficiente aplicación de las medidas de protección para preservar la seguridad de la escena del crimen, por efectivos del servicio básico de las comisarías de la Policía Nacional del Perú en la División Policial Este 2 (SJL), durante el período 2022Poma Achulla, Jorge Luis, Carrera Torres, Marco Antonio 07 October 2024 (has links)
La primera intervención policial del personal del servicio de calle policial es estar en
contacto con la sociedad, espacio en el cual se suceden diversas acciones en contra de los
ciudadanos, entre las cuales resalta la perpetración de un delito en un espacio físico, ya sea
abierto o cerrado, con las consiguientes consecuencias.
El personal policial de suboficiales PNP, especialmente los de reciente egreso de la
Escuela de Formación Policial, es el que realiza las primeras diligencias de intervención en
una escena del crimen.
Los resultados de las primeras acciones en una escena son cuestionados, ya sea por
los familiares, el agraviado y los abogados, debido a que se realizó de manera deficiente la
intervención policial.
La investigación fue realizada empleándose la metodología de la entrevista y el
análisis de materia bibliográfica.
El problema público, como son las “deficiencias en las medidas de protección y
carencia de aptitudes profesionales para garantizar la seguridad en el lugar del incidente
delictivo por efectivos de la Comisaría de SJL”, llevó a proponer la implementación de un
programa de capacitación en línea y offline que enfoque las funciones específicas del
“primer respondiente” (en adelante PR), con el propósito de optimizar la implementación
de medidas de resguardo y garantizar la seguridad en la escena.
El objetivo es perfeccionar los procesos funcionales que desarrollan los SO PNP
mediante el Curso de Capacitación modalidad en línea y offline sobre “Funciones del
Primer Respondiente”, el cual consta de clases virtuales. / The first police intervention of the police street service personnel is to be in contact with
society, a space in which various actions take place against the citizens of society, among
which the perpetration of a crime in a physical space, whether open or closed, with the
consequent consequences.
The police personnel of PNP Non-Commissioned Officers, especially those who
recently graduated from the Police Training School, are the ones who carry out the first
intervention procedures at a crime scene.
The results of the first actions at a scene are questioned by family members, victims
and lawyers, because the police intervention was carried out poorly.
The research was carried out, using the interview methodology, analysis of
bibliographic material.
The public problem such as the "deficiencies in the protection measures and lack of
professional skills to guarantee security at the scene of the criminal incident, by members
of the SJL Police Station", it was proposed to implement an online and offline training
program, that focuses on the specific functions of the “first responder” (hereinafter PR),
with the purpose of optimizing the implementation of safety measures and guaranteeing
safety at the scene.
The objective is to perfect the functional processes developed by the PNP SOs,
through the Online and Offline Training Course, on “Functions of the First Responder”,
which consists of virtual classes.
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Implementación de un protocolo para enfrentar la insuficiencia operativa y jurídica en respuesta policial al robo de celulares en el distrito de San Juan de Miraflores durante el periodo 2021 - 2023Valer Mayhuasca, José Anastacio, Monroy Díaz, Sergio Martín 13 August 2024 (has links)
La intención fundamental de esta investigación es analizar las deficiencias
operativas y jurídicas en la respuesta policial frente al aumento del robo de celulares
en el distrito de San Juan de Miraflores (SJM), durante el período comprendido entre
los años 2021 y 2023.
El incremento de aproximadamente un 21.3% en este delito impacta
directamente a los residentes del distrito, representando una amenaza para su
seguridad y bienestar (DIRIN PNP, 2022). Aunque la función policial se enfoca en la
aprehensión de los delincuentes, es esencial destacar que la evaluación de su
liberación recae en instancias como el Ministerio Público (MP) y el Poder Judicial (PJ).
La estructura organizativa de la Policía Nacional del Perú (PNP) delineada en
el Decreto Supremo Nº 026-2017-IN, constituye el marco fundamental para la
operación eficaz y cumplimiento de los objetivos institucionales. Sin embargo, se
evidencia la necesidad de atender tanto la deficiencia operativa, caracterizada por la
escasez de recursos, la limitada presencia policial. Así como la falta de inteligencia y
coordinación; como la insuficiencia jurídica, que engloba la carencia de actualización
y adaptación de la legislación, y la complejidad inherente a las leyes vigentes. Estos
vacíos son esenciales para abordar de manera eficaz el persistente problema del robo
de celulares en el distrito.
El robo de celulares, en aumento en el distrito de SJM, afecta principalmente a
los jóvenes. Puntos críticos, como la intersección de la Avenida San Juan - Avenida
Los Héroes, el Mall del Sur y la Estación de Atocongo, son escenarios frecuentes de
atracos. Se propone entonces, implementar acciones preventivas integrales antes y
después de los incidentes mediante políticas públicas efectivas.
Se espera que los resultados contribuyan a diseñar políticas públicas y
programas de prevención, reduciendo el índice de robo de celulares y mejorando la
seguridad en el distrito de SJM. / The fundamental intention of this investigation is to analyze the operational and
legal deficiencies in the police response to the increase in cell phone theft in the district
of San Juan de Miraflores (SJM), during the period between 2021 and 2023.
The increase of approximately 21.3% in this crime directly impacts the residents
of the district, representing a threat to their safety and well-being (DIRIN PNP, 2022).
Although the police function focuses on the apprehension of criminals, it is essential to
highlight that the evaluation of their release falls on bodies such as the Public Ministry
(MP) and the Judiciary (PJ).
The organizational structure of the National Police of Peru (PNP) outlined in
Supreme Decree No. 026-2017-IN, constitutes the fundamental framework for effective
operation and compliance with institutional objectives. However, the need to address
both the operational deficiency, characterized by the scarcity of resources and the
limited police presence, is evident. As well as the lack of intelligence and coordination;
such as legal insufficiency, which encompasses the lack of updating and adaptation of
legislation, and the complexity inherent to current laws. These gaps are essential to
effectively address the persistent problem of cell phone theft in the district.
Cell phone theft, on the rise in the SJM district, mainly affects young people.
Critical points, such as the intersection of Avenida San Juan - Avenida Los Héroes, the
Mall del Sur and the Atocongo Station, are frequent scenes of robberies. It is then
proposed to implement comprehensive preventive actions before and after incidents
through effective public policies.
It is expected that the results will contribute to designing public policies and
prevention programs, reducing the rate of cell phone theft and improving security in the
SJM district.
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Unité, cohérence et fragmentation dans l’œuvre de Juan José Saer / Unity, coherence and fragmentation in Juan José Saer’s opusLaurent, Pénélope 05 December 2009 (has links)
Les textes de l’écrivain argentin Juan José Saer (1937-2005) construisent une œuvre unique à partir d’un processus typiquement balzacien, la récurrence des personnages dans un lieu, la « zona », donnant l’impression de créer une « comédie humaine » ou une saga. Mais la fragmentation, qui traverse l’ensemble du corpus tant dans la récurrence (de personnages, lieux, situations, temps), que dans l’intrigue, la représentation du réel ou l’écriture, introduisant de l’hétérogénéité et de l’indétermination, le rapprocherait plutôt du Nouveau Roman. C’est donc la fragmentation, plutôt qu’une unité préétablie, qui donne sa cohérence à l’ensemble. La « théorie négative » de Saer, qui lui permet d’écrire contre certains modèles perçus comme « totalitaires », s’articule de façon cohérente avec la place importante qu’il laisse au lecteur, dans les interstices entre deux fragments. La cohérence de l’ensemble est un effet de lecture délibéré et, plus que l’auteur, c’est désormais le lecteur qui est le garant de l’unité de l’œuvre. / Together, the texts written by Argentinian author Juan José Saer (1937-2005) build a unique opus, through the typically Balzacian process of recurring characters staged within a setting, « la zona », in a saga bearing some resemblance to Balzac’s « comédie humaine». But the fragmentation that pervades the body of work, not merely in its recurring motifs or structures (characters, settings, situations, time-frames), but in its very plot, its representation of reality and its aesthetics of the heterogenous and the indeterminate, rather liken it to the « Nouveau Roman ». Fragmentation, rather than a pre-established unity, gives the work its coherence as a whole. Saer’s « negative theory », which allows him to write against a number of models he perceives as « totalitarian », is coherently articulated with the essential role given to the reader, in the gaps between two fragments. The coherence of the whole relies on reader reception ; rather than with the author, the unity of the opus rests with the reader her/himself.
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Die Iberoamerikanische Gemeinschaft nach dem PanhispanismusHirsch, Maria 22 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit geht der Frage nach, wie sich König Juan Carlos I. als maßgeblicher Initiator der Iberoamerikanischen Gipfeltreffen und damit einhergehend der Iberoamerikanischen Gemeinschaft im Ideologiekonstrukt des Panhispanismus Ende des 20. / Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts positioniert. König Juan Carlos’ I. politische Einstellung gegenüber der iberoamerikanischen Geschicke wird im Rahmen einer empirisch-linguistischen Analyse seiner Gipfelreden festgemacht, um vor dem Hintergrund der Betrachtung der Begriffe Ideologie und Panhispanismusideologie den ideologischen Gehalt der königlichen Aussagen zu ergründen.
Die Untersuchung ist im Rahmen einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse nach Philipp Mayring durchgeführt worden. Als einen bemerkenswerten Vorteil des inhaltsanalytischen Verfahrens im Vergleich zu anderen Textanalysemethoden definiert Mayring (2015) seine Verankerung in einem kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Kontext. Das heißt, dass das Datenmaterial in seinem Kommunikationszusammenhang erfasst wird und folglich sowohl seine Entstehung als auch seine Wirkung in die Interpretation einfließen.
In Anlehnung an die Lasswell’sche Formel (Lasswell 1957) und an das inhaltsanalytische Kommunikationsmodell nach Mayring (2015) liegt der Fokus der Analyse folglich darauf, durch die Reden des Königs, Aussagen sowohl über den emotionalen und kognitiven Hintergrund als auch über den Handlungshintergrund des Kommunikators, nämlich König Juan Carlos I., zu treffen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wird daher davon ausgegangen, dass die Reden Juan Carlos I. anlässlich der Iberoamerikanischen Gipfeltreffen die ethischen und politischen Leitgedanken des spanischen Staatschefs wiederspiegeln.
Um dem Erkenntnisinteresse dieser Arbeit gerecht zu werden, wurde ein primär qualitatives Verfahren gewählt. Der offene Charakter qualitativer Methoden ermöglicht eine authentische Erfassung der Lebenswelt und Sichtweisen des Kommunikators Juan Carlos I. in Bezug auf das Thema der Annäherung Spaniens und Lateinamerikas.
Die Durchführung der Analyse basiert auf einem vorab konstruierten und an das vorliegende Datenmaterial angepassten Ablaufmodell. Entsprechend des zusammenfassenden, explikativen Vorgehens wird der Materialcorpus reduziert (Zusammenfassung) und die Analyseeinheiten extrahiert und kodiert. Anschließend erfolgt die Interpretation der kategorisierten Analyseeinheiten vor dem Hintergrund externen Textmaterials (Explikation). Das Kategoriensystem als Herzstück der Analyse wird im Rahmen einer Pilotstudie vor der Bearbeitung des Gesamtcorpus induktiv generiert.
Anhand der Untersuchung der königlichen Gipfelreden lässt sich konstatieren, dass die Iberoamerikanischen Gipfeltreffen die Beziehungen zwischen beiden Gemeinschaftspartnern auf ideeller Ebene durchaus vorangebracht haben. Dank der gemeinsamen Arbeit im Rahmen der Gipfeltreffen und der Gemeinschaft ist „Iberoamerika“ tatsächlich zu einer Realität geworden. Der instrumentelle Charakter der auch weiterhin maßgeblich von Spanien initiierten Annäherungsbemühungen bleibt zwar weitgehend erhalten, nimmt aber heute deutlich partnerschaftliche Züge an als im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert – man begegnet sich auf Augenhöhe.
Die Bilanz aus drei Jahrhunderten Annäherungsarbeit, die Maria Hirsch in ihrer Arbeit zieht, ist jedoch dennoch ernüchternd: Die spanischen Bemühungen blieben bis heute meist in ihrem rhetorischen Rahmen gefangen und konnten aus ihrer Sicht bisher nur sehr bescheidene, marginale und praktisch kaum relevante Ergebnisse verbuchen. Die Annäherungsversuche lebten und leben vom wishful thinking. Eigenlob und klägliche Ergebnisse werden rhetorisch geschickt in große Worthülsen verpackt, bleiben aber für Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in der Realität letztendlich wirkungslos. Lediglich der Imperiumsgedanke, Spaniens egoistisches Streben nach der grandeza aus Kolonialzeiten, gilt im 21. Jahrhundert als obsolet und spielt in der spanischen Argumentation zu Gunsten einer Iberoamerikanischen Gemeinschaft keine Rolle mehr. Trotz partnerschaftlicher Annäherung lässt sich laut Maria Hirsch die traurige Bilanz nicht schönfärben – die hehren Ziele, Hoffnungen und Erwartungen, die die teilnehmenden Akteure aber auch die Bevölkerung an das jährlich stattfindende Zusammentreffen der Staats- und Regierungschefs knüpften, haben sich bisher nicht erfüllt. Der Schritt vom kulturellen Gipfel zum Wirtschaftsgipfel will aus ihrer Sicht einfach nicht gelingen – die Iberoamerikanischen Gipfeltreffen ordnen sich daher in den Reigen rein rhetorischer Annäherungsversuche ein, die Spanien seit dem Verlust seiner letzten Kolonien gegenüber Lateinamerika unternimmt.
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O crime e as trangressões da letra: o gênero policial em Juan José Saer e Ricardo Piglia / Crime and literature transgressions: crime fiction in the works of Juan José Saer and Ricardo Piglia.Rubio, Eduardo Fava 07 November 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar as relações entre o gênero policial e os romances La pesquisa (1994), de Juan José Saer, e Plata quemada (1997), de Ricardo Piglia. Inseridos nas poéticas singulares e originais de seus autores, ambos os textos refletem, por um lado, as práxis narrativas que tanto Saer quanto Piglia já vinham desenvolvendo havia vários anos quando da publicação dos livros, nos anos noventa. Por outro lado, a leitura dos romances sob a perspectiva das narrativas policiais, frequentemente associadas a uma literatura popular ou de massas, leva à indagação de se e como é possível o desenvolvimento de uma escrita mais complexa e ambiciosa esteticamente em diálogo com as convenções que, em princípio, caracterizam o gênero literário. A partir desta questão, a hipótese de leitura se concentrará no conceito de transgressão dentro da literatura, partindo da ideia de Michel Foucault desenvolvida no ensaio Prefacio a la transgresión. A transgressão pensada na escrita de La pesquisa e Plata quemada, então, pode consistir em um gesto que, ao franquear os limites genéricos, não só reconfigura as poéticas de Saer e Piglia, como também repensa o conceito de gênero policial, bem como a relação dos dois escritores com o contexto cultural em que desenvolvem suas obras. / This study aims to analyze the relations between crime fiction as a literary genre and the novels La pesquisa [The investigation] (1994), by Juan José Saer, and Plata quemada [Burnt money] (1997), by Ricardo Piglia. Inserted into their author´s unique and original poetics, both texts reflect, on the one hand, the narrative praxis that both Saer and Piglia had already been developing for several years when the books were published in the nineties. On the other hand, the reading of the novels from the perspective of crime fiction, a genre often associated with popular or mass literature, leads to the question of how is it possible to develop a more complex and ambitious writing, aesthetically speaking, in dialog with the conventions that, in principle, distinguish the literary genre. From this point on, the hypothesis of reading will focus on the concept of transgression in literature, as it is developed by Michel Foucault in his essay Prefacio a la transgresión [A Preface to Transgression]. Back to the way La pesquisa and Plata quemada are conceived, the transgression can be figured out as a gesture that, by crossing the genre limits, not only reconfigure the way the narrative of Saer and Piglia could be read, but also rethink the crime fiction as a genre and the relations of both authors with the cultural context in which they develop their works.
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Arte, técnica e política: a arquitetura régia de Juan de Herrera e o projeto político de Felipe II da Espanha (1572 - 1597) / Art, technique and politics: the regal architecture of Juan de Herrera and the political project of Felipe II of Spain (1572 - 1597)Lima, Camila Cristina Souza 17 August 2012 (has links)
Durante a Idade Moderna, na Espanha governada pela dinastia dos Habsburgos, religião e política se fundiam em muitos aspectos para criar a expressão característica da forma de governo desses monarcas, sobretudo durante o reinado de Felipe II (1556-1598). Junto a esse rei, importantes colaboradores criaram a imagem de seu governo. Nesta dissertação, chamamos a atenção para a atuação de Juan de Herrera, arquiteto de Felipe II, finalizador da obra emblemática do Monastério de San Lorenzo el Real del Escorial. Ao estudar a trajetória desse nobre, percebemos como a arquitetura ganha importância dentro da burocracia real, assim como as matemáticas. Herrera contribuiu para um projeto mais amplo do que a expressão estética e arquitetônica de um período, um projeto que expressava as inquietações políticas e religiosas da monarquia. / During the Modern Age, in Spain governed by the dynasty of the Habsburgs, religion and politics were fused in many aspects to create the characteristic expression of the form of government of these monarchs, especially during the reign of Philip II (1556-1598). Close to this king, important collaborators created the image of his government. In this thesis, we call attention to the work of Juan de Herrera, architect of Philip II, who completed the emblematic work of the Monastery of San Lorenzo El Real Del Escorial. Studying the trajectory of this noble, we realize how the architecture won importance within the royal bureaucracy, as well as mathematics. Herrera contributed to a more extensive project than the aesthetic expression and architectural design of a period, a project that expressed the political and religious inquietudes of the monarchy.
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Formas de mediação nas obras de Juan Rulfo e João Guimarães Rosa / Forms of mediation in the text by Juan Rulfo and João Guimarães RosaMaciel, Maria Virginia Oliveira 26 June 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objeto de estudo as obras de João Guimarães Rosa Sarapalha, Corpo fechado e A terceira margem do rio e de Juan Rulfo Luvina e Pedro Páramo. Partindo destes materiais literários analisamos as categorias da transculturação, as relações entre escrita e poder e as implicações das teorias de Ángel Rama para a análise cultural da América Latina. Fundamentam este estudo as teorias críticas desenvolvidas por Roberto González Echevarría, Alberto Moreiras, Antonio Cornejo Polar e Jacques Derrida. Desta forma, o trabalho passa pela discussão de temas como a influência, a mediação e a representação do discurso antropológico na literatura, o debate entre a oralidade e a escrita e o papel paradoxal da literatura na América Latina. / This study aims at studying the works Sarapalha, Corpo fechado and A terceira margem do rio by João Guimarães Rosa and Luvina and Pedro Páramo, by Juan Rulfo. With this literary material as basis, the dissertation analyzes the category of transculturation, the relation between writing and power and the implications of Ángel Rama\'s theories for Latin America cultural analysis. The foundations of this study are the critical theories developed by Roberto González Echevarría, Alberto Moreiras, Antonio Cornejo Polar and Jacques Derrida. Hence, the work deals with the discussion of issues such as the influence, mediation and representation of anthropology in literature, as well as with the debate between orality and writing and the paradoxical role of literature in Latin America.
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Origens do pensamento e da política radical na América Latina: um estudo comparativo entre José Martí, Juan B. Justo e Ricardo Flores Magón / Origins of radical thought and politics in Latin America: a comparative study between José Martí, Juan B. Justo and Ricardo Flores MagónSantos, Fabio Luis Barbosa dos 07 December 2011 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é analisar, em uma perspectiva comparada, como nascem, evoluem e são frustrados três projetos de democratização radical na América Latina nos primórdios do imperialismo. José Martí (1853-1895) em Cuba, Juan B. Justo (1865- 1928) na Argentina e Ricardo Flores Magón (1874-1922) no México, lideram esforços intelectuais e políticos orientados a superar os constrangimentos à integração nacional legados pela origem colonial, que se expressam em um pensamento que fundamenta a atuação dos partidos que dirigiram. Vivendo no contexto de difusão das relações de produção capitalistas no continente, estes projetos constituem esforços pioneiros de subordinar o desenvolvimento capitalista aos desígnios da sociedade nacional. A incidência que tiveram para o desencadeamento dos processos que objetivaram a guerra da independência em Cuba, a reforma política na Argentina e a Revolução Mexicana - atesta a sintonia de suas propostas em relação aos dilemas que enfrentaram. O malogro do ideário democrático que representavam indica a prevalência de constrangimentos estruturais que obstam a consumação da nação na América Latina naquela circunstância. Partindo da premissa de que os autores analisados constituem expoentes do pensamento e da política radical em suas conjunturas, nossa hipótese é que a aproximação entre os três casos sugere as balizas que referenciavam a máxima consciência possível no campo da militância democrática no continente naquele contexto histórico. / This research aims to analyse, on a comparative perspective, the rising, evolution and eventual frustration of three projects of radical democratization in Latin America in the beginnings of imperialism. José Martí (1853-1895) in Cuba, Juan B. Justo (1865-1928) in Argentina and Ricardo Flores Magón (1874-1922) in México, led intelectual and political efforts aiming to ovecome the constraints inherited from the colonial past as a premise to assert national integration. an effort that was expressed in their thoughts, which in turn have shaped the political parties which they led. This purpose has been expressed on their thought, which in turn has shaped the political parties they conducted. Living in the context of difusion of capitalist production relations in the continent, these projects constitute pioneer attempts to subordinate the capitalist development to the design of national society. The fact that their political activity contributed to unleash the processes which they aimed to the War of Independence in Cuba, political reform in Argentina and the Mexican Revolution attests that their proposals were well tuned to the dilemmas they faced. The failure to impose the democratic ideals which they represented points to the prevalence of structural constrains that hinder the consumation of the nation in Latin America on that circumstance. Assuming as a premise that the authors analysed in this work are exponents of radical thought and politics in their conjunctures, our hypothesis is that the approach of the three cases suggest the boundaries that referred the maximum posible consciousness of democratic militancy in the continent in that historical context.
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As representações temporais na obra de Juan Rulfo / The temporal representation in the work of Juan RulfoOliveira, Paulo Ferraz de Camargo 25 August 2011 (has links)
Na década de 1950, vieram à público duas pequenas obras de um autor até então desconhecido. Em 1953, publicava-se o livro de contos Llano en llamas e, dois anos depois, o romance Pedro Páramo. Bastaria essa diminuta produção literária para consagrar aquele que viria a ser tomado como referência para toda uma geração de escritores latino-americanos. Juan Rulfo seria considerado na cena literária do continente da década seguinte, ainda que com ressalvas, como o grande precursor da geração do chamado boom. Questionando essa suposta paternidade e partindo da análise dessas obras literárias ficcionais, cotejadas com outros clássicos da literatura mexicana que trataram da Revolução Mexicana, pretendeu-se articular a relação entre história e ficção. A abordagem conferida por Rulfo às especificidades de sua historicidade desvelam, ao leitor atento, a história, não aludida diretamente, mas entrevista tanto na estética escolhida pelo autor, como pelos conteúdos narrativos de suas narrações. / In the 1950\'s, two little works by an unknown author till then came to light. In 1953, was published the short story book Llano en llamas and, two years later, the novel Pedro Páramo. It would be enough this small literary production to acclaim that writer, which would become a reference for an entire generation of Latin-American writers. Juan Rulfo was going to be considered in the coming decade literary scene, even though with some reservations, as the great predecessor of the so-called boom generation. Raising questions about this alleged fatherhood and relying on the analysis of these fictional literary works, compared to other Mexican literary classics concerning Mexican Revolution, one intended to articulate the relation between History and fiction. The approach conferred by Rulfo to the specificities belonging to his historicity unveils, to the sharp reader, History itself, not directly alluded, but foreseen as much as by the aesthetic chosen by the author as by the narrative contents of his narrations.
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