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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Síntese de zeólita do tipo faujasita utilizando rejeito de caulim da Amazônia como fonte de silício e alumínio: aplicação como adsorvente. / Synthesis of faujasite-type zeolite using kaolin waste from Amazon as source of silicon and aluminum: application as adsorbent.

Hildebrando, Edemarino Araujo 06 July 2012 (has links)
Os depósitos de caulim apresentam-se amplamente distribuídos no planeta, e das reservas brasileiras classificadas como medidas e indicadas, 97% encontram-se na região norte do país onde estão localizadas as principais empresas produtoras de caulim destinado à indústria de papéis. Ocorre que durante as etapas de processamento do minério são gerados grandes volumes de rejeito constituído predominantemente por caulinita, um dos argilominerais mais utilizados como matéria-prima em síntese de zeólitas. Neste trabalho, materiais zeolíticos foram sintetizados utilizando como fonte principal de silício e alumínio um rejeito industrial gerado durante o beneficiamento do caulim para cobertura de papel; o material de partida e as fases formadas como produtos de reação foram caracterizados por difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, espectroscopia de refletância difusa no infravermelho com transformada de Fourier, análise térmica e área superficial específica pelo método BET; sendo posteriormente avaliados quanto à capacidade de adsorção por azul de metileno em sistema descontínuo. O processo de síntese ocorreu em condições hidrotermais através de autoclavagem estática e os efeitos tempo-temperatura, assim como também as relações Si/Al e Na/Al foram considerados. Os resultados mostram que na metodologia desenvolvida com o rejeito de caulim, inicialmente calcinado a 700°C por 2 horas, submetido em seguida à reação em meio alcalino a 90ºC por 48 horas na presença de uma fonte adicional de sílica foi obtida zeólita do tipo faujasita com boa cristalinidade como fase predominante no produto de síntese. Os dados dos ensaios de adsorção determinados por espectrofotometria UV-visível e ajustados pelos modelos de Langmuir e Freundlich sugerem que o material faujasítico apresenta boa capacidade adsortiva atingindo eficiências entre 85 e 92% para concentrações na faixa de 10 a 30 mg/L, demonstrando assim, ser o referido material uma alternativa eficiente e de baixo custo quando utilizado para a remoção de corantes de solução aquosa no tratamento de efluentes industriais. / Kaolin deposits have become widely distributed on the planet, Brazilian\'s reserves classified as measured and indicated, 97% are in the northern region where are located the main producers of kaolin for the paper industry. During the processing steps of the ore are generated large amount of waste constituted predominantly by kaolinite, one of the most widely used clayminerals as a raw material in synthesis of zeolites. In the present work, zeolitic materials were synthesized using as main source of silicon and aluminum an industrial waste generated during the processing of kaolin for paper coating, the starting material and formed phases as reaction products were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy in the infrared Fourier transform, thermal analysis and specific surface area by BET method; and subsequently evaluated for adsorption capacity for methylene blue in a batch system. The synthesis process occurred in hydrothermal conditions and the effects, time-temperature, as well as the relations Si/Al and Na/Al were considered. The results show that in the methodology developed from kaolin waste, initially calcined at 700°C for 2 h, subjected then reaction in alkaline medium at 90°C for 48 h in presence of additional silica was obtained faujasite-type zeolite with good crystallinity as phase predominant in the synthesis product. Adsorption data determined by UV-visible spectrophotometry were fitted using Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms models and suggest that the zeolitic material has good adsorptive capacity, achieving efficiencies between 85 and 92% at concentrations in the range 10 30 mg/L, thus becoming, this material, an effective and low-cost alternative when used for the removal of dyes from aqueous solution in the treatment of industrial effluents.

Caracterização e gênese de solos e de depósito de caulim associado, São Gabriel da Cachoeira - AM / Characterization and Genesis of soils and kaolin deposits associated, São Gabriel da Cachoeira - AM

Ishida, Débora Ayumi 05 August 2010 (has links)
Em São Gabriel da Cachoeira, estado do Amazonas, foi estudado, por meio de uma toposse-quência, um sistema Latossolo-Espodossolo com caulim associado, desenvolvido a partir de rochas granito gnáissicas do embasamento cristalino. Na topossequência, de montante para jusante, foram descritos e amostrados quatro perfis de solo: Espodossolo Humilúvico (P1) no topo, dois Latossolos Amarelos (P2 e P3) na meia encosta e Gleissolo Háplico (P4) na base. Os objetivos principais foram estudar o funcionamento desse sistema de transformação a par-tir de sua caracterização morfológica, química, física e mineralógica e obter informações so-bre as características cristalográficas das caulinitas a partir do estudo do grau de ordem estru-tural. A caracterização e gênese dos solos e do caulim foram estudadas por curva de retenção de água no solo, difração de raios-X, análise térmica diferencial e gravimétrica, espectrosco-pia por reflectância difusa, análise química total e análises microscópicas. A ordem estrutural das caulinitas foi avaliada a partir dos cálculos dos índices de Hinckley (IH), Stoch (IK), Apa-ricio-Galán-Ferrell (IAGF), Liètard (R2), Amigó (001 e 002), Hughes-Brown (IHB) e Plan-çon-Zacharie (IPZ) e das temperaturas de desidroxilação da caulinita e nucleação da mulita. Esses estudos permitiram concluir que: (i) o sistema de solos na topossequência está em fun-cionamento e levando à formação dos Espodossolos em detrimento da cobertura laterítica, provocando modificações na cobertura vegetal com a campinarana substituindo a floresta; (ii) o sistema Latossolo-Espodossolo, influenciado pela elevada acidez das soluções e hidromorfi-a, é caracterizado, no P1, pela decomposição da matéria orgânica, dissolução dos minerais mais alteráveis (ação dos ácidos orgânicos), acúmulo residual do quartzo nos horizontes su-perficiais, álbicos e espódicos e pela translocação do alumínio e do ferro na forma de comple-xos orgânicos para os horizontes espódicos, onde se acumulam, influenciados pela elevação e rebaixamento do nível dos aquíferos suspensos, formando os horizontes espódicos Bh e Bhs. Nos perfis P2 e P3, apesar de pertencerem à mesma classe de solos (Latossolo Amarelo), o P2 sofre maior influência das soluções ácidas do que o P3, a exemplo do P1. Nestes perfis (P1, P2 e P3) a alternância de ambientes (redutor e oxidante) levou ao esbranquecimento do cau-lim desenvolvido na base. A gênese do P4 tem relação com a hidromorfia atuante na maior parte do ano, que promove a redução do ferro, além de não ser propício à formação de caulini-ta; (iii) os resultados da aplicação dos índices mostraram-se inconsistentes nos perfis P1, P2 e P4, provavelmente, em razão das condições mais agressivas do P1 e P2 e da hidromorfia do P4. O P3, o menos influenciado pela acidez das soluções, apresentou resultados consistentes; (iv) o índice de Plançon-Zacharie, em razão do maior número de parâmetros cristalográficos que utiliza, apresentou resultados que foram considerados consistentes em todos os perfis. Foram identificadas duas fases de caulinitas na maior parte dos horizontes estudados. Quando as condições de acidez são elevadas (P1 e P2), predominou a fase com caulinita de baixo or-denamento estrutural. Aonde o pH é mais elevado (perfil P3) a fase bem ordenada predomi-nou. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que os processos pedogenéticos atuantes na transforma-ção Latossolo-Espodossolo limitam a aplicação dos métodos de avaliação da ordem estrutural aqui empregados. / In São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas state, was studied by a topsequence, a system Oxisols to Spodosols with kaolin associated, developed from granitic-gneiss rocks of the crys-talline basement. In the topsequence, from upstream to downstream, were described and sam-pled four soil profiles: Spodosols (P1) at the top, two Oxisols Yellow (P2 e P3) on the hillside e Gleysols (P4) at the base. The main aims were to study the operation of this transforming system from their morphology characterization, chemical, physical and mineralogical and get information about the crystallographic characteristics of kaolinites from the study of degree of structural order. Characterization and genesis of soils and kaolin were studied by retention curve of water in the soil, x-ray diffraction, differential thermal and gravimetric analysis, dif-fuse reflectance spectroscopy, total chemical analysis and microscopic analysis. The structural order of kaolinite was evaluated from calculations of the Hinckley index (HI), Stoch (IK), Aparicio-Galán-Ferrell (IAGF) Liètard (R2), Amigó (001 and 002), Hughes-Brown (IHB) and Plançon-Zacharie (IPZ) and the temperatures of dehydroxylation of kaolinite and mullite nuc-leation. These study conclude that: (i) the soil system in topsequence is operating and leading to formation of Spodosols over lateritic coverage, causing changes in vegetation coverage with campinarana replacing the forest; (ii) the system Oxisols-Spodosols, influenced by the high acidity of the solutions and waterlogging, is characterized in P1, by decomposing organic matter, dissolution of minerals more changeable (action of organic acids), residual accumula-tion of quartz in surfaces horizons, albic and spodic and translocation of aluminum and iron in the form of organic complexes for the spodic horizons, where they accumulate, influenced by lifting and lowering of levels of the aquifer suspended, forming the spodic horizons Bh and Bhs. In the profiles P2 and P3, despite belonging to the same soil class (Oxisols Yellow), P2 is more influence by acid solutions than the P3, for exemple the P1. These profiles (P1, P2 and P3) interchange of environments (reducing and oxidizing) led to whitenning of kaolin developed at the base. The genesis of P4 is related to waterlogging active in the most part of the year, which promotes the reduction of iron, beyond not be conducive to the formation of kaolinite, (iii) the results of application of the indexes shown inconsistent in profiles P1, P2 and P4, probably because of more aggressive conditions of P1 and P2 and waterlogging of P4. P3, the least influenced by the solutions acidity, showed consistent results, (iv) the Plançon-Zacharie index, because of its calculation to be done detaileded, presented results to be consi-dered consistent in all profiles. We identified two kaolinites phases in most of horizons stu-died, where acidic conditions are high (P1 and P2) dominated the phase with low kaolinite structural order. Where the pH is slightly higher (profile P3), the orderly phase predominated. The results suggest that pedogenetic process active in transformation Oxisols-Spodosol limit the application of methods for structural order used here.

Using Ultrasound as a Pretreatment Method for Ultraviolet Disinfection of Wastewaters

Armioun, Shaghayegh January 2011 (has links)
In this study, the effects of neutral particles addition on the breakage of wastewater flocs toimprove the efficiency of sonication pretreatment for UV disinfection process have been studied.Kaolin particles as a potentially useful material that is neutral, natural and cheap were added towastewater samples prior to sonication. Results obtained in this study indicated that hard andsmall kaolin particles do not have any significant effect on the particle breakage efficiency byultrasound. The addition of kaolin particles did not significantly increase the cavitation activity(as characterized by potassium iodide actinometry) either. These findings contradict earlierreports that neutral particles can act as nucleation sites and hence enhance cavitation intensity. Inthis work, sonication of wastewater samples for 60s in the absence of kaolin particles resulted inan approximately one log decrease in the number of surviving bacteria colonies at the tailinglevel and 1.4 log units increase at the initial slope of coliform removal in UV dose responsecurve, however addition of kaolin particles prior sonication did not significantly affect the UVdose response curve .The results presented in this study should be treated as preliminary andfurther detailed investigations are needed to better evaluate this issue.

Sí­ntese de zeólita A e aplicação em adsorção de metais pesados. / Synthesis of Zeolite A and application in adsorption of heavy metals.

Andrades, Raphael Cons 24 August 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho objetivou estudar a síntese de zeólita NaA sob condições hidrotérmicas e aplicála na adsorção de metais pesados. Para a síntese de zeólita NaA, caulim do município de Ipixuna, Pará, foi calcinado a 700 °C por 3 horas para obtenção de metacaulim e usado como fonte de sílica e alumina. Para efeito de comparação, cloreto de alumínio e metassilicato de sódio também foram utilizados na síntese de zeólitas como precursores de Si e Al. A influência da alcalinidade na síntese dos produtos zeolíticos foi avaliada utilizando-se diferentes concentrações de NaOH. Todas as sínteses foram realizadas a 110 °C em autoclaves. Visando à compreensão da influência do tempo na quantidade e tipo de fase formada, foram realizadas sínteses com diferentes tempos de cristalização. Os produtos de reação foram caracterizados por difração de raios X, espectroscopia na região do infravermelho, análise termogravimétrica, análise térmica diferencial, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e adsorção de nitrogênio para cálculo de área específica pelo método BET. A amostra que apresentou maior proporção de zeólita NaA foi utilizada como adsorvente em soluções de Cu2+, Ni2+ e Cd2+ com concentrações iniciais de 25 a 400 mg/L. A concentração de equilíbrio desses metais, após remoção pela zeólita NaA, foi determinada por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica. Os resultados mostraram que o aumento da alcalinidade e do tempo de cristalização favoreceu a obtenção de sodalita, uma fase zeolítica concorrente à Zeólita A, nos produtos de síntese. A zeólita NaA provou ser um excelente adsorvente para remoção dos metais analisados, apresentando uma capacidade de adsorção máxima de aproximadamente 79, 65 e 32 mg/g para Cd2+, Cu2+ e Ni2+, respectivamente. O modelo de isoterma de adsorção que melhor descreveu a remoção de metais pela zeólita NaA foi o de Langmuir. / The aim of this work was to study the synthesis of zeolite NaA under hydrothermal conditions and use it as adsorbent of heavy metals. To synthesize zeolite NaA, kaolin from the city of Ipixuna, Pará, was calcined at 700 °C for 3 hours and used as source of silica and alumina. For comparison purposes, aluminum chloride and sodium metasilicate were also used in the synthesis of zeolites as precursors of Si and Al. The influence of alkalinity on the synthesis of the zeolitic products was evaluated using different NaOH concentrations. All the syntheses were performed at 110 °C by autoclaving. To understand the influence of time on the type and relative amount of the obtained phases, syntheses with different crystallization times were carried out. The reaction products were characterized by means of X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, thermal differential analysis, scanning electron microscopy and nitrogen adsorption for calculating surface area by the BET method. One of the samples, which exhibited the highest content of zeolite NaA, was used as adsorbent of Cu2+, Ni2+ and Cd2+ solutions with initial concentrations ranging from 25 to 400 mg/L. The equilibrium concentration of these heavy metals, after removal by zeolite NaA, was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The results showed that increasing alkalinity of the reaction medium led to the formation of sodalite, a concurrent zeolitic phase, in the products. Zeolite NaA turned out to be an excellent adsorbent for removing heavy metals, with an adsorption capacity of 79, 65 and 32 mg/g for Cu2+, Cd2+ and Ni2+, respectively. The Langmuir isotherm model was the most appropriate to describe the removal of metals by zeolite A.


FABIOLA OLIVEIRA DA CUNHA 10 February 2005 (has links)
[pt] Polpas concentradas de caulim (70 por cento em peso de sólidos) são utilizadas na Indústria de Papel como cobertura. Durante a aplicação da polpa são alcançadas altas taxas de cisalhamento que, associadas às altas viscosidades de polpas concentradas, provocam dificuldades no movimento da lâmina acarretando riscos, bolhas ou até mesmo rasgando o papel. Para minimizar esse efeito, são adicionados agentes dispersantes que causam a redução nos valores da viscosidade. O presente trabalho teve por finalidade caracterizar fisicamente as amostras beneficiadas do caulim da região do Prado/BA e, utilizando-se da Teoria DLVO Clássica, contribuir para uma melhor compreensão sobre os aspectos fundamentais que norteiam a reologia de polpas concentradas de caulim a partir dos fundamentos de química coloidal. A caracterização tecnológica das amostras foi efetuada pelas técnicas de difratometria de raios-X, medição de alvura, análise granulométrica e análise morfológica (MEV e MET). As amostras analisadas revelaram ser, predominantemente, de caulinita; de alvura adequada a Indústria Papeleira para as amostras Coat 90 e Coat 87; de distribuição bimodal para as amostras Coat 90 e Coat 87 e de formato lamelar de perfil irregular, tendo sido encontradas partículas de perfil hexagonal. Posteriormente, foram apreciadas as propriedades eletrocinéticas das amostras. Foi medido o potencial zeta das amostras na ausência e na presença do dispersante hexametafosfato de sódio em função do pH e da concentração do dispersante em força iônica constante. A análise dos resultados revelou: que as amostras Coat 90 e Coat 87 possuem ponto isoelétrico de 3,5, enquanto o caulim Extra Fino possui ponto isoelétrico de 3,2; que o potencial zeta assume valores mais negativos com o aumento do pH e com o aumento da concentração de dispersante e que o ânion proveniente da dissociação do hexametafosfato de sódio adsorve quimicamente à superfície das amostras. De posse dos dados de potencial zeta, utilizou-se a Teoria DLVO para calcular a energia de interação total existente entre as partículas da amostra de caulim Coat 90. Após a análise dos resultados, ficou evidente que, para valores de pH maiores ou iguais a 5, existe uma barreira energética que aumenta de intensidade com o aumento do pH e da concentração de dispersante onde, com o aumento do pH, houve uma tendência à estabilização e, no caso da concentração, foi obtido um valor máximo em 3kg/t de dispersante (após este valor não houve aumento da barreira energética). Nessas curvas também foi observada a existência de um mínimo secundário que, embora pequeno (~2kT), revelou a possibilidade de adesão reversível. A análise reológica da amostra de caulim Coat 90 foi realizada a partir da comparação das viscosidades aparentes encontradas para taxas de cisalhamento constantes (100s-1 ou 1000s-1) e após a mesma quantidade de tempo (280s) já que as polpas eram tixotrópicas. Esses dados revelaram que, com o aumento do pH, as polpas atingem valores mínimos de viscosidade, onde para cada concentração de dispersante foi atingido um patamar diferente. O menor valor de viscosidade foi obtido em 3kg/t de dispersante, onde a partir desse ponto a viscosidade passou a aumentar levemente. Finalmente, os dados reológicos foram confrontados com os calculados pela Teoria DLVO Clássica, onde foi revelada a existência de um valor de energia de interação total (~400kT) comum a todas as concentrações de dispersante que indica um grau máximo de estabilidade da polpa, isto é, as partículas encontram-se tão afastadas umas das outras que o movimento relativo entre elas durante o cisalhamento não é mais afetado. Concluiu-se que, apesar das interações interparticulares serem de natureza microscópica e a viscosidade uma medida macroscópica, a Teoria DLVO foi capaz de explicar qualitativamente o compor / [en] Concentrated kaolin pulps (70 percent solid weight) are utilized as coatings in the paper industry. During the pulp application, high shear rates are obtained. Shear rates associated to high viscosities incite difficulties on the lamina movement generating risks, bubbles or even tearing the paper. To minimize this effect dispersant agents are added. The aim of the present work was to characterize physically the Prado region (Bahia State) kaolin particles and, using the DLVO theory, contribute for a better understanding about the fundamental aspects of kaolin concentrated pulps rheology via colloidal chemistry. Sample technological characterization was carried out with X-Ray difractometry technique, brightness measurements, size measurements, particle distribution and morphological analysis (MEV and MET). Samples were, predominantly, of kaolinite; samples Coat 90 and Coat 87 were of adequate brightness for Paper Industry and presented two peaks and all samples were platelike with irregular edges where hexagonal particles were found. Sample electrokinetic properties were appreciated afterwards. Zeta potential measurements were taken in the absence and in the presence of sodium hexametaphosphate dispersing agent as a function of pH and dispersant concentration using constant ionic strength. Result analysis revealed: Coat 90 and Coat 87 samples had 3,5 of isoelectric point, while Extra Fino sample had 3,2 of isoelectric point; zeta potential values became more negative with pH and dispersant concentration rising and the anion of sodium hexametaphosphate dissolution chemically adsorbs to sample surfaces. Zeta potential values were used to obtain total interparticular interaction energy by means of DLVO theory. These procedures were done only for Coat 90 sample. It became clear that, for pH values equals or higher than 5, exists an energy barrier whose values rise as pH and dispersant concentration increases. It has been noted that for pH increase, the tendency of energy barrier was to stabilize. In the case of dispersant concentration increase, was obtained maximum value (3kg/t). By data observation, a secondary minimum was noted. However the secondary minimum is low (~2kT), it revealed the possibility of reversible adhesion. The rheological analysis of Coat 90 kaolin sample was realized by comparison of apparent viscosities found on constant shear rates (100s-1 and 1000s- 1) and after the same time (280s) because pulps were thixotropic. The investigation showed that with pH increase, pulps had their viscosity reduced. Each dispersant concentration value generates a different viscosity, where the smallest viscosities were achieved in 3kg/t. Within the increase of dispersant concentration, viscosity had its values improved. Finally, rheological data were coordinated with those calculated from DLVO theory. It was observed that there is a total interaction energy value (~400kT) common to all dispersant concentrations. This point means that pulp stability is maximum, in other words, particles are so far from each other that relative movement among them is not affected anymore. The conclusion of this work is that, however interparticular forces are of microscopic nature and viscosity is a macroscopic measure, DLVO theory was able to explain qualitatively the rheological behavior of kaolin concentrated pulps.

Modification de kaolinites submicroniques en vue de leur incorporation dans des matrices polymères

Batistella, Marcos 16 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
La kaolinite est une des matières les plus utilisées depuis la plus haute antiquité. En effet, du fait de leurs propriétés, les argiles sont utilisées comme charges dans beaucoup d'applications industrielles notamment dans le domaine de la papeterie, de la céramique, de l'industrie cimentaire, dans le verre etc. Leur utilisation est liée à leurs bonnes propriétés optiques, minéralogiques et chimiques. L'ajout de kaolinites submicroniques pose cependant de multiples difficultés liées en particulier à leur incompatibilité avec la plupart des polymères et à la difficulté de les exfolier. Dans ce contexte, il est proposé, dans ce travail, une nouvelle voie de valorisation de la kaolinite à la fois comme charge renforçante et/ou compatibilisante et comme retardateur de flamme dans des matrices thermoplastiques.La surface de la kaolinite est tout d'abord traitée avec différents agents de type silane. Ces charges traitées ont été incorporées (entre 4 et 12% en volume dans le polypropylène et le polyamide et jusqu'à 35 % en volume dans le EVA) ce qui a permis à la fois de modifier les propriétés élastiques, les contraintes seuil ainsi que les performances au choc par rapport aux matrices contenant les charges non traitées et d'établir un lien entre ces différentes performances et la dispersion de la charge (estimée par analyse d'images).Due à l'hétérogénéité de la surface de la kaolinite, une nouvelle méthode pour modifier sa surface est proposée. Cette méthode est basée sur la modification sélective des alumines de surface avec des acides phosphoniques. Les silices de surface étant libres pour réagir avec un autre agent de modification, soit un silane porteur d'une fonction époxy, soit une amine. Il a été mis en évidence, dans un mélange PP/PA, que la kaolinite modifiée avec l'acide phosphonique à une tendance à se placer à l'interface des polymères et pourrait alors jouer un rôle de comptabilisation.Finalement, des études sur le comportement au feu des différentes formulations ont permis de montrer que la kaolinite a un grand potentiel en tant que retardateur de flamme. La réduction du pic de débit calorifique (pHRR) semble être en lien étroit avec le comportement rhéologique des polymères chargés et donc très sensible au traitement de surface.

Aggregation of Sediment and Bacteria with Mucilage from the Opuntia ficus-indica Cactus

Buttice, Audrey Lynn 01 January 2012 (has links)
Flocculants are commonly used in industrial settings where solid-liquid separations are desired including industrial and municipal wastewater management and potable water production facilities. Conventional flocculants include inorganic metal salts and synthetic organic polymers. The cost, availability, and harmful effects of the non-biodegradable nature of these flocculants have led to the widespread study of natural flocculants. Current natural flocculants being studied include polysaccharides cultivated from microbial extracellular matrix products and plant based materials. In this study, the mucilage of Opuntia ficus-indica cactus was evaluated as a natural flocculant for sediments and bacteria. The O. ficus-indica cactus is also known as the nopal or prickly pear and is commonly used as a food source in Mexico and Latin America. Using simple extraction techniques non-gelling (NE) and gelling (GE) mucilage extracts were isolated from fresh cactus pads. Column tests were used to evaluate the flocculation and removal of suspended sediment and bacteria caused by mucilage addition. Throughout this work the mucilage's ability as a flocculant was evaluated by varying mucilage type and concentration, suspended contaminant type and concentration, and cation type and concentration. Many of the results are explained in terms of the morphology and chemical composition of the GE and NE mucilage extracts. The extracts consist primarily of polysaccharides and differences in physical structure between mucilage types were seen using atomic force microscopy and transition electron microscopy. A variety of suspended particles were used to evaluate the mucilage as a flocculant including kaolin, acid-washed kaolin, and bacteria. The bacteria employed in this study include Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli HB101 K12, and fully attenuated Bacillus anthracis Sterne strain. The addition of monovalent (Na+ and K+), divalent (Ca2+ and Mg2+), and trivalent (Al3+ and Fe3+) cations was studied alone and in combination with mucilage. In cation studies Ca2+ had the most profound effect on flocculation efficiency; therefore its efficacy was further explored. Mucilage was most effective with dosages between 5 and 50 mg/L for the contaminants studied. Using these optimal concentrations, 20 to 200 L of water could be treated with only 1 g of mucilage powder. Based on the extraction method used in this work, 1 g of mucilage can be obtained from a cactus pad weighing approximately 250 g (wet weight). Mucilage remained an effective flocculant over a wide range of suspended contaminant concentrations showing that mucilage is a versatile flocculant that can be tailored for a variety of applications. Overall, this work shows that the O. ficus-indica cactus is an effective flocculant for suspended sediments and bacteria. The cactus' low cost, abundance, and current use in many areas make it an attractive alternative to traditionally used flocculants. Additionally, this work builds upon existing knowledge pertaining to natural flocculants and could offer insight into their general behaviors for water treatment applications.

Pašarų priedo Kaolinas E 559 įtaka kiaulių mėsos produkcijai / The influence of feed additive Kaolin E 559 for pig meat production

Ambrasūnas, Linas 26 April 2013 (has links)
Pastaruoju metu aktyviai ieškoma įvairių natūralių pašarinių priedų, kurie galėtų būti panaudoti gyvulių šėrimui gerinant jų sveikatingumą, didinant produktyvumą ir produkcijos kokybę. Natūralus pašarinis priedas KAOLINAS ( E 559 ) tai aukštoje temperatūroje iškaitintas ir išvalytas molžemis, savo sudėtyje turintis anglies. Molis ir anglis nuo seno naudojama žmonių ir gyvulių virškinamojo trakto sutrikimų profilaktikai ir gydymui, virškinamojo trakto veiklai gerinti, toksinų virškinamajame trakte surišimui, esant viduriavimams ir t.t. Taip pat šis priedas savo sudėtyje turi mineralinių medžiagų, kurios yra organinėje formoje (biokompleksai) ir yra žymiai geriau įsisavinami negu neorganiniai junginiai. Mineralinės medžiagos yra labai svarbios gyvulio vystymuisi, sveikatingumui ir imuniteto formavimuisi. Darbo tikslas: Ištirti pašarų priedo Kaolino E 559 įtaką kiaulių augimui ir mėsos produkcijai. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Surinkti ir išanalizuoti literatūros duomenis apie pašarinį priedą Kaoliną E 559, jo panaudojimą gyvūnų šėrime. 2. Nustatyti Kaolino E 559 įtaką kiaulių priesvoriui per parą ir pašarų sąnaudos priesvorio vienetui. 3. Nustatyti Kaolino E 559 įtaką kiaulių mėsos produkcijai. 4. Nustatyti Kaolino E 559 įtaką kiaulių mėsos kokybei. Išvados: 1. Natūralus gamtinis priedas Kaolinas E 559 paršeliams laikotarpiu nuo 6 iki 190 dienų amžiaus, vidutiniškai padidino paršelių priesvorį 10,06 proc. (p<0,05), sumažino viduriavimo atvejus ir pagerino jų išsaugojimą. 2. Molžemio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / A natural feed additives (E 559) – hight temperature calcined and purified clay, wich is containing a carbon. The aim of labor: To investigate an influence of feed additives E 559 Kaolin to pig growth and pig meat production. The tasks of labor: 1. To collect and analyze the literature data about feed additive E 559 Kaolin, its using in animal feeding. 2. To set the influence of Kaolin E 559 to pig overweight a day and to set the expenditure of feed additive to overweight unit. 3. To determine the influence of Kaolin E 559 to pig meat production. 4. To set the influence of Kaolin E 559 to quality of pig meat. Research work was done in National pig feeding station. The quality researching of meat were made in Lithuania University of Health Sciences, Veterinary Academy, Animal health and animal material quality Center, Animal meat characteristics and quality assessment laboratory at the Department of Animal Science. The test were made by approved methodology. Conclusion: 1. Natural feed additive Kaolin E 559 gave to piglets in time from 6 till 190 days, increased their overweight average about 10.06 %. (P<0.05), it reduced piglets diarrhea cases and improved their preservation. 2. Use of alumina resulted in better feed utilization. During the rearing period pigs in a control group were consumed 2.85 kg ( 30.78 MJ AE) to one kilogram their overweight, and trial group were consumed 2.6 kg ( 28,08 MJ AE) or 8.8 % less additives. 3. Control pig slaughter data showed, that the... [to full text]

Effect of kaolin applications on pome fruit

Le Grange, Monique 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sunburn is a major problem in the apple industry worldwide. A kaolin product, M-97- 009 (100% kaolin), originally developed for insect control, was evaluated for its efficacy in controlling sunburn on pome fruit. Trials were conducted over two seasons in two different areas of the Western Cape, South Africa. During the first season, 'Royal Gala', 'Fuji' and 'Granny Smith' apples were evaluated in the Koue Bokkeveld. The kaolin was mixed with water and applied to the trees by means of a hand-gun regularly throughout the season. In addition to the effect on sunburn, effects on yield, colour development, snout beetle damage and other defects were determined. Sunburn was reduced on all the cultivars tested, although not significantly on 'Granny Smith'. Inconsistent effects on yield parameters were observed. The applications significantly reduced red colour on 'Fuji', but this problem was rectified by an improved application technique the following season. During the second season, additional apple cultivars and 'Rosemarie' pears were included in the trials. The apple trials were conducted in the Elgin area, and the 'Rosemarie' trial in the Koue Bokkeveld. Surround™ (95% kaolin) was applied to the trees by means of a commercial "blower". The effects on sunburn, yield, colour development and fruit maturity were determined. In contrast to the previous season, sunburn was not reduced on any of the cultivars examined. Yield parameters were not affected except in the case of 'Royal Gala' where the number of fruit was increased, and 'Cripps' Pink' where the number of fruit was reduced. Fruit colour was not affected in the apple cultivars, but chroma of 'Rosemarie' pears was reduced, indicating a less intense colour. The kaolin applications had a variable effect on fruit maturity. The effect of the foliar applications on photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate was determined. In addition to these spot measurements, photosynthetic light response curves were determined. Measurements were taken on both the inner and outer canopies The applications significantly reduced photosynthetic rates in the inner canopy and reduced the apparent quantum efficiency of leaves on the outer canopy. No significant effect on PPFD was found. It appears that the white coating reflects light and allows less light to penetrate the leaf, thus reducing photosynthesis. Surround™ treatments could not counteract the damaging effects of the high temperatures experienced in the Western Cape during this season and was not effective as a control measure for sunburn. This does not appear to be a commercially viable solution for the sunburn problem and it would be worthwhile to investigate the use of alternative options, such as evaporative cooling. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sonbrand is een van die grootste probleme wat wêreldwyd in die appelbedryf ondervind word. 'n Nuwe produk, M-97-009 (100% kaolien), is oorspronklik ontwikkel vir insekbeheer in geïntegreerde plaagbeheer, maar daar is beweer dat dit moontlik sonbrand op kemvrugte kan verminder. Proewe is oor twee seisoene uitgevoer in die Koue Bokkeveld en ook in die Grabouw-omgewing in die Wes-Kaap. Tydens die eerste seisoen is die effek van M-97-009 op 'Royal Gala', 'Fuji' en 'Granny Smith' appels beoordeel. Die kaolien is met water gemeng en deur die loop van die seisoen met 'n handspuit op die bome gespuit. Die effek van die produk op sonbrand, oesgrootte, vruggrootte, kleurontwikkeling, kalanderskade en ander defekte is bepaal. Sonbrand is op alle kultivars verminder, alhoewel nie betekenisvolop 'Granny Smith' nie. Die effek van kaolien op oesparameters was rue konsekwent nie. kleurontwikkeling op 'Fuji' benadeel, heel moontlik Die toedienings het as gevolg van die toedieningstegniek. Met verbeterde toedieningsmetodes die volgende seisoen, is kleurontwikkeling van 'Fuji' nie benadeel nie. Tydens die tweede seisoen is die effek van kaolien op nog appelkultivars en 'Rosemarie' pere ge-evalueer. Die appelproewe is in Elgin uitgevoer, terwyl die 'Rosemarie'-proefin die Koue Bokkeveld uitgelê is. Surround™ (95% kaolien) is met kommersiële spuitpompe toegedien. Weereens is die effek van die produk op sonbrand, oesgrootte, vruggrootte, kleurontwikkeling en vrugrypheid bepaal. Sonbrand is nie verminder nie. Vruglading tydens oes is nie betekenisvol beïnvloed nie, behalwe in die geval van 'Royal Gala' waar die vruglading verhoog is, en 'Cripps' Pink' waar daar minder vrugte op die gespuite bome was. Die Surround™ toedienings het geen uitwerking op kleur van appels gehad nie, maar het die chromawaarde van 'Rosemarie' pere verlaag, d.w.s die vrugkleur was minder intens. Die kaolienspuite het 'n uiteenlopende effek op vrugrypheid gehad. Fotosintetiese foton vloeddigtheid (FFV), fotosintesetempo, huidmondjieweerstand en transpirasietempo is gemeet en ligreponskurwes van beide die buitenste en binneste blaardak is bepaal. Die Surround™ toedienings het fotosintese van blare ill die binneste gedeelte van die blaardak verminder en die kwantumdoeltreffendheid van blare op die buitenste deel van die blaardak verminder. Geen betekenisvolle effek is op FFV gekry nie. Dit wil voorkom asof die wit laag kaolien op die bome lig weerkaats en veroorsaak dat minder lig na die blaar deurdring. Dit verminder dan die fotsintesetempo. Met die baie warm weer wat in die Wes-Kaap gedurende die tweede seisoen ervaar is, kon die SUITound™behandelings nie sonbrand verhoed nie. Dit wil voorkom asof Surround™ nie 'n baie doeltreffende oplossing in kommersiële boorde sal wees nie. Alternatiewe oplossings, soos byvoorbeeld evaporatiewe verkoeling, saloorweeg moet word.

Desenvolvimento de argamassa colante utilizando Resíduo de Caulim. / Development of adhesive mortar using kaolin residue.

OLIVEIRA, Guilherme Costa de. 12 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-03-12T16:05:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 GUILHERME COSTA DE OLIVEIRA - TESE PPGEQ 2016.pdf: 2637788 bytes, checksum: 666ee4637bd3109b74c369b5faba3164 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-12T16:05:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GUILHERME COSTA DE OLIVEIRA - TESE PPGEQ 2016.pdf: 2637788 bytes, checksum: 666ee4637bd3109b74c369b5faba3164 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-31 / Capes / Dentre os diversos minerais extraídos, no Brasil, o caulim é um dos principais. Esse mineral de da família das caulinitas, apresenta uma grande versatilidade quanto ao seu uso. Porém, durante o processo de beneficiamento, altas quantidades do material extraído são rejeitadas, chegando a 70% do montante. Esse resíduo é disposto a céu aberto, causando transtorno às populações circunvizinhas e ao ecossistema da região. Esse trabalho objetivou utilizar o resíduo gerado nesse processo como matéria prima para o desenvolvimento de argamassas. O resíduo foi caracterizado, e utilizando a difratometria de raios X (DRX) verificou-se que é, basicamente, constituído de caulinita e mica. O resíduo foi testado quanto à sua pozolanicidade e verificouse que não apresentava potencial adequado para ser utilizado como substituinte parcial do cimento. Entretanto, suas características físicas indicaram que o resíduo de caulim apresentava propriedades para ser utilizado como agregado miúdo. Traços de argamassas colantes foram realizados substituindo o agregado miúdo natural, areia, pelo resíduo do caulim em proporções de 0 a 100 %. Essas argamassas foram testadas de acordo com as especificações contidas na norma ABNT NBR 14081. Os resultados indicaram que, à medida que se aumentou a quantidade de resíduo, a argamassa necessitou de uma maior quantidade de água para se obter a trabalhabilidade adequada. Com relação aos dados de resistências mecânicas, verificou-se um decaimento linear nos dados. Para o Tempo em Aberto (TA), observou-se uma redução de, aproximadamente, 90% na resistência mecânica do material; com relação às Resistências de Aderência à Tração (RAT), houve diminuição de 87% nas resistências mecânicas dos traços curados ao ar e, 81 %, nas argamassas curadas em meio aquoso. O traço que continha 25 % de seu agregado natural substituído por resíduo de caulim, apresentou valores dentro dos limites estabelecidos pela NBR 14081 e uma demanda de água próxima à das argamassas colantes industrializadas disponíveis no mercado. Dessa forma, o resíduo oriundo do processo de beneficiamento de caulim, apresentou-se como uma opção viável para a redução do uso de areia no desenvolvimento de argamassas colantes. Essa substituição foi favorável tanto para dar uma destinação ao resíduo, como também para a diminuição do uso de areia como agregado miúdo, uma vez que sua extração acarreta em diversos problemas ambientais. / Among various minerals extracted in Brazil, kaolin is one of most important. This mineral from the kaolinite family has great versatility as its use and during its beneficiation process, high amounts of the extracted material are rejected, reaching values as 70%. This residue is disposed on the environment with no treatment, causing inconvenience to surrounding communities and to the region ecosystem. This work aimed to use this residue as raw material for the construction industry, more specifically in the development of AC-I type adhesive mortars. The residue was characterized and by X-ray diffraction verified that it is basically constituted of kaolinite and mica. Based on Brazilian standards, the residue was tested for its pozzolanic and it was found that showed no suitable potential for using as a partial replacement for cement. However, its physical characteristics indicate that the kaolin residue had properties to be used as fine aggregate. Traces of adhesive mortars were made by replacing the fine natural aggregate, sand, by kaolin residue in proportions from 0 up to 100 %. The results indicated that, as it increased the amount of residue, the mortar required a larger amount of water to obtain adequate workability. Due to mechanical resistance data, there was a linear decay in. For the Open Time (TA), there was a reduction of approximately 90% in the mechanical strength of the material; and about to Resistance Adhesion Tensile (RAT), a reduction of 87 % in the mechanical strength of the admixtures air-cured and 81 % in the mortar cured in an aqueous medium. The admixtures that contained 25 % of its fine aggregate replaced by kaolin residue, showed values within the limits established by the NBR 14081 and a water demand close by the demand in industrialized adhesive mortars. Thus, the residue derived from kaolin beneficiation process, proved to be a viable option for reducing the use of sand in the development of adhesive mortars. This substitution is in favour both to give a destination to residue, also to reduce the use of sand as fine aggregate, since its extraction brings several environmental problems in.

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