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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Factores asociados a mala calidad de sueño en pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica en hemodiálisis / Factors associated with poor sleep quality among patients with chronic kidney diseases in hemodialysis

Peña Martínez, Bruce, Navarro, Veronica, Oshiro, Harumi, Bernabe-Ortiz, Antonio 18 May 2015 (has links)
Introduction and objectives Sleep disorders are one of the most common comorbidities among patients on hemodialysis. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of poor sleep quality as well as to establish potential factors associated with poor sleep quality. Materials and methods A cross-sectional study was performed enrolling patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis. The outcome was sleep quality evaluated using the Pittsburgh Scale, whereas the exposure variables were time on hemodialysis, history of type-2 diabetes and hypertension, depressive symptoms, anemia, and uremia. We used Poisson regression model to determine the association of interest, reporting prevalence ratios (PR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). Results A total of 450 patients were enrolled, 259 (57.5%) were male, aged from 18 to 97 years. The prevalence of poor sleep quality was 79.3% (95%CI: 75.6%–83.1%). Poor sleep quality was associated with depressive symptoms (PR = 1.28; 95%CI: 1.17-1.39), anemia (PR = 1.18; 95%CI: 1.04-1.34) and uremia (PR = 1.26; 95%CI: 1.17-1.36) after controlling for potential confounders. Conclusions The presence of depressive symptoms, anemia and uremia were positively associated with poor sleep quality among patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis. A great proportion of this population had poor sleep quality. Strategies are needed to improve sleep quality in these patients. / brucepemar@gmail.com / Introducción y objetivos Los trastornos del sueño son una de las comorbilidades más comunes en pacientes en hemodiálisis. Los objetivos del estudio fueron determinar la prevalencia de mala calidad de sueño y establecer los potenciales factores asociados a ella. Materiales y métodos Estudio transversal analítico que enroló a pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica en hemodiálisis. La variable resultado fue calidad de sueño evaluada mediante la escala de Pittsburgh, mientras que las variables de exposición fueron el tiempo en hemodiálisis, la historia de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y de hipertensión arterial, la presencia de sintomatología depresiva, la presencia de anemia y el compromiso urémico. Se usó el modelo de regresión de Poisson para verificar las asociaciones de interés, reportándose razones de prevalencia (RP) e intervalos de confianza al 95% (IC 95%). Resultados Fueron enrolados un total de 450 pacientes, de los cuales, 259 (57,5%) fueron varones, y con una edad entre 18 y 97 años. La prevalencia de mala calidad de sueño fue de 79,3% (IC 95%: 75,6-83,1%). Se encontró asociación significativa entre mala calidad de sueño y sintomatología depresiva (RP = 1,28; IC 95%: 1,17-1,39), anemia (RP = 1,18; IC 95%: 1,04-1,34) y compromiso urémico (RP = 1,26; IC 95%: 1,17-1,36) después de controlar por potenciales confusores. Conclusiones La presencia de sintomatología depresiva, anemia y el compromiso urémico estuvieron positivamente asociados a mala calidad de sueño en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica en hemodiálisis. Un gran porcentaje de esta población sufre de mala calidad de sueño. Se sugiere desarrollar estrategias para mejorar la calidad de sueño en estos pacientes. / Revisión por pares

Serelaxin-vermittelte Inhibition von Fibroblastenaktivierung bei renaler Fibrogenese / Attenuating fibroblast activation and kidney fibrosis in CKD patients with Serelaxin

Hesse, Friederike 03 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.


Bojan, Mirela 04 July 2014 (has links)
L’insuffisance rénale aiguë (IRA) représente une complication fréquente de lachirurgie cardiaque pédiatrique sous circulation extracorporelle (CEC). Son traitement resteessentiellement conservateur, visant à prévenir l’aggravation de l’atteinte rénale, ousubstitutif, par épuration extrarénale (EER). L’EER précoce améliore le pronostic des adultesen défaillance multiviscérale, mais ceci n’a pas été montré chez l’enfant après chirurgiecardiaque. Le diagnostic de l’IRA repose actuellement sur une diminution du débit defiltration glomérulaire (DFG), reflété par la hausse de la créatinine sérique (sCr), et laréduction de la diurèse. Ces critères traduisent une perte de la fonction glomérulaire ; orl’atteinte initiale dans l’IRA post-chirurgicale se situe au niveau tubulaire. Ces critères sontpeu spécifiques et tardifs, et risquent de retarder le diagnostic et la prise en charge de l’IRA.Des nouveaux biomarqueurs rénaux, traduisant la présence d’une lésion tubulaire, dont leNeutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocaline urinaire (NGALu) est le plus populaire,permettraient un diagnostic plus précoce.Objectif. L’objectif de ce travail est triple : (i) explorer l’association entre le délai de la miseen route de l’EER et le pronostic à court et moyen terme chez le patient < 1an qui développeune IRA post-chirurgie cardiaque ; (ii) explorer les performances diagnostiques desvariations précoces de la sCr pour l’IRA sévère ; et (iii) explorer les performancesdiagnostiques de l’élévation de NGALu pour l’IRA sévère dans des populations similaires depatients < 1an.Méthode. Une cohorte monocentrique rétrospective de patients < 1an constituée sur 10 ansa servi pour étudier l’association entre le délai de la mise en route de l’EER et la survie àcourt et moyen terme. La technique de pondération inverse par le score de propension a étéutilisée afin de réduire le biais associé aux changements des pratiques inhérents à la longuepériode d’inclusion. Une deuxième cohorte monocentrique rétrospective de patients < 1anconstituée sur 3 ½ ans a servi pour étudier les performances diagnostiques des variationsprécoces de la sCr pour l’IRA sévère. Enfin, une troisième cohorte monocentriqueprospective de patients < 1an constituée sur 18 mois a servi pour étudier les performancesdiagnostiques de NGALu pour l’IRA sévère. Pour l’étude des deux biomarqueurs, sCr etNGALu, la méthodologie utilisée a été similaire : partition des trajectoires individuelles devariation, puis analyse de l’association avec un critère composite (recours à l’EER et/oudécès postopératoire) et définition du profil à faible risque d’IRA; enfin, utilisation de laméthodologie des courbes ROC et des tables de reclassification pour quantifier leursperformances diagnostiques respectives.Résultats. La mise en route de l’EER le jour de la chirurgie ou le lendemain a été associéeavec une augmentation d’environ 45% de la survie à 30 et 90 jours. La variation de la sCrdans les 2 jours suivant la chirurgie a été spécifique mais peu sensible et peu discriminantepour le diagnostic de l’IRA sévère ; le profil à faible risque, rencontré chez près de 50% despatients a été une diminution durable d’environ 25% de la sCr par rapport à la valeur basale.NGALu a été discriminant et prédictif pour le critère composite ; la concentration de NGALu aaugmenté dans les 2 heures suivant la chirurgie, et est restée élevée chez les patientsprésentant le critère composite.Discussion et conclusions. Si la prise en charge précoce par EER de l’IRA sévère est unepriorité en termes de pronostic chez le patient < 1an, alors il faut se munir de moyensdiagnostiques précoces et performants. La variation précoce de la sCr est peu sensible etpeu discriminante. En revanche, l’élévation précoce de l’NGALu présente d’excellentesperformances diagnostiques pour l’IRA sévère, faisant de NGALu un marqueur rénalprometteur dans la population < 1an bénéficiant d’une chirurgie cardiaque. / Acute kidney injury (AKI) is common following congenital cardiac surgery withcardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). To date, no prophylactic intervention has proved to beuseful for the prevention of postoperative AKI. When AKI occurs, treatment is mainlysupportive and, when severe, requires renal replacement therapy (RRT). Several reportshave shown better outcome with early RRT in adults with multiorgan failure. No such data isavailable in children undergoing cardiac surgery, and criteria for RRT vary among centres.The definition of AKI is a reduction in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), and the diagnosis isbased on an increase in serum creatinine (sCr) and a reduction in urine output; these arefunctional criteria, translating the consequences of glomerular injury. However, it iscommonly admitted that the first pathophysiologic finding in AKI following cardiac surgery istubular injury. Besides, the functional criteria are late, are not specific, and may delay thediagnosis of AKI. Novel AKI biomarkers, specific of tubular injury are available nowadays,with urine Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocaline (uNGAL) being the most popular –they may allow for an early diagnosis of AKI.Objectifs. The aim of this work was: (i) explore associations between the delay to RRT, earlyand mid-term outcome in patients younger than 1 year of age who develop AKI followingcardiac surgery; (ii) assess the accuracy of early sCr variations and (iii) of uNGAL for severeAKI in two similar populations aged < 1 year.Methods. A single centre retrospective cohort of patients aged < 1 year undergoing surgeryover 10 years was used to asses the association between the delay to RRT et short and midtermsurvival. Inverse probability of treatment weighting was used to reduce bias due tochanges in practices that occurred during the long study period. A second retrospectivecohort of patients aged < 1 year undergoing surgery over 3 ½ years was used to asses theaccuracy of early sCr variations for the diagnosis of severe AKI. Finally, a third prospectivecohort of patients aged < 1 year undergoing surgery over 18 month was used to asses theaccuracy of uNGAL for the diagnosis of severe AKI. The study of both sCr and uNGAL useda similar methodology: first clustering of all individual trajectories of variation, enablingassessment of the association with a composite outcome (need for RRT and/or death) andidentification of the « normally expected » postoperative evolution of both sCr an uNGAL,associated with the best outcome; second, use of ROC curves and reclassification tables toassess the accuracy of each biomarker for the diagnosis of AKI.Results. Early RRT, initiated on the day of surgery or on day 1 following surgery, wasassociated with a 45% increase in 30-days and 90-days survival. Early sCr variation, within 2days of surgery, had a good specificity but was lacking sensitivity and discrimination for thediagnosis of severe AKI; the « expected » sCr evolution was a persistent 25% postoperativereduction relative to baseline. uNGAL had good discrimination and predictive ability for thecomposite outcome; uNGAL concentration increased within 2 hours of surgery, andremained high in patients with the composite outcome.Discussion and conclusions. If early RRT improves outcome in patients aged < 1 yearswith AKI following cardiac surgery, then it becomes important to perform an early diagnosisof severe AKI. To date, diagnosis of AKI is based on early sCr variations, but such variationslack sensitivity and discrimination for the diagnosis of severe AK. On the other hand, theincrease in uNGAL within hours of surgery has excellent accuracy for the diagnosis of severeAKI, making uNGAL a promising AKI biomarker in patients aged < 1 year undergoing cardiacsurgery with cardiopulmonary bypass.

Acompanhamento nutricional de pacientes com doença renal crônica do pré diálise à diálise tardia /

Silva, Ana Luiza Leite de Moraes da. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: André Luís Balbi / Resumo: A Doença Renal Crônica (DRC) é caracterizada pela perda progressiva e irreversível da função renal. Distúrbios metabólicos e condições catabólicas relacionadas à doença renal e à terapia de diálise afetam negativamente o estado nutricional de pacientes com DRC, deixando-os permanentemente propensos ao protein energy wasting (PEW). O wasting pode resultar de uma dieta inadequada, mas na doença renal, existem outros fatores que resultam nessa condição. Alterações no gasto energético desta população contribuem de forma importante para o prejuízo nutricional. Sendo assim, o objetivo do estudo foi avaliar, de modo evolutivo, o Gasto Energético de Repouso (GER) e parâmetros nutricionais de pacientes com DRC na fase pré dialítica, dialítica inicial e dialítica tardia, estudando pacientes submetidos a hemodiálise e a diálise peritoneal. Além disso, comparar os valores de GER medidos pela Calorimetria Indireta (CI) aos valores estimados pela fórmula de Harris & Benedict. Foram estudados os pacientes com taxa de filtração glomerular estimada <15ml/min/1,73m² e avaliados de acordo com Protocolo de Avaliação Nutricional e medida do GER por CI. Foram consideradas três avaliações realizadas previamente: nos pacientes em estágio 5 não dialítico, no início da diálise, após 30 dias do início da terapia dialítica e incluído no estudo atual, uma última avaliação, após 1 ano do início da diálise. Os dados foram descritos em média, desvio padrão ou mediana. Foi aplicado modelo misto em medidas re... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Mestre

Impacto da orientação nutricional com restrição de alimentos aditivados sobre a fosfatemia de pacientes em hemodiálise

Watanabe, Marcela Tatiana. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Jacqueline Costa Teixeira Caramori / Resumo: A hiperfosfatemia está associada com maior risco de doenças cardiovasculares, eventos ateroscleróticos, hiperparatireoidismo secundário e doença óssea, e pode ser tratada pela combinação de aconselhamento dietético, uso de quelantes e diálise. Aditivos que contêm fosfato estão cada vez mais sendo adicionados nos alimentos processados, e uma importante abordagem para limitar a ingestão de fosfato seria o reconhecimento destes aditivos e a restrição dietética do fosfato inorgânico. Ensaios clínicos mostraram que educação nutricional, utilizando materiais educativos impressos e tecnologia, auxilia no manejo da hiperfosfatemia de pacientes renais crônicos, especialmente aqueles em diálise. OBJETIVO: Verificar o impacto da educação nutricional, focada em aditivos alimentares, na hiperfosfatemia de pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC) em tratamento hemodialítico. MÉTODOS: Ensaio clínico randomizado controlado de intervenção, com pacientes em hemodiálise, no qual se realizou orientação nutricional direcionada a restrição de alimentos processados contendo aditivos para controle da fosfatemia, durante seis meses, na Diálise do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu – UNESP. Os pacientes foram randomizados em Grupo Intervenção (GI) e Controle (GC). Nos início e final do seguimento foram realizadas coletas de dados completas e aplicados inquéritos alimentares: Registros Alimentares de três dias (RA3) e Questionários de Frequência Alimentar para Fosfato (QFA). No ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Hyperphosphatemia is associated with greater risk of cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerotic events, secondary hyperparathyroidism and bone disease), and can be treated by a combination of dietary counseling, chelation and dialysis. Phosphate-containing additives are increasingly being added in processed foods, and an important approach to limiting phosphate intake would be to focus on the dietary restriction of the inorganic phosphate of these additives. Clinical trials have shown that nutritional education, utilizing printed educational materials, aids in the management of hyperphosphatemia of renal disease patients, especially those on dialysis. OBJECTIVES: To verify the impact of nutritional education focused on food additives on parameters of mineral and bone disorders and dietary intake in hemodialytic patients, during six months. METHODS: A controlled randomized clinical trial of intervention, with patients in chronic hemodialytic treatment, in which nutritional guidance, focused on restricting processed foods containing additives, was performed in order to control phosphatemia, for six months, in the Dialysis Unit at the Hospital of Clinics of the Botucatu School of Medicine – UNESP. Patients were randomized into Intervention and Control Group. At the beginning and end of follow-up, complete data collections were performed. In Intervention Group (IG), patients received, nutritional education focused on the consumption of processed foods containing additives with exhi... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Avaliação da dosagem sérica de cistatina C para detecção precoce de alterações na função do enxerto após o transplante renal / Evaluation of the serum concentration of cystatin C to early detection changes in graft function after kidney transplantation

Medeiros, Flávia Silva Reis 22 January 2008 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A cistatina C é uma proteína não glicosilada de baixo peso molecular que é produzida por todas as células nucleadas. A medida da concentração sérica (CS) de cistatina C tem sido aclamada como um marcador de função renal superior à medida da CS de creatinina. No presente estudo, avaliou-se a acurácia diagnóstica da proteína cistatina C em estimar mudanças no Ritmo de Filtração Glomerular (RFG) medido por 51Cr-EDTA, em análise longitudinal prospectiva de pacientes transplantados renais com tempo de transplante recente e tardio. Em uma fase inicial (Fase A), definimos a melhor estratégia metodológica para a realização do RFG por depuração plasmática de 51Cr-EDTA em receptores de enxerto renal utilizando a depuração renal de inulina como método padrão-ouro. MÉTODOS: Medidas simultâneas de depuração renal de inulina e de depuração plasmática de 51Cr-EDTA foram feitas em pacientes transplantados renais. A precisão do método de medida do RFG por 51Cr-EDTA foi avaliada em doadores após um ano de doação de rim. A análise de Bland&Altman foi empregada para avaliar a concordância entre os métodos. Em uma segunda fase, foram realizadas medidas das CS de cistatina C e de creatinina e do RFG por 51Cr-EDTA nos meses 1, 3, 6 e 12 de seguimento clínico do estudo em pacientes transplantados renais. A cistatina C foi dosada em amostras de soro, por técnica de imunonefelometria (N Latex Cystatin C kit - Dade Behring). A tendência da função renal foi obtida por Regressão Linear Simples. RESULTADOS: Na fase A, foram incluídos 44 pacientes transplantados renais e 22 doadores de rim com tempo de doação de 12,4 a 53,5 meses. A depuração de 51Cr-EDTA com amostras de sangue coletadas nos tempos 2, 4, 6 e 8 horas após injeção do radiofármaco apresentou forte correlação e alto grau de concordância com a depuração de inulina; uma estratégia única para todos os níveis de função foi estabelecida com amostras de sangue nos tempos 4 e 6 horas. Em uma segunda fase do estudo, oitenta e dois pacientes foram incluídos, com idade média de 43,4 ± 11,9 anos. A maioria era da raça branca (56%) e do sexo masculino (68%). No mês 1, a média do RFG por 51Cr-EDTA foi de 50,6 ± 17,3 ml/min/1,73m², e foi de 1,62 ± 0,65 mg/L para a CS de cistatina C e de 1,40 ± 0,62 mg/dL para a CS de creatinina. Na análise transversal, foi encontrada uma forte correlação entre o RFG e a medida de CS de cistatina C. Entretanto, na análise longitudinal do seguimento clínico a CS de cistatina C não estimou a tendência de mudança no RFG. CONCLUSÕES: A depuração plasmática de 51Cr-EDTA é uma medida precisa e acurada de RFG que pode ser utilizada em substituição à depuração renal de inulina, em pacientes transplantados renais. Medidas seriadas da CS de cistatina C não foram capazes de detectar mudanças no RFG em pacientes transplantados renais. / INTRODUCTION: Cystatin C is a nonglycosylated protein that is synthesized by all nucleated cells. The present study aimed to analyze the accuracy of serum concentration of cystatin C for detecting longitudinal change in glomerular filtration rate in transplanted recipients, as well to define a better methodological strategy to perform the plasma clearance of 51Cr-EDTA in renal transplant patients using inulin clearance as the gold standard method. METHODS: in the first phase of the study, simultaneous measurements of plasma clearance of 51Cr-EDTA and renal clearance of inulin in stable renal transplanted patients were performed. The within-subject repeatability of the 51Cr-EDTA was evaluated in live kidney donors at least 12 months after donation. Bland&Altman statistical approach was used to quantify the degree of agreement between clearance of inulin and plasma clearance of 51Cr-EDTA. In a second phase, serial measures of plasma clearance of 51Cr-EDTA, serum cystatin C and serum creatinine were examined in folowing at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months in kidney transplanted patients. Serum cystatin C was measured by a nephelometric immunoassay (N latex cystatin C kit - Dade Behring). The trend in renal function over time was obtained by linear regression. RESULTS: In the first phase, 44 transplanted patients and 22 kidney donors at least 12 months after donation (range 12,4 to 53,5 months) were enrolled. Plasma clearance of 51Cr-EDTA with four samples taken at 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours presented a strong association and closely agreement with inulin clearance. An abbreviated strategy was recommended with two blood sampling collected at 4 and 6 hours. In the second phase, 82 kidney transplanted patients were enrolled. Mean age was 43.4 ± 11.9 years. The majority were white (56%) and male (68%). The mean of the plasma clearance of 51Cr-EDTA was 50.6 ± 17.3, and it was 1.62 ± 0.65 mg/L and 1.40 ± 0.62 mg/dL for serum cystatin C and creatinine, respectively, at baseline. In cross-section analysis, serum cystatin C was strongly correlated with plasma clearance of 51Cr-EDTA. However, in longitudinal analysis serum cystatin C was not able for estimate GFR. CONCLUSIONS: Plasma clearance of 51Cr-EDTA is a precise method to measure GFR in renal transplanted recipients. The results showed that serial measurements of serum cystatin C are not able to detect trends in renal function in transplanted patients.

Prevenção da doença renal crônica: intervenção na prática assistencial em uma equipe de saúde da família / Prevention of Chronic Kidney Disease: Intervention in the care practice of a Family Health Team.

Travagim, Darlene Suellen Antero 17 August 2012 (has links)
Introdução: A Doença Renal Crônica (DRC) possui múltiplos fatores de risco, revelando a necessidade de uma abordagem integral e interdisciplinar e sendo imprescindível a atuação dos profissionais da Atenção Básica à Saúde (ABS) para sua detecção precoce. A preparação desses profissionais torna-se prioridade para o estabelecimento da prevenção da DRC. Objetivos: Identificar os problemas prioritários em relação à prevenção da DRC, destacados pela equipe de saúde da atenção básica, na qual o enfermeiro se insere; implementar um plano de ação organizado pela equipe de saúde e pesquisadores que busca solucionar os problemas identificados sobre a prevenção da DRC; avaliar as ações relacionadas à prevenção da DRC realizadas junto à equipe participante da pesquisa. Percurso Metodológico: Foi utilizada a abordagem metodológica qualitativa baseada na pesquisa-ação, sendo que, na coleta de dados, foram utilizadas a técnica de observação participante e a entrevista semiestruturada. A coleta de dados foi realizada com 11 profissionais de uma equipe de saúde da família da região oeste de Ribeirão Preto/SP, entre maio e julho de 2011. A análise dos dados resultante das observações e das entrevistas foi feita por meio da Análise de Conteúdo Temática de Minayo. Baseando-se nos problemas prioritários levantados, foi planejada, implementada e avaliada a ação educativa junto à equipe de saúde da família. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo. Resultados e Discussão: Os problemas prioritários relacionados à prevenção da DRC apresentados pela equipe de saúde da atenção básica emergiram da análise e interpretação dos relatos contidos nas entrevistas, originando duas categorias: \"Aspectos teóricos acerca da prevenção da DRC\" e \"Aspectos da prática assistencial acerca da prevenção da DRC\". A primeira categoria foi dividida em duas subcategorias: \"Definições da DRC e sua prevenção\" e \"Prevenção da DRC e a atenção básica à saúde\". Da mesma forma, a segunda categoria originou outras duas subcategorias: \"O trabalho cotidiano e a prevenção da DRC\" e \"Intervenções diretas acerca da prevenção da DRC\". Então, definimos e elaboramos o plano de ação a ser desenvolvido para tentarmos solucionar os problemas levantados. Em abril de 2012, foi implementada a ação educativa utilizando duas estratégias: uso da cartilha educativa e apresentação da aula expositiva dialogada. Posteriormente, foi realizada a avaliação do processo pelos participantes da pesquisa. Considerações Finais: A equipe de saúde da família na qual o enfermeiro se insere possui potencialidades para atuar na prevenção da DRC. É essencial adotar estratégias para organização e preparação dessas equipes, a fim de que realizem intervenções que favoreçam a prevenção da DRC. / Introduction: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) has multiple risk factors, which indicates the need for an integral and interdisciplinary approach and the essential work of health professionals in the Primary Health Care (PHC) service to detect it early. Therefore, qualifying these professionals becomes a priority in the establishment of CKD preventive actions. Objectives: To identify priority issues related to the prevention of CKD highlighted by the PHC team in which nurses are included; to implement a plan action organized jointly with the health team to solve problems identified in relation to CKD; to evaluate the actions related to the prevention of CKD performed jointly with the studied team. Method: A qualitative methodological approach was used in the action research. Participant observation and semi- structured interviews were used in data collection. Data were collected from 11 professionals from a family health team in the west region of Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil between May and July 2011. The results of observations and interviews were analyzed through Thematic Content Analysis proposed by Minayo. An educational action based on the priority problems was planned, implemented, and evaluated jointly with the family health team. The project was approved by the Ethics Research Committee at the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto, College of Nursing. Results and Discussion: the priority problems related to the prevention of CDK presented by the health team in the PHC service emerged from the analysis and interpretation of reports contained in the interviews and originated two categories: \"Theoretical aspects concerning the CDK prevention\" and \"Aspects of care practice concerning the prevention of CDK\". The first category was divided into two subcategories: \"Definitions of CDK and its prevention\" and \"CDK prevention and PHC\". Two other two subcategories emerged from the second category: \"Daily work and CDK prevention\" and \"Direct interventions concerning CDK prevention\". Hence, we defined and developed an action aimed to resolve the problems identified. An educational plan was implemented in April 2012 through two strategies: an educational booklet and an interactive lecture. Afterwards, the study\'s participants evaluated the process. Final Considerations: The family health team in which nurses are included has potential to work in the prevention of CDK. The adoption of strategies to organize and qualify these teams is essential to enable interventions that favor the prevention of CDK

Ablação percutânea do parênquima renal por radiofrequência / Percutaneous ablation of renal parenchyma by radiofrequency: experimental study on the ideal temperature and the impact of vasoactive drugs

Queiroz, Marcus Vinicius Baptista 14 July 2011 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Os tumores renais pequenos e localizados são hoje diagnosticados mais frequentemente graças ao uso mais intenso dos métodos de imagem, o que favorece técnicas de tratamento menos traumáticas e igualmente eficazes. Dentre as técnicas minimamente invasivas, uma alternativa atraente é a radiofrequência (RF) por ser eficiente, de baixo custo e fácil aplicação. OBJETIVO: Avaliar métodos de aprimoramento da aplicação da RF para promover lesão celular renal de forma mais eficiente, obtendo lesões maiores, utilizando diferentes temperaturas e, em seguida, administrar drogas vasoativas para comparar o tamanho das lesões. Objetivou-se avaliar também se há remanescência de células viáveis na área abrangida pela lesão. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: O estudo foi realizado na Divisão de Clínica Urológica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo entre janeiro de 2005 e dezembro de 2008. Inicialmente, 16 cães (Grupo A) foram submetidos a RF no parênquima renal com diferentes temperaturas: 80, 90 e 100 graus centígrados. Para comparar os resultados, foi analisado o tamanho das lesões nas diferentes temperaturas por medida da profundidade e da largura, correlacionadas com a impedância. Em seguida, usando a temperatura de 90 oC, 14 cães foram submetidos a RF com injeção dos dois diferentes agentes vasoativos: como vasoconstritor, a adrenalina (Grupo B), versus a prostaglandina E1 (Grupo C) como vasodilatador. Após 14 dias, os animais foram submetidos a nefrectomia para avaliação das lesões e a sacrifício. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença estatisticamente significante na profundidade (p < 0,001) e largura (p < 0,001) da lesão entre as três temperaturas (80, 90 e 100 oC), sendo que há um pico no tamanho das lesões renais na temperatura de 90 oC. Foi observada diferença estatisticamente significante da impedância entre as três temperaturas estudadas (p < 0,001), e se observou resultado mais favorável a 90 oC (menor impedância) e similar entre as temperaturas de 80 e 100 oC. A segunda etapa do estudo demonstrou que o uso da prostaglandina E1 resultou em lesões significativamente mais profundas e mais largas que o uso da adrenalina e também que a resistência tecidual foi menor com a prostaglandina E1. CONCLUSÕES: A temperatura de 90 oC foi mais eficiente para provocar destruição celular com a RF por produzir lesões mais extensas na largura e profundidade, quando comparada com as temperaturas de 80o e 100 oC (p < 0,001). A impedância também foi menor com 90 oC (p < 0,001). Observou-se que as lesões produzidas sem drogas não apresentaram diferença significante comparado com o uso de prostaglandina E1. Porém, o uso de adrenalina promoveu lesões menores (p < 0,001) quando comparada com os dois outros grupos. Não foram observadas células viáveis na análise microscópica dentro dos limites atingidos pela RF em ambos os experimentos / INTRODUCTION: Small, localized renal tumors are diagnosed more frequently nowadays due to the more intense use of imaging methods, which favor less traumatic but equally efficacious treatment techniques. Among the minimally invasive techniques, an attractive alternative is that of radiofrequency (RF), as it is efficient, and easily applicable. OBJECTIVE: To assess methods for the improvement of the application of RF, for the more efficient promotion of the renal cell lesion, to obtain larger lesions, making use of various temperatures and then administering vasoactive drugs to compare the size of the lesions produced, and also to assess the existence of remaining viable cells in the area affected by the lesion. MATERIAL AND METHOD: The study was undertaken at the Urological Clinical Division of the Hospital das Clínicas of the Medical School of the University of São Paulo, between January 2005 and December 2008. Initially, 16 dogs (Group A) underwent RF of the renal parenchyma at various temperatures: 80, 90 and 100 degrees centigrade. For the comparison of the results, the size of the lesions at the various temperatures was analyzed by the measurement of their depth and width, correlated with the impedance. Then, using a temperature of 90 oC, 14 dogs were submitted to RF with an injection of one of the two different vasoactive agents: adrenaline, vasoconstrictor (Group B), versus with E1 prostaglandin, vasodilator (Group C). After 14 days, the animals underwent nephrectomy for the assessment of the lesions, and then were sacrificed. RESULTS: It was observed that, with the application of RF at the temperatures of 80, 90 and 100 oC, there was a statistically significant difference in the depth (p < 0.001) and width (p < 0.001) of the lesions as between the three temperatures, with a peak in the size of the renal lesions at 90 oC. A statistically significant difference in impedance was observed as between the three temperatures studied (p < 0.001), the most favorable result occurring at 90 oC (least impedance) and similar ones occurring between the temperatures of 80 and 100 oC. The second phase of the study demonstrated that the use of the prostaglandin E1 gave rise to significantly deeper and wider lesions than did the use of adrenaline and also that the tissue resistance was less than with the prostaglandin E1. CONCLUSIONS: It was observed that the temperature of 90oC was more efficient in provoking cell destruction with RF as it produced more extensive lesions both in width and depth than those at the temperatures of 80o and 100 oC (p < 0.001). The impedance was also less at 90 oC (p < 0.001). It was observed that the lesions produced without drugs presented no significant difference with the use of prostaglandin. However, the use of adrenaline provoked smaller lesions (p < 0.001) than did the other two (technical) groups. No viable cells were observed by microscopic analysis within the limits attained by the RF, in either of the experiments

The role of iron in oxidative stress accelerated endothelial dysfunction in chronic kidney disease

Hadeiba, Tareg Hadi Ahmed January 2015 (has links)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is growing global public health problem affecting 1 in 10 adults in developed countries and recognised as an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) development. CVD is the main cause of death among CKD patients. Endothelial injury and dysfunction are critical steps in atherosclerosis, a major CVD. Oxidative stress (increased level of reactive oxygen species, ROS) has been associated with CVD development. Intravenous (IV) iron preparations are widely used in the management of CKD mediated anaemia, and have been associated with increased oxidative stress and cellular dysfunction. This study examined the effect of pharmacologically-relevant concentrations of IV Venofer (iron sucrose) or IV Ferinject (Ferric carboxymaltose, FCM) on primary human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) activation/damage and on intracellular ROS generation as well as studying the potential mechanisms responsible. Data from TUNEL assay and Annexin V-FITC/PI staining showed that, IV FCM had no effect, but IV iron sucrose increased HUVEC apoptosis at 24hr. IV iron sucrose inhibited cell proliferation and reduced cell viability. Both compounds induced EC activation through sustained activation of p38 MAPK and up-regulation of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1. Additionally, the compounds induced significant increase in total ROS and superoxide anion production, which was attenuated by the anti-oxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC). P38 MAPK showed up-regulation of pro-apoptotic protein Bax and down-regulation of antiapoptotic Bcl-2 protein in HUVEC treated with IV iron sucrose and p38 inhibition reversed these effects. In summary, these results suggest that IV iron sucrose causes more severe EC injury than IV FCM. However, both IV iron preparations induced intracellular ROS and superoxide anion generation in HUVEC leading to EC activation/dysfunction, providing a potential explanation for vascular damage in CKD patients.

Tacrolimus pharmacogenomics in abdominal solid organ transplantation

Falconer, Stuart John January 2018 (has links)
Background: Abdominal solid organ transplantation has evolved from an experimental procedure to a well-established therapy within a few decades. This success is largely due to the introduction of calcineurin inhibitor immunosuppression. Tacrolimus is the most widely used calcineurin inhibitor but has a narrow therapeutic range which requires close drug monitoring to prevent both toxicity and inadequate immunosuppression. Previous studies in renal transplantation have shown that genetic polymorphisms, CYP3A5, CYP3A4*22 and ABCB1 can influence the bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus. These polymorphisms are closely linked to ethnicity and have never been studied in a Scottish population before. Additionally, increasing evidence suggests that high variability of tacrolimus is linked to increased graft loss in kidney transplant patients. Methods: 5889 subjects were genotyped for the genetic polymorphisms CYP3A5 A > G allele transition, CYP3A4*22 C > T and ABCB1 C > T transition. This included 4899 healthy individuals from Generation Scotland bio-resource and 990 patients who underwent renal, liver, or simultaneous pancreas kidney transplants or were organ donors. Tacrolimus dose, trough level and renal function were measured at 11 time points from date of transplant up to and including 12 months post-transplant. Clinical data including episodes of acute rejection, graft and patient survival were compared between the different genotypes. Separate analyses were undertaken for kidney, SPK transplants, as well as liver transplants, the latter looking at recipient and liver donor genotype. A separate cohort of 103 renal transplant patients converted from twice-daily to once-daily tacrolimus had their tacrolimus variability calculated and compared with graft survival. Results: The distribution of the 3 different genotypes of CYP3A5, CYP3A4*22 and ABCB1 were comparable with other Caucasian populations studied previously. In renal transplant recipient expression of the A allele (GA/AA) led to significantly increased dose requirements of tacrolimus and initially lower tacrolimus trough levels. The different genotypes of ABCB1 had no effect. Expression of a CYP3A4*22 T allele trended towards a lower tacrolimus dose requirement but this was not significant. There was no difference in renal function, graft survival or patient survival with any of the polymorphisms. SPK patients had comparable results. In the liver transplant patients, the donor genotype had a greater influence than the recipient one. The donors with CYP3A5 A allele expression had significantly higher tacrolimus dose requirements and lower initial tacrolimus levels. This was apparent to a lesser extent with the recipient expression of CYP3A5 and did not reach statistical significance at all time points. There was no significant difference in tacrolimus dose requirements or level with either donor or recipient expression of ABCB1 or CYP3A4*22. There was a significantly higher incidence of acute rejection in donor CYP3A5 A allele expressers of liver transplant patients in univariate and multivariate analysis. There was no significant different in acute rejection with ABCB1 or CYP3A4*22 genotype. No differences in graft or patient survival with either donor or recipient genotype of any of the 3 polymorphisms were noted. Conversion from twice-daily to once-daily tacrolimus in the first 12 months post-transplant reduced tacrolimus variability. Patients with high tacrolimus variability pre and post conversion had significantly greater graft loss than patients with low tacrolimus variability. Conclusion: CYP3A5 expression results in increased tacrolimus requirements to achieve adequate immunosuppression in renal transplant and SPK patients. Donor rather than recipient CYP3A5 expression is relevant for liver transplantation and dose requirements. There may be an association with donor CYP3A5 expression in liver transplant patients and acute rejection which needs further evaluation. ABCB1 and CYP3A4*22 do not appear to have a significant impact in any of the organ transplants. High tacrolimus variability is associated increased graft loss in renal transplant patients.

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