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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pastoral modes in a theology of evangelism

Rekers, George Alan 06 1900 (has links)
The pastoral visitation practice of Continuing Witness Training (CWT) is theoretically intended to cooperate with God to lead individuals to Christian conversion, but reconciles fewer individuals to God than anticipated. This empirical theological study of Praxis 1 analyzed the visited individuals' (1) perception of care-concern by the visitors, (2) post-visit positive mood, (3) satisfaction with the visit, (4) sense of God's presence in the visit, and (5) decision to pray to establish a relationship with Jesus Christ. in association with (a) the amount of the CWT presentation given, (b) the length of the visit, and (c) prior religious involvement. Greater amounts of the CWT presentation given resulted in greater satisfaction and greater conversion prayer. Longer pastoral visits resulted in greater satisfaction among females and males, in greater conversion prayer in females, and in higher post-visit positive mood in males. Lower prior religious involvement resulted in greater amounts of the CWT model presentation being given to females, and in greater conversion prayer in males. Although 60% of Individuals visited reported no or minimal religious involvement, the complete CWT presentation was given to only 19%, and a substantial portion of CWT was given to an additional 17%. Among this 36% of those visited who received the CWT presentation, 55% decided to pray to establish a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This situational analysis identified four praxis problems: ( 1) inconsistent application of the CWT model with unchurched individuals, (2) dissatisfaction among 25% of individuals visited, (3) lack of sense of God's presence in the visit reported by 23% of individuals visited, and (4) 31% of those visited being outside the stated unchurched target population for CWT visits. These praxis problems and related findings in the descriplive theological research were addressed by formulating a revised practical theology upon which to base Praxis 2. This revised theology of evangelism incorporated a multi-modal model of pastoral role-fulfillment (inYolving ketygma, didache, and paraklesis) as an agogic situation of primary initiation of a person into the kingdom of God, by proposing multiple contacts within a pastoral theology of care and counseling. / Practical Theology / Th. D. (Practical Theology)

Purity : blessing or burden?

Depoix, D. J. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2002 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: During the history of Israel the concept of "purity" had developed as a way in which God's people could honour his holiness and draw nearer to him, as a sanctified nation. By the time of Jesus, in Second Temple Judaism, the purity system had become restrictive. This had been influenced by political and social developments, including an increased desire to withdraw from Hellenistic and other factors which were seen as contaminating the integrity of Judaism. There were diverse perceptions regarding the achievement of the purity of Israel, including militaristic confrontation and expulsion of alien occupation forces, stricter adherence to the Law and, in some cases, total withdrawal from general society (such as at Qumran). It was, however, particularly the Pharisaic imposition of the supplementary oral tradition, supposed to clarify the written Law, which imposed hardship on those who, through illiteracy or inferior social status, were unable to meet all the minute provisions which would ensure ritual purity. The expansion of the Law of Moses by the commentary of the rabbis, which over time became the entrenched oral "tradition of the fathers", was originally intended to promote access to God by clarifying obscure points of the Law, in the pursuit of purity. However, this oral tradition had, in fact, become an instrument of alienation and separation of the ordinary people not only from the Pharisees, who considered themselves as the religious elite, but also from God. The common people, that is, a large section of the population, felt rejected and on the outside of both religious and social acceptance. On the material level they also suffered under a heavy tax burden, from both Temple and State, which aggravated their poverty. It was this situation which Jesus confronted in his mission to change the ideological climate and to reveal the Kingdom of God as being accessible to all who accepted the true Fatherhood of God, in penitence and humility. He denounced the hypocrisy which professed piety but which ignored the plight of those who were suffering. Hark 7 : 1-23 symbolizes the difference between the teaching and practice of Jesus and that of the Pharisees, and provides metaphorically a pattern of Christian engagement which is relevant in the South African situation today. The Christian challenge is to remove those barriers, both ideological and economic, which impede spiritual and material well-being within society. By active engagement, rather than by retreating to the purely ritualistic and individualistic practice of religion, the realization of the Kingdom of Heaven, as inaugurated by Jesus, will be advanced. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gedurende die geskiedenis van Israel het die konsep van reinheid ontwikkel as 'n wyse waarin die die volk van God Sy heiligheid kan eer en tot Hom kan nader, as 'n geheiligde volk. Teen die tyd van Jesus, tydens Tweede Tempel Judaïsme, het die reinheid sisteem beperkend geword. Dit is beïnvloed deur politieke en sosiale ontwikkelinge, insluitende 'n toenemende drang om te onttrek van Hellenistiese en ander faktore, wat beskou is as 'n besoedeling van die integriteit van Judaïsme. Daar was diverse persepsies aangaande die uitvoering van die reinheid van Israel, insluitende militaristiese konfrontasie en die uitwerping van vreemde besettingsmagte, strenger onderhouding van die Wet en in sekere gevalle, totale onttreking van die algemene samelewing (soos by Qumran). Tog was dit in besonder die Fariseërs se oplegging van bykomende mondelinge tradisie, veronderstelom die geskrewe Wet te verhelder, wat ontbering veroorsaak het vir die wat as gevolg van ongeletterdheid of minderwaardige sosiale status nie in staat was om aan elke haarfyn bepaling, wat rituele reinheid sou verseker, te voldoen nie. Die uitbreiding van die wet van Moses deur die kommentaar van die rabbies, wat met verloop van tyd die ingegrawe mondelinge "tradisie van die vaders" geword het, was oorsproklik bedoel om toegang tot God te verseker, deur die verheldering van onduidelike aspekte van die wet, in die nastreef van reinheid. Hierdie mondelinge tradisie het egter 'n instrument van vervreemding geword en skeiding gebring tussen gewone mense en die Fariseers, sowel as die wat hulleself beskou het as die religieuse elite. Dit het egter ook skeiding gebring tussen mense en God. Die gewone mense, dit is die meerderheid van die bevolking, het verwerp gevoel en aan die buitekring van beide religieuse en sosiale aanvaarding. Op materiële vlak het hulle ook gelyonder die juk van swaar belasting, van beide die Tempel en die Staat, wat hulle toestand van armoede vererger het. Dit was hierdie situasie wat Jesus gekonfronteer het in sy strewe om die ideologiese klimaat te verander en om die Koninkryk van God te openbaar as toeganklik vir almal wat die ware Vaderskap van God aanvaar, in berou en in nederigheid. Hy het die skynheiligheid verwerp wat aanspraak maak op vroomheid, maar die toestand van die lydendes ignoreer. Markus 7:1-23 simboliseer die verskil tussen die onderrig en die praktyk van Jesus en dié van die Fariseërs en voorsien metafories 'n patroon van Christelike verbintenis, wat relevant is binne die eietydse Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Die uitdaging aan die Christendom is om die skeidslyne te verwyder, beide ideologies en ekonomies, wat geestelike en materieële welsyn binne die gemeenskap belemmer. Deur aktiewe betrokkenheid, eerder as om bloot te onttrek tot die suiwer ritualistiese en individualistiese beoefening van religie, sal die realisering van die Koninkryk van die Hemel soos ingehuldig deur Jesus, bevorder word.

Teil der grossen Geschichte sein Die missiologische Bedeutung theologischer Narrative am Beispiel der “Reich Gottes Story” von N.T. Wright / To be part of the Bible's grand narrative The missiological importance of theological narratives,using the example of N.T. Wright's narrative approach to the "Story of the Kingdom of Heaven“

Roth, Tobias 01 1900 (has links)
Text in German with summaries in German, English and Afrikaans / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 138-144) / In dieser Masterarbeit wird die Korrelation zwischen der Narrativität des Reich Gottes und missiologischen Ansätzen untersucht. Am Beispiel von N.T. Wright wird ermittelt, welche Bedeutung Narrative des Reich Gottes in der Theologie haben und wie diese für einen narrativ-missiologischen-Ansatz nutzbar gemacht werden können. Die Untersuchung wird von der Forschungsfrage geleitet: Welche Bedeutung haben Reich Gottes Narrative von N.T. Wright für die Missiologie? Im ersten Kapitel werden die Rahmenbedingungen dieser Thesis dargelegt. Im zweiten Kapitel wird das Werk und die Person von N.T.Wright untersucht. Das dritte Kapitel widmet sich der inhaltlichen Untersuchung und der Herausarbeitung eines Metanarratives des Reich Gottes bei Wright. Im vierten und letzten Kapitel werden die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung zusammengetragen. Diese münden in einen Entwurf eines narrativ- missiologischen- Ansatzes. Des Weiteren werden einige Aspekte von Wrights Ansatz kritisch reflektiert. Die Ergebnisse werden in den deutschen Kontext eingeordnet und darauf aufbauend erfolgt dann noch ein Ausblick auf weitere Forschungsmöglichkeiten. / Hierdie meesterstesis bestudeer die verband tussen die teorie van die verhaal van die hemelse koninkryk en die missiologiese aanpassings daarvan. Op grond van die werke van N.T. Wright, is die doel van hierdie werk om te bepaal watter tipe belang die teorie van die verhaal van die hemelse koninkryk vir die teologie kan hê en hoe dit in missiologie toegepas kan word. Hierdie ontleding handel oor die hoofvraag: Watter belang moet in missiologie aan die verhale oor die hemelse koninkryk geheg word? Die eerste hoofstuk handel gevolglik oor die basiese raamwerk van hierdie werk. Hoofstuk twee fokus dan op die studie van die basiese inhoud van Wright se werk en hoe hy 'n metaverhaal kan skep op grond van die benadering van die hemelse koninkryk. Die derde hoofstuk is gewy aan die substantiewe ondersoek en verwerking van Wright se metaverhaal oor die koninkryk van God. Die vierde en laaste hoofstuk van hierdie werk bevat die hoofresultate van hierdie tesis voor dit na 'n konsep van 'n benadering tot verhalende missiologie lei. Verder word verskeie aspekte van Wright se benadering krities bespreek. Die resultate is dan in 'n Duitse konteks vasgelê wat tot 'n vooruitsig van toekomstige navorsingsgeleenthede kan lei. / This master thesis examines the correlation between the narrative of the kingdom of heaven theory and its missiological adaptations. Based on examples from the works of N.T. Wright, the purpose of this paper is to ascertain what kind of relevance narratives of the kingdom of heaven theory might have for theology and how they could be applied in missiology. This analysis revolves around the main question: What importance should be awarded to the kingdom of heaven narratives in missiology? Consequently, the first chapter deals with the basic framework of this paper. Chapter two then focuses on examining the basic contents of Wright’s work and how he is able to create a meta-narrative based on the kingdom of heaven approach. The third chapter is devoted to the substantive investigation and elaboration of a metanarrative of the kingdom of God defined by Wright. The fourth and last chapter of this paper is presenting the main results of this thesis before leading up to a draft of a narrative-missiological approach. In addition, various aspects of Wright’s approach are critically discussed. The results then are embedded in a German context which leads to a prospect of future research opportunities. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

A Igreja Universal e o espírito da palhota: análise dos discursos \'religiosos\' e \'políticos\' da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD) no sul de Moçambique / The Universal Church and the spirit of the hut: analysis of the \"religious\" and \"political\" discourses of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) in southern Mozambique

Fiorotti, Silas André 06 March 2018 (has links)
O estudo analisa alguns discursos da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD) no sul de Moçambique e problematiza os diálogos desta igreja com aspectos de diferentes contextos religiosos e com o poder político. A inspiração teórica está nos autores que apontaram as implicações políticas de diversas práticas religiosas e dos discursos sobre feitiçaria em contextos africanos (P. Geschiere, H. G. West, e outros) e nos autores que apontaram as dificuldades para designar algo como estritamente político ou estritamente religioso (T. Asad, e outros). Neste sentido, o estudo não partiu de uma definição de religião, mas busca identificar o lugar que a religião ocupou e ocupa em Moçambique. Além da utilização de fontes secundárias, o estudo analisa alguns materiais escritos produzidos pela IURD em Moçambique, alguns programas televisivos, algumas reuniões da IURD em Moçambique, e entrevistas com líderes religiosos moçambicanos. Sem ignorar as continuidades em relação à IURD no Brasil, o estudo aponta que diversas práticas de outros contextos religiosos, principalmente tradicionais e zionistas do sul da África, criaram e criam condições para que os discursos da IURD sejam significativos no sul de Moçambique. / The study analyzes some discourses of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) in southern Mozambique and problematizes the dialogues of this church with aspects of different religious contexts and with political power. The theoretical inspiration lies in the authors who pointed out the political implications of various religious practices and witchcraft discourses in African contexts (P. Geschiere, H. G. West, and others) and in the authors who pointed out the difficulties to designate something as strictly political or strictly religious (T. Asad, and others). In this sense, the study did not start from a definition of religion, but seeks to identify the place that the religion occupied and occupies in Mozambique. In addition to the use of secondary sources, the study analyzes some of the written materials produced by UCKG in Mozambique, some television programs, some cults of the UCKG in Mozambique, and interviews with Mozambican religious leaders. Without ignoring the continuities in relation to the UCKG in Brazil, the study points out that several practices in other religious contexts, mainly \"traditional\" and Zionist in southern Africa, have created and created conditions for the UCKGs speeches to be significant in southern Mozambique.

O fiel empreendedor, testemunha e ferramenta de marketing - uma an?lise do discurso acerca dos congressos empresariais da IURD / The faithful entrepreneur, witness and marketing tool: an analysis of the discourse on IURD?s entrepreneurial congresses

Carvalho, Sarita dos Santos 21 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2018-04-12T14:28:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 SARITA DOS SANTOS CARVALHO.pdf: 1348889 bytes, checksum: a443478449236639e8deb7f1c3440409 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-12T14:28:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SARITA DOS SANTOS CARVALHO.pdf: 1348889 bytes, checksum: a443478449236639e8deb7f1c3440409 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-21 / The Protestant Reformation of the 16th century originally created the Lutheran, Calvinist, and Anglican churches, which later unfolded in other denominations throughout history due to differences in theological interpretations, disagreements among leaders, or even to adapt its public to new - sometimes progressive, sometimes conservative - cultural forms. The 20th century saw the birth of the Pentecostal movement, and in the 1960s and 1970s, Neopentecostal churches emerge in Brazil as the result of such unfolding. Of these, the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus - IURD) is the most prominent; it is a church based on the prosperity theology and it has expanded to several other countries, having one of the best (if not the best) evangelical media structure in recent times in Brazil. IURD has in its program several regular encounters aimed at specific audiences. One of these is the Congress for Success, which focuses on encouraging successful entrepreneurship among its followers. The object of this research are testimonials from successful businessman in IURD recorded on video by the church and made available on the internet, but also broadcast as part of their television program. Would these testimonials be only a liturgical part of the IURD?s meetings or would they be strong elements of institutional religious propaganda? To answer this question, we used the method of Linguistic Discourse Analysis based on the works of M. Foucault and E. Orlandi to analyze these testimonials, comparing their structure to persuasion techniques from propaganda and marketing pieces, as described by J. A. C. Brown. We intend to show, based on consistent theoretical and analytical basis, that the discourse of these testimonials influence their target audience and motivate them to participate in and adhere to the church. We speak of a secular church that is fluent in efficient entrepreneurial techniques and knows how to mix what some would see as profane with what is holy and which grows and influences society. Knowing the religious market, its ways, its efficiency, and its social and political goals, is essential to understand modern-day society, which is shrouded in a less social and more individualistic religiousness. / A Reforma Protestante do s?culo XVI originou as igrejas Luterana, Calvinista e Anglicana, inicialmente, que se desdobraram em outras denomina??es ao longo da hist?ria ? devido a diversidades nas interpreta??es teol?gicas, desentendimento entre l?deres ou mesmo para adequa??o de seu p?blico a novas formas culturais (?s vezes progressistas, ?s vezes conservadoras). O s?culo XX assistiu o nascimento do movimento pentecostal e, nas d?cadas de 1960 e 70, no Brasil, tamb?m como resultado de desdobramentos, surgem as igrejas neopentecostais, das quais a Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD) ? a mais evidente e conhecida ? igreja com fundamentos na teologia da prosperidade, que tem se expandido a diversos outros pa?ses e tem uma das melhores (sen?o a melhor) estrutura midi?tica evang?lica dos ?ltimos tempos no Brasil. A IURD tem, em sua programa??o, encontros diversos e regulares, elaborados a fim de atingir p?blicos espec?ficos. Dentre eles, h? o Congresso para o Sucesso, para incentivar o empreendedorismo de sucesso entre aqueles que a buscam. O objeto desta pesquisa s?o os testemunhais dos empres?rios de sucesso da IURD, produzidos em v?deo pela igreja e dispon?veis na internet, mas que fazem parte tamb?m da sua programa??o televisiva. Seriam esses testemunhais apenas parte lit?rgica do encontro da IURD ou s?o fortes elementos de propaganda institucional religiosa? A fim de responder a esta quest?o, utilizamos o m?todo da An?lise do Discurso Lingu?stico, baseado nas obras de Michel Foucault e Eni Orlandi, para analisar os testemunhais comparando sua estrutura com as t?cnicas de persuas?o da propaganda e do marketing, explicitadas por J.A.C. Brown. Pretende-se demonstrar, com bases te?ricas e anal?ticas consistentes, que o discurso presente nos testemunhos influencia o p?blico alvo, motivando sua participa??o e ades?o ? igreja. Falamos de uma igreja secularizada, que se utiliza fluentemente de t?cnicas empresariais eficientes e sabe mesclar aquilo que seria profano (para muitos) ao sagrado, e que cresce e influencia uma sociedade. Conhecer o mercado religioso, suas formas, sua efici?ncia e seus objetivos sociais e pol?ticos faz-se essencial para compreender a sociedade atual, envolta por uma religiosidade menos social, mais individualista.

Dimensões sociais da ceia pascal celebrada por Jesus: um estudo literário e histórico-teológico de Mc 14,22-25

Bustamante, José Miguel Alvarado 25 November 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:27:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose Miguel Alvarado Bustamante.pdf: 891665 bytes, checksum: 91154da3e77b8e84a06c1d4222e67f6d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-11-25 / The purpose of this study is to discuss the social dimensions of Jesus last supper, according to Mk 14,22-25. In regard to the exegetic methodology, this study is conducted using a synchronic perspect;s narrative, one perceives the importance of the so-called exodus project as a search for a fair society with no poor, an inclusive and compassionate society. Certainly, the last supper condensates al;s gospel, Jesus death is interpreted from a prophetic perspective of the practice of justice; / O presente estudo tem por objetivo demonstrar as dimensões sociais da ceia de Jesus, segundo o evangelho de Mc 14,22-25. Quanto à metodologia exegética, a pesquisa é conduzida por meio da perspectiva sincrônica. O estudo literário desta perícope leva a situá-la no contexto das refeições de Jesus, das partilhas prodigiosas dos pães, podendo-se chegar a considerar a última ceia a culminância destas. Transparece assim, na narrativa de Mc, a importância do chamado projeto do êxodo enquanto busca da construção de uma sociedade justa e sem pobres, inclusiva e solidária. Certamente, esta ceia condensa toda a comensalidade de Jesus, que, por um lado, subverte os valores do sistema social da Palestina do século I sob o domínio dos romanos, baseados na busca da honra, do prestígio e do status... Por outro, o agir comensal de Jesus parece ser contestação às normas da pureza ritual das lideranças religiosas judaicas de Jerusalém, como também crítica à concepção expiatória dos sacrifícios apresentados no templo. A ceia de Jesus é antecipação do banquete escatológico, do qual participarão todos, segundo a fidelidade ao projeto do Reino de Deus. Sua morte, conforme o evangelho de Marcos, é interpretada na perspectiva profética da prática da justiça.

Mendigos e ricos nas palavras de Jesus segundo Lucas: uma análise de Lucas 6,20-26

Sousa, Fernando Figueiredo de 13 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T19:20:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernando Figueiredo de Sousa.pdf: 733635 bytes, checksum: 85ab8a5ec8f155d7406fe37c93f05c6a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-13 / This paper seeks to study the text of Lk 6, 20-26, of the beatitudes and of the woes, seeing in this passage an example of the recuperation, analysis and recreation of Jesus words. In this resides one of the particularities of this text in the context of the New Testament, which places it, however, in the heart of a fundamental direction of the beginnings of Christianity, namely, the tradition that goes back to Jesus by the conservation and transmission of his teachings. The author of this paper proposes the study of this text in three aspects. The first is the study of the text in of itself, as a communicative unity. The second aspect is the verification of the literature that influenced the Lucan author in the construction of this text, especially the Q source, and its comparison with words of the beatitudes attributed to the poor present in the Gospel of Thomas and the letter of James. In the third aspect, the author s intention is to analyze the importance of the writer of the Lucan text, his interference and the use of the blessed are and the woe to for the community. He considers that one of the accomplishments of the beatitudes is the approximation to the table as the instauration of the Kingdom of God, that is, the rich who share their wealth with the beggars. In this way, it is possible to verify an important connection between sharing with the beggars and belonging to the community, as a key element to becoming part of the Kingdom of God, the central element Jesus life and preaching, proposed by the beatitudes according to Luke / A presente pesquisa se aproxima do texto de Lc 6,20-26, das bem-aventuranças e dos ais, vendo nessa passagem um exercício de recuperação, análise e recriação de palavras de Jesus. Aí está uma das particularidades deste escrito dentro do Novo Testamento, que o coloca no seio de uma vertente fundamental dos inícios do cristianismo, isto é, a tradição que se vincula a Jesus pela conservação e transmissão de seus ensinamentos. O autor desta pesquisa propõe o estudo deste texto percorrendo três aspectos. O primeiro é o estudo do texto em si, como uma unidade comunicativa. O segundo consiste em verificar a literatura que influenciou o autor lucano na construção deste texto, especialmente a fonte Q, e a comparação desta com termos das bem-aventuranças atribuídas aos indigentes presentes no evangelho segundo Tomé e na carta de Tiago. No terceiro a proposta do autor é analisar a importância do redator do texto lucano, a sua interferência e o uso das bem-aventuranças e dos ais para o seio de sua comunidade. Considera que uma das realizações das bem-aventuranças é a aproximação da mesa como símbolo da instauração do Reino de Deus, isto é, a partilha dos bens dos ricos com os mendigos. Assim se verifica uma grande conexão entre o partilhar com os mendigos e a pertença à comunidade, constituindo um elemento-chave para fazer parte do Reino de Deus, elemento central da vida e pregação de Jesus proposto pelas bem-aventuranças segundo Lucas

A troca racional com Deus: a Teologia da Prosperidade praticada pela Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus analisada pela perspectiva da Teoria da Escolha Racional / The rational change with God: the Prosperity Theology practiced by Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (or Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus) through the perspective Rational Choice Theory

Barbieri Junior, Walter 11 May 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T19:20:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Walter B Juniro.pdf: 1159976 bytes, checksum: 491b2d9a633d9c06bfb751ce4235b805 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-05-11 / When we analyze the contemporaneous Brazilian religious camp we can notice great changes in the religious map of the country. At the same time that there is a tendency of reducing the number of affiliations to traditional religions such as catholic and historical protestant, the evangelical churches are spreading around, specially the neopentecostal . One of the main reasons for this change is the use of the Prosperity Theology by the priests of the neopentecostal churches. In this work we propose to build a study of the Prosperity Theology as a success tool used by Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD) in order to increase the affiliation number. The religious phenomena analyses will be made under a theoretical perspective of Religion Sociology, known as Rational Choice, by Rodney Stark. This theory proposes to apply economical theories and the one of Rational Choice to the religious phenomena, taking into account the existing religious pluralism in Brazil where the presence of a State with freedom of religion guarantees a free market for the companies that offer religious service. In this context, the conditions for a religious exploitation in the country are established and the specialists have to offer a service that meets the customers needs in order to survive the market competition. The analysis takes into account not only the religious demand in the Brazilian religious camp but mainly the offer of religious assets made by IURD specialists / Analisando o campo religioso brasileiro contemporâneo, notam-se grandes transformações no mapa religioso do país, numa tendência de queda de fiéis das religiões tradicionais como a católica e a protestante histórica e a ascensão das igrejas evangélicas, particularmente as neopentecostais. Um dos fatores responsáveis por essa transformação é a adoção da Teologia da Prosperidade praticada pelos pastores das igrejas neopentecostais. Este trabalho propõe construir um estudo da Teologia da Prosperidade, apontando-a como um instrumento de sucesso utilizado pela igreja Universal do Reino de Deus para aumentar o seu quadro de fiéis. A análise do fenômeno religioso vai se dar sob a perspectiva teórica da Sociologia da Religião, conhecida por Teoria da Escolha Racional de Rodney Stark. Essa Teoria propõe a aplicação de teorias econômicas e da escolha racional para os fenômenos religiosos, levando em conta o pluralismo religioso presente no Brasil, onde a presença de um Estado laico garante a livre concorrência entre as firmas que oferecem serviços religiosos. Assim, criam-se condições para a explosão religiosa no país, e os especialistas devem oferecer um serviço que atenda à necessidade daquele que busca esse tipo de oferta, para sobreviverem à concorrência. A análise leva em consideração não apenas a demanda religiosa no campo religioso brasileiro, mas principalmente a oferta de bens religiosos dos especialistas da IURD

Fé na mídia: um estudo das imagens técnicas (TV Record) como estratégia de comunicação e sobrevivência da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus

Fonteles, Heinrich 21 June 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T18:12:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Heinrich Fonteles.pdf: 8998164 bytes, checksum: 11c5934a4de0f6c2e5ad4cda298a73ce (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research had the objective to study the power of media image and its constitution of the locus of faith, articulated to journalistic language, which is considered in a neutral, rationalized and objective way.This is a theorical study which used an interdisciplinary methodological approach based on the culturalist theory, articulated to: (a) theories of image and media, seeking to identify the origins of visual image, in order to review how it is evoked in the context of a semiotic media communication environment, and (b) sociological, religious and political theories, in order to discuss power, modernity and neo religiosity. In order to do that, it was chosen the journalistic TV program Jornal da Record (JR) as the object of analysis, which presents the closeness and distance between religion and communication, seen in JR´s defense reports related to the scandals of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG), that occurred in 2009. The theoretical bases for this study were Pross concepts of media, Flusser s concepts of scalable image technique abstraction, Baitello Jr. s concepts of pure iconophagy, and the ideas proposed by the imaginaries and mediosphere criticism to the paradigm of modernity and Contrera´s disenchantment of the world. The survey´s results indicate that faith in the media is possible, since it brings evidence of reality to a person. The neo religions, originated in this array, put their trust in the media as a way to publicize their ideas, since images bring possibilities and intensify the impact on society through the notion of concepts and possible simulation-hypotheses that can be put into practice. Reality, therefore, is considered as religious points of view, disguised through rationality. It is important to note that notions of imagery concepts exempt persons from interpreting reality, as other spheres of mediations produce possible facts and hypotheses when supported on iconophagy (pure) as a way to trick the collective memory of events, because the resource to previous images can be highly manipulatable. Therefore, the UCKG, through TV Record s journalism, found a way to work in both fields at once: reality and religion. Their stories began to represent the raw material of religious TV programs, both with popular roots, thus, becoming anegotiable economic value . This way, the sustained UCKG s speech in the media affects and influences popular imagination / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo estudar sobre o poder e a potência da imagem midiática e sua constituição como lócus de fé, articulando esta análise à linguagem jornalística, a qual se propõe de forma objetiva, neutra e racionalizada. A partir de um estudo teórico, por meio de uma abordagem metodológica interdisciplinar, baseando-se na teoria culturalística, articularam-se: (a) as teorias da imagem e da mídia, buscando identificar as origens das imagens visuais a fim de repensar como esta é evocada no contexto de um ambiente de comunicação semiótico midiático; e (b) as teorias de matizes sociológico, religioso e político, com o intuito de discutir poder, modernidade e neorreligiosidade. Para tanto, escolhemos como objeto de análise o Jornal da Record (JR), tendo como recorte a aproximação e distanciamento entre religião e comunicação observado nas reportagens de defesa do JR relacionadas aos escândalos da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD) ocorridos no ano de 2009. A sustentação teórica desta pesquisa foi desenvolvida com base nos conceitos e na tipologia de mídia de Pross; nos conceitos da escalada da abstração da imagem técnica de Flusser; nos conceitos da iconofagia pura de Baitello Jr; nas ideias sobre os imaginários propostos pela mediosfera e nas críticas ao paradigma da modernidade e do desencantamento do mundo de Contrera. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que a fé na mídia é possível, uma vez que esta dá evidências de realidade para o sujeito. As neoreligiões, originadas nessa matriz, depositam confiança na mídia como forma de publicizar suas ideias, já que as imagens dão condição e potencializam o impacto na sociedade por meio da noções de conceitos e hipóteses-simulações possíveis de serem postas em práticas. A realidade passa a ser retratada pelo filtro religioso, disfarçada na racionalidade. É importante ressaltar que as noções de conceitos imagéticas dispensam a interpretação da realidade, visto que outras esferas de mediação produzem fatos e hipóteses possíveis ao se apoiarem na Iconofagia (pura) como forma de enganar a memória coletiva sobre acontecimentos, pois o recurso às imagens precedentes é altamente manipulável. Diante disso, a IURD, por meio do jornalismo da TV Record, encontrou uma forma de atuar em dois campos ao mesmo tempo: realidade e religiosidade. Suas notícias passaram a constituir matéria-prima dos programas religiosos. Tanto estes quanto aquelas têm raiz no solo popular, constituindo-se num valor econômico a ser negociado. Desta forma, a IURD, ao sustentar seu discurso na mídia, interfere e influencia o imaginário popular

Folkhemmets kyrka : Harald Hallén och folkkyrkans genombrott. En studie av socialdemokrati, kyrka och nationsbygge med särskild hänsyn till perioden 1905-1933 / A Church for a Social Democratic Nation : Harald Hallén and the emergence of the Swedish Folk Church. A study in Social Democracy, Church and Nation-building with specific interest in the period 1905-1933

Claesson, Urban January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis explores aspects of what happened to the state Church of Sweden during the rise of the importance of public opinion and the evolution of the democratic nation state. Denmark provides the most well known Nordic example of how an old state Church became a democratic Folk (i.e. National) Church during this general transition. By comparing the Swedish with the Danish case, this study elucidates the less well known Folk Church ideology in Sweden. In Denmark a strong agrarian movement influenced by revivalism managed to take hold of public opinion making the state Church a part of the Danish national identity. Such a movement never appeared in the more industrialised Sweden. Instead a secular working class movement took hold of public and national opinion. The investigation is focused upon Harald Hallén (1884-1967), a pastor and a Social Democratic Member of Parliament. Lacking the revival elements of the Danish nationalism Hallén found that in order to get a Folk Church accepted within the secular Working class movement, it had to rest upon the heritage of the Enlightenment. Hallén regarded the Church as an expression of common ethical values within the Swedish nation. The Folk Church was supposed to strengthen existing ideals for a righteous socialist society by delivering the message of the Kingdom of God. Hallén strove to make the Church more democratic in order to express this ethical folk religion. Social Democratic nationalism became the dominant factor in Swedish political life between 1905 and 1933. The period was characterised by conflicts. First Hallén and those whom he represented fought against the Youth Church movement, which strove to establish another Folk Church ideology, by supporting the Swedish King against the rise of political Democracy. Later on, within his own Social Democratic party, Hallén fought his battle against the Marxist view of the state Church as a simple reflection of the dominant class. Hallén was in line with the political development, which resulted in a period of solid Social Democratic nation building from the 1930s onwards. From that decade on the Folk Church ideology of Hallén was established.</p>

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