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Comparação de técnicas de reconstrução do ligamento cruzado anterior em pacientes com restrição da mobilidade do quadril : dupla banda versus banda simples associado a tenodese extraarticularZimmermann Júnior, José Mauro January 2014 (has links)
Introdução: Estudos têm mostrado que, pelo menos em jogadores de futebol, a diminuição da amplitude de movimento do quadril homolateral tem uma influência significativa na ocorrência de lesão do LCA, com alta incidência de rerrupturas especialmente após reconstrução em banda simples. Esse estudo objetiva comparar a capacidade de duas técnicas cirúrgicas de prevenir a rerruptura do LCA em jogadores de futebol com a articulação do quadril homolateral limitada (soma de rotação interna e externa <60°). Materiais e Métodos: Esse estudo foi um ensaio clínico randomizado prospectivo. Trinta atletas de futebol do sexo masculino (idade média de 22 anos, variando de 18 a 28 anos), com rupturas por não contato do LCA, foram alocados aleatoriamente em dois grupos. Os critérios de inclusão foram lesão ligamentar isolada do LCA, soma das rotações do quadril homolateral abaixo de 60° e ser jogador de futebol profissional ou semi-profissional. Os critérios de exclusão englobaram dor persistente no quadril ou história de fratura ou cirurgia prévia em qualquer segmento do membro inferior. Um grupo foi submetido à reconstrução combinada intra e extra-articular (GIE), enquanto o outro foi tratado com reconstrução dupla banda com enxertos do semitendinoso e grácil (GDB). Resultados: Nos dois anos de acompanhamento de cada paciente, ocorreram três rerrupturas no GDB contra nenhuma no GIE. Nos 27 atletas com reconstruções intactas, a quantidade de instabilidade residual no exame físico e no Rolimeter® foram os mesmos. Conclusão: Nossos achados mostram que, em dois anos de acompanhamento, a incidência de rerruptura, embora não tenha sido a mesma, não apresentou diferença significativa entre as técnicas de reconstrução intra + extraarticular e dupla banda do LCA em pacientes atletas com articulação do quadril homolateral restrita. / Introduction: Studies have shown that, at least in soccer players, decreased ipsilateral hip range of motion has a significant influence on the occurrence of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury, with a high incidence of re-ruptures especially after single-bundle reconstruction. This study aimed to compare the ability of two surgical techniques to prevent re-rupture of the ACL in soccer players with ipsilateral restricted hip joints (sum of internal and external rotation < 60°). Materials and Methods: The study was a prospective randomized clinical trial. Thirty male soccer players (mean age, 22 years; range, 18-28) with noncontact ACL ruptures were allocated to two groups. Inclusion criteria were isolated ACL injury, ipsilateral hip range of rotation below 60°, and being a professional or semi-professional soccer player. Exclusion criteria were persistent hip pain or history of any fracture or previous surgery of the lower limb. One group underwent a combined intra- plus extra-articular reconstruction (IEG), while the other was treated with double-bundle reconstruction (DBG) with semitendinosus and gracilis grafts. All patients were followed up for two years after surgery. Results: At two-year follow-up of each patient, there were three re-ruptures in the DBG vs. none in the IEG. In the 27 athletes with intact reconstructions, the amount of residual instability in the physical examination and Lachman test was about the same. Conclusion: Our findings demonstrate that, in two years of follow-up, the incidence of rerupture, although not the same, showed no significant difference between intra- plus extraarticular and double-bundle ACL reconstruction techniques in patients with ipsilateral restrained hip joints.
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Estudo biomecânico comparativo, em cadáveres, da reconstrução do ligamento cruzado anterior do joelho com técnica convencional e com túneis duplos tibiais e femorais / An In Vitro biomechanical comparison study of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: single bundle versus anatomical double bundle techniquesSandra Umeda Sasaki 23 July 2007 (has links)
OBJETIVO: comparar a técnica de reconstrução convencional do LCA com enxerto patelar e feixe único com a técnica com enxerto patelar bipartido e quatro túneis ósseos, através de um estudo experimental biomecânico em joelhos de cadáveres com testes pareados, sem variação na quantidade de enxerto utilizada em ambas as técnicas. INTRODUÇÃO: As lesões do ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) do joelho são comuns principalmente na prática esportiva, e o tratamento cirúrgico de reconstrução com o uso de enxertos autólogos, pelos bons resultados alcançados, um consenso na literatura mundial. As controvérsias ficam por conta das variações que podem apresentar a técnica deste procedimento, na busca constante pelo aperfeiçoamento da mesma. Uma delas encontra-se na troca da tradicional reconstrução de feixe único do LCA pela reconstrução dos dois feixes, visando uma maior semelhança com a anatomia do LCA original. Recentemente a tendência nesta técnica é pela passagem dos enxertos por dois túneis femorais e dois túneis tibiais. MÉTODOS: Nosso estudo foi realizado em joelhos de cadáveres (18 joelhos de 9 cadáveres), todos do sexo masculino, com idade variando entre 44 e 63 anos. Estas peças foram divididas aleatóriamente, sempre em pares, nos grupos A, de joelhos operados com a técnica de reconstrução do LCA com único feixe, e grupo B, de joelhos operados com a técnica de reconstrução com duplo feixe e quatro túneis ósseos. Cada espécime foi submetido a testes biomecânicos nas condições LCA íntegro, lesado e operado, com registro de dados de Deslocamento Anterior Máximo (DTAM), Rigidez Média (R) e Rotação Tibial Interna Passiva (RIT), sob força de 100N de deslocamento tibial horizontal, a 30°,60° e 90° de flexão dos joelhos. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças significativas, pelo método de Análise de Variância de grupos, entre as duas técnicas tanto para medidas de DTAM em 30°(p=0,47), 60°(p=0,59), 90°(p=0,27); como para R em 30° (p=0,93), 60° (p=0,97), 90° (p=0,45); e RIT em 30° (p= 0,59), 60° (p=0,67) e 90° (p=0,74). CONCLUSÕES: Em nosso estudo, a técnica de reconstrução dos dois feixes do LCA com enxerto patelar e quatro túneis tem comportamento biomecânico semelhante ao da reconstrução do LCA com enxerto patelar de feixe único, sob os aspectos de deslocamento anterior tibial, rigidez e rotação tibial passiva, durante o movimento de deslocamento anterior tibial com força constante / PURPOSES: Test an anatomical double bundle reconstruction technique with a longitudinally split bone-patellar tendon-bone graft through double femoral and tibial tunnels and biomechanically compare it to conventional single bundle reconstruction with the same total amount of bone-patelar tendon-bone graft in a paired experimental cadaver study. INTRODUCTION: Anterior Cruciate Ligament ruptures are frequent especially in sports practice. Surgical reconstruction with autologous grafts widely employed in international literature. Controversies remain in respect to technique variations as continuous research for improvement takes place. One these are the anatomical double bundle techniques instead of conventional single bundle (antero-medial bundle) technique. More recently there is a tendency of positioning of the two bundles through double tunnel technique in the femur and the tibia. METHODS: Nine pairs of male cadaver knees, age ranging from 44 to 63 years were randomized into 2 groups, (A) single bundle reconstruction and (B) anatomical double bundle reconstruction through double femoral and double tibial tunnels. Each knee was biomechanically tested in 3 conditions: intact ACL, sectioned ACL and reconstructed ACL. Maximum anterior dislocation, rigidity and passive internal tibia rotation were recorded with the knee submitted to a 100N horizontal anterior dislocation force applied to the tibia with the knee in 30º, 60º and 90º of flexion. RESULTS: There were no differences between the two techniques for any of the measurements. CONCLUSIONS: The technique of anatomical double bundle reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament with bone-patellar tendon-bone graft has a similar biomechanical behavior in regard to anterior tibial dislocation, rigidity and passive internal tibial rotation.
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Ligações em estruturas de madeira compostas por chapas de madeira compensada / not availableGuilherme Corrêa Stamato 06 May 2002 (has links)
As estruturas de madeira composta com alma em compensado já vem sendo amplamente utilizadas em diversos países onde as estruturas de madeira estão tecnologicamente mais desenvolvidas, oferecendo aos engenheiros civis mais uma opção de sistema construtivo eficiente, seguro e duradouro. Nesse trabalho são apresentados estudos teóricos e experimentais referentes às estruturas de madeira compostas utilizando compensado nas almas, e em especial as estruturas cuja ligação alma mesa é feita por pinos metálicos. O objetivo desse trabalho é desenvolver critérios de dimensionamento dessas estruturas para serem aplicados no Brasil. Vários critérios de dimensionamento de elementos compostos foram encontrados na bibliografia, alguns com simplificações que desconsideram efeitos de composição parcial e outros mais completos, que consideram deformações por cisalhamento, composição parcial etc. Com os resultados dos ensaios de vigas compostas pregadas foi possível comparar valores experimentais com resultados teóricos, concluiu-se que os critérios de dimensionamento do EUROCODE 5 são adequados. Os ensaios de rigidez de nó de pórtico de seção composta permitiram o desenvolvimento de metodologia para o cálculo da rigidez dessas ligações, visto que não existe formulação equivalente na bibliografia internacional. Concluiu-se que as ligações por pinos metálicos apresentam boa eficiência para serem utilizadas nas seções compostas com alma em compensado. As ligações de nó de pórtico com ligação alma/mesa pregadas podem ser consideradas rígidas na maioria dos casos estudados. / Plywood webbed structures have been applied in at several countries where timber structures are commonly used, giving civil engineers and builders one more option when looking for a safe, efficient and durable construction system. This work presents theoretical and experimental studies about plywood-webbed structures, with emphasis on nailed plywood webbed structures. The aim of this work is to develop design criteria for these structures to be used in Brazil. Several design criteria where found in the bibliography, some of them using simplifications for shear deflexions and joint deformations. Experimental results of nailed plywood webbed beams were compared with theoretical values from formulations found in the bibliography, concluding that EUROCODE 5 gives the best design criteria for nailed composite beams. Based on plywood webbed knee joints tests, a methodology to calculate the joint rigidity was proposed. The conclusions show the efficiency of this system and that nailed plywood webbed knee joints can be considered fixed for the majority of the specimens tested.
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Estudo biomecânico, em cadáver, do ângulo de flexão do joelho na fixação do enxerto autógeno na reconstrução do ligamento patelofemoral medial / Biomechanical study, in cadaver, of knee flexion angle in fixing the autograft in the reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligamentDavid Sadigursky 21 March 2012 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação foi avaliar biomecanicamente o ângulo de flexão do joelho em que a fixação do enxerto do Ligamento Patelofemoral Medial (LPFM) se mostrou mais adequada. Foram estudados 12 joelhos de cadáveres, sendo que seis peças foram utilizadas para ajustes necessários no sistema. Os joelhos foram preparados em uma máquina de ensaios desenvolvida no Laboratório de Biomecânica do Instituto de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (IOT-HCFMUSP) a qual permitiu a avaliação dinâmica do comportamento patelar, quantificando a sua lateralização entre 0° e 120° graus de flexão do joelho. A técnica utilizada para a reconstrução do LPFM foi a utilização do enxerto do ligamento patelar, como apresentada por Camanho et al. em 2007. Os joelhos foram submetidos a situações de intacto, lesado e reconstruído, com e sem carga aplicada lateralmente, simulando a força de luxação da patela. Com o sistema de fotogrametria, pôde-se avaliar a lateralização da patela entre os ângulos de 0° e 120° graus de flexão do joelho. Os dados encontrados foram calculados a partir de um programa de Software conectado à máquina de ensaios. O grau de flexão do joelho foi determinado a partir de um goniômetro digital. O tensionamento do enxerto foi padronizado em 1 Kgf com a utilização de um sistema digital acoplado a uma célula de carga de 20 Kgf. As diferenças entre as distâncias encontradas, com e sem carga aplicada na patela, foram agrupadas segundo o ângulo de fixação do enxerto reconstruído em 0º, 45º, 60º e 90º e situação do joelho íntegro e lesado. Os resultados foram tabulados a partir das médias das três repetições. Os dados foram inseridos e analisados no banco de dados dos programas estatísticos STATA versão 11.0 e SAS versão 8.0. Foi realizada a Análise de Variância (ANOVA) e comparações múltiplas de Tukey(96). Houve uma tendência em ocorrer menor desvio lateral em ângulos de fixação do enxerto reconstruído acima de 30° graus de flexão, principalmente com a reconstrução realizada no ângulo de flexão do joelho, em que o ligamento foi reconstruído, de 60°graus. Para os demais ângulos não houve significância estatística / The aim of this dissertation was to make a biomechanical assessment on the knee flexion angle at which fixation of grafts for the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) is seen to be best. Twelve knees from cadavers have been studied, of which six specimens were used to make necessary adjustments to the system. The knees were prepared in a test machine developed in the Biomechanics Laboratory of the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Hospital das Clínicas, School of Medicine, University of São Paulo. This enabled dynamic evaluation of the patellar component, with quantification of its lateralization between 0 and 120 degrees of flexion angle. The technique used for reconstructing the MPFL consisted of using a graft from the patellar ligament, as presented by Camanho et al. in 2007. The knees were subjected to situations in intact, injured and reconstructed states, with and without loads applied laterally, to simulate the patella dislocation force. With a photogrammetry system, the lateralization of the patella could be assessed between the knee flexion angles of 90°, 60°, 45° and 0 degrees during the graft reconstruction. The results were calculated through software coupled to the test machine. The knee flexion angle could be determined from a digital goniometer. The graft tensioning was standardized at 1 kgf by using a digital system coupled to a 20-kgf load cell. The differences between the distances found with and without load applied to the patella were grouped according to the graft fixation angle of 0°, 45°, 60° e 90°, during the reconstruction, and knee situation of intact or injured. The results were tabulated taking the mean from three repetitions. There was a tendency for less lateral deviation to occur at fixation angles of the reconstructed graft greater than 30° degrees of flexion, mainly performed in the reconstruction of the knee flexion angle of 60° degrees
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Comparação de técnicas de reconstrução do ligamento cruzado anterior em pacientes com restrição da mobilidade do quadril : dupla banda versus banda simples associado a tenodese extraarticularZimmermann Júnior, José Mauro January 2014 (has links)
Introdução: Estudos têm mostrado que, pelo menos em jogadores de futebol, a diminuição da amplitude de movimento do quadril homolateral tem uma influência significativa na ocorrência de lesão do LCA, com alta incidência de rerrupturas especialmente após reconstrução em banda simples. Esse estudo objetiva comparar a capacidade de duas técnicas cirúrgicas de prevenir a rerruptura do LCA em jogadores de futebol com a articulação do quadril homolateral limitada (soma de rotação interna e externa <60°). Materiais e Métodos: Esse estudo foi um ensaio clínico randomizado prospectivo. Trinta atletas de futebol do sexo masculino (idade média de 22 anos, variando de 18 a 28 anos), com rupturas por não contato do LCA, foram alocados aleatoriamente em dois grupos. Os critérios de inclusão foram lesão ligamentar isolada do LCA, soma das rotações do quadril homolateral abaixo de 60° e ser jogador de futebol profissional ou semi-profissional. Os critérios de exclusão englobaram dor persistente no quadril ou história de fratura ou cirurgia prévia em qualquer segmento do membro inferior. Um grupo foi submetido à reconstrução combinada intra e extra-articular (GIE), enquanto o outro foi tratado com reconstrução dupla banda com enxertos do semitendinoso e grácil (GDB). Resultados: Nos dois anos de acompanhamento de cada paciente, ocorreram três rerrupturas no GDB contra nenhuma no GIE. Nos 27 atletas com reconstruções intactas, a quantidade de instabilidade residual no exame físico e no Rolimeter® foram os mesmos. Conclusão: Nossos achados mostram que, em dois anos de acompanhamento, a incidência de rerruptura, embora não tenha sido a mesma, não apresentou diferença significativa entre as técnicas de reconstrução intra + extraarticular e dupla banda do LCA em pacientes atletas com articulação do quadril homolateral restrita. / Introduction: Studies have shown that, at least in soccer players, decreased ipsilateral hip range of motion has a significant influence on the occurrence of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury, with a high incidence of re-ruptures especially after single-bundle reconstruction. This study aimed to compare the ability of two surgical techniques to prevent re-rupture of the ACL in soccer players with ipsilateral restricted hip joints (sum of internal and external rotation < 60°). Materials and Methods: The study was a prospective randomized clinical trial. Thirty male soccer players (mean age, 22 years; range, 18-28) with noncontact ACL ruptures were allocated to two groups. Inclusion criteria were isolated ACL injury, ipsilateral hip range of rotation below 60°, and being a professional or semi-professional soccer player. Exclusion criteria were persistent hip pain or history of any fracture or previous surgery of the lower limb. One group underwent a combined intra- plus extra-articular reconstruction (IEG), while the other was treated with double-bundle reconstruction (DBG) with semitendinosus and gracilis grafts. All patients were followed up for two years after surgery. Results: At two-year follow-up of each patient, there were three re-ruptures in the DBG vs. none in the IEG. In the 27 athletes with intact reconstructions, the amount of residual instability in the physical examination and Lachman test was about the same. Conclusion: Our findings demonstrate that, in two years of follow-up, the incidence of rerupture, although not the same, showed no significant difference between intra- plus extraarticular and double-bundle ACL reconstruction techniques in patients with ipsilateral restrained hip joints.
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Implicações da abordagem fisioterapeutica do tratamento da osteoartrite de joelho sobre a resposta subaguda da pressão arterial / Implications of physiotherapy approach for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis on subacute response of blood pressureGonçalves, Kamila Shelry de Freitas, 1982- 14 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Jose Luiz Tatagiba Lamas / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T03:08:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Goncalves_KamilaShelrydeFreitas.pdf: 1506158 bytes, checksum: 5422f2982d5035b64dea67714ddec8de (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: A osteoartrite é uma das principais causas de incapacidade e dores crônicas graves afetando, principalmente, indivíduos de meia-idade e idosos. O joelho é acometido em 10% dos casos. O sexo feminino e índice de massa corpórea (IMC) contribuem para a presença da osteoartrite. A incapacidade ocasionada por ela leva ao sedentarismo, que é um fator de risco para doenças cardiovasculares, tal como a hipertensão arterial. Esta afeta 30% da população mundial adulta e de 15 a 20% da população brasileira. Diante disso, muitos dos pacientes que são encaminhados ao tratamento fisioterapêutico da osteoartrite de joelhos também são hipertensos. Existem trabalhos que mostram a importância dos exercícios aeróbicos e/ou resistidos no controle ou como adjuvante ao tratamento farmacológico da hipertensão. Entretanto, apesar destes mesmos exercícios serem aplicados no tratamento fisioterapêutico da osteoartrite, não se conhece a influência dos exercícios resistidos terapêuticos aplicados no tratamento da osteoartrite de joelhos sobre a pressão arterial (PA) de hipertensos, o que justifica a realização deste estudo. Assim, questionam-se quais os efeitos que a fisioterapia aplicada no tratamento da osteoartrite de joelhos pode causar na PA de indivíduos hipertensos e normotensos, durante e após a sessão de fisioterapia. O objetivo deste estudo, inserido na linha de pesquisa Processo de Cuidar em Saúde e Enfermagem, foi comparar os valores de PA obtidos durante e após uma sessão de fisioterapia. Os sujeitos foram divididos em dois grupos pareados pela idade: grupo controle, composto por indivíduos normotensos sem osteoartrite de joelhos, e experimental, composto por hipertensos com osteoartrite de joelhos atendidos em um hospital universitário do interior de São Paulo. Estes foram selecionados com base no Índice algofuncional de Lequesne e avaliados por meio de instrumento de caracterização sociodemográfica e clínica e por uma avaliação fisioterapêutica. A PA foi aferida antes, durante e após a fisioterapia, totalizando duas horas. O intervalo entre medidas foi de cinco minutos antes da sessão e 20 minutos após o início da mesma. O tratamento estatístico dos dados foi realizado por meio do teste Qui-quadrado e exato de Fischer, teste de Mann-Whitney, teste de Kruskal-Wallis e ANOVA para medidas repetidas, seguida do teste de comparação múltipla de Tukey, para comparar os grupos em cada momento e o teste de perfil por contraste para analisar a evolução entre as medidas em cada grupo (p < 0,05). Observou-se que o sexo feminino correspondeu a mais de 90% dos sujeitos de ambos os grupos. A média das idades foi de 57,22 anos no grupo controle e 60,58 no grupo experimental. No grupo controle, 52,17% dos sujeitos tiveram IMC abaixo de 25, parâmetro que se mostrou dentro das faixas de obesidade em 69,23% dos sujeitos do grupo experimental. A PA, tanto sistólica quanto diastólica, manteve-se em tendência de elevação durante todo o período de coleta nos dois grupos. Conclui-se que os exercícios terapêuticos devem ser aplicados com cautela, pois apesar deles não serem contra-indicados para normotensos ou hipertensos, podem causar elevação nos níveis da PA, principalmente quando o exercício isométrico faz parte do tratamento fisioterapêutico. / Abstract: Osteoarthritis (OA) causes substantial pain and disability, especially among middle aged and elderly. The prevalence of knee OA is 10%. Risk factors of OA include female gender and elevated body mass index (BMI). OA is frequently associated with reports of physical disability. It reduces physical activity and increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, like arterial hypertension (AH). AH affects 30% of world population and 15 to 20% of Brazilian population. Thus, many patients who are referred to physical therapy for OA of the knee are also hypertensive. There are studies that show the importance of aerobic and or strengthening exercises in control or as adjuvant to pharmacological treatment of AH. They can reduce blood pressure (BP). However, despite these exercises are applied in physical therapy for OA, their effects on AH are unknown. Therefore, we ask what are the effects of physical therapy on BP of hypertensive and normotensive subjects, during and after physical therapy sessions. The aim of this study, included in the research line Nursing and Health Caring Process, was to compare the BP values obtained, during and after a session of physical therapy. The subjects were divided into two paired by age groups: control group, composed of normotensive subjects without osteoarthritis of the knee, and experimental, composed of hypertensives with osteoarthritis of the knee treated at a universitary hospital of São Paulo state. They were selected using the Lequesne's algofunctional questionnaire and evaluated by a sociodemographic and clinical instrument and by physical therapy evaluation. BP was measured before, during and after physical therapy. The interval between consecutive measurements, was five minutes before the session and 20 minutes after the beginning of the session. Data were analyzed using the Chi-square and the Fischer exact test, Mann-Whitney test, Kruskal-Wallis and ANOVA for repeated measures followed by Tukey multiple comparison test, to compare the groups into each time and the contrast profile test to examine the evolution of the measures in each group (p< 0,05). More than 90% of subjects in both groups were female. Age (mean) was 57.22 years in control group and 60.58 in experimental group. In control group, 52.17% of the subjects were not obese (BMI < 25). In the experimental group, BMI was shown to be in the range of obesity in 69.23% of the subjects. BP, both systolic and diastolic, increased throughout the period of collection in both groups. In disagreement with previous studies about effects of physical therapy on blood pressure, our results showed that therapeutic exercises should be applied with caution, because although they are not contra-indicated for normotensive or hypertensive, may cause elevation in BP levels, especially when the isometric exercise is part of the protocol of physical therapy. / Universidade Estadual de Campi / Enfermagem e Trabalho / Mestre em Enfermagem
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The effect of OsteoEze Gold™ on pain and functional ability in osteoarthritis of the kneeMacquilkan, Kim Elizabeth 10 June 2014 (has links)
M.Tech. (Homoeopathy) / Osteoarthritis (OA) is a musculoskeletal condition affecting the synovial joints of the body, most commonly the knee and hip (Colledge et al., 2010). OA is the most prevalent joint disorder worldwide (Ickinger & Tikly, 2010). The prevalence of OA of the knee in developing countries, including South Africa, is expected to increase due to the increase in obesity and life-expectancy (Woolf & Pfleger, 2003). OA not only impacts negatively on many areas of the patient’s personal life, but it also has a considerable impact on health care systems and cost to the patient (Lapsley et al., 2001; Majani et al., 2005). The two main complaints in patients suffering from OA of the knee are knee pain and decreased daily functionality, such as walking (Samson et al., 2007). The main aim of conventional treatment is pain reduction. This treatment does not prevent progression of the OA, and may have negative side-effects (Day & Graham, 2005). Treatments for OA, such as OsteoEze GoldTM, may provide an effective and safer alternative. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of OsteoEze GoldTM on pain and functional ability in osteoarthritis of the knee using the Intermittent and Constant Osteoarthritis Pain (ICOAP) scale: knee version (Appendix D) and the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) test (Appendix E). This was a 16-week study, conducted at the Homoeopathic Health Centre, Doornfontein campus (DFC), University of Johannesburg (UJ). The study was randomised, double blind placebo controlled, and matched pairs were utilised. Sixty-seven participants, who satisfied the inclusion and exclusion criteria, were recruited, and 48 of the participants completed the study. Participants were recruited by advertisements, placed in and around the UJ Homoeopathy Health Centre (with relevant permission given) and by word of mouth. The participants were split into two groups using matched pairs according to age, gender and severity of symptoms (Appendix H). The participants in group A received the OsteoEze GoldTM capsules, and the participants in group B received the placebo capsules. Each capsule of OsteoEze GoldTM contained 500mg glucosamine sulphate, 267mg of chondroitin sulphate, 50mg of vitamin C and 1mg of manganese. The OsteoEze GoldTM or the placebo capsules were distributed at the initial (week-0) and second (week-8) consultations.
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Graphical user interface for evaluation of knee proprioception and how it is affected by an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury- a functional brain imaging study : Ett grafiskt användargränssnitt för utvärdering av knäproprioception och hur det påverkas av en korsbandsskada - en funktionell magnetresonanstomografisk studieJohan, Wallgren January 2018 (has links)
There is a big risk that neuroreceptors located in the knee, responsible for our proprioceptive ability, are damaged after an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury occurs. This may cause miscommunication between the neuroreceptors and motoric function in the brain. Due to the brains plasticity, it has been shown that brain activity patterns, presented as blood oxygen dependent level-signal (BOLD-signal), achieved from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) differs between healthy and injured individuals when performing certain tasks involving knee movement. As there is little consensus on how a proprioceptive test should be performed, a unique test were participants uses blindfold during a knee bending exercise was created at U Motion Lab, Umeå University. A Matlab based general user interface (GUI) was created for evaluation of the proprioceptive test. This GUI is communicating with the third party toolbox SPM12 and performs necessary preprocessing fMRI-image steps for statistical analysis and statistical parametric mapping of the BOLD-signal for both a healthy control- and ACL-injured group. The fMRIimages preprocessed by the GUI were generated by a 3 T GE scanner and the motion data was collected using an eight-camera 3D-motion analysis system. Time events for three different tasks was investigated. These were passive resting, memorizing and proprioceptive events. For both the control (5 participants)- and ACL (2 participants) group the main area of brain activation during the proprioceptive tests occurred in the frontal lobe. For the control group, brain activation was found in the cerebellum anterior lobe which is a possible origin for unconscious proprioception. For the ACL group activation was found in the inferior parietal lobule which involves visuomotor integration. Activation was also found in the inferior frontal gyrus which according to previous studies, may indicate risk-taking/”out of character” decisions. The results of this study indicates that the proprioceptive test seems to be a promising tool for evaluation of proprioceptive ability. However, more subjects need to be included to validate the result of this study.
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Évaluation des effets cinématiques et dynamiques induits par le port d’orthèses plantaires lors de la marche / Evaluation of kinematic and dynamic effects induced by foot orthotics during walkingDelacroix, Sébastien 16 December 2014 (has links)
La connaissance des effets biomécaniques induits par les orthèses plantaires représente un enjeu important afin de faire reconnaitre le rôle du podologue dans le traitement des pathologies ostéo-articulaires et musculo-tendineuses de l'appareil locomoteur. Ainsi, ce travail de thèse consiste à modéliser, par la biomécanique, l'appareil locomoteur afin d'évaluer les effets du port des orthèses plantaires durant la marche. Avant toute chose, une étude méthodologique a été menée afin de vérifier la reproductibilité des données biomécaniques de la marche. Les principaux résultats montrent que ces données biomécaniques peuvent présenter une variabilité importante, principalement causée par des erreurs de positionnement des capteurs sur le sujet, rendant parfois difficile l'interprétation clinique. Toutefois, la deuxième partie de cette étude a montré que l'utilisation d'une méthodologie de correction segmentaire à partir d'une position statique imposée permettait de réduire cette variabilité. Une étude clinique a donc été menée sur les répercussions de l'utilisation d'une orthèse plantaire de supination sur la correction instantanée du pied valgus. Les principales conclusions montrent que les données cinématiques et dynamiques, notamment du pied et de la cheville, sont impactées. Enfin, afin de démontrer l'intérêt d'utiliser la méthodologie de correction segmentaire pour l'interprétation des effets biomécaniques du traitement par orthèses plantaires à plus ou moins long terme, deux cas cliniques ont été analysés, l'un concernait un patient atteint d'un syndrome de loge de la jambe et l'autre d'une gonarthrose. Les principales conclusions indiquent que les orthèses plantaires ont une action sur des pathologies de la cheville et du genou mais que l'interprétation de cette action peut être erronée si la variabilité des données biomécaniques de la marche n'est pas prise en considération / The knowledge of the biomechanical effects induced by foot orthotics is an important issue in order to recognize the role of the podiatrist in the treatment of osteoarticular and musculotendinous disorders of the musculoskeletal system. So, this work consists in modeling, by the biomechanics, the musculoskeletal system to assess the effects of wearing foot orthotics during walking. A first study was conducted to check the reproducibility of gait biomechanical data through two different sessions. The results show that these biomechanical data may show significant variability, mainly caused by errors in the positioning of sensors on the subject, making it difficult clinical interpretation. However, the second part of this study showed that the use of a methodology for segmental correction, from a static position imposed, allowed reducing this variability. Thus, a study was conducted on the impact of the use of supinated foot orthotics on immediate correction of valgus foot. The main findings show that the kinematic and dynamic data, notably the foot and ankle, are impacted. Before being able to estimate if this correction lasts over time, a second study was conducted. Thus, to demonstrate the benefits of using this methodology for the interpretation of the biomechanical effects of treatment with foot orthotic in the longer term, two clinical cases were analyzed, one involved a patient with compartment syndrome of the leg and the other with knee osteoarthritis. The main findings indicate that the insoles have an impact on diseases of the ankle and knee but that the interpretation of these actions may be wrong if the variability of gait biomechanical data is not considered
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Gait knee kinematics of patients with ACL rupture : a 3D assessment before and after the reconstruction / Analyse cinématique de la marche chez des patients avec rupture du LCA : une évaluation 3D avant et après la reconstructionShabani, Bujar 25 February 2015 (has links)
La rupture du ligament croisé antérieure (LCA) conduit à une instabilité et à des modifications biomécaniques du genou. Actuellement, les patients présentant une lésion du LCA bénéficient généralement une reconstruction du LCA. L'analyse cinématique quantitative est un outil important pour acquérir une compréhension approfondie de la fonction articulaire du genou normal et pathologique au cours de la locomotion humaine. Ce travail est axé sur l'évaluation in vivo de la cinématique du genou chez les patients avec rupture du LCA, avant et après la reconstruction du LCA au cours de toutes les phases de la marche, en utilisant un nouvel outil d'évaluation 3D, quasi-rigide, en temps réel (KneeKGTM). Dans la première étude, des modifications cinématiques significatives ont été identifiées dans les genoux avec une rupture du LCA. Ces changements cinématiques pourraient mener à des contacts fémoro-tibiaux anormaux du cartilage pendant les activités quotidiennes, représentant potentiellement un mécanisme biomécanique de l'usure des articulations après une lésion du LCA. Dans la seconde étude, l'analyse 3D in vivo du mouvement a révélé que les genoux avec LCA reconstruits améliorent significativement leur extension par rapport aux genoux avec LCA déficient, mais il y avait encore une différence par rapport au groupe témoin sain. Dans le plan axial, le tibia reste en position interne significative par rapport à un groupe témoin, tandis qu'il n'y avait pas de différences significatives en translation antéro-postérieur et dans le plan coronal. Ces changements cinématiques pourraient conduire à une charge anormale dans l'articulation du genou et initier le processus d'atteinte dégénérative cartilagineuse à venir. Toutefois, les données cinématiques post-opératoires ont été collectées 10 mois après la chirurgie, ainsi un suivi plus long serait nécessaire pour évaluer si ces changements cinématiques persistent dans le temps, et leurs effets sur l'articulation / Because of the role of the ACL in knee joint’s biomechanics, it is essential to quantify the kinematics of ACL deficient and ACL reconstructed knee. In-vitro models bare the handicap of limited muscle simulation, while static, one-dimensional testing cannot predict the behavior of these groups of patients under realistic loading conditions. Currently, the most widely accepted method for assessing joint movement patterns is gait analysis. Respectively, 3D motion analysis is necessary to provide high reliability movement analysis. The purpose of the study was in-vivo evaluation of the behavior of the anterior cruciate ligament deficient (ACLD) and anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed (ACLR) knees during walking, using 3D, real-time assessment tool. Significant alterations of joint kinematics in the ACLD knee were revealed in this study by manifesting a higher flexion gait strategy and excessive internal tibial rotation during walking that could result in a more rapid cartilage thinning throughout the knee. In the other hand, even though ACLR knees showed some improvements in sagittal plane compared to ACLD knees, in axial plane there still exists difference compared to healthy control knees. These kinematic changes could lead to abnormal loading in knee joint and initiate the process for future chondral degeneration. However, the post-operative kinematic data were collected 10 months after surgery, so a longer follow-up is needed to evaluate if these kinematic changes persist in time, and their effects in joint degeneration
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