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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo biomecânico comparativo, em cadáveres, da reconstrução do ligamento cruzado anterior do joelho com técnica convencional e com túneis duplos tibiais e femorais / An In Vitro biomechanical comparison study of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: single bundle versus anatomical double bundle techniques

Sasaki, Sandra Umeda 23 July 2007 (has links)
OBJETIVO: comparar a técnica de reconstrução convencional do LCA com enxerto patelar e feixe único com a técnica com enxerto patelar bipartido e quatro túneis ósseos, através de um estudo experimental biomecânico em joelhos de cadáveres com testes pareados, sem variação na quantidade de enxerto utilizada em ambas as técnicas. INTRODUÇÃO: As lesões do ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) do joelho são comuns principalmente na prática esportiva, e o tratamento cirúrgico de reconstrução com o uso de enxertos autólogos, pelos bons resultados alcançados, um consenso na literatura mundial. As controvérsias ficam por conta das variações que podem apresentar a técnica deste procedimento, na busca constante pelo aperfeiçoamento da mesma. Uma delas encontra-se na troca da tradicional reconstrução de feixe único do LCA pela reconstrução dos dois feixes, visando uma maior semelhança com a anatomia do LCA original. Recentemente a tendência nesta técnica é pela passagem dos enxertos por dois túneis femorais e dois túneis tibiais. MÉTODOS: Nosso estudo foi realizado em joelhos de cadáveres (18 joelhos de 9 cadáveres), todos do sexo masculino, com idade variando entre 44 e 63 anos. Estas peças foram divididas aleatóriamente, sempre em pares, nos grupos A, de joelhos operados com a técnica de reconstrução do LCA com único feixe, e grupo B, de joelhos operados com a técnica de reconstrução com duplo feixe e quatro túneis ósseos. Cada espécime foi submetido a testes biomecânicos nas condições LCA íntegro, lesado e operado, com registro de dados de Deslocamento Anterior Máximo (DTAM), Rigidez Média (R) e Rotação Tibial Interna Passiva (RIT), sob força de 100N de deslocamento tibial horizontal, a 30°,60° e 90° de flexão dos joelhos. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças significativas, pelo método de Análise de Variância de grupos, entre as duas técnicas tanto para medidas de DTAM em 30°(p=0,47), 60°(p=0,59), 90°(p=0,27); como para R em 30° (p=0,93), 60° (p=0,97), 90° (p=0,45); e RIT em 30° (p= 0,59), 60° (p=0,67) e 90° (p=0,74). CONCLUSÕES: Em nosso estudo, a técnica de reconstrução dos dois feixes do LCA com enxerto patelar e quatro túneis tem comportamento biomecânico semelhante ao da reconstrução do LCA com enxerto patelar de feixe único, sob os aspectos de deslocamento anterior tibial, rigidez e rotação tibial passiva, durante o movimento de deslocamento anterior tibial com força constante / PURPOSES: Test an anatomical double bundle reconstruction technique with a longitudinally split bone-patellar tendon-bone graft through double femoral and tibial tunnels and biomechanically compare it to conventional single bundle reconstruction with the same total amount of bone-patelar tendon-bone graft in a paired experimental cadaver study. INTRODUCTION: Anterior Cruciate Ligament ruptures are frequent especially in sports practice. Surgical reconstruction with autologous grafts widely employed in international literature. Controversies remain in respect to technique variations as continuous research for improvement takes place. One these are the anatomical double bundle techniques instead of conventional single bundle (antero-medial bundle) technique. More recently there is a tendency of positioning of the two bundles through double tunnel technique in the femur and the tibia. METHODS: Nine pairs of male cadaver knees, age ranging from 44 to 63 years were randomized into 2 groups, (A) single bundle reconstruction and (B) anatomical double bundle reconstruction through double femoral and double tibial tunnels. Each knee was biomechanically tested in 3 conditions: intact ACL, sectioned ACL and reconstructed ACL. Maximum anterior dislocation, rigidity and passive internal tibia rotation were recorded with the knee submitted to a 100N horizontal anterior dislocation force applied to the tibia with the knee in 30º, 60º and 90º of flexion. RESULTS: There were no differences between the two techniques for any of the measurements. CONCLUSIONS: The technique of anatomical double bundle reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament with bone-patellar tendon-bone graft has a similar biomechanical behavior in regard to anterior tibial dislocation, rigidity and passive internal tibial rotation.

La prise en charge de l'arthrose des membres inférieurs ; aspect de santé publique / Management of knee and hip osteoarthritis; public health aspects

Salmon, Jean-Hugues 20 February 2019 (has links)
L’arthrose est la maladie articulaire la plus fréquente pouvant être responsable d’une perte d’autonomie et d’un handicap fonctionnel majeur. Du fait du vieillissement de la population et de la prévalence de l’obésité, le nombre de personnes ayant une arthrose des membres inférieurs va augmenter dans les années à venir et entrainer une explosion des dépenses de santé. La cohorte « Knee and Hip OsteoArthritis Long-term Assessment » (KHOALA) est une cohorte française multicentrique représentative de patients atteints d’arthrose symptomatique de hanche et/ou de genou.Les objectifs de ce projet étaient d’établir une revue de la littérature sur les conséquences économiques de l'arthrose de hanche et/ou du genou. Puis à partir de la cohorte KHOALA, nous avons décrit la consommation de soins ; identifié les facteurs associés aux trajectoires d'utilisation des ressources de santé et estimé les coûts annuels totaux. Enfin nous avons réalisé une analyse systématique de la littérature sur les analyses coût-efficacité des anti-arthrosiques d’action lente et de l’acide hyaluronique intra articulaire dans l’arthrose de genoux.La revue systématique a objectivé une hétérogénéité des couts totaux par patient (de 0,7 à 12 k€/an). Les données de KHOALA ont démontré que la majorité des patients consultait son médecin généraliste et une minorité de patients consultait un spécialiste. Le seul facteur clinique indépendant prédictif des consultations des professionnels de la santé était l'état de santé mentale. Le coût total annuel moyen par patient sur la période d'étude de 5 ans était de 2180 ± 5 305 €. En France, les coûts médians pourraient atteindre 2 milliards € / an (IQR 0,7–4,3). / Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease that can be responsible for a loss of autonomy and a major functional disability. With the aging of the population and the prevalence of obesity, the number of people with lower limb osteoarthritis will increase in the coming years and lead to an explosion of health spending. The "Knee and Hip OsteoArthritis Long-term Assessment" cohort (KHOALA) is a representative French multicenter cohort of patients with symptomatic hip and / or knee osteoarthritis.The aims of this thesis were to provide an overview of the economic consequences of hip and knee osteoarthritis worldwide. Then from the KHOALA cohort, we described health care resources use in the KHOALA cohort, we identified factors associated with trajectories of healthcare use and we estimated the annual total costs. Finally, we conducted a systematic review of the literature on the cost effectiveness of intra-articular hyaluronic acid and disease-modifying osteoarthritis drugs used in the treatment of knee OA.The systematic review showed a heterogeneity of the total costs per patient (from 0.7 to 12 k € / year). KHOALA data showed that primary care physicians have a central role in osteoarthritis care, mental health state was the only independent predictive factor of healthcare professional consultations. The mean annual total cost per patient over 5 years was 2180 ± 5,305 €. In France, median annual total costs would be approximately 2 billion €/year (IQR 0.7-4.3).

Estudo biomecânico, em cadáver, do ângulo de flexão do joelho na fixação do enxerto autógeno na reconstrução do ligamento patelofemoral medial / Biomechanical study, in cadaver, of knee flexion angle in fixing the autograft in the reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament

Sadigursky, David 21 March 2012 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação foi avaliar biomecanicamente o ângulo de flexão do joelho em que a fixação do enxerto do Ligamento Patelofemoral Medial (LPFM) se mostrou mais adequada. Foram estudados 12 joelhos de cadáveres, sendo que seis peças foram utilizadas para ajustes necessários no sistema. Os joelhos foram preparados em uma máquina de ensaios desenvolvida no Laboratório de Biomecânica do Instituto de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (IOT-HCFMUSP) a qual permitiu a avaliação dinâmica do comportamento patelar, quantificando a sua lateralização entre 0° e 120° graus de flexão do joelho. A técnica utilizada para a reconstrução do LPFM foi a utilização do enxerto do ligamento patelar, como apresentada por Camanho et al. em 2007. Os joelhos foram submetidos a situações de intacto, lesado e reconstruído, com e sem carga aplicada lateralmente, simulando a força de luxação da patela. Com o sistema de fotogrametria, pôde-se avaliar a lateralização da patela entre os ângulos de 0° e 120° graus de flexão do joelho. Os dados encontrados foram calculados a partir de um programa de Software conectado à máquina de ensaios. O grau de flexão do joelho foi determinado a partir de um goniômetro digital. O tensionamento do enxerto foi padronizado em 1 Kgf com a utilização de um sistema digital acoplado a uma célula de carga de 20 Kgf. As diferenças entre as distâncias encontradas, com e sem carga aplicada na patela, foram agrupadas segundo o ângulo de fixação do enxerto reconstruído em 0º, 45º, 60º e 90º e situação do joelho íntegro e lesado. Os resultados foram tabulados a partir das médias das três repetições. Os dados foram inseridos e analisados no banco de dados dos programas estatísticos STATA versão 11.0 e SAS versão 8.0. Foi realizada a Análise de Variância (ANOVA) e comparações múltiplas de Tukey(96). Houve uma tendência em ocorrer menor desvio lateral em ângulos de fixação do enxerto reconstruído acima de 30° graus de flexão, principalmente com a reconstrução realizada no ângulo de flexão do joelho, em que o ligamento foi reconstruído, de 60°graus. Para os demais ângulos não houve significância estatística / The aim of this dissertation was to make a biomechanical assessment on the knee flexion angle at which fixation of grafts for the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) is seen to be best. Twelve knees from cadavers have been studied, of which six specimens were used to make necessary adjustments to the system. The knees were prepared in a test machine developed in the Biomechanics Laboratory of the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Hospital das Clínicas, School of Medicine, University of São Paulo. This enabled dynamic evaluation of the patellar component, with quantification of its lateralization between 0 and 120 degrees of flexion angle. The technique used for reconstructing the MPFL consisted of using a graft from the patellar ligament, as presented by Camanho et al. in 2007. The knees were subjected to situations in intact, injured and reconstructed states, with and without loads applied laterally, to simulate the patella dislocation force. With a photogrammetry system, the lateralization of the patella could be assessed between the knee flexion angles of 90°, 60°, 45° and 0 degrees during the graft reconstruction. The results were calculated through software coupled to the test machine. The knee flexion angle could be determined from a digital goniometer. The graft tensioning was standardized at 1 kgf by using a digital system coupled to a 20-kgf load cell. The differences between the distances found with and without load applied to the patella were grouped according to the graft fixation angle of 0°, 45°, 60° e 90°, during the reconstruction, and knee situation of intact or injured. The results were tabulated taking the mean from three repetitions. There was a tendency for less lateral deviation to occur at fixation angles of the reconstructed graft greater than 30° degrees of flexion, mainly performed in the reconstruction of the knee flexion angle of 60° degrees

Estudo comparativo entre dois métodos de reabilitação fisioterapêutica na artroplastia total do joelho: protocolo padrão do IOT x protocolo avançado / Comparative study between two physiotherapeutic rehabilitation methods in total knee arthroplasty: IOT standard protocol and advanced protocol

Silva, Adriana Lucia Pastore e 13 December 2006 (has links)
Este estudo compara dois protocolos de reabilitação fisioterapêutica - um com três meses de duração (protocolo padrão IOT) e outro com dois meses (protocolo avançado) - para evidenciar a real necessidade de um tempo prolongado de reabilitação em 31 pacientes submetidas a artroplastia total do joelho. O estudo é prospectivo e randomizado e a faixa etária avaliada está entre 60 e 76 anos. As pacientes são avaliadas no pré-operatório e após o tratamento com avaliação clínica (escala de dor, Knee Society Score, SF-36 e goniometria) e avaliação de força (avaliação isocinética) para comparação dos protocolos. A análise estatística dos valores da escala de dor, do Knee Society Score, da amplitude de movimento, do pico de torque muscular e da avaliação da qualidade de vida (SF-36) demonstra que todas as pacientes obtêm melhora quando comparamos o pré e pós-operatório, independente do grupo. Conclui-se que o protocolo de reabilitação fisioterapêutica com dois meses de duração para o pós-operatório de artroplastia total do joelho mostra ser eficaz, alcançando os mesmos objetivos e resultados que o protocolo com três meses de duração / The present study compares two physiotherapeutic rehabilitation protocols - one lasting three months (standard IOT protocol), the other lasting two months (advanced protocol) - to assert the actual need of a prolonged rehabilitation period in 31 cases of patients who went through total knee arthroplasty. The study is prospective and randomized; the age group of evaluated patients is between 60 and 76 years-old. In order to compare the two protocols, patients are evaluated before surgery and after treatment, by means of clinical evaluation (pain scale, Knee Society Score, SF-36 and goniometry) and isokinetic strength test. Statistical analyses of results from pain scale, Knee Society Score, movement amplitude, muscular torque peak and quality of life show improvement for all patients between pre- and post-operation, regardless of group. The study concludes the two months physiotherapeutic rehabilitation protocol for total knee arthroplasty is as effective as the three months protocol, as both reached the same goals and results

針灸治療骨性膝關節關[i.e. 炎]的療效與口服止痛藥治療的比較 : 開放標籤, 隨機對照試驗的設計與預試

劉雪明, 01 January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Avaliação experimental em coelhos do posicionamento do enxerto autólogo osteocondral em diferentes profundidades / Experimental evaluation of autologous osteochondral transplant positioning at different depths in rabbits

Gabriel Errol Mendizabal Mendoza 11 October 2017 (has links)
Lesões da cartilagem articular podem ser tratadas por meio de cirurgia de transplante osteocondral autólogo. Esta cirurgia baseia-se na colocação de cilindros osteocondrais em áreas de lesão da cartilagem articular. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi avaliar as consequências histológicas das variações de posicionamento de enxertos osteocondrais cilíndricos: no mesmo nível e desnivelados (salientes ou profundos) em relação à superfície articular. Neste estudo, foram utilizados vinte coelhos fêmeos adultas, albinos, da raça Nova Zelândia. Defeitos cilíndricos osteocondrais de três milímetros de diâmetro e três milímetros de profundidade foram tratados por esta técnica cirúrgica. Os enxertos foram posicionados aleatoriamente em três formas: ao mesmo nível da superfície articular, profundos e salientes em relação à superfície articular. Realizou-se análise macroscópica e histológica após doze semanas de evolução. Como resultados, observamos que as avaliações macroscópicas e histológicas mostraram diferenças entre os três tipos de posicionamentos. Os enxertos posicionados ao mesmo nível da superfície articular obtiveram melhores resultados. Os resultados dos enxertos posicionados salientes à superfície articular foram melhores do que os dos enxertos posicionados profundos em relação ao nível articular / The treatment of symptomatic chondral lesions aims to restore function similar to that observed before the lesion. Autologous osteochondral transplantation is a surgical procedure that consists of filling a full-thickness articular cartilage defect with normal cartilage. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the histological consequences of the positional incompatibilities of cylindrical osteochondral grafts placed either flush with the articular surface or protruding/recessed. Two experimental groups of 10 rabbits each were randomly established regarding the positioning of the osteochondral autograft: in 1 knee, the graft was implanted either protruding or recessed with respect to the articular surface, and the graft was implanted at the level of the articular surface in the other graft. The protruding graft was placed 2 mm above the level of the articular cartilage, and the recessed graft was placed 1 mm below the level of the articular cartilage. After euthanasia, the articular cartilage was macroscopically evaluated according to the scale published by Goebel et al. and histologically evaluated by haematoxylin-eosin and safranin-O staining according to the International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) II classification. The evaluated parameters did not significantly differ between the protruding and recessed groups, whereas flush positioning resulted in better scores according to the Goebel et al. scale and the ICRS II classification. Recessed and protruding positioning relative to the articular surface did not produce different results

Modelagem de interação entre sinais cinemáticos durante o exercício / Interaction modeling among kinematic signals during exercise

Giovana Yuko Nakashima 12 April 2018 (has links)
Os programas de computador têm apoiado o estudo de sistemas biomédicos em que um volume considerável de dados são empregados. Na biomecânica, a análise das influências entre as articulações pode melhorar o conhecimento das lesões relacionadas à corrida associadas ao uso excessivo durante a atividade de corrida. Compreender os padrões de interação entre diferentes articulações anatômicas, durante o movimento, pode contribuir para o aprimoramento de programas de treinamento, reabilitação e prevenção a lesões. Neste trabalho, um software personalizado foi desenvolvido para implementar a Coerência Parcial Direcionada (PDC), uma abordagem no domínio da freqüência da Causalidade de Granger (GC), adequado às especificidades da fisioterapia. Com entradas independentes e padronizadas, modularização e parametrização, as rotinas investigaram a direção de interação entre diferentes canais, registrando e salvando arquivos intermediários. Separados nos três planos anatômicos, sagital, frontal e transverso, foram utilizados dados cinemáticos para analisar as interações entre tornozelo, joelho, quadril, pelve e tronco durante a corrida. Três modificações de técnica de corrida foram abordadas: com aterrissagem iniciada com o antepé, com aumento de 10% na taxa de passo e com aumento de flexão de tronco, além da habitual. As análises foram realizadas para o ciclo completo (apoio e balanço) e com separação da fase de apoio, e revelaram que essas duas estratégias de processamento são complementares. Comparando as influências proximal e distal, os procedimentos sugeriram uma predominância das interações proximal a distal, mostrando uma origem central de movimentos. Dessa forma, destaca-se a relevância em controlar e fortalecer tronco e quadril para a minimização de lesões. Considerando os resultados e a oportunidade de configuração, o software pode ser empregado para estudar outras articulações e aplicações, bem como evoluir para um sistema automatizado de apoio à decisão. / Computer programs have supported the study of biomedical systems in which a considerable amount of data is employed. In biomechanics, analysis of influences between joints can improve the knowledge of the Running-Related-Injuries (RRI) associated to overuse during running activity. Understanding the patterns of interaction among anatomical joints during movement can contribute to the improvement of training, rehabilitation and injury prevention programs. In this work, a customized software was developed to implement Partial Directed Coherence (PDC), an approach in the frequency domain of Granger Causality (GC), adapted to the physical therapy specificities. With independent and standardized inputs, modularization and parameterization, the routines investigated the interaction direction between different channels, logging and saving intermediate files. Separated in the three anatomical planes, sagittal, frontal and transverse, kinematic data were employed to analyze the interactions between ankle, knee, hip, pelvis and trunk during running. Three running technique modifications were addressed: forefoot strike landing pattern, increasing 10% of the step rate and increasing trunk flexion, in addition to usual running. The analyzes were performed for the complete cycle (stance and swing) and with separation of the stance phase, and revealed that these two processing strategies are complementary. Comparing proximal and distal influences, procedures suggested a predominance of proximal to distal interactions, showing a central origin of movements. In this way, the importance of controlling and strengthening trunk and hip to minimize injuries is highlighted. Considering the results and the processing configuration opportunity, the software can be employed to study other joints and applications, as well as evolve to an automated decision support system.

Compliant Prosthetic Knee Extension Aid: A Finite Elements Analysis Investigation of Proprioceptive Feedback During the Swing Phase of Ambulation

Roetter, Adam Daniel 28 October 2008 (has links)
Compliant mechanisms offer several design advantages which may be exploited in prosthetic joint research and development: they are light-weight, have low cost, are easy to manufacture, have high-reliability, and have the ability to be designed for displacement loads. Designing a mechanism to perform optimally under displacement rather than force loading allows underlying characteristics of the swing phase of gait, such as the maximum heel rise and terminal swing to be developed into a prosthetic knee joint. The objective of this thesis was to develop a mechanical add-on compliant link to an existing prosthetic knee which would perform to optimal standards of prosthetic gait, specifically during the swing phase, and to introduce a feasible method for increasing proprioceptive feedback to the amputee via transferred moments and varying surface tractions on the inner part of a prosthetic socket. A finite elements model was created with ANSYS to design the prosthetic knee compliant add-on and used to select the geometry to meet prosthetic-swing criteria. Data collected from the knee FEA model was used to apply correct loading at the knee in a SolidWorks model of an above-knee prosthesis and residual limb. Another finite element model was creating using COSMOSWorks to determine the induced stresses within a prosthetic socket brought on by the compliant link, and then used to determine stress patterns over 60 degrees of knee flexion (standard swing). The compliant knee add-on performed to the optimal resistance during swing allowing for a moment maxima of 20.2 Newton-meters (N-m) at a knee flexion of 62 degrees. The moments applied to the prosthetic socket via the compliant link during knee flexion and extension ranged from 5.2 N-m (0 degrees) in flexion, to 20.2 N-m (62 degrees) in extension and induced a varying surface tractions on the inner surface of the socket over the duration, thus posing a possible method of providing proprioceptive feedback via surface tractions. Developing a method for determining the level of proprioceptive feedback would allow for less expensive and more efficient methods of bringing greater control of a prosthesis to its user.

Lower limb muscle function in children and adolescents with Fontan circulation : A cross-sectional study / Muskelfunktion i nedre extremitet hos barn och ungdomar med Fontan cirkulation : En tvärsnittstudie

Frisk, Emelie January 2019 (has links)
Introduction: Impaired isometric muscle strength and muscle endurance in adults with Fontan circulation has previously been reported. However, the knowledge if corresponding impairment is present in children and adolescents with Fontan circulation is scarce. Aim: The aim was to examine the isometric muscle strength and muscle endurance of the lower limbs in children and adolescents with Fontan circulation in comparison to age and sex matched controls. Method: In this cross-sectional study 43 children and adolescents (6-18 years) with Fontan circulation and 43 controls were included. Isometric knee extension and plantar flexion muscle strength was assessed using dynamometry (Newton:N). Unilateral isotonic heel-lift until exhaustion was used for evaluation of lower limb muscle endurance. Analysis on group level (n=43) and for the subgroups 6-12 years (n=18) and 13-18 years (n=25) was performed. Results: On group level the children and adolescents with Fontan circulation had impaired isometric plantar flexion strength for the left leg compared to controls (393.9±181.1N vs. 492.5±241.6N, p=0.04). In addition, they had impaired isometric knee extension strength bilaterally (right 222.8±101.1N vs. 293.0±164.9N, p=0.02, left 220.7±102.7N vs. 279.5±159.1N, p=0.05). In contrast, lower limb muscle endurance did not differ. In subgroup analysis, the impaired isometric strength was only present in the group of adolescents. Conclusion: Adolescents with Fontan circulation had impaired isometric muscle strength compared to controls. However, no corresponding differences were found in children. Further, lower limb muscle endurance did not differ. This implies that the impaired isometric muscle strength may develop during adolescence whereas the impaired muscle endurance may occur later. / Del av en multicenterstudie

Predictors of time to return to work following a planned medical event: total knee replacement as an exemplar

Blodgett, Nicole Petsas 01 July 2014 (has links)
Little is known about time to return to work (TRTW) following planned medical events. This study was a secondary analysis (n=94) to determine predictors of time to return to work following a total knee replacement for osteoarthritis. Significant predictors of delayed TRTW following a knee replacement: 1) use of workplace modifications (in 6wks vs 5 wks) and 2) poor physical function (in 7wks vs 6 wks). These findings have large implications for workers undergoing knee replacement, orthopedic clinicians, and occupational health nurses.

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