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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De la reconnaissance des savoirs à la re-connaissance de l’expérience. Contribution à l’étude des pratiques de l’évaluation dans une démarche de validation des acquis de l’expérience. Six candidat(e)s témoignent de leur parcours diplômant. / From recognition of knowledge to re-knowledge of experience. Contribution to the study of evaluation practices in a validation of experience. Six candidates testify to their graduation.

Aleo, Christelle 20 February 2019 (has links)
La Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience (VAE) est un dispositif émanant de la loi de modernisation sociale de 2002 et renforcé en 2017 dans le cadre de la loi travail. Après en avoir présenté les origines, et notamment un contexte socio-économique sur le déclin, nous définirons les modalités de ce processus.C’est la quatrième voie de diplomation en France et elle fait l’objet d’une attention particulière de l’Etat. Cette VAE est assimilée à une évaluation, d’où l’interrogation quant au fait de savoir si l’on pouvait réellement considérer cette dernière comme un dispositif d’évaluation. Au regard de la détermination des composants de l’évaluation et de la VAE, pouvons-nous envisager qu’il y ait un parallèle possible entre d’une part l’évaluation et les savoirs et de l’autre l’expérience et la re-connaissance. / The Validation of the Experience Gained (V.E.G) is a device issued from the social modernization Law of 2002 and strengthened in 2017 under the Labour Act. Its origins being presuted, and in particular the dechine of a socio-economic context on the decline, we will define the rules of this process.This is the fourth way of graduation in France under special attention from the French Educational system. This is assimilated to an assessment, hence the question of whether the latter could actually be considered as an evaluation device. With regard to the determination of the components of Evaluation and the V.E.G, can we envisage that there is a possible parallel between assessment and knowledge and on the other hand experience and re-understanding.

Les compléments de l'invention concédée : savoir faire, perfectionnement et assistance technique / Know-how, improvements and technical assistance in patent licensing agreements

Ghassemi, Youssef 19 March 2012 (has links)
La R&D interne coûte de plus en plus cher et son efficacité en termes de succès commercial est limitée. Lalicence de brevet constitue incontestablement un outil décisif pour maintenir la compétitivité des entreprises,notamment dans les secteurs de haute technologie, telles que les biotechnologies et les nanotechnologies. Lapratique révèle que, pour assurer un réel transfert de technologies, l’invention concédée est le plus souventaccompagnée par des prestations complémentaires portant sur le savoir-faire, les perfectionnements etl’assistance technique. L’interprétation et les modalités d’exécution de ces prestations sont à l’origine denombreuses questions d’importance pratique et théorique. D’une part, l’appréhension des notions de savoir-faire,de perfectionnement et d’assistance technique est délicate. D’autre part, l’étendue des obligations du concédantet du licencié à l’égard des compléments de l’invention concédée est incertaine. La prise en compte del’économie du contrat de licence de brevet s’avère essentielle pour apporter des solutions juridiques et pratiquesappropriées. Il s’agit de déterminer la destination du brevet concédé, telle qu’elle a été convenue par les parties.Celles-ci envisagent-elles une simple autorisation visant l’exécution de l’invention selon la description ?Cherchent-elles, au contraire, un transfert de maîtrise de la technologie brevetée permettant une exploitationoptimale ? En droit américain, en l’absence de clauses portant sur les compléments de l’invention concédée, leconcédant ne doit rien d’autre que la délivrance du brevet à son licencié. En revanche, force est de constaterqu’en droit français, sauf stipulations contraires, le donneur de licence est tenu de délivrer, en cas d’inégalitéd’information entre les parties, tous les compléments indispensables à « l’exploitation effective et sérieuse » del’invention concédée. / The internal R&D is increasingly expensive and its effectiveness in terms of commercialization success islimited. Patent licenses are undoubtedly a powerful tool to maintain business competitiveness, especially in hightechnology sectors such as biotechnology and nanotechnology. The practice shows that, to ensure effectivetechnology transfers, patent licenses are most often accompanied by accessory obligations on know-how,improvements and technical assistance. Interpretation and implementing rules of these obligations are the sourceof many issues of practical and theoretical importance. On the one hand, the notions of know-how, improvementand technical assistance are difficult to define. On the other hand, the extent of the parties’ obligations as to the“complements” of the licensed invention is uncertain. It is crucial to understand the economics of patentlicensing agreements to provide legal solutions and practical measures. This is to determine the legal purpose ofthe license, as it has been agreed by the parties. Do they contemplate a simple authorization for the “execution”of the invention according to the description? Do they seek, instead, a transfer of control of the patentedtechnology allowing optimum “exploitation” of the invention? Under U.S. law, in the absence of an expresscontractual stipulation, rights to know-how, improvements and technical assistance cannot be taken for granted.According to French law, unless otherwise provided in the contract, the licensor is obligated to supply, in case ofinequality of information between the parties, all “complements” which are indispensable for “an effective andserious exploitation” of the licensed invention.

連鎖體系經營知識移轉之研究-以便利商店為例 / Know-how Transfer for Franschise System - A Case of Convenience Stores

崔至剛, Tsui, Chi Kang Unknown Date (has links)
自從1858年第一個連鎖體系出現以來,連鎖加盟制度已經成為經營型態的重要潮流。除了在美國大行其道之外,在台灣也是如雨後春筍般地蓬勃發展。以台灣的發展而言,到民國84年為止,台灣共有167個連鎖體系,在超過一萬兩千個營業據點中,便利商店便有將近三千個營業據點,可見其重要性。   便利商店的興起也帶給台灣經營生態不小的衝擊。國外經營知識的引入,使得人們可以享有清潔乾淨的購物環境、商品結構的齊全、24小時營業,滿足了人們便利性的需求。此外,便利商店的興起帶動相關產業的興起,如物流業者、資訊服務業等等,這都有賴於國外經營知識的引入帶來經營體質上的提昇。因此本研究的研究目的在於探討經營知識特性對於國外連鎖體系經營知識移轉方式、本土連鎖體系經營知識來源、以及國內連鎖總部與各分店間經營知識移轉方式的影響,本研究也將探討國際連鎖體系對於經營知識的調整原因與方式。   本研究採個案研究方法,一方面利用個案訪問,包括7-ELEVEN、福客多、OK便利商店、統一麵包加盟店以及萊爾富便利商店;另一方面也對次級資料做整理,以便對於業界之實務作法有一瞭解。   本研究之結論如下:   一、對國際性連鎖體系而言,經營知識移轉方式和經營知識特性有關。與外部機構關係弱的經營知識都是由國外母公司提供文件或派遣顧問來移轉。與外部機構關係強的經營知識會需要國內連鎖總部藉由觀摩並自行發展的努力。   二、對本土連鎖體系而言,經營知識的來源和經營知識的特性無關,但連鎖總部的經驗和能力會影響經營知識的來源。   三、在國內連鎖總部與各分店間經營知識的移轉方面,後場的經營知識多是利用文件來移轉,前場的經營知識則是文件與人員移轉並重。研究中也發現,示範店對於連鎖總部創新的推行、經營知識的手冊化有正面的助益,不但有助於總部經營知識的累積,也可以簡化移轉的程序。   四、研究中發現經營知識會因為當地的環境差異而需要調整,且經營知識調整的原因會影響調整的方式。經營知識本質的調整主要是文化的因素造成,程序上的調整則主要是因為非文化性因素造成。

Mosaic Paths to New Knowledge: Conceptualizing Cultural Wealth from Women of Colour as They Experience the Process of becoming Doctoral Recipients

Brown, Sharon Leonie 10 December 2012 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this study is to identify the positive contributions women of colour (WOC) bring to higher education as they experience the process of becoming doctoral recipients. Their experiences are presented as a new epistemology—a theory of knowledge—as part of the larger area of cultural capital theory. The experiences of WOC in Canadian doctoral programs are conceptualized as ‘cultural wealth’ and new knowledge because evidence reveals that the intrinsic value of their contributions has evolved from unique cultural and historical resources. The discursive theoretical frameworks of Womanist theory, critical race theory (CRT) and cultural capital theory are utilized to guide the analysis of the findings. This study establishes the experiences of the participants as valuable and distinctive knowledge by emphasizing the intersectionality of race, class, gender, culture, and spirituality. The research suggests that the experiences of women of colour are informed by an inner wisdom woven from the mosaic, or uniquely diverse paths, which these women have taken toward earning their doctorate degree. The existing interpretation of cultural capital theory - originally established by Bourdieu and Passeron (1977) - is considered the only social marker of wealth in socio-economical and educational research. Although previous studies have challenged this dominant perspective, this current study presents a unique interpretation of cultural capital theory by expanding the notion of cultural wealth from a Canadian perspective. This study highlights the importance of the racial/cultural context that is highly visible in Canadian culture but seldom addressed in higher education research. In addition, the aim of my study is to establish the wealth of “Mosaic Paths” found among the cultural identity of WOC, as a new epistemology in Canadian higher education. Specifically, the journey toward achieving a doctoral degree is often over-generalized in higher education. This study will reveal the realistic paths that WOC must traverse in order to realize their goals. Finally, the findings from the data reveal six major sources of cultural wealth: 1) Mother’s Influence, 2) Age Capital, 3) Mentorship, 4) Survival Strategies, 5) Negotiating Academic Culture or Know-how, and 6) Spirituality.

Economic transition in the People's Republic of China and foreign investment activities : the transfer of know-how to the Chinese economy through transnational corporations : the case of Shanghai /

Werner, Peter. January 2001 (has links)
PhD dissertation. / Includes bibliographical references.

Mosaic Paths to New Knowledge: Conceptualizing Cultural Wealth from Women of Colour as They Experience the Process of becoming Doctoral Recipients

Brown, Sharon Leonie 10 December 2012 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this study is to identify the positive contributions women of colour (WOC) bring to higher education as they experience the process of becoming doctoral recipients. Their experiences are presented as a new epistemology—a theory of knowledge—as part of the larger area of cultural capital theory. The experiences of WOC in Canadian doctoral programs are conceptualized as ‘cultural wealth’ and new knowledge because evidence reveals that the intrinsic value of their contributions has evolved from unique cultural and historical resources. The discursive theoretical frameworks of Womanist theory, critical race theory (CRT) and cultural capital theory are utilized to guide the analysis of the findings. This study establishes the experiences of the participants as valuable and distinctive knowledge by emphasizing the intersectionality of race, class, gender, culture, and spirituality. The research suggests that the experiences of women of colour are informed by an inner wisdom woven from the mosaic, or uniquely diverse paths, which these women have taken toward earning their doctorate degree. The existing interpretation of cultural capital theory - originally established by Bourdieu and Passeron (1977) - is considered the only social marker of wealth in socio-economical and educational research. Although previous studies have challenged this dominant perspective, this current study presents a unique interpretation of cultural capital theory by expanding the notion of cultural wealth from a Canadian perspective. This study highlights the importance of the racial/cultural context that is highly visible in Canadian culture but seldom addressed in higher education research. In addition, the aim of my study is to establish the wealth of “Mosaic Paths” found among the cultural identity of WOC, as a new epistemology in Canadian higher education. Specifically, the journey toward achieving a doctoral degree is often over-generalized in higher education. This study will reveal the realistic paths that WOC must traverse in order to realize their goals. Finally, the findings from the data reveal six major sources of cultural wealth: 1) Mother’s Influence, 2) Age Capital, 3) Mentorship, 4) Survival Strategies, 5) Negotiating Academic Culture or Know-how, and 6) Spirituality.

Patentfähigkeit von Geschäftsmethoden : nach schweizerischem Recht unter Berücksichtigung des europäischen und internationalen Rechtsumfelds /

Aebi, Martin. January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Sankt Gallen, 2005.

Wissenstransfer zwischen Organisationen : Erfolgsfaktoren im interorganisationalen Lernprozess /

Sessing, Gerhard. January 2006 (has links)
Universiẗat, Diss. u.d.T.: Sessing, Gerhard: Wissenstransfer zwischen Organisationen - eine Konzeption der Erfolgsfaktoren im Wissenstransferprozess--Augsburg, 2004.

Unterstützungsnetzwerke auslandschinesischer Unternehmungsgründungen /

Schmitz, Frank P. January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Köln, Universiẗat, Diss., 2008 u.d.T.: Schmitz, Frank P.: Informations- und Beziehungsverhalten von auslandschinesischen Unternehmungsgründern in Deutschland und in den USA.

Die Bedeutung von intraorganisationalen Netzwerken für den Wissenstransfer in Unternehmen /

Köhne, Marija, January 2004 (has links)
St. Gallen, Univ., Diss., 2004.

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