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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse de l'action didactique, de sa continuité et de ses déterminants : cas de l'enseignement de titrage acide-base en classes terminales tunisiennes / Analysis of the didactic action, of its continuity and its determiners : case of teaching the tritration acid base in grade 12 in tunisian classes

Nouiri, Ali 08 December 2016 (has links)
Notre étude s’inscrit dans le courant de réforme du système éducatif tunisien. Elle s’inscrit également dans le courant des analyses des pratiques effectives à des fins compréhensives et celui de la didactique comparée. Elle vise à analyser et comprendre les pratiques ordinaires d’enseignement de la chimie dans deux classes terminales tunisiennes lors de l’enseignement de la variation du pH au cours de la réaction entre acide et base. Egalement, elle se focalise sur les continuités et les discontinuités dans l’avancée des savoirs, entre différents registres sémiotiques, entre champs empirique et théorique, entre niveaux microscopique et macroscopique. Sur le plan théorique, nous avons combiné des descripteurs empruntés à la théorie de l’action conjointe en didactique et d’autres descripteurs spécifiques des savoirs concernés. Nous avons filmé deux enseignants l’un expérimenté, et l’autre quasi-novice dans l’enseignement à ce niveau. Les vidéos ont été retranscrites, structurées, puis analysées. Ces analyses ont permis d’établir que les enseignants observés construisent seuls les savoirs dans la classe et les exposent linéairement, seul l’enseignant expérimenté y revenant dessus pour les approfondir. Par ailleurs, l’action didactique du professeur expérimenté est caractérisée par une continuité dans l’avancée du savoir. A l’inverse, l’enseignante novice crée à son insu une multitude de discontinuités dans cette avancée. Nous avons aussi inférés certains de déterminants de l’action didactique. Ainsi, l’action des enseignants peut se comprendre en référence à l’institution « classes de terminales » dans laquelle ils enseignent. Elle peut également se comprendre au regard d’un point de vue sur l’apprentissage selon lequel les élèves apprendraient à partir d’un exposé cohérent des savoirs et d’un point de vue sur les savoirs scientifique selon lequel ces derniers ne se discuteraient pas. Ces éléments pourraient être pris en compte dans la formation des enseignants. / Our study belongs to the trend of changes in the Tunisian educational system. It also belongs to the stream of teaching practices analysis. It aims at describing and understanding ordinary chemistry teaching practices linked to the teaching of the variation of pH during the titration of the reaction acid base. It also focuses on continuity and discontinuity during knowledge progress. The study is based on the joint action theory in didactics and on descriptors related to knowledge at stake. We have filmed two teachers, one is experienced, and the other is novice. Videos have been transcribed, structured and analysed. We have shown that the observed teachers build knowledge alone, and propose it linearly. Only the experienced teacher deepens them. Moreover, the experienced teacher’s action is characterized by the knowledge continuity while the novice teacher creates in his discourse many discontinuities. Finally, their viewpoint on learning, in the nature of chemistry knowledge, the grade of the class they teach in determines their action. These elements could be used in teacher training.

Tid att passa, tid att anpassas : Om timplanens roll i likvärdighet och skolans åtgärder vid skolbyte / Making up for Lost Time : The Role of Time Schedule in Equity and In-school Measures upon School Switching

Wong, Yiu Tong January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker begreppet likvärdighet genom att analysera hur elevernas bristande kunskapskontinuitet vid skolbyte upplevs och hanteras av rektorer och lärare, samt deras uppfattningar om den nya stadieindelade timplanens påverkan i måluppfyllelse och likvärdighet. Studien baseras på en semikvantitativ webbenkätundersökning med 145 rektorer och lärare i grundskolor i hela landet.  Mer än hälften av informanterna får inte någon information om elevernas tidigare undervisningstid. Kartläggning av elevernas kunskapsnivå vid skolbyte är utbredd och många bekräftar att påtagliga kunskapsluckor existerar. Majoriteten menar att eleverna får möjlighet att ta igen undervisningen genom kompensatoriska åtgärder som innebär anpassning av undervisningssätt och extra insatser utanför skolans ordinarie schema. Tidsstyrningen i skolan påverkas huvudsakligen av timplanen istället för lärarnas och elevernas önskemål. Ramfaktorteori och händelselogik visar att begreppet likvärdighet har två dimensioner. Likvärdighet mellan skolorna påverkas negativt av den befintliga timplanens brist på avstämningstillfällen, som leder till låg kunskapskontinuitet vid skolbyte. Detta avspeglas i informanternas positiva attityd mot centraliseringsåtgärder som exempelvis en stadiepreciserad timplan. Likvärdighet mellan eleverna är det mål som informanterna enligt sin inre logik strävar efter med hjälp av pedagogisk kartläggning och kompensatoriska åtgärdar. För att öka likvärdigheten måste timplanens implementering vara mer realistisk och stadieprecisering måste kompletteras med uppföljning i förhållande till måluppfyllelse. / This study examines the interpretation of educational equity by analysing how students’ lack of knowledge continuity upon school switching is experienced and handled by principals and teachers, and their opinion on the new level-divided national time schedule’s effects on goal attainment and equity. 145 principals and teachers in primary and lower secondary schools in Sweden participate in a semi-quantitative web survey for this study.  More than half of the informants do not receive any information concerning students’ former teaching hours. It is a common practice to chart students’ level of knowledge and one third of the informants confirm a significant knowledge gap. Catching up on lost teaching is possible according to most informants, with compensatory measures that encompass adaptation of teaching methods and extra-curricular activities not included in the normal timetable. Time allocation is mainly determined by the constraints of the national time schedule instead of the needs of teachers and students. By applyingthe theory of frame factor and practical reasoning, it is shown that equity has two dimensions. Equity between schools is dampened by the current national time schedule’s lack of follow-up occasions, leading to inadequate knowledge continuity upon school switching. This is reflected by the informants’ positive attitude towards educational centralisation by means of a more precise, level-divided time schedule. Equity between students has been the main goal that most schools strive for, by implementing knowledge-charting procedures and compensatory measures in the light of practical reasoning. In order to improve equity, a more precise and realistic time schedule needs to be complemented by more rigorous control in relation to goal-fulfilment.

Etude des pratiques de classe dans l’évolution du savoir et sa continuité : cas d’une séquence sur les circuits électriques en classe de 5ème / Study of classroom practices in the perspective of the evolution of knowledge and its continuity : case of a teaching sequence on electrical circuits at 7th grade

El sowayssi, Nada 12 September 2016 (has links)
Notre travail porte sur une analyse des pratiques de classe au cours de la mise en œuvre d’une séquence d’enseignement sur les circuits électriques en 5ème. Nous étudions la vie du savoir, son évolution et sa continuité à travers ces pratiques. Nos outils théoriques s'appuient largement sur la Théorie de l’Action Conjointe en Didactique (TACD) qui permet la description de la pratique en fournissant des outils pour cette description notamment la notion de jeu. Nous étudions dans un premier temps les effets des pratiques de classe sur la vie du savoir, ensuite nous effectuons une étude sur la continuité du savoir. Notre analyse des effets des pratiques de classe sur la vie du savoir se fonde principalement sur notre analyse en jeux et elle est complétée par une analyse au niveau microscopiques en facettes qui représentent des parties du discours de l’ordre d’une phrase ou d’une intervention portant sur un élément de savoir. L’étude de l’ensemble des jeux des séances analysées nous a permis de distinguer certains jeux particuliers du point de vue du développement du savoir. L’étude de ces jeux nous a permis de montrer l’influence des actions du professeur et des élèves sur l’évolution du savoir. Une comparaison avec ce qui était prévu par le professeur selon les propositions des concepteurs de la séquence montre deux cas de développement suivant la façon dont le professeur prend l’activité effective des élèves en considération. Dans un cas il y a un élargissement et une densification du savoir autour d’une notion, les éléments de savoirs introduits sont en cohérence et continuité avec ceux déjà introduits, et dans l’autre cas il apparaît une dispersion des éléments de savoir autour d’une notion, les éléments de savoir introduits n’ont pas ou peu de lien avec l’enjeu de savoir.Dans notre étude nous considérons que la continuité du savoir est établie grâce à des liens créés entre éléments de savoir, méthode, procédure ou discussions à propos de ces éléments, qui peuvent avoir été en jeu à différents moments de leur enseignement., Pour cette étude la méthodologie est adaptée à la définition de la continuité et à nos données, elle inclut une analyse microscopique en facettes nourrie dans certains cas par l’analyse en jeux. Nous avons construit des catégories du fonctionnement du savoir qui permettent de relier des éléments de savoir introduits à différents moments de l’enseignement. Pour cela nous avons fait appel aux niveaux de modélisation ainsi qu’aux taches épistémiques comme définir, interpréter, décrire, comparer, etc.Cette analyse a montré que le développement du savoir est principalement initié par le champ expérimental et non par des relations entre concepts. Les nouveaux concepts sont introduits lors du passage d’une description entre objets et événements à une conceptualisation ou relation entre concepts. Cette introduction est assez souvent imposée et peut expliquer des discontinuités repérées dans la séquence.Pour terminer nous proposons des perspectives pour la formation des maitres et la conception de séquences. / Our work is focused on the analysis of classroom practices during a physics teaching sequence on electrical circuits in 7th grade. We study the life of knowledge, its evolution and continuity through these practices. Our theoretical tools are largely based on the Joint Action Theory in Didactics (JATD) that allows us to describe the practices by providing tools for this description especially the concept of the learning games. We first study the effects of classroom practices on the knowledge’s life, then we study the continuity of knowledge.Our analysis of classroom practices’effects on the life of knowledge is based primarily on our learning games analysis and is completed by a microscopic level analysis of facets that represent parts of a speech at the level of a sentence or an intervention on an element of knowledge. The study of the whole learning games analysed in the studied sessions allowed us to distinguish some particular learning games from the development of knowledge perspective. The study of these games allowed us to show the influence of the actions of the teacher and students on the evolution of knowledge. A comparison with what was planned by the teacher according to the proposals of the designers of the sequence shows two cases of development according to the way the teacher takes into considerationthe actual activity of the students. In one case there is an enlargement and densification of knowledge about a concept, elements of knowledge are introduced in consistency and continuity with those already introduced. In the other case there is dispersion of knowledge elements around a concept, elements of knowledge introduced has no or little connection with the knowledge at stake.In our study we consider that the continuity of knowledge is established through links between elements of knowledge, methods, procedures or discussions about these elements, at different teaching moments. Thus, in order to study the continuity of knowledge, we built a methodology adapted to this definition and our data by relying on microscopic analysis of facets completed in some cases by our learning games analysis. We built categories of processing knowledge that allows to connect different elements of knowledge introduced at different teaching moments. For this purpose, we used the modelling levels as well as the epistemic tasks such as defining, interpreting, describing, comparing, etc. This analysis ha shown that the development of knowledge is mainly initiated by the experimental field and not by relations between concepts. The new concepts are introduced during the passage of a description between objects and events to a conceptualization or relationship between concepts. This introduction is often imposed and may explain discontinuity of knowledge identified in the sequence.Finally, we offer perspectives for teacher training and sequences design.

The knowledge continuum as an enabler for growth and sustainability in the South African basic education system / Mariè Steenhuisen.

Steenhuisen, Maria Jacoba January 2012 (has links)
The poor state and failure of the basic education system in South Africa gave rise to this research. The wave of knowledge loss experienced in the last two decades is expected to carry on and will continue to deplete the basic education system’s knowledge base, severely affecting the already poor quality of education as well as the future economic growth and sustainability in South Africa. The main research objective was to establish whether future growth and sustainability in the basic education system in South Africa is achievable; which factors it is influenced by; and how knowledge continuity could impact on future growth and sustainability. A multidisciplinary approach focusing on organisational performance, knowledge management, individual and organisational behaviour and organisational development was followed. The nature of growth and sustainability and knowledge continuity in organisations was explored by following a contextualisation theory-building process. The main objective of the empirical research study was to determine by means of quantitative research the degree to which the influencing factors would enhance or impede growth and sustainability in an organisation. A quantitative survey method was followed. A questionnaire was developed and the survey was performed in 6 primary and secondary schools of the basic education system in South Africa. The questionnaire was found to be reliable with a Cronbach’s alpha of .8060. In the descriptive factor analysis process, principal component factor analysis was conducted, which described the five constructs that would influence growth and sustainability. These constructs’ dimensions produced significant intercorrelations which indicate that the dimensions are for the most part intercorrelated with each other in contributing to growth and sustainability. The multiple regression analysis indicated that knowledge loss would have an exceptionally strong impact on knowledge; and that knowledge, information and performance would significantly predict growth and sustainability. Organisations should change the focus for growth from physical assets to the development of intellectual capital, and knowledge continuity should form part of an organisations’ business strategy and mission. Knowledge continuity will only be successful if a culture conducive of trust and knowledge sharing and transfer exist, and are supported by effective and appropriate human resource practices and incentives. A structural equation model development strategy produced a knowledge continuity model aimed at enabling future growth and sustainability, based on the constructs confirmed in the factor analysis. The model indicated that there is a direct causal relationship between knowledge, information and performance with growth and sustainability. The regression analysis showed that most of the intercorrelations are significant, thus confirming the theory. The newly developed questionnaire and structural equation model should enable organisations to measure the degree to which the enhancing individual and organisational behavioural factors of growth and sustainability are in place and provide the measurement outcomes that would identify the factors that need to be focused on to improve and enable future growth and sustainability in an organisation. / Thesis (MBA)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

The knowledge continuum as an enabler for growth and sustainability in the South African basic education system / Mariè Steenhuisen.

Steenhuisen, Maria Jacoba January 2012 (has links)
The poor state and failure of the basic education system in South Africa gave rise to this research. The wave of knowledge loss experienced in the last two decades is expected to carry on and will continue to deplete the basic education system’s knowledge base, severely affecting the already poor quality of education as well as the future economic growth and sustainability in South Africa. The main research objective was to establish whether future growth and sustainability in the basic education system in South Africa is achievable; which factors it is influenced by; and how knowledge continuity could impact on future growth and sustainability. A multidisciplinary approach focusing on organisational performance, knowledge management, individual and organisational behaviour and organisational development was followed. The nature of growth and sustainability and knowledge continuity in organisations was explored by following a contextualisation theory-building process. The main objective of the empirical research study was to determine by means of quantitative research the degree to which the influencing factors would enhance or impede growth and sustainability in an organisation. A quantitative survey method was followed. A questionnaire was developed and the survey was performed in 6 primary and secondary schools of the basic education system in South Africa. The questionnaire was found to be reliable with a Cronbach’s alpha of .8060. In the descriptive factor analysis process, principal component factor analysis was conducted, which described the five constructs that would influence growth and sustainability. These constructs’ dimensions produced significant intercorrelations which indicate that the dimensions are for the most part intercorrelated with each other in contributing to growth and sustainability. The multiple regression analysis indicated that knowledge loss would have an exceptionally strong impact on knowledge; and that knowledge, information and performance would significantly predict growth and sustainability. Organisations should change the focus for growth from physical assets to the development of intellectual capital, and knowledge continuity should form part of an organisations’ business strategy and mission. Knowledge continuity will only be successful if a culture conducive of trust and knowledge sharing and transfer exist, and are supported by effective and appropriate human resource practices and incentives. A structural equation model development strategy produced a knowledge continuity model aimed at enabling future growth and sustainability, based on the constructs confirmed in the factor analysis. The model indicated that there is a direct causal relationship between knowledge, information and performance with growth and sustainability. The regression analysis showed that most of the intercorrelations are significant, thus confirming the theory. The newly developed questionnaire and structural equation model should enable organisations to measure the degree to which the enhancing individual and organisational behavioural factors of growth and sustainability are in place and provide the measurement outcomes that would identify the factors that need to be focused on to improve and enable future growth and sustainability in an organisation. / Thesis (MBA)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

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