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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

CONNECTING THE DOTS : Exploring gene contexts through knowledge-graph representations of gene-information derived from scientific literature

Hellberg, Henrietta January 2023 (has links)
Analyzing the data produced by next-generation sequencing technologies relies on access to information synthesized based on previous research findings. The volume of data available in the literature is growing rapidly, and it is becoming increasingly necessary for researchers to use AI or other statistics-based approaches in the analysis of their datasets. In this project, knowledge graphs are explored as a tool for providing access to contextual gene-information available in scientific literature. The explorative method described in this thesis is based on the implementation and comparison of two approaches for knowledge graph construction, a rule-based statistical as well as a neural-network and co-occurrence based approach, -based on specific literature contexts. The results are presented both in the form of a quantitative comparison between approaches as well as in the form of a qualitative expert evaluation of the quantitative result. The quantitative comparison suggested that contrasting knowledge graphs constructed based on different approaches can provide valuable information for the interpretation and contextualization of key genes. It also demonstrated the limitations of some approaches e.g. in terms of scalability as well as the volume and type of information that can be extracted. The result further suggested that metrics based on the overlap of nodes and edges, as well as metrics that leverage the global topology of graphs are valuable for representing and comparing contextual information between knowledge graphs. The result based on the qualitative expert evaluation demonstrated that literature-derived knowledge graphs of gene-information can be valuable tools for identifying research biases related to genes and also shed light on the challenges related to biological entity normalization in the context of knowledge graph development. In light of these findings, automatic knowledge-graph construction presents as a promising approach for improving access to contextual information about genes in scientific literature. / För att analysera de stora mängder data som produceras med hjälp av next-generation sequencing krävs det att forskare har tillgång till och kan sammanställa information från tidigare forskning. I takt med att mängden data som finns tillgänglig i den vetenskapliga litteraturen ökar, så ökar även behovet av att använda AI och andra statistiska metoder för att få tillgång till denna data i analysen. I detta projekt utforskas kunskapsgrafer som verktyg för att tillgängliggöra kontextuell geninformation i vetenskapliga artiklar. Den explorativa metod som beskrivs i detta projekt är baserad på implementationen och jämförelsen av två olika tekniker för kunskapsgrafgenerering, en regelbaserad-statistisk metod samt en metod baserad på neurala-nätverk och co-occurrence, baserade på specifika kontexter inom litteraturen. Resultatet presenteras både i form av en kvantitativ jämförelse mellan metoder samt genom en kvalitativ expertutvärdering baserad på det kvantitativa resultatet. Den kvantitativa jämförelsen antydde att jämförelsen mellan kunskapsgrafer genererade med hjälp av olika metoder kan bidra med värdefull information för tolkningen och kontextualiseringen av viktiga gener. Resultatet visade även på begränsningar hos vissa metoder, till exempel gällande skalbarhet samt den mängd och typ av information som kan extraheras. Men även att metrics baserade på överlappning av hörn och kanter, samt metrics som tar hänsyn till den globala topologin i grafer kan vara användbara i jämförelsen av, samt för att representera skillnader mellan biologiska kunskapsgrafer. Resultatet från den kvalitativa expertutvärderingen visade att kunskapsgrafer baserade på geninformation extraherad från vetenskapliga artiklar kan vara värdefulla verktyg för att identifiera forskningsbias gällande gener, samt framhävde viktiga utmaningar gällande normalisering av biologiska entiteter inom området kunskapsgrafsutveckling. Baserat på dessa fynd framstår automatisk kunskapsgrafsgenerering som ett lovande tillvägagångssätt för att förbättra tillgängligheten av kontextuell geninformation i vetenskaplig litteratur.

Semantic Web Identity of academic organizations / search engine entity recognition and the sources that influence Knowledge Graph Cards in search results

Arlitsch, Kenning 11 January 2017 (has links)
Semantic Web Identity kennzeichnet den Zustand, in dem ein Unternehmen von Suchmaschinen als Solches erkannt wird. Das Abrufen einer Knowledge Graph Card in Google-Suchergebnissen für eine akademische Organisation wird als Indikator für SWI nominiert, da es zeigt, dass Google nachprüfbare Tatsachen gesammelt hat, um die Organisation als Einheit zu etablieren. Diese Anerkennung kann wiederum die Relevanz ihrer Verweisungen an diese Organisation verbessern. Diese Dissertation stellt Ergebnisse einer Befragung der 125 Mitgliedsbibliotheken der Association of Research Libraries vor. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass diese Bibliotheken in den strukturierten Datensätzen, die eine wesentliche Grundlage des Semantic Web sind und Faktor bei der Erreichung der SWI sind, schlecht vertreten sind. Der Mangel an SWI erstreckt sich auf andere akademische Organisationen, insbesondere auf die unteren Hierarchieebenen von Universitäten. Ein Mangel an SWI kann andere Faktoren von Interesse für akademische Organisationen beeinflussen, einschließlich der Fähigkeit zur Gewinnung von Forschungsförderung, Immatrikulationsraten und Verbesserung des institutionellen Rankings. Diese Studie vermutet, dass der schlechte Zustand der SWI das Ergebnis eines Versagens dieser Organisationen ist, geeignete Linked Open Data und proprietäre Semantic Web Knowledge Bases zu belegen. Die Situation stellt eine Gelegenheit für akademische Bibliotheken dar, Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln, um ihre eigene SWI zu etablieren und den anderen Organisationen in ihren Institutionen einen SWI-Service anzubieten. Die Forschung untersucht den aktuellen Stand der SWI für ARL-Bibliotheken und einige andere akademische Organisationen und beschreibt Fallstudien, die die Wirksamkeit dieser Techniken zur Verbesserung der SWI validieren. Die erklärt auch ein neues Dienstmodell der SWI-Pflege, die von anderen akademischen Bibliotheken für ihren eigenen institutionellen Kontext angepasst werden. / Semantic Web Identity (SWI) characterizes an entity that has been recognized as such by search engines. The display of a Knowledge Graph Card in Google search results for an academic organization is proposed as an indicator of SWI, as it demonstrates that Google has gathered enough verifiable facts to establish the organization as an entity. This recognition may in turn improve the accuracy and relevancy of its referrals to that organization. This dissertation presents findings from an in-depth survey of the 125 member libraries of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL). The findings show that these academic libraries are poorly represented in the structured data records that are a crucial underpinning of the Semantic Web and a significant factor in achieving SWI. Lack of SWI extends to other academic organizations, particularly those at the lower hierarchical levels of academic institutions, including colleges, departments, centers, and research institutes. A lack of SWI may affect other factors of interest to academic organizations, including ability to attract research funding, increase student enrollment, and improve institutional reputation and ranking. This study hypothesizes that the poor state of SWI is in part the result of a failure by these organizations to populate appropriate Linked Open Data (LOD) and proprietary Semantic Web knowledge bases. The situation represents an opportunity for academic libraries to develop skills and knowledge to establish and maintain their own SWI, and to offer SWI service to other academic organizations in their institutions. The research examines the current state of SWI for ARL libraries and some other academic organizations, and describes case studies that validate the effectiveness of proposed techniques to correct the situation. It also explains new services that are being developed at the Montana State University Library to address SWI needs on its campus, which could be adapted by other academic libraries.

Vers un meilleur accès aux informations pertinentes à l’aide du Web sémantique : application au domaine du e-tourisme / Towards a better access to relevant information with Semantic Web : application to the e-tourism domain

Lully, Vincent 17 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse part du constat qu’il y a une infobésité croissante sur le Web. Les deux types d’outils principaux, à savoir le système de recherche et celui de recommandation, qui sont conçus pour nous aider à explorer les données du Web, connaissent plusieurs problématiques dans : (1) l’assistance de la manifestation des besoins d’informations explicites, (2) la sélection des documents pertinents, et (3) la mise en valeur des documents sélectionnés. Nous proposons des approches mobilisant les technologies du Web sémantique afin de pallier à ces problématiques et d’améliorer l’accès aux informations pertinentes. Nous avons notamment proposé : (1) une approche sémantique d’auto-complétion qui aide les utilisateurs à formuler des requêtes de recherche plus longues et plus riches, (2) des approches de recommandation utilisant des liens hiérarchiques et transversaux des graphes de connaissances pour améliorer la pertinence, (3) un framework d’affinité sémantique pour intégrer des données sémantiques et sociales pour parvenir à des recommandations qualitativement équilibrées en termes de pertinence, diversité et nouveauté, (4) des approches sémantiques visant à améliorer la pertinence, l’intelligibilité et la convivialité des explications des recommandations, (5) deux approches de profilage sémantique utilisateur à partir des images, et (6) une approche de sélection des meilleures images pour accompagner les documents recommandés dans les bannières de recommandation. Nous avons implémenté et appliqué nos approches dans le domaine du e-tourisme. Elles ont été dûment évaluées quantitativement avec des jeux de données vérité terrain et qualitativement à travers des études utilisateurs. / This thesis starts with the observation that there is an increasing infobesity on the Web. The two main types of tools, namely the search engine and the recommender system, which are designed to help us explore the Web data, have several problems: (1) in helping users express their explicit information needs, (2) in selecting relevant documents, and (3) in valuing the selected documents. We propose several approaches using Semantic Web technologies to remedy these problems and to improve the access to relevant information. We propose particularly: (1) a semantic auto-completion approach which helps users formulate longer and richer search queries, (2) several recommendation approaches using the hierarchical and transversal links in knowledge graphs to improve the relevance of the recommendations, (3) a semantic affinity framework to integrate semantic and social data to yield qualitatively balanced recommendations in terms of relevance, diversity and novelty, (4) several recommendation explanation approaches aiming at improving the relevance, the intelligibility and the user-friendliness, (5) two image user profiling approaches and (6) an approach which selects the best images to accompany the recommended documents in recommendation banners. We implemented and applied our approaches in the e-tourism domain. They have been properly evaluated quantitatively with ground-truth datasets and qualitatively through user studies.

Digital Twin Knowledge Graphs for IoT Platforms : Towards a Virtual Model for Real-Time Knowledge Representation in IoT Platforms / Digital Twin Kunskapsgrafer för IoT-Plattformar : Mot en Virtuell Modell för Kunskapsrepresentation i Realtid i IoT-Plattformar

Jarabo Peñas, Alejandro January 2023 (has links)
This thesis presents the design and prototype implementation of a digital twin based on a knowledge graph for Internet of Things (IoT) platforms. The digital twin is a virtual representation of a physical object or system that must continually integrate and update knowledge in rapidly changing environments. The proposed knowledge graph is designed to store and efficiently query a large number of IoT devices in a complex logical structure, use rule-based reasoning to infer new facts, and integrate unanticipated devices into the existing logical structure in order to adapt to changing environments. The digital twin is implemented using the open-source TypeDB knowledge graph and tested in a simplified automobile production line environment. The main focus of the work is on the integration of unanticipated devices, for which a similarity metric is implemented to identify similar existing devices and determine the appropriate integration into the knowledge graph. The proposed digital twin knowledge graph is a promising solution for managing and integrating knowledge in rapidly changing IoT environments, providing valuable insights and support for decision-making. / I den här avhandlingen presenteras utformningen och prototypimplementeringen av en digital tvilling baserad på en kunskapsgraf för IoT-plattformar (Internet of Things). Den digitala tvillingen är en virtuell representation av ett fysiskt objekt eller system som måste integrera och uppdatera kunskap i snabbt föränderliga miljöer. Den föreslagna kunskapsgrafen är utformad för att lagra och effektivt söka efter en stor uppsättning IoT-enheter i en komplex logisk struktur, använda regelbaserade resonemang för att härleda nya fakta och integrera oväntade enheter i den befintliga logiska strukturen för att anpassa sig till föränderliga miljöer. Den digitala tvillingen genomförs med hjälp av kunskapsgrafen TypeDB med öppen källkod och testas i en förenklad miljö för bilproduktion. Huvudfokus ligger på integrationen av oväntade enheter, för vilka ett likhetsmått implementeras för att identifiera liknande befintliga enheter och bestämma lämplig integration i kunskapsgrafen. Den föreslagna kunskapsgrafen för digitala tvillingar är en lovande lösning för att hantera och integrera kunskap i snabbt föränderliga IoT-miljöer, vilket ger värdefulla insikter och stöd för beslutsfattande. / Esta tesis presenta el diseño e implementación de un prototipo de gemelo digital basado en un grafo de conocimiento para plataformas de Internet de las Cosas (IoT). El gemelo digital es una representación virtual de un objeto o sistema físico que debe integrar y actualizar continuamente el conocimiento en entornos que cambian rápidamente. El grafo de conocimiento propuesto está diseñado para almacenar y consultar eficientemente un gran número de dispositivos IoT en una estructura lógica compleja, utilizar el razonamiento basado en reglas para inferir nuevos hechos e integrar dispositivos imprevistos en la estructura lógica existente para adaptarse a los cambios del entorno. El gemelo digital se implementa utilizando el grafo de conocimiento de código abierto TypeDB y se prueba en un entorno simplificado basado en una línea de producción de automóviles. El objetivo principal del trabajo es la integración de dispositivos no previstos, para lo cual se implementa una métrica de similitud para identificar dispositivos existentes similares y determinar la integración adecuada en el grafo de conocimiento. El grafo de conocimiento propuesto es una solución prometedora para la gestión del conocimiento y la integración en entornos IoT que cambian rápidamente, proporcionando información valiosa y apoyo a la toma de decisiones.

On the use of knowledge graph embeddings for business expansion / Om användandet av kunskapsgrafinbäddningar för företagsexpansion

Rydberg, Niklas January 2022 (has links)
The area of Knowledge Graphs has grown significantly during recent time and has found many different applications both in industrial and academic settings. Despite this, many large Knowledge Graphs are in fact incomplete, which leads to the problem of finding the missing facts in the graphs using Link Prediction. There are several ways of performing Link prediction, the most common one that has emerged recently being using Machine learning techniques to learn low-dimensional representations of the Knowledge Graph called Knowledge Graph embeddings. This project attempts to explore whether or not this is a viable method to use in order to give suggestions for companies that want to expand their businesses. In order to test this hypothesis, a Knowledge Graph was built using real company data from open sources. Then different Knowledge Graph embedding models were trained on the data in order to predict missing elements in the Knowledge Graph. The models were then compared to see which one is most suitable for this task and data set. The geometric based models were found to perform the best for the specific data set used in this project. In this category there are models such as TransE, TransR and RotatE. The results point to the method being a valid option for giving expansion suggestions to companies using a Knowledge Graph of other companies and their products. However, to be certain of this, further research needs to be done where the method needs to be implemented on a larger scale using more diverse data. / Området kunskapsgrafer har växt mycket under de senaste åren och har många olika tillämpningar både inom akademiska och industriella områden. Trots denna tillväxt så är många kunskapsgrafer ofullständiga, vilket leder till problemet att hitta den faktan i kunskapsgraferna som saknas genom något som kallas länkförutsägelser. Det finns många olika metoder för att göra länkförutägelser, men den populäraste metoden som uppkommit de senaste åren är att använda maskininlärning för att lära in lågdimensionerade representationer av kunskapsgrafen i något som kallas kunskapsgrafsinbäddningar. I det här projektet försöker vi ta reda på om den här metoden går att använda för att ge förslag för företag som vill expandera och etablera sig på nya marknader. För att testa om detta är möjligt byggdes en kunskapsgraf med hjälp av data från öppna källor. Sedan fick olika kunskapsgrafsinbäddningsmodeller träna på data från kunskapsgrafen för att sedan kunna hitta fakta i grafen som saknades. De olika modellerna jämfördes sedan för att se vilken som var mest lämplig för att klara av uppgiften på vår kunskapsgraf. De modeller som är geometribaserade visade sig prestera bäst, bland dom fanns modeller som TransE, TransR och RotatE. Resultaten från projektet visar på att metoden är användbar för uppgiften att ge förslag om områden som ett företag kan expandera till. Dock skulle detta behöva undersökas mer med en större mer mångfaldig mängd data för att vara säker på att detta går att använda i fler marknadsområden än dem som ingick i projektet.

HackerGraph : Creating a knowledge graph for security assessment of AWS systems

Stournaras, Alexios January 2023 (has links)
With the rapid adoption of cloud technologies, organizations have benefited from improved scalability, cost efficiency, and flexibility. However, this shift towards cloud computing has raised concerns about the safety and security of sensitive data and applications. Security engineers face significant challenges in protecting cloud environments due to their dynamic nature and complex infrastructures. Traditional security approaches, such as attack graphs that showcase attack vectors in given network topologies, often fall short of capturing the intricate relationships and dependencies of cloud environments. Knowledge graphs, essentially a knowledge base with a directed graph structure, are an alternative to attack graphs. They comprehensively represent contextual information such as network topology information and vulnerabilities, as well as the relationships between all of the entities. By leveraging knowledge graphs’ inherent flexibility and scalability, security engineers can gain deeper insights into the complex interconnections within cloud systems, enabling more effective threat analysis and mitigation strategies. This thesis involves the development of a new tool, HackerGraph, specifically designed to utilize knowledge graphs for cloud security. The tool integrates data from various other tools, gathering information about the cloud system’s architecture and its vulnerabilities and weaknesses. By analyzing and modeling the information using a knowledge graph, the tool provides a holistic view of the cloud ecosystem, identifying potential vulnerabilities, attack vectors, and areas of concern. The results are compared to modern stateof-the-art tools, both in the area of attack graphs and knowledge graphs, and we prove that more information and more attack paths in vulnerable by-design scenarios can be provided. We also discuss how this technology can evolve, to better handle the intricacies of cloud systems and help security engineers in fully protecting their complicated cloud systems. / Organisationers snabba anammande av molnteknologier har låtit dem dra nytta förbättrad skalbarhet, kostnadseffektivitet och flexibilitet. Däremot har detta skifte också lett till nya säkerhetsproblem, speciellt gällande applikationer och behandlingen av känslig information. Molnmiljöers dynamiska natur och komplexa problem skapar markanta problem för de säkerhetstekniker som ansvarar för att skydda miljön. Den typ av invecklade förhållanden som finns i molnet fångas däremot sällan av traditionella säkerhetsmetoder, såsom attackgrafer. Ett alternativ till attackgrafer är därför kunskapsgrafer som utförligt kan representera kontextuell information, förhållanden och domänspecifik kunskap. Genom kunskapsgrafernas naturliga flexibilitet och skalbarhet skulle säkerhetsteknikerna kunna få djupare insikter kring de komplexa förhållanden som råder i molnmiljöer för att på ett mer effektivt sätt analysera hot och hur de kan förebyggas. Det här arbetet involverar därför utvecklingen av ett nytt verktyg specifikt designat för att använda kunskapsgrafer, nämligen HackerGraph. Verktyget integrerar data från flera andra verktyg som samlar information om molnmiljöers arkitektur samt deras sårbarheter eller svagheter. Genom att analysera och modellera informationen som en kunskapsgraf skapar verktyget en holistisk bild av molnekosystemet som kan identifiera potentiella sårbarheter, attackvektorer eller andra problemområden. Resultaten jämförs sedan med moderna verktyg inom både attack- och kunskapsgrafer. Vi bevisar därmed både hur mer information och fler attackvägar kan tillhandahållas från scenarion som är sårbara per design. Vi diskuterar också hur den här teknologin kan utvecklas för att bättre hantera molnmiljöers komplexitet samt hur den kan hjälpa säkerhetstekniker att skydda sina komplicerade molnmiljöer.

Hybridní hluboké metody pro automatické odpovídání na otázky / Hybrid Deep Question Answering

Aghaebrahimian, Ahmad January 2019 (has links)
Title: Hybrid Deep Question Answering Author: Ahmad Aghaebrahimian Institute: Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Supervisor: RNDr. Martin Holub, Ph.D., Institute of Formal and Applied Lin- guistics Abstract: As one of the oldest tasks of Natural Language Processing, Question Answering is one of the most exciting and challenging research areas with lots of scientific and commercial applications. Question Answering as a discipline in the conjunction of computer science, statistics, linguistics, and cognitive science is concerned with building systems that automatically retrieve answers to ques- tions posed by humans in a natural language. This doctoral dissertation presents the author's research carried out in this discipline. It highlights his studies and research toward a hybrid Question Answering system consisting of two engines for Question Answering over structured and unstructured data. The structured engine comprises a state-of-the-art Question Answering system based on knowl- edge graphs. The unstructured engine consists of a state-of-the-art sentence-level Question Answering system and a word-level Question Answering system with results near to human performance. This work introduces a new Question An- swering dataset for answering word- and sentence-level questions as well. Start- ing from a...

Prioritizing Causative Genomic Variants by Integrating Molecular and Functional Annotations from Multiple Biomedical Ontologies

Althagafi, Azza Th. 20 July 2023 (has links)
Whole-exome and genome sequencing are widely used to diagnose individual patients. However, despite its success, this approach leaves many patients undiagnosed. This could be due to the need to discover more disease genes and variants or because disease phenotypes are novel and arise from a combination of variants of multiple known genes related to the disease. Recent rapid increases in available genomic, biomedical, and phenotypic data enable computational analyses, reducing the search space for disease-causing genes or variants and facilitating the prediction of causal variants. Therefore, artificial intelligence, data mining, machine learning, and deep learning are essential tools that have been used to identify biological interactions, including protein-protein interactions, gene-disease predictions, and variant--disease associations. Predicting these biological associations is a critical step in diagnosing patients with rare or complex diseases. In recent years, computational methods have emerged to improve gene-disease prioritization by incorporating phenotype information. These methods evaluate a patient's phenotype against a database of gene-phenotype associations to identify the closest match. However, inadequate knowledge of phenotypes linked with specific genes in humans and model organisms limits the effectiveness of the prediction. Information about gene product functions and anatomical locations of gene expression is accessible for many genes and can be associated with phenotypes through ontologies and machine-learning models. Incorporating this information can enhance gene-disease prioritization methods and more accurately identify potential disease-causing genes. This dissertation aims to address key limitations in gene-disease prediction and variant prioritization by developing computational methods that systematically relate human phenotypes that arise as a consequence of the loss or change of gene function to gene functions and anatomical and cellular locations of activity. To achieve this objective, this work focuses on crucial problems in the causative variant prioritization pipeline and presents novel computational methods that significantly improve prediction performance by leveraging large background knowledge data and integrating multiple techniques. Therefore, this dissertation presents novel approaches that utilize graph-based machine-learning techniques to leverage biomedical ontologies and linked biological data as background knowledge graphs. The methods employ representation learning with knowledge graphs and introduce generic models that address computational problems in gene-disease associations and variant prioritization. I demonstrate that my approach is capable of compensating for incomplete information in public databases and efficiently integrating with other biomedical data for similar prediction tasks. Moreover, my methods outperform other relevant approaches that rely on manually crafted features and laborious pre-processing. I systematically evaluate our methods and illustrate their potential applications for data analytics in biomedicine. Finally, I demonstrate how our prediction tools can be used in the clinic to assist geneticists in decision-making. In summary, this dissertation contributes to the development of more effective methods for predicting disease-causing variants and advancing precision medicine.

Ontology-Driven, Guided Visualisation Supporting Explicit and Composable Mappings / Ontologie-getriebene, geführte Visualisierung mit expliziten und komponierbaren Abbildungen

Polowinski, Jan 08 November 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Data masses on the World Wide Web can hardly be managed by humans or machines. One option is the formal description and linking of data sources using Semantic Web and Linked Data technologies. Ontologies written in standardised languages foster the sharing and linking of data as they provide a means to formally define concepts and relations between these concepts. A second option is visualisation. The visual representation allows humans to perceive information more directly, using the highly developed visual sense. Relatively few efforts have been made on combining both options, although the formality and rich semantics of ontological data make it an ideal candidate for visualisation. Advanced visualisation design systems support the visualisation of tabular, typically statistical data. However, visualisations of ontological data still have to be created manually, since automated solutions are often limited to generic lists or node-link diagrams. Also, the semantics of ontological data are not exploited for guiding users through visualisation tasks. Finally, once a good visualisation setting has been created, it cannot easily be reused and shared. Trying to tackle these problems, we had to answer how to define composable and shareable mappings from ontological data to visual means and how to guide the visual mapping of ontological data. We present an approach that allows for the guided visualisation of ontological data, the creation of effective graphics and the reuse of visualisation settings. Instead of generic graphics, we aim at tailor-made graphics, produced using the whole palette of visual means in a flexible, bottom-up approach. It not only allows for visualising ontologies, but uses ontologies to guide users when visualising data and to drive the visualisation process at various places: First, as a rich source of information on data characteristics, second, as a means to formally describe the vocabulary for building abstract graphics, and third, as a knowledge base of facts on visualisation. This is why we call our approach ontology-driven. We suggest generating an Abstract Visual Model (AVM) to represent and »synthesise« a graphic following a role-based approach, inspired by the one used by J. v. Engelhardt for the analysis of graphics. It consists of graphic objects and relations formalised in the Visualisation Ontology (VISO). A mappings model, based on the declarative RDFS/OWL Visualisation Language (RVL), determines a set of transformations from the domain data to the AVM. RVL allows for composable visual mappings that can be shared and reused across platforms. To guide the user, for example, we discourage the construction of mappings that are suboptimal according to an effectiveness ranking formalised in the fact base and suggest more effective mappings instead. The guidance process is flexible, since it is based on exchangeable rules. VISO, RVL and the AVM are additional contributions of this thesis. Further, we initially analysed the state of the art in visualisation and RDF-presentation comparing 10 approaches by 29 criteria. Our approach is unique because it combines ontology-driven guidance with composable visual mappings. Finally, we compare three prototypes covering the essential parts of our approach to show its feasibility. We show how the mapping process can be supported by tools displaying warning messages for non-optimal visual mappings, e.g., by considering relation characteristics such as »symmetry«. In a constructive evaluation, we challenge both the RVL language and the latest prototype trying to regenerate sketches of graphics we created manually during analysis. We demonstrate how graphics can be varied and complex mappings can be composed from simple ones. Two thirds of the sketches can be almost or completely specified and half of them can be almost or completely implemented. / Datenmassen im World Wide Web können kaum von Menschen oder Maschinen erfasst werden. Eine Option ist die formale Beschreibung und Verknüpfung von Datenquellen mit Semantic-Web- und Linked-Data-Technologien. Ontologien, in standardisierten Sprachen geschrieben, befördern das Teilen und Verknüpfen von Daten, da sie ein Mittel zur formalen Definition von Konzepten und Beziehungen zwischen diesen Konzepten darstellen. Eine zweite Option ist die Visualisierung. Die visuelle Repräsentation ermöglicht es dem Menschen, Informationen direkter wahrzunehmen, indem er seinen hochentwickelten Sehsinn verwendet. Relativ wenige Anstrengungen wurden unternommen, um beide Optionen zu kombinieren, obwohl die Formalität und die reichhaltige Semantik ontologische Daten zu einem idealen Kandidaten für die Visualisierung machen. Visualisierungsdesignsysteme unterstützen Nutzer bei der Visualisierung von tabellarischen, typischerweise statistischen Daten. Visualisierungen ontologischer Daten jedoch müssen noch manuell erstellt werden, da automatisierte Lösungen häufig auf generische Listendarstellungen oder Knoten-Kanten-Diagramme beschränkt sind. Auch die Semantik der ontologischen Daten wird nicht ausgenutzt, um Benutzer durch Visualisierungsaufgaben zu führen. Einmal erstellte Visualisierungseinstellungen können nicht einfach wiederverwendet und geteilt werden. Um diese Probleme zu lösen, mussten wir eine Antwort darauf finden, wie die Definition komponierbarer und wiederverwendbarer Abbildungen von ontologischen Daten auf visuelle Mittel geschehen könnte und wie Nutzer bei dieser Abbildung geführt werden könnten. Wir stellen einen Ansatz vor, der die geführte Visualisierung von ontologischen Daten, die Erstellung effektiver Grafiken und die Wiederverwendung von Visualisierungseinstellungen ermöglicht. Statt auf generische Grafiken zielt der Ansatz auf maßgeschneiderte Grafiken ab, die mit der gesamten Palette visueller Mittel in einem flexiblen Bottom-Up-Ansatz erstellt werden. Er erlaubt nicht nur die Visualisierung von Ontologien, sondern verwendet auch Ontologien, um Benutzer bei der Visualisierung von Daten zu führen und den Visualisierungsprozess an verschiedenen Stellen zu steuern: Erstens als eine reichhaltige Informationsquelle zu Datencharakteristiken, zweitens als Mittel zur formalen Beschreibung des Vokabulars für den Aufbau von abstrakten Grafiken und drittens als Wissensbasis von Visualisierungsfakten. Deshalb nennen wir unseren Ansatz ontologie-getrieben. Wir schlagen vor, ein Abstract Visual Model (AVM) zu generieren, um eine Grafik rollenbasiert zu synthetisieren, angelehnt an einen Ansatz der von J. v. Engelhardt verwendet wird, um Grafiken zu analysieren. Das AVM besteht aus grafischen Objekten und Relationen, die in der Visualisation Ontology (VISO) formalisiert sind. Ein Mapping-Modell, das auf der deklarativen RDFS/OWL Visualisation Language (RVL) basiert, bestimmt eine Menge von Transformationen von den Quelldaten zum AVM. RVL ermöglicht zusammensetzbare »Mappings«, visuelle Abbildungen, die über Plattformen hinweg geteilt und wiederverwendet werden können. Um den Benutzer zu führen, bewerten wir Mappings anhand eines in der Faktenbasis formalisierten Effektivitätsrankings und schlagen ggf. effektivere Mappings vor. Der Beratungsprozess ist flexibel, da er auf austauschbaren Regeln basiert. VISO, RVL und das AVM sind weitere Beiträge dieser Arbeit. Darüber hinaus analysieren wir zunächst den Stand der Technik in der Visualisierung und RDF-Präsentation, indem wir 10 Ansätze nach 29 Kriterien vergleichen. Unser Ansatz ist einzigartig, da er eine ontologie-getriebene Nutzerführung mit komponierbaren visuellen Mappings vereint. Schließlich vergleichen wir drei Prototypen, welche die wesentlichen Teile unseres Ansatzes umsetzen, um seine Machbarkeit zu zeigen. Wir zeigen, wie der Mapping-Prozess durch Tools unterstützt werden kann, die Warnmeldungen für nicht optimale visuelle Abbildungen anzeigen, z. B. durch Berücksichtigung von Charakteristiken der Relationen wie »Symmetrie«. In einer konstruktiven Evaluation fordern wir sowohl die RVL-Sprache als auch den neuesten Prototyp heraus, indem wir versuchen Skizzen von Grafiken umzusetzen, die wir während der Analyse manuell erstellt haben. Wir zeigen, wie Grafiken variiert werden können und komplexe Mappings aus einfachen zusammengesetzt werden können. Zwei Drittel der Skizzen können fast vollständig oder vollständig spezifiziert werden und die Hälfte kann fast vollständig oder vollständig umgesetzt werden.

Ontology-Driven, Guided Visualisation Supporting Explicit and Composable Mappings

Polowinski, Jan 20 January 2017 (has links)
Data masses on the World Wide Web can hardly be managed by humans or machines. One option is the formal description and linking of data sources using Semantic Web and Linked Data technologies. Ontologies written in standardised languages foster the sharing and linking of data as they provide a means to formally define concepts and relations between these concepts. A second option is visualisation. The visual representation allows humans to perceive information more directly, using the highly developed visual sense. Relatively few efforts have been made on combining both options, although the formality and rich semantics of ontological data make it an ideal candidate for visualisation. Advanced visualisation design systems support the visualisation of tabular, typically statistical data. However, visualisations of ontological data still have to be created manually, since automated solutions are often limited to generic lists or node-link diagrams. Also, the semantics of ontological data are not exploited for guiding users through visualisation tasks. Finally, once a good visualisation setting has been created, it cannot easily be reused and shared. Trying to tackle these problems, we had to answer how to define composable and shareable mappings from ontological data to visual means and how to guide the visual mapping of ontological data. We present an approach that allows for the guided visualisation of ontological data, the creation of effective graphics and the reuse of visualisation settings. Instead of generic graphics, we aim at tailor-made graphics, produced using the whole palette of visual means in a flexible, bottom-up approach. It not only allows for visualising ontologies, but uses ontologies to guide users when visualising data and to drive the visualisation process at various places: First, as a rich source of information on data characteristics, second, as a means to formally describe the vocabulary for building abstract graphics, and third, as a knowledge base of facts on visualisation. This is why we call our approach ontology-driven. We suggest generating an Abstract Visual Model (AVM) to represent and »synthesise« a graphic following a role-based approach, inspired by the one used by J. v. Engelhardt for the analysis of graphics. It consists of graphic objects and relations formalised in the Visualisation Ontology (VISO). A mappings model, based on the declarative RDFS/OWL Visualisation Language (RVL), determines a set of transformations from the domain data to the AVM. RVL allows for composable visual mappings that can be shared and reused across platforms. To guide the user, for example, we discourage the construction of mappings that are suboptimal according to an effectiveness ranking formalised in the fact base and suggest more effective mappings instead. The guidance process is flexible, since it is based on exchangeable rules. VISO, RVL and the AVM are additional contributions of this thesis. Further, we initially analysed the state of the art in visualisation and RDF-presentation comparing 10 approaches by 29 criteria. Our approach is unique because it combines ontology-driven guidance with composable visual mappings. Finally, we compare three prototypes covering the essential parts of our approach to show its feasibility. We show how the mapping process can be supported by tools displaying warning messages for non-optimal visual mappings, e.g., by considering relation characteristics such as »symmetry«. In a constructive evaluation, we challenge both the RVL language and the latest prototype trying to regenerate sketches of graphics we created manually during analysis. We demonstrate how graphics can be varied and complex mappings can be composed from simple ones. Two thirds of the sketches can be almost or completely specified and half of them can be almost or completely implemented.:Legend and Overview of Prefixes xiii 1 Introduction 1 2 Background 11 2.1 Visualisation 11 2.1.1 What is Visualisation? 11 2.1.2 What are the Benefits of Visualisation? 12 2.1.3 Visualisation Related Terms Used in this Thesis 12 2.1.4 Visualisation Models and Architectural Patterns 12 2.1.5 Visualisation Design Systems 14 2.1.6 What is the Difference between Visual Mapping and Styling? 14 2.1.7 Lessons Learned from Style Sheet Languages 15 2.2 Data 16 2.2.1 Data – Information – Knowledge 17 2.2.2 Structured Data 17 2.2.3 Ontologies in Computer Science 19 2.2.4 The Semantic Web and its Languages 19 2.2.5 Linked Data and Open Data 20 2.2.6 The Metamodelling Technological Space 21 2.2.7 SPIN 21 2.3 Guidance 22 2.3.1 Guidance in Visualisation 22 3 Problem Analysis 23 3.1 Problems of Ontology Visualisation Approaches 24 3.2 Research Questions 25 3.3 Set up of the Case Studies 25 3.3.1 Case Studies in the Life Sciences Domain 26 3.3.2 Case Studies in the Publishing Domain 26 3.3.3 Case Studies in the Software Technology Domain 27 3.4 Analysis of the Case Studies’ Ontologies 27 3.5 Manual Sketching of Graphics 29 3.6 Analysis of the Graphics for Typical Visualisation Cases 29 3.7 Requirements 33 3.7.1 Requirements for Visualisation and Interaction 34 3.7.2 Requirements for Data Awareness 34 3.7.3 Requirements for Reuse and Composition 34 3.7.4 Requirements for Variability 35 3.7.5 Requirements for Tooling Support and Guidance 35 3.7.6 Optional Features and Limitations 36 4 Analysis of the State of the Art 37 4.1 Related Visualisation Approaches 38 4.1.1 Short Overview of the Approaches 38 4.1.2 Detailed Comparison by Criteria 46 4.1.3 Conclusion – What Is Still Missing? 60 4.2 Visualisation Languages 62 4.2.1 Short Overview of the Compared Languages 62 4.2.2 Detailed Comparison by Language Criteria 66 4.2.3 Conclusion – What Is Still Missing? 71 4.3 RDF Presentation Languages 72 4.3.1 Short Overview of the Compared Languages 72 4.3.2 Detailed Comparison by Language Criteria 76 4.3.3 Additional Criteria for RDF Display Languages 87 4.3.4 Conclusion – What Is Still Missing? 89 4.4 Model-Driven Interfaces 90 4.4.1 Metamodel-Driven Interfaces 90 4.4.2 Ontology-Driven Interfaces 92 4.4.3 Combined Usage of the Metamodelling and Ontology Technological Space 94 5 A Visualisation Ontology – VISO 97 5.1 Methodology Used for Ontology Creation 100 5.2 Requirements for a Visualisation Ontology 100 5.3 Existing Approaches to Modelling in the Field of Visualisation 101 5.3.1 Terminologies and Taxonomies 101 5.3.2 Existing Visualisation Ontologies 102 5.3.3 Other Visualisation Models and Approaches to Formalisation 103 5.3.4 Summary 103 5.4 Technical Aspects of VISO 103 5.5 VISO/graphic Module – Graphic Vocabulary 104 5.5.1 Graphic Representations and Graphic Objects 105 5.5.2 Graphic Relations and Syntactic Structures 107 5.6 VISO/data Module – Characterising Data 110 5.6.1 Data Structure and Characteristics of Relations 110 5.6.2 The Scale of Measurement and Units 112 5.6.3 Properties for Characterising Data Variables in Statistical Data 113 5.7 VISO/facts Module – Facts for Vis. Constraints and Rules 115 5.7.1 Expressiveness of Graphic Relations 116 5.7.2 Effectiveness Ranking of Graphic Relations 118 5.7.3 Rules for Composing Graphics 119 5.7.4 Other Rules to Consider for Visual Mapping 124 5.7.5 Providing Named Value Collections 124 5.7.6 Existing Approaches to the Formalisation of Visualisation Knowledge . . 126 5.7.7 The VISO/facts/empiric Example Knowledge Base 126 5.8 Other VISO Modules 126 5.9 Conclusions and Future Work 127 5.10 Further Use Cases for VISO 127 5.11 VISO on the Web – Sharing the Vocabulary to Build a Community 128 6 A VISO-Based Abstract Visual Model – AVM 129 6.1 Graphical Notation Used in this Chapter 129 6.2 Elementary Graphic Objects and Graphic Attributes 131 6.3 N-Ary Relations 131 6.4 Binary Relations 131 6.5 Composition of Graphic Objects Using Roles 132 6.6 Composition of Graphic Relations Using Roles 132 6.7 Composition of Visual Mappings Using the AVM 135 6.8 Tracing 135 6.9 Is it Worth Having an Abstract Visual Model? 135 6.10 Discussion of Fresnel as a Related Language 137 6.11 Related Work 139 6.12 Limitations 139 6.13 Conclusions 140 7 A Language for RDFS/OWL Visualisation – RVL 141 7.1 Language Requirements 142 7.2 Main RVL Constructs 145 7.2.1 Mapping 145 7.2.2 Property Mapping 146 7.2.3 Identity Mapping 146 7.2.4 Value Mapping 147 7.2.5 Inheriting RVL Settings 147 7.2.6 Resource Mapping 148 7.2.7 Simplifications 149 7.3 Calculating Value Mappings 150 7.4 Defining Scale of Measurement 153 7.4.1 Determining the Scale of Measurement 154 7.5 Addressing Values in Value Mappings 156 7.5.1 Determining the Set of Addressed Source Values 156 7.5.2 Determining the Set of Addressed Target Values 157 7.6 Overlapping Value Mappings 158 7.7 Default Value Mapping 158 7.8 Default Labelling 159 7.9 Defining Interaction 159 7.10 Mapping Composition and Submappings 160 7.11 A Schema Language for RVL 160 7.11.1 Concrete Examples of the RVL Schema 163 7.12 Conclusions and Future Work 166 8 The OGVIC Approach 169 8.1 Ontology-Driven, Guided Editing of Visual Mappings 172 8.1.1 Classification of Constraints 172 8.1.2 Levels of Guidance 173 8.1.3 Implementing Constraint-Based Guidance 173 8.2 Support of Explicit and Composable Visual Mappings 177 8.2.1 Mapping Composition Cases 178 8.2.2 Selecting a Context 180 8.2.3 Using the Same Graphic Relation Multiple Times 181 8.3 Prototype P1 (TopBraid-Composer-based) 182 8.4 Prototype P2 (OntoWiki-based) 184 8.5 Prototype P3 (Java Implementation of RVL) 187 8.6 Lessons Learned from Prototypes & Future Work 190 8.6.1 Checking RVL Constraints and Visualisation Rules 190 8.6.2 A User Interface for Editing RVL Mappings 190 8.6.3 Graph Transformations with SPIN and SPARQL 1.1 Update 192 8.6.4 Selection and Filtering of Data 193 8.6.5 Interactivity and Incremental Processing 193 8.6.6 Rendering the Final Platform-Specific Code 196 9 Application 197 9.1 Coverage of Case Study Sketches and Necessary Features 198 9.2 Coverage of Visualisation Cases 201 9.3 Coverage of Requirements 205 9.4 Full Example 206 10 Conclusions 211 10.1 Contributions 211 10.2 Constructive Evaluation 212 10.3 Research Questions 213 10.4 Transfer to Other Models and Constraint Languages 213 10.5 Limitations 214 10.6 Future Work 214 Appendices 217 A Case Study Sketches 219 B VISO – Comparison of Visualisation Literature 229 C RVL 231 D RVL Example Mappings and Application 233 D.1 Listings of RVL Example Mappings as Required by Prototype P3 233 D.2 Features Required for Implementing all Sketches 235 D.3 JSON Format for Processing the AVM with D3 – Hierarchical Variant 238 Bibliography 238 List of Figures 251 List of Tables 254 List of Listings 257 / Datenmassen im World Wide Web können kaum von Menschen oder Maschinen erfasst werden. Eine Option ist die formale Beschreibung und Verknüpfung von Datenquellen mit Semantic-Web- und Linked-Data-Technologien. Ontologien, in standardisierten Sprachen geschrieben, befördern das Teilen und Verknüpfen von Daten, da sie ein Mittel zur formalen Definition von Konzepten und Beziehungen zwischen diesen Konzepten darstellen. Eine zweite Option ist die Visualisierung. Die visuelle Repräsentation ermöglicht es dem Menschen, Informationen direkter wahrzunehmen, indem er seinen hochentwickelten Sehsinn verwendet. Relativ wenige Anstrengungen wurden unternommen, um beide Optionen zu kombinieren, obwohl die Formalität und die reichhaltige Semantik ontologische Daten zu einem idealen Kandidaten für die Visualisierung machen. Visualisierungsdesignsysteme unterstützen Nutzer bei der Visualisierung von tabellarischen, typischerweise statistischen Daten. Visualisierungen ontologischer Daten jedoch müssen noch manuell erstellt werden, da automatisierte Lösungen häufig auf generische Listendarstellungen oder Knoten-Kanten-Diagramme beschränkt sind. Auch die Semantik der ontologischen Daten wird nicht ausgenutzt, um Benutzer durch Visualisierungsaufgaben zu führen. Einmal erstellte Visualisierungseinstellungen können nicht einfach wiederverwendet und geteilt werden. Um diese Probleme zu lösen, mussten wir eine Antwort darauf finden, wie die Definition komponierbarer und wiederverwendbarer Abbildungen von ontologischen Daten auf visuelle Mittel geschehen könnte und wie Nutzer bei dieser Abbildung geführt werden könnten. Wir stellen einen Ansatz vor, der die geführte Visualisierung von ontologischen Daten, die Erstellung effektiver Grafiken und die Wiederverwendung von Visualisierungseinstellungen ermöglicht. Statt auf generische Grafiken zielt der Ansatz auf maßgeschneiderte Grafiken ab, die mit der gesamten Palette visueller Mittel in einem flexiblen Bottom-Up-Ansatz erstellt werden. Er erlaubt nicht nur die Visualisierung von Ontologien, sondern verwendet auch Ontologien, um Benutzer bei der Visualisierung von Daten zu führen und den Visualisierungsprozess an verschiedenen Stellen zu steuern: Erstens als eine reichhaltige Informationsquelle zu Datencharakteristiken, zweitens als Mittel zur formalen Beschreibung des Vokabulars für den Aufbau von abstrakten Grafiken und drittens als Wissensbasis von Visualisierungsfakten. Deshalb nennen wir unseren Ansatz ontologie-getrieben. Wir schlagen vor, ein Abstract Visual Model (AVM) zu generieren, um eine Grafik rollenbasiert zu synthetisieren, angelehnt an einen Ansatz der von J. v. Engelhardt verwendet wird, um Grafiken zu analysieren. Das AVM besteht aus grafischen Objekten und Relationen, die in der Visualisation Ontology (VISO) formalisiert sind. Ein Mapping-Modell, das auf der deklarativen RDFS/OWL Visualisation Language (RVL) basiert, bestimmt eine Menge von Transformationen von den Quelldaten zum AVM. RVL ermöglicht zusammensetzbare »Mappings«, visuelle Abbildungen, die über Plattformen hinweg geteilt und wiederverwendet werden können. Um den Benutzer zu führen, bewerten wir Mappings anhand eines in der Faktenbasis formalisierten Effektivitätsrankings und schlagen ggf. effektivere Mappings vor. Der Beratungsprozess ist flexibel, da er auf austauschbaren Regeln basiert. VISO, RVL und das AVM sind weitere Beiträge dieser Arbeit. Darüber hinaus analysieren wir zunächst den Stand der Technik in der Visualisierung und RDF-Präsentation, indem wir 10 Ansätze nach 29 Kriterien vergleichen. Unser Ansatz ist einzigartig, da er eine ontologie-getriebene Nutzerführung mit komponierbaren visuellen Mappings vereint. Schließlich vergleichen wir drei Prototypen, welche die wesentlichen Teile unseres Ansatzes umsetzen, um seine Machbarkeit zu zeigen. Wir zeigen, wie der Mapping-Prozess durch Tools unterstützt werden kann, die Warnmeldungen für nicht optimale visuelle Abbildungen anzeigen, z. B. durch Berücksichtigung von Charakteristiken der Relationen wie »Symmetrie«. In einer konstruktiven Evaluation fordern wir sowohl die RVL-Sprache als auch den neuesten Prototyp heraus, indem wir versuchen Skizzen von Grafiken umzusetzen, die wir während der Analyse manuell erstellt haben. Wir zeigen, wie Grafiken variiert werden können und komplexe Mappings aus einfachen zusammengesetzt werden können. Zwei Drittel der Skizzen können fast vollständig oder vollständig spezifiziert werden und die Hälfte kann fast vollständig oder vollständig umgesetzt werden.:Legend and Overview of Prefixes xiii 1 Introduction 1 2 Background 11 2.1 Visualisation 11 2.1.1 What is Visualisation? 11 2.1.2 What are the Benefits of Visualisation? 12 2.1.3 Visualisation Related Terms Used in this Thesis 12 2.1.4 Visualisation Models and Architectural Patterns 12 2.1.5 Visualisation Design Systems 14 2.1.6 What is the Difference between Visual Mapping and Styling? 14 2.1.7 Lessons Learned from Style Sheet Languages 15 2.2 Data 16 2.2.1 Data – Information – Knowledge 17 2.2.2 Structured Data 17 2.2.3 Ontologies in Computer Science 19 2.2.4 The Semantic Web and its Languages 19 2.2.5 Linked Data and Open Data 20 2.2.6 The Metamodelling Technological Space 21 2.2.7 SPIN 21 2.3 Guidance 22 2.3.1 Guidance in Visualisation 22 3 Problem Analysis 23 3.1 Problems of Ontology Visualisation Approaches 24 3.2 Research Questions 25 3.3 Set up of the Case Studies 25 3.3.1 Case Studies in the Life Sciences Domain 26 3.3.2 Case Studies in the Publishing Domain 26 3.3.3 Case Studies in the Software Technology Domain 27 3.4 Analysis of the Case Studies’ Ontologies 27 3.5 Manual Sketching of Graphics 29 3.6 Analysis of the Graphics for Typical Visualisation Cases 29 3.7 Requirements 33 3.7.1 Requirements for Visualisation and Interaction 34 3.7.2 Requirements for Data Awareness 34 3.7.3 Requirements for Reuse and Composition 34 3.7.4 Requirements for Variability 35 3.7.5 Requirements for Tooling Support and Guidance 35 3.7.6 Optional Features and Limitations 36 4 Analysis of the State of the Art 37 4.1 Related Visualisation Approaches 38 4.1.1 Short Overview of the Approaches 38 4.1.2 Detailed Comparison by Criteria 46 4.1.3 Conclusion – What Is Still Missing? 60 4.2 Visualisation Languages 62 4.2.1 Short Overview of the Compared Languages 62 4.2.2 Detailed Comparison by Language Criteria 66 4.2.3 Conclusion – What Is Still Missing? 71 4.3 RDF Presentation Languages 72 4.3.1 Short Overview of the Compared Languages 72 4.3.2 Detailed Comparison by Language Criteria 76 4.3.3 Additional Criteria for RDF Display Languages 87 4.3.4 Conclusion – What Is Still Missing? 89 4.4 Model-Driven Interfaces 90 4.4.1 Metamodel-Driven Interfaces 90 4.4.2 Ontology-Driven Interfaces 92 4.4.3 Combined Usage of the Metamodelling and Ontology Technological Space 94 5 A Visualisation Ontology – VISO 97 5.1 Methodology Used for Ontology Creation 100 5.2 Requirements for a Visualisation Ontology 100 5.3 Existing Approaches to Modelling in the Field of Visualisation 101 5.3.1 Terminologies and Taxonomies 101 5.3.2 Existing Visualisation Ontologies 102 5.3.3 Other Visualisation Models and Approaches to Formalisation 103 5.3.4 Summary 103 5.4 Technical Aspects of VISO 103 5.5 VISO/graphic Module – Graphic Vocabulary 104 5.5.1 Graphic Representations and Graphic Objects 105 5.5.2 Graphic Relations and Syntactic Structures 107 5.6 VISO/data Module – Characterising Data 110 5.6.1 Data Structure and Characteristics of Relations 110 5.6.2 The Scale of Measurement and Units 112 5.6.3 Properties for Characterising Data Variables in Statistical Data 113 5.7 VISO/facts Module – Facts for Vis. Constraints and Rules 115 5.7.1 Expressiveness of Graphic Relations 116 5.7.2 Effectiveness Ranking of Graphic Relations 118 5.7.3 Rules for Composing Graphics 119 5.7.4 Other Rules to Consider for Visual Mapping 124 5.7.5 Providing Named Value Collections 124 5.7.6 Existing Approaches to the Formalisation of Visualisation Knowledge . . 126 5.7.7 The VISO/facts/empiric Example Knowledge Base 126 5.8 Other VISO Modules 126 5.9 Conclusions and Future Work 127 5.10 Further Use Cases for VISO 127 5.11 VISO on the Web – Sharing the Vocabulary to Build a Community 128 6 A VISO-Based Abstract Visual Model – AVM 129 6.1 Graphical Notation Used in this Chapter 129 6.2 Elementary Graphic Objects and Graphic Attributes 131 6.3 N-Ary Relations 131 6.4 Binary Relations 131 6.5 Composition of Graphic Objects Using Roles 132 6.6 Composition of Graphic Relations Using Roles 132 6.7 Composition of Visual Mappings Using the AVM 135 6.8 Tracing 135 6.9 Is it Worth Having an Abstract Visual Model? 135 6.10 Discussion of Fresnel as a Related Language 137 6.11 Related Work 139 6.12 Limitations 139 6.13 Conclusions 140 7 A Language for RDFS/OWL Visualisation – RVL 141 7.1 Language Requirements 142 7.2 Main RVL Constructs 145 7.2.1 Mapping 145 7.2.2 Property Mapping 146 7.2.3 Identity Mapping 146 7.2.4 Value Mapping 147 7.2.5 Inheriting RVL Settings 147 7.2.6 Resource Mapping 148 7.2.7 Simplifications 149 7.3 Calculating Value Mappings 150 7.4 Defining Scale of Measurement 153 7.4.1 Determining the Scale of Measurement 154 7.5 Addressing Values in Value Mappings 156 7.5.1 Determining the Set of Addressed Source Values 156 7.5.2 Determining the Set of Addressed Target Values 157 7.6 Overlapping Value Mappings 158 7.7 Default Value Mapping 158 7.8 Default Labelling 159 7.9 Defining Interaction 159 7.10 Mapping Composition and Submappings 160 7.11 A Schema Language for RVL 160 7.11.1 Concrete Examples of the RVL Schema 163 7.12 Conclusions and Future Work 166 8 The OGVIC Approach 169 8.1 Ontology-Driven, Guided Editing of Visual Mappings 172 8.1.1 Classification of Constraints 172 8.1.2 Levels of Guidance 173 8.1.3 Implementing Constraint-Based Guidance 173 8.2 Support of Explicit and Composable Visual Mappings 177 8.2.1 Mapping Composition Cases 178 8.2.2 Selecting a Context 180 8.2.3 Using the Same Graphic Relation Multiple Times 181 8.3 Prototype P1 (TopBraid-Composer-based) 182 8.4 Prototype P2 (OntoWiki-based) 184 8.5 Prototype P3 (Java Implementation of RVL) 187 8.6 Lessons Learned from Prototypes & Future Work 190 8.6.1 Checking RVL Constraints and Visualisation Rules 190 8.6.2 A User Interface for Editing RVL Mappings 190 8.6.3 Graph Transformations with SPIN and SPARQL 1.1 Update 192 8.6.4 Selection and Filtering of Data 193 8.6.5 Interactivity and Incremental Processing 193 8.6.6 Rendering the Final Platform-Specific Code 196 9 Application 197 9.1 Coverage of Case Study Sketches and Necessary Features 198 9.2 Coverage of Visualisation Cases 201 9.3 Coverage of Requirements 205 9.4 Full Example 206 10 Conclusions 211 10.1 Contributions 211 10.2 Constructive Evaluation 212 10.3 Research Questions 213 10.4 Transfer to Other Models and Constraint Languages 213 10.5 Limitations 214 10.6 Future Work 214 Appendices 217 A Case Study Sketches 219 B VISO – Comparison of Visualisation Literature 229 C RVL 231 D RVL Example Mappings and Application 233 D.1 Listings of RVL Example Mappings as Required by Prototype P3 233 D.2 Features Required for Implementing all Sketches 235 D.3 JSON Format for Processing the AVM with D3 – Hierarchical Variant 238 Bibliography 238 List of Figures 251 List of Tables 254 List of Listings 257

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