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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Koordination i förändring : En balanserad historia om kunskapsintensiva företag / Coordination in Change : A Balanced Story about Knowledge-intensive Companies

Hofling, Mattias, Ström, Mattias January 2001 (has links)
<p>Background: The dependency on knowledge and competence today is more critical than earlier. Today, companies need to put more effort into identifying and filling knowledge gaps, which can be achieved through mergers and acquisitions. It is important that the companies succeed in coordinating their operations after this process of change. Out of a theoretical point of view it can be argued that companies need to balance between different coordination mechanisms that result in standardized and flexible coordination respectively. </p><p>Purpose: The purpose of this Master Thesis is, in the context of a merger, to investigate and analyze which coordination mechanisms that are used in knowledge-intensive companies, how these coordination mechanisms are combined and what explains the chosen combination. </p><p>Scope: The study has been accomplished through qualitative research with interviews within the consultancy firm Cap Gemini Ernst&Young supplemented by interviews with the IT-consultancies WM-data and DataVis as well as the industrial firm SAAB Bofors Dynamics. </p><p>Results: The combination of coordination mechanisms used has been identified, which has given a possibility to study changes in the balance. The balance of coordination in the consultancy firms has relatively moved towards a higher degree of standardized coordination. We believe this is due to the consultancy firms attempts of raising their productivity with reduced customer adaptation and creativity as a consequence. SAAB, on the other hand, is moving towards a more flexible coordination but from a starting-point with a more standardized coordination in an effort of acheiving a higher degree of customer adaptation and creativity.</p>

Koordination i förändring : En balanserad historia om kunskapsintensiva företag / Coordination in Change : A Balanced Story about Knowledge-intensive Companies

Hofling, Mattias, Ström, Mattias January 2001 (has links)
Background: The dependency on knowledge and competence today is more critical than earlier. Today, companies need to put more effort into identifying and filling knowledge gaps, which can be achieved through mergers and acquisitions. It is important that the companies succeed in coordinating their operations after this process of change. Out of a theoretical point of view it can be argued that companies need to balance between different coordination mechanisms that result in standardized and flexible coordination respectively. Purpose: The purpose of this Master Thesis is, in the context of a merger, to investigate and analyze which coordination mechanisms that are used in knowledge-intensive companies, how these coordination mechanisms are combined and what explains the chosen combination. Scope: The study has been accomplished through qualitative research with interviews within the consultancy firm Cap Gemini Ernst&amp;Young supplemented by interviews with the IT-consultancies WM-data and DataVis as well as the industrial firm SAAB Bofors Dynamics. Results: The combination of coordination mechanisms used has been identified, which has given a possibility to study changes in the balance. The balance of coordination in the consultancy firms has relatively moved towards a higher degree of standardized coordination. We believe this is due to the consultancy firms attempts of raising their productivity with reduced customer adaptation and creativity as a consequence. SAAB, on the other hand, is moving towards a more flexible coordination but from a starting-point with a more standardized coordination in an effort of acheiving a higher degree of customer adaptation and creativity.

Performance Management in Self-Managing Teams : A case study of a knowledge-intensive company

Eriksson, Emelie, Öjersson, Emelie January 2012 (has links)
For many companies, especially the ones that are knowledge-intensive such as consulting companies or service delivery firms, it has been increasingly popular to organize the employees in so called self-managing teams. These teams have proven to increase efficiency as they reduce overhead costs by not having the need of being supervised by a manager. These teams should handle the daily work tasks by themselves as well as make decisions, handle the teams’ development in line with company desires, and work towards greater performance. Furthermore, the teams need to structure the performance management and be able to handle all the activities that are included within that process. Performance management is a process that is designed to improve the overall performance at the company. Activities within the process include goal setting, performance feedback and performance appraisals. All these activities should help the company with structuring a way of getting the right input for giving the suitable rewards to their employees. The team will always be influenced by different factors that will affect the team: both from within the team and from the organization as a whole. Therefor, the purpose of this thesis was to investigate how external factors (within the organization but outside the team) and internal factors have an impact on the self-managing teams within knowledge-intensive companies, and how well they can perform the performance management activities. To be able to answer the purpose, a case study was made at the IT-consulting company Findwise AB. A year ago (Spring 2011), the three development teams at the Stockholm office got organized in more permanent teams. They saw a need of structuring their daily work and therefor they implemented the agile working method Scrum at the office, a working method focusing on iterative and incremental development.  They started to operate more self-managed and a lot of the responsibilities that had been managed outside the team were now integrated towards the team. This fall (2012), the Team Leaders in each team will begin to take over the responsibility for parts of the performance appraisal process, a performance management activity that previously was done by an external manager outside the team.  Furthermore, the team should to a greater extent than before, handle other performance management activities, such as setting goals and giving performance feedback. The case study showed that the following external factors have an impact on the executing of performance management activities within the self-managing teams: external leaders and the information systems. Furthermore, the group beliefs and meeting organizational objectives, roles and responsibilities, and team composition were internal factors that had an impact. During the analysis, it became clear that things that were found in the empirical data collection also affected how effective the performance management activities were executed within the teams. The external factors were the internal processes at the company, which refers to the fact that the team members also have responsibilities outside the team, and the external Project Leaders, which refers to that the teams sometimes uses Project Leaders for the customer projects that are not held permanent within the team. A new internal factor that was found was the various working methods that were used between the development teams. The recommendations given to the case company included the need of setting clear goals that are tangible, as well as having attainable goals connected to a carrier plan. Furthermore, the study showed a need of implementing performance feedback sessions were input from all relevant stakeholders, inside and outside the company, could be gathered. / För många företag, speciellt de som är kunskapsintensiva så som företag inom konsultsektorn eller tjänstesektorn, har det blivit allt mer populärt att organisera de anställda i självorganiserande team. Dessa team har visat sig öka produktiviteten då de minskar overheadkostnader genom att de inte har ett stort behov av att kontrolleras av en ledare eller chef. Dessa team ska kunna hantera dagliga aktiviteter själva och ta de beslut som krävs inom gruppen, men även se till att teamet utvecklas i linje med organisationens önskemål, samt att de arbetar för att ständigt öka prestationen inom gruppen. Dessutom måste teamen arbeta med målstyrningsprocessen och se till att de kan hantera alla de aktiviteter som finns inom denna process. Målstyrning, eller verksamhetsstyrning, är ett samlingsnamn för en process som underlättar möjligheten för ökad prestation inom ett företag. Aktiviteter som ingår inkluderas av målsättning, prestationsfeedback och utvärdering. Dessa aktiviteter kan tillsammans underlätta för organisationen att skapa en struktur som kan ge input för att kunna ge rätt belöning till företagets anställda. Teamen som ska arbeta med dessa aktiviteter kommer alltid influeras av olika faktorer som påverkar hur väl de kan arbeta som ett självgående team och ha möjlighet att arbeta effektivt med tidigare nämnda målstyrningsaktiviteter. Dessa faktorer kan innefatta påverkan internt inom teamet, men även påverkan utanför teamet men inom organisationen. Detta examensarbete hade därför som syfte att studera hur externa faktorer (inom organisationen men utanför teamet) och interna faktorer har en inverkan på självorganiserande team i kunskapsintensiva företag, samt hur detta i sin tur påverkar hur väl de kan utföra målstyrningsaktiviteterna.  För att kunna besvara syftet gjordes en fallstudie på IT-konsultföretaget Findwise AB. Under våren 2011 började de tre utvecklingsteamen på företagets kontor i Stockholm organisera sig i mer permanenta team. De såg ett behov av att få en bättre struktur på det dagliga arbetet och implementerade därför den agila arbetsmetoden Scrum på företaget som går ut på att arbeta inkrementellt där utvecklingslösningarna utförs iterativt. Detta ledde till att teamen började arbeta allt mer självständigt och många av de ansvarsområden som tidigare legat utanför teamen integrerades nu mot teamen. Hösten 2012 kommer teamledarna för varje team börja ta över ansvaret för delar av utvärderingsprocessen, en målstyrningsaktivitet som tidigare har utförts av olika externa ledare utanför teamet. Tanken är även att teamen ska utföra flertalet av de övriga målstyrningsaktiviteterna inom teamet, så som målsättning och ge feedback. Fallstudien visade att de externa ledarna i organisationen samt företagets informationssystem var externa faktorer som hade en inverkan på utförandet av målstyrningsaktiviteterna inom självorganiserande team. Studien visade även att delade värderingar inom gruppen och möjligheten att nå organisationens mål, roller och ansvarsområden samt gruppsammansättning var interna faktorer som hade en påverkan. Under arbetets analysfas upptäcktes även att faktorer som hittades i det empiriska materialet även det hade en påverkan på hur effektivt målstyrningsaktiviteterna kunde utföras inom teamet. Nya externa faktorer som påträffades var så kallande interna processer, vilket syftar till att de anställda i många fall har ansvarsområden utanför teamet, samt att teamen ibland använde sig av externa projektledare under utförandet av kundprojekt. En ny intern faktor som påträffades var att teamen påverkades av att de redan nu hade börjat utveckla olika arbetsmetoder inom gruppen. Studien avslutades med att ge rekommendationer till fallföretaget med information om att de behövde sätta klara och konkreta mål som på ett tydligt sätt gick att koppla till en karriärs- eller utvecklingsplan för individen. Dessutom visade studien på ett behov av att implementera feedbackmöten på team och individnivå där input kunde hämtas från samtliga intressenter inom företaget samt från de externa kunderna.

Knowledge-Intensive Companies and Leadership - Two Empirical Case Studies

Holm, Sanna January 2011 (has links)
The overall topics within the research are Human Capital and Leadership and my aim has been to examine two knowledge-intensive companies and scrutinize in what way these companies practise leadership. The purpose has among other things been to examine which challenges arises when manage/lead the employees within knowledge-intensive companies, how the knowledge-intensive companies can develop and retain their employees and which needs and requirements exists regarding leadership within these. The empirical data has been collected through interviews, both personal interviews and telephone interviews; therefore, I have interviewed one manager and seven employees from two knowledge-intensive companies. The companies which have been scrutinized are two knowledge-intensive companies; accordingly two case studies have been conducted. The thesis partly consists of two cases and these two companies will be presented within the appendix of the thesis. Besides, the introduction chapter, the methodology chapter, the chapter which is called the Frame of Reference and a conclusion chapter, a fourth chapter consists of the empirical study, analysis and renderings. The empirical study is presented in a flowing text connected with the analysis and renderings.   My aim has also been to study literature and theory regarding knowledge-intensive companies since knowledge-intensive companies constitute a major part of my study. Moreover, the organisational structure called adhocracy has been examined as Alvesson (1995) portray, that it is a characteristic of knowledge-intensive companies and which seems to play a big role for how leadership is executed within these. Knowledge Management, Human Resources Management, Human Capital Management, Talent Management and some criticism towards Talent Management are four concepts as well as one important part regarding critique towards one of the concepts that has been scrutinized. Why I have chosen to write about these concepts is because I think these are suitable for my study regarding knowledge-intensive companies and leadership. Another concept that has been examined is whether there is a new trend within leadership according to what some authors promote. I have examined the issue and I have made a comparison between my collected empirical material and the studied theory. A figure that I have used is the figure illustrated at page 18, by Alvesson (2000) and by implementing the figure a comprehension and illustration can be set forth based on where the examined knowledge-intensive companies turn out to be positioned.   A fifth chapter contains the conclusions and the empirical findings reveal that a knowledge-intensive company might encounter varying challenges as well as I state which leadership style is convenient within knowledge-intensive companies. The concepts of Knowledge Management, Human Resource Management, Human Capital Management and Talent Management are utilized within knowledge-intensive companies as the employees within these are rather autonomous. Social features as well as the outcome of knowledge-intensive companies are reflected, to sum up.            Knowledge-intensive companies are considerable in our society today as Seo et al. (2011) explain. Thus, I think it is crucial for potential leaders as today’s leaders and managers to gain an insight in what way leadership is practised within knowledge-intensive companies as these companies are composed of or made up by an immense part Human Capital. I, as well as many other people, hold competencies in the form of for example experiences and education and although these are valuable resources for a company, especially for a knowledge-intensive company, these companies can never own this kind of resources. This is consequently a fundamental issue within companies. Hence, my thesis aim is to support people with deep knowledge and interesting aspects regarding the research question, consequently I have endeavoured at creating a valuable thesis which can be of significance for me and for others. I want individuals to gain a deep knowledge and thereby enhance their knowledge about knowledge-intensive companies and leadership within these by reading my thesis, as I have.

Kunskapsintensiva företag i praktiken : en fallstudie av två företag i konsultbranschen / Knowledge-intensive companies in practice : a case study of two companies in the consulting industry

Beganovic, Kasim, Faraj, Diyar January 2014 (has links)
Det finns en djupt rotad allmän uppfattning om att de nya kunskapsintensiva företagen är föredömliga vad det gäller struktur samt hur man styr och kontrollerar förhållanden inom organisationen. Åsikten tycks vara att medarbetaren inom kunskapsintensiva företag får en betydligt mer framträdande roll och stor beslutsmakt över sina egna arbetsvillkor.Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur två företag inom konsultbranschen är uppbyggda rent strukturellt och hur dessa organisationer styrs. Det ska utmynna i en jämförelse mellan verksamheterna. Studien är baserad på företagen Deloitte och PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC) som är två ledande företag i konsultbranschen.Den teoretiska referensramen presenterar bland annat litteratur inom organisationshierarki och organisationskultur där en rad författare resonerar kring sin syn på struktur och styrning. Alvesson i sin tur återger istället ingående beskrivningar på begreppet kunskapsintensiva företag. Studien har utförts utifrån ett kvalitativt angreppssätt där empirin har samlats in genom personliga intervjuer med kontorscheferna på de båda företagen.Den empiriska datan som samlades in har sedan analyserats i jakten på att finna likheter och skillnader mellan fallföretagen. Analysen genomfördes också för att få en klarare bild av vilka teorier som fortfarande är relevanta i ett samhälle och en bransch som präglas av ständig rörelse och utveckling.De slutsatser som vi har kommit fram till är att styrningen inom PwC och Deloitte sker med ungefär samma verktyg, men att det ändå finns en del intressanta olikheter som skiljer de båda företagen åt. Vad det gäller strukturen fann vi även där en del olikheter som dock var skarpare ”på pappret” än i praktiken.

Employer Branding : Ekonomstudenters attityder till framtida arbetsgivare, en studie om arbetsgivarvarumärkets betydelse och talangidentifiering

Carlsson, Martin, Riberth, Anna, Thörne, Emil January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: "There is a war for talent, and it will intensify" skrev McKinsey Quarterly redan 1998 och syftar på den ökade konkurrensen som råder på arbetsgivarmarknaden om talangfull och kompetent personal som kan driva företaget framåt. Vikten av humankapital blir särskilt märkbart i dagens framträdande kunskapsintensiva företag, däribland revisions- och konsultföretagen, samtidigt som demografiska skiftningar gör att trenden går mot ett talangunderskott. Generation Y anses samtidigt vara karriärlystna och aktiva CV-jägare. Därför råder en kamp bland arbetsgivarna i att finna och vinna talangerna bland dessa. Detta kan göras genom utvecklandet av ett starkt arbetsgivarvarumärke och genom att lära känna sin målgrupp och skaffa kännedom om deras motivationsfaktorer och preferenser. Syfte: "Att ur en grupp ekonomstudenter identifiera talangegenskaper och förklara vilka avgörande faktorer som gör en arbetsgivare attraktiv ur de ansedda 'talangernas' perspektiv." Problemformulering: Vilka är nyckelfaktorerna när de ansedda "talangerna" väljer sin framtida arbetsgivare? Metod: Studien har antagit en huvudsakligen kvantitativ forskningsdesign och har en deduktiv inriktning. Vidare tar studien ett objektivistiskt ontologiskt ställningstagande och en positivistisk kunskapssyn i sin epistemologiska ståndpunkt. Datainsamlingen har skett genom en surveyundersökning och två samtal med medarbetare hos fallföretaget har legat till grund för utformandet av den enkät som delats ut via ett icke sannolikhetsurval digitalt via webben till 100 respondenter och fick en svarsfrekvens på 52 procent. En egenkonstruerad talangbedömningsmetod uppfördes för att identifiera talangegenskaper bland respondenterna. Detta talangvärde analyserades och jämfördes sedan med övriga frågor kring attityder till framtida arbetsgivare. Resultat/slutsatser: Av studien framgick att det går att identifiera talangegenskaper i en grupp studenter och att det finns stora skillnader mellan studenter i denna aspekt. Studien identifierade också flera skillnader och tendenser till skillnader mellan värderingarna av de med högre ansedd talang och de med lägre. De egenskaper som visade sig ha ett samband med "talang" var, sammanhållning mellan kollegorna på arbetsplatsen, att studenten delade värderingar med företaget och att utveckling och kompetensutveckling av företagets medarbetare var i fokus. / Background: "There is a war for talent, and it will intensify" McKinsey Quarterly wrote back in 1998 and referred to the increased competition on the market of employers among talented and skilled employees who can help the company develop. The importance of human capital has been specifically noticed in today‟s many knowledge intensive companies, among them the accounting- and consulting businesses, in the mean time as demographical changes contribute to an increased trend of talent shortage. Generation Y is known as career hungry and active resume hunters. Because of that there is a fight between the employers to find and attract the talents among these, this could be done by developing an attractive employer brand and by knowing their target group, this could be done by acquiring knowledge about their preferences and what motivate them in their professional role. Purpose: "From a group of business students identify talent qualities, and explain which are the key factors that make an employer attractive from the considered 'talents' perspective." Research question: Which are the key factors when the considered "talents" choose their future employer? Methodology: The thesis has taken a primarily quantitative research design that takes a deductive focus. Further on the thesis takes an objectivistic ontological statement and a positivistic view of what knowledge is when it comes to epistemology. The gathering of data has been done through a survey and by two meetings with employees at the case company which have influenced the construction of the survey that has been distributed to a non probability sample as a digital survey online to 100 respondents. The answering frequency was 52 percent. A method for talent estimation has been developed by the authors to estimate the talent qualities among the respondents. These "talent scores" were analyzed och compared with the questions concern-ing attitudes to future employers. Research findings: From this study it was clear that talent qualities were possible to estimate and that there were big differences among students in this aspect. The study also identified several differences and tendencies to differences among the more talented group compared to the less talented. The properties that had a relation to "talent" were a unity among the employees at the company, that the student shared values with the company and that development and professional training of the employees were in focus of the company.

Equilibre de vie dans le Conseil : de la proactivité individuelle aux arrangements organisationnels / Work-life balance in Consulting : from individual proactivity to organisational arrangements

Noury, Lucie 11 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet d’étudier les tensions que traversent les activités de services professionnels (audit, conseil...) depuis une trentaine d’années, à travers le prisme des enjeux d’équilibre de vie. Alors que ces entreprises sont mises en cause dans les medias pour leurs pratiques managériales encourageant leurs salariés à se dépasser sans cesse, elles n’ont jamais été aussi actives dans leur communication sur les enjeux de qualité de vie au travail. A travers l’analyse des travaux existants, nous montrons que le système incitatif en up- or-out des organisations professionnelles repose sur le présupposé que les professionnels aspirent principalement à être récompensés de leurs efforts par des bonus et des promotions. A travers l’analyse de 58 récits de carrière de consultants, nous identifions deux autres dimensions clés de leur expérience au travail : la nature des projets qui leurs sont assignés et l’équilibre de vie. Nous explicitons les techniques qu’ils mettent en œuvre pour tenter de répondre à ces aspirations. Dans un deuxième temps, après avoir analysé le discours managérial en vigueur dans 9 cabinets sur ces questions, nous décrivons - à travers l’étude comparative de deux cabinets de conseil – les ajustements qu’ils mettent en place pour mieux les soutenir. Nous discutons l’ampleur de la remise en cause du modèle d’organisation traditionnel de ces entreprises par ces évolutions, dans un contexte où elles sont de plus en plus menacées, que ce soit par une faible croissance de leurs activités, une pression sur les coûts, la sophistication de la demande des clients ou par un phénomène d’uberisation qui touche de façon croissante les services professionnels. / This thesis aims at studying the tensions that professional service firms (audit firms, consultancies...) have been facing for the past thirty years, through the lens of work-life balance. While these firms are increasingly questioned in the media for their managerial practices that encourage their salaries to excel themselves; they have never been so active in communicating on quality of work-life. Through a review of the literature, I show that the up- or-out incentive system of professional organisations lies on the assumption that professionals all mostly aspire to see their commitment rewarded by bonuses and promotions. Through the analysis of 58 consultants’ career stories, I identify two additional dimensions of their experience at work: the nature of the projects they are assigned and work-life balance. Then, the techniques they use to fulfil these aspirations are described. Second, after studying the managerial discourse on work-life balance in 9 consultancies, through the comparative case study of two firms I analyse the adjustments they have implemented to accommodate individual needs. I discuss the extent to which these evolutions challenge the traditional organisation of professional service firms, at a time when they are increasingly threatened by low levels of growth in the industry; pressure on cost; the sophistication of clients’ demands and the uberisation of the economy, which has also reached professional services.

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