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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Framework For Measuring The Value-added Of Knowledge Processes With Analysis Of Process Interactions And Dynamics

Cintron, Jose 01 January 2013 (has links)
The most known and widely used methods use cash flows and tangible assets to measure the impact of investments in the organization’s outputs. But in the last decade many newer organizations whose outputs are heavily dependent on information technology utilize knowledge as their main asset. These organizations’ market values lie on the knowledge of its employees and their technological capabilities. In the current technology-based business landscape the value added by assets utilized for generation of outputs cannot be appropriately measured and managed without considering the role that intangible assets and knowledge play in executing processes. The analysis of processes for comparison and decision making based on intangible value added can be accomplished using the knowledge required to execute processes. The measurement of value added by knowledge can provide a more realistic framework for analysis of processes where traditional cost methods are not appropriate, enabling managers to better allocate and control knowledge-based processes. Further consideration of interactions and complexity between proposed process alternatives can yield answers about where and when investments can improve value-added while dynamically providing higher returns on investment


[pt] Esta tese apresenta uma nova metodologia para valoração dinâmica do Capital Intelectual, aplicada ao Capital Humano. Trata-se de oferecer, ao tomador de decisão, uma ferramenta capaz de calcular e comparar o retorno do investimento em ativos intangíveis, como ocorre com outros ativos tangíveis. Através da metodologia proposta, denominada KVA-ACHE, é possível estimar a quantidade potencial de conhecimento humano, utilizado na geração do resultado financeiro da empresa. Essa metodologia também permite medir variações de desempenho nos processos-chave que compõem a cadeia de valor da empresa e o impacto do investimento em educação em um determinado processo. O método KVA-ACHE é composto de cinco módulos, que são executados em três fases. Na primeira fase se avalia a empresa de forma agregada, segundo seu modelo estratégico e, na segunda fase, avalia-se a quantidade de conhecimento potencial e disponível, associado a cada processo-chave. A terceira fase é aplicado o método KVA e obtido o indicador de desempenho ROI. Ao final da sua aplicação, essa metodologia permite: identificar os processos que estão drenando resultado da empresa, através da observação de indicador financeiro adaptado, como o ROIK (Return on Investment on Knowledg), identificar a necessidade individualizada de treinamento para se atingir o máximo de desempenho em um determinado processochave; analisar o impacto percebido em termos percentuais do investimento em educação, realizado em determinado processo-chave; e, finalmente, dar uma visão sobre os recursos de conhecimentos e habilidades disponíveis na equipe de colaboradores, os quais poderão ser aproveitados na avaliação de novos negócios e desafios para empresa. A principal inovação dessa metodologia está no fato de se utilizar a Teoria dos Conjuntos Fuzzy e de Sistemas de Inferência Fuzzy - SIF para transformar conceitos relacionados à disponibilidade e ao uso de conhecimento humano em valores que, dessa forma, permitem a comparação de ativos intangíveis com ativos tangíveis. / [en] This thesis presents a new methodology for dynamic valuation of Intellectual Capital, applied to the Human Capital. It offers, to the decision-maker, a computational tool able to quote and compare the return on investment in intangible assets, as with tangible assets. Through the proposed methodology, called KVAACHE, it is possible to estimate the potential amount of human knowledge, used in generating the company’s financial results. This approach also allows the measurement of variations in performance in the key processes that make up the value chain of the company and the impact of investment in education in a given process. The method KVA-ACHE is composed of five modules, which are executed in three phases. The first phase evaluates the company on an aggregate basis, according to its strategic model, and, in the second phase, the amount of potential and available knowledge, associated with each key process, is evaluated. The third phase applies KVA method. This methodology allows: the identification of the processes that are draining the company’s income by looking at the adapted financial indicators, such as ROIK (Return on Investment on Knowledge); the individualized need for training to achieve maximum performance in a particular key process; the analysis of the impact noticed in terms of percentage of the investment in education, held in a certain key process; and finally, an insight into the resources of knowledge and skills available in the team of collaborators, which may be used in the assessment of new challenges and business to the enterprise. The main innovation of this methodology lies in the use of Fuzzy Set Theory and Fuzzy Inference Systems - FIS to transform concepts related to the availability and use of human knowledge into values, and thus allow the comparison of intangible assets with tangible assets.


陳峻志 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的經濟主體是中小企業,而為培育具發展潛力的新興企業,國內自工研院創業育成中心於民國85年首創之後,已陸續成立了四十多個育成中心。育成中心是對有企業家精神之中小企業提供可以利用的空間、共同的支援服務,以及金融、行銷、管理方面的諮詢服務等,希望能夠對創業期,也就是最困難時的中小企業提供協助,以助其成長。因此「育成中心」此一觀念系統立即被有效的引進、吸收與實行,並已具相當成果。 本研究以國內育成中心此一創新機制,就其創立的過程,從國外育成中心的概念引進、國內相關機制的規劃與建立、開發主體的資源整合、對創業廠商育成服務的提供、到營運經驗的交流與擴散,將知識管理的觀念,應用在其活動中,嘗試來描繪創新育成中心知識管理的雛形。 本研究採個案研究法,以較早涉入育成中心事務的幾個單位—經濟部中小企業處、工研院創業育成中心、台大創新育成中心、成大創新育成中心、元智創新育成中心等為研究對象,希望探究以知識管理為內涵的創新育成中心如何運作。主要研究發現與結論有: 1.育成中心的概念主要來自國外,藉著到各國育成中心及其規劃組織進行實地參觀訪問,了解不同的育成中心發展的情境與實務經營的經驗,作為國內各育成中心規劃與發展的借鏡。 2.育成中心的建構,首先藉由「替代學習」引進國外育成中心管理之模式取得範例,然後再藉由「經驗學習」在過程中不斷吸收經驗並改進。知識的引進主要賴由大學育成中心所擁有的知識資源、管道與設備,藉由整合各種有形無形的知識資源來提供一個培育進駐廠商的環境。而對於進駐企業、開發主體內部其他單位、或其他關係人的回饋,育成中心加以分析或利用。育成中心維持在一個時常改變的狀態,配合實務營運的需要,不斷地變動其結構、作業程序、網路等。 3.育成中心的知識加值工作,依「人員互動依賴性」與「工作的複雜性」的高低,區分為:交易型、專家型、整合型、及合作型等四個類型。交易型工作為一般行政支援服務,育成中心將其制式化、標準化為進駐企業提供有效率的軟硬體服務。專家型工作乃是提供企業所需專業知識諮詢的管道,利用大學內教授、顧問或相關專業人員的引介,為進駐廠商提供各種知識的獲得與幫助;而育成中心也須對各類專業知識的進行盤點與聯絡。整合型工作以整合開發主體各部門與外界資金來源管道為主。合作型工作主要是跨機構組織、不同領域專業知識整合的工作模式,包括進駐審查與評估、整合專業知識資源進行輔導、擔任與政府或法令衝突時的協調者、輔助取得政府優惠等工作。 4.育成中心的知識流通可藉由:聯誼會進行經驗交流、不斷擴展人脈關係、舉辦研討會及座談會以交流分享、建立資料庫以數位化、範本化出版流傳。 5.育成中心的知識資本分為:人力資本、結構資本、與顧客資本。人力資本包括開發主體高階主管、育成中心經理人、各領域專家、教授、開發主體內高素質人才、人脈網絡等。結構資本是開發主體中的行政資源系統與無形的組織文化,協助育成中心的資源整合與運作。育成中心的顧客資本主要是進駐的新創企業與已畢業企業,在培育的互動過程中,得到他們意見的回饋與經驗的交流。

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