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Komparace kompetenčních modelů ředitelů základních škol na Praze 10 / Comparison of competency models of headmasters at elementary schools in Prague 10Caklová, Karolína January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the comparison of the competency models of headmaster of elementary schools in Prague 10. The theoretical part explains the basic terms as "competency", "key competency" and compares the definitions of different scientific sources. It describes their structure as well as the life cycle. Further on the thesis deals with the competency models in general and primarily with the models of the managers of the schools. The role of the competency model is highlighted as well as its reasons and its implementation. In the practical part the thesis deals with the qualitative investigation where the author compares the competency models that were created by shadowing and some other additional methods. The competencies were evaluated on base of the criteria of the competency model created by I. Lhotkova (2012). The output of the investigation is a case study in which the differences of the headmaster competencies in Prague 10, with similar conditions of leading the schools and with similar support from founders, are described. Big discrepancy in the competencies were not proved, on the other hand similar issues were detected.
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Vybrané aktivizační metody práce s textem v multikulturní výchově / Selected activating methods of incorporating text in multicultural educationNouzáková, Barbora January 2021 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with activating methods in multicultural education. The focus is mainly on incorporating text. The theoretical part, therefore, deals with multicultural education, reading, text and basic concepts that relate to these. Furthermore, the crucial part is enumeration and description of methods that can be implemented to activate students. The aim of the practical part is to investigate what methods are used in multicultural education by teachers at primary and secondary schools in the Czech Republic. Another objective is to map whether and how they work with texts. For the purposes of the work, quantitative research and a questionnaire as methods of data collection were selected. The practical output is a series of worksheets based on incorporating text that can serve as inspiration for other teachers. KEY WORDS: multicultural education, competence, method, reading, text
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Vliv profesní minulosti manažerů v sociálních službách na výkon jejich povolání. / The influence of managers past in social services in to their profession.Brožová, Eva January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of the professional past of managers in social services and its influence on the performance of managerial profession. In my thesis I'm dealing with those workers who are currently working in managerial positions and previously worked as social workers. I am interested about how their professional past influenced the performance of their managerial function and how these managers get new managerial competencies. In the theoretical part, I mainly deal with the competencies of social workers, the competencies of managers and then I compare them. I also deal with the acquisition of managerial competencies. In the practical part, I describe the methodology of research surveys and present the results I have reached. The main method is a qualitative research survey using a semi-structured interview. A supplementary method is a quantitative research survey using a questionnaire. In the discussion, I compare these results with available resources. Finally, I reflect the fulfillment of the goals of my thesis and make recommendations.
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Problematika získávání a výběru zaměstnanců v systému řízení podle kompetencí. / The issues of the recruitment process in the competency based management system.Raisová, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
The dissertation thesis: THE ISSUES OF THE RECRUITMENT PROCESS IN THE COMPETENCY BASED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Mgr. Tereza Raisová ABSTRACT The dissertation thesis focuses on the topic of competences, the Competency Based Management and especially the method of the Competency Based Interview. The thesis aim is the underestanding of the competences in the pedagogical, andragogical and human resource management meanings. The thesis focuses primarily on the professional competences of the high performance, their identification, development, and the possibility of their usage in the recruitment, training and evaluation system, respective in the Human Resources Management system. The main thesis objective is the contribution to the development of science by the survay realisation in the area of the Competency Based Interview efficiency and the encouragement of a further investigation of this method. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and practical part and it is structured into five chapters. The first chapter contains the theoretical bases of the competence issue, it suggests the emergence of the concept of competences as key characteristics for success at a certain position, it deals with the competence within the meaning of the pedagogical and andragogical category, it distinguishes key competences and...
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Rozvíjení profesních kompetencí učitele / Development of teachers proffesional competenciesSoukupová, Pavla January 2016 (has links)
1 Abstract (in English): Development of proffesional competencies The aim of the dissertation thesis is to analyze the needs of development of selected competence and to design a system of measures and methods to support its development in the undergraduate training of future teachers. The theoretical part of this thesis presents current knowledge regarding the issues of professionalisation of teachers and the development of their professional skills. Crucial for this thesis are studies on the standardization of the teaching profession and establishing a framework of professional qualities that the teacher should be equipped with at the beginning and also during his prefessional carrier. Based on empirical studies, the diagnostic competence was identified as the competence in which the trainee teachers feel the greatest handicap in his professional preparedness. Therefore, in this thesis, an extra attention is payed to this competence. The empirical part of this thesis is focused on analysis of needs of diagnostic competence of teachers in primary and secondary schools. The target of the research was made more accurate by formulation of research questions. The empirical part is based on the realization of miscellaneous research where methods of qualitative and quantitative research were combined. The...
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Profesní kompetence učitelek MŠ Chodov k výtvarným činnostem / Professional art work competencies of teachers at MS ChodovZámečníková, Blanka January 2016 (has links)
Following my Bachelor's Project the goal of this Thesis is to examine more deeply the contradiction between the current theory and didactics of the Art Education and the educational reality of the pre-school education. The essence of this Thesis is an evaluation research concerning the current competence conditions of individual educationalists of the particular nursery. The data collection methods triangulation including observation, unstructured interview and photo documentation of art works allows to grasp the given issue of individual views integration. My proposals and recommendations in order to improve the given practice and achieve a further professional development of the educationalists are based on this complex analysis.
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Kooperativní výuka a rozvoj klíčových kompetencí žáků na 1. stupni ZŠ / The co-operative teaching and the development of key competences at 1st grade of a primary school.Šubrtová, Natálie January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with co-operative teaching and the development of social, personnel and problem-solving competence at the first stage of primary school. The aim of this thesis is to find out how does the co-operative teaching contribute, as an organisational form, to the development of these key competences. The thesis is divided in theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is based on a set of literature, which is presented at the end of the thesis. This part introduces competentional model according to RVP. It closer defines specific competences and deals with organisational forms of teaching. It describes the role of co- operative teaching in the development of key competencies, social, personnel and problem- solving competencies. In the practical part there is a qualitative-quantitative research implemented, which is divided into three parts. The first part is devoted to a qualitative survey, participatory observation of pupils in the 2nd year of elementary school. It is focused on planning, realisation, description and summarisation of series of co-operative teaching lessons, which evolve social and personal competences as well as competences to solve problems. The second part complements the participatory observation with a quantitative survey. These are questionnaires filled in...
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Design procesu změny - aplikace kompetenčního modelu do organizace sociálních služeb pro seniory - inspirace australským modelem. / Design of change process - application of the competency model to an organization of social services for retired people - inspiration by Australian framework competency model.Riabtceva, Anastasiia January 2020 (has links)
The main research of my diploma is the competence of social workers and personal care attendants. In this work I focus on the definition of terms of social work competence and adaptation of the Australian competency model for the conditions of social services in the Czech Republic. I also focus on the design of the change process and its implementation - the application of competence model to the organization of social services for retired people. The design of the competency model is compiled of the non-profit organization ŽIVOT 90 which focuses on helping seniors. It can be used to select staff, set up or improve the adaptation process of new employees, evaluate and develop existing employees in the team, and for possible career changes. Keywords Competence, competence model, Australian competence model, competence of social workers, competence of workers in social services, social services.
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Sociokulturní kompetence ve výuce češtiny pro cizince / Sociocultural competence in teaching Czech for foreignersOdtsetseg, Tsenguun January 2015 (has links)
The present thesis tries to approach the issue of foreign language acquisition and foreign language didactics approaches. The main theme of the work is socio-cultural competence in teaching Czech for foreigners. It also states the issue in a broader context. Following is a detailed analysis of that term and its definition in a social frame of reference levels for Czech A1. The main part comprises of individually assessed five selected textbooks of Czech for foreigners. The analysis is carried out based on own criteria which have been determined in accordance with the required components of the socio-cultural competencies according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and J. Průcha methodologies. In the final part of the thesis is made mutual comparison of books with regard to the extent of helping to deepen and develop the student's knowledge in terms of socio-cultural competence. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Požadavky na kompetence absolventů bakalářských studijních programů oboru Management / Requirements for Competences in Graduates studying Bachelor Programmes in the branch of study specialising in ManagementBoušková, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
My diploma thesis deals with key competences, on whose further development should focus not only managers, but primarily universities offering managerial education. The aim was to find out what competences might be required in practice from the graduates of managerial fields of studies on chosen middle management positions, then to compare the established requirements with the content of the curriculum stipulated for Bachelor's Study Programme at the Faculty of Management of the University of Economics, and finally to elaborate a summary of recommendations suitable for the optimal harmonization of this programme with the requirements of established practice.
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