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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uppmärksammandet av sexuellt våld mot män i Kongo : En analys ur ett genus-  och manlighetspespektiv / The bicentennial of sexual violence against men in DR Congo : An analysis from a gender and masculinity perspective

Westacott, Anna January 2014 (has links)
Sexuellt våld förekommande i konfliktområden drabbar så väl kvinnor som män. Dock råder en situation då de drabbade männen faller i skuggorna i nyhetsrapporteringen och de drabbade kvinnornas röster ljuder starkare. Syftet med uppstasen är att undersöka nyhetsrapporteringen i sex olika internationella nyhetsmedier för att utreda hur det sexuella våldet mot män i Demokratiska Republiken Kongo framställs. Undersökningen har en teoretisk ansats i ett genusperspektiv kopplat till manlighet. Det analytiska ramverket som valts att användas är en kvalitativ  textanalys. / Sexual violence occurring in areas of conflict affects as well women as men. However, there is a situation where the affected men fall in the shadows and the affected women's voices sounds stronger threw the crowd. The purpose of the paper, is to investigate news reporting in six different international newsmedia to investigate how sexual violence against men in the Democratic Republic of Congo reflects abused men. The survey has a theoretical approach from a gender perspective linked to masculinity. The analytical framework chosen is a qualitative text analysis.

Réédition, contextualisation et analyse de la Breve e Succinta Relatione del Viaggio nel Regno di Congo [...] (1692) de Girolamo Merolla da Sorrento. / New edition, contextualization and study of Breve e Succinta Relatione del Viaggio nel Regno di Congo [...] (1692) by Girolamo Merolla da Sorrento.

Sarzi Amade, José 08 December 2016 (has links)
Volume 1 : La Breve e Succinta Relatione del Viaggio nel Regno di Congo […] du prêtre capucin Girolamo Merolla da Sorrento, publiée en 1692, est un compte rendu d’une mission d’évangélisation accomplie dans des territoires peu explorés à l’époque comme le Royaume de Kongo, l’Angola et d’autres territoires environnants. La densité des sujets traités dans cet ouvrage et l’opacité de la langue et du style ont nécessité un travail d’édition critique afin de déblayer le terrain, pour un texte qui jusqu’à présent était demeuré presque inconnu et avait été mis en perspective de façon trop succincte. Cette tâche est précisément l’objet du volume 1. Volume 2 : Après avoir réalisé dans le volume 1, l’édition critique de la Breve e Succinta Relatione del Viaggio nel Regno di Congo […], ce volume 2 est l’occasion de contextualiser les éléments disparates et flous du récit afin de les mettre en lumière et de les classer par thèmes. De ce travail d’analyse du texte ressortent, après les mises en garde méthodologiques de circonstance, plusieurs points d’intérêts développés à travers six chapitres. La lecture de cet exposé permet de se familiariser avec l’expansion du christianisme en Afrique, avec la Missio Antiqua des Capucins dont Girolamo Merolla da Sorrento faisait partie et la Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, qui la propulsa. Elle permet également d’appréhender l’empire colonial lusitain, les dynasties du royaume de Kongo et les imbrications qui se mettent en place entre ces deux univers. Puis, est retracé le périple accompli par Merolla, par mer et par terre, depuis Naples en 1682, dans ses œuvres missionnaires en Afrique, jusqu’à son retour dans sa patrie en 1688 et son nouveau départ en mission. Un tel voyage donne lieu à des épisodes racontés de façon singulière et à la description ethnographique de catégories humaines, animalières et environnementales des plus variées. L’argumentaire traite de deux cultures diverses et d’ordres moraux antagonistes, dont la rencontre suscita troubles, incompréhensions et réactions culturocentristes. En dernier lieu est examiné le sombre tableau qui transparaît dans le récit, entre rejet de l’autre, exploitation coloniale des matières premières et traite transatlantique. / Volume 1: Published in 1692, Breve e Succinta Relatione del Viaggio nel Regno di Congo […] by the Capuchin priest Girolamo Merolla da Sorrento is an account about a mission of evangelization that took place on the Kingdom of Kongo, Angola and other surrounding areas, which were almost unexplored during that time. The density of the topics the book deals with, as well as its linguistic and stylistic opacity required a philological and historical assessment to prepare the way to understand its content, which have remained almost unknown or succinctly analysed until today. Take into consideration the mentioned aspects, a critical edition will be the task of this first volume.Volume 2: After carrying out, in volume 1, the critical edition of Breve e Succinta Relatione del Viaggio nel Regno di Congo […]. This second volume pretends to contextualize the heterogeneous and confused elements within the account. Besides the methodological considerations, this research develops several points of interest through its six chapters. This dissertation introduces important information about the growth of Christianity in Africa by means of the Missio Antiqua of Capuchins, which was promoted by the Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide. Subsequently, it helps to grasp the imbrications set up between the Lusitanian Colonial Empire and the dynasties of the Kingdom of Kongo. Successively, it recounts the journey, by see and by land, carried out by Merolla. The account relates his departure from Naples in 1682, the development of his mission in Africa, his return to his homeland and his second departure to Africa. His journey gave rise to the recounting of astonishing episodes, significant ethnographic descriptions of human categories, as well as explanations on the huge animal variety and environmental diversity. In addition, the reasoning goes toward the encounter of two different cultures and two opposing moral orders will provoke troubles, misunderstandings and culture-centric reactions. Finally, a sombre motif appears within the account: the rejection of the other, accompanied by the colonial exploitation of raw materials and the Atlantic Slave Trade.

La paternalité Kongo en changement : l’exemple des pères migrants en France / Kongo’s fatherhood is changing : the example of migrants fathers in France

Bubote, Eugène 03 December 2010 (has links)
Notre recherche a pour objet l'observation du changement qui s’opère dans la paternalité kongo. Le vécu des pères migrants en France est une des situations qui témoignent de cette réalité. L’échantillon de population est constitué de personnes issues de la société matrilinéaire Kongo, localisée au Congo Brazzaville. Ces pères vivent actuellement dans un contexte où ils sont confrontés à la pratique d'une culture seconde, différente de la première. Des ajustements s'avèrent nécessaires, notamment au niveau des trois axes de la parentalité (exercice, expérience et pratique). Recueillir et analyser les récits qui expriment le positionnement vis-à-vis de l'enfant permet de repérer les capacités du père à établir des liens avec ses expériences subjectives passées de sa propre enfance ou d'autres événements de son histoire marqués par des séparations et particulièrement l'événement migratoire. Des approches théoriques tournées vers l'anthropologie, l'interculturalité et la psychologie apportent un étayage approprié à notre étude. Les analyses cliniques, thématiques et textuelles des données recueillies permettent de donner une validité objective à nos hypothèses. / The object of our research is to observe the change which takes place in the Kongo’s fatherhood. The life of migrants in France is one of the situations which testify of these fathers’ reality. The sample of population is made of people coming from a mother bared society in Congo Brazzaville. These fathers currently live in a context in which they are confronted to the practice of a second culture, different from the first one. Adjustments prove to be necessary, in particular on the level of the three axes of the fatherhood (exercise, experience and practice). Collecting and analyzing the narratives which show their positioning with their children make it possible to locate the capacities of the fathers to establish bonds with the last subjective experience of their own childhood or other events of their history marked by separations particularly the migratory event. Theoretical approaches turned towards anthropology, interculturaly and psychology adequately back up our study. The clinical, the thematic and the textual analysis of the data collected have enabled us to give an objective validity to our hypotheses.

A cosmologia africana dos Bantu-Kongo por Bunseki Fu-Kiau: tradução negra, reflexões e diálogos a partir do Brasil / African cosmology of the Bantu-Kongo by Bunseki Fu-Kiau: black translation, reflections and dialogues from Brazil

Santos, Tiganá Santana Neves 19 March 2019 (has links)
Esta pesquisa é focada nos Estudos da Tradução, em diálogo, sobretudo, com filosofias e pensares africanos, europeus, latino-americanos e diaspóricos. A partir da tradução do livro de Bunseki Fu-Kiau -- Cosmologia africana dos bantu-kongo: princípios de vida e vivência --, escrito em inglês, para a língua-cultura (luso)brasileira, foi reconhecida a centralidade das sentenças em linguagem proverbial (kingana), originalmente, apresentadas pelo autor de modo bilíngue (kikongo - inglês). A análise tradutória concentrou-se em tais sentenças, e aspectos fulcrais do pensamento bantu-kongo precisaram somar-se à análise em torno do traduzir, para que se pensasse o seu processo, efetivamente, como interação. Princípios filosóficoculturais tais como o do cosmograma kongo (Dikenga dia Kongo), minika ye minienie (ondas e radiações) e o princípio V são alguns dos vetores relevantes para se pensar o sistema bantukongo, bem como para nele entrar por meio da tradução. A acepção de uma tradução negra surge do contato com as sentenças em linguagem proverbial e seu apelo já histórico por um entendimento das diversas camadas de negritude enquanto resposta legítima a um contexto de hegemonias eurocentradas e opressão, inclusive, epistemológica. Cunhou-se a ideia do tradutor- ndoki ou tradutor-feiticeiro como aquela pessoa que, efetivamente, apreende os encontros éticos enquanto articulações ou trabalho com as linguagens a partir da apreensão do real como algo constituído por partes co-pertencentes que, necessariamente, se intercomunicam. Eis a ideia kongo de totalidade: relação estabelecida entre entes, seres, coisas, imaterialidades existentes em qualquer dimensão de realidade. Percebe-se que as sentenças proverbiais, as quais, em culturas ocidentais, enquadram-se nos estudos da paremiologia, apresentam distinções importantes, no que tange ao que se conhece como provérbios. Tais distinções acontecem em termos estruturais, na sua aplicação, na sua linguagem e performance, na sua contextualização e na sua repercussão social. Por essa razão, optou-se pelo emprego da expressão sentenças em linguagem proverbial (kingana, em kikongo -- língua dos bantu-kongo ou bakongo), em lugar de se utilizar o termo provérbio. No que diz respeito a culturas ocidentais, constatou-se que as sentenças em linguagem proverbial aproximam-se mais dos aforismos, diante do seu prevalente caráter filosófico. No entanto, é preciso atentar para o fato de que filosofias presentes no continente africano (bantu, yoruba, etc.) também são evocadas, a fim de que se configure uma discussão teórica mais simétrica e que, sem pretensões de universalidade ou resolução, possase contribuir para as reflexões sobre o traduzir. / This research focuses on Translation Studies establishing a dialogue between such theoretical field and African, European, Latin-American and black diaspora philosophy. Based on the translation of Bunseki Fu-Kiaus book African Cosmology of the Bantu-Kongo: principles of life and living from English into Portuguese, one verifies that sentences in proverbial language (kingana), which have been introduced by the author in a bilingual form (Kikongo - English), occupy a central role. The translational analysis has focused on these sentences and some core aspects from the Bantu-Kongo general perspective have been necessarily added to the analysis of the translating process as interaction. Philosophical and cultural principles such as the Kongo cosmogram (Dikenga dia Kongo), minika ye minienie (waves and radiations) and the V principle are some of the most relevant mainstays to think about the Bantu- Kongo system as well as to enter such system through translation. The concept of black translation emerges from the contact with the sentences in proverbial language regarding their historical claim to understand the different layers of blackness as a real response to a Eurocentric hegemonic context that is also epistemologically oppressive. It has been conceived the idea of a ndoki or sorcerer translator as the one who apprehends the ethical encounters as articulation and language work from seizing reality as somehing that is constituted by co-belonging parts which necessarily intercommunicate. This is the Kongo idea for totality an established relationship between entities, beings, things and immaterialities that exist in any dimension of reality. It can be seen that the proverbial sentences, which, in Western cultures, fit into the studies of paremiology, present important distinctions in relation to what is known as proverbs. Such distinctions occur in structural terms and also in terms of their usage, language, performance, context and social repercussion. Therefore the expression sentences in proverbial language (kingana in Kikongo, language of the Bantu-Kongo or Bakongo) was adopted instead of proverb. Concerning Western cultures, it has been found that sentences in proverbial language are closer to the aphorisms because of their predominant philosophical character. However, it is important to emphasize that African philosophy especially the Bantu and Yoruba philosophy is also evoked in order to raise a symmetrical theoretical discussion and to collaborate to reflect on translation without the idea of universality and resolution.

On the Swahili documents in Arabic script from the Congo (19th century)

Luffin, Xavier 14 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Si les documents rédigés en kiswahili à l’aide des caractères arabes provenant d’Afrique de l’Est sont bien renseignés depuis longtemps, qu’il s’agisse de correspondance ou de littérature, l’existence de tels documents provenant d’Afrique Centrale, et en particulier du Congo, est encore très mal connue. Pourtant, outre les témoignages de divers observateurs ou acteurs européens des débuts de la colonisation, plusieurs documents conservés pour la plupart en Belgique ont subsisté jusqu’à nos jours. Il s’agit essentiellement de la correspondance de marchands swahilis établis dans l’ancien district des Stanley Falls, mais aussi de traités, d’échanges «diplomatiques» ou de notes personnelles, remontant essentiellement aux deux dernières décennies du 19ème siècle. Ces documents se révèlent être une source intéressante à la fois pour l’Histoire du Congo précolonial et pour l’étude diachronique du kiswahili et de son expansion géographique. / Though the existence of Swahili documents in Arabic script originating from East Africa – mainly Tanzania and Kenya – has been well documented for a long time (see for instance Büttner 1892, Allen 1970, Dammann 1993 and the recent Swahili Manuscripts Database of the SOAS), very few things regarding such manuscripts in Central Africa, and especially the Congo, have been reported up to now. However, several museums and archives in Belgium and elsewhere hold documents written in Swahili with Arabic script coming from what is today the DRC, along with other documents in the Arabic language.1 All of them date back to the two last decades of the 19th century. Most of these documents are to be found in the Historical Archives of the Royal Museum of Central Africa (MRAC), Tervuren, but some other Belgian institutions like the African Archives (AA) of the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Library of the University of Liège (ULg) and the Army Museum (MRA) in Brussels, also contain some examples of these documents. Other possible sources should be explored, like the personal archives of families whose ancestors worked in the Congo during the colonial time – most of the Swahili documents in Tervuren are personal papers belonging to former Belgian officers, which were donated to the Museum after their death – as well as the archives of Christian missionary orders. Nevertheless, nothing is known about the presence of such documents in DRC today, but we can suppose that some of them have been preserved in places like mosques, Koranic schools or personal archives.

Globalisering och migration : En kvalitativ studie om hur fem migranter upplever migration och hur de identifierar sig i ett nytt land

Ramazani, Waza-Kongo Richard January 2020 (has links)
In this globalized world, more and more people are moving for different reasons and immigrating to other countries. The overall aim of this study is to analyze five migrants` views on migration in this globalized world. The migrants in this study have for various reasons moved to Sweden. Four of these migrants are members of the Congolese association Kongo Moko. I want to compare the migrants´ views on globalization. To also understand how migrants from two different continents perceive globalization and migration. How do migrants view globalization as a phenomenon? What do they see as the advantages and disadvantages of globalization? How do they describe their own place of belonging in Sweden and in the world? What connection do they have to the "homeland"? The material of this study consists of qualitative interviews and observations. The results of this study show that the migrants have some issues with identifying them selft in the new country they moved to.

On the Swahili documents in Arabic script from the Congo (19th century)

Luffin, Xavier January 2007 (has links)
Si les documents rédigés en kiswahili à l’aide des caractères arabes provenant d’Afrique de l’Est sont bien renseignés depuis longtemps, qu’il s’agisse de correspondance ou de littérature, l’existence de tels documents provenant d’Afrique Centrale, et en particulier du Congo, est encore très mal connue. Pourtant, outre les témoignages de divers observateurs ou acteurs européens des débuts de la colonisation, plusieurs documents conservés pour la plupart en Belgique ont subsisté jusqu’à nos jours. Il s’agit essentiellement de la correspondance de marchands swahilis établis dans l’ancien district des Stanley Falls, mais aussi de traités, d’échanges «diplomatiques» ou de notes personnelles, remontant essentiellement aux deux dernières décennies du 19ème siècle. Ces documents se révèlent être une source intéressante à la fois pour l’Histoire du Congo précolonial et pour l’étude diachronique du kiswahili et de son expansion géographique. / Though the existence of Swahili documents in Arabic script originating from East Africa – mainly Tanzania and Kenya – has been well documented for a long time (see for instance Büttner 1892, Allen 1970, Dammann 1993 and the recent Swahili Manuscripts Database of the SOAS), very few things regarding such manuscripts in Central Africa, and especially the Congo, have been reported up to now. However, several museums and archives in Belgium and elsewhere hold documents written in Swahili with Arabic script coming from what is today the DRC, along with other documents in the Arabic language.1 All of them date back to the two last decades of the 19th century. Most of these documents are to be found in the Historical Archives of the Royal Museum of Central Africa (MRAC), Tervuren, but some other Belgian institutions like the African Archives (AA) of the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Library of the University of Liège (ULg) and the Army Museum (MRA) in Brussels, also contain some examples of these documents. Other possible sources should be explored, like the personal archives of families whose ancestors worked in the Congo during the colonial time – most of the Swahili documents in Tervuren are personal papers belonging to former Belgian officers, which were donated to the Museum after their death – as well as the archives of Christian missionary orders. Nevertheless, nothing is known about the presence of such documents in DRC today, but we can suppose that some of them have been preserved in places like mosques, Koranic schools or personal archives.

The Effects of Chistianization on Identity among the Indigenous Communities of Kongo and Lower Canada

Dauterive, Jessica 01 May 2013 (has links)
Historians have written extensively about the process of Christianization within the Kongo nation, as well as among the Native Americans of Lower Canada. Scholars agree that this process was disparate across the Atlantic World. This paper explores the process within each region through the analysis of two dominant missionary accounts representing each region during the late seventeenth century. These missionary accounts are joined with the stories of Dona Beatriz Kimpa Vita and Catherine Tegahkouita, two notable indigenous Christians from each region. A comparative analysis of Kongo and Lower Canada reveals that the process of Christianization is highly dependent upon the social and political location of its indigenous converts. This paper argues that the experience of Christianization among indigenous people was neither homogenous across nations nor within them.

Die afrikanische Schlafkrankheit in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo – Eine Analyse der Strategien ihrer Bekämpfung durch Nationale Institutionen, die Weltgesundheitsorganisation und Nichtregierungsorganisationen / Human African Trypanosomiasis in the Democratic Republic of Congo - Analysis of the fight against sleeping sickness by national institutions, the World Health Organization and Non-Governmental Organizations

Becker, Friederike January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die Afrikanische Schlafkrankheit ist eine tropische Infektionskrankheit und gehört zu den vernachlässigten Krankheiten. Am stärksten von Schlafkrankheit betroffen ist die Demokratische Republik Kongo. Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts war ihre Bekämpfung von großem Interesse für die Kolonialmächte und eine wirkungsvolle Bekämpfung konnte erreicht werden. Nach der Unabhängigkeit der afrikanischen Staaten kam es jedoch erneut zu Ausbrüchen. Diese Arbeit analysiert die historische Entwicklung und den aktuellen Stand der Bekämpfung und Kontrolle der Schlafkrankheit in der DR Kongo und untersucht Charakteristiken und Aufgabenbereiche aktueller nationaler und internationaler Organisationen anhand von veröffentlichter Literatur, Site Visits und Experteninterviews vor Ort. / Human African Trypanosomiasis, also known as sleeping sickness, is a tropical infectious disease that belongs to the major neglected diseases in Africa. The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is the most affected country. In the beginning of the 20th century sleeping sickness has been of major interest to colonial powers and sufficient control had been achieved. After the independence of the African states case numbers began to rise again. This thesis analyzes the historical development and the current situation of the fight against sleeping sickness in the DRC. It investigates the characteristics and the function of national and international organizations by means of literature, site visits and interviews of experts in this field.

Surovinový potenciál DR Kongo na pozadí konfliktov / Potential of the natural resources in the DR Congo in the background of conflicts

Markošová, Lucia January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is about the situation in the DR Congo from the time of the Belgian colony till the present. It discusses the historical development of the country, bloody conflicts in the end of the 20th century and the OSN mission MONUC which operates in the country. All of this is influenced by the potential of natural resources that can raise the country from the developing countries group, but it can cause also a deeper slump.

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