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Gender a dívky na základní škole / Gender and primary school girlsHRONKOVÁ, Martina January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with gender issues. It is divided into two parts, theoretical ? based on literature review and practical ? based on research. The theoretical part deals with the concept of gender as a social construct. It is focused on manifestation of gender stereotypes in various aspects of girl?s and woman?s life. The first chapter defines the most important terms (gender, sex, socialization, identity) and is followed by a chapter dealing with gender stereotypes related to female and male social constructs (of femininity and masculinity). The next part describes manifestation of gender roles, (differences and behaviour) in family. The following chapter shows the picture of woman which is presented in the media (magazines for women, advertisement, publications for children). The last chapter describes manifestation of gender roles in school environment. The practical part presents results of the quantitative and qualitative research. The quantitative research is based on questionnaire investigation. The qualitative research was conducted through controlled interviews. Both types of research were focused on gender problems ? whether the girls participating in the research realize the effects of gender roles and how they perceive them. The result of this research is that girls are aware of pressure based on gender differences. They realize the conflict between their wishes and reality, but they fully respect the traditional gender division of the worl into the male and female world and they lead their lives in accordance with the traditional gender stereotypes.
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Reprezentace feminity ve filmové tvorbě Quentina Tarantina / Representations of femininity in Quentin Tarantino's moviesBenešová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
The submitted thesis is titled Representations of Femininity in Quentin Tarantino's Movies and it focuses on the process of femininity construction in six selected movies both written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. The aim of this study is to identify how Tarantino operates the notions of conventional femininity and traditional female gender roles. Furthermore, it investigates to what extent his films either support or subvert stereotypical gender identities. In relation to the research issues the key concepts are defined by the theoretical part of this work. In particular it describes the theory of social and media construction of reality, gender as construct, film as a part of patriarchal structure or feminist perspectives related to the film production. This same part also offers basic information about Quentin Tarantino's personality and his film works in general. In order to answer the research questions the thesis employs a qualitative method of critical discourse analysis which functions as a helpful tool while reconstructing the image of femininity set by media. Moreover, the selected method serves to reveal latent meanings applied by film as a form of media to affect both behavioural and cognitive individual characteristics. Keywords Femininity, gender, construct, stereotype,...
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Interakce virové RNA s kapsidovým proteinem v prostředí in vivo a biotechnologické využití vzniklých částic / Coat protein-RNA interaction in vivo and the biotechnological use of VLPsKratochvílová, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
The Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is a simple and frequently used model virus which has been studied already more over than 130 years. Due to the intensive study of this virus the details of its infectious cycle, genomic information and also the structure of the created viral particle as well as the mechanism of its creation are known today. The process of encapsidation (viral particle formation) is sufficiently described in the in vitro conditions. In the in vitro conditions the origin of assembly (OAS) was also described. The OAS was identified in the coding sequence of the gene for the movement protein (MP). The importance of replication centers (replication factories) has also been supposed. The aim of the diploma thesis was to study the specificity of the interaction of RNA and coat protein in the process of the particle assembly taking place directly inside the plants. The experiments were performed to verify the necessity of presence of OAS sequence in process of initiation of viral encapsidation. The effect of the cell compartmentation on this process has also been studied. Based on several viral systems (the Tobacco mosaic virus, the Potato virus X, the Bean yellow dwarf virus and Cowpea mosaic virus) gene constructs were created. These constructs enables to study this idea at the molecular...
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Židentita: formace a deformace. Etnografie Moishe House Prague. / Jewish identity: formation and deformation. Ethnography of Moishe House Prague.Adlerová, Nina January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is based on a long-term field research in the Prague Jewish community in which I am trying to express the Jewish identity of young Czech Jews. The aim is to characterize the formation and construction of Jewish identities, their coexistence with other types of social identities and the role of material elements in this process. The formation has a processional nature and there are continual transformations and negotiations of concrete forms of Jewish identities over time. These identities are publicly manifested through various material elements and by this manifestation those identities are also strengthened. I also examine the impact of physical structures and other objects on the Jewish community, how they strengthen its cohesion and on the role that they play in materializing and bringing the collective memories into the present. I simultaneously work with the concept of materiality in the context of the Moishe House Prague project. I examine the position of techno-social tools and the power of leadership. This thesis is based on several theoretical perspectives that I connect and combine in order for me to explore social reality and Jewishness in their entirety. Key words Identity, Jewish identity, material culture, materiality, Moishe House, formation, construct, negotiation...
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Konflikt a prolínání kulturních znaků ve fikčním světě románů Louise Erdrich / Conflict and blending of cultural signs in fictional world of novels by Louise ErdrichPacolová, Jana January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to inspect the work of Louise Erdrich with the optics of semiotics, literary theory and cultural anthropology and to find topics related to the cultural conflict of Native American and Christian tradition. The theoretical part is devoted to the theories of the ontological definition of the fictional world, its relation to culture and its construction within a literary piece. In the practical part, we will deal with the cultural features associated with nature, religion, space and social ordering, as they are illustrated in the novels. The paper is not an anthropological material dealing with Native American culture as such. Here we perform a literary analysis and examine the anthropomorphic dimension of the unique fictional world.
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Beobachtungen am Anfang von Max Regers »Symphonischer Phantasie« op. 57Haas, Bernhard 17 October 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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The role of inter-domain linkers in the stability of modular Glycoside Hydrolases / Inter-domän länkares roll i stabiliteten hos modulära GlykosidhydrolaserEstreen, Erik January 2024 (has links)
Glykosidhydrolaser (GHs) är enzymer som katalyserar hydrolys av glykosidbindningar i polysackarider och fungerar på endo- eller exo-sätt, beroende på om de riktar sig mot mitten eller änden av en glykan-kedja. De är viktiga i kolcykeln och i olika industrier som använder biomassa som substrat. GHs är fördelaktiga i många industriella processer på grund av deras höga specificitet, omsättningsgrad och biologiska nedbrytbarhet, men de kan vara instabila och är ofta dyra att producera. De varierar i specificitet och har ibland flera katalytiska domäner eller icke-katalytiska tillbehörsdomäner, vilket hjälper till att bryta ner polysackarider och/eller främjar enzymets livslängd. Många GHs kan ha kolhydratbindande moduler (CBMs) som ökar deras termostabilitet och/eller katalytiska aktivitet. CBMs är kopplade till andra domäner i multimodulära domäner av inter-domän länkar (IDLs), vilket är polypeptidkedjor som ger strukturell flexibilitet och låter CBMs nå önskade mål på ett substrat, men den fulla funktionen av IDLs i enzymstabilisering har inte dokumenterats. Kitinaser är en grupp av GHs som riktar sig mot det motsträviga polysackaridet kitin, vilket finns i både marina och markbundna miljöer. De finns i organismer såsom insekter med kitinhaltiga exoskelett och i svampar eller andra mikrober med kitininnehållande cellväggar, men de finns även i organismer som inte syntetiserar eller ens metaboliserar kitin, på grund av deras andra relevanta funktioner inom patogenicitet, immunförsvar, etc. Kitin och dess oligosackarid-derivat har flera funktioner i biomass-industrier och kan användas för medicinska ändamål. Många GHs innehåller icke-katalytiska CBMs, varav många är kitinbindande, och spelar därför en roll i att främja kitinbindning och hydrolys av deras enzympartners. Detta projekt fokuserar på ett modulärt GH18-kitinas kodat av genen Cpin_2580. Kitinasdomänen är flankerad av två CBMs. Tidigare forskning har visat att dessa inte är kitinbindande men föreslog att de påverkar enzymets termostabilitet. Däremot undersöktes inte IDL:ernas påverkan i den tidigare studien. För att bestämma rollen av IDLs designades primers för att klona nya genvarianter av Cpin_2580 för att producera nya proteiner med varierande längder av länkar för att bestämma vad för effekt längden har på enzymets termostabilitet. Dessa primers användes till PCR för att skapa gensekvenser med den befintliga Cpin_2580-18s-plasmiden som mall, följt av kloning, proteinproduktion, rening och analys med hjälp av fluoroforbindningsanalys. Nya proteinvarianter kunde genereras och produceras i liten skala, men produktionen upplevde problem, vilket ledde till att IDLs roll inte kunde fastställas fullt ut. / Glycoside hydrolases (GHs) are enzymes that catalyse the hydrolysis of glycosidic bonds in polysaccharides, functioning in endo- or exo-manners, depending on whether they target the middle or the end of a glycan chain. They are crucial in the carbon cycle and various industries that utilise biomass as substrate. GHs are advantageous in many industrial processes due to their high specificity, turnover rates, and biodegradability, but they can be unstable and are often costly to produce. They vary in specificity and sometimes carry multiple catalytic domains or non-catalytic accessory domains, aiding in polysaccharide breakdown and/or promoting the longevity of the enzyme. Many GHs can have carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) attached that can be considered accessory domains, which increases their thermostability and/or catalytic activity in many cases. CBMs are attached to other domains in multi-modular enzymes by inter-domain linkers (IDLs), which are polypeptide chains that give structural flexibility and allow the CBMs to reach desired targets on a substrate, but the full function of IDLs in enzyme stabilisation has not been documented. Chitinases are a group of GHs that targets the recalcitrant polysaccharide chitin, which exists in both marine and terrestrial environments. They exist in organisms such as insects that have chitinous exoskeletons and in fungi or other microbes with chitin-containing cell walls, but they are also found in organisms that do not synthesise or even metabolise chitin, due to their other functions of relevance in pathogenicity, immune defence, etc. Chitin and its oligosaccharide derivatives have multiple functions in biomass industries, and can be used for medical purposes. Many chitinases contain non-catalytic CBMs, many of which are often chitin-binding, and therefore have a role in promoting chitin attachment and hydrolysis by their enzyme partners. This project focuses on a modular GH18 chitinase encoded by the gene Cpin_2580. The chitinase domain is flanked by two CBMs. Previous research has shown that these are not chitin-binding but suggested they do influence the thermostability of the enzyme. However, the impact of the IDLs was not explored in that previous study. To determine the role of the IDLs, primers were designed with the purpose of cloning new gene variants of the gene Cpin_2580 to produce novel proteins with varying lengths of linkers to determine the effect the length has on the thermostability of the enzyme. These primers were used for PCR to create novel gene sequences using the pre-existing Cpin_2580-18s plasmid as a template, followed by cloning, protein production, purification, and analysis using fluorophore binding assay. Novel protein variants could be generated and produced at small scale, but scaled-up protein production experienced problems, which led to the role of IDLs not being fully determined.
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Pohled na mateřství očima žen tří generací / Motherhood seen throw the eyes of three generations of womenHavránková, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to make a plot of generations changes in motherhood. The aim of the theoretical part is to introduce possible views on motherhood. It gives us a look at materhood like a social construct and a biological instinct. This part is also dealing with their reciprocal combinations. Another parts of this section is to introduce motherhood like a social role and motherhood like a sense of identity. The aim of the practical part is to collect information from mothers of three generations about their own experiences with motherhood. The interview was according to The Grounded Theory. The particular aims of this section are to discover important areas of motherhood for women of all generations, find out the generation changes in this areas and evaluate the impact of this changes on the final image of motherhood. The generation changes and important areas of motherhood are compared and discussed with theoretical findings from the first part. The conclusion of this work thesis is focused on importance of these generation changes on the final image of motherhood.
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Validitätsaspekte bei der Messung von SchreibkompetenzenCanz, Thomas 21 October 2015 (has links)
Die Arbeit stellt eine nationale Bildungsstudie zur Erfassung von Schreibkompetenzen vor und untersucht das angewandte Verfahren auf drei ausgewählte Validitätsaspekte. In Studie I wird geprüft, ob es sich bei Schreibkompetenz sowie den Schreibkompetenzdimensionen Inhalt, Stil und sprachliche Richtigkeit um textmusterunabhängige oder textmusterspezifische Konstrukte handelt. Darüber hinaus wird die interne Struktur von Schreibkompetenz betrachtet. Die vorwiegend auf Modellvergleichen basierenden Analysen zeigen, dass es sich bei allgemeinen Schreibkompetenzen sowie bei inhaltlichen und stilistischen Schreibkompetenzen um textmusterspezifische Konstrukte handelt, bei der orthografisch-grammatischen Schreibkompetenz hingegen um ein textmusterunabhängiges Konstrukt. Für alle Textmuster zeigt sich eine zweidimensionale Struktur. In Studie II wird untersucht, inwiefern Lesefähigkeiten bei der Messung von Schreibkompetenzen aufgrund der textuellen Präsentation der Aufgabeninstruktion miterfasst werden. Der Einfluss der Lesekompetenz wird dabei als Zusammenhangsstärke zwischen Lese- und Schreibkompetenz in Abhängigkeit von leseschwierigkeitsquantifizierenden Merkmale via Mehrebenen¬moderatoranalysen geprüft. Es zeigen sich statistisch bedeutsame, aber praktisch kaum relevante Effekte für zwei der Merkmale: syntaktische Komplexität und Seltenheit der Wörter. In Studie III wird untersucht, ob eine von der sprachlichen Richtigkeit unabhängige Beurteilung inhaltlicher und stilistischer Schreibkompetenzen erfolgt oder ob Halo-Effekte zutage treten. In Anschlussanalysen wird geprüft, ob diese Halo-Effekte von Art und Anzahl der Fehler, Textlänge, Textkomplexität und Textmuster abhängen. Es zeigen sich keine Urteilsverzerrungen bei der inhaltlichen, jedoch bei der stilistischen Bewertung. Diese Verzerrungen sind größer bei syntaktisch komplexeren Texten und bei höherer Fehleranzahl, vor allem unter Vorliegen grammatischer Fehler und syntaktisch relevanter Zeichensetzungsfehler. / The dissertation presents a national educational study assessing writing competencies in German. The underlying process of measuring writing competencies is investigated regarding three selected aspects of validity. The first study addresses the question, whether writing competence as well as the writing competence dimensions, i.e. contentual, stylistic and orthographic-grammatic writing competencies are discourse mode dependent or independent constructs. Additionally the internal structure of writing competence is investigated. Analyses, predominantly based on comparison of IRT-models, reveal that general writing competencies as well as the contentual and stylistic dimensions are discourse-mode-specific constructs, whereas the orthographic-grammatic writing competence is discourse mode independent. The second study raises the question to what extent, due to the fact that the writing task instructions are given textually, reading competencies are included when measuring writing. Therefore two-level moderator analyses are computed, modelling the correlation between reading and writing competence dependent on reading difficulty quantifying aspects. Statistically significant but practically hardly relevant effects obtain for two of these aspects: syntactic complexity of the instruction text and (in)frequency of the used words. The third study investigates whether the evaluation of contentual and stylistic writing competencies takes place regardless of orthographic and grammatic features of the underlying texts or whether halo effects occur. Further analyses examine possible rating shifts in dependence of error types, error amount, text length, text complexity and discourse type. The results reveal that stylistic, but not contentual rating shifts occur. These shifts are more pronounced in regard to syntactically more complex texts as well as higher error quantities and arise particularly under the presence of grammatical and syntactically relevant punctuation errors.
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Acceptans och användning av wearables : En surveyundersökning om hur användningen av wearables i träning kan förklaras med Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT)Visnapuu, Kaspar, Hasselqvist Haglund, Jakob January 2021 (has links)
Wearables som teknologi inom träning är ett etablerat koncept och många använder sig av dessa bärbara enheter. Statistik från Världshälsoorganisationen (WHO) visar att 23% av alla vuxna inte är tillräckligt fysiskt aktiva och forskning visar även på att många slutar använda sina wearables. Samtidigt har det gjorts få studier som undersöker dem faktorer som får användarna att acceptera teknologin. Denna studie kommer med utgångspunkt i UTAUT-modellens konstrukt och demografiska variabler, studera svenskatalande användares acceptans av deras wearable i träning. Den data som studien bygger på samlades in genom en surveyundersökning och analyserades med statistiska metoder. Resultatet av den kvantitativa studien påvisade att intentionen till att använda en wearable i träning har störst påverkan på den faktiska användningen. Intentionen påverkas främst av förväntad prestanda. / Wearable fitness technology is a well known concept, with plenty of users. Statististics from the WorldHealthOrganization show that 23% of all adults do not exercise enough. Other studies have shown that many users stop using their wearable devices, as well as the fact that earlier studies have not focused on explaining acceptance and intention to use wearables in fitness. Following study is based on the constructs and moderating variables of the UTAUT-model and implies to investigate wearables acceptance in fitness of swedish speaking people. The data was gathered by a survey and was analysed using statistical methods. We found that Behavioral intention explained Use behaviour, and the intention to use wearable in fitness was mostly affected by Performance Expectancy.
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