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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’énonciation chez l’enfant : problématique et incidences à partir de l’enseignement de Jacques Lacan / The enunciation in the child : problem and incidences of Jacques Lacan’s teaching

Romé, Maria 24 August 2018 (has links)
Nous travaillons la question de l’énonciation chez l’enfant, dans une perspective psychanalytique orientée par l’enseignement de Jacques Lacan. Deux questions fondamentales guident notre parcours : Quelle est l’originalité de la conception lacanienne de l’énonciation ? Quelles sont ses particularités chez l’enfant ? À travers un parcours dans différents moments de son enseignement, nous analysons l’élaboration de la notion d’énonciation, en considérant principalement son articulation avec le graphe du désir. En tenant compte des contributions de Jules Séglas, Roman Jakobson, Jacques Damourette et Édouard Pichon, nous précisons la spécificité de cette notion par rapport à celle introduite par Émile Benveniste dans la linguistique: sa relation avec la négation, son articulation avec le désir, sa dimension pulsionnelle, sa proximité avec le surmoi et sa fixation au fantasme. Bref, on spécifie les aspects qui produisent la discordance fondamentale de l’énonciation dans l’être parlant. Sur la base de ces conceptualisations, nous abordons la question de savoir quelles sont les particularités de l’énonciation chez l’enfant. En considérant la tension entre structure et temporalité qui se dégage de l’enseignement de Lacan, nous présentons ses différentes conceptualisations sur l’enfant, ainsi que quelques débats récents concernant sa position dans la cure. À partir de l’analyse de quelques vignettes, on propose de mettre à l’épreuve de la clinique la thèse de la localisation de l’enfant entre le niveau de l’énoncé et le niveau de l’énonciation. De cette manière, on essaye de préciser des incidences et des emplois possibles de cette catégorie dans la clinique psychanalytique avec des enfants. / In this research we analyse the problem of the enunciation in the child, from a psychoanalytical perspective oriented by Jacques Lacan’s teaching. Two central questions guide our work: What is the originality of the enunciation in Lacan’s theory? What are the particularities of the enunciation in the child? To address the first question, we study the elaboration of this notion in different moments of Lacan’s teaching, by considering especially his sixth seminar (1958-1959). Taking into account the contributions of Jules Séglas, Roman Jakobson, Jacques Damourette and Édouard Pichon, we indicate the specificity of this notion in psychoanalysis in comparison with a linguistic approach: its relation with the negation, its articulation with the desire and the pulsion, its closeness to the superego and the fundamental ghost. On the basis of these conceptualizations, we address the second question, concerning the particularities of the enunciation in the child. Considering the tension between structure and temporality in Lacan’s teaching, we study his perspective of the child, as well as recent discussions about its place in psychoanalytical treatment. By analysing some clinical extracts, we propose to test the thesis of the child localisation between the level of the enunciated (or content) and the level of the enunciation. In this way, we try to specify the incidences and the possible uses of this category in psychoanalytical clinic with children.

Discursos diagnósticos pós-lacanianos: dos fundamentos em psiquiatria às teses sobre um novo sujeito / Discourses of post-lacanian diagnosis: from psychiatric foundations to theses about a new subject

Daniele Rosa Sanches 16 July 2015 (has links)
A pesquisa tem por objetivo geral construir um mapeamento dos principais discursos diagnósticos pós-lacanianos que se circulam no Brasil. Um primeiro objetivo específico desta tese é distinguir a racionalidade subjacente comum a diferentes autores. O segundo objetivo específico é realizar uma breve indicação dos elementos conceituais que se destacam em cada discurso, um destaque que nos revelas as chaves para abrir o debate a ser realizado mais adequadamente nas considerações finais. A justificativa desta pesquisa reside na possibilidade de oferecer ao campo da psicanálise uma inédita visão de conjunto do universo diagnóstico pós-lacaniano. Neste intuito, nossa tese possui uma primeira parte que tem função histórica de situar o campo em debate e refazer os primeiros passos de construção do pensamento diagnóstico em Lacan, assim oferecemos as condições prévias para acompanhar a subsequente discussão pós-lacaniana. Optamos por realizar esta apresentação histórica, pois a hipótese com a qual trabalhamos é que alguns fundamentos do período nascente da obra lacaniana, da década de trinta e quarenta, retornam como questão no debate pós-lacaniano. Na sequencia, temos dois grupos discursivos que trabalham diretamente ligados ao texto de Lacan. O primeiro grupo de autores representa a visão da diagnóstica clássica, pois faz uma redescrição das três estruturas clínicas (neurose, psicose e perversão) e adota esta racionalidade como modelo diagnóstico padrão da obra lacaniana; já o segundo grupo de autores defende a necessidade de reformulações na diagnóstica lacaniana, pois postula a insuficiência do modelo das estruturas clínicas; tais autores estão unidos pela hipótese de que a obra de Lacan possui rupturas conceituais determinantes para uma reacomodação diagnóstica. Por fim, os dois últimos capítulos de nossa tese define um terceiro grupo discursivo que não extrai sua interpretação diretamente do texto de Lacan, mas sim de um diagnóstico social sobre o declínio da função paterna na atualidade, donde cada autor fará sua hipótese para um novo sujeito contemporâneo. Enquanto resultado adicional desta pesquisa, verificamos que as problemáticas clínicas da esfera do Eu retornam ao campo lacaniano de modo direto ou indireto. Como conclusão constatamos que o tema do declínio da função paterna, o desentendimento acerca do alargamento conceitual da categoria de psicose (através da psicose ordinária e psicose compensada) e, por fim, o uso variável da noção de suplência, são os principais elementos dos discursos pós-lacanianos que nos dão as chaves para o debate diagnóstico na atualidade / This research aims to map the main discourses of post-lacanian diagnosis that spread in Brazil. This thesis first specific objective is to differentiate the underlying rationality common to different authors. The second specific objective is to make a brief indication of the conceptual elements that stand out in each discourse. This reveals the keys to open the debate to be more adequately done in our closing remarks. The justification of this research resides in the possibility of offering to the psychoanalytic field an original overview of the post-lacanian diagnostic universe. In order to do so, we first locate historically the field at issue and remake the first steps of Lacans diagnostic thought. This subsidies the ensuing post-lacanian debate. Our hypothesis is that some fundamentals of the first part of the lacanian oeuvre, comprising the 1930s and the 1940s, return in the form of a question in the post-lacanian debate. We present then two discursive groups that are directly related to the lacanian text. The first group of authors represents the classic diagnostic view, since they do a redescription of the three clinic structures (neurosis, psychosis and perversion) and adopt this rationale as the standard diagnostic model in the lacanian oeuvre. The second group of authors defends the necessity of reformulations in lacanian diagnostic, postulating the insufficiency of the clinic structures model. These authors gather around the hypothesis that the lacanian oeuvre has conceptual ruptures that are decisive for diagnostic reaccommodation. The two last chapters define a third discursive group that does not extract its interpretation directly from lacanian text, but from a social diagnosis about the decline of the paternal function nowadays. Each author will hypothesize about a new contemporary subject. As an additional result, we found that the clinical problematic of the Ego returns to the lacanian field both direct and indirectly. We conclude that the main elements of the post-lacanian discourses that grant us the keys to the nowadays diagnostic debate are 1) the decline of the paternal function; 2) the misunderstanding regarding the broadening of the category of psychosis (ordinary psychosis and compensation psychosis) and 3) the variable use of the notion of supplant

Desvendando Lacan: duas metáforas e uma teoria psicanalítica da metáfora / Unveiling Lacan: two metaphors and a psychoanalytic theory of metaphor

Helena Amstalden Imanishi 05 September 2014 (has links)
Mais do que qualquer outra figura de linguagem, a metáfora tem recebido a atenção de diversos pensadores desde Aristóteles, na direção de ampliar suas características e funções. A teoria interacionista da metáfora teve o mérito de elevar a metáfora da função decorativa e periférica na linguagem à função cognitiva e estruturante do pensamento. Essa dimensão essencialmente cognitiva da metáfora foi incorporada progressivamente à ciência por meio do uso das analogias, metáforas e modelos na produção do conhecimento. É essa via epistemológica aberta pela metáfora que nos permite revisitar a Psicanálise e o lugar da metáfora no interior desse conhecimento. Nossa pesquisa se propôs a realizar um estudo sobre a metáfora na obra de Jacques Lacan. Estudo que se deu em duas vertentes, justificadas pelo duplo papel da metáfora na teoria psicanalítica lacaniana. De um lado, tratamos de um uso que podemos denominar de epistemológico, ou seja, a forma como a metáfora foi utilizada para construir conhecimento a partir de duas metáforas lacanianas: as metáforas ópticas e o conto de Edgar Allan Poe A carta roubada. Observamos que, embora nem sempre os termos das metáforas analisadas mantenham uma correspondência biunívoca, elas apresentam forte ressonância, vista a grande quantidade de desdobramentos teóricos possibilitados por este instrumento. Concluímos que as metáforas lacanianas funcionam em um contexto de invenção do conhecimento e servem como um filtro, um anteparo a partir do qual os fenômenos do inconsciente são analisados. O segundo objetivo de nossa pesquisa é descobrir qual a teoria da metáfora de Lacan, em virtude da importância que essa noção adquire em sua teoria fundamentando um dos mecanismos do inconsciente. Concluímos que Lacan, para dar conta das questões próprias da Psicanálise, desenvolve uma nova teoria da metáfora, a qual se distingue das teorias clássicas / More than any other figure of speech, the metaphor has been a focus of attention for several intellectuals since Aristotle, always in the direction to adding to its particulars and functions. The interactionist theory of the metaphor had the merit to raise the metaphor, from its decorative and peripheral function in language, to its cognitive and structural functions in thought. This mainly cognitive dimension was progressively incorporated into science, through the uses of analogies, metaphors and models in the production of knowledge. This epistemological path opened by the metaphor allows us to revisit Psychoanalysis and the place of the metaphor within this knowledge. Our research has proposed a study about the metaphor in Jacques Lacans work. This study has focused around two paths, justified by the double role of metaphor in psychoanalytic theory of Lacan. In one path, we deal with a use that we can call epistemological, in other words, the way that metaphor was used to create knowledge, from two metaphors of Lacan: the optical metaphors and Edgar Allan Poes tale The purloined letter. We note that, although not always the terms of the metaphors analyzed present a one to one correspondence, they do have a strong resonance, given the large amount of theoretical developments made possible by this instrument. We conclude that the Lacanian metaphors work in the context of the invention of knowledge and serve as a filter, a screen from which the phenomena of the unconscious are analyzed. The second path our research explored was to discover which one was Lacan\'s theory of the metaphor, given the importance that this notion acquires in his theory being one of the basic mechanisms of the unconscious. We conclude that Lacan, to account for Psychoanalysis own issues, develops a new theory of the metaphor, which is distinct from the classical theories

La question du Père : une lecture psychanalytique : entre « choix du héros » et « acte d'une femme » / The question of the father : a psychoanalytical reading : between « choice of the hero » and « act of a woman »

Marx, Mélinda 13 June 2015 (has links)
S. Freud et J. Lacan, tout au long de leur élaboration ne cesseront, chacun à leur façon, de réaffirmer la place fondatrice, logique, du père dans la structuration du sujet. Position peu reconnue par les théories post-freudiennes, et qui trouvepourtant aujourd'hui une nouvelle actualité dans une culture situant dans le déclin du père la source de son malaise.« Qui est le père ? », « qu'est-ce qu'être père ? », « quoi dire au père ? ».... Le père pose de fait une question qui affronte le sujet à un réel, à un impossible à dire, tout en lui permettant de s’écrire.Ce travail de thèse se propose, d'une part, de montrer comment se pose et s’élabore la question du père chez Freud et Lacan. D'autre part, de ressaisir cette question dans sa fonction de nouage d'un « impossible à dire » et d'un « possible d'écrire », d'où va se déplier la logique d'une clinique du sujet en impasse. / S Freud and J. Lacan, throughout their elaboration will not stop, each in theirway, reaffirming the founding, logical place, of the father in the structuring of the subject. Position little recognized by the post-Freudian theories, and which finds nevertheless today a new current events in a culture placing in the declineof the father the source of its faintness.« Who is the father? », « what to be father? », « what tell the father? ».... The father asks de facto a question which faces the subject in a reality, in an impossible to be said, while allowing him to spell.This work of thesis suggests, on one hand, showing how settles and develops the question of the father at Freud and Lacan. On the other hand, to seize again this question in its function of knotting of a « impossible to be told » and of a« possible to write », where from is going to unfold the clinical logic of the subject in dead end.

Pleasure in the theatre : psychoanalysis; from narrative to performance

Undrill, Guy January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

'A species of insanity'? : a psychoanalytical reading of the Gothic novel 1764-1897

Jones, Linda Barbara January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Hitchcock and the Material Politics of Looking: Laura Mulvey, Rear Window, and Psycho

Theus, Tyler A 11 May 2013 (has links)
In this essay, I argue that issues of voyeurism and scopophilia raised in Laura Mulvey’s early essay, “Visual Pleasure in Narrative Cinema,” are closely related to the social and economic shifts which occurred during the post-war period. Specifically, I argue that Mulvey’s essay articulates a particular kind of formal technique associated with what she calls “non-narrative scopophilia,” a kind of long-take shot that is utilized to great effect by Alfred Hitchcock in two of his later films, Rear Window (1955) and Psycho (1960). I argue that these shots represent a disruption to the smooth functioning of the classical Hollywood model of narrative and gender ideology in the post-war period tied closely to the changing economic realities of the period. I further argue that such a disruption is closely related to a new model of consumerism that emerges during this period.

L'énigme testamentaire de Lacan /

Dal-Palu, Bruno. January 2004 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Th. doct.--Psychol.--Montpellier 3, 2000. Titre de soutenance : Le nouage borroméen du réel, du symbolique et de l'imaginaire ou L'énigme testamentaire de Lacan. / Notes bibliogr.

Hitchcock and the Material Politics of Looking: Laura Mulvey, Rear Window, and Psycho

Theus, Tyler A 11 May 2013 (has links)
In this essay, I argue that issues of voyeurism and scopophilia raised in Laura Mulvey’s early essay, “Visual Pleasure in Narrative Cinema,” are closely related to the social and economic shifts which occurred during the post-war period. Specifically, I argue that Mulvey’s essay articulates a particular kind of formal technique associated with what she calls “non-narrative scopophilia,” a kind of long-take shot that is utilized to great effect by Alfred Hitchcock in two of his later films, Rear Window (1955) and Psycho (1960). I argue that these shots represent a disruption to the smooth functioning of the classical Hollywood model of narrative and gender ideology in the post-war period tied closely to the changing economic realities of the period. I further argue that such a disruption is closely related to a new model of consumerism that emerges during this period.

Subject to reading literacy and belief in the work of Jacques Lacan and Paulo Freire /

De Klerk, Eugene Henry. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Glasgow, 2007. / Ph.D. thesis submitted to the Faculty of Arts, Department of English Literature, University of Glasgow, 2007. Includes bibliographical references. Print version also available.

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