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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reasons for lacking web security : An investigation into the knowledge of web developers

Sundqvist, Jonathan January 2018 (has links)
Context: With the constantly increasing activity in the internet and its giant rise over the last 18 years, it’s become increasingly important to investigate common problems in web security Objectives: This thesis is made up of a literature study and a survey. It investigates what the common problems in web security are. It also investigates what the average web developer knows, what they think about the state of web security and what they would change. Method: A survey was developed to get information about people’s education levels, previous experience with web security and security breaches. As well as to get their opinions about web security and to find out what they would change. Results: Based on the literature study and survey the thesis finds out what the common problems in web security are as well as what the average web developer knows, think about web security and want to change. Conclusions: The state of web security in 2018 is not at the level that one might expect, there are several common problems created due to lack of knowledge and the consensus of the people is the same, that the state of web security is sub-par and not to their general satisfaction.

El trickster en el Manuscrito de Huarochirí: los casos de Cuniraya Huiracocha, Huatiacuri y Pariacaca

Torres Oyarce, Tania 25 September 2017 (has links)
En este artículo, sostenemos que Cuniraya Huiracocha, Huatiacuri y Pariacaca, en su calidad de sujetos carentes, actúan como tricksters al tomar la figura de huacchas para obtener un objeto de deseo específico a través del cual se satisfaga su carencia: Cuniraya Huiracocha desea quedarse con la doncella Cahuillaca, lo cual conduce a la reorganización de la fauna andina; Huatiacuri, al incorporarse a un núcleo familiar, prepara la llegada de Pariacaca; y este último, al demostrar su poder y ser reconocido como deidad, busca instaurar y consolidar un orden nuevo regido por él mismo. Sobre esta base, exploramos un plan de salvación cristiano-andino por el paralelo existente entre Cuniraya y Dios Creador, Huatiacuri y Juan el Bautista, y Pariacaca y Jesús, en el cual comportarse como trickster ocupa un lugar central. / In this paper, I claim that Cuniraya Huiracocha, Huatiacuri and Pariacaca, which are lacking subjects, act as tricksters under the form of huacchas to obtain a particular object of desire through which their lack becomes fulfilled: Cuniraya Huiracocha tries to keep the maiden Cahuillaca, which leads to the reorganization of the Andean fauna; Huatiacuri, through his incorporation to a nuclear family, prepares Pariacaca’s arrival; and Pariacaca, through the demonstration of his power, and being recognized 318 Lexis Vol. XXXIX (2) 2015 and confirmed as deity, seeks to establish and consolidate a new regime, which he himself will rule. Based on this discussion, I explore a ChristianAndean plan of salvation due to the parallels between Cuniraya and the Creator God, Huatiacuri and John the Baptist, and Pariacaca and Jesus, where acting as trickster plays a crucial role.

Tillsammans i en trygg hamn : Utveckling av bristande sociala, känslomässiga och beteendemässiga färdigheter genom samarbetsbaserad problemlösning

Bergwaahl, Astrid January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att utvärdera om samarbetsbaserad problemlösning (SBP) är ett effektivt verktyg för pedagoger att hjälpa elever som har bristande sociala, känslomässiga eller beteendemässiga färdigheter. Studien avsåg också undersöka om implementeringen av SBP hade någon ytterligare inverkan på pedagogernas arbete utöver det direkta arbetet med enskilda elever. Studien kastar också ljus över vilken betydelse relationen mellan lärare och elev har för elevers utveckling. Studien baseras på pedagogernas egna uppfattningar av vad implementeringen av SBP har bidragit till. För att utvärdera effekterna och upplevelserna av den samarbetsbaserade problemlösningsmodellen användes det standardiserade bedömningsinstrumentet, The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) samt en egen utformad kvalitativ enkät.   Resultatet av denna studie visar att pedagogerna upplever att SBP är ett effektivt verktyg för att hjälpa elever att utveckla bristande sociala, känslomässiga och beteendemässiga färdigheter. Implementeringen av SBP har dessutom bidragit till att pedagogerna har fått ett gemensamt språk och tankesätt samt samarbetar bättre med varandra. Pedagogerna har också fått ett mer salutogent synsätt. Tidigare fokuserade pedagogerna främst på vad eleverna inte kan, och nu ligger fokus på att finna lösningar. Implementeringen av SBP har vidare bidragit till ett ökat deltagande för eleverna, eleverna får göra sina röster hörda och blir lyssnade på i större utsträckning. / The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether collaborative problem solving (CPS) is an effective tool for educators to help students who are lacking social, emotional or behavioral skills. The study also aimed to examine whether the implementation had any further impact on teachers' work in addition to their direct work with individual students. The study sheds light on the significance of the relationship between teacher and student, when it comes to students' development. The study is based on teachers own perceptions of what the implementation has contributed to. This study's evaluation of the effects and experiences of the collaborative problem solving model used standardized assessment instruments, The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and a self -designed qualitative survey.   The results show that teachers perceive that CPS is an effective tool for helping students to develop lacking social, emotional and behavioral skills. The implementation of the CPS model has contributed to the educators' development of a common language and way of thinking, which has improved the overall collaboration at work. The teachers have also been given a more salutogenic approach. Previously the educators primarily focused on what students cannot do, and now they focus on finding solutions. The implementation of the CPS has further contributed to increased participation of the students, the students can make their voices heard and are being listened to more closely.

Faktorer som bidrar till felaktig läkemedelshantering och bristande patientsäkerhet : En litteraturstudie / Factors contributing to incorrect drug handling and poor patient safety : A literature study

Evans, Denice, Hallenheim, Fia January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskorna är till stor del ansvarig för läkemedelshantering i vården, således är även patientsäkerheten en viktig faktor som sjuksköterskorna behöver förhålla sig till i relation till läkemedelshantering för att upprätthålla säkerheten. Syftet var att identifiera faktorer som riskerade patientsäkerheten i sjuksköterskornas läkemedelshantering. Metoden som användes var en litteraturstudie. Studien genomfördes i form av en kritisk granskning av relevant litteratur och vetenskaplig forskning. Resultatet beskrev faktorer som orsakade, riskerade eller bidrog till osäker läkemedelshantering. Enligt 11 vetenskapliga artiklar utformades följande teman: Sjuksköterskornas handhavande, Arbetsmiljöns inverkan och Bidragande organisatoriska faktorer. Det framkom att sjuksköterskornas ogynnsamma arbetsmiljö, ett inadekvat antal patienter per sjuksköterska relaterat till sjuksköterskornas kompetens och erfarenhet samt långa arbetspass och åtskilliga pass i månaden var faktorer som bidrog till osäker läkemedelshantering. Sjuksköterskorna borde besitta förmågan att hantera stressiga situationer och kunna tyda oklara ordinationer. Det framkom att avbrott under iordningsställande av läkemedel var ett hinder för säkerheten i läkemedelshantering. Konklusion: Faktorerna som kunde identifieras i litteraturstudien påträffades i olika skikt av hälso- och sjukvårdsorganisationen. De identifierade faktorerna visar på förbättringsområden på individ och organisationsnivå för att kunna upprätthålla patientsäkerheten. / Background: The nurse is largely responsible of drug management, thus one important factor that the nurse should consider within the drug management should be the patient safety aspect. The aim was to identify factors risking the patient safety in the nurse’s drug management. The method used was a literature study. The study was conducted by a critical review of relevant literature and scientific research. The results describe factors that cause, risk or contribute to unsafe drug management. From 11 scientific articles the following theme was designed: Nurse’s handling, Impact of the work environment and Contributing organizational factors. The nurse’s unfavorable work environment, an inadequate number of patients per nurse, as well as long work sessions and several shifts per month are factors that cause unsafe drug management. Nurses should possess the ability to handle stressful situations and be able to interpret unclear prescriptions. Interruptions during the preparation of medicines is an obstacle to the safety during drug handling. Conclusion: Factors that was identified in the literature study were found in different layers by the healthcare organization. The identified factors show improvement areas in individual and organizational levels in order to maintain patient safety.

Kvinnors erfarenheter av att genomgå missfall : En litteraturstudie / Women´s experiences of undergoing miscarriage : A literature review

Lenngren, Paulina, Palomäki, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Background: Almost 20 percent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. The main reason to why miscarriage occur is chromosome defects. It is of great importance that healthcare professionals provide support and adequate information to women who is experiencing miscarriage. Person-centered care should be implemented which can indicate respect for integrity, autonomy and promotion of women's participation. Aim: The aim of the literature review was to describe women´s experiences of undergoing miscarriage. Method: This study applies a thematic analysis. Eleven articles were included in the analysis. Results: Three main themes with eight subthemes were identified. Lacking information with subthemes expectations, diagnosis and treatment and follow-up care. Psychological effects with subthemes worry, grief and shame and guilt. Emotional processing with subthemes support from partner or related parties and professional support. Conclusion: Lack of information, mental strain and lack of emotional support were factors that influenced woman’s experience and permeated most of the literature study’s results. To provide person-centered and patient-safe care for women who is experiencing miscarriage, further in-depth studies of the subject is essential. / Bakgrund: Ca 20 procent av alla graviditeter slutar i missfall där främsta orsaken är kromosomfel. Det är av stor vikt att vården ger stöd och adekvat information till kvinnor som genomlever missfall. Personcentrerad vård bör tillämpas, vilket kan innebära respekt för integritet, autonomi samt att främja kvinnans delaktighet. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa kvinnors erfarenheter av att genomgå missfall. Metod: Litteraturstudien tillämpar en tematisk dataanalys. Elva stycken artiklar inkluderades i dataanalysen. Resultat: Tre huvudsakliga teman och åtta subteman identifierades; Bristfällig information med subteman förväntningar, diagnos och behandling samt uppföljning. Psykisk påfrestning med subteman oro, sorg samt skam och skuld. Emotionellt stöd med subteman stöd från partner eller närstående samt professionellt stöd. Slutsats: Bristfällig information, psykisk påfrestning och brist på emotionellt stöd var faktorer som influerade kvinnors erfarenheter och genomsyrar majoriteten av litteraturstudiens resultat. För att bedriva personcentrerad och patientsäker vård för kvinnor som genomlever missfall är vidare fördjupning i ämnet grundläggande.

Work management business process against employee engagement

Oosthuysen, Coenraad Willem 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:‘n Kwalitatiewe evaluasie van die faktore wat werknemer verbintenis in die uitvoering van ‘n werksbestuur besigheidsproses beinvloed, word aangebied. Die nodigheid van werknemer verbintenis en besigheidsprosesse in organisasies word beskryf. ‘n Vergelyk tussen die beginsels van werknemer verbintenis en die werksbestuur proses word gedoen. Deur middel van statistiese evaluasie tegnieke (frekwensie evaluasie) dra hierdie navorsing by tot die bestaande kennis in hierdie domein deur die identifisering van faktore wat bydra tot die onttrekking van werknemers van die werksbestuur proses en gevolglik die organisasie verlaat. Resultate bevestig dat die werksbestuur proses die verbintenis van werknemers tot die werksbestuur proses fasiliteer, veral vir werknemers wat onlangs die arbeidsmark betree. Persoonlike groei en loopbaan ontwikkeling word egter nie ten volle ondersteun in die uitvoering van die werksbestuur proses nie. Aanbevelings word gemaak ter ondersteuning van die implementering van ‘n volhoubare werksbestuur proses. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Presents a qualitative evaluation of the factors that influence employee engagement from the perspective of implementing and sustaining a work management business process. Describes the intent of employee engagement and business processes in organizations. Compare the principles of employee engagement and the work management business process. By applying statistical evaluation methods (frequency analyses) this research adds to the existing body of knowledge in this field by identifying factors that lead to disengagement of employees in the execution of work management business processes and subsequent loss of skills. Analysis indicates that the business process facilitates engagement of employees in work management at the start of their careers, however career development and personal growth for experienced employees are lacking in the execution of work management. Concludes with recommendation for sustaining employee engagement in work management.

Electrical energy efficiency awareness by poor communities in South Africa and its impact on their energy needs

Mthiyane, Frederick Sandile 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse Heropbouings Program (HOP) asook die Groei Indiensnemings- en Herverdelingsprogram(GEAR) het ‘n geweldige hoë standaard gestel vir die verskaffing van basiese dienste soos behuising en elektrifisëring vir almal. Die meer effektiewe gebruik van elektriese energie het die sosiale en politieke potensiaal om by te dra tot die sukses van GEAR ten opsigte van die geteikende lae inkomste gemeenskappe waar daar nie tans voldoende elektriese energie beskikbaar is nie. Hierdie studie dek ook die inisiatiewe ten opsigte van effektiewe elektriese energie waaroor die Suid-Afrikaanse regering in vennootskap met Eskom tans navorsing doen om te bepaal of daar enige ekonomiese waarde is, en/of die lae inkomste gemeenskappe deur die sogenoemde inisiatiewe bevoordeel kan word. Die studie sluit ook navorsing in om die bewustheid van die lae inkomste gemeenskappe ten opsigte van effektiewe elektriese energie te bepaal. Die studie kyk verder na verskeie ander voltooide studies ten opsigte van effektiewe energie in lae inkomste gemeenskappe. Alhoewel verskeie ander effektiewe energie programme wel hoë ekonomiese en omgewings voordele uit 'n sosiale oogpunt inhou, is dieselfde programme glad nie aantreklik vir die verbruikers nie. Vir hierdie feit is die regering se bemiddeling wel belangrik. Die uitslag van die studie ondersoek ook die verskillende beleidsopsies (nie in diepte nie) om die struikelblokke van effektiewe energie te oorkom, asook moontlike oplossings vir die regering om die verskille tussen wat goed is vir die gemeenskap, en wat goed is vir die elektriese industrie te oorbrug. Die studie toets ook die bewustheid van effektiewe energie onder die lae inkomste gemeenskappe en hul huidige deelname aan effektiewe energie programme. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa’s Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) as well as Growth Employment and Redistribution (GEAR) set ambitious goals for providing basic services to all, including housing and electrification. More efficient use of electrical energy has the potential to socially and politically support the goals of GEAR, particularly when it is targeted at low-income communities lacking adequate energy services. This study looks at electrical energy efficiency initiatives that the South African government has under taken on its own as well as in partnership with Eskom and to check if there is any economic value that the poor communities may benefit from these initiatives. The study will also check the awareness of poor communities of electrical energy efficiency. Various studies in the subject of energy efficiency in relation to the poor communities that have been done in the past will also be looked at in this study. While many energy efficiency programmes may have significant economic and environmental benefits from a social perspective, they may not be as attractive to utilities and consumers. That is why government intervention is important. As a result this study also examine (not in great depth) the policy options for overcoming the significant barriers to energy efficiency, and ways government can bridge the gap between what is good for society and what is good for the electricity industry. This study extends further on checking the awareness of energy efficiency by the poor communities and their current participation in the energy efficiency programmes.

Direitos sociais e proporcionalidade: análise da doutrina e da jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal  Federal / Social Rights and Proportionality: analysis of the doctrine and jurisprudence of the Supreme Court

Groterhorst, Rebecca 06 March 2015 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar o uso do método da proporcionalidade para decidir questões acerca de direitos sociais. Nesse sentido, antes relacionada somente à proibição do excesso (Übermaßverbot), a proporcionalidade passa a ter reconhecida sua outra face, denominada proibição da proteção insuficiente ou deficiente (Untermaßverbot). O legislador e o administrador passam a ter suas ações balizadas pela proibição do excesso de intervenção e pela imposição da intervenção para proteção de direitos. O termo pouco usual se refere ao controle judicial das omissões do legislador e administrador, na medida em que orienta a atividade deles quando da conformação e implementação dos direitos sociais. Os escassos estudos na doutrina não permitiram o desenvolvimento do método em relação aos direitos sociais no Brasil, em que pese a jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal se utilizar da proporcionalidade como proibição da proteção insuficiente ou deficiente em alguns de seus julgados, especialmente em época recente. Mas se a utilização de tal método na argumentação judicial passa a ser vista de forma recorrente, o Tribunal deve primeiro ter clareza de seus elementos quando pretende invocá-lo em suas decisões e até mesmo firmeza da utilidade de seu uso quanto a esses direitos. Ainda, tem-se que o transplante de métodos de revisão judicial dos direitos de defesa para os direitos sociais merece estudo específico, tanto em relação à concepção desses direitos quanto à possível aplicabilidade da proporcionalidade, pois as diferenças entre eles apontam que nem sempre ambos os direitos comportarão argumentações idênticas para os problemas que enfrentam. / This research aims to analyze the use of the proportionality method for deciding social rights questions. Thus, the proportionality was related before only to prohibition of excessive state actions (Übermaßverbot), begins to have its other face recognized, called prohibition of lacking or insufficient state actions (Untermaßverbot). The legislator and administrator now have their actions bounded by the prohibition of \"excessive intervention\" and by the imposing of \"intervention to protection\" rights. The unusual term refers to the judicial control of the omissions of the legislator and administrator, in so far as guides their activity of conformation and implementation of social rights. The few studies on the doctrine did not allowed the development of the method regarding the social rights in Brazil, notwithstanding the fact that the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court uses proportionality as prohibition of lacking or insufficient state actions in some of its decisions, especially recently. But if the use of such a method in the judicial argumentation starts to be seen recurrently, the Court must first get clear of its elements when intends to invoke it in their decisions and even firmness of utility of its use regarding such rights. Also, the transplantation of judicial review methods of defense rights for social rights deserves a specific study, both in relation to the understanding of these rights and in relation to the possible applicability of proportionality, cause the differences between them suggest that not always both rights shall include arguments identical to the problems they face.

Direitos sociais e proporcionalidade: análise da doutrina e da jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal  Federal / Social Rights and Proportionality: analysis of the doctrine and jurisprudence of the Supreme Court

Rebecca Groterhorst 06 March 2015 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar o uso do método da proporcionalidade para decidir questões acerca de direitos sociais. Nesse sentido, antes relacionada somente à proibição do excesso (Übermaßverbot), a proporcionalidade passa a ter reconhecida sua outra face, denominada proibição da proteção insuficiente ou deficiente (Untermaßverbot). O legislador e o administrador passam a ter suas ações balizadas pela proibição do excesso de intervenção e pela imposição da intervenção para proteção de direitos. O termo pouco usual se refere ao controle judicial das omissões do legislador e administrador, na medida em que orienta a atividade deles quando da conformação e implementação dos direitos sociais. Os escassos estudos na doutrina não permitiram o desenvolvimento do método em relação aos direitos sociais no Brasil, em que pese a jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal se utilizar da proporcionalidade como proibição da proteção insuficiente ou deficiente em alguns de seus julgados, especialmente em época recente. Mas se a utilização de tal método na argumentação judicial passa a ser vista de forma recorrente, o Tribunal deve primeiro ter clareza de seus elementos quando pretende invocá-lo em suas decisões e até mesmo firmeza da utilidade de seu uso quanto a esses direitos. Ainda, tem-se que o transplante de métodos de revisão judicial dos direitos de defesa para os direitos sociais merece estudo específico, tanto em relação à concepção desses direitos quanto à possível aplicabilidade da proporcionalidade, pois as diferenças entre eles apontam que nem sempre ambos os direitos comportarão argumentações idênticas para os problemas que enfrentam. / This research aims to analyze the use of the proportionality method for deciding social rights questions. Thus, the proportionality was related before only to prohibition of excessive state actions (Übermaßverbot), begins to have its other face recognized, called prohibition of lacking or insufficient state actions (Untermaßverbot). The legislator and administrator now have their actions bounded by the prohibition of \"excessive intervention\" and by the imposing of \"intervention to protection\" rights. The unusual term refers to the judicial control of the omissions of the legislator and administrator, in so far as guides their activity of conformation and implementation of social rights. The few studies on the doctrine did not allowed the development of the method regarding the social rights in Brazil, notwithstanding the fact that the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court uses proportionality as prohibition of lacking or insufficient state actions in some of its decisions, especially recently. But if the use of such a method in the judicial argumentation starts to be seen recurrently, the Court must first get clear of its elements when intends to invoke it in their decisions and even firmness of utility of its use regarding such rights. Also, the transplantation of judicial review methods of defense rights for social rights deserves a specific study, both in relation to the understanding of these rights and in relation to the possible applicability of proportionality, cause the differences between them suggest that not always both rights shall include arguments identical to the problems they face.

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