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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jurbarko rajono sąvartynų uždarymo preliminarios eilės sudarymas panaudojant daugiakriterinę analizę / Preliminary line of Jurbarkas district landfill closure applying multiple criteria decision analysis

Kursevičius, Martynas 14 January 2009 (has links)
Gyvenant šių dienų Lietuvoje jau neužtenka buityje ar gamyboje susidarančių atliekų tvarkyti taip kaip buvome įpratę anksčiau. Kitaip tvarkyti atliekas skatina Europos Sajungos ir kiti tarptautiniai įsipareigojimai. Gerėjant gyventojų gyvenimo sąlygoms, išaugus vartojimui, žmonės ypač daug perka ir keičia buitinės technikos, bei kitų prekių, kurių pasekoje susidaro įvairių atliekų. Lietuvoje pasirinkta strategija įdiegiant regioninę atliekų tvarkymo sistemą, nors žvelgiant į atskiras savivaldybes, galima teigti, kad kai kuriose ši, regioninė atliekų tvarkymo sistema nėra optimaliausias variantas. Regioninės atliekų tvarkymo sistemos diegimui, apskričių savivaldybės yra įkūrusios regiono atliekų tvarkymo centrus, kurių vienas artimiausiu tikslų tai senų sąvartynų uždarymas. Kaip tik sąvartynų uždarymo klausimui spręsti galime panaudoti sprendimų paramos sistemas, o būtent, daugiakriterinę analizę. Daugiakriterinei analizei atlikti gali būti pasitelkiama keletas kompiuterinių programų, tokių kaip HYPSE ar Sprendimų analizės modulis (DAM), kurią šiame darbe ir naudojame. Sprendimų analizės modulio panaudojimui buvo nustatyti tam tikri kriterijai, o alternatyva tai kiekvienas Jurbarko rajono sąvartynas. Kiekvienas kriterijus apibūdina kiekvieną alternatyvą (sąvartyną). / These days there isn‘t enough just taking care of communal or industry waste as we all are accustomed in Lithuania. The different waste managing is Europian Union and other international commit for Lithuania. Better everyday life in Lithuania brings bigger usage, that makes people to buy more life eguipment and other everyday goods, which brings to new waste. There is a regional waste managing system strategy in Lithuania, which isn't very optimal system for some of the Lithuanian municipalities. For this purpose district local governments established regional waste management centers, whose one of the first tasks is to close old landfills. For this problem to solve we will use decision making preferences, and that is multiple criteria decision analysis. There is several computer software for applying multiple criteria decision analysis, just like HYPSE and Decision analysis module (DAM), wich one we used in this study. For use of Decision analysis module we defined criteria, and alternative was Jurbarkas district landfills. Every criteria characterizes every alternative (landfill).

Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zur stabilen Entsorgung von Schwachgasen in porösen Verbrennungsreaktoren

Endisch, Matthias 15 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Deponierte Abfälle emittieren auch Dekaden nach dem Ende der Einlagerung am Standort eine Vielzahl von Schadstoffen. Durch verantwortungsvollen Aufbau und Betrieb oder eine nachträgliche Sanierung kann das Gewicht von unkontrollierten Emissionen hin zu kontrollierten verschoben werden, die wiederum einer entsprechenden Entsorgung zugeführt werden können. Neben dem Deponiesickerwasser spielt das Deponiegas mit den Hauptbestandteilen Methan und Kohlendioxid auf Grund des lokalen und globalen (anthropogener Treibhauseffekt) Gefährdungspotentials eine wichtige Rolle. Sowohl die Gasmenge als auch der Gehalt an brennbaren Methan verringern sich mit zunehmender Standzeit der Deponie. Für Stark- und Mittelgase (ca. 25-60 Vol.-% Methan) ist eine entsprechende Nutzungs- und Entsorgungstechnik etabliert. Für den Schwachgasbereich ist die Entsorgung durch Verbrennung auf Grund der schlechten Verbrennungseigenschaften problematisch. Es existieren einige Lösungsansätze, von denen sich jedoch angesichts verschiedener technologiebedingter Nachteile noch keiner für die Schwachgasentsorgung über den gesamten relevanten Bereich an Methangehalten etablieren konnte. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, einen neuen Ansatz für eine einfache, kostengünstige und robuste Technologie zu erarbeiten, die eine vollständige Eliminierung des Methans und weiterer schädlicher Bestandteile gewährleistet. Im Weiteren sollen Methangehalte im Deponiegas von 5-11 Vol.-% bzw. Modellgemische mit einem Äquivalenzverhältnis von 0,3-0,5 betrachtet werden. Dieser Bereich erweist sich als besonders problematisch hinsichtlich einer stabilen Entsorgung. Bei Grubengasen und methanbeladener Abluft sind unter Umständen ähnliche Fragestellungen anzutreffen. Neben experimentellen Arbeiten in Labor und Technikum liefern vor allem numerische Simulationen einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur wissenschaftlichen Durchdringung der ablaufenden Prozesse und der Vorausberechnung technischen Reaktoren und Brennern. Für hier behandelte Problemstellung bietet sich die Software Ansys Fluent® an. Für die Entsorgung von Schwachgasen bieten sich mehrere grundsätzliche Herangehensweisen an. Für diese Arbeit wurde sich auf die Oxidation des Methans in porösen Medien, z.B. Füllkörperschüttungen oder offenzellige SiC-Schaumkeramiken, konzentriert. In einem ersten Ansatz wurde eine katalytische Funktionalisierung von SiC-Schaumkeramik mit Manganoxid dotierter Calciumaluminat-Beschichtung durchgeführt, um so die hervorragenden thermischen Eigenschaften des Siliciumcarbids mit der Oxidationsaktivität eines Katalysators zu kombinieren. Nach der Evaluierung einer optimalen hochtemperaturfesten Katalysatorkombination und experimentellen Erarbeitung kinetischer Parameter bilden Modellrechnungen im einfach durchströmten Monolith (1D) die Basis für eine Beurteilung dieser Variante. Der zweite Ansatz verfolgt eine nicht-katalytische, rein thermische Umsetzung des Methans. Eine Verbesserung der Verbrennungseigenschaften durch Vorwärmung des Brenngases erfolgt über interne Rekuperation ohne externen Abgaswärmeübertrager. Auf Basis von theoretischen Überlegungen und Simulationsrechnungen wurde eine entsprechende Technikumsanlage mit einer aus Alumina-Raschig-Ringen bestehenden porösen Matrix entworfen und aufgebaut. Ausgewählte Versuchsreihen dienten zur Demonstration der Funktionalität und zur Validierung des CFD-Modells. Mit Hilfe des Modells sind eine Variation der Eigenschaften der porösen Matrix und ein Upscaling auf einen technischen Maßstab möglich. Die Berechnung des Einsatzbereiches erfolgt beispielhaft mit einem Vorschlag für eine technisch relevante Größe an einem typischen Deponie-Schwachgas. Für die Modellierung von Oxidationsprozessen in porösen Strukturen ist die Implementierung des Wärmetransports ein wesentlicher Baustein. Ein entscheidender Parameter hierin ist die effektive Wärmeleitfähigkeit der porösen Matrix. Insbesondere für keramische Schäume ist die Anzahl der publizierten Arbeiten gering. Durch Vermessung der SiC-Keramikschäume mit Hilfe der Hot-Disk-Methode (Raumtemperatur) und mit dem Plattenmessverfahren (300-1000 °C) konnte auch an dieser Stelle ein Beitrag erbracht werden.

Kauno miesto nuotekų valykloje susidarančio dumblo taršos sunkiaisiais metalais analizė ir panaudojimo galimybės / Kaunas wastewater plant's sludge pollution by heavy metals and it's usage possibilities

Gaudinkskaitė, Justina 14 January 2009 (has links)
Šiuo metu pagal plitimo greitį aplinkoje ir ribas bei koncentracijos didėjimą vienais iš pavojingiausių žmonėms ir gyvūnams laikomi antropogeninės kilmės teršalai - sunkieji metalai. Tyrimui atlikti buvo panaudoti Kauno miesto nuotekų valyklos laboratoriniai duomenys apie nuotekose ir nuotekų dumble susikaupusius sunkiuosius metalus: cinką (Zn), šviną (Pb), nikelį (Ni), gyvsidabrį (Hg), chromą (Cr), kadmį (Cd), varį (Cu). Naudojant susistemintus laboratorinius duomenis buvo nustatyta, kad didesnės sunkiųjų metalų koncentracijos žiemą buvo 2002 – 2003 metais, o 2004 – 2006 metais – rudenį ir pavasarį. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad sunkiųjų metalų koncentracijų kaitą įtakoja krituliai, nustatyti vidutinio stiprumo ryšiai. Pagal taršą sunkiaisiais metalais (Cr, Cu, Cd, Zn, Ni, Hg) Kauno miesto nuotekų valyklos dumblas yra II kategorijos, o pagal Pb atitinka I kategoriją. III kategorijos dumblo iš viso nebuvo rasta, todėl nuotekų dumblas gali būti naudojamas laukų tręšimui bei sąvartynų uždengimui. Tyrimo metu buvo įvertinta galimybė Kauno miesto nuotekų dumblą panaudoti Lapių buitinių atliekų sąvartyno uždengimui. Dumble esančios sunkiųjų metalų koncentracijos nepablogintų sąvartyno filtrato kokybės, tačiau dėl fizikinių savybių (dumblas slysta, technika klimpsta) nėra tinkamas Lapių sąvartyno uždengimui. Dumblo naudojimas energetinių želdinių tręšimui taip pat yra nepalankus nuotekų dumblą tvarkančioms įmonėms dėl mažų tręšimo normų. / Heavy metals are anthropogenic pollutants which are toxic and mostly widespread in nowadays environment. For the research there were used Kaunas wastewater plant laboratorial data about heavy metals in wastewater and sewage sludge, such as chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn), nickel (Ni), mercury (Hg), plumbum (Pb). By using the systemized laboratorial data it was determined that the biggest concentrations of heavy metals in winter season were in the year 2002 – 2003, but in the year 2004 – 2006 – in autumn and spring. The results of the research showed that precipitation influences heavy metals concentrations to change; there were determined middle strength connections. According to the pollution of heavy metals in the year 2002 – 2006 treated sludge of Kaunas wastewater plant corresponded second category, just plumbum corresponded first category. There was no treated sludge of third category that is why sewage sludge can be used to utilize the fields and cover the landfills. During the research it has been estimated the possibility to use sewage sludge to cover the landfill of Lapes. The concentration of heavy metals in the sludge wouldn‘t make worse the quality of the landfill’s leachate, but still it is not practicable for the covering the Lapes landfill because of the physical characteristics (sludge is slippery, technical equipment is sinking). Because of the low utilising rates the usage for utilizing short rotation forest is not suitable as well for... [to full text]

Environmental management systems within local government : a case study of Msunduzi Council.

Khumalo, Balungile Judith-Anne. January 2002 (has links)
Environmental management has increasingly become a critical approach for dealing with environmental issues. Implicit in this, is the premise that for environmental management to be effective, a systematic approach is imperative. For this reason, environmental management systems have emerged as the strategy for organizations within which environmental management initiatives are co-ordinated. While environmental management systems (EMS) are a necessary and important tool to achieve quality environmental performance and protection, experience with them illustrates how their adoption and implementation are constrained by a number of factors. EMS cannot operate in isolation. Rather, they need to be incorporated into an organization's overall management strategy. Using the Msunduzi Council as a case study, this study looks at the challenges and complexities that local governments, tasked with the protection of the environment at local level, encounter. The New England Road Landfill Site has been highlighted as a section of the Msunduzi Council where an Environmental Management System is entrenched. Research methods used to obtain data comprised a workshop and key informant interviews. Issues that emerged from the workshop informed and directed the analysis of the data. As research undertaken and conclusions drawn suggest, the adoption and implementation of an Environmental Management Framework or System ensures that environmental matters are tackled in a systematic and proactive manner within an organization. This in turn promotes quality environmental management and subsequently sustainable development. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2002.

Partial nitritation of landfill leachate in a SBR prior to an anammox reactor : operation and modelling

Ganigué Pagès, Ramon 19 February 2010 (has links)
Els lixiviats d'abocadors urbans són aigües residuals altament contaminades, que es caracteritzen per les elevades concentracions d'amoni i el baix contingut de matèria orgànica biodegradable. El tractament dels lixiviats a través dels processos de nitrificació-desnitrificació convencionals és costós a causa de la seva elevada demanda d'oxigen i la necessitat d'addició d'una font de carboni externa. En els darrers anys, la viabilitat del tractament d'aquest tipus d'afluents per un procés combinat de nitritació parcial-anammox ha estat demostrada. Aquesta tesi es centra en el tractament de lixiviats d'abocador a través d'un procés de nitritació parcial en SBR, com un pas preparatori per a un reactor anammox. Els resultats de l'estudi han demostrat la viabilitat d'aquesta tecnologia per al tractament de lixiviats d'abocador. El treball va evolucionar des d'una escala inicial de laboratori, on el procés va ser testat inicialment, a uns exitosos experiments d'operació a llarg termini a escala pilot. Finalment, la tesi també inclou el desenvolupament, calibració i validació d'un model matemàtic del procés, que té com a objectiu augmentar el coneixement del procés. / Urban landfill leachate are highly contaminated wastewater, usually characterised by high ammonium concentrations and low biodegradable organic matter content. Treating leachate through conventional nitrification-denitrification processes is expensive due to its high oxygen demand and the requirement of a supplementary external carbon source. In recent years, the feasibility of treating such streams with a low C:N ratio by a combined partial nitritation-anammox process has been demonstrated. This thesis deals with the treatment of landfill leachate by a partial nitritation-SBR, as a preparative step for an anammox reactor. The results of the study have demonstrated the feasibility of this technology for the treatment of landfill leachate. The work evolved from initial lab-scale studies, where the process was first tested, to a successful long-term experiment at pilot-scale. In addition, the thesis also includes the development, calibration and validation of a mathematical model of the process, aiming at increasing process knowledge.

Avaliação de emissões fugitivas de biogás na camada de cobertura do aterro sanitário da CTR de Nova Iguaçu e do Lixão de Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro. / Monitoring and evaluation of biogas emission through the final cover layer of the waste treatment center of Nova Iguaçu and Dump of Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro.

Ana Carolina Eugênio de Oliveira 17 April 2013 (has links)
No Brasil, se espera ter até 2014, de acordo com o prazo da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, todos os lixões erradicados e os resíduos sólidos urbanos gerados depositados em aterros sanitários. Atualmente, os projetos de aterros sanitários dão oportunidade para um nicho de mercado, o da fonte de geração de energia. Um parâmetro de controle da poluição do ar causada pelos aterros sanitários são as chamadas camadas de cobertura. Nesse contexto, é de fundamental importância o estudo de camadas de cobertura de resíduos por ser um importante elemento de projeto para evitar ou minimizar a poluição do ar devido aos gases gerados em aterros sanitários de resíduos sólidos, já que é o elo existente entre o ambiente interno dos resíduos e a atmosfera. A presente pesquisa aborda o comportamento dos gases em relação à camada de cobertura existentes na CTR de Nova Iguaçu e no Lixão remediado de Seropédica. Foram realizados ensaios de Placa de Fluxo, medição de pressão e concentração dos gases no contato solo-resíduo e emissões dos gases pelos drenos, além das análises de solo in situ e em laboratório. Os ensaios foram realizados de outubro a novembro de 2012. Os resultados indicaram uma inexistência de fluxo de gases pela camada de cobertura, que possui 1,10 m de espessura, do lixão de Seropédica, sendo encontrado apenas fluxo nos drenos. Na CTR Nova Iguaçu, foi verificada que praticamente a inexistência de fluxo de gases com o sistema de gás ligado, mesmo possuindo uma camada de cobertura de 0,8 m. / In Brazil, according to the timeframe given by the National Policy of Solid Waste, by 2014, every dump will be eradicated and every municipal solid waste generated will be deposited in landfills. Currently, the landfill projects provide an opportunity for the market, which is a source of energy. A parameter of control of the air pollution caused by landfills is called cover layers. In this context, it is important the study of the cover layers to avoid or minimized the air pollution due to gases generated in landfills, which is the link between the solid waste and the atmosphere. This research addresses the behavior of the gases in relation to the cover layers on the CTR Nova Iguaçu and Dump of Seropédica. Six test trials of the Flux chamber, pressure measurement and concentration of gases in the soil-residue contact and emissions of gases through the drains, in addition to in situ soil analysis and laboratory analysis. The tests trials were performed from October, 2012 to November, 2012. The results indicated no gas flow through the cover layer, which has a thickness of 1.10 m, of the dump of Seropédica, where the gas flow was only encountered through the drains. In CTR Nova Iguaçu, the gas flow was almost inexistent, even having a cover layer of thickness of 0.8 m.


Gomes, Tiago Luis 30 May 2005 (has links)
The subject of greater concern related to environmental degradation in a disposal system of urban solid wastes is the leachate generation. The high pollutant power of leachate is due to the presence of organic and inorganic composts formed during the decomposition of wastes. The inadequate leachate management can pollute environmental sites, particularly the soil, surface waters and groundwater basin. Through the verification of a system of treatment conducted by stabilization ponds it is possible to evaluate the efficiency of the process responsible for the removal of pollutants and to esteem the impact generated by the outflow in a receptor. This evaluation aimed to study the environmental impact generated in Caturrita's Landfill, located in Santa Maria RS, which has a total area of 374435.72 m2 and is part of the hidrographic Sub basin of Arroio Ferreira, receiving approximately 150 ton/day of urban solid wastes. Through Swiss, Rational and Balance Water Methods, leachate flows were estimated and checked by real measurements which took place on the site, thus determining the methodology employed in the quantitative evaluation of the leachate which was generated. The qualitative evaluation consisted of a monitoring system that was conducted from August 2003 to March 2005. It presented characteristics of the leachate generated during the disposal of solid wastes, as well as characteristics of the quality of water in the outflow receptor of the system of treatment of leachate. This evaluation enabled the determination of the effectiveness concerning the system of ponds used for stabilization, together with the determination of the outflow impact and the present degradation status of the landfill. The quantitative results were obtained through the use of error graphs evaluation for long series (data gathered from 34 years of precipitation and 29 years of evapotranspiration) and short series (between May 2004 and April 2005 for precipitation and evapotranspiration) and presented for the Balance Water, Rational and Swiss Methods, 31%, 13% and 34% of error rate, considering long historic series of data; and 48%, 21% and 76%, considering short historic series of data. Regarding the qualitative aspects of leachate, more precisely its degradation status (solid waste degradation), showing a confidence level of 95%, the mean ratio found between BOD/COD was 0.46± 0.08 and concerning the PH it was 7.9 ± 0.14. The mean effectiveness of the system of treatment was 69±11% when BOD was removed and 58±10% when COD was removed. In 92 % of the cases, the outflow presented BOD values above the maximum limit of 200 mg/L. A similar situation is observed regarding the COD parameter, presenting a maximum limit of 450 mg/L. The Balance Water Method proved to be apt to be used in dimensioning processes of systems of treatment of outflows, showing a mean error of 34% above the real flow and was susceptible to the real montly tendencies. The degradation processes of leachate in Caturrita's Landfill were found in the end of the final acidogenic phase, due to the values found for the ratio BOD/COD and the PH, enphasizing how much organic matter is still possible to be degraded. The mean effectiveness of the system of ponds of treatment was showed to be insufficient, considering that the mean concentration on the site is 390± 91mg/L (outflow site) for the first and 1403±209 mg/L (outflow site) for the second. In order to meet the values indicated by law (Portaria 05/89 SSMA RS), it would be necessary a concentration inferior to 200 mg/L for BOD and 450 mg/L for COD. / A questão de maior preocupação quanto à degradação ambiental em um sistema de disposição de resíduos sólidos urbanos é a geração de percolado (lixiviado ou chorume). A elevada carga poluidora presente no percolado é devido à presença de compostos de origem orgânica e inorgânica formados durante a decomposição dos resíduos. O gerenciamento inadequado deste percolado pode levar à poluição dos compartimentos ambientais, em particular, o solo, águas superficiais e águas subterrâneas. Através do monitoramento do sistema de tratamento por lagoas de estabilização é possível avaliar a eficiência do processo de remoção de poluentes e estimar o impacto gerado no lançamento dos efluentes em um corpo receptor. Neste trabalho, estudou-se o impacto ambiental gerado no Aterro Controlado da Caturrita, localizado no município de Santa Maria RS, inserido na Sub-Bacia hidrográfica do Arroio Ferreira, com área total de 374.435,72 m2, recebendo aproximadamente 150 ton/dia de resíduos sólidos urbanos. Pelos Métodos Suíço, Racional e Balanço Hídrico, fez-se estimativas de vazões de percolado aferidas por medições reais no local, determinando a metodologia empregada na avaliação quantitativa do percolado gerado. Quanto à avaliação qualitativa, a mesma consistiu no monitoramento compreendido entre Agosto de 2003 e Março de 2005, apresentado características do percolado gerado durante a disposição dos resíduos sólidos e na qualidade da água no corpo receptor do efluente do sistema de tratamento de percolado, possibilitando determinar a eficiência do sistema das lagoas de estabilização, o impacto do lançamento de efluentes e o estado de degradação atual do aterro. Nos resultados quantitativos, utilizando gráficos de avaliação de erros para séries longas (dados de 34 anos para precipitação e 29 para evapotranspiração) e curtas (entre Maio de 2004 e Abril de 2005 para a precipitação e evapotranspiração), obteve-se para os Métodos do Balanço Hídrico, Racional e Suíço, respectivamente, 31%, 13% e 34% de erros, considerando séries históricas longas de dados, e 48%, 21% e 76%, considerando séries históricas curtas de dados. Para os aspectos qualitativos do percolado, quanto ao estado de degradação dos resíduos, com nível de confiança de 95% a razão média encontrada entre DBO/DQO foi de 0,46±0,08 e para o pH igual a 7,9±0,14. A eficiência média do sistema de tratamento foi de 69±11% na remoção da DBO e 58±10% para a DQO. Em 92% das ocorrências o efluente apresentou valores de DBO acima do limite máximo de 200 mg/L. Situação semelhante é observada para o parâmetro DQO, que apresenta um limite máximo de 450 mg/L. O Método do Balanço Hídrico mostrou-se apto para utilização em dimensionamentos de sistemas de tratamento de efluentes com erro médio calculado de 34% acima da vazão real e se mostrando suscetível às tendências mensais reais. Os processos de degradação do percolado no aterro da Caturrita encontram-se no fim da fase acidogênica final, em virtude dos valores encontrados para razão DBO/DQO e pH, evidenciando o quanto ainda é possível degradar de matéria orgânica. A eficiência média do sistema de lagoas de tratamento, apresentou-se insuficiente, uma vez que a média de concentração do local é de 390±91 mg/L (ponto efluente) para a primeira e 1403±209 mg/L (ponto efluente) para a segunda, sendo que para atender a Portaria 05/89 SSMA-RS seria necessário uma concentração inferior a 200 mg/L para DBO e 450 mg/L para a DQO.

Politiques de tarification, stratégies de différenciation et gestion optimale des déchets ménagers. / Pricing Policies, Strategies of Differentiation and Optimal Household Waste Management

Arnaud, Brice 27 September 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie l’efficacité de deux instruments relatifs à la gestion des déchets ménagers : la tarification incitative et la responsabilité élargie des producteurs. Dans un premier temps, nous analysons l’efficacité de ces deux instruments à l’aide d’un modèle d’équilibre général. Dans ce modèle, tous les marchés représentés sont concurrentiels mais l’élimination des déchets génère un dommage environnemental qui est la source d’externalités. Dans le cas d’une tarification incitative comme d’une responsabilité élargie des producteurs, une politique optimale implique une tarification au coût marginal social d’élimination des déchets. Pour internaliser le coût du dommage environnemental, une taxe sur le stockage semble l’instrument le plus efficace. Dans un second temps, nous analysons l’efficacité d’une tarification au coût marginal social de gestion des déchets en supposant que le marché du bien n’est pas concurrentiel. Nous représentons ce marché par un duopole avec une différenciation verticale des biens. Chaque producteur produit une qualité différente d’un même bien et les consommateurs ont des préférences différentes pour la qualité. Dans le cas d’une responsabilité élargie des producteurs, une tarification au coût marginal social de gestion des déchets ne décentralise pas l’optimum social. Une politique optimale suppose de moduler le coût supporté par les producteurs en fonction des préférences des consommateurs pour la qualité. / This thesis examines the effectiveness of two instruments for the management of household waste : unit-pricing systems and extended producer responsibility. In a first step, we analyze the effectiveness of these two instruments using a general equilibrium model. In this model, all markets are competitive but waste disposal generates environmental damage which is the source of externalities. In the case of a unit-pricing systems as an extended producer responsibility, optimal pricing policy involves a marginal social cost of waste disposal. To internalize the cost of environmental damage, a landfill tax seems the most effective tool. In a second step, we analyze the effectiveness of social marginal cost pricing of waste management by assuming that the final market is not competitive. We represent this market by a duopoly with vertical product differentiation. Each firm produces a different quality of the same good, and consumers have different preferences for quality. In the case of an extended producer responsibility, the social marginal cost pricing of waste management does not decentralize the social optimum. An optimal policy involves the modulation of the cost that is borne by producers based on consumer preferences for quality.

Tratamento por coagulação-floculação de lixiviado bruto de aterro sanitário com e sem pré-tratamento biológico em reator sequencial em batelada

Gewehr, André Granzotto January 2012 (has links)
A forma de tratamento e destinação final ainda mundialmente preponderante para os resíduos sólidos urbanos é o aterro sanitário, método que gera, além de uma massa sólida residual, parcialmente estabilizada, subprodutos finais líquidos e gasosos. O efluente líquido, conhecido como lixiviado, necessita tratamento específico, devido a sua elevada nocividade ao meio ambiente, em função, principalmente, de suas elevadas concentrações de nitrogênio amoniacal e de matéria orgânica, em elevado percentual, recalcitrante. O presente trabalho avaliou em escala de bancada o tratamento, via processo físico-químico, através de coagulação-floculação, de lixiviado bruto proveniente de aterro sanitário Central de Resíduos do Recreio (operado pela Companhia Riograndense de Valorização de Resíduos), desprovido de qualquer tratamento prévio, e de lixiviado pré-tratado biologicamente em reatores sequenciais em batelada (RSB). Para o processo de coagulação-floculação foram testados os coagulantes policloreto de alumínio (PAC), cloreto férrico, sulfato férrico e tanino. Sucessivas etapas foram planejadas para a determinação de dosagem e ajuste de pH ótimos, para cada coagulante empregado, e para a verificação da influência de tempos e gradientes de misturas, bem como foi testada a aplicação de polímeros auxiliares de floculação. As variáveis resposta utilizadas para o monitoramento e a avaliação de eficiências foram a cor verdadeira, turbidez (com e sem prévia filtração), DQO, volume de lodo gerado e pH. O uso de reator sequencial em batelada objetivou nitrificação/desnitrificação convencional das elevadas concentrações de nitrogênio amoniacal e eventual oxidação de matéria carbonácea. Verificou-se que os diferentes tempos e gradientes de mistura testados, assim como a utilização de polímeros auxiliares, não produziram impactos nos resultados. Os coagulantes inorgânicos apresentaram elevadas eficiências de remoção, com destaque para o cloreto férrico, o qual na dosagem de 1102 mgFe+3/L e ajuste inicial de pH em 6,2 removeu 98% da cor verdadeira e da turbidez filtrada, 63% da DQO, 40% da DBO5, e 88% de turbidez não filtrada do lixiviado bruto. Apesar da recalcitrância de considerável fração da matéria orgânica do lixiviado, o RSB2 removeu 40% da DQO e 60% da DBO5 originais. A coagulação-floculação do efluente do RSB2 necessitou inferiores dosagens dos coagulantes em relação ao processo com lixiviado bruto. O cloreto férrico, em dosagem ótima de 826 mgFe+3/L e ajuste de pH em 6,3, removeu 95% da cor, 77% da DQO, 82% da DBO5, 94% da turbidez filtrada e 92% da turbidez não filtrada. Concluiu-se por elevada viabilidade técnica do processo de coagulação-floculação para o lixiviado com e sem pré-tratamento, a partir da otimização das condições de contorno do processo. O pré-tratamento em RSB, quando utilizado controle de pH, demonstrou grande potencial para nitrificação/desnitrificação e oxidação de significante parcela da matéria carbonácea do lixiviado bruto. / The form of treatment and disposal still prevalent worldwide for solid waste is the landfill, a method that generates, in addition to a solid mass residual partially stabilized, liquid and gas end products. The effluent liquid, known as leachate, requires specific treatment, due to its high harmfulness to the environment, due mainly to its high concentrations of ammonia nitrogen and organic matter in high percentage, recalcitrant. This study evaluated the treatment on bench scale, via physico-chemical process, by coagulation-flocculation, of raw leachate from Central de Resíduos do Recreio landfill (operated by Companhia Riograndense de Valorização de Resíduos), devoid of any previous treatment, and biologically pretreated leachate reactors in sequential batch reactors (SBR). For the process of flocculation-coagulation were tested polyaluminum chloride (PAC), ferric chloride, ferric sulfate and tannin. Successive stages were designed for determining dosage and optimum pH adjustment for each coagulant employed and for verifying the influence of times and gradients mixtures, as well as tested in the application of polymers flocculation auxiliaries. The answers used for parametric monitoring and evaluation of efficiencies were the true color, turbidity (with and without prior filtration), COD, sludge volume and pH. The use of sequential batch reactor aimed conventional nitrification/denitrification of the high concentrations of ammonia nitrogen and eventual oxidation of carbonaceous matter. It was found that the different gradients and mixing times tested, as well as the use of auxiliary polymers, did not produce impact on the results. The inorganic coagulants showed high removal efficiencies, especially ferric chloride, which at a dose of 1102 mgFe+3/L and initial pH adjusted to 6.2, removed 98% of the true color and filtered turbidity, 63% of COD, 40% of BOD5 and 88% of unfiltered turbidity. Despite the considerable fraction of the recalcitrance of organic matter in the leachate, the SBR2 removed 40% of COD and 60% of BOD5 of the original. The coagulation-flocculation of the effluent from SBR2 required lower dosages of coagulants in relation to the similar process with raw leachate. Ferric chloride in optimum dosage of 826 mgFe+3/L and adjusting pH to 6.3, removed 95% of color, 77% of COD, 82% of BOD5, 94% of the filtered turbidity and 92% of unfiltered turbidity. It was concluded by high technical feasibility of the process of flocculation-coagulation for the leachate with and without pre-treatment, based on the optimization of the boundary conditions of the process. The pre-treatment with SBR, when pH control, demonstrated high potential for nitrification/denitrification and oxidation of a significant portion of the carbonaceous of the raw leachate.

O desafio do gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos industriais no Rio Grande do Sul frente à legislação ambiental : um estudo para o setor metalmecânico

Cavalli, Cléo January 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho se propôs a analisar um conjunto de empresas do setor metalmecânico, de maneira a verificar possíveis variações no cenário da disposição final dos Resíduos Sólidos Industriais (RSI) após a publicação da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS). Foram entrevistadas 22 empresas do setor metalmecânico e 6 Aterros e Centrais de Disposição Final, todas com localização no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A seleção das empresas deu-se através do estabelecimento de alguns critérios, e estas foram subdividas em 3 amostras: Amostra A (empresas do setor metalmecânico que deixaram de enviar RSI para disposição final antes de 2010), Amostra B (empresas do setor metalmecânico que deixaram de enviar RSI para disposição final no período entre os anos de 2010 e 2014, ou que ainda continuam destinando resíduos para disposição final até a data da pesquisa) e Amostra C (aterros e centrais de disposição final). O procedimento metodológico consistiu na aplicação de um instrumento de coleta de dados através de entrevistas presenciais ou por telefone com profissionais da área ambiental de cada empresa. Os dados foram coletados entre os meses de outubro/2014 a abril/2015 e limitaram-se ao período entre os anos de 2010 a 2014. Os resultados estão apresentados em dois capítulos, sendo que o primeiro refere-se a uma análise global segmentado por amostra de empresa, e o segundo é dedicado às empresas da Amostra B. Os principais resultados encontrados nas empresas da Amostra B apontam reduções no envio dos RSI para disposição final, principalmente dos resíduos classe I, e pode-se verificar um aumento de envio dos classe II. Na Amostra C foi possível verificar uma expressiva diminuição no recebimento dos resíduos classe I e por outro lado, aumento dos resíduos classe II, até o ano de 2013. Os principais fatos que justificam este cenário de disposição final no Estado, referem-se a publicações legais, como a Portaria nº 16 da FEPAM/RS que proíbe o envio de resíduos com características de inflamabilidade para disposição final e também a preocupação com a não geração de passivos ambientais. / The purpose of this study was to analyze the possible variations on the of Industrial Solid Waste (ISW) disposal scenario from metal-mechanic companies after the publication of the National Solid Waste Policy (NSWP). 22 companies from metal-mechanic sector and 6 landfills/final disposal plants were interviewed, all those in the state of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil. Criteria were established for companies selection in which have been subdivided into three samples: Sample A (metal-mechanic companies that stopped sending ISW before 2010), Sample B (metal-mechanic companies stopped sending ISW in the period between 2010 and 2014, or that are still sending waste for disposal until the date of the survey) and Sample C (landfills and final disposal plants). The used methodology was the application of a survey instrument through professional interviews or by telephone in the environmental departments of each company. Data were collected between the months of 2014, October to 2015, April and limited to the period of 2010 to 2014. The presented results are in two chapters. The first relates to a comprehensive analysis segmented by each company of the sample, and the second is dedicated to the Sample B companies. The main results in Sample B companies indicate ISW shipping reductions for disposal, mainly of the hazardous waste, and there is a increasing shipment of non-hazardous waste. In the Sample C was verified a significant decreasing in the receipt of hazardous waste and, in the other hand, a increasing of non-hazardous waste by the year 2013. The main facts which justify this disposal scenario in the state, refers to the legal publications, like FEPAM/RS no 16 Administrative Rule that prohibits the flammability waste disposal as well the concern about environmental liabilities non generation.

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