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Factors Relating to Personal-Social Adjustments of First- and Second-Grade Children in Self-Contained and Team-Teaching ClassroomsMcDaniel, Norman H. (Norman Haskell) 08 1900 (has links)
This study was undertaken in order to compare the self-contained classroom with team-teaching organizations according to pupil behavior and personal-social adjustment in children of first- and second-grade level. A comparison was made of pupil behavior and personal-social adjustments between (1) children in the first grade after one year in the self-contained classroom and children in the first grade after one year in a team-teaching organization and (2) children in the second grade after two years in the self-contained classrooms and children in the second grade after two years in team-teaching organizations.
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Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education™ (CASE) is an instructional system of support that provides professional development, curriculum, and assessments to agricultural educators. Through the CASE model, two CASE Lead or Master Teachers facilitate professional development, known as a CASE Institute. This study utilizes three sets of surveys to describe the motivation for CASE certified teachers applying to become CASE Lead and Master Teachers, determine the effectiveness of the professional development provided to Lead and Master Teachers during the Lead Teacher Orientation, and determine the Lead and Master Teachers’ demographic information.
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Vetenskaplig grund och beprövad erfarenhet : En kvalitativ studie om förstelärares villkor för professionell utveckling / Scientific basis and proven experience : A qualitative study of lead teachers’ terms for professional developmentWilson, Philip January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att synliggöra förstelärare inom musiks upplevelser av deras förutsättningar för professionella praktiker och deras uppfattning om professionell utveckling. Genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie utfrågas tre individer. Studien använder ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv som utgångspunkt. En semistrukturerad intervjuform används vid insamling av data där förstelärare får beskriva hur de arbetar med dessa områden samt deras upplevelser om arbetet. Materialet spelas in, transkriberas och analyseras därefter genom en tematisk analysmetod. Studien har tagit avstamp från undersökningen Lärares planering och efterarbete av lektioner som är skriven av Nordgren m.fl. (2019). I deras studie framkommer det att lärare i många fall saknar goda förutsättningar för planering och efterarbete. Inom dessa områden saknas en infrastruktur som stödjer systematiskt arbete, detta gäller även vid kartläggning av elevers resultat. I min studies resultatdel redovisas fungerande lösningar på hur lärare och skola bättre kan arbeta med dessa problem. I min studies resultat framkommer det att läsning av forskningslitteratur beror på intresse, tid och behov. Det finns dock lite till ingen avsatt tid för detta. Resultatet visar att det organisatoriska stödet spelar en stor roll i den akademiska forskningens inflytande på skolor genom att till exempel vidarebefordra relevant forskning, skapa pedagogiska utvecklingsgrupper och anordna föreläsningar. En hög vilja att utvecklas bland lärarkollegiet påverkar också forskningsintresset positivt. Enligt resultatet är forskning idag inte relevant vid planeringsarbetet utan används istället mer som en grund för hur lärare arbetar. Musiklärares planeringsarbete skiljer sig vid grupp- och enskild undervisning visar resultatet. Vid enskild undervisning står elevens intresse och läroplan i fokus. Vid gruppundervisning förespråkas en grundmall för planeringsarbetet som går att återanvända år till år för att spara planeringstid. I resultatet presenteras individanpassningslösningar för gruppundervisning. Resultatet visar att förstelärare ser kollegialt samarbete som en nödvändighet. Organisatoriskt stöd är viktigt inom detta område och flera lösningar presenteras i resultatet såsom arenaföreläsningar, pedagogiska grupper och klassrumsbesök. Resultatet visar att digitala läroplattformar används flitigt för systematiskt arbete vid kartläggning och återkoppling. / This study aims to show lead teachers in music experience terms which relate to their professional practices and their professional development. Through a qualitative interview study three individuals are questioned about their work and working conditions. This study uses the perspective of hermeneutics as it’s starting point. The collection of data is made through semi-structural interviews through which lead teachers describe how they work and how they experience their work. The data is recorded, transcribed, and thereafter analysed via a thematic analyse method. This study is based on a Swedish study from Nordgren et al. (2019) called Lärares planering och efterarbete av lektioner. A conclusion of their study is that most teachers do not have sufficient conditions for planning in Swedish schools. There is an absence of infrastructure to support systematic work. This lack of systematic support also applies to the surveying of students results. My study provides working solutions for these problems. These solutions include methods on how teachers can work more effectively with existing conditions and how school management can provide events and arrangements for their teachers to advance collegial collaboration. The results show that the reading of scientific research literature is based on teachers’ interest, time and need. With that said there is little to no time for this in working hours. The results indicate that organised support plays a big part of the amount of influence academic research have in schools. A collective wish for high goal attainment amongst teachers have a positive impact on the interest of reading research. The results reveal that today’s research is not relevant in the planning of lessons. It is instead used as a groundwork for how to work as a teacher in general. The results show that music teachers work differently when planning for a lesson with an individual compared to lessons involving groups. In an individual lesson the students’ interest in combination with the curriculum is what is most important. For group classes teachers advocate creating a comprehensive groundwork which can be reused each year. This saves time and energy according to the results. Solutions on how to work with individualisation in group classes is presented in the results. The results reveal that lead teachers view collegial cooperation as a necessity. Organised support is needed for the cooperation to function. Several solutions are presented in the results such as arena lectures, open lesson, and communities of practice. The results show that digital learning management systems are used frequently for assessment and feedback.
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