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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vetenskaplig grund och beprövad erfarenhet : En kvalitativ studie om förstelärares villkor för professionell utveckling / Scientific basis and proven experience : A qualitative study of lead teachers’ terms for professional development

Wilson, Philip January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att synliggöra förstelärare inom musiks upplevelser av deras förutsättningar för professionella praktiker och deras uppfattning om professionell utveckling. Genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie utfrågas tre individer. Studien använder ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv som utgångspunkt. En semistrukturerad intervjuform används vid insamling av data där förstelärare får beskriva hur de arbetar med dessa områden samt deras upplevelser om arbetet. Materialet spelas in, transkriberas och analyseras därefter genom en tematisk analysmetod. Studien har tagit avstamp från undersökningen Lärares planering och efterarbete av lektioner som är skriven av Nordgren m.fl. (2019). I deras studie framkommer det att lärare i många fall saknar goda förutsättningar för planering och efterarbete. Inom dessa områden saknas en infrastruktur som stödjer systematiskt arbete, detta gäller även vid kartläggning av elevers resultat. I min studies resultatdel redovisas fungerande lösningar på hur lärare och skola bättre kan arbeta med dessa problem.   I min studies resultat framkommer det att läsning av forskningslitteratur beror på intresse, tid och behov. Det finns dock lite till ingen avsatt tid för detta. Resultatet visar att det organisatoriska stödet spelar en stor roll i den akademiska forskningens inflytande på skolor genom att till exempel vidarebefordra relevant forskning, skapa pedagogiska utvecklingsgrupper och anordna föreläsningar. En hög vilja att utvecklas bland lärarkollegiet påverkar också forskningsintresset positivt. Enligt resultatet är forskning idag inte relevant vid planeringsarbetet utan används istället mer som en grund för hur lärare arbetar.   Musiklärares planeringsarbete skiljer sig vid grupp- och enskild undervisning visar resultatet. Vid enskild undervisning står elevens intresse och läroplan i fokus. Vid gruppundervisning förespråkas en grundmall för planeringsarbetet som går att återanvända år till år för att spara planeringstid. I resultatet presenteras individanpassningslösningar för gruppundervisning.   Resultatet visar att förstelärare ser kollegialt samarbete som en nödvändighet. Organisatoriskt stöd är viktigt inom detta område och flera lösningar presenteras i resultatet såsom arenaföreläsningar, pedagogiska grupper och klassrumsbesök. Resultatet visar att digitala läroplattformar används flitigt för systematiskt arbete vid kartläggning och återkoppling. / This study aims to show lead teachers in music experience terms which relate to their professional practices and their professional development. Through a qualitative interview study three individuals are questioned about their work and working conditions. This study uses the perspective of hermeneutics as it’s starting point. The collection of data is made through semi-structural interviews through which lead teachers describe how they work and how they experience their work.  The data is recorded, transcribed, and thereafter analysed via a thematic analyse method. This study is based on a Swedish study from Nordgren et al. (2019) called Lärares planering och efterarbete av lektioner. A conclusion of their study is that most teachers do not have sufficient conditions for planning in Swedish schools. There is an absence of infrastructure to support systematic work. This lack of systematic support also applies to the surveying of students results. My study provides working solutions for these problems. These solutions include methods on how teachers can work more effectively with existing conditions and how school management can provide events and arrangements for their teachers to advance collegial collaboration.   The results show that the reading of scientific research literature is based on teachers’ interest, time and need. With that said there is little to no time for this in working hours. The results indicate that organised support plays a big part of the amount of influence academic research have in schools. A collective wish for high goal attainment amongst teachers have a positive impact on the interest of reading research. The results reveal that today’s research is not relevant in the planning of lessons. It is instead used as a groundwork for how to work as a teacher in general.   The results show that music teachers work differently when planning for a lesson with an individual compared to lessons involving groups. In an individual lesson the students’ interest in combination with the curriculum is what is most important. For group classes teachers advocate creating a comprehensive groundwork which can be reused each year. This saves time and energy according to the results. Solutions on how to work with individualisation in group classes is presented in the results.   The results reveal that lead teachers view collegial cooperation as a necessity. Organised support is needed for the cooperation to function. Several solutions are presented in the results such as arena lectures, open lesson, and communities of practice. The results show that digital learning management systems are used frequently for assessment and feedback.

Distanční vzdělávání žáků na 1. stupni základní školy / Distance education of primary school pupils

Jindrová, Barbora January 2021 (has links)
This thesis describes and discusses distance education of pupils at elementary school. It is divided into a theoretical part and an empirical part. The theoretical part defines the concept of distance education and its changes due to the changes in the Czech education related to the pandemic covid-19. Futhermore, some methodologies and recommendations for the organization of distance education and research are presented. Subsequently, the development of measure abroad is briefly outlined, some foreign studies are presented. Finally, the functions of the school and its importance in the child's life are briefly described. The empirical part describes the research, of which primary goal was to map the organization of distance learning at a selected primary school. The research sample consisted of 7 primary school teachers, as well as a headmaster and school special pedagogue. Based on the analysis of the data from interviews, the course of distance education was determined. The results suggest that the great advantage of the school, which facilitated the transition to distance learning, was the timely setting of rules and general principles of acces to distance learning. Cooperation between pedagogical staff works very well at the school, which facilitates the work of teachers and makes it easier to...

Lärares utmaningar i arbetet med att leda och stimulera särskilt matematiskt begåvade elever : En kvalitativ intervjustudie ur ett implementeringsteoretiskt perspektiv

Huttu, Johanna, Kärrlander, Pontus, Viebke, Henrik January 2022 (has links)
According to the Swedish curriculum for the compulsory school, every teacher has an obligation to differentiate students’ education to promote their development and learning needs. The study carried out in this paper is a qualitative interview study with Swedish teachers that have experience teaching particularly gifted students in mathematics. The study is based on the implementation theory where the aim of the study is to present an overview of different challenges that teachers encounter when trying to implement the decisions made regarding education of gifted students in mathematics. Furthermore, the aim of the study was to see if there were differences, and what those differences were, between the challenges that Swedish teachers mentioned versus the challenges that are acknowledged in previous international research.  A deductive approach is used rooting the analysis in key concepts based on previous research. The key concepts or challenges we found were mathematical competence, student interests and motivations, appropriate challenge for students, inclusion, identification, prioritizing, time, materials, lack of education and collegial cooperation. We found plenty of similarities to the previous research on the area but could however also see tendencies in our study which hasn’t been discussed in the presented previous research. For example, we noticed that teachers in our study mentioned the importance of experience. We also noticed that some of the key challenges from the previous research didn’t seem to be as prominent in this study.

“Extra tålamod, extra tid och lite extra kärlek” : En kvalitativ studie om gymnasielärares upplevelse av att arbeta med korridorselever / “Extra patience, extra time and some thoughtful care” : A Qualitative Study of Secondary School Teachers’ Experience of working with In-School Truants

Robertsson, Veronika, Morrison, Christian January 2021 (has links)
Within Swedish Secondary Schools, truancy has been an increasing concern over the last eleven years. A specific form of truancy is so called in-school truancy where the student is basically within the school corridors but to a lesser degree attends the lessons. Despite the well documented risks concerning for example employment, income and health and the vast literature demonstrating the importance of teacher experience to promote successful student outcomes, little attention has been given to both teacher experience of truancy and in-school truants in a Swedish context. This master thesis explores Swedish secondary teachers’ experience of working with in-school truants. Four secondary teachers working on an Introduction Program in Sweden were interviewed. The interviews were analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Through this analysis six comprehensive themes were constructed: Multifaceted Role- and Responsibility Description, Structure for Security and Consensus, Hope and Credence Embodied, Relationship building Obstacles and Value, Meaningful, Manageable and Rewarding Work and Solidarity as the Solution and Shield. Understanding of the results was deepened through theoretical connections to results that were particularly distinctive. Some of the issues discussed were theories related to work culture, collegial support, self-efficacy, roles, responsibility, relationship building and teacher-student relationships. The results show that the teachers who participated experience their work with this group of students as one with extra demands. Despite extra demands, neither an excess of demands nor unmanageability were experienced. Rather a conviction was evident regarding the possibility to influence these students despite their form of truancy as well as a feeling of purposeful work. This was something which partly distinguished the findings from previous literature found on the subject. The teachers' experiences further suggest that colleagues and work culture constitute important aspects of the work experience. It is also evident that the teachers involved in this study work within a dynamic field where the teacher needs to balance and continuously reflect upon their way of working. Finally, from the teachers’ perspective, in-school truancy was not considered the most problematic or relevant to distinguish from other sorts of truancy. / Inom svenska gymnasieskolor har ogiltig frånvaro blivit ett allt större bekymmer under de senaste elva åren. En specifik form av frånvaro är så kallad in-school truancy (på svenska korridorselever) där eleven i stor utsträckning befinner sig i skolans område men i låg utsträckning går på undervisningen. Trots väl dokumenterade risker avseende bland annat anställning, inkomst och hälsa och den utbredda litteraturen som finns på betydelsen av lärares upplevelse för gynnsamma elev utfall har både lärares upplevelser av frånvaro samt korridorselever fått sparsamt med uppmärksamhet i en svensk kontext. I föreliggande studie undersöktes gymnasielärares upplevelser av att arbeta med korridorselever. Fyra gymnasielärare på ett Introduktionsprogram i Sverige intervjuades. Intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Av resultatet konstruerades sex övergripande teman: Mångfacetterad roll- och ansvarsbeskrivning, Struktur för trygghet och samsyn, Hopp och tilltro förkroppsligat, Relationsbyggandets hinder och värde, Det meningsfulla, hanterbara och givande arbetet och Gemenskapen som lösning och sköld. Förståelsen av resultatet fördjupades genom att diskuteras i förhållande till studier, däribland har teorier kopplade till arbetskultur, kollegial stöttning, self-efficacy, roller, ansvar, relationsskapande och lärar-elevrelationer lyfts. Resultatet visar att de lärare som deltagit upplever sitt arbete med elevgruppen som ett arbete med extra krav. Trots ökade krav finns inte upplevelsen av överkrav eller ohanterbarhet. Snarare fanns en övertygelse om möjligheten att påverka dessa elever oavsett frånvaro samt känslan av att ha ett meningsfullt arbete. Detta var något som till viss del skiljer resultatet från tidigare litteratur på ämnet. Lärarnas upplevelser antyder vidare att kollegor och arbetskulturen utgör viktiga aspekter av arbetsupplevelsen. Det framkommer även att lärarna i studien arbetar i ett spänningsladdat fält där läraren behöver balansera och kontinuerligt reflektera kring sitt eget arbetssätt. Slutligen, enligt de intervjuade lärarnas upplevelser, framkommer korridorseleverna inte som mer problematiskt eller meningsfullt att skilja på från andra typer av frånvaro.

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