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Síntese e caracterização estrutural e dielétrica de compostos ferroelétricos \'PB IND.1-X\'\'R IND.X\'\'ZR IND.0,40\'\'TI IND.0,60\'\'O IND.3\' (R = La, Ba) / Synthesis and characterization of \'PB IND.1-X\'\'R IND.X\'\'ZR IND.0,40\'\'TI IND.0,60\'\'O IND.3\' (R = La, Ba)Mesquita, Alexandre 15 March 2011 (has links)
O titanato e zirconato de chumbo \'PB\'(\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y)\'O IND.3\' é um material ferroelétrico de estrutura perovskita que tem sido aplicado como transdutores, amplificadores, sensores piezoelétricos, piroelétricos e memórias ferroelétricas. É bem estabelecido que a incorporação de íons de \'LA POT.3+\' ou \'BA POT.2+\' nos sítios ocupados pelo \'PB\' no sistema \'PB\'(\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y)\'O\' (PZT), formando os sistemas \'PB\'1-x\'LA\'x\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y\'O IND.3\' (PLZT) e \'PB\'1-x\'BA\'x\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y\'O IND.3\' (PBZT), provoca mudanças significativas nas suas propriedades. No entanto, poucos trabalhos tem sido dedicados a esses sistemas contendo altas concentrações de \'TI\', principalmente no que se refere à estrutura desses materiais. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar as propriedades estruturais e suas correlações com as propriedades dielétricas dos sistemas \'PB\'1-x\'LA\'x\'ZR\'0,40\'TI\'0,60\'O IND.3\' (PLZT100x) e \'PB\'1-x\'BA\'x\'ZR\'0,40\'TI\'0,60\'O IND.3\' (PBZT100x) em função da composição e da temperatura. Foram preparadas amostras cerâmicas por meio de sinterização convencional com x variando entre 0,05 e 0,21 para o sistema PLZT e entre 0,10 e 0,50 para o sistema PBZT. Em relação à estrutura a longa distância, medidas de difração de raios X mostraram uma diminuição no grau de tetragonalidade com o aumento da concentração dos cátions substituintes, que foi atribuída à formação de vacâncias no sítio A (caso do \'LA\') e diferença entre o raio iônico (caso do \'BA\'). Estas alterações estruturais em função da composição foram também responsáveis pelo aumento do grau de difusidade das curvas de permissividade dielétrica e pela observação de um estado ferroelétrico relaxor nas amostras contendo altas concentrações de \'LA\' e \'BA\'. Em relação à estrutural local, os resultados obtidos através da técnica de espectroscopia de absorção de raios X (XAS) nas bordas \'K\' do \'TI\' e LIII do \'PB\' mostraram que a incorporação de átomos de \'LA\' ou \'BA\' à estrutura do PZT leva a uma redução no deslocamento do átomo de \'TI\' em relação ao centro do octaedro \'TI\'O IND.6\' e mudanças na ordem local do átomo de \'PB\'. No que tange as composições contendo 21% at. de \'LA\' e 50% at. de \'BA\', diferentemente dos resultados de DRX que mostraram uma simetria cúbica, a técnica de XAS mostrou uma simetria local tetragonal. Em bom acordo com os resultados obtidos pela técnica de espectroscopia Raman, espectros EXAFS medidos em altas temperaturas mostraram também que a estrutura local não é compatível com uma estrutura de simetria cúbica. Espectros XANES medidos na borda \'K\' do oxigênio revelaram uma redução no grau de hibridização entre os estados 2p do \'O\' com 6sp do \'PB\' à medida que a concentração de \'LA\' ou \'BA\' aumenta, que estaria relacionada com o surgimento de comportamento relaxor. Amostras cerâmicas densas nanoestruturadas de composição PZT, PLZT11 e PBZT10 foram preparadas pelo método de spark plasma sintering (SPS) a fim de analisar a influência do tamanho de grão. Foi verificado que as amostras sinterizadas por SPS apresentam tamanho de grão em torno de 60 nm. A caracterização dielétrica destas amostras mostra que a redução do tamanho de grão causa uma redução no valor de máximo da permissividade dielétrica e características difusas da permissividade em função da temperatura devido ao aumento das regiões de contorno de grão. / Lead titanate zirconate (\'PB\'(\'ZR\'1-x\'TI\'x)\'O IND.3\') are ferroelectric materials with perovskite structure which has been used as transducers, capacitors, piezoelectric and pyroelectric sensors and ferroelectric memories. The substitution of \'PB POT.+2\' ions by \'LA POT.+3\' or \'BA POT.+2\' ions in the \'PB\'(\'ZR\'1-x\'TI\'x)\'O IND.3\' (PZT) system, which leads to the formation of the \'PB\'1-x\'LA\'x\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y\'O IND.3\' (PLZT) and the \'PB\'1-x\'BA\'x\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y\'O IND.3\' (PBZT) systems, induces several changes in the electric and structural properties of these materials. However, PLZT or PBZT systems based on \'TI\'-rich compositions have not been thoroughly investigated and the literature contains few reports concerning their structure. Thus, the main objectives of this doctoral thesis were the synthesis and structural characterization of \'PB\'1-x\'R\'x\'ZR\'0.40\'TI\'0.60\'O IND.3\' ferroelectric ceramic samples, with R = \'BA\' and \'LA\' and x between 0.00 to 0.50 (PLZT100x and PBZT100x). The characterization with X-ray diffraction technique of these samples showed a decrease of the tetragonality degree with increase of the doping cation concentration, which was related to the appearance of defects caused by the incorporation of \'LA\' or \'BA\' cations. These structural modifications were also responsible by the increase of the diffuseness at the dielectric permittivity and a relaxor behavior as a function of the \'LA\' or \'BA\' concentration. Concerning the local structure, XANES spectra in the absorption edge of various elements in PLZT and PBZT samples were performed. In the cases of \'TI\' \'K\'-edge absorption, the doping of \'LA\' and \'BA\' atoms in the PZT structure leads to a reduction of the displacement of \'TI\' atom in the center of the \'TI\'O IND.6\' octahedron. However, even when the crystal structure is cubic, a local octahedron distortion remains. EXAFS measurements in \'PB\' LIII-edge and \'ZR\' \'K\'-edge were performed and also indicate that local structure around lead or zirconium atoms is also affected by the introduction of \'LA\' and \'BA\' atoms in the PZT structure. In addition, XANES spectra measured at \'O\' \'K\'-edge revealed a reduction in the hybridization degree between \'O\' 2p and \'PB\' 6sp states with the addition of \'LA\' or \'BA\' atoms to the structure of PZT. It has been shown that hybridization between these states is essential to ferroelectricity and this reduction would be related to the relaxor behavior. PLZT and PBZT systems were also studied depending on the size of particle size in a nanometer scale. Thus samples PZT, PLZT11 and PBZT10 compositions were prepared using the synthesis method of precursor polymers and the process of sintering by spark plasma. A pronounced decrease in the values of maximum permittivity was observed and the dielectric curve as a function of the temperature exhibits a diffuse behavior. This size-induced diffuse phase transition and the reduction of the permittivity magnitude could be related to the differences between the core grain and the grain boundaries.
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Multilayers And Artificial Superlattices Of Lead Magnesium Niobate-Lead Titanate Based RelaxorsRanjith, R 11 1900 (has links)
The present research work mainly focuses on fabrication of compositionally modulated multilayers of (l−x) Pb(Mgi/3N2/3)O3 - x PbTiO3 (PMNPT) through multi target pulsed laser ablation technique. Heterostructures like compositionally varying multilayers; multilayers with graded interface and a ferroelectric [PbTiO3 (PT)] and relaxor (PMN) superlattices of different periodicities were fabricated. Role of artificially enhanced chemical heterogeneity and strain on enhancement of physical property was studied. Dimensional dependent ferroelectric and antiferroelectric type of polarization behavior was observed in the case of both compositionally varying multilayers and the superlattice structures fabricated. The dimensional dependence of various ferroelectric interactions like long-range, short-range and interfacial coupling among the layers was studied. The phase transition behavior and dielectric studies were carried out on these heterostructures. An artificial superlattice of a relaxor ferroelectric with a ferromagnetic layer was also fabricated for magnetoelectric applications.
Chapter 1 provides a brief introduction to ferroelectric (FE) heterostructures, their
technological applications and the fundamental physics involved in ferroelectric
heterostructures. Initially an introduction to the technological importance and advantages of ferroelectric heterostructures is provided. A brief introduction to relaxor ferroelectrics and their characteristic structural features are discussed. A brief review of the ferroelectric heterostructures both from fundamental science and technological point of view is provided. Finally the specific objectives of the current research are outlined.
Chapter 2 deals with the various experimental studies carried out in this research work. It gives the details of the experimental set up and the basic operation principles of various structural and physical characterizations of the materials prepared. A brief explanation of material fabrication, structural, micro structural and physical property measurements is discussed.
Chapter 3 addresses the problem of phase formation of PMNPT over platinum substrates and the role of the template over the phase formation, micro structural evolution and polarization behavior. The surface modifications of bare Pt under the processing conditions used to fabricate PMNPT was also studied. An intermediate
roughening mechanism was observed. The role of LSCO over the micro structural evolution of PMNPT, the minimum thickness of LSCO required for phase formation of PMNPT, role of LSCO on phase formation and its effect on the polarization behavior of PMNPT of constant thickness are discussed.
Chapter 4 deals with fabrication of different types of relaxor based
heterostructures studied in this work. Three different types of PMNPT based heterostructures was fabricated using a multi target laser ablation chamber. The first type of heterostructure is a compositionally modulated multilayer thin film with four different compositions of (1-x) PMN - x PT (x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 at.%) and is represented as PMNPT multilayer (ML) further in this thesis. PMNPT ML with different individual layer thickness was fabricated (30, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 nm). The second type of heterostructure is the PMNPT ML of same dimensions, but associated with a post deposition annealing to achieve a graded interface between the multilayers present and will be named as PMNPT graded or simply graded, further in this thesis. The third type of heterostructure is an artificial superlattice of a simple relaxor ferroelectric (PMN) and a normal ferroelectric (PT), which will be named as PMN-PT superlattice (SL) further in this thesis. The crystallinity, micro structural features and the nature of the interface
present in the fabricated heterostructures were studied using various experimental
Chapter 5 deals with the FE studies of compositionally modulated PMNPT ML thin films and PMNPT graded thin films. The ML with individual layer thickness of 120nm exhibited a clear FE behavior but with a reduced remnant polarization and reduced non linear behavior in capacitance - voltage (C-V) characteristics. But on varying the dimensions of the individual layers (30, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120nm) a large dielectric tunability of around 74% was observed at lOOnm. The polarization behavior of
these ML exhibited an interesting size dependent polarization behavior. A FE behavior was observed at low dimensions of 40 and 30nm. An AFE type of loop was observed at 60 and 80nm of individual layer thickness and at lOOnm it showed a clear paraelectric kind of behavior both in polarization hysteresis (P-E) and C-V studies.
Graded films exhibited clear FE behavior at all dimensions fabricated and hence the role of interface in developing a critical polarization behavior in the case of ML was
confirmed. Apart from the fundamental physics these ML and graded films permits the tunability of their physical properties on just varying the individual layer thickness. The dimensional dependence of dielectric tunability of ML and graded films were studied and it was found that in the case of a ML the dielectric tunability was high at lOOnm individual layer thickness and at 40nm in the case of a graded film. Thus the interfacial strain, interfacial coupling and chemical heterogeneity give an opportunity to engineer the physical property depending on the requirements.
Chapter 6 deals with ferroelectric studies (P-E, C-V) of PMN-PT superlattice structures with different periodicities. The dimensional range in which, the interfacial
coupling dominates the overall polarization behavior of the system was analyzed. A
dimensional dependent FE and AFE behavior was observed in the PMN-PT SL structures.
The dimensional dependent tunability of physical properties was achieved. The different interactions like short range, long range and the interfacial coupling and their dimensional dependent behavior was studied. The dimensional dependent tunability of the P-E and C-V behavior was observed both in symmetric and asymmetric SL structures.
Chapter 7 deals with the relaxor behavior of the fabricated PMNPT ML, graded and PMN-PT SL structures. The dielectric phase transition of a PMNPT ML exhibited local maxima in the real part of dielectric constant with temperature. The local maxima
correspond to the temperature regime at which, the individual layer dielectric maxima
dominates the phase transition behavior of the ML structure. In the case of graded films
an averaged behavior of all the compositions, with an enhanced diffusivity was observed. All the characteristic features of a relaxor ferroelectric were observed in the phase transition behavior of a graded thin film. The dielectric maxima exhibited a Vogel-Fulcher type of behavior with frequency, A similar averaged behavior was observed in the phase transition behavior of PMNPT ML at low dimensions (< 40 nm) of the individual layer.
The dielectric phase transition behavior of PMN-PT SL structures of different
periodicities was studied. No characteristic of a relaxor ferroelectric was observed for the periodicities in the range of 10 to 50 nm. At 60 nm periodicity the individual layer
dominance was observed in the phase transition behavior of the SL structure. The phase transition behavior was found to be insensitive to the interfacial coupling in both the PMNPT ML and PMN-PT SL.
Chapter 8 deals with the dielectric response, impedance spectroscopy and the DC
leakage characteristics of the relaxor heterostructures. All the relaxor heterostructures fabricated, exhibited low frequency dispersion, similar to that of the Jonscher's universal type of relaxation behavior. The anomalous dispersion common of a relaxor ferroelectric was observed in the imaginary dielectric constant at high frequencies. A.multi debye type of relaxation behavior was observed in the impedance analysis and the relaxation time
was found to obey Vogel-Fulcher type of relation with temperature. The leakage current of all the heterostructures were found to be few orders less than the homogeneous single layer thin films. A space charge limited conduction was observed in all the heterostructures fabricated.
Chapter 9 deals with an attempt of realizing the magnetoelectric effect in an artificial superlattice structure consisting ferromagnetic [Lao.6Sro.4Mn03 (LSMO)] and
ferroelectric (PMNPT 70-30) layers. Both symmetric and asymmetric SL structures were
fabricated and the asymmetric SL exhibited both room temperature ferromagnetic and
ferroelectric behavior. A weak influence of magnetic field over the polarization behavior was observed. The magnetic behavior and its influence over electrical behavior were found to be dominated by the interface and were confirmed from the Maxwell-Wagner
type of relaxation.
Chapter 10 gives the summary and conclusions of the present study and also discusses about the future work that could give more insight into the understanding of the
relaxor heterostructures.
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Síntese e caracterização estrutural e dielétrica de compostos ferroelétricos \'PB IND.1-X\'\'R IND.X\'\'ZR IND.0,40\'\'TI IND.0,60\'\'O IND.3\' (R = La, Ba) / Synthesis and characterization of \'PB IND.1-X\'\'R IND.X\'\'ZR IND.0,40\'\'TI IND.0,60\'\'O IND.3\' (R = La, Ba)Alexandre Mesquita 15 March 2011 (has links)
O titanato e zirconato de chumbo \'PB\'(\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y)\'O IND.3\' é um material ferroelétrico de estrutura perovskita que tem sido aplicado como transdutores, amplificadores, sensores piezoelétricos, piroelétricos e memórias ferroelétricas. É bem estabelecido que a incorporação de íons de \'LA POT.3+\' ou \'BA POT.2+\' nos sítios ocupados pelo \'PB\' no sistema \'PB\'(\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y)\'O\' (PZT), formando os sistemas \'PB\'1-x\'LA\'x\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y\'O IND.3\' (PLZT) e \'PB\'1-x\'BA\'x\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y\'O IND.3\' (PBZT), provoca mudanças significativas nas suas propriedades. No entanto, poucos trabalhos tem sido dedicados a esses sistemas contendo altas concentrações de \'TI\', principalmente no que se refere à estrutura desses materiais. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar as propriedades estruturais e suas correlações com as propriedades dielétricas dos sistemas \'PB\'1-x\'LA\'x\'ZR\'0,40\'TI\'0,60\'O IND.3\' (PLZT100x) e \'PB\'1-x\'BA\'x\'ZR\'0,40\'TI\'0,60\'O IND.3\' (PBZT100x) em função da composição e da temperatura. Foram preparadas amostras cerâmicas por meio de sinterização convencional com x variando entre 0,05 e 0,21 para o sistema PLZT e entre 0,10 e 0,50 para o sistema PBZT. Em relação à estrutura a longa distância, medidas de difração de raios X mostraram uma diminuição no grau de tetragonalidade com o aumento da concentração dos cátions substituintes, que foi atribuída à formação de vacâncias no sítio A (caso do \'LA\') e diferença entre o raio iônico (caso do \'BA\'). Estas alterações estruturais em função da composição foram também responsáveis pelo aumento do grau de difusidade das curvas de permissividade dielétrica e pela observação de um estado ferroelétrico relaxor nas amostras contendo altas concentrações de \'LA\' e \'BA\'. Em relação à estrutural local, os resultados obtidos através da técnica de espectroscopia de absorção de raios X (XAS) nas bordas \'K\' do \'TI\' e LIII do \'PB\' mostraram que a incorporação de átomos de \'LA\' ou \'BA\' à estrutura do PZT leva a uma redução no deslocamento do átomo de \'TI\' em relação ao centro do octaedro \'TI\'O IND.6\' e mudanças na ordem local do átomo de \'PB\'. No que tange as composições contendo 21% at. de \'LA\' e 50% at. de \'BA\', diferentemente dos resultados de DRX que mostraram uma simetria cúbica, a técnica de XAS mostrou uma simetria local tetragonal. Em bom acordo com os resultados obtidos pela técnica de espectroscopia Raman, espectros EXAFS medidos em altas temperaturas mostraram também que a estrutura local não é compatível com uma estrutura de simetria cúbica. Espectros XANES medidos na borda \'K\' do oxigênio revelaram uma redução no grau de hibridização entre os estados 2p do \'O\' com 6sp do \'PB\' à medida que a concentração de \'LA\' ou \'BA\' aumenta, que estaria relacionada com o surgimento de comportamento relaxor. Amostras cerâmicas densas nanoestruturadas de composição PZT, PLZT11 e PBZT10 foram preparadas pelo método de spark plasma sintering (SPS) a fim de analisar a influência do tamanho de grão. Foi verificado que as amostras sinterizadas por SPS apresentam tamanho de grão em torno de 60 nm. A caracterização dielétrica destas amostras mostra que a redução do tamanho de grão causa uma redução no valor de máximo da permissividade dielétrica e características difusas da permissividade em função da temperatura devido ao aumento das regiões de contorno de grão. / Lead titanate zirconate (\'PB\'(\'ZR\'1-x\'TI\'x)\'O IND.3\') are ferroelectric materials with perovskite structure which has been used as transducers, capacitors, piezoelectric and pyroelectric sensors and ferroelectric memories. The substitution of \'PB POT.+2\' ions by \'LA POT.+3\' or \'BA POT.+2\' ions in the \'PB\'(\'ZR\'1-x\'TI\'x)\'O IND.3\' (PZT) system, which leads to the formation of the \'PB\'1-x\'LA\'x\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y\'O IND.3\' (PLZT) and the \'PB\'1-x\'BA\'x\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y\'O IND.3\' (PBZT) systems, induces several changes in the electric and structural properties of these materials. However, PLZT or PBZT systems based on \'TI\'-rich compositions have not been thoroughly investigated and the literature contains few reports concerning their structure. Thus, the main objectives of this doctoral thesis were the synthesis and structural characterization of \'PB\'1-x\'R\'x\'ZR\'0.40\'TI\'0.60\'O IND.3\' ferroelectric ceramic samples, with R = \'BA\' and \'LA\' and x between 0.00 to 0.50 (PLZT100x and PBZT100x). The characterization with X-ray diffraction technique of these samples showed a decrease of the tetragonality degree with increase of the doping cation concentration, which was related to the appearance of defects caused by the incorporation of \'LA\' or \'BA\' cations. These structural modifications were also responsible by the increase of the diffuseness at the dielectric permittivity and a relaxor behavior as a function of the \'LA\' or \'BA\' concentration. Concerning the local structure, XANES spectra in the absorption edge of various elements in PLZT and PBZT samples were performed. In the cases of \'TI\' \'K\'-edge absorption, the doping of \'LA\' and \'BA\' atoms in the PZT structure leads to a reduction of the displacement of \'TI\' atom in the center of the \'TI\'O IND.6\' octahedron. However, even when the crystal structure is cubic, a local octahedron distortion remains. EXAFS measurements in \'PB\' LIII-edge and \'ZR\' \'K\'-edge were performed and also indicate that local structure around lead or zirconium atoms is also affected by the introduction of \'LA\' and \'BA\' atoms in the PZT structure. In addition, XANES spectra measured at \'O\' \'K\'-edge revealed a reduction in the hybridization degree between \'O\' 2p and \'PB\' 6sp states with the addition of \'LA\' or \'BA\' atoms to the structure of PZT. It has been shown that hybridization between these states is essential to ferroelectricity and this reduction would be related to the relaxor behavior. PLZT and PBZT systems were also studied depending on the size of particle size in a nanometer scale. Thus samples PZT, PLZT11 and PBZT10 compositions were prepared using the synthesis method of precursor polymers and the process of sintering by spark plasma. A pronounced decrease in the values of maximum permittivity was observed and the dielectric curve as a function of the temperature exhibits a diffuse behavior. This size-induced diffuse phase transition and the reduction of the permittivity magnitude could be related to the differences between the core grain and the grain boundaries.
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Ab-initio výpočty elektronických a strukturních vlastností olovo-zirkonátu-titanátu (PZT) / First-principles studies of the electronic and structural properties of Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT)Planer, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
This work is focused on Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations of oxygen vacancy diffusion barriers in mixed perovskite lead zirconate titanate and its pure counterparts. We found out that barrier heights are different in lead titanate and lead zirconate caused by the different localization of the excess electrons due to the oxygen vacancy formation. Diffusion barriers were also determined for titanium-rich mixed phases and compared to experimental values. This work contributes to clarify unusually low experimentally measured diffusion coefficients in PZT. We found out that the induced vacancy states are forming localized bonds to the lead atoms which causes the oxygen vacancies to become immobile due to the increase of the activation energy of the diffusion process.
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Einfluss reversibler epitaktischer Dehnung auf die ferroische Ordnung dünner SchichtenHerklotz, Andreas 05 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit werden die Auswirkungen epitaktischer Dehnung auf die Eigenschaften ferromagnetischer und ferroelektrischer Perowskitschichten untersucht. Dazu wird der biaxiale Dehnungszustand einer Schicht reversibel verändert, indem einkristalline piezoelektrische Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)0.72Ti0.28O3 (001) Substrate (PMN-PT) verwendet werden. Ergänzt werden die Messungen mit dieser “dynamischen” Methode durch Untersuchungen an statisch gedehnten Schichten, gewachsen auf LaAlxSc1-xO3-Pufferschichten mit gezielt abgestimmter Gitterfehlpassung.
Drei verschiedene Materialsysteme werden studiert: die ferromagnetischen Oxide La0.8Sr0.2CoO3 und SrRuO3 und das ferroelektrische Pb(Zr,Ti)O3. Für La0.8Sr0.2CoO3 wird ein dehnungsinduzierter Übergang von der bekannten ferromagnetischen Phase zu einer magnetisch weniger geordneten, spinglasartigen Phase nachgewiesen. Es ergeben sich keine Hinweise auf eine Beeinflussung des Co-Spinzustandes.
In epitaktischen SrRuO3-Schichten bewirkt eine Zugdehnung einen strukturellen Phasenübergang von der orthorhombischen Bulk-Phase zu einer out-of-plane orientierten tetragonalen Phase. Die leichte Richtung liegt in der Ebene. Reversible Dehnungsmessungen zeigen einen deutlichen Einfluss auf die ferromagnetische Ordnungstemperatur und deuten auf eine geringe Veränderung des magnetischen Moments hin. Der Dehnungseffekt auf die elektrischen Transporteigenschaften wird bestimmt.
Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 wird als ferroelektrisches Standardmaterial genutzt, um erstmalig den Einfluss biaxialer Dehnung auf das ferroelektrische Schaltverhalten dünner Schichten zu untersuchen. Für kleine elektrische Felder zeigen die Messungen das typische Verhalten einer gepinnten Domänenwandbewegung. Hier wird der Schaltvorgang unter Piezokompression stark beschleunigt. Werden an die elektrischen Kontakte größere elektrische Felder angelegt, geht die Domänenwandbewegung in das Depinning-Regime über. Die Schaltkinetik wird in diesem Bereich unter Piezokompression leicht verlangsamt. / In this work, the effect of epitaxial strain on the properties of ferromagnetic and ferroelectric perovskite thin films is studied. Single-crystalline piezoelectric Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)0.72Ti0.28O3 (001) substrates (PMN-PT) are utilized to reversibly change the biaxial strain state of the films. The measurements performed by this “dynamic” approach are complemented by studying statically strained films grown on LaAlxSc1-xO3 buffer layers with deliberately tuned lattice misfit.
Three different material systems are investigated: the ferromagnetic oxides La0.8Sr0.2CoO3 and SrRuO3 and the ferroelectric compound Pb(Zr,Ti)O3. In case of La0.8Sr0.2CoO3 a strain-induced transition from the known ferromagnetic phase to a magnetically less ordered spinglas-like phase is observed. No indications for an effect on the Co spin state are found.
In epitaxial SrRuO3 films tensile strain is causing a structural phase transition from the bulk-like orthorhombic structure to an out-of-plane oriented tetragonal phase. The magnetic easy axis is in the film plane. Reversible strain experiments show a significant effect on the ferromagnetic ordering temperature and point to a small change of the magnetic moment. The strain effect on the electric transport properties is also determined.
Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 as a standard ferroelectric material is used to study the influence of biaxial strain on the ferroelectric switching behaviour of thin films for the first time. At small electric fields the measurements reveal the typical signs of creep-like domain wall motion caused by wall pinning. In this regime the switching process is accelerated strongly under piezo-compression. For higher electric fields a transition of the domain wall motion to the depinning regime is observed. Here, the switching kinetics is slowed down moderately by compressive strain.
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Einfluss reversibler epitaktischer Dehnung auf die ferroische Ordnung dünner SchichtenHerklotz, Andreas 24 April 2012 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit werden die Auswirkungen epitaktischer Dehnung auf die Eigenschaften ferromagnetischer und ferroelektrischer Perowskitschichten untersucht. Dazu wird der biaxiale Dehnungszustand einer Schicht reversibel verändert, indem einkristalline piezoelektrische Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)0.72Ti0.28O3 (001) Substrate (PMN-PT) verwendet werden. Ergänzt werden die Messungen mit dieser “dynamischen” Methode durch Untersuchungen an statisch gedehnten Schichten, gewachsen auf LaAlxSc1-xO3-Pufferschichten mit gezielt abgestimmter Gitterfehlpassung.
Drei verschiedene Materialsysteme werden studiert: die ferromagnetischen Oxide La0.8Sr0.2CoO3 und SrRuO3 und das ferroelektrische Pb(Zr,Ti)O3. Für La0.8Sr0.2CoO3 wird ein dehnungsinduzierter Übergang von der bekannten ferromagnetischen Phase zu einer magnetisch weniger geordneten, spinglasartigen Phase nachgewiesen. Es ergeben sich keine Hinweise auf eine Beeinflussung des Co-Spinzustandes.
In epitaktischen SrRuO3-Schichten bewirkt eine Zugdehnung einen strukturellen Phasenübergang von der orthorhombischen Bulk-Phase zu einer out-of-plane orientierten tetragonalen Phase. Die leichte Richtung liegt in der Ebene. Reversible Dehnungsmessungen zeigen einen deutlichen Einfluss auf die ferromagnetische Ordnungstemperatur und deuten auf eine geringe Veränderung des magnetischen Moments hin. Der Dehnungseffekt auf die elektrischen Transporteigenschaften wird bestimmt.
Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 wird als ferroelektrisches Standardmaterial genutzt, um erstmalig den Einfluss biaxialer Dehnung auf das ferroelektrische Schaltverhalten dünner Schichten zu untersuchen. Für kleine elektrische Felder zeigen die Messungen das typische Verhalten einer gepinnten Domänenwandbewegung. Hier wird der Schaltvorgang unter Piezokompression stark beschleunigt. Werden an die elektrischen Kontakte größere elektrische Felder angelegt, geht die Domänenwandbewegung in das Depinning-Regime über. Die Schaltkinetik wird in diesem Bereich unter Piezokompression leicht verlangsamt.:1 Einführung
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Methodik
1.3 Übersicht
2 Probenherstellung und -charakterisierung
2.1 Gepulste Laserdeposition
2.1.1 Prinzip
2.1.2 Aufbau
2.1.3 RHEED
2.1.4 Optimierung des Schichtwachstums
2.1.5 Targets
2.1.6 Substrate
2.2 Röntgendiffraktion
2.2.1 Röntgenmethoden
2.2.2 Röntgenreflektometrie
2.3 SQUID-Magnetometrie
2.4 Rasterkraftmikroskopie
2.5 Transportmessungen
2.6 Elektrische Polarisationsmessungen
3.1 PMN-PT als piezoelektrisches Dünnschicht-Substrat
3.2 PMN-PT als Piezoaktuator
3.3 Temperaturabhängigkeit der Piezodehnung
3.4 Dehnungsübertragung in die Schicht
4 Puffersysteme
4.1 Motivation
4.2 LaAlxSc1−xO3
4.3 BaxSr1−xTiO3
5 Dehnungseinfluss auf ferromagnetische Filme - La0.8Sr0.2CoO3
5.1 Grundlagen zu La1−xSrxCoO3
5.1.1 Struktur
5.1.2 Spinzustand
5.1.3 Magnetische Wechselwirkungen / Doppelaustausch
5.1.4 Phasendiagramm / magnetische Phasenseparation
5.2 Messungen
5.2.1 Gitter- und Mikrostruktur
5.2.2 Curie-Temperatur
5.2.3 Magnetoelastischer Effekt
5.2.4 Magnetisierungsschleifen
5.2.5 elektrischer Transport
5.3 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
6 Dehnungseinfluss auf ferromagnetische Filme - SrRuO3
6.1 Grundlagen zu SrRuO3
6.1.1 Struktur
6.1.2 Magnetismus
6.1.3 Elektrischer Transport
6.2 Messungen
6.2.1 Gitter- und Mikrostruktur
6.2.2 Magnetismus
6.2.3 Elektrischer Transport
6.3 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
7 Dehnungseinfluss auf ferroelektrische Filme - PbZr1−xTixO3
7.1 Grundlagen
7.1.1 PbZr1−xTixO3
7.1.2 Elektrische Polarisation
7.1.3 Koerzitivfeld
7.1.4 Domänendynamik
7.2 Messungen
7.2.1 Gitterstruktur
7.2.2 Standardcharakterisierung: Dehnungseinfluss auf die remanente
Polarisation Pr und das Koerzitivfeld EC Statische Messungen Dehnungsmessungen
7.2.3 PUND-Messungen: Dehnungseinfluss auf die charakteristische
Schaltzeit tsw
7.3 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
8 Zusammenfassung / In this work, the effect of epitaxial strain on the properties of ferromagnetic and ferroelectric perovskite thin films is studied. Single-crystalline piezoelectric Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)0.72Ti0.28O3 (001) substrates (PMN-PT) are utilized to reversibly change the biaxial strain state of the films. The measurements performed by this “dynamic” approach are complemented by studying statically strained films grown on LaAlxSc1-xO3 buffer layers with deliberately tuned lattice misfit.
Three different material systems are investigated: the ferromagnetic oxides La0.8Sr0.2CoO3 and SrRuO3 and the ferroelectric compound Pb(Zr,Ti)O3. In case of La0.8Sr0.2CoO3 a strain-induced transition from the known ferromagnetic phase to a magnetically less ordered spinglas-like phase is observed. No indications for an effect on the Co spin state are found.
In epitaxial SrRuO3 films tensile strain is causing a structural phase transition from the bulk-like orthorhombic structure to an out-of-plane oriented tetragonal phase. The magnetic easy axis is in the film plane. Reversible strain experiments show a significant effect on the ferromagnetic ordering temperature and point to a small change of the magnetic moment. The strain effect on the electric transport properties is also determined.
Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 as a standard ferroelectric material is used to study the influence of biaxial strain on the ferroelectric switching behaviour of thin films for the first time. At small electric fields the measurements reveal the typical signs of creep-like domain wall motion caused by wall pinning. In this regime the switching process is accelerated strongly under piezo-compression. For higher electric fields a transition of the domain wall motion to the depinning regime is observed. Here, the switching kinetics is slowed down moderately by compressive strain.:1 Einführung
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Methodik
1.3 Übersicht
2 Probenherstellung und -charakterisierung
2.1 Gepulste Laserdeposition
2.1.1 Prinzip
2.1.2 Aufbau
2.1.3 RHEED
2.1.4 Optimierung des Schichtwachstums
2.1.5 Targets
2.1.6 Substrate
2.2 Röntgendiffraktion
2.2.1 Röntgenmethoden
2.2.2 Röntgenreflektometrie
2.3 SQUID-Magnetometrie
2.4 Rasterkraftmikroskopie
2.5 Transportmessungen
2.6 Elektrische Polarisationsmessungen
3.1 PMN-PT als piezoelektrisches Dünnschicht-Substrat
3.2 PMN-PT als Piezoaktuator
3.3 Temperaturabhängigkeit der Piezodehnung
3.4 Dehnungsübertragung in die Schicht
4 Puffersysteme
4.1 Motivation
4.2 LaAlxSc1−xO3
4.3 BaxSr1−xTiO3
5 Dehnungseinfluss auf ferromagnetische Filme - La0.8Sr0.2CoO3
5.1 Grundlagen zu La1−xSrxCoO3
5.1.1 Struktur
5.1.2 Spinzustand
5.1.3 Magnetische Wechselwirkungen / Doppelaustausch
5.1.4 Phasendiagramm / magnetische Phasenseparation
5.2 Messungen
5.2.1 Gitter- und Mikrostruktur
5.2.2 Curie-Temperatur
5.2.3 Magnetoelastischer Effekt
5.2.4 Magnetisierungsschleifen
5.2.5 elektrischer Transport
5.3 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
6 Dehnungseinfluss auf ferromagnetische Filme - SrRuO3
6.1 Grundlagen zu SrRuO3
6.1.1 Struktur
6.1.2 Magnetismus
6.1.3 Elektrischer Transport
6.2 Messungen
6.2.1 Gitter- und Mikrostruktur
6.2.2 Magnetismus
6.2.3 Elektrischer Transport
6.3 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
7 Dehnungseinfluss auf ferroelektrische Filme - PbZr1−xTixO3
7.1 Grundlagen
7.1.1 PbZr1−xTixO3
7.1.2 Elektrische Polarisation
7.1.3 Koerzitivfeld
7.1.4 Domänendynamik
7.2 Messungen
7.2.1 Gitterstruktur
7.2.2 Standardcharakterisierung: Dehnungseinfluss auf die remanente
Polarisation Pr und das Koerzitivfeld EC Statische Messungen Dehnungsmessungen
7.2.3 PUND-Messungen: Dehnungseinfluss auf die charakteristische
Schaltzeit tsw
7.3 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
8 Zusammenfassung
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