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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The influence of cathode buffer layers on the performance of organic solar cells

Yuan, Hua-Wei 13 August 2012 (has links)
According to the literature, the choice of the material, the device structure and the morphology of the active layer play an important role in the performance of the organic solar cell. For instance, many groups insert buffer layer between cathode and active layer to improve device efficiency. Otherwise, the tandem structure have attracted much attention due to different absorbing spectra of the top and bottom cells which can improve the device efficiency. In this study, we select TiOPc as the interlayer material because it can both extend the device absorption spectra and improve device performance. In our results, the thickness of 1 nm TiOPc has the best device efficiency based on the device structure ITO(1750 Å)/PEDOT:PSS(500 Å)/ P3HT:PCBM(800 Å)/TiOPc(10 Å)/Al(2000 Å) and the device area of 0.16 cm2, the performance increase from 0.97 % to 1.77 % compared to standard device under AM1.5 simulation light before post annealing. (which is 82.4 % improved). This consequence can be attributed to a increase open voltage from 0.40 V to 0.56 V, a short increas current density from 5.62 mA/cm2 to 6.16 mA/cm2 and fill factor increased from 0.428 to 0.511. After post annealing at 140 ¢XC, the power efficiency increase for 45.2 % contrast to standard post annealing.

Study on the Buffer Layer and Recrystallization for the Growth of GaN by MOCVD

Wang, Te-Chung 03 July 2000 (has links)
The materials based on GaN have successfully developed on short-wavelength laser diodes (LDs), light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and ultraviolet photodetector. In this study, GaN epitaxial layers have been successfully grown on sapphire substrates. We used several methods including the nitridation temperature for substrates before growing epilayer, the growth temperature and time of buffer layer and the growth temperature of GaN epilayer to study it. From the results of the photoluminescence (PL) measured at 77K, the X-Ray diffraction measurement, SEM cross sectional views to realize the characteristic and we get a better qualities of GaN epilayers after using the foregoing methods. In this study, the re-crystallization of the buffer layer would occur while temperature re-rise to high temperature, and the phenomenon of conglomeration influence the quality and morphology of GaN epilayers. According to the results of the experiments, we study the mechanisms of yellows luminescence and donor-acceptor pair.

Optimisation of CSD buffer layers for YBa(2)Cu(3)O(7) coated conductor development

Cavallaro, Andrea 11 July 2005 (has links)
Las cintas superconductoras de alta temperatura (HTS) han emergido como materiales prometedores para sus uso en el campo de l'energía puesto que permiten reducir a mitad el tamaño de los equipos de energía eléctrica respecto a los convencionales, reducir las pérdidas de energía, aumentar la eficacia en la generación, la transmisión y la distribución de la misma, y así la reducir el impacto ambiental.Sin embargo, diversamente de los conductores típicos, los materiales superconductores basados en óxido son frágiles, se dañado fácilmente y son así difíciles de procesar. Hasta ahora ha sido posible producir longitudes de un kilómetro de cables HTS de primera generación, para el uso en el trasporte de corriente eléctrica. Las cintas superconductoras de YBCO, por ejemplo, pueden soportar altas densidades de corrientes críticas y por esto representan un candidato prometedor en el trasporte de electricidad.Uno del los substratos disponible para suportar el superconductor es un acero policristalino con una película epitaxial de YSZ en cima, YSZ(IBAD)/Stainless. El segundo que hemos utilizado es el NiO(SOE)/Ni(Rabit), una cinta de nickel previamente texturada por laminación y sucesivamente oxidata de manera controlada. Numerosas técnicas están disponible para la deposición de YBCO epitaxiale, nosotros elegimos el proceso más barato y industrialmente interesante: la técnica sol-gel. Para evitar la interacción entre el YBCO superconductor y el substrato epitaxial, evitando así la reducción de la corriente que el superconductor puede trasportar, es importante interponer un material inerte que transfiera su epitaxia al YBCO; este clase de películas se llaman capas tampón. El objetivo principal de esta tesis ha sido optimizar el crecimiento de las capas tampón por técnica química y finalmente estudiar la deposición del YBCO por TFA sobres esas muestras optimizadas. Las capas de cerámica que hemos estudiados han sido: CeO2, BaZrO3, CaZrO3, SrZrO3, SrTiO3, BaCeO3 , y depositadas por el método químico: metal 2-4-&#61538;-diketone disuelto en ácido acético, o los metales isopropoxidos disuelto en metanol. Por depositar las soluciones precursoras hemos utilizado la técnica de spin coating. Controlando los diversos parámetros, velocidad, aceleración y la concentración de la solución obtuvimos películas homogéneas con diverso grosor. La fase de la cristalización se alcanza en un horno donde se controla l'atmósfera, la temperatura y la velocidad de calefacción. Durante esta investigación hemos adquirido un conocimiento total del acrecimiento de las películas delgada de MOD-CeO2. De una combinación de las análisis de TEM, de XRD y de RHEED observamos que el mecanismo de crecimiento tiene un comportamiento anómalo comparado con el otro materiales crecidos con la misma técnica.En este proceso de síntesis de la ceria, la nucleation homogénea de hecho esta favorita debido al bajo valor de Tnuc./Tmel ceria (Tnuc./Tmel=0.21). Solamente los granos nucleados sobre el substrato resultan texturados. La dependencia del tamaño de grano con temperatura sigue una relación de tipo Arrhenius, características de un crecimiento 3D del grano. Los análisis de EELS revelaron una fracción significativa de C residual que adorna los límites de grano, es probable que el crecimiento del límite de grano se quede bloqueando debido estas impurezas.Un proceso del recocido en aire a posteriores, ha demostrado la posibilidad de crecer las películas de CeO2 totalmente epitaxiales. Los análisis de EELS de tales muestras tratadas en oxígeno demuestran claramente que los límites de grano quedan limpios de las impurezas de C, desbloqueando así el crecimiento del grano. Después de un proceso largo de optimización de los parámetros de síntesis, podemos ahora controlar exactamente el crecimiento epitaxiale de la ceria. Se ha verificado que el óxido del cerio se puede crecer en YSZ(IBAD)/SS con solamente la orientación (00l). Para preservar la cinta del metal contra la oxidación, el proceso optimizado se ha adaptado a la deposición sobre substrato de acero inoxidable reduciendo la temperatura de síntesis a 900ºC. Hemos optimizado también la preparación de SrTiO3(STO) y BaZrO3(BZO) sobre MgO y YSZ mono-cristales y en seguida también sobre YSZ(IBAD)/SS y NiO(SOE)/Ni.La arquitectura más prometedora resultó ser STO/BZO/NiO(SOE)/Ni. Por ultimo depositamos YBCO por método TFA (Trifluoracéticetatos) sobre las capas tampones optimizadas. Una muestra de TFA-YBCO sobre CeO2/YSZ(IBAD)/SS preparada en aire a 900ºC en 8 h ha dato como resultado una densidad corriente crítica, Jc de 7 MA/cm2 a 5K, y 6·105A/cm2 a 77K. Estos valores están cerca de objectivo de un millón A/cm2 a 77K. Los experimentos sobre las capas tampón de BZO y de STO han demostrado la posibilidad de usar este sistema doble sobre NiO(SOE)/Ni como plantilla alternativa para el crecimiento de YBCO. Alcanzado una densidad de corriente crítica de Jc(5K) = 5·105A/cm2 con la mejor muestra de YBCO/STO/BZO/NiO(SOE)/Ni. / High-temperature superconducting (HTS) tapes have emerged as promising materials for superconducting power applications since they make possible electric power equipment that is half the size of conventional alternatives, with half energy losses, increasing the efficiency in the generation, transmission and distribution of the electric energy, and thus reducing the impact of power delivery on the environment. However, unlike typical conductors, oxide based superconductor materials are brittle and easily damaged and thus they are difficult to process and handle, specially forming large and flexible wires.Up to now it has been possible to produce kilometre lengths of the first generation of HTS wires for use in electrical transmission cables. YBCO coated conductors can support high critical current densities and is a promising candidate. One of the substrate available is a polycrystalline metal substrate with an epitaxial YSZ film on it, the ion-beam assisted deposition YSZ(IBAD)/Stainless Steel. The second is the textured NiO(SOE)/Ni(Rabit).Numerous methods are available for epitaxial deposition of YBCO, including vacuum techniques but we choose the cheaper non vacuum sol-gel processes.To avoid the interaction between the superconductor it is important to interpose a inert material that can transfer the epitaxy from the substrate to the YBCO, these kind of films are called buffer layers, avoiding than the reduction of the current that the superconductor can support. The main aim of this thesis was optimising the buffer layer growth by chemical technique and finally studying the deposition of TFA-YBCO on those optimised templates.The ceramic buffer layers studied:CeO2 , BaZrO3 , CaZrO3, SrZrO3, SrTiO3,BaCeO3The Sol-Gel system used was the Metal &#61538;-diketone dissolved in Acid Acetic, or Metal isopropoxide dissolved in methanol.The deposition step was performed by spin coating. Controlling the different parameters of rate and acceleration of the spinner and the precursor solution concentration we obtained homogenous films with different thickness. The crystallisation step is achieved in a furnace in a controlled atmosphere, temperature and heating rate.Important knowledge on the MOD-CeO2 thin film growth has been acquired during this research. From a combination of TEM, XRD and RHEED analyses it was observed that its growth mechanism exhibits an anomalous behaviour compared with other CSD derived films. The homogeneous nucleation in fact is favoured in this MOD process due to the low Tnuc./Tmel value for ceria film (Tnuc./Tmel=0.21). Only grains nucleated on the substrate are textured as observed in XTEM images. The grain size dependence with temperature follows an Arrhenius relation: <r>2=&#61537;otexp(-Q/kT), characteristics of 3D undergoing thermally activated grain growth . EELS analyses revealed a significant fraction of residual C decorating the grain boundaries, that very likely acts as a growth by blocking grain boundary motion. A process of post annealing or direct growth in static air, have demonstrated the possibility of growing completely epitaxial CeO2 films. EELS analyses of such samples clearly demonstrates that the oxygen clean up grain boundaries from C impurities thus unblocking grain growth. After a long process of synthesis parameter optimisation, we are now able to control exactly the epitaxial growth of ceria growth. It has been verified that Cerium oxide can be grown on YSZ(IBAD)/SS with only the (00l) orientation. The optimised process has been adapted to stainless steel substrate reducing the synthesis temperature at 900ºC in order to preserve the metal tape against oxidation. We observed an interesting phenomenon of in plane texture improvement of the ceria film with respect to the underlying YSZ(IBAD)/SS substrate, from &#61508;&#61542;YSZ = 8.3º and to &#61508;&#61542;CeO2 = 7.5º.The solution preparation and the deposition conditions for STO and BZO on MgO and YSZ have been also optimised. After several experiments of buffer deposition on YSZ(IBAD)/SS and NiO(SOE)/Ni technical metal substrates the most promising architecture resulted to be the STO/BZO/NiO(SOE)/Ni. We have grown YBCO by the TFA(Trifluor Acetic Acid) method on the optimized buffer layers. A sample of TFA-YBCO on a CeO2/YSZ(IBAD)/SS template prepared in air at 900ºC for 8 h has shown a critical current density, Jc has a value of 7 MA/cm2 at 5K, and 6·105A/cm2 at 77K. These values are near the target of one million A/cm2 at 77K. The experiments on BZO and STO buffer layers have demonstrated the possibility of using the double buffer on NiO(SOE)/Ni as an alternative template for YBCO deposition. A critical current density of Jc(5K)= 5·105A/cm2 has been achieved for the best sample of YBCO/STO/BZO/NiO(SOE)/Ni.

Chemical Solution Deposition of Oxide Buffer and Superconducting Layers for YBa(2)Cu(3)O(7) Coated Conductors

Coll Bau, Mariona 12 January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Estudo da influência de substratos de TiN no crescimento de nanotubos de carbono / Study of the influence of TiN substrates on the carbon nanotubes growth

Morales Corredor, Mónica, 1985- 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Fernando Alvarez / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T11:28:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MoralesCorredor_Monica_M.pdf: 2275286 bytes, checksum: d91a17b2e37d2c4976aa37dc6d5d5026 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Dado o interesse nas propriedades e aplicações dos nanotubos de carbono devidas às suas características morfológicas, este trabalho tem como objetivo principal o estudo da influência do substrato no crescimento dos nanotubos de carbono. Com este objetivo em mente foram preparados filmes de nitreto de titânio, com o intuito de ser usados como suporte para a deposição dos nanotubos de carbono. Os nanotubos foram crescidos por decomposição térmica de acetileno, usando partículas de níquel como precursor catalisador. Os filmes finos não estequiométricos de TiNx foram depositados sobre silício cristalino utilizando a técnica de Deposição por Feixe de Íons (IBD). Análise composicional dos substratos mostrou a presença de Ti, N e O. Distintas concentrações destes elementos permitiram a variação na estrutura e dureza dos substratos. Nos filmes bem caracterizados, partículas de níquel e nanotubos de carbono foram crescidos sequencialmente. Os carpetes de nanotubos obtidos no substrato mostraram diferentes densidades populacionais (nanotubos por unidade de área) e diâmetro. Este comportamento está associado com a presença do oxigênio, elemento que inibe o fenômeno conhecido como Ostwald ripening. O efeito de Ostwald ripening55 causa a coalescência do níquel formando partículas maiores a expensas das menores, um estado final mais favoravelmente energético. A presença do oxigênio impede a difusão do níquel na superfície, interferindo no processo de coalescência. Consequentemente, uma grande densidade de partículas catalisadoras por unidade de área é mantida levando a maior densidade de nanotubos assim como modificações morfológicas das nanoestruturas. Portanto, estes resultados indicaram que filmes finos de TiNx, além de atuar como barreira difusora entre as partículas catalisadoras e o substrato de silício, também influencia a cinética dos nanotubos de carbono / Abstract: Given the increasing interest in the properties and applications of carbon nanotubes due to their morphological characteristics, this work has as main objective the study of the influence of substrate on the growth properties of carbon nanotubes. With this main goal in mind were first prepared titanium nitride films in order to be used as substrate support for carbon nanotubes deposition. The nanotubes were growth by thermal decomposition of acetylene using nickel particles as catalyst precursors. The thin films non-stoichiometric TiNx were deposited on crystalline silicon by ion beam deposition (IBD) technique. Compositional analysis of the substrates showed the presence of Ti, N and O. The different concentrations of these elements led to the variation in the structure and hardness of the coating. On the well characterized substrate coating, nickel particles and nanotubes growth were sequentially deposited. The quite well organized carpets of nanotubes obtained on the substrate show different population density (nanotubes per unit of area) and diameter. This behavior is associated with the presence of oxygen, element inhibiting the phenomenon known as ¿Ostwald ripening?. The Ostwald ripening effect55 causes the coalescence of nickel by forming bigger nickel particles at expenses of smaller ones, a more energetic favorable final state. The presence of oxygen prevents the nickel surface diffusion and thus interfering on the coalescence process. Consequently, a larger density of relatively small catalyst nickel islands per unit of area is preserved leading to higher nanotubes density as well as morphology modifications of the nano structures. Therefore, these results indicate that thin films of TiNx, besides acting as diffusion barrier between the catalyst particles and the silicon substrate also influences the kinetics of growth of carbon nanotubes / Mestrado / Mestra em Física

Effect of nanosized buffer layer and processing parameters on epitaxial growth of ZnO on LiAlO2 by chemical vapor deposition

Lu, Chien-pin 07 September 2011 (has links)
Zinc Oxide (ZnO) has great potential for applications on ultraviolet/blue light emitting devices because of high exciton binding energy and low cost. This research use low lattice-mismatched £^-LiAlO2 (LAO) substrate to grow ZnO epitaxial films by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The first part of the present study deals with effect of processing parameters including temperature of Zinc procuser, sample position and growth temperature on ZnO epilayer. High the precuser temperature and long distance between sample and center of CVD furnace resulted in high growth rates. When growth rate was low, (10 0) ZnO (m-ZnO) was obtained and its crystallinity and luminescence property were poor. After increasing the growth rate to a certain extent, the surface of epilayer was flat and the crystallinity was improved. A further increase of growth rate resulted in a mixture of m-ZnO and c-plane in the ZnO epilayer. Based on the first part of study, the second part was focused on examining the effect of a nanosized buffer layer on inhibiting the nucleation of c-plane ZnO. Results showed that the nucleation of c-plane ZnO was indeed inhibited at low growth temperature. Finally, the crystallinity the optical property of the epilayer were improved by introducing a thick and flat buffer layer of ~170 nm in thickness.

Fabrication of CuInSe2:SbThin Film Solar Cell

Ho, Chia-tai 17 July 2007 (has links)
We attempted to fabricate the CuInSe2:Sb thin-film solar cells with a Al/ZnO:Al(AZO)/ ZnSe /CuInSe2:Sb /Mo/soda-lime glass(SLG) structure. The growth of CuInSe2 film in the presence of Sb can effectively improve the surface morphology and benefit the growth of the device. A ZnSe buffer layer has been applied as an attractive alternative to a CdS buffer layer, thus eliminating environment from pollution. By varying the Ar pressure during the deposition, the Mo bilayer has been fabricated with both low resistivity and good adhesion. Currently the tensile stress was maintained below 100MPa, and the lowest sheet resistance achieved 0.205(£[/¡¼). The fabrication condition with a 5-cm sputtering distance could provide the lowest resistivity of 1.73¡Ñ10-3 (£[-cm) in the AZO thin-film that shows a transmittance of above 80¢Min the visible range. Applying the technology of optical lithography to deposit the Al metal front grid, the Al/ AZO ohmic contact resistance was improved. The energy conversion efficiency of the CIS thin-film solar cell (Al/ AZO/ ZnSe /CuInSe2 /Mo/ SLG) was 4.4¢M(Voc =0.41 V¡AI sc = 3.9 mA ¡AFF = 69 ¢M) by applying the irradiation with a solar simulator under one-sun (AM1.5, 100mW/cm2) conditions. However, the efficiency of CIS:Sb solar cell (Al/ AZO/ ZnSe /CuInSe2 :Sb /Mo/ SLG) was improved to to 6.0¢M(Voc =0.43 V¡AI sc = 5.15 mA ¡AFF = 68 ¢M). This result indicates that the CIS film growth with Sb can increase the short-circuit current.

Growth and characterization of wide bandgap GaN semiconductor

Tsai, Jenn-Kai 28 July 2003 (has links)
Veeco Applied EPI 930 molecular beam epitaxy system equipped with a radio frequency plasma assisted nitrogen source has been introduced and the growth procedure and some specialized measurements are also described. The GaN thin films grown by RF-MBE have been talked about nitridation, low temperature GaN buffer layer, and GaN epilayer. The nitridation is a necessary for grown GaN on c-sapphire. From the result of the HRXRD symmetric (002) rocking curve, the magnitude of the FWHM of the GaN films without nitridation was larger than the films with nitridation. The growth temperature of the LT GaN buffer layer was the major factor on the quality of GaN epilayer which grown on the almost without nitridated sapphire substrate. The growth condition of high growth temperature, thin, low growth rate, and low N/Ga ratio of the LT GaN buffer layer can improve the sequent GaN epilayer quality. On the other hand, in the N/Ga flux ratio of GaN epitaxy layer experiment, we have found three interesting results. First, the narrowest peak width of PL spectrum appeared in a slight Ga-rich condition. Second, the smallest of HRXRD FWHM appeared in the nearly stoichiometry condition. Third, the highest electron mobility and less overall dislocations appeared in a slight N-rich condition. Finally, we report the results about AlGaN/GaN heterostructure grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. The piezoelectric effect on the Alx-£_In£_Ga1-xN/GaN heterostructures was investigated and we found that a little In atom in the spacer (£_< 0.01 %) will substantially reduce the strain at interface due to the much larger size of the In atom in comparison to Al and Ga atoms. The electric field at the interface is reduced one order of magnitude smaller than that of the heterostructure without In atom. Two SdH oscillations beat each other due to the population of the lowest two subbands was been seen. Another two SdH oscillations beating have been observed in modulation-doped AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructures caused by the finite zero-filed spin splitting due to the inversion-asymmetry-induced bulk k3 term.

Réalisation et caractérisation des cellules photovoltaïques organiques / Realization and charactenziation of organic photovoltaic cells

El jouad, Zouhair 18 October 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’insère dans un projet d’élaboration et de caractérisation des cellules photovoltaïques organiques classiques et inverses, plus précisément il s’agit d’améliorer les performances des cellules via des couches tampons anodiques et cathodiques originales. Nous avons commencé d’améliorer les couches tampons cathodiques avec différents donneurs d’électrons: phtalocyanine de cuivre CuPc, subphtalocyanine SubPc et dérivés de thiophène organiques. Dans le premier cas de donneur d’électrons (CuPc), nous avons mis en évidence l’effet d’une fine couche d’un composé de césium, utilisée comme couche tampon cathodique dans des cellules inverses, sur la collecte des électrons après un traitement thermique. Nous avons montré aussi que la couche tampon cathodique hybride, Alq3 (9nm) / Ca (3nm) améliore les performances des cellules quelque soit le donneur d’électrons et sans nécessité de recuit. Dans le cas de drivés de thiophène, nous avons montré comment la morphologie de surface des couches organiques peut influencer les performances des cellules photovoltaïques organiques. Et dans le cas de SubPc utilisé dans des cellules inverses, nous avons étudié l’effet de la vitesse de dépôt de la couche SubPc sur sa morphologie. Concernant l’amélioration de la couche tampon anodique, nous avons étudié des cellules classiques à base SubPc et du pentathiophene (5T). Après l’optimisation de l’épaisseur des donneurs d’électrons, nous avons montré que la bicouche MoO3 (3 nm) / Cul (1,5 nm) utilisée comme couche tampon anodique, permet d'améliorer les performances des cellules, quelque soit le donneur d’électrons. Dans le cas du SubPc, nous avons obtenu un rendement qui approche de 5%. / This thesis concerns elaboration and characterization of classical and inverse organic photovoltaic cells, specifically improving the anodic and cathodic buffer layers. We started by improving the cathode buffer layers with different electron donors: copper phthalocyanine CuPc, subphtalocyanine SubPc and thiophene derivatives (BSTV and BOTV). In the first case of electron donor (CuPc), we highlighted the effect of the thin layer of cesium compound, used as a cathodic buffer layer in inverse cells, on the collection of electrons after heat treatment.We have also shown that the hybrid cathodic buffer layer, Alq3 (9 nm) / Ca (3nm) improves the cell performance whatever the electron donor without annealing. In the case of thiophene derivatives, we have shown how the morphology of the organic layers surface can influence the performance of organic photovoltaic cells. In the case of SubPc used in inverse cells, we studied the effect of the deposition rate of the layer on the morphology of SubPc surface.Regarding the improvement of the anodic buffer layers, we investigated those based on the SubPc and pentathiophene (5T) in classical cells. After optimization of the electron donors thickness, we have shown that the bilayer MoO3 (3 nm) / CuI (1.5 nm) used as an anodic buffer layer, improves cell performances, whatever the electron donor. In the case of SubPc, we obtained a efficiency approaching 5%.

Growth of free-standing GaN(0002) on LiGaO2 substrates by hydride vapor phase epitaxy

Liao, Shuai-Wu 04 August 2011 (has links)
In this paper, polar free-standing (0002)GaN wafer were fabricated by using the hydride vapor phase epitaxy(HVPE) technique on (002) LiGaO2 substrates. Polar of The (0002) GaN affects its luminous efficiency, but compared to other surface between the substrate, it has the smallest lattice mismatch. With the high growth rate of HVPE, hoping to grow high quality GaN thick layer. In the self-designed reactor, Metallic gallium and NH3 were the source of Ga and N. Nitrogen and hydrogen were used as the carrier gases HCl and nitrogen was designed to pass through liquid Ga to form GaCl fully. GaN deposition was realized Efficaciously by conducted steady NH3 and GaCl flows to the substrate suface, accommodated with additional hydrogen and nitrogen atmosphere flows.The parameters set of research mainly focus on reaction pressure, temperature, and growth time. In order to obtain better crystal quality, more attempts were made to grow buffer layer by chemical vapor deposition first, then a thick GaN layer by HVPE. The next step is to do the experiment and analyze with various instruments. Scanning Electron Microscope and atomic force microscopy Atomic Force Microscpoic are used to observe the surface morphology. X-ray Diffracion and transmission electron microscopy are used to know the lattice structure, and to understand the interface between the substrate and the GaN film crystal structure and epitaxial relationship. Finally, Photoluminescence spectroscopy is used to measure its optical properties and compare its defects and epitaxial quality.

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