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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

When and How Team Unethical Behaviors Lead to Ethical Leadership:A Social Identity Analysis

Zhang, Shuxia 04 November 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Leader Identity Development: Understanding Adolescent Practice Experiences of Future Organizational Leaders

Yeager, Katherine L 16 December 2013 (has links)
Changes in the workplace and impending shortages of organizational leaders make it imperative that HRD professionals develop a better understanding of the developmental processes of emergent leaders entering the workplace. While leader development research within the field of HRD has typically focused on established workers, the research in this study assumes a lifespan approach to leader development. This study contributes to the development of the field by examining the leadership experiences of 18 to 20 year olds who were leaders of organizations in high school and how these experiences shaped the identities of these emergent leaders. Themes that emerged related to their experiences included their relationships with others, how they led by example, the development of authentic leadership qualities, and their motivation to lead in new venues. Implications for practice and future research are identified.

Adaptive Coping and Leader versus Follower Identity: A Correlation Analysis

Cauhorn, Mary Colleen 14 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Dynamic Motivation to Lead: Construct Validity of Motivation to Lead

Aronoff, Leya 01 January 2019 (has links)
Although motivation to lead (MTL) was characterized as stable, recent research suggested otherwise. This study explored the malleability of MTL and its predictors. Individuals with high affective-identity MTL are motivated to lead because they enjoy leading. Individuals with high social normative MTL are motivated by an obligation to lead. Individuals with high noncalculative MTL are drawn to leadership because they avoid weighing the costs and benefits of leading. Applicants to a California college were sent a questionnaire on MTL and leadership self-efficacy (LSE) (Time 1 assessment, N = 2704). Four years later (Time 2), participants who responded at Time 1 were sent a survey on motivation to lead, leadership self-efficacy, college leadership experience, and leader identity (LID) (N = 96). Results showed that participants’ affective-identity and noncalculative MTL have decreased over time. Leadership self-efficacy at Time 2 and leader identity at Time 2 were related to the changes in all 3 categories of MTL. Only specific college leadership experiences related to changes in affective-identity MTL. Lastly, leader identity at Time 2 mediated the relationship between affective-identity MTL at Time 1 and Time 2. Most high school students applied to college aspiring to be leaders, but only students who cultivate their leader identity should continue to be motivated to lead. Implications are discussed in the context of the construct validity of MTL, specifically for student leadership development in higher education.

Leader Identity Development of Black Men: A constructivist grounded theory study

Daniels, Michael Anthony, Ph.D. 12 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.


JEANE RODRIGUES LUCENA NIEMEYER 04 February 2020 (has links)
[pt] O desenvolvimento da liderança envolve a identidade de líder, que pode ser analisada a partir de diferentes perspectivas e abordagens teóricas. Uma delas, utilizada nesta tese, assume o desenvolvimento da identidade na construção social, ou seja, na reflexividade do indivíduo e, sobretudo, nas constantes interações com os outros. Para essa perspectiva, são aspectos centrais ao desenvolvimento do líder o autoconceito e a identidade. Considerando que é fundamental compreender como tal processo ocorre em contextos de desenvolvimento da liderança, e assumindo que tais contextos são campos férteis para a observação das dinâmicas identitárias do líder, esta tese tem como objetivo compreender tais dinâmicas em um contexto de coaching para desenvolvimento da liderança. Uma vez que o fenômeno é pouco explorado pela literatura, utilizou-se o método da Grounded Theory com orientação construtivista, capturando assim as representações de coaches, líderes e liderados entrevistados. A partir dos dados analisados, esta tese apresenta um framework teórico que busca compreender e explicitar as dinâmicas identitárias no desenvolvimento de líderes, explorando elementos nos níveis intrapessoal, interpessoal e contextual. / [en] The development of leadership involves the identity of leader, which can be analyzed from different perspectives and theoretical approaches. One of them, and that used in this thesis, assumes the development of identity in social construction, that is, in the reflexivity of the individual and, above all, in constant interactions with others. For this perspective, they are central aspects to the development of the leader, the self-concept and the identity. Considering it is critical to understand how such a process occurs in leadership development contexts and assuming that contexts are fertile grounds for the leader s identity dynamics, this thesis aims to understand such dynamics in a context of coaching for leadership development. Since the phenomenon is little explored in the literature, we used the Grounded Theory method with a constructivist orientation, thus capturing the representations of coaches, leaders and interviewed followers. Based on the data analyzed, this thesis presents a theoretical framework that has been developed allowing to understand and explain the identity dynamics in the development of leaders, exploring elements at the intrapersonal, interpersonal and contextual levels.


PATRICIA MARIA FIGUEREDO 03 September 2024 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese apresenta como objetivo central analisar a perspectiva da construção social da identidade de líder em relação à gênero no contexto do setor tecnológico. Com esse intuito, foram definidos três estudos complementares de abordagem qualitativa com diferentes objetivos específicos. No primeiro estudo, são investigadas reinvindicações (claimings) bem-sucedidas de identidade de líder bem como fatores favoráveis que conduziram ao reconhecimento dessa identidade para mulheres inseridas em um quadro consideravelmente adverso para o desenvolvimento da liderança feminina. O segundo estudo analisa o abandono da identidade de líder (forgone professional identity) por mulheres que exercem a liderança na prática, abordando fatores que favorecem sua permanência em uma empresa na qual não tem perspectivas de ascensão hierárquica e os impactos psicológicos desencadeados pela negação institucional reiterada de suas identidades. No terceiro estudo, o objetivo proposto é analisar como microagressões interferem na trajetória de construção social da identidade de líder de profissionais mulheres do segmento de tecnologia, além dos fatores que condicionam a intensidade de seus impactos nesse processo. Essa tese articula a abordagem de construção social da identidade de líder com questões de gênero no setor tecnológico, discutindo como mulheres conquistam a liderança, as reações de mulheres líderes que não tem a concessão (granting) institucional e a interferência dessas questões nas dinâmicas de construção da identidade de líder. / [en] The main objective of this dissertation is to analyze the social construction of leadership identity in relation to gender in the context of the technological sector. To this end, three complementary qualitative studies with different specific objectives were defined. In the first study, successful claimings of leadership identity are investigated, as well as the favorable factors that led to the recognition of this identity for women in a context that was considerably adverse to the development of female leadership. The second study analyzes forgone professional identity by women who practice leadership, addressing factors that favor their permanence in a company where there are no prospects for hierarchical advancement and the psychological impacts triggered by the repeated institutional denial of their identities. In the third study, the aim is to analyze how microaggressions interfere in the social construction of the leader identity among female professionals in the technology sector, as well as the factors that condition the intensity of their impact on this process. This dissertation articulates the approach to the social construction of leadership identity with gender issues in the technology sector, discussing how women conquer leadership, the reactions of women leaders who do not have the institutional granting, and the interference of these issues in the dynamics of the construction of leadership identity.

Être leader : tensions, stratégies et dynamiques au cœur du travail identitaire

Geinoz, Lara 06 1900 (has links)
Thèse de doctorat présenté en vue de l'obtention du doctorat en psychologie - recherche intervention, option psychologie du travail et des organisations (Ph.D) / Les gestionnaires d’aujourd’hui sont constamment exposés à des discours sur le leadership qui leur demandent d’être des leaders. Mais qu’est-ce que signifie être un leader ? Plus que jamais, la notion même du leader est ambiguë. La complexité grandissante des environnements organisationnels fait en sorte qu’elle est sujette à de multiples interprétations. En réponse à cette ambiguïté, un nombre croissant d’études tente de se rapprocher de l’expérience vécue des gestionnaires pour mieux comprendre comment ils s’y prennent pour répondre à la question : Qui suis-je en tant que leader ? Dans leur ensemble, ces études suggèrent qu’un travail identitaire en continu soit nécessaire pour développer et maintenir une identité de leader. Cela dit, à ce jour, les études se sont principalement intéressées aux contextes de transition. Par conséquent, nous en savons peu sur le travail identitaire que font les gestionnaires dans leur contexte usuel de travail. La présente thèse explore donc la question suivante : Comment les gestionnaires en position de leadership s’engagent-ils dans un travail identitaire face à la notion de leader ? La thèse a pour objectif d’explorer et d’approfondir cette question en s’intéressant au travail identitaire de 12 gestionnaires issus de différents types de milieux organisationnels. Un devis qualitatif a été utilisé pour explorer leur expérience subjective. Une méthode d’analyse abductive basée sur l’analyse thématique réflexive proposée par Braun et Clarke a été utilisée. Cinq grands résultats ressortent de cette thèse. L’analyse a mis en lumière que les leaders peuvent ressentir trois types de tensions identitaires : 1) une incompatibilité entre deux de leurs idéaux identitaires de leader, 2) une divergence entre leur identité de rôle de leader et les attentes organisationnelles y étant rattachées et 3) une incompatibilité entre leur identité de leader et une autre de leur identité. L’analyse des idéaux identitaires a notamment mis en lumière que les leaders se retrouvent à cheval entre deux paradigmes de leadership. Cela en aspirant à des idéaux du paradigme post-héroïque qui conçoit le leadership comme un processus d’influence partagé et bidirectionnel ; tout en aspirant à des idéaux du paradigme héroïque qui conçoit le leader comme la principale source d’influence. Les identités et aspirations identitaires conflictuelles amènent les leaders à faire appel à diverses stratégies pour tenter de gérer les tensions ressenties. Afin d’en rendre compte avec parcimonie, une typologie schématisée de 16 stratégies de travail identitaire a été créée en s’appuyant sur la littérature. La mise en relation des différentes tensions et stratégies a permis de faire ressortir cinq dynamiques intégratrices qui synthétisent le travail identitaire que font les leaders de l’étude. Ce travail intégrateur a également permis de formuler des propositions théoriques quant au lien entre l’interprétation des tensions comme des menaces ou opportunités et le type de dynamiques identitaires dans lesquelles les leaders s’engagent. Ces résultats offrent des contributions théoriques à la littérature générale sur le travail identitaire ainsi qu’à la littérature sur le travail identitaire des leaders, plus spécifiquement la théorie de la construction de l’identité de leader, la théorie de l’identité narrative, la théorie critique et la théorie de l’identité de rôle. Finalement, la thèse offre des contributions pratiques quant aux formules pédagogiques entourant le développement des leaders. / Managers today are constantly exposed to leadership discourses that ask them to be leaders. But what does it mean to be a leader? More than ever, the very notion of a leader is ambiguous. As the complexity of organizational environments grows, so too does the multiple interpretations of the concept of leader. In response to this ambiguity, a growing number of studies are trying to get closer to the lived experience of managers to better understand how they go about answering the question: Who am I as a leader? Taken together, these studies suggest that ongoing identity work is necessary to develop and maintain a leadership identity. That said, to date, studies have mainly focused on transitional contexts. Consequently, we know little about the identity work that managers do in their usual work context. This thesis therefore explores the following question: How do managers in a leadership position engage in identity work in the face of the notion of leader? It aims to deepen this question by focusing on the identity work of 12 managers from different types of organizational backgrounds. A qualitative design was used to explore their subjective experience. An abductive analysis method based on the reflexive thematic analysis proposed by Braun and Clarke was used. Five main results emerge from this thesis. The analysis highlighted that leaders can experience three types of identity tensions: 1) an incompatibility between two of their leader identity ideals, 2) a divergence between their leader role identity and the organizational expectations attached to it, and 3) an incompatibility between their leader identity and another of their identities. The analysis of identity ideals has highlighted that leaders find themselves straddling two paradigms of leadership. This by aspiring to ideals of the post-heroic paradigm which sees leadership as a shared, two-way process of influence; while aspiring to ideals of the heroic paradigm which sees the leader as the main source of influence. Conflicting identities and identity aspirations lead leaders to use various strategies to try to resolve the tensions they feel. Building on existing literature and the result of this study, a schematic typology of sixteen identity work strategies was created. The linking of the different tensions and strategies has helped identify five integrative dynamics that synthesize the identity work in which the leaders engaged. This integrative work has also allowed to formulate theoretical proposals regarding the link between the interpretation of tensions as threats or opportunities and the type of identity dynamics in which the leaders engage. These results offer theoretical contributions to the general literature on identity work as well as to the literature on leader identity work, more specifically on leadership identity construction theory, narrative identity theory, critical theory and role identity theory. Finally, the thesis offers practical contributions regarding the pedagogical formulas surrounding the development of leaders.

A Method to My Quietness: A Grounded Theory Study of Living and Leading with Introversion

Oram, Leatrice 02 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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