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Organizational Learningin a Non-profit setting : A study of Continuity and Transferof knowledge within UppsalaStudent UnionGustafsson, Lovisa January 2010 (has links)
This is a case study, within the field of Education and Human Resource Development. The subject is handover in a non-profit organization. The organization studied is the Uppsala Student Union (US). US is a politically run Non-profit organization (NGO), with the objective to work for better study- and living conditions of the 35 000 students at Uppsala University, Sweden, who are its members. Four people active within US have been interviewed, and the empiric material has been analyzed mainly based on the theories of Organizational Learning and Continuity Management. Some other theories are presented as well, as an orientation with relation to handover in organizations and organizational development. The questions asked are: 1. How is transfer of knowledge perceived in US – as a significant problem, a small problem or no problem at all? 2. If transfer of knowledge is perceived as a problem, what are thought to be the causes? 3. In US, as a NGO, how is handover managed? Which problems arise with respect to handover? 4. What else of interest and relevance can be found? The answers are: 1. A small problem. Transfer of knowledge is much thought of, but there are problems which are viewed as more important. 2. The causes for problems with handover are mainly referred to a heavy workload for the actives, high turnover and insufficient handover routines. 3. Routines for handover is a well integrated part of the work at US. And the conditions in terms of resources are good compared to other student unions. Some problems still arise, and a selection of these are presented in the study. 4. Additional findings have been defined under the following headlines: Representation on Boards – an area for improvement Changing the roles On Actives-mentality (Swe. föreningsmänniskor) Effective policy making Students as actives
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Learning Organizations and Evidence-Based Practice by RNsEstrada, Nicolette Ann January 2007 (has links)
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is recognized as a means for providing safe, cost-effective, and quality healthcare. Registered Nurses (RNs), like other disciplines, are accountable for providing patient care based on the best evidence. The greatest majority of RNs are employed within the acute care setting. Unknown is what type of organizational infrastructure is necessary to support RNs in EBP. The business community reports positive performance outcomes through development of learning organizations (LO). LOs are reputed to be high functioning, supportive, adaptive, and continuously learning systems, compatible with the needs reflected in today's complex, turbulent healthcare. This descriptive study used a survey methodology to identify relationships between the dimensions of a LO as perceived by RNs within the context of the acute care hospital and their beliefs about and implementation of EBP. Six hospitals, two magnet designated, two non-magnet, and two Veterans Administration Medical Centers in one southwestern state were invited to participate. Three established instruments were used. Distribution of questionnaires to 1750 RNs resulted in a return of 592, for a 34% response rate. Instruments demonstrated adequate reliability and validity for this sample. Psychometrics on the EBP Beliefs Scale resulted in the identification of four subscales that were subsequently included in the analyses. Descriptive statistics indicated differences in characteristics of nurses from the different types organizations. The VA nurse's average age was 48 years, worked 19 years as an RN and 64% reported their highest educational degree as bachelor or above. Nurses responding from the other two types of organizations, on the average, were 42 years old, had 14 years experience, and 52% reported an educational degree of bachelor or above. Relationships were identified between RNs' perceived beliefs about EBP and their reported frequency of EBP implementation. Regressing beliefs on the dependent variable of implementation with the full sample (n=543) resulted in R2=.23, p<.05. Slight variation was noted in the analysis per organizational type. Relationships among the dimensions of the learning organization and the subscales of the Belief scale were analyzed using regression analysis. Significant relationships were noted but were demonstrated differently among the three different types of organizations.
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Šiaulių miesto gimnazijų kaip besimokančių organizacijų tyrimas:pedagogų aspektas / Research of Šiauliai Gymnasiums as Learning Organizations:Aspect of EducationRaugalienė, Ingrida 21 June 2006 (has links)
Learning has to go on constantly and has to be the aim of existence for each person. These changes such as a challenge for educational and training system make us to change the educational system according to the concept of a learning society (Chapman, 1996). This is the topicality of the researched area.
The idea of the research is that the author has used the theoretical basis of B. Simonaitiene dissertation and the indicators of a learning educational organization and a part of the survey instrument presented by the author of the dissertation. However, the author of this research has changed the geography of the research grip (Siauliai city). Hopefully, the situation of gymnasiums as learning organizations can potentially be characterized as peculiar that was quite meaningful to research.
The problematic question of the research is what characteristics of learning organizations are present in Siauliai gymnasiums. The research object is a learning organization. The research point is educational institution as a learning organization. The research hypothesis is that socio-demographic variables influence the teacher point of view towards the occurrence of characteristics of a learning organization. The research aim is to empirically research the occurrence of learning organization peculiarities in Siauliai gymnasiums. The research objectives are to identify the peculiarities of a learning organization in educational institutions, to present the indicators and activity... [to full text]
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Effektiv kompetensutveckling : En undersökning av hur olika perspektiv på lärande påverkar effekterna av kompetensutveckling under Training Days / Effective Knowledge Development : A Study of How Different Perspectives on Learning Influences the Effect of Knowledge Development on Training DaysTengberg, Fredrika, Forsman, Stefanie January 2014 (has links)
Två gånger per år genomförs kompetensinvesteringar för ingenjörer på GKN Aerospace Sweden AB. Konceptet går under benämningen Training Days. Syftet med investeringen är att höja kompetensen bland de ca 400 ingenjörerna. I anslutning till utbildningsdagarna genomförs en enkätundersökning för att se till deltagarnas åsikter om Training Days. Problemet är att det aldrig undersökt vilken inställning och synsätt medarbetarna har till lärande och utveckling och om de olika perspektiven i sådana fall påverkar effekterna av investeringarna. Den kvalitativa fallstudien syftar till att undersöka om ingenjörernas perspektiv på lärande och kompetens påverkar organisationens utveckling. Materialet har insamlats med kvalitativa intervjuer som analyserats i förhållande till teori och aktuell forskning. Dessutom har det undersökts om det finns ett gemensamt perspektiv på kompetensutveckling som kan utveckla Training Days och effekterna av utbildningsdagarna. Fallstudien kan ses som ett kompletterande verktyg till GKN:s interna enkät. Teorin menar att det är viktigt att skapa ett systemtänkande och att individer behöver se till sitt eget personliga mästerskap för att få en helhetsförståelse, och därigenom höja den individuella och gemensamma kompetensen. Majoriteten av respondenterna i studien anser att de inte får någon praktisk kompetens genom utbildningsdagarna, de menar snarare att konceptet bidrar till nya infallsvinklar. Resultatet av denna studie bygger på tolkning av det insamlade empiriska materialet, med stöd av teorin visar att det finns både olika synsätt och inställning till lärande och utveckling bland ingenjörerna vilket påverkar utvecklingsprocessen. På GKN finns alla förutsättningar för att lyckas med kompetensutveckling, men när inställning till lärande och utveckling är individuell påverkar det alla led i lärandeprocessen / Twice a year GKN Aerospace Sweden AB implements skills investment for their engineers. The concept is known as Training Days. The purpose of investment is to improve the skills of about 400 engineers. Adjacent to the Training Days there is a implemented survey to see what the engineers think about the concept. The problem is that the survey doesn't examine the attitude and the approach employees have about learning and development, and on the various perspectives, in such cases the affect of the impact of the investments. This qualitative case study aims to examine the engineer's perspective on learning and skills, and it´s effect on the organization's development. The material has been collected by qualitative interviews, analyzed in relation to theory and current research. Moreover, it has been investigated whether there is a common perspective on skills that can develop Training Days and the effects of training days. The case study can be seen as a complementary tool to GKN's internal poll. The theory says that it is important to create a systems approach and that the individuals need to make their own personal "championship", to get an overall understanding, and thereby raising individual and collective skills. The majority of the respondents in this study believe that they do not receive any practical skills through Training Days. They mean rather that the concept contributes to new approaches. The results of this study are based on the interpretation of the collected empirical material, supported by theory. The outcome shows that there are both different approaches and attitudes to learning and development among the engineers, which affects the development process. GKN have all prerequisites for the skills development to succeed. But the approach to learning and development is individual, so it affects all elements in the learning process
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Kvalitetsarbete i vården : Skillnaden i kvalitetsarbetet inom offentlig och privat verksamhet – sektor vård och omsorg / Quality work in healthcare : The difference in the quality work in public and private organizations - sector care and nursingAndersson, Julia, Olsson, Wilma January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sveriges vård och omsorg har sviktat de senaste åren vilket har gjort att frågan om vilken vårdleverantör en kund ska välja uppmärksammats. Det finns olika faktorer som har en inverkan på kundens val, bland annat förtroende och kvaliteten för tjänsten. Där kommer valet mellan offentlig och privat vård in. Därigenom har frågan om vinst i välfärden lyfts, och vad som egentligen är skillnaden mellan privat och offentlig vård och omsorg. Kvalitetsarbetet blir således det som ger förtroendet för vården. För att kunna utveckla den kvaliteten som kunden efterfrågar behöver ett lärande finnas i verksamheten. Utan lärande kan inte kvalitetsarbetet utvecklas och det sviktande förtroendet för vården återstår. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen ämnar undersöka begreppet kvalitetsarbete och hur privata samt offentliga aktörer inom vård och omsorg arbetar med fenomenet. Studien vill uppnå en ökad förståelse för hur kvalitetsutveckling bedrivs inom olika verksamheter. Studien har för avsikt att jämföra den privata vård- och omsorgssektorn med den offentliga för att få en så stor överblick och insikt i ämnet som möjligt. Teoretisk referensram: Föreliggande studie använder teorier och begrepp som exempelvis new public management, kaizen och lärande organisationer. Kärnbegreppen som studien bygger på är ständiga förbättringar, vilket kommer från kaizen, och organisatorisk lärande. Dessa utgör kvalitetsarbetet i en verksamhet och är därav sammankopplade. Dessa teorier kommer att stöjda studiens undersökning av skillnaderna mellan privat och offentlig verksamhet. Metod: Studien använde en kvalitativ forskningsansats, där semistrukturerade intervjuer utgjorde den huvudsakliga datainsamlingen och kompletterades med en dokumentanalys. Studien undersökte två fallstudieorganisationer, vilket gjorde att en triangulering utfördes. Slutsats: Det studien indikerade var att privata verksamheter känner en stark press för att både leverera till sina aktieägare och till sina kunder, vilket blir en paradox där vinstmaximering och god service möts. Offentliga verksamheter har en automatisk tillgång till brukare vilket gör att de inte känner samma påtryckningar. Generellt indikerade studien att kvalitetsarbetet inom organisationerna var liknande, det som skiljde sig kom framförallt ifrån skillnader inom arbetssätten. Privata verksamheter arbetar mer med att skapa konkurrenskraftiga tjänster, där lärande och konkurrenskraft kan kopplas samman. Det kan i sin tur härledas till att offentliga verksamheter inte känner samma press att arbeta konkurrenskraftigt.
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Organizational Learning Assessment In Software Development OrganizationsChouseinoglou, Oumout 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Knowledge is one of the most important assets of an organization that directly affects business success, and its importance increases for organizations that use knowledge-intensive processes such as the software development industry. In an industry in which technological developments are rapid, in order to keep up with the continuously increasing competition and to obtain competitive advantage the software organizations need to obtain the correct knowledge, use it efficiently and pass it to future projects evolving it accordingly. The major aim of this research is to propose a novel model, namely AiOLoS, for assessing the level of organizational learning and learning characteristics in software development organizations. The primary contributions of this two-legged AiOLoS model are the identification of the major process areas and the core processes that a learning software organization follows during its organizational learning process and to provide the necessary measures and metrics and the corresponding definitions/interpretations for the assessment of the learning characteristics of the software development organization. The research is supported with a multiple case-study work conducted in software development teams in order to identify the mapping of the core processes and the applicability of the AiOLoS model to software development organizations, its utilization as a tool for assessing organizational learning and providing a basis for software process improvement.
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Att lära av varandra? : En undersökning om arbetslag utifrån ett lärarperspektiv / Learning from each other? : A study of work teams from teacher’s perspectiveBlank, Nikolina January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is from a teacher’s perspective to examine how schoolteachers experience the possibilities of learning from each other within their work team and to shed some light on how teachers believe that cooperation affects their ability to learn and improve on a daily basis. My research questions are: What is the general discussion among the teachers concerning daily capacity building from enhanced teamwork? How important is well-functioning cooperation between co-workers for learning and daily capacity building? What are the prerequisites for a well-functioning learning situation within the work team? The study is based on five qualitative interviews with teachers within the same school but from different teaching backgrounds based on what grade they teach, what subjects they teach, and they belong to different work teams within the school. The interviews are semi-structured. The results have been analysed from a perspective based on the theories of organisational pedagogy and learning organisations.The results implies that the work teams does not function as a forum for exchanging experiences and learning from each other. Cooperation does, however, exist within the work teams and it has positive effects on other work related aspects, but not on individual daily capacity building. The teams are primarily used for exchange concerning more common and practical issues. This seems to be the situation due to lack of time, priority and structure. The teachers in my study believes that the work team is a vital and important part of their everyday work and it is a forum they wish to exist even if the teams are not today working as wanted when concerning capacity building. The use and functioning of the work teams at the school for this study should be carefully evaluated and improved if the work teams should also function as an effective tool for daily capacity building for the teachers.
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Lärande organisationer i praktiken : En fallstudie om en lärande organisation / The practice of learning organizations : A case study about a learning organizationHagnestad, Jonathan, Rex, Anna January 2021 (has links)
Lärande organisationer har sedan slutet av 80-talet kommit att få mycket plats inomorganisationsforskning och begreppet har blivit synonymt med hur företag anpassar sig efter denomvärld de verkar i. Forskningen har visat hur givande lärandet kan vara för företag både i termer avvinst och välmående hos medarbetarna, men empiriska undersökningar har samtidigt visat att lärandeorganisationer inte fått fäste i praktiken. Parallellt med detta finns vissa rön som stödjer det traditionellasynsättet att vissa individer är mer kapabla att fatta strategiska beslut, medan andra är mer lämpadesom enbart utförare, och därmed är i behov av styrning. Vårt syfte var att i detta arbete undersöka hurlärande inom en organisation kan förstås genom en grupp chefers upplevelser. Studien designades somen fallstudie inom ett företag och empirin inhämtades från sex kvalitativa intervjuer. Genomklassificering av resultaten i enlighet med Senges discipliner, visade studien att intervjupersonernasupplevelser till stor del sammanföll med det aktuella företagets profilering som lärande organisation,då arbetssättet beskrevs som adaptivt, både inom den egna organisationen och gentemot omvärlden. Imaterialet kunde vi skönja en bakomliggande människosyn, vilket kunde möjliggöra en diskussion påett aggregerat plan. Vilka implikationer detta har för lärandet kan inte identifieras utifrån studiensresultat, utan kräver vidare undersökningar, förslagsvis innehållande både observationer ochintervjuer med fler medarbetare. / Since the end of the 1980s, learning organizations have gained a lot of space in organizational researchand have become synonymous with how companies adapt to the world in which they operate. Researchhas shown how rewarding learning can be for companies both in terms of profit and well-being of theiremployees, but empirical studies also show that learning organizations have not gained foothold inactual practice. In parallel with this, some evidence supports the traditional view that some individualsare more capable of making strategic decisions, while others are more suited to following orders andtherefore need to be controlled. The present study was designed as a case study within a company andthe empirical evidence was obtained from six qualitative interviews. By categorizing the results inaccordance with Senge's disciplines, the results showed that the interviewees' experiences by and largewere consistent with the company's profile as a learning organization, as the work methods weredescribed as adaptive, both within the organization and vis-à-vis the outside world. The materialshowed an underlying attitude towards colleagues, which made a discussion on an aggregated levelpossible. The implications of this relationship for learning could not be identified on the basis of theresults of the present study, and would require further investigations, including both observations andinterviews with more employees. / <p>2021-06-07</p>
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Försvarsmakten som en lärande organisation? : En kvantitativ studie ur ett medarbetarperspektivArvidsson, Rasmus, Rönnbäck Hellerstedt, Jannice January 2023 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka styrkor och svagheter som medarbetare upplever i svenska Försvarsmakten utifrån konceptet lärande organisationer. Metod: Studien har genomförts med en kvantitativ ansats genom en tvärsnittsstudie som innehåller dels OSI-enkät som är uppbyggd på en likertskala och dels en innehållsanalys av en fritextfråga. Totalt har 100 medarbetare inom den svenska Försvarsmakten svarat på enkäten. Resultatet för surveyundersökningen har analyserats genom deskriptiv statistik och ANOVA medan innehållsanalysen har genomförts genom att svaren på en fritextfråga har delats in i olika kategorier. Resultat och slutsats: Studiens resultat visade på att svaren för faktorn positiv attityd avviker med ett lägre medelvärde jämfört med de andra faktorerna. Resultatet visade även på att anställningstid har påverkan för hur man upplever organisationen där personal anställd längre än 10 år tenderar svara med lägre poäng på enkäten som helhet med en viss variation mellan olika faktorer. Vi fann också att resultatet från innehållsanalysen styrker att faktorn positiv attityd är ett stort förbättringsområde och att den svenska Försvarsmakten står inför en rad utmaningar kopplat till personalfrågor så som arbetsmiljön och en hög arbetsbelastning. Respondenterna efterlyser ett helhetstänk över organisationen, systemförståelse och moderniserade kommunikationsfunktioner. Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien har gett ett teoretiskt bidrag genom att testa och validera mätverktyget OSI i en militär kontext samt ett praktiskt bidrag i form av en ökad förståelse för vilka utmaningar den svenska Försvarsmakten står inför. Den har även bidragit till en djupare förståelse för vilka åtgärder som behöver vidtas för att den svenska Försvarsmakten ska vara flexibel och modern i sin struktur. Förslag till fortsatta studier: Studien har väckt flera idéer för framtida studier inom lärande organisationer. Det skulle vara intressant att jämföra olika förbandsdelar inom den svenska Försvarsmakten mot varandra vilket skulle ställa högre krav på större underlag. Ett annat förslag är att jämföra resultaten mellan de som sitter i chefsbefattning och icke-chefsbefattning. / Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate which strengths and weaknesses employees experience in the Swedish Armed Forces based on the concept of learning organizations. Method: The study has been carried out with a quantitative approach through a cross-sectional study which contains both a survey, structured on a Likert scale, and a content analysis where information has been collected via a questionnaire survey. A total of 100 employees within the Swedish Armed Forces responded to the survey. The results of the survey have been analysed using descriptive statistics and ANOVA, while the content analysis has been carried out by dividing the answers to a free text question into different categories. Results and conclusions: In summary, the study shows that the responses for the positive attitude factor stand out with a lower mean value compared to the other factors. Our data also shows that length of employment has an impact on how one experiences the organization, where staff employed for longer than 10 years tend to answer with lower scores on the survey as a whole with a certain variation between different factors. We also find that the results from the content analysis confirm that the positive attitude factor is a major area for improvement and that the Swedish Armed Forces are facing a series of challenges linked to personnel issues such as the work environment and the high workload that is currently present. The employees are calling for a holistic approach to the organization, system understanding and modernized communication functions. Contribution of the thesis: The study has made a theoretical contribution by testing and validating the measurement tool OSI in a military context as well as a practical contribution in the form of an increased understanding of the challenges the Swedish Armed Forces are facing. It has also contributed to a deeper understanding of what measures need to be taken in order for the Swedish Armed Forces to be flexible and modern in its structure. Suggestions for future research: The study has raised several ideas for future studies in learning organizations. We believe it would be interesting to compare different units within the Swedish Armed Forces against each other, which would place higher demands on a larger basis. In the background questions, we had also found it interesting to add and compare between those in managerial positions and non-managerial positions.
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Exploring Tacit Knowledge in OrganizationsPlazas, Andrea 01 August 2013 (has links)
There has been a growing prevalent interest to explore the role of knowledge in organizations. Bhardwaj and Monin (2006) identified the knowledge of individuals' as a valuable source of competitive advantage. An organizations well-rounded institutional memory- the organizations collective experiences (Rothwell & Poduch, 2004), fosters competitive advantage. There is a prevailing need to scrutinize the role of tacit knowledge in organizations and how it's hard to articulate nature makes it difficult for organizations to acquire and preserve institutional memory value. The aim of this review is to illustrate that tacit knowledge contributes significantly to the institutional memory value, expansion and preservation. In an effort to simplify this relationship between tacit knowledge and institutional memory, a comprehensive literature search was performed. I first discuss the role of knowledge in organizations and use the literature on tacit knowledge as a guide to explain the importance of its elicitation for institutional memory expansion and preservation. I then propose: (1) the use of tacit knowledge elicitation as a mediator, and (2) recommend training and a learning organization environment as moderators, for the contribution to take place. Finally, I suggest that organizations: (a) Elicit tacit knowledge sharing at their human capital development training programs (b) develop and implement this trainings at managerial levels, and (c) a "know-why" method to elicit and capture tacit knowledge in a reference guide, to consequently add value to the institutional memory, I conclude with a discussion of implications and limitations for the proposed perspective, and provide suggestions for future research.
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