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Teisinė sąmonė kaip kriminologinė kategorija / Legal consciousness as criminological categoryNazarovienė, Daiva 22 March 2006 (has links)
Legal consciousness is one of the most important concepts in criminology, which defines individual or public perception of justice, expectations of legal behaviour and demand for sanctions for the deviation from the rules. The theorized criminological perception of legal consciousness, also modern introductions on this field are passed in review in theoretical part of this study. The positive, the subjective and the modern conceptions of legal consciousness are presented.
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Teisinio švietimo bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje modelis: optimizavimo problema / Legal education in mainstream school model: optimization problemŠmidtaitė, Simona 22 February 2010 (has links)
Teisinio švietimo reikšmė pabrėžiama įvairiuose dokumentuose, edukacinėje literatūroje. Tai “procesas, per kurį asmenims sudaromos galimybės įgyti žinių ir gebėjimų, padedančių tinkamai naudotis savo teisėmis ir laisvėmis teisinėje sistemoje, ginti savo teises ir vykdyti pareigas”.
Visuomenės teisinio švietimo problemą bandoma spręsti įvairiais būdais ir metodais. Europos Komisija aktyviai prisideda prie jaunimo teisinio švietimo, organizuodama įvairią veiklą (paskelbtas komunikatas dėl Europos Sąjungos vaiko teisių strategijos kūrimo, organizuojami konkursai ir pan.) visose Europos Sąjungos valstybėse. Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybė, Teisingumo ministerija ir kitos institucijos yra įsipareigojusios gerinti visuomenės teisinį švietimą, nuolat priimdamos ir patvirtindamos įvairias visuomenės teisinio švietimo programas, kurių vienas iš tikslų yra kiekvienam moksleiviui suteikti “esminių teisinių žinių apie šeimą, darbo santykius ir santykius su valdžios institucijomis” [8]. Kaip nurodoma 2009 m. Nevyriausybinių organizacijų plėtros koncepcijos projekte, „siekiant įveikti mažėjantį visuomenės pilietinį aktyvumą, bei augantį nusivylimą dėl galimybės daryti įtaką valstybės institucijų priimamiems sprendimams, <....> teisinis švietimas ir pilietinis ugdymas privalo apimti visas galimas formas ir būdus“ [10].
Mokiniai, neįgiję teisinių žinių, ateityje sunkiau prisitaikys prie nuolat kintančių ar naujų socialinių normų bei nesugebės jomis naudotis ginant savo teises ir laisves... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The significance of legal education is emphasized in various documents and educational literature. It is a "process in which individuals are provided with opportunities to acquire knowledge and skills, helping them to exercise their rights and freedoms in the legal system to defend their rights and accept responsibilities.
Public legal education attempts to address the problem in different ways and methods. The European Commission in actively involved in legal education of young people by organizing various activities (the Communication on a Europe Union strategy on the Rights of the Child, organized competitions and so on) across the European Union. The Government of the Republic of Lithuania, Ministry of Justice and other authorities are committed to improve public legal education, constantly adopting and approving a variety of public legal education programs, one of the goals is to give each student a "substantial legal knowledge of family, labor relations and relations with the authorities" [8]. As stated in the 2009 Non-governmental organizations in the development of the concept of the project, "in order to cope with declining civic society, and growing frustration on the possibility to influence decisions taken by public authorities, <...> legal education and civic education must cover all possible forms and methods" [10].
Students, who have not acquired legal knowledge in the future will find it more difficult to adapt to constantly changing and new social norms and... [to full text]
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Policijos pareigūnų teisinis statusas / Legal Status of Police OfficersMisiūnas, Eimutis 01 September 2010 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjamas policijos pareigūnų teisinis statusas, tiriant šio viešosios teisės instituto veiksmingumą, nustatant ir įvertinant pagrindinius veiksmingumo determinantus ir modeliuojant teisines priemones, leidžiančias greitai reaguoti į kintančias policijos pareigūno veiklos sąlygas. Teisinio statuso veiksmingumas tiriamas vertinant teisinio statuso elementus, klasifikuojamus į keturis tarpusavyje koreliuojančius segmentus. Vertinama veiksmingumo pokyčio dinamika aštuonių metų laikotarpyje ir jo sociologiniai rodikliai policijos tarnybose, vykdančiose viešųjų vietų patruliavimą, eismo kontrolę ir objektų apsaugą. Disertacijoje įvertinama socialinės aplinkos (visuomenės), politinių ir ekonominių veiksnių įtaka teisinio statuso veiksmingumui apskritai ir kiekvienam teisinio statuso segmentui, analizuojamas segmentų teisinis reguliavimas, nustatant jo nepakankamumą ar ydingumą, vertinama policijos pareigūnų parengtis funkcijoms vykdyti, analizuojant ir lyginant Lietuvos Airijos ir Suomijos pirminės grandies policijos pareigūnų mokymo programas. Disertacijoje pateikiami pasiūlymai dėl teisinio statuso segmentų teisinio reguliavimo, sudarančio prielaidas didinti teisinio statuso veiksmingumą, ir dėl kompensacinių mechanizmų, skirtų palaikyti atkurtą statuso veiksmingumą. Tyrimo išvados atskleidžia, jog pagal pozityviosios teisės tradiciją reglamentuojamas ir įgyvendinamas policijos pareigūno teisinis statusas nėra veiksmingas, netenkina nei policijos pareigūnų, nei... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The thesis addresses legal status of police officers by scrutinizing efficiency of the institution, identifying the key determinants of the efficiency and modeling legal measures that would allow prompt reaction to the unstable environment of the police service. Efficiency of Legal Status is analyzed via assessment of elements of the legal status and classification of those into four correlative segments. The work comprises an eight year evolution of the efficiency, its sociological indexes in police services exercising patrolling of public places, control of traffic safety and protection of secured objects. The thesis evaluates effects of social environment (community) and political and economic factors upon efficiency of legal status in general and, by scrutinizing legal regulation in each segment individually, identifies faults and shortcomings in the efficiency and evaluates readiness of police officers to exercise their functions by comparison of training programs for primary pack police officers in Lithuania, Ireland and Finland. The thesis ends with a range of proposals on legal regulation of individual segments of the legal status that would allow enhancement of efficiency of legal status and on compensatory mechanisms to maintain restored efficiency of legal status. Conclusions of the survey reveal that the legal status of police officers regulated in accordance with positivistic legal theories is inefficient and neither meets demands of police officers nor the needs... [to full text]
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Teisinis nihilizmas: jo priežastys bei įveikimo galimybės bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje / Legal Nihilism: its Causes and Ways of Overcoming in Comprehensive SchoolIndrišiūnienė, Armida 24 January 2011 (has links)
Lietuvos visuomenė prieš daugiau nei dvidešimt metų visuotiniame referendume priėmė aukščiausios teisinės galios aktą Lietuvoje - LR Konstituciją, kurios preambulėje įtvirtinta, kad Lietuva sieks tapti atvira, teisinga, darnia pilietine visuomene ir teisine valstybe. Tačiau beveik du dešimtmečius nepriklausomoje valstybėje besiformuojančios teisinė, socialinė, ekonominė ir politinė sistemos liudija, kad mūsų visuomenėje įsigalėjo tokia vertybių sistema, kurioje tokia vertybė kaip teisė yra ignoruojama ir atmetama, t.y. stipriai paplito teisinio nihilizmo reiškinys. Šiame darbe analizuojami teisinio nihilizmo kaip socialinio reiškinio ypatumai, jo priežastys bei įveikimo galimybės bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje.
Tyrime dalyvavo Radviliškio X pagrindinės mokyklos mokiniai: iš viso 98 mokiniai besimokantys 7-8 klasėse bei 82 jų tėvai. Darbe atlikta statistinė duomenų analizė apdoroti apklausos rezultatams.
Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: darbe keliama hipotezė – neištyrę teisinio nihilizmo atsiradimo priežasčių bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje ir identifikavę šio reiškinio pasekmių negalima suvokti jo destruktyvaus pobūdžio ir imtis efektyvių priemonių jam mažinti, pirmiausia bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje, o paskui ir visuomenėje. Juk kaip bus suformuojama vaikų teisinė sąmonė ir kultūra mokykloje tokia bus ir visuomenė.
Sąvokos teisinio nihilizmo bei taisyklių ir kitų elgesio normų nesilaikymo išreikštumas tėvų tarpe, turinčių aukštesnįjį ir aukštąjį išsilavinimą, nėra... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / 20 years ago Lithuanian society adopted in the national referendum the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania in which preamble is stated that Lithuania seeks to become an open, fair, harmonious society and a constitutional state. But nearly two decades in the independent state developing legal, social security, economic and political systems testify that in our society has set in a value-system when such a value as the law is ignored and eliminated, i.e. the phenomenon of legal nihilism has spread. In this work the peculiarities of legal nihilism, also its causes and ways of overcoming in the comprehensive schools are analyzed.
98 students from the 7-8th forms of the Radviliškis X lower secondary school and 82 parents took part in the research. In the work the statistical data analysis was done in order to summarize the questionnaire.
The most important findings of the empirical research: hypothesis of the work – not having investigated the causes of legal nihilism in comprehensive school and identified its results, we are not able to understand its destructive nature and to take effective means for its reduction, first in the comprehensive schools, and later in society.
The concept legal nihilism and the departure from the rules and the proprieties among the parents with further education and university education isn’t significant statistically. The concept legal nihilism among girls and boys isn’t meaningful statistically. The departure from the rules and the... [to full text]
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The Treaty of Waitangi settlement process in Māori legal historyJones, Carwyn 15 March 2013 (has links)
This dissertation is concerned with the ways in which Māori legal traditions have changed in response to the process of negotiated settlement of historical claims against the state. The settlements agreed between Māori groups and the state provide significant opportunities and challenges for Māori communities and, inevitably, force those communities to confront questions relating to the application of their own legal traditions to these changed, and still changing, circumstances. This dissertation focuses specifically on Māori legal traditions and post-settlement governance entities. However, the intention is not to simply record changes to Māori legal traditions, but to offer some assessment as to whether these changes and adaptations support, or alternatively detract from, the two key goals of the settlement process - reconciliation and Māori self-determination. I argue that where the settlement process is compelling Māori legal traditions to develop in a way that is contrary to reconciliation and Māori self-determination, then the settlement process itself ought to be adjusted.
This dissertation studies the nature of changes to Māori legal traditions in the context of the Treaty settlement process, using a framework that can be applied to Māori legal traditions in other contexts. There are many more stories of Māori legal traditions that remain to be told, including stories that drill into the detail of specific legal traditions and create pathways between an appropriate philosophical framework and the practical operation of vibrant Māori legal systems. Those stories will be vital if we in Aotearoa/New Zealand are to move towards reconciliation and Māori self-determination. The story that runs through this dissertation is one of a settlement process that undermines those objectives because of the pressures it places on Māori legal traditions. But it need not be this way. If parties to the Treaty settlement process take the objectives of self-determination and reconciliation seriously, and pay careful attention to changes to Māori legal traditions that take place in the context of that process, a different story can be told – a story in which Treaty settlements signify, not the end of a Treaty relationship, but a new beginning. / Graduate / 0398 / 0332 / 0326 / carwyn@uvic.ca
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Ayook : Gitksan legal order, law, and legal theory.Napoleon, Valerie Ruth 29 April 2009 (has links)
Conflict is an integral and necessary aspect of human societies. The challenge is not to prevent conflict or even to resolve it, but rather, to effectively manage it so that it does not paralyse people. Historically, Gitksan society managed conflict through their legal traditions and governance practices, and I argue that it is the undermining of this conflict management system that has generated the pervasive conflicts among the Gitksan people today. While it is not possible to attribute the current internal conflict experienced by the Gitksan to the major legal action of Delgamuukw (inclusive of the several decades of preparation, levels of litigation and court decisions, and political aftermath), it was, and arguably still is, a very powerful force and influence in the lives of the Gitksan people. The extensive present-day internal conflicts in Gitksan communities must be reflexively appreciated within the complex of power relationships between the Gitksan people and Canada, and between Gitksan law and Canadian law. In Canada and beyond, Delgamuukw and the Gitksan were (and still are) part of a much larger continuum of political, social, and economic change as well as local economic shifts involving natural resources.
The Gitksan people’s legal traditions enabled them to effectively manage themselves in a complex, decentralized, non-state society. Gitksan oral histories and other records such as the songs, crests, kinship roles, and traditions contain implicit and explicit law both as content and in their architecture as cognitive units that enable the sorting of information and dynamic intellectual processes of legal reasoning by analogy and metaphor. Gitksan legal traditions include intentional and deliberative collective processes to change law over time, transform implicit law into explicit law, and create legal precedent and a formal memory archive. These legal traditions are integral to the Gitksan people’s ongoing political perseverance and are the basis for the enduring connections to their territories. Moreover, the legal traditions are part of the dynamic political and social change processes that enable the Gitksan to be Gitksan in the past as well as in the present – complete with all the contested, pragmatic, entangled, contemporary forms of Gitksan politics.
A deeper, critical, and more complex appreciation of Gitksan legal traditions is necessary if they are to be practically useful to the Gitksan people in today’s world for application to today’s issues. I have taken the position that Gitksan conflict management processes must be grounded within a substantive and critical articulation of Gitksan laws and legal practices, legal order, and legal theory. I propose a Gitksan legal theory that derives from a substantive treatment of the legal order, laws, and law cases. I draw resources from both western and indigenous legal theorists to explore, describe, and analyse Gitksan legal traditions. My proposed Gitksan legal theory comprises a broad overview, general principles, normative principles, and general working principles. While my work is based on a number of Gitksan law cases, my theoretical approach may be extrapolated to other non-state, decentralized peoples.
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The Treaty of Waitangi settlement process in Māori legal historyJones, Carwyn 15 March 2013 (has links)
This dissertation is concerned with the ways in which Māori legal traditions have changed in response to the process of negotiated settlement of historical claims against the state. The settlements agreed between Māori groups and the state provide significant opportunities and challenges for Māori communities and, inevitably, force those communities to confront questions relating to the application of their own legal traditions to these changed, and still changing, circumstances. This dissertation focuses specifically on Māori legal traditions and post-settlement governance entities. However, the intention is not to simply record changes to Māori legal traditions, but to offer some assessment as to whether these changes and adaptations support, or alternatively detract from, the two key goals of the settlement process - reconciliation and Māori self-determination. I argue that where the settlement process is compelling Māori legal traditions to develop in a way that is contrary to reconciliation and Māori self-determination, then the settlement process itself ought to be adjusted.
This dissertation studies the nature of changes to Māori legal traditions in the context of the Treaty settlement process, using a framework that can be applied to Māori legal traditions in other contexts. There are many more stories of Māori legal traditions that remain to be told, including stories that drill into the detail of specific legal traditions and create pathways between an appropriate philosophical framework and the practical operation of vibrant Māori legal systems. Those stories will be vital if we in Aotearoa/New Zealand are to move towards reconciliation and Māori self-determination. The story that runs through this dissertation is one of a settlement process that undermines those objectives because of the pressures it places on Māori legal traditions. But it need not be this way. If parties to the Treaty settlement process take the objectives of self-determination and reconciliation seriously, and pay careful attention to changes to Māori legal traditions that take place in the context of that process, a different story can be told – a story in which Treaty settlements signify, not the end of a Treaty relationship, but a new beginning. / Graduate / 0398 / 0332 / 0326 / carwyn@uvic.ca
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Advokats ansvar och friskrivningsklausulers giltighet vid legal due diligence och vendor due diligenceBrolund, Emma January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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A study of the relationship between the law, the state and the community in colonial QueenslandJohnston, W. Ross (William Ross) Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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A study of the relationship between the law, the state and the community in colonial QueenslandJohnston, W. Ross (William Ross) Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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