Spelling suggestions: "subject:"antiviral vector""
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The development of HIV-1 derived gene transfer technology: optimisation of vector safety, processing and production.Koldej, Rachel Marie January 2008 (has links)
Vectors derived from Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) are being widely developed for gene therapy applications, principally because they are able to transduce both dividing and non-dividing cells and result in stable, long term gene expression. However, these vectors are difficult to produce in high titres and sufficient volumes for large scale experiments and clinical application. Therefore, an investigation into methods to improve the production of HIV-1 derived gene transfer vectors was undertaken. One factor that limits the production of recombinant virus is the amount of viral genomic RNA available for packaging into virions. Therefore, a transfer vector was modified with the aim of increasing the amount of genomic RNA produced. Substitution of the polyadenylation (pA) signal, mutation splice donor sites and removal of unnecessary sequences were all examined. pA signal readthrough was quantified to determine the effect of these modifications on the rate of pA signal readthrough. Insertional mutagenesis and vector mobilisation are recognised risk factors with all integrating vectors. Self inactivating (SIN) vectors, which contain a deletion of U3 sequences in the 3’ LTR, demonstrate a reduced rate of mobilisation. Transduction with these vectors results in a provirus containing no viral promoter elements, with transcription of the transgene being controlled from an internal promoter. However, LTR repair of SIN vectors occurs at an appreciable frequency. Therefore, the extent of this deletion was maximised and the effect on the frequency of the repair examined. The production of lentiviral gene therapy vectors by large-scale transient transfection is both time consuming and technically difficult. Therefore, methods to increase the scale of production without compromising virus titre were developed. This resulted in fewer transfections and less handling of the cells when making virus on a large scale (3-4 L). In order to process the virus on this scale in a single day (i.e. 8 hours), new concentration and purification methods were established. The protocol consisted of low speed centrifugation, 0.45 μm filtration, 750 kDa ultrafiltration, 0.8 μm filtration and ultracentrifugation. However, the use of ultracentrifugation means that this protocol is not amenable to further scale up. Therefore, the replacement of the ultracentrifugation step with anion exchange was investigated. A number of different resins and anion exchange devices were investigated, two of which show promise for large scale purification of HIV-1 derived gene transfer vectors. In an ideal world, HIV-1 derived gene transfer vectors would be produced using stable packaging cell lines engineered to produce the desired virus. However, previous attempts to produce such a cell line with the desired properties have had limited success and have generally used outdated helper systems. Therefore, in an attempt to combine the efficiency advantages of having a single helper plasmid with the safety advantages of expressing each protein separately, a single packaging construct that contained separate transcription units for each of the required proteins was produced. Transcription of cyotoxic proteins was controlled by inducible promoters. Initial results suggest that such a system is technically feasible but that further work is required to optimise the expression of helper functions. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1309550 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- School of Paediatrics and Reproductive Health, 2008
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Clonagem e expressão de fator IX recombinante em células 293T e SK-Hep-1 e caracterização das células produtoras / Cloning and expression of recombinant factor IX in 293T and SK-Hep-1 cells and characterization of producing cellsAline de Sousa Bomfim 27 September 2013 (has links)
O fator IX (FIX) da coagulação sanguínea é uma proteína dependente de vitamina K de grande valor farmacêutico no tratamento da Hemofilia B, o qual é baseado na administração do fator de coagulação derivado de plasma humano ou da proteína recombinante produzida em células murinas. A terapia baseada nestas abordagens apresenta alto custo e está associada às contaminações com vírus e príons, além do desenvolvimento de inibidores de FIX. Esses efeitos aumentam o risco de morbidade e mortalidade relacionadas às hemorragias. Neste trabalho, clonamos o cDNA do FIX em um vetor lentiviral e avaliamos a expressão da proteína recombinante em duas linhagens celulares humanas. A clonagem do cDNA do FIXh no vetor de expressão lentiviral 1054 foi confirmada através da análise com enzimas de restrição específicas obtendo-se as bandas esperadas de 1407 pb e 10054 pb visualizadas em gel de agarose. As linhagens celulares 293T e SK-Hep-1 foram transduzidas com o vetor lentiviral 1054-FIX gerado em nosso laboratório e as células que apresentaram maior expressão de EGFP foram selecionadas e separadas por citometria de fluxo. A quantificação da expressão de FIXrh foi realizada por ensaios de ELISA e cromogênico. A quantificação de FIXrh total foi de 500 ng/106 células para a linhagem 293T e 803 ng/106 células para a linhagem SK-Hep-1. A atividade biológica específica de FIXh nas células 293T e SK-Hep-1 foi 0,047 UI/106 células e 0,186 UI/106 células, respectivamente. Com o intuito de avaliar o perfil de produção de FIXrh ativo ao longo do tempo, foi realizado um acompanhamento de 180 dias, no qual foi observado que a linhagem SK-Hep-1 cessou a expressão de FIX, enquanto as células 293T mantiveram a expressão durante o período. O FIXrh foi caracterizado por western blot confirmando a presença de uma banda imunoreativa esperada de 57 kDa. As linhagens 293T e SK-Hep-1 apresentaram 7,67 e 17 cópias do vetor inserido/célula, respectivamente. Considerando a importância do processo de ?-carboxilação, foi realizada uma análise da expressão gênica dos genes envolvidos neste processo, tais como o VKORC1, ?-carboxilase e o inibidor calumenina, nas linhagens celulares. Os resultados demonstraram razões elevadas entre os genes VKORC1 e calumenina e VKORC1 e ?-carboxilase nas duas linhagens. A cinética de crescimento das células foi realizada por um período de 7 dias apresentando diferenças significativas entre as células SK-Hep-1 transduzidas e não transduzidas, enquanto que as células 293T não presentaram diferenças estatísticas no crescimento celular. A suplementação do meio de cultura com íons Ca+2 e Mg+2 foi testada para avaliar sua influência na expressão de FIXrh ativo. As células 293T apresentaram melhor desempenho nas concentrações de 0,5 mmol/L de Ca+2 e 1,0 mmol/L de Mg+2 e as células SK-Hep-1 no meio de cultura não suplementado. Nossos dados indicam que a linhagem hepática SK-Hep-1 é a melhor produtora de FIXrh funcional e as comparações realizadas entre os dois tipos celulares são importantes na caracterização do comportamento de linhagens geneticamente modificadas voltadas para a expressão de proteínas recombinantes heterólogas e abre novos caminhos para futuros estudos que visam o melhoramento da produção desse tipo de proteína. / Blood coagulation factor IX is a vitamin K-dependent protein, and it has become a valuable pharmaceutical in the treatment of Hemophilia B which is based on the plasma-derived coagulation factors or recombinant protein produced in murine cells. Coagulation therapy based on these approaches has high costs and is closely associated with prion and virus contamination besides the FIX inhibitors development. These effects increase the risk for bleeding-related morbidity and mortality. The purpose of this study was to clone hFIX into a lentiviral vector and evaluate the expression of the recombinant protein in two human cell lines. The cloning of the hFIX cDNA into 1054 lentiviral expression vector was confirmed by enzymatic restriction obtaining the expected 1407 bp and 10054 bp bands in agarose gel. The 293T and SK-Hep-1 cell lines have been stable transduced with 1054-FIX lentiviral vector generated in our laboratory and the cells with higher expression of EGFP were selected and separated by flow cytometry. The quantification of the expression of rhFIX was performed by ELISA and chromogenic assays. The concentration of total rhFIX was 500 ng/106 cells in 293T cell line and 803 ng/106 cells in SK-Hep-1 cell line. The biological activity of FIX secreted by 293T and SK-Hep-1 was 0,047 UI/106 cells and 0,186 UI/106 cells, respectively. In order to evaluate the active rhFIX production profile over time, we conducted a monitoring of 180 days, which was noted that the SK-Hep-1 cell line ceased FIX expression, while 293T cells maintained the expression during this period. rhFIX was characterized by western blot analysis confirming the presence of a expected 57 kDa immunereactive band. The 293T and SK-Hep-1 cell lines showed 7.67 and 17 integrated vector copies/cell, respectively. Considering the importance of the ?-carboxylation process, we performed a gene expression analysis of genes involved in this process, such as VKORC1, ?-carboxylase and calumenin, in cell lines. The results showed high ratios among the genes VKORC1 and calumenin and among VKORC1 and ?-carboxylase in both cell lines. The cell growth kinetics was performed by a 7-day period, showed significant differences between SK-Hep-1 transduced cells and non-transduced cells, whereas 293T cells showed no difference in cell growth. Enrichment of culture medium with Ca +2 and Mg +2 ions was tested to evaluate its influence on the expression of active FIX. 293T cells showed better performance in 0.5 mmol/L Ca+2 and 1.0 mmol/L Mg +2 concentrations and SK-Hep-1 cells in culture medium control. Our data indicate that transduced SK-Hep-1 cells are the best producer of functional rhFIX, and comparisons between these two cell lines are important in characterizing the behavior of genetically modified cell lines focused on the heterologous expression of recombinant proteins and opens new avenues for future studies aimed at improving the production of this type of protein.
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Geração de células de pluripotência induzida (iPS) humanas utilizando vetores lentivirais e determinação do perfil de integração lentiviral / Generation of human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell using lentiviral vector and determination of the lentiviral integration profileLuiza Cunha Junqueira Reis 28 November 2012 (has links)
As células iPS surgiram com a promessa de contornar as limitações das células-tronco embrionárias, como questões éticas, segurança, compatibilidade e disponibilidade. Essas células podem ser obtidas a partir de células somáticas de indivíduos normais ou de pacientes com doenças genéticas, fazendo destas uma importante ferramenta para o screening de drogas, modelos de doenças e testes toxicológicos. Grandes avanços ocorreram na reprogramação de células diferenciadas pela expressão forçada de fatores de transcrição (FT), principalmente, através de vetores lentivirais (VL), que proporcionam uma reprogramação eficiente. Entretanto, a inserção lentiviral no genoma humano e sua influência na reprogramação é pouco conhecida. Neste trabalho, avaliamos o perfil de inserção dos VL utilizados na geração de iPS. As iPS foram geradas e caracterizadas por nosso grupo a partir de fibroblastos humanos transduzidos com VL contendo 3 FT [SOX2, TCL-1A e C-MYC (célula TSM)], e de células mesenquimais derivadas de tecido adiposo com um vetor lentiviral policistrônico contendo 4 FT [OCT4, SOX2, KLF4 e C-MYC (iPS 4FT)]. Cinco colônias isoladas de cada iPS foram mapeadas e analisadas quanto aos sítios de inserção pela técnica de LM-PCR. O DNA genômico digerido foi amplificado com um primer específico para o LTR viral e outro para um linker sintético. Os produtos foram clonados, sequenciados, e analisados em bancos de dados para identificar similaridades com o genoma humano, entre outras análises. Na célula TSM, 176 sequências, obtidas com a técnica de LM-PCR, apresentaram identidade com o genoma humano, sendo que cerca de 50% ocorreram em regiões gênicas com 94% destas em introns. Já nas iPS 4FT, 251 sequências apresentaram identidade, com cerca de 45% atingindo genes, 92% destas em introns. As inserções distribuíram-se por todos os cromossomos, com preferência pelos cromossomos 16, 17 e 20 para a TSM e pelos cromossomos 11, 15 e 17 para a iPS 4FT. Analisamos a distância da inserção ao sítio de início de transcrição (TSS), e inserções próximas a ilhas CpG, que em geral correspondem a regiões regulatórias. A maior proporção de inserção ocorreu a partir de ±30Kb de distância desses sítios. Os sítios frágeis e as regiões repetitivas do genoma foram atingidas, mas com uma frequência baixa. Os resultados mostraram uma preferência de inserção lentiviral por regiões gênicas nas iPS, indicando a possível participação de proteínas como LEDGF/p75 na integração nas células estudadas. Este trabalho mostrou que o local da integração pode contribuir para a reprogramação e, apesar de possíveis efeitos negativos das integrações, estas as células iPS ainda são uma ferramenta importante para estudos in vitro. E identificar fatores que influenciem a seleção do sítio de inserção é importante para determinar regiões cromossômicas \"seguras\" para a integração, aumentando a segurança no uso clínico. / The induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells came with the promise of circumvent some of the limitations in the use of embryonic stem cells, like ethical issues, biological safety, immune compatibility and availability. This cells can be generated from somatic cells of normal individuals or from patients with some genetic disease, making then an important tool for drug screening, construction of disease models and toxicological trials. Great advances have happened in reprogramming differentiated cells through the forced exogenous expression of transcription factors (TF), mostly by lentiviral vectors (LV), which provide an efficient reprogramming. However, the lentiviral insertion in the human genome and its influence in reprogramming is not well known. In this work, we evaluate the insertion profile of LV used to generate human iPS cells. The iPS cells were generated, by our group, from human fibroblasts transduced by LV containing 3 TF [SOX2, TCL-1A and C-MYC (TSM reprogrammed cell)], and from mesenchymal cells derived from human adipose tissue transduced by a polycistronic LV containing 4 TF [OCT4, SOX2, KLF4 and C-MYC (iPS 4TF)]. Five isolated colonies of each iPS cell were mapped and analyzed for the insertion sites through LM-PCR technique. The digested genomic DNA was amplified with a primer for the viral LTR e another for a synthetic linker. The products were cloned, sequenced and analyzed in database to identify similarities with the human genome, among other analyzes. In TSM cell, 176 sequences, derived from the LM-PCR technique, presented identity with the human genome, and about 50% of those occurred in genic regions with 94% in introns. In iPS 4TF, 251 sequences showed identity, with about 45% reaching genes, 92% of these in introns. The insertions were distributed on all chromosomes, with preference for the 16, 17 and 20 for the TSM cell, and for the 11, 15 and 17 for the iPS 4TF. We analyzed the distance of the insertion from de transcription start site, and insertions near CpG islands, which, overall, correspond to regulatory regions. The highest proportion of insertion occurred starting ±30Kb distance from these sites. The fragile sites and the repetitive regions of the genome were also reached, but with low frequency. The results showed a preference of lentiviral insertion for genic regions in iPS, indicating the potential participation of proteins like LEDGF/p75 in integration in the cells of this work. This work shows that the integration site may contribute to the reprogramming, and, despite possible negative effects of integration, these iPS cells are still an important tool for in vitro studies. Identify factors that influence the selection of insertion site is important for determination of \"safe\" chromosomal regions for the integration, increasing the safe in clinical use.
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Estabelecimento de uma plataforma para produção de vetores lentivirais para a modificação de linfócitos T com CAR anti-CD19 / Establishment of a platform for the production of lentiviral vectors for the modification of anti-CD19 CAR-T cellsMoço, Pablo Diego 23 July 2018 (has links)
A imunoterapia utilizando linfócitos T modificados com receptor quimérico de antígenos (CAR) tem se mostrado eficaz no tratamento de leucemia e linfomas resistentes à quimioterapia. A proteína CD19 é considerada um alvo ideal porque é expressa na maioria dos tumores de linfócitos B e linfócitos B normais, mas não em outras células. Estudos clínicos recentes mostraram excelentes respostas de linfócitos T-CAR em uma variedade de tumores de células B. Os vetores lentivirais são o método mais comumente utilizado para modificação genética em ensaios clínicos. Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver uma plataforma eficiente para a produção de lentivírus e testar a funcionalidade desses vetores para que possam ser usados para modificar geneticamente linfócitos T. A transfecção transiente de céulas HEK293T com plasmídeos na proporção de 3:1:1:1 (transgene:gag-pol:VSV-G:rev) utilizando lipossomos catiônicos e 5 mM de butirato de sódio resultou nos títulos virais mais elevados. Isso representa um aumento de 17 vezes no título viral da transfecção com polietilenoimina (PEI). Três métodos para concentracao lentiviral foram utilzados nesse trabalho, ultracentrifugação, filtração tangencial e ultrafiltração. A ultrafiltração sobre membrana com corte de peso molecular (MWCO) de 100 kDa resultou na maior taxa de recuperação de partículas virais viáveis, aproximadamente 82%. As partículas virais produzidas por este processo demonstraram ser funcionais para a transdução de linfócitos T. Além disso, o receptor quimérico (CAR) se mostrou específico contra o antígeno CD19 de células B, resultando na ativação dos linfócitos T-CAR e gerando citotoxicidade contra células CD19+ in vitro. Houve uma redução de aproximadamente 87% das células alvo, quando analisado por citometria de fluxo e uma citotoxicidade média de 50% foi observada por ensaios colorimétricos. / Immunotherapy using T cells modified with chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) has been proven effective in the treatment of leukemia and lymphomas resistant to chemotherapy. CD19 protein has been shown to be an ideal target because it is expressed on most B-cell tumors and normal B cells, but not in other cells. Recent clinical studies have shown excellent responses of CAR T-cells in a variety of B-cell tumors. Lentiviral vectors are the most commonly used method for genetic modification in clinical trials. This study aimed to develop an efficient platform for lentiviral production and to test the functionality of those vectors so that they can be used in to genetically modify T cells. Transient transfection of HEK293T cells with plasmids in a 3:1:1:1 ratio (transgene:gag-pol:VSV-G:rev) using cationic liposomes and 5 mM sodium butyrate resulted in the highest viral titers. That represents a 17-fold increase in viral titer from polyethylenimine (PEI) transfection. Three methods for lentiviral concentration were used in this work, ultracentrifugation, tangential filtration and ultrafiltration. Membrane ultrafiltration with 100 kDa molecular weight cutoff (MWCO) resulted in the highest recovery rate of viable viral particles, approximately 82%. The viral particles produced by this process have been shown to be functional for the transduction of T cells. In addition, the chimeric receptor (CAR) was shown to be specific against the B cell antigen CD19, resulting in the activation of CAR-T cells and generating cytotoxicity against CD19+ cells in vitro. There was a reduction of approximately 87% of the target cells when analyzed by flow cytometry and an average cytotoxicity of 50% was observed by colorimetric assays.
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Sequenciamento de um código de barras como ferramenta para quantificação de alterações na dinâmica de populações celulares transduzidas com vetores lentivirais. / Sequencing of a barcode as a tool for the quantification of changes in the dynamics of cell populations transduced with lentiviral vectors.Zanatta, Daniela Bertolini 28 June 2012 (has links)
Os vetores retrovirais representam uma das melhores opções para transferência e terapia gênica, pois fornecem expressão do transgene em longo prazo. Entretanto, a inserção do provírus pode causar mutagênese insercional, induzindo proto-oncogenes. Eventos deste tipo têm sido descritos em protocolos clínicos para o tratamento de SCID-X1, doença granulomatosa crônica e talessemia beta, quando vetores retrovirais (oncorretrovirus) foram utilizados. Atualmente, existem poucos métodos simples e rápidos para revelar e quantificar a expansão clonal. Assim, descrevemos a construção uma biblioteca de vetores contendo uma marcação aleatória, denominada código de barras. O sequenciamento do código de barras permitirá revelar, caracterizar e até quantificar a expansão clonal de uma população de células transduzidas. Esta metodologia ajudará a testar novos arranjos de promotores e genes terapêuticos, para o desenvolvimento de vetores mais seguros contribuindo para a redução da probabilidade de um evento de proliferação clonal desencadeado pela mutagênese insercional. / Retroviral vectors represent one of the best options for gene transfer and therapy, where long-term transgene expression is required. However, insertion of the provirus can cause insertional mutagenesis, which may have adverse consequences, such as induction of proto-oncogenes. Such events have been described in clinical trials for the treatment of SCID-X1, chronic granulomatous disease and beta thalessemia with some retroviral vectors. Currently, there are few simple and quick methods that can reveal and quantify clonal expansion. Thus, we describe the construction of a vector library containing random markers, called \"barcodes\". The sequencing of the barcode could reveal, characterize and quantify the clonal expansion of a transduced cells population. This methodology will be valuable to test new arrangements of promoters and therapeutic genes, allowing the development of safer vectors, helping to reduce the probability of clonal proliferation events triggered by insertional mutagenesis.
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Sequenciamento de um código de barras como ferramenta para quantificação de alterações na dinâmica de populações celulares transduzidas com vetores lentivirais. / Sequencing of a barcode as a tool for the quantification of changes in the dynamics of cell populations transduced with lentiviral vectors.Daniela Bertolini Zanatta 28 June 2012 (has links)
Os vetores retrovirais representam uma das melhores opções para transferência e terapia gênica, pois fornecem expressão do transgene em longo prazo. Entretanto, a inserção do provírus pode causar mutagênese insercional, induzindo proto-oncogenes. Eventos deste tipo têm sido descritos em protocolos clínicos para o tratamento de SCID-X1, doença granulomatosa crônica e talessemia beta, quando vetores retrovirais (oncorretrovirus) foram utilizados. Atualmente, existem poucos métodos simples e rápidos para revelar e quantificar a expansão clonal. Assim, descrevemos a construção uma biblioteca de vetores contendo uma marcação aleatória, denominada código de barras. O sequenciamento do código de barras permitirá revelar, caracterizar e até quantificar a expansão clonal de uma população de células transduzidas. Esta metodologia ajudará a testar novos arranjos de promotores e genes terapêuticos, para o desenvolvimento de vetores mais seguros contribuindo para a redução da probabilidade de um evento de proliferação clonal desencadeado pela mutagênese insercional. / Retroviral vectors represent one of the best options for gene transfer and therapy, where long-term transgene expression is required. However, insertion of the provirus can cause insertional mutagenesis, which may have adverse consequences, such as induction of proto-oncogenes. Such events have been described in clinical trials for the treatment of SCID-X1, chronic granulomatous disease and beta thalessemia with some retroviral vectors. Currently, there are few simple and quick methods that can reveal and quantify clonal expansion. Thus, we describe the construction of a vector library containing random markers, called \"barcodes\". The sequencing of the barcode could reveal, characterize and quantify the clonal expansion of a transduced cells population. This methodology will be valuable to test new arrangements of promoters and therapeutic genes, allowing the development of safer vectors, helping to reduce the probability of clonal proliferation events triggered by insertional mutagenesis.
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Estabelecimento de uma plataforma para produção de vetores lentivirais para a modificação de linfócitos T com CAR anti-CD19 / Establishment of a platform for the production of lentiviral vectors for the modification of anti-CD19 CAR-T cellsPablo Diego Moço 23 July 2018 (has links)
A imunoterapia utilizando linfócitos T modificados com receptor quimérico de antígenos (CAR) tem se mostrado eficaz no tratamento de leucemia e linfomas resistentes à quimioterapia. A proteína CD19 é considerada um alvo ideal porque é expressa na maioria dos tumores de linfócitos B e linfócitos B normais, mas não em outras células. Estudos clínicos recentes mostraram excelentes respostas de linfócitos T-CAR em uma variedade de tumores de células B. Os vetores lentivirais são o método mais comumente utilizado para modificação genética em ensaios clínicos. Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver uma plataforma eficiente para a produção de lentivírus e testar a funcionalidade desses vetores para que possam ser usados para modificar geneticamente linfócitos T. A transfecção transiente de céulas HEK293T com plasmídeos na proporção de 3:1:1:1 (transgene:gag-pol:VSV-G:rev) utilizando lipossomos catiônicos e 5 mM de butirato de sódio resultou nos títulos virais mais elevados. Isso representa um aumento de 17 vezes no título viral da transfecção com polietilenoimina (PEI). Três métodos para concentracao lentiviral foram utilzados nesse trabalho, ultracentrifugação, filtração tangencial e ultrafiltração. A ultrafiltração sobre membrana com corte de peso molecular (MWCO) de 100 kDa resultou na maior taxa de recuperação de partículas virais viáveis, aproximadamente 82%. As partículas virais produzidas por este processo demonstraram ser funcionais para a transdução de linfócitos T. Além disso, o receptor quimérico (CAR) se mostrou específico contra o antígeno CD19 de células B, resultando na ativação dos linfócitos T-CAR e gerando citotoxicidade contra células CD19+ in vitro. Houve uma redução de aproximadamente 87% das células alvo, quando analisado por citometria de fluxo e uma citotoxicidade média de 50% foi observada por ensaios colorimétricos. / Immunotherapy using T cells modified with chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) has been proven effective in the treatment of leukemia and lymphomas resistant to chemotherapy. CD19 protein has been shown to be an ideal target because it is expressed on most B-cell tumors and normal B cells, but not in other cells. Recent clinical studies have shown excellent responses of CAR T-cells in a variety of B-cell tumors. Lentiviral vectors are the most commonly used method for genetic modification in clinical trials. This study aimed to develop an efficient platform for lentiviral production and to test the functionality of those vectors so that they can be used in to genetically modify T cells. Transient transfection of HEK293T cells with plasmids in a 3:1:1:1 ratio (transgene:gag-pol:VSV-G:rev) using cationic liposomes and 5 mM sodium butyrate resulted in the highest viral titers. That represents a 17-fold increase in viral titer from polyethylenimine (PEI) transfection. Three methods for lentiviral concentration were used in this work, ultracentrifugation, tangential filtration and ultrafiltration. Membrane ultrafiltration with 100 kDa molecular weight cutoff (MWCO) resulted in the highest recovery rate of viable viral particles, approximately 82%. The viral particles produced by this process have been shown to be functional for the transduction of T cells. In addition, the chimeric receptor (CAR) was shown to be specific against the B cell antigen CD19, resulting in the activation of CAR-T cells and generating cytotoxicity against CD19+ cells in vitro. There was a reduction of approximately 87% of the target cells when analyzed by flow cytometry and an average cytotoxicity of 50% was observed by colorimetric assays.
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Characterization of the Mucosal and Systemic Immune Responses Following Virus Vector-Based Gene Delivery into the Colonic MucosaSafroneeva , Ekaterina January 2009 (has links)
While adenovirus (Ad) vectors have been shown to elicit potent antigen-specific T cell responses, the kinetics and nature of antigen-specific mucosa! and systemic T-cell responses has rarely been examined, especially following mucosal administration of Ad-based vectors. In the present studies, the phenotypic and functional characterization of antigen-specific CD8+ T cell responses following intrarectal (i.r.) vaccination with an Ad vector expressing Gallus gallus ovalbumin (OVA) was conducted. The frequencies of OVA-specific CD8+ T cells was maximal at 2 weeks post-vaccination in all tissues examined and then declined, demonstrating normal expansion and contraction kinetics. CD8+ T cells induced in the course of immunization exhibited phenotypic characteristics of effector memory T cells including up-regulation of the cell surface molecules CD43, CD44 and a low level of expression of CD127 at both local and systemic sites. While the discordance between the number of tetramer-reactive and cytokine-producing OVA-specific CD8+ T cells was observed, CD8+ T cells appeared to be fully functional in vivo. Upon secondary antigen exposure, the CD8+ T cell population expanded dramatically, particularly at the mucosa! surfaces. In addition, the CD8+ T cell response generated in the course of i.r. priming protected mice from intravaginal (i. vag.) vaccinia virus one month after immunization, thus underscoring the importance of inducing a tissue-resident effector memory T cell subset for protection against pathogens at mucosal surfaces. In developing future vaccines for mucosal diseases, the induction of a tissue-resident effector memory T cell subset should be one of the immunization objectives. Lentiviral vectors represent an attractive mode of genetic vaccination. Most commonly used, vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (VSVG)-pseudotyped lentiviral vectors do not efficiently infect epithelial cells from the apical side, and, therefore, are not suitable as mucosa! vaccines. In the present studies, Ebola Zaïre strain glycoprotein (EboZ)-pseudotyped lentiviral vectors, which have been previously used to deliver transgene to the lung epithelium, were delivered i.r. and evaluated as a mucosal booster vaccine. Rectal delivery of EboZ-pseudotyped lentiviral vectors expressing β-galactosidase (β-gal) had resulted in low, but detectable levels of β-gal expression 2 weeks after administration. When delivered on its own, EboZ-pseudotyped lentivirus did not prime detectable antigen-specific immune response. However, when delivered i.r. 30 days after i.r. Adβ-gal immunization, a significant enlargement (boost) of β-gal-specific CD8+ T cell responses, especially in the colonic lamina propria (LP), was observed as compared to the delivery of EboZ-pseudotyped vector encoding different transgenes or VSVG-pseudotyped lentivirus expressing β-gal. When these animals were i. vag. challenged with vaccinia virus expressing β-gal, a dramatic expansion of β-gal-specific CD8+ T cells, especially in the vaginal tract, was observed. In addition, this prime and boost strategy protected the mice from i. vag. vaccinia virus challenge. Therefore, i.r. Ad-based priming followed by i.r. EboZ-pseudotyped lentiviral boosting was an effective strategy for eliciting protective mucosal CD8+ T cell responses. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Optimisation du vecteur adénoviral pour la thérapie génique de la dystrophie musculaire de DuchenneRobert, Marc-André 12 1900 (has links)
La dystrophie musculaire de Duchenne (DMD) est une maladie très sévère, progressive et sans traitement vraiment efficace. Elle est caractérisée par l’absence fonctionnelle de la dystrophine, une protéine essentielle au maintien des muscles squelettiques. La thérapie génique est actuellement envisagée comme approche thérapeutique pour livrer la dystrophine dans les muscles. Les vecteurs adénoviraux de troisième génération (Helper-dependent adenoviral vector, HD) sont des véhicules de transfert génique très prometteurs pour traiter la DMD. Puisque les gènes adénoviraux ont été enlevés complètement du HD, ils sont peu toxiques, faiblement immunogéniques et ils possèdent un espace cargo suffisant pour transporter l’ADN codant complet de la dystrophine. Bien que le HD puisse fournir la dystrophine de façon thérapeutique chez des souris dystrophiques (mdx), l’expression du gène thérapeutique est progressivement perdue plusieurs mois suivant l’injection intramusculaire. Deux stratégies innovantes furent explorées dans cette thèse dans le but de stabiliser l’expression de la dystrophine.
La première stratégie vise à l’intégration de l’ADN du HD dans les chromosomes cellulaires, ce qui pourrait le protéger contre son élimination progressive des muscles. Une intégrase site-spécifique issue du phage ΦC31 a été utilisée pour catalyser l’intégration d’un HD transportant un marqueur de sélection. Dans les cellules humaines et les myoblastes murins, l’activité de l’intégrase a été évaluée d’après son efficacité d’intégration (après sélection) et sa spécificité (dans les clones résistants). L’efficacité atteint jusqu’à 0,5 % par cellule et jusqu’à 76 % des événements d’intégration ont été réalisés de façon site-spécifique. Bien que des délétions aient été trouvées aux extrémités du vecteur, 70 % des clones analysés montraient une seule copie du vecteur intégré (le nombre attendu). Seulement une petite augmentation du nombre de brisures double-brin a été mesurée dans les myoblastes exprimant l’intégrase. En conclusion, l’intégration du HD est relativement efficace, spécifique et sécuritaire. Cette méthode est très prometteuse, car la dystrophine peut être livrée dans le muscle avec l’aide du HD et l’intégration de l’ADN du HD pourrait stabiliser son expression in vivo.
La deuxième stratégie implique l’utilisation d’un nouveau promoteur musculospécifique (ΔUSEx3) pour réduire la toxicité induite liée à une expression trop étendue de la dystrophine. Dans cette étude, nous avons investigué l’effet du contexte viral sur l’activité du promoteur. Un HD et un vecteur lentiviral (LV) ont été construits avec le promoteur ΔUSEx3 pour contrôler l’expression d’un gène rapporteur. Les résultats démontrent que ΔUSEx3 confère une expression puissante, musculospécifique et stable (via le LV) in vitro. L’injection intramusculaire du HD a conduit à une expression puissante du transgène. Ces résultats contrastent avec ceux du LV, car après l’injection de ce dernier, l’expression était faible. La livraison du HD dans le muscle, mais aussi dans plusieurs organes démontre la musculospécificité de ΔUSEx3. Par conséquent, le contexte du vecteur et l’environnement musculaire modulent tous les deux l’activité de ΔUSEx3. Bien que ΔUSEx3 soit musculospécifique, d’autres études sont requises pour déterminer si le promoteur peut stabiliser l’expression de la dystrophine in vivo. / Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a severe, progressive and orphan disease that is characterized by the absence of the functional muscle protein dystrophin. Gene therapy is currently investigated as a therapeutic approach to deliver dystrophin into muscles. Helper-dependent adenoviral vectors (HD) are promising gene transfer vehicles for gene therapy of DMD. Because HD are devoid of all adenoviral genes, they are weakly toxic, poorly immunogenic and possess sufficient cargo capacity to carry the full-length dystrophin cDNA. Although HD can provide dystrophin therapeutically in dystrophic mice, gene expression decays months after intramuscular injection. Two strategies that both aimed to stabilize dystrophin expression were explored here.
The first strategy involved the integration of HD DNA into cellular chromosomes. Stabilizing HD DNA could prevent its elimination from muscles. A site-specific integrase from phage ΦC31 was used to integrate an HD carrying a selection marker in human cells and murine myoblasts. Efficacy of integration (obtained after selection) reached up to 0.5% per cell, and up to 76% of integration events (in clones) were mediated site-specifically. Although some deletions in HD extremities occurred, 70% of clones analyzed showed one integrated copy of HD (as expected). Only a small increase in the number of double-strand breaks was found in myoblasts expressing the integrase. In conclusion, HD integration was relatively efficient, specific and safe. This method could be used to stabilize dystrophin expression in vivo.
The second strategy involved using a muscle-specific promoter (ΔUSEx3) to reduce potential toxicity induced by widespread expression of dystrophin. Because ΔUSEx3 would be delivered by HD, we investigated whether or not the viral context could affect ΔUSEx3 activity. We constructed an HD and a lentiviral vector (LV) carrying a reporter gene under its control. Strong, muscle-specific and stable (with LV) expression was obtained in vitro. Intramuscular injection of HD resulted into a powerful transgene expression contrasting with LV, where expression was relatively weak. Delivery of ΔUSEx3 in multiple tissues by HD demonstrated its muscle-specificity. Therefore, both the viral context and the muscular environments modulate ΔUSEx3 activity. Further studies are required to determine whether or not ΔUSEx3 can stabilize dystrophin expression in vivo.
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Construção e análise funcional de vetores lentivirais de interesse biotecnológico / Construction and functional analysis of lentiviral vectors for biotechnological purposesVedoveli, Naiara Cristina Pulzi Saito 16 May 2016 (has links)
Vetores lentivirais são ferramentas fundamentais para modificação celular. Sua utilização ganhou destaque devido à capacidade desses em integrar ao genoma de células que estão ou não em divisão. Grande parte dos vetores desenvolvidos são derivados do genoma do Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV-1), portanto, modificações foram necessárias a fim de evitar a formação de Partículas Competentes em Replicação (RCLs) e garantir uma utilização segura. Com as modificações, foram produzidos os vetores lentivirais de terceira geração utilizados atualmente. Esses vetores podem ser usados para expressão constitutiva de genes, produção de proteínas recombinantes, produção de animais transgênicos e terapia gênica. Com isso, torna-se necessário o desenvolvimento de vetores lentivirais para aplicação em pesquisa básica e ensaios clínicos. Dessa forma, o presente estudo teve por objetivo a construção de vetores de expressão lentivirais aplicáveis à: 1- expressão constitutiva de genes de interesse e 2-vetores com promotores específicos para expressão de proteínas em megacariócitos. Esse trabalho descreve a construção desses vetores, sua importância e discute suas possíveis aplicações. As sequências selecionadas para produção dos vetores foram: os genes Runx1C e VkorC1 e os promotores proPF4 e proITGA2b. Todas as sequências encontram-se clonadas em vetor de clonagem e estoques de bactérias com esses vetores congeladas em glicerol foram confeccionados. Para a confecção dos vetores lentivirais, o gene Runx1C foi subclonado no vetor lentiviral base p1054-CIGWS sob controle do promotor forte CMV, enquanto o promotor proITGA2b foi subclonado no vetor base p1054-FVIII, em substituição ao promotor CMV, de forma a controlar a expressão de FVIII. Os dois vetores produzidos apresentam ainda o gene para proteína verde GFP precedida do sítio de ligação do ribossomo IRES, com expressão controlada pelo mesmo promotor interno do vetor. O trabalho possibilitou, portanto, a produção de dois vetores lentivirais bi-cistrônicos: p1054-Runx1C e pL-proITGA2b-FVIII. A construção p1054-Runx1C ainda não foi sequenciada, mas foi confirmada por restrição enzimática e apresenta potencial para aplicação em estudos de diferenciação hematopoética. Já a construção pL-proITGA2b-FVIII foi sequenciada, porém sem confirmação da região de ligação do proITGA2b ao vetor. Reações de PCR e de restrição enzimática confirmaram a ligação e sequenciamento mostrou 67% de similaridade entre a região sequenciada e o promotor ITGA2b depositado no banco de dados. Análise funcional foi realizada através da transfecção desse vetor em células HEK-293T. As células transfectadas apresentaram expressão positiva para GFP e secreção de FVIII no sobrenadante celular, evidenciando que o promotor proITGA2b clonado no vetor encontra-se ativo. Esse vetor apresenta potencial para aplicação em terapia gênica para hemofilias, pois apresenta expressão do fator de coagulação direcionado a megacariócitos e plaquetas, células que estão diretamente relacionadas ao processo de coagulação, representando grandes veículos para secreção desses fatores. Ainda, os dois vetores lentivirais gerados apresentam segurança e eficiência elevadas, pois são vetores de terceira geração auto-inativantes (SIN) e apresentam elementos regulatórios que melhoram o transporte e integração do DNA ao genoma hospedeiro. / Lentiviral vectors are fundamental tools for cell modification that gained prominence due to their ability to integrate the genome of non-dividing cells. Most of developed lentiviral vectors are derived from the genome of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1), so modifications were necessary in order to avoid the formation of Competent Replication Particles (RCLs) and ensure safer operations. The modifications led to development of third generation lentiviral vectors currently used. These vectors can be used for constitutive gene expression, production of recombinant protein, production of transgenic animals and gene therapy. It\'s evident the need to develop lentiviral vectors for application in basic research and clinical trials. Thus this study aimed to construct lentiviral expression vectors applicable to: 1- constitutive expression of genes of interest and 2-vectors with specific promoters for expression of proteins in megakaryocytes and platelets. This paper describes the construction of these vectors, their importance and discuss their possible applications. Sequences were selected for production of the vectors: genes Runx1C and VkorC1 and proPF4 and proITGA2b promoters. All four sequences are cloned into cloning vectors and stocks of bacteria with these vectors frozen in glycerol were prepared. Lentiviral vectors were engineered from subcloning the sequence Runx1C into the basic lentiviral vector p1054- CIGWS under control of the strong CMV promoter, and from subcloning proITGA2b promoter into p1054-FVIII basic vector, replacing the CMV promoter in order to control the expression of FVIII. Both vectors exhibit the green fluorescence protein GFP gene preceded by a ribosome binding site IRES under control of vector\'s internal promoter. Therefore, this work resulted in the production of two bi-cistronic lentiviral vectors: p1054-Runx1C and pLproITGA2b-FVIII. The p1054-Runx1C construction has not yet been sequenced, but it was confirmed by digestion and has potential for use in hematopoietic differentiation studies. Though, pL-proITGA2b-FVIII construct was sequenced, but the technique didn\'t allow to confirm the binding region between proITGA2b and the vector. Although PCR reaction and digestion confirmed the construction. Sequence analysis showed 67% similarity between the sequenced region and ITGA2b promoter deposited in the database. Functional analysis was performed by transfection of this vector in HEK-293T cells. The transfected cells showed positive expression of GFP and FVIII secretion in cell supernatant, indicating that the proITGA2b promoter cloned into the vector is active. This vector has potential usage in gene therapy for hemophilia, since it can be used to express coagulation factors in megakaryocytes and platelets and these cells are directly related to the clotting process, representing great vehicles for secretion of these factors. Even more, the two lentiviral vectors generated have higher safety and efficiency, as they are self-inactivating (SIN) third-generation vectors and have regulatory elements that enhance transport and integration of DNA into the host genome.
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