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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An examination of the commonality in theory between Jacob Moreno's group psychotherapy movement and selected rhetorical theories

Wrightson, Jody House January 2010 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

Lazer sério e envelhecimento: loucos por corrida

Oliveira, Saulo Neves de January 2010 (has links)
Este estudo volta-se para a temática do lazer e envelhecimento, tendo como foco os corredores de rua. Entre os diferentes níveis de empenho, em que o esporte pode ser praticado, este estudo trabalha com o grupo de praticantes de corrida de rua, que dedicam bastante tempo e esforço de forma sistemática nesta atividade. Foi eleito um grupo de corredores dentre uma numerosa lista de grupos de corrida de rua que se formaram nos últimos anos na cidade de Porto Alegre, capital do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Observações, conversas, fotos, troca de e-mails e outros dados foram coletados na intenção de buscar variadas perspectivas sobre os fenômenos observados. Com uma abordagem de caráter etnográfico, busca-se identificar, analisar e interpretar manifestações que indicam relações entre a prática da corrida de rua e o envelhecimento dos corredores. Essas práticas são entendidas como “lazer sério”, conceito proposto pelo sociólogo Robert Stebbins. Evidenciam-se no trabalho as formas com que são dinamizados aspectos do envelhecimento dentro de um grupo de corrida e suas relações com um contexto mais amplo. Essas manifestações são entendidas como “realizações”, e os processos dinâmicos, entendidos como “atualizações”, baseado no trabalho do filósofo Pierre Lévy. Formas de enfrentamento de adversidades, comunicação, dentre outras “realizações” apontaram para movimentos ambivalentes e interdependentes presentes no “lazer sério”. Estes orientam para novas possibilidades de envelhecimento, novos estilos de envelhecer. As principais “realizações” se manifestaram nas categorias de ironia, loucura, vírus, transgressão e volta, sintetizando formas com que os corredores lidam com a corrida e suas relações com a velhice e o envelhecimento. Dentro de uma tridimensionalidade composta pelas interações dos corredores dentro do grupo, com a sociedade e consigo mesmos, essas “realizações” revelam configurações criativas e inovadoras de aprender, ensinar e alterar a velhice e o envelhecimento a partir de estilos de envelhecer que surgem na prática do “lazer sério”. / This study turns to the theme of leisure and aging, focusing on the street racers. Between different levels of commitment, in which sport can be practiced, this study works with a group of runners, who devote considerable time and effort in a systematic way in this activity. He was elected a group of runners among a large list of running groups that have formed in recent years in Porto Alegre, capital of Rio Grande do Sul. Observations, conversations, photos, exchange e-mails and other data were collected on the intention to seek different perspectives on the phenomena observed. With an ethnographic approach, we seek to identify, analyze and interpret events that indicate relationships between the practice of road race and the aging of the runners. These practices are regarded as “serious leisure”, a concept proposed by the sociologist Robert Stebbins. Show up at work the ways in which aspects of aging within a runners group is related with a broader context. These manifestations are understood as “realizations”, and the dynamic processes, understood as “actualization” based on the work of the philosopher Pierre Lévy. Ways of coping with adversity, communication, among other “realizations” pointed to these movements ambivalent and interdependet at “serious leisure”. These guide for new possibilities of aging, new aging styles. The main “realizations” were manifested in the categories of irony, insanity, viruses, transgression and back, recapitulating the ways in which the runners deal with old age and aging. Within a three-dimensional composite by interactions within the group of runners, with society and themselves, these “realizations” show settings creative and innovative learning, teaching and changing old age and aging from aging styles that arise in the practice of “serious leisure”.

Redefining the Unrepentant Prostitute in Victorian Poetry

Stojkovic, Marijana 01 May 2015 (has links)
Poets such as Thomas Hardy, Augusta Webster, and Amy Levy portray prostitutes who seem guiltless about their choice of profession. Hardy's Amelia seems to symbolize the mutation of a pure country girl into a soiled disciple of evil; yet in the poem the changes in her life brought on by prostitution are evident in her drastically changed physical appearance and mannerism. Webster's Eulalie is an intelligent and well-spoken woman who undermines the stereotypical generalizations about prostitutes, relocating the source of the Great Social Evil from her profession to the institutionalized educational failure that trains women for nothing better than housekeeping. Levy's unnamed Magdalen, disease ridden and dying, may resemble a fallen woman. However, her lack of regret over the out-of-wedlock relationship with a man would make her an unrepentant prostitute in the eyes of the Victorians and she openly points to the real unmentionable of Victorian prostitution—the male client.

Coalescence et fragmentation stochastiques, arbres aleatoires et processus de Levy

Miermont, Gregory 16 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Nous etudions certains processus stochastiques de coalescence ou de fragmentation a l'aide de codages par des arbres aleatoires ou des processus de Levy. Dans un premier temps, nous decrivons le semigroupe d'une classe de fragmentations "ordonnees" associees a des excursions de processus de Levy sans sauts positifs, et reliees au processus de coalescence stochastique additif. Nous demontrons des resultats negatifs sur le semigroupe de certaines fragmentations dites auto-similaires, introduites par Bertoin. Puis, nous etudions deux processus de fragmentation auto-similaires "duaux" obtenus a partir de l'arbre continu stable de Duquesne et Le Gall. Nous obtenons une caracterisation complete de leurs lois. Nous codons egalement la genealogie de toute fragmentation auto-similaire d'indice negatif dans un arbre continu. Enfin, nous etudions les arbres continus inhomogenes d'Aldous, Camarri et Pitman, obtenus comme limite continue des p-arbres discrets. Nous donnons l'expression de leurs processus de hauteur et de largeur a l'aide de ponts a accroissements echangeables. Nous obtenons egalement des resultats asymptotiques, formules en termes d'un pont brownien reflechi, sur le modele des p-applications a l'aide de leurs liens avec les p-arbres.

Reciprocal classes of Markov processes : an approach with duality formulae

Murr, Rüdiger January 2012 (has links)
In this work we are concerned with the characterization of certain classes of stochastic processes via duality formulae. First, we introduce a new formulation of a characterization of processes with independent increments, which is based on an integration by parts formula satisfied by infinitely divisible random vectors. Then we focus on the study of the reciprocal classes of Markov processes. These classes contain all stochastic processes having the same bridges, and thus similar dynamics, as a reference Markov process. We start with a resume of some existing results concerning the reciprocal classes of Brownian diffusions as solutions of duality formulae. As a new contribution, we show that the duality formula satisfied by elements of the reciprocal class of a Brownian diffusion has a physical interpretation as a stochastic Newton equation of motion. In the context of pure jump processes we derive the following new results. We will analyze the reciprocal classes of Markov counting processes and characterize them as a group of stochastic processes satisfying a duality formula. This result is applied to time-reversal of counting processes. We are able to extend some of these results to pure jump processes with different jump-sizes, in particular we are able to compare the reciprocal classes of Markov pure jump processes through a functional equation between the jump-intensities.

Generalized Sharpe Ratio under the Levy Processes

Feng, Liang-Hsueh 22 June 2010 (has links)

Small-time asymptotics of call prices and implied volatilities for exponential Lévy models

Hoffmeyer, Allen Kyle 08 June 2015 (has links)
We derive at-the-money call-price and implied volatility asymptotic expansions in time to maturity for a selection of exponential Lévy models, restricting our attention to asset-price models whose log returns structure is a Lévy process. We consider two main problems. First, we consider very general Lévy models that are in the domain of attraction of a stable random variable. Under some relatively minor assumptions, we give first-order at-the-money call-price and implied volatility asymptotics. In the case where our Lévy process has Brownian component, we discover new orders of convergence by showing that the rate of convergence can be of the form t¹/ᵃℓ(t) where ℓ is a slowly varying function and $\alpha \in (1,2)$. We also give an example of a Lévy model which exhibits this new type of behavior where ℓ is not asymptotically constant. In the case of a Lévy process with Brownian component, we find that the order of convergence of the call price is √t. Second, we investigate the CGMY process whose call-price asymptotics are known to third order. Previously, measure transformation and technical estimation methods were the only tools available for proving the order of convergence. We give a new method that relies on the Lipton-Lewis formula, guaranteeing that we can estimate the call-price asymptotics using only the characteristic function of the Lévy process. While this method does not provide a less technical approach, it is novel and is promising for obtaining second-order call-price asymptotics for at-the-money options for a more general class of Lévy processes.

Nobody Else Was Laughing: Dani Levy's Use of Film Humor to Approach German History

Johnson, Courtney C. January 2010 (has links)
Swiss-German director Dani Levy uses humor to explore recent German history in his films "Alles auf Zucker" (2004) and "Mein Führer: Die wirklich wahrste Wahrheit über Adolf Hitler" (2007). In a move unusual for German-speaking film directors, Levy pokes fun at Adolf Hitler and his regime in "Mein Führer." Levy also plays with the tension among formerly estranged members of a Jewish family in "Alles auf Zucker" to create a metaphor for the strained relations in reunified Germany.This project explores how Levy uses humor to break taboos in contemporary German society and prompt audiences through humor to critical debate about recent German history and its implications for contemporary and future society. This analysis is important to the German-speaking world and global audiences because Levy's work begs viewers to ponder what they can laugh at, who is allowed to make jokes, and how comedy can promote debate about societal norms and taboos.

"Tuščios laikmenos" mokestis. Dabartis ir perspektyvos / „Blank media“ levy. Present and perspectives

Dapkevičius, Kęstutis 24 February 2010 (has links)
Šiame darbe analizuojamas „tuščios laikmenos“ mokestis, jo įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje, bandoma numatyti galimus jo raidos variantus ateityje. Šį darbą suskirstėme į tris dalis: pirmojoje nagrinėjome „tuščios laikmenos“ mokesčio pagrindą – atgaminimo asmeniniais tikslais apribojimą, antrojoje – įvertinome esamą mokesčio surinkimo ir paskirstymo sistemą Lietuvoje, trečiojoje įžvelgėme galimas „tuščios laikmenos“ mokesčio vystymosi perspektyvas. Nagrinėdami asmeninio atgaminimo apribojimą didelį dėmesį skyrėme bendriesiems klausimams (atgaminimo sąvokai, autorių teisių apribojimo sampratai, trijų pakopų testui), tačiau atskleidėme ir konkretaus apribojimo turinį (išnagrinėjome jo apibrėžimus pateikiamus įvairiuose teisės aktuose, aptarėme atgaminimo šaltinio teisėtumo problematiką, apribojimo santykį su vartotojų sudaromomis licencinėmis sutartimis). Vertindami „tuščios laikmenos“ mokesčio įgyvendinimo praktiką Lietuvoje tyrėme kiek mokėtojai ir gavėjai atitinka asmeninio atgaminimo išimties keliamus reikalavimus, kaip mokesčio paskirstymas yra susiejamas su asmeninio atgaminimo išimtimi, nagrinėjome mokesčio tarifo ir apmokestinamų objektų sąrašo pagrįstumą. Įvertinę esamą padėti bandėme įžvelgti galimus jos vystymosi variantus, aptarėme jų tikimybę. / The paper analyzes „blank media“ levy, its practice in Lithuania, looks through possible future development. This work consists of three parts: in the first part we examined the ground of the „blank media“ levy – private copy exception, in the second part we evaluated the system of collection and distribution which is functioning in Lithuania, in the third part of this work we perceived possible future development of „blank media“ levy. Analyzing private copying exception we payed attention on common questions (such as conception of reproduction, limitations of copyright and three step test), but also desclosed the contents of the exact limitation (we have analyzed the conception of private copying exception in various legal acts, discussed problems related to requirements of legality of reproduction source, the relation of consumer licence agreements and limitation). We have evaluated „blank media“ levy realization practice in Lithuania, this was done by studing how payers and recievers of „blank media“ levy coresponds with requirements set by private copy exception, how distribution of levy is connected with limitation, we have searched for the grounds of object and rate of levy. After evaluating the practice of private copying levy, we tryed to percieve future development models of „blank media“ levy and the probability of each of it.

Implications of Jewish divorces that became causes celebres: the reform of Jewish status and juridical centralization

Blom, Suzette 13 February 2013 (has links)
IMPLICATIONS OF JEWISH DIVORCES THAT BECAME CAUSES CÉLÈBRES: THE REFORM OF JEWISH STATUS AND JURIDICAL CENTRALIZATION Suzette Blom Advisor: University of Guelph, 2012 Professor William Cormack This dissertation examines the reform of Jewish status in France in the eighteenth century in connection with the monarchy's impetus to centralize juridical authority. In particular it focuses on how litigating divorces in sovereign courts affected Jewish civil status. This study suggests a new perspective on events leading up to the decrees of 1790 and 1791 that granted the Jews active citizenship and the legalization of divorce in 1792. It examines the extent of the role that making Jewish divorce subject to secular national courts played in the acceptance of Jews as citizens. It concludes that Jewish divorces which attracted public attention as causes célèbres enhanced the role of the Jews in the larger process of juridical centralization and added a new dimension to the construction of a French identity. It further concludes that the reform of Jewish status was part of the erosion of traditional religious values and the growth of ideals of individualism. The principal manifestation of this process was the attempt to develop a uniform legal code for both the public and private spheres. This change included calls for the dissolution of marriage which was prohibited in France for all groups other than Jews as a result of the influence of the Church. This analysis relies on published mémoires judicaires for Jewish divorces that became causes célèbres. These mémoires reflected the changing attitudes towards the patriarchal concept of authority symbolized by indissoluble marriage, the erosion of corporate autonomy for the Jews and the reform of Jewish status. This analysis also relies on the correspondence and memoires of sovereign administrators, reformers and Jewish leaders which reflected the divisiveness of political and social opinion regarding the restructuring of authority. Little study has been done on the litigation of Jewish divorce in sovereign courts as an aspect of juridical centralization. Yet the mémoires judicaire of the Peixotto and Levy cases provide excellent case studies of the evolution in attitudes toward divorce and the acceptance of Jews as French subjects. Although there has been considerable scholarship to support the idea that the events of the French Revolution were grounded on the developments and reforms of previous decades, this analysis demonstrates that juridical centralization played a more critical role than has previously been considered.

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