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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jovens e adultos em processo de escolarização e as tecnologias digitais: quem usa, a favor de quem e para quê? / Youth and adults in the schooling process and the digital technologies: who uses them, in favor of whom, and for what?

Brito, Bianca Maria Santana de 02 August 2012 (has links)
As tecnologias digitais compõem um cenário de mudanças em diversas esferas da sociedade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a presença de tais tecnologias na EJA (educação de jovens e adultos), por meio dos usos que estudantes dizem fazer dessas tecnologias e as possíveis relações desses usos com o processo de escolarização e as aprendizagens que vivenciam. Foram aplicados trinta questionários a jovens e adultos matriculados em salas de EJA de escolas públicas da região da Freguesia do Ó e Brasilândia, na zona noroeste de São Paulo, e realizadas entrevistas de profundidade com cinco dos sujeitos que responderam aos questionários. Os resultados indicam que a maior parte dos sujeitos utiliza as tecnologias digitais fora das escolas para se comunicarem, para se divertirem e aprenderem sobre temas relacionados a projetos pessoais e conteúdos culturais de seu interesse. Também é possível afirmar que a apropriação das tecnologias, explorando suas diversas possibilidades para a realização de projetos individuais ou coletivos, depende de saberes prévios aprendidos na escola. Sem estarem alfabetizados, por exemplo, a capacidade de navegação pela rede fica comprometida, e quanto mais escolarizados, mais os sujeitos da EJA se apropriam das tecnologias digitais. A partir das análises destes resultados são desenhadas recomendações de como os projetos de EJA, as escolas e as políticas públicas podem contribuir para a ampliação dos usos das tecnologias digitais, e para que estes usos auxiliem nos processos de aprendizagem ao longo da vida dos sujeitos da educação de jovens e adultos. / Digital technologies form a scenario of changes in many spheres of society. The objective of this study is to investigate the existence of such technologies in youth and adult education, through the uses of technologies that students report and the relationship between these uses and the schooling process they experience. Thirty questionnaires were answered by young people and adults registered in adult education classrooms of public schools in the region of Freguesia do Ó and Brasilândia, in the northwest of São Paulo city, and five of these students were interviewed aftwerwards. The results indicate that most of the students uses digital technologies outside schools to communicate, have fun and to learn about topics related to their personal projects and cultural content of their interest. It is also possible to say that the appropriation of technologies, exploring its many possibilities for the implementation of individual and group projects, depends on prior knowledge learned at school. Without being literate, as an example, the ability to navigate through internet is compromised, and the more people are educated in school, more they appropriate the digital technologies. The analysis of these results bring some recommendations to adult education projects, schools and public policies, to try to expand the uses of digital technologies for life-long learning of brazilian youngsters and adults.


DE AMBROGI, FRANCESCO PAOLO GUIDO 08 March 2012 (has links)
Seguendo l’approccio metodologico della grounded theory sono stati esplorati i dati relativi a 32 relazioni psicodiagnostiche a fini peritali per casi di disadattamento lavorativo. I dati sembrano evidenziare ipotesi teoriche riguardanti dinamiche e caratteristiche intrapsichiche coinvolte nei processi di fronteggiamento degli eventi avversativi in ambito lavorativo, come ad esempio il mobbing. In particolare il costrutto di resilienza e le concettualizzazioni tipiche della psicologia dello sviluppo lungo l’arco di vita sembrano essere elementi teorici che integrati nelle tradizioni di ricerca sul disadattamento lavorativo tipiche della psicologia clinica, psicologia sociale e medicina legale possono apportare nuove prospettive, ipotesi di ricerca e proposte operative. Parallelamente viene presentato uno studio di caso singolo che comprende un arco temporale di osservazione di più di 3 anni dal termine di un mobbing fino a due anni dopo il termine di un percorso psicoterapeutico cognitivo-comportamentale. / According to grounded theory methodology 32 psychodiagnostic assessments of compensation claimants who present with complaints of bullying, burnout or work related stress. Data analysis shows possible new theoretical hypothesis about intrapsychic dynamics and characteristics involved in coping with occupational stressor. Resilience and life-long developmental theories fit with data and emerging hypothesis. This theoretical development and traditional research approach in fields like clinical psychology, social psychology and forensic medicine, when integrated on each other give new prospectives, research hypothesis and working proposals. At the same time a single case study is analyzed. A 3 years long monitoring of a bullying victim started up at the end of the harassment and concluded 2 years after the end of a Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy.

Livslångt lärande : en studie om orkestermusiker i "den tredje åldern"

Schönning, Annika January 2012 (has links)
I orkestermiljön blir det livslånga lärandet konkretiserat då varje arbetsvecka innebär instudering av ett nytt konsertprogram med därpå följande konsert. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva individuella instuderingsstrategier liksom det kollektiva, samtidiga, musikaliska lärandet hos erfarna orkestermusiker i ”den tredje åldern”; mellan 50 och 65 år. Sju orkestermusiker intervjuades. Alla respondenterna berättade om glädjen i att vara en del av det musikaliska sammanhanget. Det framkom att vissa arbetsmetoder förändrats över tid som ett resultat av erfarenhet, men också till följd av kroppsligt och mentalt slitage. Berättelserna klargjorde svårigheten att verbalt beskriva inlärningsprocessen liksom att särskilja ett individuellt lärande från ett kollektivt lärande. Individen är en del av kontextens ständigt ackumulerande kunskapstradition. Med hjälp av ett kulturpsykologiskt och ett sociokulturellt perspektiv som uppsatsens teoretiska ansats kunde den väv av interaktioner, samspel och lärande som pågår i den specifika kontexten tydliggöras. Studien innehöll även frågor om hur orkestermusikerna önskade upprätthålla bästa möjliga spelkondition under hela yrkeslivet. Respondenternas berättelser visade hur tankar om kollektivets utveckling helt dominerar över tankar om individens eget kompetensbevarande. Ett viktigt bidrag med denna uppsats blir därför att väcka diskussion om en plan för ”restaurering” av orkestermusiker i ”den tredje åldern”. / In the environment of the orchestra life-long learning is concretized when each working week means the study of a new concert program and the following concert. The purpose of this paper is to describe individual strategies for study as well as the collective, simultaneous, musical learning by experienced orchestra musicians in “the third age”; those between 50 and 65 years. Seven interviews with orchestra musicians were held. All respondents told about the joy of being part of the musical context. It was obvious that some working methods had changed over time as a result of experience, but also because of physical and mental wear. The narratives made clear the difficulty to verbally explain the learning process, and to differentiate between individual and collective learning. The individual is part of a process of a perpetually accumulating tradition of knowledge. Using a culture-psychological and a socio-cultural perspective as the theoretical approach of the paper, the web of interactions, ensemble, and learning which occurs in the specific context could be made visible. The study also included questions about how orchestra musicians tried to maintain the best possible competence during their entire careers. The respondents ́ stories clarified how thoughts about the development of the collective dominate over thoughts about maintaining the competence of the individual. An important contribution of this study is therefore to initiate a discussion about a plan for “restoring” orchestra musicians in “the third age”.

Suaugusiųjų mokymosi visą gyvenimą realizavimo poreikis Zarasų rajone / The realization of the need of adults’ life-long lasting learning in Zarasai region

Malinauskaitė, Ineta 24 September 2008 (has links)
Šalies ekonomikos augimas skatina persikvalifikuoti, įgyti naujas profesijas bei teigiamai nuteikia darbdavių požiūrį į mokymąsi. Didžiausios valstybės lėšos investuojamos į žinių visuomenę, konkurencingą ekonomiką ir į geresnę gyvenimo kokybę. Tyrimo objektas Suaugusiųjų mokymosi visą gyvenimą realizacijos poreikis. Tyrimo tikslas Išanalizuoti suaugusiųjų mokymosi visą gyvenimą realizacijos poreikį Zarasų rajone. Tyrimo uždaviniai 7. Išanalizuoti LR Vyriausybės ir švietimo dokumentus, apžvelgti mokslinę, pedagoginę, psichologinę literatūrą nagrinėjamos problemos aspektu. 8. Apžvelgti socialinę – ekonominę bei darbo rinkos situaciją Zarasų rajone. 9. Išanalizuoti Zarasų rajono suaugusiųjų mokymosi visą gyvenimą poreikius. 10. Atskleisti pagrindinius suaugusiųjų mokymosi visą gyvenimą motyvacijos aspektus Zarasų rajone. 11. Išsiaiškinti esmines tęstinio mokymosi kliūtis ir jų priežastis. 12. Pateikti rekomendacijas Zarasų rajono švietimo įstaigų vadovams ir suaugusiesiems. Tyrimo tikslinės grupės • 126 respondentai - Zarasų rajono bibliotekų, biudžetinių įstaigų, kultūros centrų, mokyklų, savivaldybės įmonių, valstybinių įstaigų, sveikatos apsaugos įstaigų, privačių įmonių darbuotojai, vienas bedarbis, vienas pensininkas. • 10 švietimu besirūpinančių įstaigų vadovų ir darbuotojų – ekspertų. Tyrimo metodai • Mokslinės, pedagoginės, psichologinės medžiagos analizė; • LR švietimo įstatymų, programų, tarptautinių strategijų analizė; • Klausimynas; • Matematinė –... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The increase in country’s economy requires to requalify, to get new qualification and creates a positive attitude towards learning. The biggest part of the country’s funds is invested in the society of information, competing economy and better life quality. The object of research The realization of the need of adults’ life-long lasting learning The objective of the research To analyze the realization of the need of adults’ life-long lasting learning in Zarasai region The goals of the research 1. To analyze the documents of Lithuania’s Government and its education, to survey the scientific, pedagogical and psychological literature in the aspect of the dealing problem; 2. To survey the social-economic and business market situation in Zarasai region; 3. To analyze the needs of adults’ life-long lasting learning in Zarasai region; 4. To reveal the main aspects of adults’ life-long lasting learning motives in Zarasai region; 5. To ascertain the fundamental difficulties and their causes of countinuing learning; 6. To present the recommendations for the leaders/heads and adults of the education organizations in Zarasai; The purposeful groups of the research 126 respondents: the employees of Zarasai region library, budget organizations, culture houses, schools, council companies, national organizations, health security organizations, the employees of private organizations, one unemployed and one pensioner. 10 leaders- experts of educational organizations. The methods of the... [to full text]

Tėvų požiūris į vaikų išsilavinimą, mokymąsi, mokyklą / Influence of parents’ education on children learning

Valečkaitė, Liana 24 September 2008 (has links)
Visi piliečiai, nepriklausomai nuo jų socialinės padėties, gyvenamosios vietos ar amžiaus, turi galimybę mokytis jiems patogioje aplinkoje: švietimo institucijose, darbe, namuose. Toks pagrindinis Mokymosi visą gyvenimą strategijos siekis, kur švietimas įvardijamas kaip neatskiriamas žmogaus palydovas nuo jo gimimo iki gilios senatvės. Svarbiausi per paskutinius 10 metų atlikti tyrimai liudija apie didelį šalies visuomenės bei mokslininkų dėmesį vaikų išsilavinimui ir jį įtakojantiems vidiniams bei išoriniams veiksniams. Jau nuo XX amžiaus Lietuvos bei kitų šalių sociologai nuolat akcentavo, kad būtent tėvų išsilavinimo (ir bendras sociologinis-kultūrinis) lygis dažniausiai lemia jų norą bei pasirengimą suteikti vaikams aukštąjį išsilavinimą. Darbas reikšmingas teoriškai ir praktiškai, nes tėvų išsilavinimo, kaip vieno svarbiausių veiksnių, lemiančių mokinių mokymąsi, įtaka ( svarba, reikšmė?) Vilniaus miesto Užupio gimnazijoje netyrinėta. / All citizens independently from their social status, residential area or age have a possibility to study in comfortable surroundings: educational institution, work, home. This is the main objective of life-long learning where education must go along with a person from his/her birth to old age. The most important research done in ten years time shows our society and scientists’ great attention to children education and inner and outer factors which affect it. Since the 20th century Lithuanian and foreign sociologists have emphasized that parents’ education (and general socio-cultural) level often affects their wish and readiness to give their children higher education. The work is significant both theoretically and practically because the influence of the factors has not been studied in Vilnius Užupis high school.

Opening Minds through Art (OMA) an art program for people with dementia /

Lokon, Elizabeth J. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.G.S.)--Miami University, Dept. of Sociology and Gerontology, 2008. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 40-45).

Η κοινωνία της γνώσης στη μεταβιομηχανική εποχή / The knowledge society to the post-industrial era

Γαβαλά, Ελένη 01 October 2012 (has links)
Ο 20ος αιώνας θεωρείται ως ο αιώνας της ακμής αλλά και του τέλους της βιομηχανικής κοινωνίας, ενώ ο 21ος ως η απαρχή μιας καινούργιας εποχής η οποία κυριαρχείται από μια νέα μορφή οικονομικής και κοινωνικής οργάνωσης και λειτουργίας. Η νέα αυτή μορφή της κοινωνίας χαρακτηρίζεται ως Κοινωνία της Γνώσης. Το νόημα, όμως, που λαμβάνει το εκφώνημα Κοινωνία της Γνώσης δεν αφορά σε μία μορφωτική διαδικασία που απευθύνεται σε όλα τα μέλη της κοινωνίας και συνιστά συλλογική ευθύνη της κρατικά οργανωμένης κοινωνίας. Η ανάδυση αυτού του νέου τύπου κοινωνίας σχετίζεται άμεσα με το πέρασμα από τις βιομηχανικές κοινωνίες στις μεταβιομηχανικές και τις αλλαγές που εκτυλίσσονται όσον αφορά τις βασικές αξίες τους, την κοινωνική και πολιτική δομή τους καθώς και τους βασικούς θεσμούς τους. Η παρούσα Διπλωματική Εργασία έχει ως στόχο να διερευνήσει το ρόλο της γνώσης στις μεταβιομηχανικές κοινωνίες μέσα από τις απόψεις τόσο των υπέρμαχων της Κοινωνίας της Γνώσης όσο και των υπερασπιστών του προτάγματος του Διαφωτισμού ώστε να καταδειχθεί στο τέλος η ανάγκη για μια γενική παιδεία έναντι της απόλυτης εξειδίκευσης. / The 20th century is considered as the century of prosperity and the end of industrial society, and the 21st as the beginning of a new era dominated by a new form of economic and social organization and operation. This new form of society is characterized as a knowledge society. The point, however, received the Society of Knowledge broadcasters does not relate to a cultural process that appeals to all members of society and a collective responsibility of government organized society. The emergence of this new type of society is directly related to the transition from post-industrial societies and the changes taking place in basic values, social and political structure and the key institutions. The present thesis aims to investigate the role of knowledge in postindustrial societies through the views of proponents of the knowledge society and the defenders of the Enlightenment project to show in the end the need for a general education versus absolute specialization .

Nové směry v rozvoji lidských zdrojů a podniková kultura / New trends in human resources development and company culture

HOVORKOVÁ, Ivana January 2007 (has links)
The main objective of my diploma work is to specify the current management of human resources including the analysis of corporate culture with the focus on further development of human resources. The analysis and research were carried out in a producer cooperative in České Budějovice that is engaged in metal working, tool manufacture and locksmith´ s trade. For the purposes of the research of corporate culture and human resources development an investigation was carried out in the form of a questionnaire. The company management acknowledges management of human resources as a matter of high priority. The company strives for a better competitiveness and good position both on the domestic and foreign markets. The part of the concept is to create conditions for an appropriate working environment, modernization of production facilities, social certainties for employees and improvement of corporate culture. The efforts for a transition to the new way of human resources management however faces lack of interest on the part of employees with regards to further training, lower personal involvement and, last but not least, the fact that most of the company employees are above the age of 45. It would be advisable for the company management to focus on the personal involvement, better acquaintance and motivation of workers in respect of employee benefits and possibilities of professional growth.

Jovens e adultos em processo de escolarização e as tecnologias digitais: quem usa, a favor de quem e para quê? / Youth and adults in the schooling process and the digital technologies: who uses them, in favor of whom, and for what?

Bianca Maria Santana de Brito 02 August 2012 (has links)
As tecnologias digitais compõem um cenário de mudanças em diversas esferas da sociedade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a presença de tais tecnologias na EJA (educação de jovens e adultos), por meio dos usos que estudantes dizem fazer dessas tecnologias e as possíveis relações desses usos com o processo de escolarização e as aprendizagens que vivenciam. Foram aplicados trinta questionários a jovens e adultos matriculados em salas de EJA de escolas públicas da região da Freguesia do Ó e Brasilândia, na zona noroeste de São Paulo, e realizadas entrevistas de profundidade com cinco dos sujeitos que responderam aos questionários. Os resultados indicam que a maior parte dos sujeitos utiliza as tecnologias digitais fora das escolas para se comunicarem, para se divertirem e aprenderem sobre temas relacionados a projetos pessoais e conteúdos culturais de seu interesse. Também é possível afirmar que a apropriação das tecnologias, explorando suas diversas possibilidades para a realização de projetos individuais ou coletivos, depende de saberes prévios aprendidos na escola. Sem estarem alfabetizados, por exemplo, a capacidade de navegação pela rede fica comprometida, e quanto mais escolarizados, mais os sujeitos da EJA se apropriam das tecnologias digitais. A partir das análises destes resultados são desenhadas recomendações de como os projetos de EJA, as escolas e as políticas públicas podem contribuir para a ampliação dos usos das tecnologias digitais, e para que estes usos auxiliem nos processos de aprendizagem ao longo da vida dos sujeitos da educação de jovens e adultos. / Digital technologies form a scenario of changes in many spheres of society. The objective of this study is to investigate the existence of such technologies in youth and adult education, through the uses of technologies that students report and the relationship between these uses and the schooling process they experience. Thirty questionnaires were answered by young people and adults registered in adult education classrooms of public schools in the region of Freguesia do Ó and Brasilândia, in the northwest of São Paulo city, and five of these students were interviewed aftwerwards. The results indicate that most of the students uses digital technologies outside schools to communicate, have fun and to learn about topics related to their personal projects and cultural content of their interest. It is also possible to say that the appropriation of technologies, exploring its many possibilities for the implementation of individual and group projects, depends on prior knowledge learned at school. Without being literate, as an example, the ability to navigate through internet is compromised, and the more people are educated in school, more they appropriate the digital technologies. The analysis of these results bring some recommendations to adult education projects, schools and public policies, to try to expand the uses of digital technologies for life-long learning of brazilian youngsters and adults.

CiberEduc : construção e desenvolvimento de uma comunidade virtual de aprendizagem colaborativa das TICs, aplicadas ao fazer diario de bibliotecarios de referencia de universidades brasileiras / CiberEduc: building and developing a virtual collaborative learning community of ICT applied to the daily work of brazilian universities reference librarians

Soares, Suely de Brito Clemente 17 February 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Sergio Ferreira do Amaral / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T17:37:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Soares_SuelydeBritoClemente_M.pdf: 3054401 bytes, checksum: cd2e0f99737bba659b02cd2888a23b3f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: O uso do ciberespaço para fins educacionais, no Brasil, ainda se encontra pouco explorado, para capacitação de profissionais da informação, através da educação continuada não presencial. A partir desse pressuposto, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa na abordagem qualitativa, classificada na categoria de explicativa e no delineamento ¿quase-experimental¿. O objetivo do estudo foi criar, desenvolver e observar as interações de uma comunidade de aprendizagem colaborativa no ciberespaço, constituída por bibliotecários de referência, de bibliotecas universitárias, interessados na aplicação das TICs ao seu fazer diário, os quais foram convidados a participar como sujeitos dessa pesquisa, através de mensagens em listas de discussão da área. A proposta oferecida foi a participação espontânea e gratuita, durante o segundo semestre de 2003, em uma comunidade on-line intitulada ¿CiberEduc¿, construída no ambiente TelEduc da UNICAMP. Um vídeo de apresentação do CiberEduc ficou disponível aos interessados, no cameraweb da UNICAMP, para ser assistido via internet. Os 118 inscritos ativos, pesquisadora e orientador, formaram uma comunidade de 120 cibereducandos, oriundos de Brasília, DF e de 12 Estados brasileiros. O CiberEduc foi estruturado a partir de uma agenda que remetia a 14 diferentes atividades. Uma entrevista inicial e outra final foram, respectivamente, a primeira e a última atividade. Os dados coletados e analisados oferecem uma visão das interações das pessoas com o ambiente, das pessoas entre si, e das contribuições dadas ao CiberEduc, tais como: divulgação de arquivos pessoais, dúvidas, críticas, sugestões, questionamentos. O número de acessos ao CiberEduc foi 2.081. A somatória de freqüência a todas as funcionalidades do ambiente foi 13.140. Os capítulos descrevem a formatação das funcionalidades do ambiente, o desenvolvimento da comunidade CiberEduc e algumas contribuições para o conhecimento científico sobre comunidades on-line de aprendizagem colaborativa. Pela quantidade e qualidade das interações demonstradas nos resultados obtidos, as considerações finais comprovam que foi desenvolvida, de fato, uma comunidade virtual de aprendizagem colaborativa das TICs / Abstract: It's already unusual in Brazil the exploration of cyberspace for educational purposes, specially regarding to ability professionals of information through the remote long living education. After that presupposition this research was developed through qualitative approach. It can be classified at explicative level and labeled as almost experimental methodology. The purpose of this study was to build to develop and to observe the interactions at cyberspace a collaborative learning community with brazilian universities reference librarians self-interested in the ICT applied to their daily work, wich were invited to participate as subjects of this research by posted messages in their discussion lists. The proposal offered to them was spontaneous and free participation during the second semester of 2003 at a virtual community called ¿CyberEduc¿. It was built at UNICAMP's TelEduc virtual environment. A CyberEduc's presentation video was available UNICAMP's cameraweb to be watched via internet.The 118 active subscribers with the researcher and her adviser shaped a community of 120 cyberstudents who became from Brasilia, DF and 12 brazilian's states. The CyberEduc was structured around an agenda that pointed out to 14 different activities. An initial and another final interview was the first as well the last activity. The analyzed and caught data offered a vision over the subject's interactions with the environment and between themselves also the contributions gave to the CyberEduc like participating with their personal files, doubts, critics, suggestions and matters. The log number to the CyberEduc was 2081. The sum of all environment links access was 13140. It was described all discussed ICT. The chapters describe the environment tools configuration, the CyberEduc community developing and some additional contributions to the scientific knowledge about collaborative learning virtual communities. Because of quantity either quality of interactions happened, the final considerations witness that was developed, in fact, an online ICT's collaborative learning community / Resumen: En el Brasil aún no es muy usado el ciberespacio con fines educativos para la capacitación de los profesionales de la información, a través de la educación continua no presencial. Partiendo de este presupuesto, se desarrolló una investigación de tipo cualitativo, clasificada dentro de la categoría de explicativa y delineada como ¿casi experimental¿. El objetivo del estudio fue crear, desarrollar y observar las interacciones de una comunidad de aprendizaje cooperativa en el ciberespacio, constituida por bibliotecarios de referencia, de bibliotecas universitarias, interesados en la aplicación de las TICs en su trabajo diario. Ellos fueron invitados para participar como sujetos de la investigación, a través de mensajes en listas de discusión del área. La propuesta ofrecida fue la participación espontánea y gratuita, durante el segundo semestre de 2003, en una comunidad online llamada ¿CiberEduc¿, la cual fue construida en el ambiente TelEduc de la Unicamp. Un vídeo de presentación del CiberEduc quedó disponible para los interesados, en la cameraweb de la UNICAMP, para que pudiera ser visto vía Internet. Los 118 inscritos activos, la investigadora y su orientador formaron la comunidad de 120 cibereducados, originarios de Brasilia, DF y de 12 estados brasileños, El CiberEduc se estructuró a partir de una agenda que remitía a 14 actividades diferentes. Una entrevista inicial y otra al final fueron respectivamente, la primera y última actividad. Los datos colectados y analizados ofrecieron una visión de las interacciones de las personas con el ambiente, entre ellas mismas y de las contribuciones dadas al CiberEduc, tales como: divulgación de los archivos personales, dudas, críticas, sugestiones y cuestionamientos. EL número de accesos al CiberEduc fue de 2081. La suma de la frecuencia a todas las funciones dentro del ambiente fue de 13140. Los capítulos describen la formación de las funcionalidades y ambiente, el desarrollo de la comunidad CiberEduc y algunas contribuciones para el conocimiento científico sobre comunidades online de aprendizaje en colaboración. Por la cantidad y calidad de las interacciones demostradas en los resultados obtenidos, las consideraciones finales comprueban que fue desarrollada, de hecho, una comunidad de aprendizaje cooperativa online de las TICs / Mestrado / Educação, Ciencia e Tecnologia / Mestre em Educação

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