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Self-Reported Personal Traits of Adult Amateur MusiciansKuntz, Tammy L. 27 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Adult Amateur Musicians' Perceptions of the Relationship Between Secondary Instrumental Music Education and Current Music ParticipationVial, Andrew John 20 April 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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The purpose of Non-credit community arts programs: A comparative case study of three programs within research universities is to examine the perceptions of the various stakeholders of non-credit community arts programs to determine the perceived benefits received by all stakeholders from the non-credit program, the university, and its surrounding community, the variables of a successful program, and the sustainability of these programs within their parent institution. The research methods used included a preliminary 41-question survey distributed to 76 non-credit community arts programs embedded within colleges or universities to determine the specific programs within research universities. These 76 collegiate divisional community schools of the arts belong to the 400 members of community arts schools in the National Guild of Community Schools of the Arts. The results of the survey were used to determine the three non-credit community arts programs that were selected for the case study. The case study of each of the three non-credit community arts programs was used to learn the perceptions of the various stakeholders of each of the programs and their respective parent institution. The stakeholders included research university administrators, the non-credit program's executive administrators, the program's faculty, staff, students, and parents of students that participate in the non-credit community arts programs. Site visits, interviews, either in person or via phone conversation, and review of printed materials were employed to obtain from the various stakeholders the perceived benefits of these non-credit community arts programs, the variables that contribute to a successful program and their sustainability within the research university. The diversity of the stakeholders interviewed provided a thorough observation of these programs from varying perspectives to discover their impact on the individual students as well as the university, its internal community and the community-at-large. / Educational Administration
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Lifelong training of civil servants on information systems in the field of HealthLalos, Christos 17 March 2023 (has links)
En el sector público, los sistemas de información juegan un papel crucial en la prestación de servicios eficientes y efectivos a los ciudadanos. Por lo tanto, es imperativo que los empleados estén equipados con los últimos conocimientos y habilidades en el campo de los sistemas de información. Esto se puede lograr a través de la formación permanente y continua. El aprendizaje permanente se refiere a un proceso continuo de aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida de una persona, independientemente de su edad, estado u ocupación. En el contexto de los sistemas de información, esto significa que los empleados del sector público necesitan actualizar continuamente sus conocimientos y habilidades para mantenerse al día con los últimos desarrollos y avances en el campo. La formación continua, por otro lado, se refiere a actividades regulares y continuas de formación y desarrollo que están diseñadas para satisfacer necesidades específicas de aprendizaje. La importancia de la formación permanente y continua en el sector público se destaca por el hecho de que los sistemas de información están en constante evolución. Se están desarrollando nuevas tecnologías y técnicas, y los empleados deben estar familiarizados con ellas para poder realizar su trabajo de manera efectiva. Además, el sector público está bajo constante presión para mejorar la calidad de sus servicios y ser más eficiente y rentable. Esto requiere que los empleados tengan una buena comprensión de los sistemas de información y las mejores prácticas más recientes. Son varios los beneficios de la formación permanente y continua para los empleados del sector público. En primer lugar, ayuda a mantener y mejorar sus conocimientos y habilidades, lo que puede tener un impacto positivo en su desempeño laboral. En segundo lugar, permite a los empleados asumir nuevos retos y responsabilidades, lo que puede conducir al crecimiento personal y profesional. En tercer lugar, puede aumentar la moral y la motivación de los empleados, ya que se sienten valorados y apreciados por su empleador. Hay varios métodos de formación que se pueden utilizar para apoyar el aprendizaje permanente y continuo en el sector público. Estos incluyen cursos de capacitación formales, talleres, aprendizaje en línea, capacitación en el trabajo y tutoría y entrenamiento. La elección del método de capacitación dependerá de las necesidades de aprendizaje del individuo, los recursos disponibles y los objetivos del programa de capacitación. Además, invertir en la formación permanente y continua de los empleados en sistemas de información también puede mejorar la reputación de la organización del sector público. Al contar con empleados bien capacitados que puedan brindar servicios de alta calidad, la organización puede generar confianza con el público y establecer una imagen positiva. Además, los programas de capacitación también pueden ayudar a retener a los empleados, ya que sienten que su empleador está comprometido con su desarrollo profesional y les brinda oportunidades de crecimiento. En conclusión, la formación permanente y continua es fundamental para los empleados del sector público que trabajan en el ámbito de los sistemas de información. Al garantizar que los empleados estén equipados con los últimos conocimientos y habilidades, las organizaciones pueden mejorar sus servicios y ser más eficientes y eficaces. Además, la capacitación puede tener un impacto positivo en la moral y la motivación de los empleados, lo que conduce a un mejor desempeño laboral y al crecimiento personal y profesional. Por lo tanto, es importante que las organizaciones del sector público inviertan en la formación permanente y continua de sus empleados para garantizar su éxito en el mundo en constante evolución de los sistemas de información.
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String Playing for a Lifetime: Narratives of Two Adult Amateur String PlayersFlippin, Sam Houston 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to increase knowledge about the experiences of adult amateur string players. Through narrative inquiry, this study presents the unique stories of two amateur string players who have sustained their active music-making throughout their adult lives. Leaders in music education have promised lifelong music-making and touted it as a benefit of supporting music in schools. This promise is part of vision statements, symposia, advocacy efforts, and guiding documents for the last century. Yet, the most common outcome for students who participate in school music programs is that they quit before they graduate high school, or soon afterward. The idea of school music segueing into lifetime music-making for large numbers of students remains an aspiration and not the outcome. I used narrative inquiry to explore and present the stories of these two players. Their experiences are unique, and it is not appropriate to generalize their narratives to others. However, I hope that by closely examining the experiences they considered impactful in their lives as music students and amateur musicians, music educators can better understand the ways their teaching practices might lead to students' enjoyment of music-making past their student years. Implications for practicing music teachers and future research are discussed.
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Současný pohled mezinárodních organizací na koncept celoživotního učení - srovnání UNESCO a OECD / Contemporary Perspectives of International Organisations on the Concept of Lifelong Learning - A Comparison of UNESCO and OECDMoss, Linda January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis presents the concept of lifelong learning as an ambitious political project born in the field of international organisations at the beginning of the 1970s which now reaches far beyond the borders of national states and education policy. The sphere of education still remains the responsibility of national governments, however, even here strong globalising tendencies have occurred since the 1990s, as a result of which the national policy is more and more being influenced by supranational institutions. Although the concept of lifelong learning now serves as a common framework, it has been interpreted differently during its evolution and a consensus on what it exactly means and how it should be put into practice still does not exist. Based on analysis of key documents, this thesis aims to compare the view of lifelong learning held by the international organisation UNESCO with that of OECD, as two distinctive perspectives on this issue. The comparison draws on Rubenson's model (2004), which examines lifelong learning through three key categories representing the main actors of social life - the state, the market and civil society. As this topic has not been widely explored in the Czech Republic, this thesis aims to present a complete overview, including a critical assessment of both...
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Evropský program Grundtvig jako jedna z možností profesního rozvoje jedinců v oblasti vzdělávání dospělých / European programme Grundtvig as an option of persons' development in adult educationBachurová, Aneta January 2012 (has links)
and keywords The thesis "European programme Grundtvig as an option of persons' development in adult education" is conceived as an analytical insight into lifelong learning and education with an orientation on European education programme Grundtvig. The goal of this thesis is to emphasize a significance of the community programme Grundtvig, which support a new European strategy and to point out another option of adults' professional development. This thesis is particularly addressed to a lifelong learning progress in last years and described particular education activities within the frame of Lifelong Learning Programme 2007 - 2013. The main part is focused on the key issues in adult learning. Particularly is focused on current adult education situation in Europe, European Union strategic documents and on success implementation of the lifelong learning concept within particular national politics. At the end are also discussed European structural funds, which represent other possibility of European Union support in terms of adult education. The conclusions can be summarized as follows: although European Union significantly supports particular members in area of adult education, whether by programme Grundtvig or structural funds, there is a strong need to implement, support and propagate the lifelong...
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Negli ultimi decenni, l’affermazione del paradigma della società della conoscenza e le recenti politiche di sostegno all’apprendimento lungo tutto l’arco della vita, hanno evidenziato la questione dello skillmismatching tra competenze formate e fabbisogni professionali espressi dal mercato del lavoro. La finalità della ricerca è stata quella di ricostruire il frame culturale, valoriale e normativo entro cui si colloca l’emergenza del fabbisogno formativo dei lavoratori e di tracciare il percorso storico-evolutivo dell’analisi dei fabbisogni formativi (aff) come strumento, come costrutto e come pratica. L’indagine empirica, di tipo qualitativo, ha coinvolto i vari stakeholders che concorrono a definire, direttamente e indirettamente, la dinamica della domanda/offerta di formazione continua e delle politiche formative a sostegno dell’occupazione. Oltre alla ricerca sul campo, il lavoro di ricerca ha prodotto una mappa delle pratiche di analisi dei fabbisogni formativi condotte nell’ultimo decennio (nazionali ed internazionali), una rassegna metodologica delle tecniche di analisi dei fabbisogni formativi e quattro studi di caso sulle pratiche di analisi dei fabbisogni formativi come strumento di policy (Stati Uniti, Canada, Europa, Italia). / In recent decades the success of the paradigm of the knowledge society and the recent policies of support for lifelong learning highlighted the question of skillmismatching between skills and vocational needs expressed by the labor market and also the value of human capital for competitive advantage of the whole society. The aims of the research was to reconstruct the frame of culture, values and normative into which fits the emergency of training trying to trace the historical-evolutionary of training needs analysis (Tna) as a tool, as a constructs and as a practice. The empirical research was qualitative and considered various stakeholders wich to help define, directly and indirectly, the dynamics of supply/demand of continuing training of workers and training policies to support employment. The research has produced a map of the practices of training needs analysis carried out in the last decade (at national and international level), a methodological review of techniques of Tna and four case studies on international practices of training needs analysis
Key-words: capability - skillmismatch – human capital - lifelong learning -multistakeholders - human resource – labour union – practices – continuing training of workers – social partners
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Vývoj celoživotního vzdělávání všeobecných sester v České republice / The Developement of Lifelong Education of General Nurses in the Czech RepublicMamulová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
5 Abstract This diploma thesis is focused on the development of lifelong education of general nurses in the Czech Republic. The duty of lifelong education and its control has been introduced with the admission of the Czech Republic into the European Union. However, the development timeline is possible to follow until the period after the Second World War. The theoretical part describes the term of non-medical occupations, nursing and the roles of general nurses. Within the concept of lifelong education and learning is pursued European development line, as well as its influence in the Czech Republic. There is also a track of professionalism within the nursing occupation, which enables general nurses to take over more responsibilities and this led to the requirement of higher education. The empirical part of the text is dedicated to the analysis of the questionnaire of my own construction, which examined rapport of lifelong learning principles by general nurses. These principles were chosen on the base of nursing strategies which were acquired by the Czech Republic. The interest of the research was to compare two groups of general nurses. The first was represented by nurses educated before adopting the law no. 96/2004, and the second group included nurses with tertiary education level. Key words: general...
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The uniqueness of knowledge management in small companies : Managing knowledge as an employer strategy for lifelong learningVillalba, Ernesto January 2006 (has links)
<p>The present study explores the relationship between the ‘knowledge-enabling environment’ and the demand for training using a sample of 18 small private companies providing educational and consultancy services in Sweden. In this way, the dissertation is an exploration of the ways Swedish knowledge-intensive companies manage their knowledge. The 18 companies have participated in a European program for developing employee competence, financed by the European Social Fund. As part of this European-financed program companies have evaluated their business activity and determined their training needs in order to remain competitive. The 18 companies, thus, provide a rare opportunity to explore aspects of the demand for training in small enterprises. </p><p>Knowledge is understood here as both the structure and the content of mental schemas. It is embodied in individuals; it differs from information and data; and it can be tacit or explicit. When looking at organizational processes for managing knowledge, it is important to consider formal organized activities for learning, but also informal learning activities, which constitute the main source for tacit knowledge as well as the conditions in place for knowledge creation, what is here called the ‘knowledge-enabling environment’. It is argued that through knowledge management, companies are indeed implementing strategies for the promotion of lifelong learning.</p><p>Each company in the sample is rather unique in their ‘knowledge-enabling environment’. The exploration of the demand for training shows that the selected companies invest only less than half their perceived training needs. In both sectors the working-environment characteristics that according to the theories reviewed, should promote learning, do not necessarily foster a higher demand for learning, with the exception of information technology. Finally, Also interesting is that employees demand more training if their engagement in informal learning is low.</p>
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