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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A functional MRI study of happy and sad emotions in music with and without lyrics

Brattico, Elvira, Alluri, Vinoo, Bogert, Brigitte, Jacobsen, Thomas, Vartiainen, Nuutti, Nieminen, Sirke, Tervaniemi, Mari 27 July 2022 (has links)
Musical emotions,such as happiness and sadness,have been investigated using instrumental music devoid of linguistic content. However, pop and rock, the most common musical genres, utilize lyrics for conveying emotions. Using participants’ self-selected musical excerpts, we studied their behavior and brain responses to elucidate how lyrics interact with musical emotion processing, as reflected by emotion recognition and activation of limbic areas involved in affective experience. We extracted samples from subjects’ selections of sad and happy pieces and sorted them according to the presence of lyrics. Acoustic feature analysis showed that music with lyrics differed from music without lyrics in spectral centroid, a feature related toperceptual brightness,whereassadmusicwithlyricsdidnotdivergefromhappymusicwithoutlyrics,indicatingtheroleofotherfactorsinemotionclassification.Behavioralratingsrevealedthathappymusicwithoutlyricsinducedstrongerpositiveemotionsthanhappymusicwithlyrics.Wealsoacquiredfunctionalmagneticres-onanceimagingdatawhilesubjectsperformedaffectivetasksregardingthemusic.First,usingecologicalandacousticallyvariablestimuli,webroadenedpreviousfindingsaboutthebrainprocessingofmusicalemotionsandofsongsversusinstrumentalmusic.Addition-ally,contrastsbetweensadmusicwithversuswithoutlyricsrecruitedtheparahippocampalgyrus,theamygdala,theclaustrum,theputamen,theprecentralgyrus,themedialandinfe-riorfrontalgyri(includingBroca’sarea),andtheauditorycortex,whilethereversecontrastproducednoactivations.Happymusicwithoutlyricsactivatedstructuresofthelimbicsys-temandtherightparsopercularisoftheinferiorfrontalgyrus,whereasauditoryregionsalonerespondedtohappymusicwithlyrics.Thesefindingspointtotheroleofacousticcuesfortheexperienceofhappinessinmusicandtotheimportanceoflyricsforsadmusicalemotions.

Temporo-limbická dysfunkce u osob závislých na alkoholu / The temporolimbic dysfunction in alcohol dependent persons

Mičulková, Jana January 2016 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biological and Medical Sciences Candidate: Bc. Jana Mičulková Consultant: Doc. MUDr. Josef Herink, DrSc. Title of Thesis: The temporo-limbic dysfunction in alcohol dependent persons This thesis is concerned on the temporo-limbic dysfunction of persons dependent on alcohol. The theoretical part summarizes the information about the neuroanatomical correlates, alcohol dependence syndrome, epidemiology of alcohol addiction in the Czech republic and the relationship between alcohol and epilepsy. The practical part includes evaluation of questionnaires filled out by alcohol dependent persons. These questionnaires are concerned on recognizing epilepsy spectrum disorder. The results are compared with the results obtained from previous studies in the healthy population and are used to evaluate other aims of this thesis. Keywords: alcohol dependence, epilepsy, epilepsy spectrum disorder, limbic system, questionnaire investigation

Mapeamento de potencial nicho neurogênico no lobo temporal humano / Mapping of potential neurogenic niche in the human temporal lobe

Nogueira, Adriano Barreto 19 May 2014 (has links)
No final do século 19, o neurônio foi descrito como a unidade funcional básica do sistema nervoso e sua formação era considerada inexistente na fase adulta, explicando a ausência de recuperação significativa em doenças neurológicas. Evidências de geração de neurônios em mamíferos adultos surgiram na década de 1960 e foram confirmadas três décadas depois. Atualmente, predomina a visão de que mamíferos adultos possuem dois nichos neurogênicos independentes: a zona subventricular (ZSV) e a zona subgranular (ZSG) do giro denteado. No entanto, a existência de nichos neurogênicos em humanos adultos é controversa. Nossa hipótese foi de que o mapeamento de nichos neurogênicos no lobo temporal humano poderia esclarecer aspectos sobre a neurogênese adulta. A detecção destes nichos foi buscada em 28 lobos temporais através de imuno-histoquímica para nestina, o marcador mais comum de células-tronco neurais, que são aquelas capazes de se autorrenovar e de gerar novas células neurais. A neurogênese foi pesquisada no hipocampo pelo uso de DCX (do inglês \"doublecortin\"), o principal marcador de neuroblastos e neurônios imaturos. Nestina foi observada em uma camada contínua formada pela ZSV, zona subpial do lobo temporal medial e ZSG, terminando no subículo. A partir do subículo, uma intensa expressão de DCX ocorreu através da principal via eferente do hipocampo até a fímbria. A visão panorâmica das marcações por nestina e DCX mostrava em conjunto uma linha que circundava as estruturas límbicas do lobo temporal. Por isto, foi denominada linha externa de células do sistema límbico (LECEL). Uma possível explicação para os resultados é que a LECEL seja um nicho neurogênico no qual a ZSV, a zona subpial do lobo temporal medial e a ZSG formam uma unidade contendo células-tronco neurais que se diferenciam em neurônios no subículo. Curiosamente, a área identificada previamente como sendo a corrente migratória rostral humana (formada por células neurais imaturas migrando a partir da ZSV do corno frontal) pode ser na verdade o fórnix, que contém axônios originados no subículo. A implicação mais intrigante dos resultados é que se as características da LECEL seguirem além do lobo temporal, então o encéfalo humano pode conter um anel neurogênico límbico, em que a neurogênese ocorreria principalmente no subículo e seria modulada pelas estruturas relacionadas à fissura coroideia. Este estudo sugere que a neurogênese ocorre de maneira orquestrada em uma área ampla do lobo temporal humano / At the end of the 19th century, the neuron was described as the basic functional unit of the nervous system. The formation of neurons was thought to be absent in adulthood, thus explaining the lack of significant recovery from neurological diseases. Evidence for the generation of neurons in adult mammals was reported in the 1960s and confirmed three decades later. Currently, the prevailing view is that adult mammals harbour two neurogenic niches: the subgranular zone (SGZ) of the dentate gyrus and the subventricular zone (SVZ). Nonetheless, the existence of these niches in adult humans is controversial. We hypothesised that mapping neurogenic niches in the human temporal lobe could clarify this issue. The presence of neurogenic niches was examined in 28 temporal lobes via immunostaining for nestin, the most common marker for neural stem cells, which are cells with the capacities of self-renewal and the generation of neural cells. The presence of neurogenesis was examined in the hippocampus with doublecortin (DCX), a prominent marker for neuroblasts and immature neurons. Nestin was observed in a continuous layer that was formed by the SVZ, the subpial zone of the medial temporal lobe and the SGZ, terminating in the subiculum. In the subiculum, remarkable DCX expression was observed through the principal efferent pathway of the hippocampus to the fimbria. A panoramic view of nestin and DCX staining collectively displayed a line that surrounded the limbic structures of the temporal lobe. Hence, we termed it the external line of cells of the limbic system (EXCEL). A possible explanation for the results is that the EXCEL is a neurogenic niche, in which the SVZ, the subpial zone of the medial temporal lobe and the SGZ form a unit containing neural stem cells that differentiate into neurons in the subiculum. Curiously, the area previously identified as the human rostral migratory stream (formed by immature neural cells that migrate from the SVZ of the frontal horn) may in truth be the fornix, which contains axons that originate in the subiculum. Perhaps most intriguingly, if the EXCEL acts as a neurogenic niche beyond the boundaries of the temporal lobe, the human brain may contain a limbic neurogenic ring, in which neurogenesis would occur in the subiculum through the modulation of choroid fissure-related structures. This study suggests that neurogenesis may occur in an orchestrated manner in a broad area of the human temporal lobe

Sensibilidade diferencial aos efeitos comportamentais induzidos por etanol e sobre a expressão de c-Fos e Egr-1, entre camundongos adultos e adolescentes. / Differential sensitivity to ethanol-induced behavioral effects and c-Fos /Egr-1 expression between adolescent and adult mice.

Faria, Rulian Ricardo 11 October 2007 (has links)
A transição da adolescência (ADOLESC) para a idade adulta (ADULTO) é caracterizada por uma maturação de comportamentos, assim como de estruturas e sistemas do SNC. Este estudo investigou os efeitos da administração aguda e repetida de baixas doses de etanol (2,0 g/kg) em camundongos ADULTO (60 dias) e ADOLESC (28 dias), bem como a expressão de c-Fos e Egr-1 em distintas regiões cerebrais. Camundongos ADULTO e ADOLESC receberam agudamente salina (SAL) ou EtOH e sua atividade locomotora foi quantificada em campo aberto (CA). Uma hora após a injeção, a expressão de c-Fos e Egr-1 foi avaliada por imuno-histoquímica. Foram constatados: aumento na atividade locomotora e na expressão de c-Fos e Egr-1 nos animais tratados com EtOH. Outros animais ADULTO e ADOLESC foram tratados com EtOH ou SAL repetidamente (15 dias). Uma semana após o pré-tratamento, todos animais receberam etanol. A atividade locomotora foi quantificada e a expressão de c-Fos e Egr-1 foi avaliada. Os ADOLESC desenvolveram tolerância, enquanto que os ADULTO apresentaram sensibilização comportamental locomotora. A administração prolongada de etanol induziu alterações adaptativas diferenciadas, dependentes da idade, na expressão de c-Fos e Egr-1 em várias regiões encefálicas. / The transition from adolescence (ADOLESC) into adulthood (ADULT) is characterized by behavioral maturation, as well as of structures and systems of CNS. This study investigated the behavioral effects of acute and repeated administration of EtOH (2,0 g/kg) in ADULT and ADOLESC mice, as well as the c-Fos and Egr-1 expression induced by EtOH in distinctive brain structures. Locomotor activity from ADULT and ADOLESC mice acutely treated with either saline (SAL) or EtOH was measured in open field (OF). One hour after injections, c-Fos and Egr-1 expressions were evaluated by immunohistochemistry. The results demonstrated increased locomotor activity and increased c-Fos and Egr-1 expression in EtOH-treated mice. Other groups of ADULT and ADOLESC mice were treated repeatedly with SAL or EtOH during 15 days. One week after this pretreatment, all animals received an injection of EtOH. The locomotor activity was quantified and c-Fos and Egr-1 expressions were evaluated. While ADULT mice presented behavioral sensitization, ADOLESC mice developed tolerance. The repeated administration of EtOH induced an age-dependent differential expression of c-Fos and Egr-1 in several brain regions.

Sensibilidade diferencial aos efeitos comportamentais induzidos por etanol e sobre a expressão de c-Fos e Egr-1, entre camundongos adultos e adolescentes. / Differential sensitivity to ethanol-induced behavioral effects and c-Fos /Egr-1 expression between adolescent and adult mice.

Rulian Ricardo Faria 11 October 2007 (has links)
A transição da adolescência (ADOLESC) para a idade adulta (ADULTO) é caracterizada por uma maturação de comportamentos, assim como de estruturas e sistemas do SNC. Este estudo investigou os efeitos da administração aguda e repetida de baixas doses de etanol (2,0 g/kg) em camundongos ADULTO (60 dias) e ADOLESC (28 dias), bem como a expressão de c-Fos e Egr-1 em distintas regiões cerebrais. Camundongos ADULTO e ADOLESC receberam agudamente salina (SAL) ou EtOH e sua atividade locomotora foi quantificada em campo aberto (CA). Uma hora após a injeção, a expressão de c-Fos e Egr-1 foi avaliada por imuno-histoquímica. Foram constatados: aumento na atividade locomotora e na expressão de c-Fos e Egr-1 nos animais tratados com EtOH. Outros animais ADULTO e ADOLESC foram tratados com EtOH ou SAL repetidamente (15 dias). Uma semana após o pré-tratamento, todos animais receberam etanol. A atividade locomotora foi quantificada e a expressão de c-Fos e Egr-1 foi avaliada. Os ADOLESC desenvolveram tolerância, enquanto que os ADULTO apresentaram sensibilização comportamental locomotora. A administração prolongada de etanol induziu alterações adaptativas diferenciadas, dependentes da idade, na expressão de c-Fos e Egr-1 em várias regiões encefálicas. / The transition from adolescence (ADOLESC) into adulthood (ADULT) is characterized by behavioral maturation, as well as of structures and systems of CNS. This study investigated the behavioral effects of acute and repeated administration of EtOH (2,0 g/kg) in ADULT and ADOLESC mice, as well as the c-Fos and Egr-1 expression induced by EtOH in distinctive brain structures. Locomotor activity from ADULT and ADOLESC mice acutely treated with either saline (SAL) or EtOH was measured in open field (OF). One hour after injections, c-Fos and Egr-1 expressions were evaluated by immunohistochemistry. The results demonstrated increased locomotor activity and increased c-Fos and Egr-1 expression in EtOH-treated mice. Other groups of ADULT and ADOLESC mice were treated repeatedly with SAL or EtOH during 15 days. One week after this pretreatment, all animals received an injection of EtOH. The locomotor activity was quantified and c-Fos and Egr-1 expressions were evaluated. While ADULT mice presented behavioral sensitization, ADOLESC mice developed tolerance. The repeated administration of EtOH induced an age-dependent differential expression of c-Fos and Egr-1 in several brain regions.

Mapeamento de potencial nicho neurogênico no lobo temporal humano / Mapping of potential neurogenic niche in the human temporal lobe

Adriano Barreto Nogueira 19 May 2014 (has links)
No final do século 19, o neurônio foi descrito como a unidade funcional básica do sistema nervoso e sua formação era considerada inexistente na fase adulta, explicando a ausência de recuperação significativa em doenças neurológicas. Evidências de geração de neurônios em mamíferos adultos surgiram na década de 1960 e foram confirmadas três décadas depois. Atualmente, predomina a visão de que mamíferos adultos possuem dois nichos neurogênicos independentes: a zona subventricular (ZSV) e a zona subgranular (ZSG) do giro denteado. No entanto, a existência de nichos neurogênicos em humanos adultos é controversa. Nossa hipótese foi de que o mapeamento de nichos neurogênicos no lobo temporal humano poderia esclarecer aspectos sobre a neurogênese adulta. A detecção destes nichos foi buscada em 28 lobos temporais através de imuno-histoquímica para nestina, o marcador mais comum de células-tronco neurais, que são aquelas capazes de se autorrenovar e de gerar novas células neurais. A neurogênese foi pesquisada no hipocampo pelo uso de DCX (do inglês \"doublecortin\"), o principal marcador de neuroblastos e neurônios imaturos. Nestina foi observada em uma camada contínua formada pela ZSV, zona subpial do lobo temporal medial e ZSG, terminando no subículo. A partir do subículo, uma intensa expressão de DCX ocorreu através da principal via eferente do hipocampo até a fímbria. A visão panorâmica das marcações por nestina e DCX mostrava em conjunto uma linha que circundava as estruturas límbicas do lobo temporal. Por isto, foi denominada linha externa de células do sistema límbico (LECEL). Uma possível explicação para os resultados é que a LECEL seja um nicho neurogênico no qual a ZSV, a zona subpial do lobo temporal medial e a ZSG formam uma unidade contendo células-tronco neurais que se diferenciam em neurônios no subículo. Curiosamente, a área identificada previamente como sendo a corrente migratória rostral humana (formada por células neurais imaturas migrando a partir da ZSV do corno frontal) pode ser na verdade o fórnix, que contém axônios originados no subículo. A implicação mais intrigante dos resultados é que se as características da LECEL seguirem além do lobo temporal, então o encéfalo humano pode conter um anel neurogênico límbico, em que a neurogênese ocorreria principalmente no subículo e seria modulada pelas estruturas relacionadas à fissura coroideia. Este estudo sugere que a neurogênese ocorre de maneira orquestrada em uma área ampla do lobo temporal humano / At the end of the 19th century, the neuron was described as the basic functional unit of the nervous system. The formation of neurons was thought to be absent in adulthood, thus explaining the lack of significant recovery from neurological diseases. Evidence for the generation of neurons in adult mammals was reported in the 1960s and confirmed three decades later. Currently, the prevailing view is that adult mammals harbour two neurogenic niches: the subgranular zone (SGZ) of the dentate gyrus and the subventricular zone (SVZ). Nonetheless, the existence of these niches in adult humans is controversial. We hypothesised that mapping neurogenic niches in the human temporal lobe could clarify this issue. The presence of neurogenic niches was examined in 28 temporal lobes via immunostaining for nestin, the most common marker for neural stem cells, which are cells with the capacities of self-renewal and the generation of neural cells. The presence of neurogenesis was examined in the hippocampus with doublecortin (DCX), a prominent marker for neuroblasts and immature neurons. Nestin was observed in a continuous layer that was formed by the SVZ, the subpial zone of the medial temporal lobe and the SGZ, terminating in the subiculum. In the subiculum, remarkable DCX expression was observed through the principal efferent pathway of the hippocampus to the fimbria. A panoramic view of nestin and DCX staining collectively displayed a line that surrounded the limbic structures of the temporal lobe. Hence, we termed it the external line of cells of the limbic system (EXCEL). A possible explanation for the results is that the EXCEL is a neurogenic niche, in which the SVZ, the subpial zone of the medial temporal lobe and the SGZ form a unit containing neural stem cells that differentiate into neurons in the subiculum. Curiously, the area previously identified as the human rostral migratory stream (formed by immature neural cells that migrate from the SVZ of the frontal horn) may in truth be the fornix, which contains axons that originate in the subiculum. Perhaps most intriguingly, if the EXCEL acts as a neurogenic niche beyond the boundaries of the temporal lobe, the human brain may contain a limbic neurogenic ring, in which neurogenesis would occur in the subiculum through the modulation of choroid fissure-related structures. This study suggests that neurogenesis may occur in an orchestrated manner in a broad area of the human temporal lobe

Výskyt symptomů temporolimbické dysfunkce u epileptiků / Signs of the temporolimbic dysfunction in epileptics

Nováková, Vladimíra January 2017 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biological and Medical Sciences Author: Bc. Vladimíra Nováková Supervisor: Doc. MUDr. Josef Herink, DrSc. Title of diploma thesis: Signs of the temporolimbic dysfunction in epileptics The diploma thesis deals with signs of the temporolimbic dysfunction in epileptics and it is divided into the two main parts. The theoretical part summarized the issue of the temporo-limbic dysfunction. Then a survey of the basic knowledge of epilepsy with concentration on characteristic of temporal epilepsy is given. The practical part is targeted to the questionnaire chosen evaluation and of the working hypotheses confirmation. The main aim of the diploma thesis was the incidence of the epilepsy spectrum disorder evaluation. Keywords: temporal lobe, limbic system, temporal epilepsy, temporolimbic dysfunction, questionnaire assessment

The effects of early-life stress on the human brain : A literature review with main focus on the hippocampus, corpus callosum, prefrontal cortex and amygdala

Wojtasik, Inez January 2020 (has links)
Early-life stress, consisting of several stressors appears to be associated with several impacts on the brain. The impacts of stress seem to be more vulnerable to the developing brain as it undergoes important changes during childhood. This thesis aims to present the association between childhood maltreatment, which is a form of early-life stress, and affected brain regions such as the hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, corpus callosum, and the amygdala. The findings in this thesis demonstrated the left hippocampus to be more vulnerable to the effects of maltreatment, corpus callosum appeared to be gender and maltreatment specific, indicating that the corpus callosum were more vulnerable to neglect in boys whereas in females the structure was more vulnerable to sexual abuse. The prefrontal cortex demonstrated a marked reduction in gray matter, and the amygdala showed increased activation in response to emotional facial expressions. Cognitive deficits as a result of earlylife stress were also discussed, showing that worse intellectual ability and the academic performance had been noted in children with exposure to early-life stress.

Neural correlates of romantic love and romantic attachment

Berg Junker, Maria Constance January 2018 (has links)
In the field of neuroscience, being in love and feeling romantically attached to a partner is described as a dynamic process. Romantic love may be viewed as a motivational system, changing throughout time and place, fluctuating on the interest and motivation of the individual. Early memories and attachment towards a caregiver, lay the foundation for later attachment behavior, also known as attachment styles. In this thesis, an exploratory approach is present. The thesis aims to introduce and describe the neural correlates of romantic love and romantic attachment. Brain regions concerned with reward, emotion and thought processing, such as the reward circuitry network of the brain and the limbic system, are being investigated. So are other brain areas involved in romantic love and romantic attachment. Research findings suggest that brain areas responsible for affection, emotional control, learning, memory and social judgment are all involved in the complex processes of being in love and feeling romantically attached. These findings are represented by the involvement of the frontal lobe, cerebral cortex, limbic system, orbitofrontal cortex, and hippocampus, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), ventral tegmental area (VTA), caudate tail, including the reward pathways of the brain. Distribution and regulation of neurotransmitters such as; vasopressin, oxytocin, dopamine, corticosterone and serotonin are all present in the state of romantic  attachment and romantic love. Overlapping evidence confirms the involvement of the reward circuitry network, together with the limbic system as crucial in the formation and maintenance of a romantic relationship.

Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 et Bifidobacterium longum R0175 en combinaison réduisent l’apoptose dans le système limbique après ischémie myocardique transitoire chez le rat

Girard, Stéphanie-Anne 04 1900 (has links)
Nous avons démontré la présence d'apoptose dans le système limbique suivant un infarctus du myocarde. Cette mort cellulaire serait partiellement reliée à l'augmentation de cytokines pro-inflammatoires. Des études démontrent que certains probiotiques ont des effets bénéfiques en diminuant le ratio de cytokines pro/anti-inflammatoires. La prise de probiotiques en prévention, avant l’occlusion d’une artère coronarienne, pourrait-elle diminuer l’apoptose dans le système limbique? Méthodes : La combinaison de probiotiques Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 et Bifidobacterium longum R0175 ou son véhicule fut additionné dans l’eau des rats pendant 28 jours consécutifs. Un infarctus du myocarde fut provoqué par l’occlusion de l’artère coronaire gauche. Après 40 minutes d'occlusion, les régions ischémiques ont été reperfusées pour 72 heures. Les animaux furent sacrifiés et la taille de l'infarctus mesurée. L'amygdale et l'hippocampe furent prélevés pour déterminer l'activité de la caspase-3 (pro-apoptotique), le ratio Bax/Bcl2(proapoptotique/ anti-apoptotique) et l'activité d'Akt (survie cellulaire). Résultats : La taille de l’infarctus n'est pas diminuée dans le groupe probiotique (45% de la région à risque)comparé au groupe placebo. Nos marqueurs d’apoptose démontrent une diminution dans les régions du gyrus denté, de l’amygdale latérale et médiane dans le groupe probiotique par rapport au placebo. L’activité de la caspase-3 et le ratio Bax:Bcl2 furent réduits dans le groupe probiotique de 50% et 40% respectivement (p < 0.05) et phosphorylation d’Akt fut augmentée de 35% (p<0.05). Aucune différence fut observée pour les régions Ca1 et Ca3. Conclusion : La combinaison de probiotiques utilisée réduit l’apoptose dans différentes régions du système limbique 72 heures après un IM. / Apoptosis is observed in limbic system after a myocardial infarction (MI). This cell death is due to the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Since probiotics reduce the pro/anti-inflammatory cytokine ratio, we hypothesise that probiotics will lessen apoptosis in the limbic system following MI. Methods: Rats were given probiotics or placebo for 4 consecutive weeks. Rat in the probiotic group received a daily dose of over 1 billion live bacterial cells of Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 and Bifidobacterium longum R0175 in combination. A MI was then induced in anesthetised rats by a 40-minute occlusion of the left anterior coronary artery followed by a 72 hours of reperfusion. Infarct size was measured and apoptosis was determined in the amygdala and hippocampus in both groups. Results: Infarct size was not diminished in the probiotic group (45% of the risk area), apoptosis was lessened in the dentate gyrus (DG), the lateral (LA) and medial (MA)amygdala compared to the placebo group. Caspase-3 and Bax/Bcl2 ratio were reduced in the probiotic group by about 50% and 40% respectively. Akt activity was increased by 35% in these regions. No difference was observed in the hippocampus Ca1 and Ca3 regions. Conclusion: This probiotic combination can reduce the apoptosis found in specific regions of the limbic system following a MI, which may have significance for post-MI depression.

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