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Kan dold språkförståelse i andraspråket bli synlig vid återberättande på förstaspråket? : Språkförståelse och språkproduktion i förskolebarns berättelser av <em>Buss-sagan</em> (BST) på svenska och arabiskaDillström, Sibylle, Kesti, Maria January 2009 (has links)
<p>Denna studie undersöker om dold språkförståelse i ett andraspråk kan synliggöras vid återberättande på förstaspråket. Det kan vara svårt att skilja språkutvecklingen hos barn med typisk språkutveckling med svenska som andraspråk från språkutvecklingen hos flerspråkiga språkstörda barn om man testar dem på andraspråket. Därför behövs det referensdata för normalspråkiga barn. Sexton barn i femårsåldern med normal språkutveckling, åtta enspråkiga barn med svenska som första språk och åtta flerspråkiga barn med arabiska som första språk och svenska som andraspråk, testades med <em>Buss-sagan</em> (<em>Buss Story Test</em>, BST) och TROG (<em>Test for Reception of Grammar</em>). De flerspråkiga barnen fick sagan uppläst på svenska och återberättade först på svenska och sedan på arabiska. Resultatet i den kvantitativa analysen visade att de enspråkiga barnen fick signifikant bättre resultat för parametern information på BST och bättre resultat på TROG. Däremot skiljde sig resultatet för parametern information i berättelserna på arabiska inte signifikant från resultatet i de flerspråkiga barnens berättelser på svenska. Den kvalitativa analysen visade att de flerspråkiga barnens återberättelser på svenska och arabiska jämfört med de enspråkiga barnens framför allt lexikalt och diskursivt var mindre komplexa och korrekta. Detta kan till viss del bero på testsituationen, men också på brister i språkförståelse och uttrycksmedel. Slutsatsen man kan dra är att man som logoped behöver vara medveten om att olika språkliga strukturer utvecklas i olika takt både i första- och andraspråket, och att det behövs anpassat inflöde på alla språk för att underlätta språkförståelsen och den lexikala utvecklingen.</p> / <p>This study examines if language comprehension which may be concealed in a second language can be made visible by retelling in the first language. It can be difficult to separate the language development of typically developed children with Swedish as their second language from that of multilingual children with language impairment. Therefore, reference data for multilingual children with typical language development are needed. Sixteen five-year-old children with normal language development, eight monolingual children with Swedish as their first language and eight multilingual children with Arabic as their first language and Swedish as their second language, were tested with <em>Buss Story Test</em> (BST) and TROG (<em>Test for Reception of Grammar</em>). The multilingual children got the story of <em>Buss Story Test</em> read to them in Swedish and then retold the story first in Swedish and then in Arabic. The result of the quantitative analysis showed that monolingual children achieved significantly better results for the parameter information on BST and better results on TROG. On the other hand, the result of the parameter information in the children’s Arabic retellings did not differ significantly from that in the multilingual children’s Swedish retellings. The qualitative analysis showed that the multilingual children’s retellings in Swedish and Arabic compared with the monolingual children’s retellings were less complex and correct in regard mostly to lexical and narrative structure. This can, to a certain extent, be due to the testing situation, but also due to deficiencies in language comprehension and means of expression. The authors conclude that speech therapists need to be aware of the fact that different linguistic structures develop at a different rate both in the first and the second language, and that tailored input in all the children’s languages is needed in order to facilitate comprehension and lexical development.</p>
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Kan dold språkförståelse i andraspråket bli synlig vid återberättande på förstaspråket? : Språkförståelse och språkproduktion i förskolebarns berättelser av Buss-sagan (BST) på svenska och arabiskaDillström, Sibylle, Kesti, Maria January 2009 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker om dold språkförståelse i ett andraspråk kan synliggöras vid återberättande på förstaspråket. Det kan vara svårt att skilja språkutvecklingen hos barn med typisk språkutveckling med svenska som andraspråk från språkutvecklingen hos flerspråkiga språkstörda barn om man testar dem på andraspråket. Därför behövs det referensdata för normalspråkiga barn. Sexton barn i femårsåldern med normal språkutveckling, åtta enspråkiga barn med svenska som första språk och åtta flerspråkiga barn med arabiska som första språk och svenska som andraspråk, testades med Buss-sagan (Buss Story Test, BST) och TROG (Test for Reception of Grammar). De flerspråkiga barnen fick sagan uppläst på svenska och återberättade först på svenska och sedan på arabiska. Resultatet i den kvantitativa analysen visade att de enspråkiga barnen fick signifikant bättre resultat för parametern information på BST och bättre resultat på TROG. Däremot skiljde sig resultatet för parametern information i berättelserna på arabiska inte signifikant från resultatet i de flerspråkiga barnens berättelser på svenska. Den kvalitativa analysen visade att de flerspråkiga barnens återberättelser på svenska och arabiska jämfört med de enspråkiga barnens framför allt lexikalt och diskursivt var mindre komplexa och korrekta. Detta kan till viss del bero på testsituationen, men också på brister i språkförståelse och uttrycksmedel. Slutsatsen man kan dra är att man som logoped behöver vara medveten om att olika språkliga strukturer utvecklas i olika takt både i första- och andraspråket, och att det behövs anpassat inflöde på alla språk för att underlätta språkförståelsen och den lexikala utvecklingen. / This study examines if language comprehension which may be concealed in a second language can be made visible by retelling in the first language. It can be difficult to separate the language development of typically developed children with Swedish as their second language from that of multilingual children with language impairment. Therefore, reference data for multilingual children with typical language development are needed. Sixteen five-year-old children with normal language development, eight monolingual children with Swedish as their first language and eight multilingual children with Arabic as their first language and Swedish as their second language, were tested with Buss Story Test (BST) and TROG (Test for Reception of Grammar). The multilingual children got the story of Buss Story Test read to them in Swedish and then retold the story first in Swedish and then in Arabic. The result of the quantitative analysis showed that monolingual children achieved significantly better results for the parameter information on BST and better results on TROG. On the other hand, the result of the parameter information in the children’s Arabic retellings did not differ significantly from that in the multilingual children’s Swedish retellings. The qualitative analysis showed that the multilingual children’s retellings in Swedish and Arabic compared with the monolingual children’s retellings were less complex and correct in regard mostly to lexical and narrative structure. This can, to a certain extent, be due to the testing situation, but also due to deficiencies in language comprehension and means of expression. The authors conclude that speech therapists need to be aware of the fact that different linguistic structures develop at a different rate both in the first and the second language, and that tailored input in all the children’s languages is needed in order to facilitate comprehension and lexical development.
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The evaluation of the group differences and item bias of the English version of a standardised test of academic language proficiency for use across English and Xhosa first-language speakersGenevieve Ruth Haupt January 2010 (has links)
<p>South Africa&rsquo / s Language-in-Education Policy is one of additive multilingualism, but in reality this policy is not adhered to, in that most black children are being educated through the medium of English from Grade 4. This type of instruction affects the development of academic language proficiency in their primary language, as these children are not engaging in cognitively demanding tasks in their primary or first language. The Woodcock Muñ / oz Language Survey (WMLS) is a test to assess academic language proficiency in Additive Bilingual Education, and is extensively used in the United States of America (USA) for this purpose. It is important to note that the proposed study is a sub-study of a larger study, in which the original WMLS (American-English version) was adapted into English and Xhosa, to be used in South Africa to assess additive bilingual programmes. For this sub-study, the researcher was interested in examining the overall equivalence of the adapted English version of the WMLS. Owing to insufficient tests evaluating academic language proficiency in the South African context, the significance, as well as the overall aim, of the study is to ensure that the issues of group difference and item bias have been assessed to ensure that the adapted English version of the WMLS is suitable to be used across English first-language and Xhosa first-language speakers. Because this is a sub-study, the researcher (of the sub-study) has conducted an exploratory quantitative study with the use of Secondary Data. The researcher has used the framework of equivalence as a theoretical framework in order to examine the research question. Given the use of existing data, the procedures of the collection of the data by the researcher of the larger study have been outlined in the Methodology section of the present study. The sample consisted of 198 English and 197 Xhosa first-language speakers...</p>
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Skillnader mellan enspråkiga och flerspråkiga barns berättande : Narrativer och lexikon på svenska och engelskaFrithiofsson, Karin, Öberg, Linnéa January 2012 (has links)
Många barn i Sverige växer idag upp med fler språk än ett. Detta gör att logopeder behöver kunskap om normal språkutveckling hos flerspråkiga, för att kunna skilja denna från språkstörning och därmed minska risken att över- och underdiagnostisera flerspråkiga med en sådan diagnos. Syftet med denna studie var därför att undersöka vilka skillnader som föreligger mellan enspråkiga och flerspråkiga barns berättande, med särskilt fokus på barnens ordförråd. Fem flerspråkiga barn i femårsåldern som talade svenska och engelska testades med Buss-sagan (BST) och Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT), och jämfördes med en kontrollgrupp bestående av sex enspråkigt svensktalande barn. De flerspråkiga testades på både svenska och engelska och jämförelser gjordes såväl kvantitativt som kvalitativt inom och mellan grupperna. Inga statistiskt signifikanta skillnader kunde uppmätas på BST eller PPVT. På samtliga uppmätta parametrar märktes dock en variation inom den flerspråkiga gruppen som var större än inom den enspråkiga. En kvalitativ bearbetning visade att enspråkigas berättelser oftast var kortare men mer korrekta med avseende på exempelvis ordval. En måttlig positiv korrelation (r=0,49) nära statistisk signifikans (p=0,054) fanns mellan resultaten på BST och PPVT, vilket indikerar ett samband mellan ordförråd och förmågan att återge Buss-sagan korrekt. Slutsatsen man kan dra är att flerspråkiga som grupp är väldigt heterogen samt att ordförråd är en språklig hörnsten som får genomslag på andra språkliga förmågor, exempelvis narrativ sådan. / Many children in Sweden grow up speaking more than one language. This demands that Speech-Language Pathologists are knowledgeable about normal bilingual language development to be able to distinguish bilinguals with typical language development from those with language impairment, thereby lessening the risk of bilingual children being given the wrong diagnosis. The aim of the present study was to investigate which differences there are between monolingual and bilingual children’s narratives, with extra focus on their vocabulary. Five bilingual children, five years of age, speaking Swedish and English were tested with the Bus Story Test (BST) and Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT), and were compared to a control group of six monolingual Swedish speaking children. The bilingual children were tested in both languages, comparisons were made quantitatively as well as qualitatively within and between groups. No statisticially significant differences were found in neither BST or PPVT, however, a larger variation were present on all parameters studied in the bilingual group than in the monolingual group. A qualitative analysis showed that the monolingual children’s narratives generally were shorter but more correct regarding for instance word choice. A moderate positive correlation (r=0,49), near statistical significancy (p=0,054), were found between the results of PPVT and BST, indicating that there is a connection between vocabulary and the ability to be able to retail the content of the Bus Story correctly. Implications that can be drawn from this study is that bilinguals are heterogenous at group level when looking at language abilities. Another conclusion is that vocabulary is a linguistic cornerstone having a major impact on other linguistic abilities, for instance narrative competency.
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The evaluation of the group differences and item bias of the English version of a standardised test of academic language proficiency for use across English and Xhosa first-language speakersGenevieve Ruth Haupt January 2010 (has links)
<p>South Africa&rsquo / s Language-in-Education Policy is one of additive multilingualism, but in reality this policy is not adhered to, in that most black children are being educated through the medium of English from Grade 4. This type of instruction affects the development of academic language proficiency in their primary language, as these children are not engaging in cognitively demanding tasks in their primary or first language. The Woodcock Muñ / oz Language Survey (WMLS) is a test to assess academic language proficiency in Additive Bilingual Education, and is extensively used in the United States of America (USA) for this purpose. It is important to note that the proposed study is a sub-study of a larger study, in which the original WMLS (American-English version) was adapted into English and Xhosa, to be used in South Africa to assess additive bilingual programmes. For this sub-study, the researcher was interested in examining the overall equivalence of the adapted English version of the WMLS. Owing to insufficient tests evaluating academic language proficiency in the South African context, the significance, as well as the overall aim, of the study is to ensure that the issues of group difference and item bias have been assessed to ensure that the adapted English version of the WMLS is suitable to be used across English first-language and Xhosa first-language speakers. Because this is a sub-study, the researcher (of the sub-study) has conducted an exploratory quantitative study with the use of Secondary Data. The researcher has used the framework of equivalence as a theoretical framework in order to examine the research question. Given the use of existing data, the procedures of the collection of the data by the researcher of the larger study have been outlined in the Methodology section of the present study. The sample consisted of 198 English and 197 Xhosa first-language speakers...</p>
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Se inicia ora??o com pronome cl?tico? Atitudes lingu?sticas, na escola, em rela??o aos padr?es brasileiros de coloca??o pronominalMoura, Elisabeth Silva de Vieira 15 March 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-03-15 / Focusing on the empirical assessment issue, proposed by Language change theory (cf.
cf. WEINREICH; LABOV; HERZOG, 2006; LABOV, [1972] 2008), this research
assists to clarifying Portuguese teacher s attitudes in Natal- RN, regarding (a) to
proclisis in three specific contexts: in the beginning of a simple/compound sentence
(V1), after the subjects (SV), and proclisis after the secondary verb in complex verbal
structures (V1V2); (b) to students who use such patterns in usage. Specific contexts
were gathered thanks to their representing of the standard variety, as many studies have
proven (Martins, 2012; Schei, 2003; Biazzoli, 2010, 2012). The research aims at: (i)
verifying by means of a classroom assessment test, whether Portuguese teachers correct
proclisis on referred contexts; (ii) identifying, via attitudinal tests what actions teachers
take regarding to the usage of standards above mentioned, as well as students as users of
those. Twenty Portuguese teachers, picked at random out of different of public schools
in Natal-RN, responded to a classroom assessment test in addition to other two
attitudinal ones. Results achieved point to a recurring high proclisis correction index of
50% in simple/compound sentences, even though such variety has been implemented to
pronominal usage standards in Brazilian Portuguese. This setting of usage was generally
assessed negatively, having no commonality between this assessment and the neutral
one used by students. Unlike previous setting, the proclisis after subject did not receive
any correction of the twenty teachers, what proves coherence with the positive
evaluation both the varieties and the students attained. As for the second verb of
complex verbal structures, proclisis correction went negative on presenting single
results, despite their proximity, with correction indexes of 20% (infinite structures),
10% (present progressive structures) and 25% (participle structures). The assessment on
these contexts of proclisis ranged between positive and neutral, also valid for the one
students utilized. It means that proclisis in the beginning of simple/compound sentences
are yet seemingly spotted in writing school scenario, much likely due to the negative
evaluation, opposite to students . Later to subjects and earlier to secondary verbs in
structures, proclisis appears to be acknowledged in writing school scenarios, which
reflects on teachers assessment as compared to students who use proclisis in these
contexts; being in general either positive or neutral / Com foco no problema emp?rico de avalia??o, proposto pela teoria da Varia??o e
Mudan?a (cf. Labov, 2008), esta pesquisa contribui para o esclarecimento das atitudes
do professor de L?ngua Portuguesa, em Natal RN, em rela??o ? pr?clise em tr?s
contextos espec?ficos, na escrita, assim como em rela??o aos alunos que usam tais
padr?es de coloca??es: em in?cio de ora??o/per?odo (V1), depois de sujeitos (SV) e a
pr?clise ao segundo verbo dos complexos verbais (V1V2). Tais contextos de pr?clise
foram selecionados para o estudo porque, apesar de constitu?rem a norma culta do
Portugu?s Brasileiro, geralmente, n?o s?o aceitos pelas gram?ticas normativas. A
pesquisa teve por objetivos: (i) verificar, por meio de um teste de corre??o de sala de
aula, se professores de Portugu?s corrigem a pr?clise nos referidos contextos; (ii)
identificar, por meio de um teste de atitude, que atitudes os professores t?m em rela??o
aos padr?es de coloca??o citados, assim como aos alunos que utilizam tais padr?es.
Vinte professores de L?ngua Portuguesa, escolhidos aleatoriamente em escolas p?blicas
diversas de Natal-RN, responderam a um teste de corre??o de sala de aula e a dois testes
de atitude. Os resultados obtidos com a pesquisa mostram que o ?ndice de corre??o da
pr?clise em in?cio de ora??o/per?odo ? alto (50%), embora essa variante lingu?stica
esteja implementada nos padr?es de coloca??o pronominal do Portugu?s Brasileiro.
Esse contexto de coloca??o foi avaliado, em geral, de forma negativa, por?m n?o houve
correspond?ncia entre essa avalia??o e a avalia??o neutra do aluno que a utiliza.
Diferentemente do contexto anterior, a pr?clise depois de sujeito n?o recebeu nenhuma
corre??o por parte dos vinte professores, o que foi coerente com a avalia??o positiva
que a variante e os estudantes que a utilizam obtiveram. A corre??o da pr?clise ao
segundo verbo dos complexos verbais apresentou resultados diferenciados, por?m
parecidos, com ?ndices de corre??o de 20% (complexo de infinitivo), 10% (complexo de
ger?ndio) e 25% (complexo de partic?pio). A avalia??o desses contextos de pr?clise
oscilou entre positiva e neutra, assim como a avalia??o dos estudantes que a utilizam.
Isso significa que a pr?clise em in?cio de ora??o/per?odo ainda ? marcada no contexto
escolar escrito, provavelmente, devido ? avalia??o negativa dos professores, que n?o
coincide com a avalia??o dos estudantes que a utilizam. Depois de sujeitos e antes do
segundo verbo dos complexos, a pr?clise j? ? aceita em textos escolares escritos sem
nenhuma marca, o que se reflete na avalia??o dos estudantes, que foi, em geral, positiva
ou neutra
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Real-Time Site Safety Risk Assessment and Intervention for On-Foot Building Construction Workers Using RFID-Based Multi-Sensor Intelligent SystemMAHMOOD, NABEEL ALI 19 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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