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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bioactivities of Milk Polar Lipids in Influencing Intestinal Barrier Integrity, Systemic Inflammation, and Lipid Metabolism

Zhou, Albert Lihong 01 May 2013 (has links)
The purpose of lactation is for nutrient provision and also importantly for protection from various environmental stressors. Milk polar lipids reduce cholesterol, protect against bacterial infection, reduce inflammation and help maintain gut integrity. Dynamic interactions within dietary fat, lipid metabolism, gut permeability and inflammatory cytokines remain unclear in the context of obesity and systemic inflammation. A rat model and three mouse models were developed to test the hypotheses that dietary milk polar lipids may affect lipid metabolism and intestinal integrity and may protect against systemic inflammation in the context of stressful diet, systemic inflammation, and obesity. The milk polar lipids isolates had complex effects on lipid metabolism and associated gene expression in the rat model. There were complex dynamics in lipid metabolism, gut permeability and systemic inflammation at different time points in all mouse models. The milk phospholipids increased gut permeability in genetic and diet-induced obesity and during the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) -induced inflammation. The phospholipids increased the plasma LPS level in genetic obesity and during the LPS stress. The phospholipids reduced liver mass and liver lipids in genetic obesity and during the LPS-induced inflammation. The phospholipids increased the body fat in the diet-induced obesity model. The milk gangliosides did not significantly affect gut permeability, systemic inflammation, and lipid metabolism in all three mouse models. Current estimate by the Centers for Disease Control is that about 1/3 Americans are obese (body mass index, BMI ≥ 30) and 1/3 Americans are overweight (25 ≤ BMI < 30). More than 25% of Americans today have a fatty liver which could lead to further health problems. The data from this dissertation shed light on the complicated interrelationships between gut permeability, systemic inflammation, and lipid metabolism in obesity. The results contribute to our understanding of the bioactivities of milk polar lipids and provide scientific evidence for the role of milk polar lipids rich materials in affecting biological functions. The study of the influence of milk polar lipids on gut barrier integrity adds new information on understanding the mechanisms of gut leakiness and recovery. The investigation of the impact of milk polar lipids on lipid metabolism reveals new perspectives for the development of diet-induced obesity.

Einfluss von Stress in der Schwangerschaft auf den Fettstoffwechsel weiblicher Folgegenerationen am Primatenmodell Weißbüschelaffe (Callithrix jacchus)

Buchwald, Ulrike 18 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Wie für viele andere Zivilisationskrankheiten werden auch für Atherosklerose und dadurch verursachte Erkrankungen wie Herzinfarkt oder Schlaganfall die Weichen mitunter schon vor der Geburt gestellt. Pränatale oder fetale Programmierung heißt der Mechanismus, durch den negative Umweltbedingungen während der Schwangerschaft, allen voran der Einfluss von Stresshormonen, auf die Entwicklung des Fetus wirken und die Prädisposition für spätere Erkrankungen schaffen können (SCHWAB 2009, SECKL 2001). Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die Auswirkungen von Stress während der Schwangerschaft auf den Fettstoffwechsel der Nachkommen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung bekannter Herz-Kreislauf-Risikofaktoren zu untersuchen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde 28 Weißbüschelaffen (F0) während der Trächtigkeit eine Woche lang täglich Dexamethason (DEX) – ein synthetisches Glucocorticoid (GC), welches die Plazentaschranke passieren kann (TEGETHOFF et al. 2009) – oral verabreicht (BEINDORFF et al. 2006, EINSPANIER et al. 2006c). Die drei weiblichen Folgegenerationen DEX F1 (n = 5), DEX F2 (n = 6) und DEX F3 (n = 3) dieser Tiere wurden untersucht, wobei sich die Medikamentengabe auf die F0-Generation beschränkte und alle weiteren Trächtigkeiten ungestört verliefen. Im Alter von 3,3 bis 5,6 Jahren (DEX F1) bzw. von Geburt an bis 1,5 Jahre (DEX F2, DEX F3) wurden die Tiere wöchentlich gewogen. In Blutproben wurden einerseits Fettsäuren (FS), andererseits Cholesterol (CHOL), Triglyceride (TG) und Lipoproteine gemessen, wobei zwei Methoden – enzymatische Analyse nach Ultrazentrifugation und direkter Assay – zum Einsatz kamen. Alle Resultate wurden denen gesunder Kontrolltiere ähnlichen Alters (n = 12) gegenübergestellt. Die Körpermasse unterschied sich zu keinem Zeitpunkt signifikant zwischen den Nachkommen der mit DEX behandelten Tiere und den Kontrollgruppen. Entweder gab es keinen programmierten Effekt auf das Gewicht oder er wurde durch individuelle Schwankungen, möglicherweise verstärkt durch erhöhte Stressempfindlichkeit oder Hyperaktivität der DEX-Nachkommen (FRENCH et al. 2004, SCHWAB 2009) und damit einhergehende Tendenz zur Gewichtsabnahme (KAPLAN und SHELMIDINE 2010) maskiert. Beide Methoden zur Untersuchung des Lipoproteinprofils erschienen für Weißbüschelaffen geeignet und können für zukünftige Untersuchungen empfohlen werden. Bei den Kontrollgruppen fiel auf, dass ältere Tiere u. a. signifikant mehr LDL- und VLDL-CHOL, aber signifikant weniger HDL-TG und n3-FS hatten als jüngere, was auf ein wie beim Menschen mit dem Alter steigendes Herz-Kreislauf-Risiko (CARLSSON et al. 2010) schließen lässt. Sowohl DEX F2 als auch DEX F3 wiesen signifikant höhere Konzentrationen von LDL-CHOL, signifikant niedrigere Werte von HDL-TG, mehr Gesamt-CHOL sowie einen höheren Quotienten CHOL : HDL-CHOL im Blutplasma auf als die Kontrolltiere. Diese Parameter gehören zu den in der humanmedizinischen Diagnostik genutzten Herz-Kreislauf-Risikofaktoren und die Veränderungen weisen auf eine erhöhte Auftrittswahrscheinlichkeit kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen hin (KANNEL et al. 1994, LUSIS et al. 2004, NCEP 2002). Zusätzlich fielen bei DEX F1, DEX F2 und DEX F3 im Vergleich zu den Kontrollen signifikant erniedrigte Gehalte an n3-FS auf, die u. a. für ihre antiphlogistische und kardioprotektive Wirkung bekannt sind (ALONSO et al. 2003, CALDER 2004, KINSELLA et al. 1990). Pränatale GC-Behandlung rief demzufolge über Veränderungen im Fettstoffwechsel ein erhöhtes Risiko für Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen bei ihren weiblichen Nachkommen F1 bis F3 hervor. Dies lässt auf epigenetische Effekte schließen, welche in weiterführenden Untersuchungen genauer erforscht werden sollten. / As for many other civilization diseases, the way for atherosclerosis and hence heart attack and stroke can be paved even before birth. The mechanism by which negative environmental circumstances, first of all the influence of stress hormones, can alter the development of the fetus and cause a predisposition for diseases later in life is called prenatal or fetal programming (SCHWAB 2009, SECKL 2001). The aim of the present study was to investigate the consequences of stress during pregnancy on lipid metabolism of the offspring with special regard to known cardiovascular risk factors. Therefore, 28 common marmosets (F0) were given dexamethasone (DEX) – a synthetic glucocorticoid (GC) with the ability to pass the placenta easily (TEGETHOFF et al. 2009) – orally, once daily for one week during gestation (BEINDORFF et al. 2006, EINSPANIER et al. 2006c). The three female filial generations DEX F1 (n = 5), DEX F2 (n = 6) and DEX F3 (n = 3) of those monkeys were investigated. Only the F0 generation was treated with DEX, while all of the following pregnancies remained undisturbed. At the age of 3.3 up to 5.6 years (DEX F1) and from birth until 1.5 years (DEX F2, DEX F3), respectively, the animals were weighed weekly. Blood samples were analyzed on the one hand for fatty acids (FA), on the other hand for cholesterol (CHOL), triglycerides (TG) and lipoproteins using two different methods – enzymatic analysis after ultracentrifugation and direct assay. All results were compared to those of healthy controls of similar age (n = 12). Body mass of the offspring of dams prenatally treated with DEX was not significantly different from that of the controls at any point of time. Either there was no programming effect on weight or it was masked by individual fluctuations, maybe potentiated by hyperactivity or a higher sensitivity to stress of the DEX offspring (FRENCH et al. 2004, SCHWAB 2009) and hence a tendency to loose weight (KAPLAN and SHELMIDINE 2010). Both methods for lipoprotein analysis seemed to be suitable for the common marmoset and can be recommended for future investigations. In the controls, older animals showed significantly more LDL and VLDL CHOL, but significantly less HDL TG and n3 FA than younger ones, which points out to a cardiovascular risk rising with age as in humans (CARLSSON et al. 2010). DEX F2 and DEX F3 had significantly higher concentrations of LDL CHOL, significantly lower levels of HDL TG, more total CHOL and a higher ratio of CHOL : HDL CHOL in blood plasma than the controls. Those parameters are well-known human medicine cardiovascular risk factors and the aberrations detected indicate a higher probability of developing cardiovascular diseases (KANNEL et al. 1994, LUSIS et al. 2004, NCEP 2002). Additionally, compared to the controls, all DEX generations F1 to F3 showed significantly lower levels of n3 FA, which are known for their antiinflammatory and cardioprotective effects amongst others (ALONSO et al. 2003, CALDER 2004, KINSELLA et al. 1990). Consequently, prenatal treatment with GC caused an increased risk for cardiovascular diseases in the female offspring F1 up to F3 via alteration of lipid metabolism. This points out to epigenetic effects, which require further investigation.

Genes asociados con la deposición y composición de grasas en porcino: estudios de expresión génica, proteínas y genética funcional y estructural

Cánovas Tienda, Angela 08 March 2011 (has links)
La present Tesi Doctoral s’emmarca dins d’una línia d’investigació dedicada a l’estudi de les bases genètiques del metabolisme dels greixos en relació a la producció de carn de porcí d’alta qualitat i saludable. L’objectiu final és la identificació de polimorfismes i mecanismes de regulació responsables de la variabilitat genètica d’aquests caràcters complexes en l’espècie porcina. En aquest context, s’han utilitzat mètodes de genòmica estructural (mapes de QTL d’expressió (eQTL); estudis de gens candidats) i funcional (estudis d’expressió gènica) a més a més d’anàlisis proteics i cel·lulars en mostres de múscul i greix de porcs seleccionats per les seves característiques de qualitat de carn. Així, mitjançant la tècnica de microarrays s’ha analitzat el patró d’expressió d’ARNm en mostres de múscul gluteus medius obtingudes a partir de porcs d’una població comercial Duroc amb fenotips divergents per diversos paràmetres relacionats amb la deposició dels lípids. Com a resultat, s’han observat nombrosos gens diferencialment expressats entre els animals amb perfils divergents d’engreixament. Un estudi ontològic/funcional va revelar que aquests gens estaven particularment relacionats amb el metabolisme lipídic, el creixement i la diferenciació muscular, la immunitat i la captació de glucosa en la ruta de la insulina. D’altra banda, les anàlisis d’eQTL han revelat l’existència de regions genòmiques responsables de la variació de l’expressió gènica en el múscul gluteus medius porcí; algunes de les quals mostren una concordança posicional amb varis QTL per caràcters de qualitat de cran i engreixament detectats prèviament a la mateixa població Duroc. Complementàriament, s’ha realitzat un estudi més exhaustiu de quatre gens candidats (ACACA, HMGCR, SCD i 6D), directament implicats en caràcters relacionats amb la qualitat de la carn al ser els principals responsables de la síntesis i dessaturació d’àcids grassos i colesterol. Combinant els resultats de l’anàlisi d’expressió gènica, mapes d’eQTL i els gens candidats estudiats s’ha elaborat una llista de gens candidats funcionals i posicionals que serà la base de futures investigacions cap a l’establiment de les xarxes gèniques i els mecanismes moleculars implicats en el metabolisme dels lípids musculars i els caràcters relacionats amb la qualitat de la carn en porcí. / La presente Tesis Doctoral se enmarca en una línea de investigación dedicada al estudio de las bases genéticas del metabolismo de las grasas en relación a la producción de carne de porcino de alta calidad y saludable. El objetivo final es la identificación de polimorfismos y mecanismos de regulación responsables de la variabilidad genética de estos caracteres complejos en porcino. Para ello se han utilizado métodos de genómica estructural (mapas de QTL de expresión (eQTL); estudio de genes candidatos) y funcional (estudios de expresión génica) y también de análisis proteico y celular en muestras de músculo y grasa de cerdos seleccionados por sus características de calidad de carne. Así, mediante la técnica de microarrays se ha analizado el patrón de expresión de ARNm en muestras de músculo gluteus medius obtenidas a partir de cerdos de una población comercial Duroc con fenotipos divergentes para varios parámetros relacionados con la deposición de los lípidos. Como resultado, se han observado numerosos genes diferencialmente expresados entre los animales con perfiles divergentes de engorde. Un estudio ontológico/funcional mostró que estos genes estaban particularmente relacionados con el metabolismo lipídico, el crecimiento y la diferenciación muscular, la inmunidad, y la captación de glucosa en la ruta de la insulina. Por otra parte, un análisis de eQTL ha revelado la existencia de regiones genómicas responsables de la variación de la expresión génica en el músculo gluteus medius porcino, algunas de las cuales muestran una concordancia posicional con varios QTL para caracteres de calidad de carne y engorde detectados previamente en la misma población Duroc. Complementariamente, se ha realizado un estudio más exhaustivo de cuatro genes candidatos (ACACA, HMGCR, SCD y 6D) directamente implicados en caracteres relacionados con la calidad de la carne al ser los principales responsables de la síntesis y desaturación de ácidos grasos y colesterol. Combinando los resultados del análisis de expresión génica, mapas de eQTL y los genes candidatos estudiados se ha elaborado una lista de genes candidatos funcionales y posicionales que será la base de futuras investigaciones hacia el establecimiento de las redes génicas y los mecanismos moleculares implicados en el metabolismo de los lípidos musculares y los caracteres relacionados con la calidad de la carne en porcino. / This PhD is part of a line of research devoted to studying the genetic basis of lipid metabolism and fat deposition in pigs with a view to producing healthy and high quality meat. The main objective is the identification of polymorphisms and regulatory mechanisms responsible for the genetic variability of these complex characters in pigs. In this sense, we have used several methods in the fields of structural (expression QTL (eQTL) maps; candidate genes studies) and functional (gene expression studies) genomics and also protein and cell studies in muscle and fat samples from pigs selected by meat quality parameters. In this context, using microarrays we analyzed the mRNA expression pattern in gluteus medius muscle samples obtained from a commercial Duroc pig population with divergent phenotypes for several parameters related to lipid deposition. As a result, we have obtained a list of genes differentially expressed between animals with divergent profiles related to lipid deposition. The ontological/functional study showed that these genes were particularly related to lipid metabolism, growth and muscle differentiation, immunity and glucose uptake in the insulin pathway. Moreover, analysis of eQTL has revealed the existence of genomic regions responsible for the variation of gene expression in porcine gluteus medius muscle. Some of these eQTL show positional concordance with several QTL related to meat quality and fat deposition previously identified in the same Duroc population. Additionally, we have performed a comprehensive study of four candidate genes (ACACA, HMGCR, SCD and 6D) directly involved in traits related to meat quality, playing an important role in fatty acids and cholesterol synthesis and desaturation. Combining the results of gene expression analysis, eQTL maps and candidate genes studied have resulted in a list of functional and positional candidate genes representing a valuable contribution to the understanding of the genetic regulation of skeletal muscle individual gene expression in swine species. This is a first step towards disentangling gene networks and molecular mechanisms involved in muscular lipid metabolism and meat quality traits in pigs.

Effect of gastric bypass and gastric banding on lipid absorption and their influence on glucose metabolism

Vizhul, Andrey Unknown Date
No description available.

The effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on AMPK activation and lipid metabolism in skeletal muscle

Woodworth-Hobbs, Myra Ellen. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--West Virginia University, 2009. / Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains iv, 60 p. : ill. (some col.). Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references.

Etude de la maturation ovocytaire chez les vaches : effet de l'haplotype pour QTL-FERT-F-BTA3 et effet du métabolisme lipidique / Oocyte maturation study in cows : effects of the haplotype for the QTL-F-FERT-BTA3 and effect of lipid metabolism

Brisard, Daphné 28 March 2014 (has links)
Chez la vache Prim’Holstein, un QTL de fertilité a été localisé sur le chromosome 3, et deux haplotypes ont été déterminés : « Fertil+ » et « Fertil- ». Les « Fertil- » ont un plus fort taux d’échec de gestation précoce. Le 1er objectif de cette thèse était de déterminer si un dysfonctionnement des complexes ovocyte-cumulus (COC) pouvait expliquer l’échec précoce de gestation chez les « Fertil- ». L’analyse révèle un retard de maturation, une dérégulation de gènes appartenant aux voies des prostaglandines et des MAPK, et à la famille des Tribbles dans les CC ou l’ovocyte des « Fertil- ». Trois gènes composent la famille des Tribbles chez le bovin: TRIB1, TRIB2 et TRIB3, leur fonction est indéterminée dans le COC. Le 2nd objectif était de caractériser le patron d’expression des Tribbles et leur(s) fonction(s) au sein du COC bovin. Les Tribbles joueraient un rôle dans le métabolisme lipidique et l’inflammation au niveau folliculaire. Le métabolisme lipidique au sein du COC bovin étant peu caractérisé, le 3ème objectif était d’appréhender les profils des gènes du métabolisme des acides gras (AG) dans les CC au cours de la maturation. Ainsi, les CC expriment les gènes lipotytiques et lipogéniques. Enfin, la β-oxydation des AG est une fonction primordiale pour la maturation ovocytaire. / In Prim’Holstein cow, a fertility QTL was localized on chromosome 3 and two haplotypes were determined: « Fertil+ » and « Fertil- ». « Fertil- » have a higher early pregnancy failure rate. The 1st objective of the thesis was to define if complex oocyte-cumulus COC dysfunction could explain the early pregnancy failure in « Fertil- ». Analysis highlighted a maturation delay, a dysregulation of genes involved in prostaglandin and MAPK pathway along with one member of the Tribbles family in « Fertil- » CC or oocyte. In bovine, the Tribbles family is composed of three genes: TRIB1, TRIB2 and TRIB3, their function is unknown within the COC. The 2nd objective was to characterize the Tribbles expression pattern and their function in the bovine COC. The tribbles might play a role in lipid metabolism and in inflammation at the follicular level. Lipid metabolism within bovine COC is poorly understood, thus the third objective was to apprehend fatty acid (FA) genes pattern in CC during maturation. Thus, CC express lipolytic and lipogenic genes. Lastly, FA β oxidation is found to be important for oocyte maturation.

Avaliação do efeito do tratamento periodontal não-cirúrgico sobre parâmetros clínicos e imunológicos em pacientes portadores de Diabetes mellitus Tipo 2: estudo clínico e imunológico

Corrêa, Fernanda de Oliveira Bello [UNESP] 25 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:33:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2008-03-25Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:05:25Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 correa_fob_dr_arafo.pdf: 719555 bytes, checksum: 7ed0212e1fd2855b73aa40fa8cdc4f4f (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Objetivos: dois estudos prospectivos comparativos de intervenção foram realizados para avaliar o efeito do tratamento periodontal não-cirúrgico sobre parâmetros clínicos periodontais e imunológicos do fluido sulcular gengival e do plasma sanguíneo de pacientes com periodontite crônica portadores ou não de Diabetes mellitus Tipo 2. Material e Método: Vinte e três indivíduos com Diabetes mellitus Tipo 2 com controle metabólico inadequado e periodontite crônica (grupo diabetes) e 26 indivíduos sistemicamente saudáveis com periodontite crônica (grupo controle) foram avaliados quanto a parâmetros periodontais, marcadores inflamatórios do fluido sulcular gengival (interleucinas, metaloproteinases de matriz e atividade de elastase), marcadores inflamatórios no plasma sanguíneo (interleucinas, fator de necrose tumoral alfa, proteína C-reativa e fibrinogênio) e perfil lipídico, antes e após 3 meses do tratamento periodontal. Adicionalmente foi avaliada a influência do tratamento periodontal no controle glicêmico do grupo com diabetes. Resultados: houve redução significativa de todos os marcadores inflamatórios avaliados no fluido gengival, exceto a interleucina 18, após tratamento periodontal, associado a uma melhora da condição clínica periodontal em ambos os grupos. Sistemicamente, o grupo diabetes apresentou maiores níveis de proteina C reativa e triglicérides em ambos os períodos ao se comparar com o grupo controle. O tratamento periodontal foi efetivo em reduzir os níveis de TNF-_ e fibrinogênio no grupo diabetes. Houve melhora no controle glicêmico embora não significativa. Conclusão: os resultados do presente estudo sugerem que os pacientes portadores de Diabetes mellitus Tipo 2 com controle metabólico inadequado apresentam boa resposta ao tratamento periodontal nãocirúrgico, com redução de marcadores inflamatórios no fluido gengival. / Objetive: Two prospective comparative interventional studies were performed in order to evaluate the effect of non-surgical periodontal therapy on periodontal clinical and immunological parameters in gingival crevicular fluid (CGF) and plasma of patients with chronic periodontitis with or without type 2 Diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Material and Method: Twenty three individuals with inadequately controlled T2DM and chronic periodontitis (diabetes group) and 26 systemically healthy individuals with periodontitis (control group) were assessed for clinical parameters, inflammatory biomarkers in GCF (interleukins, matrix metalloproteinases and elastase activity), circulating markers of inflammation (interleukins, tumor necrosis factor alpha, C-reactive protein and fibrinogen and lipid profile before and 3 months after periodontal therapy. Additionally, the influence of periodontal treatment on glycemic control was evaluated in the diabetes group. Results: There was a significant reduction of all inflammatory biomarkers in GCF after therapy, except for interleukin 18 levels, and it was associated with improvement on periodontal status in both groups. Systemically, the diabetes group showed high levels of C-reactive protein and triglycerides compared with the control group in both periods. The periodontal therapy was effective in reducing TNF-_ circulating and fibrinogen in the diabetes group. The treatment did not change the glycemic control significantly. Conclusion: The results of the present study suggest that patients with inadequately controlled T2DM present a good response to nonsurgical periodontal treatment, with reduction of inflammatory biomarkers in GCF. However, 3 months after therapy, its influence on systemic inflammatory condition is limited.

Rôle de la stéaroyl-CoA désaturase-1 dans le maintien de l'activité musculaire : étude d'un modèle lésionel pour la compréhension des altérations métaboliques caractéristiques de la sclérose latérale amyotrophique / Role of stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1 in maintaining muscle activity : study of a lesion model for understanding the meatbolic alterations characteristics of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Hussain, Ghulam 09 July 2013 (has links)
Les patients SLA et les souris modèles présentent un dysfonctionnement métabolique qui coïncide avec le changement de concentration de différentes espèces lipidiques. Notre hypothèse est qu’un tel dysfonctionnement métabolique au niveau musculaire conduirait aux premiers changements observés dans la SLA. Nous avons montré que l’expression de la stéaroyl-coenzyme A désaturase 1 (SCD1), une enzyme clé de la synthèse des acides gras mono-insaturés à partir des acides gras saturés, est diminuée dans le muscle avant les premiers symptômes moteurs observés chez les souris modèles de SLA. Dans ce modèle murin, les altérations en acides gras au niveau circulant et hépatique, traduisant les changements de SCD1,apparaissent lors des premiers symptômes de la pathologie. De plus, l’inhibition pharmacologique de l’activité de SCD1 mime le phénotype métabolique des souris modèles de SLA. Notre étude a ainsi montré que la diminution de la SCD1 joue un rôle important pour l’activité neuromusculaire. Elle module les besoins énergétiques, maintien l’activité musculaire par augmentation du métabolisme oxydatif et agit sur l’expression de gènes impliqués dans le développement et le fonctionnement de la jonction neuromusculaire. De plus, l’ablation du gène SCD1 stimule la récupération fonctionnelle musculaire après lésion du nerf. L’inhibition pharmacologique de SCD1 apporte également une protection au muscle. Nous avons pu conclure de cette étude qu’une modification de l’expression de SCD1 ainsi que du profil d’acides gras peut apporter une protection au muscle pour lutter contre la pathologie. En outre, des inhibiteurs de l’activité enzymatique de la SCD1 pourraient être développés comme traitement thérapeutique dans la SLA. / ALS patients and mouse model manifest metabolic dysfunctions that coincide with the modified levels of various lipid species. We postulated that metabolic dysfunctions in muscles function as a leading preliminary change in ALS. We have noted that the expression of stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (SCD1), a key enzyme that synthesises monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) from saturated fatty acids (SFAs), is diminished even at pre-symptomatic stage in the muscles of an ALS mouse model. In these mice, alterations in circulating and hepatic fatty acid composition, resulting from SCD1 modification, arise at a critical stage of disease onset. Of note, inhibition of SCD1 enzymatic activity by a specific pharmacological agent mimics the metabolicphenotype of the ALS mouse model. Our study also elucidates that the lack of SCD1 plays a vital role in neuromuscular function. It modulates energy supply, and maintains muscle activity by increasing oxidative metabolism and the expression of genes involved in neuromuscular junction development and function. In addition, ablation of SCD1 gene stimulates functional recovery of muscles after a nerve lesion. Pharmacological SCD1 inhibition also provides a protection to muscle function. We conclude that alteration in SCD1 expression and related altered fatty acid profile may protect muscles against pathology. Therefore, SCD1 inhibitors can be developed as a therapeutic intervention.

Rôle de la stéaroyl-coenzyme A désaturase 1, une enzyme de synthèse des acides gras mono-insaturés, dans un modèle transgénique d’étude de la Sclérose Latérale Amyotrophique / Role of stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase 1, an enzyme for the synthesis of mono-unsaturated fatty acids, in a transgenic model for the study of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Schmitt, Florent 11 September 2013 (has links)
La sclérose latérale amyotrophique est une maladie neurodégénérative associée à un dysfonctionnement métabolique. Des altérations du métabolisme des lipides, décrites chez les patients SLA et les animaux modèles, pourraient participer à la mise en place des premières étapes de la maladie. L’objectif de cette thèse était d’étudier le rôle de la stéaroyl-coenzyme A désaturase 1 (SCD1), une enzyme clé du métabolisme des lipides, dans la SLA. En étudiant le profil d’acides gras périphériques dans un modèle de souris SLA, les souris SOD1m, nous avons vu une diminution de l’activité de la SCD1 dès les stades précoces (subcliniques) de la maladie. Cette diminution pourrait expliquer, à elle seule, les altérations du métabolisme des lipides caractéristiques de la SLA. La répercussion de la perte de l’activité de la SCD1 sur l’axe moteur a été étudiée. Une délétion du gène ou une inhibition pharmacologique de la SCD1 améliore la récupération fonctionnelle après lésion du nerf sciatique chez la souris sauvage. Nous avons cherché à voir si la perte d’activité de la SCD1 trouvée chez les souris SOD1m est un mécanisme de protection mis en place pour lutter contre l’évolution de la SLA. Nous avons traité des souris SOD1m avec un inhibiteur de l’activité de la SCD1. Le traitement a conduit à une augmentation du métabolisme oxydatif, une préservation de l’intégrité neuromusculaire ainsi qu’une amélioration de la survie des motoneurones. Nousconcluons que l’inhibition de la SCD1 représente une cible thérapeutique prometteuse dans la SLA. / Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a neurodegenerative disease, associated with metabolic dysfunction. Alteration of lipid metabolism has been documented in ALS patients and animal models, and could participate to the first pathological steps of the disease. The objective of this thesis was to study the role of stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (SCD1), a key enzyme of lipid metabolism, in ALS. By studying the profile of peripheral fatty acids in an animal model of ALS, the SOD1 mice, we found that SCD1 activity was strongly reduced at early (sub-clinical) disease stage, and that this reduction could explain in itself the alteration of lipid metabolism characteristic of ALS. The impact of loss of SCD1 activity for the motor axis was then studied. Genetic deletion or pharmacological inhibition of SCD1 enhanced functional recovery after sciatic nerve injury in mice. Wefurther explored if the loss of SCD1 activity found in SOD1 mice is a protective mechanism elicited in response to ALS. We treated SOD1 mice with an inhibitor of SCD1 activity. The treatment resulted in exacerbated muscular oxidative metabolism,preservation of neuromuscular integrity and enhanced motor neuron survival. We conclude that inhibition of SCD1 represents a promising therapeutic target for ALS.

Influência da composição da dieta na gordura intramiocelular, função endotelial e resistência à insulina, em mulheres jovens com sobrepeso metabolicamente saudáveis / High fat and high cab diet effects on intramyocellular lipids, endothelial function and insulin resistance in young metabolic healthy overweight women

Erika Bezerra Parente 14 May 2009 (has links)
Dietas ricas em gordura ou carboidrato têm sido difundidas e consumidas nas últimas décadas, entretanto pouco é conhecido sobre as consequências metabólicas destas em longo prazo. Neste estudo, foram analisados a quantidade de gordura intramiocelular (IMCL), a função endotelial, além da lipemia, glicemia, insulinemia e resistência à insulina após semanas de dieta rica em gordura ou carboidrato, perdendo ou mantendo peso. De 43 mulheres triadas com sobrepeso (25< BMI <29.9 Kg/m2), 22 foram randomizadas para duas diferentes sequências de dietas. O IMCL foi medido através de espectroscopia por ressonância magnética 1H e a função endotelial pela pletismografia. Após 4 semanas de dieta rica em carboidrato, mantendo peso, foi observado aumento no IMCL do músculo tibial anterior (2.06 ± 1.27 vs. 3.52 ± 1.92, p=0.04) e na insulinemia em jejum (11.55 ± 4.43 vs. 14.03 ± 5.23, p=0.04), enquanto a dieta rica em gordura, no mesmo período, ocasionou aumento no HDL-C (37.06 ± 8.42 vs. 42.5 ± 9.32, p=0.003) e redução nos níveis de triglicerídeos em jejum (102,83 ± 34,10 vs. 75,83 ± 20,91, p=0,02). A função endotelial, colesterol total, LDL-C e resistência à insulina não mudaram durante esta fase. A perda de peso (média de 5%, por 8 semanas), não promoveu modificações nos parâmetros metabólicos vistos com a dieta de manutenção de peso. A partir destes resultados, concluiu-se que a ingestão de dieta rica em carboidrato, por 4 semanas de manutenção de peso, aumenta a insulinemia em jejum e o IMCL do músculo tibial anterior, enquanto a dieta rica em gordura pelo mesmo período aumenta o HDL-C e reduz triglicerídeos em mulheres saudáveis com sobrepeso. / High fat or high carbohydrate (cab) diet have been widely difunded and consumed during last decades; however it is not clear their metabolic effects in long term. In the present study we analyzed intramyocellular lipids (IMCL), endothelial function, plasma lipids, glucose, insulin and insulin resistance after high fat or high cab diet during weeks, maintaining or losing weight. 43 overweight women (25< BMI <29.9 Kg/m2) were screened, 22 of them were randomized to two different diet sequence. IMCL was measured by using 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy and endothelial function by using plethysmography method. Tibialis anterior IMCL (2.06 ± 1.27 vs. 3.52 ± 1.92, p=0.04) and fasting insulinemia increased (11.55 ± 4.43 vs. 14.03 ± 5.23, p=0.04) after four weeks of high cab diet after maintenance phase, while fasting HDL-C increased (37.06 ± 8.42 vs. 42.5 ± 9.32, p=0.003) and triglycerides levels decreased (102.83 ± 34.10 vs. 75.83 ± 20.91, p=0.02) after maintenance phase of high fat diet. Endothelial function, total cholesterol, LDL-C and insulin resistance did not alter during maintenance phase. A weight loss of 5%, after eight weeks, did not promote changes in the metabolic parameters, as seen during maintenance phase. Based on these results, it was concluded that high cab diet, four weeks with no weight change, increases tibialis anterior IMCL and fasting insulinemia, while high fat diet during same period increases HDL-C and decreases triglycerides in a healthy overweight women population.

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