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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Complexity of Splay Trees and Skip Lists

Adelyar, Sayed Hassan January 2008 (has links)
Magister Curationis / Binary search trees (BSTs) are important data structures which are widely used in various guises. Splay trees are a specific kind of binary search tree, one without explicit balancing. Skip lists use more space than BSTs and are related to them in terms of much of their run-time behavior. Even though binary search trees have been used for about half a century, there are still many open questions regarding their run-time performance and algorith mic complexity. In many instances, their worst-case, average-case, and best-case behaviors are unknown and need further research. Our analysis provides a basis for selecting more suitable data structures and algorithms for specific processes and applications. We contrast the empirical behavior of splay trees and skip lists with their theoretical behavior. In particular we explore when splay trees outperform skip lists and vice versa. The performance of a splay tree depends on the history of accesses to its el ements. On the other hand, the performance of a skip list depends on an indepen dent randomization of the height of links that lead to specific elements. Therefore, probabilistic methods are used to analyze the operation of splay trees and skip lists. Our main results are that splay trees are faster for sorted insertion, where AVL trees are faster for random insertion. For searching, skip lists are faster than single class top-down splay trees, but two-class and multi-class top-down splay trees can behave better than skip lists.

Hilft wenig viel? Eine Minimalintervention für Patienten während der Wartezeit auf ambulante Verhaltenstherapie

Helbig, Sylvia, Hoyer, Jürgen January 2007 (has links)
Hintergrund: Der Artikel berichtet Ergebnisse einer kontrollierten Studie zu Effekten einer Minimalintervention in der Wartezeit auf Beginn einer ambulanten Psychotherapie. Methoden: 75 Personen, die sich in einer universitären Verhaltenstherapieambulanz aufgrund von Angst- oder depressiven Störungen anmeldeten, wurden parallelisiert nach Alter, Geschlecht und Diagnose zwei Bedingungen zugeordnet. Die Versuchsgruppe (VG) erhielt während der Wartezeit auf den Behandlungsplatz bibliotherapeutische Materialien; die Kontrollgruppe (KG) wartete ohne Intervention. Vor und nach der Wartezeit wurden Einstellungen und Erwartungen zur Behandlung, nach der Wartezeit zusätzlich die Zufriedenheit mit der behandelnden Einrichtung sowie das Hilfesuchverhalten während der Wartezeit erhoben. Ergebnisse: Es konnten keine global positiven Effekte der Wartezeitintervention nachgewiesen werden. Es fanden sich lediglich zwei grundlegende Gruppenunterschiede: Die Teilnehmer der VG beurteilten sich subjektiv als besser vorbereitet auf Wartezeit und Therapie, und ihre Angst vor Stigmatisierung hatte sich signifikant reduziert. Weiterführende Analysen in einzelnen Patientengruppen ergaben zusätzlich Hinweise darauf, dass Angstpatienten und Patienten mit geringem Vorwissen mehr von der Maßnahme profitierten; allerdings traten bei einigen Patienten mit depressiven Störungen auch negative Effekte durch die Minimalintervention auf. Schlussfolgerung: Die Befunde erlauben eine differenziertere Bewertung der Frage, ob und in welcher Form unspezifische minimale Interventionen während der Wartezeit auf Psychotherapie nutzbringend sind. Weiterführende Studien sollten die differenzielle Wirksamkeit spezifischerer Maßnahmen in ausgewählten Patientengruppen prüfen. / The article describes a controlled study that explores effects of a minimal intervention for outpatients waiting for their behavior therapy to start. Methods: Patients applying for psychotherapy for anxiety disorders or depression at an outpatient psychotherapy unit, matched for age, sex and diagnosis, were assigned to either a waiting list as usual (WL) or to an active waiting group (AW) that received bibliotherapeutic materials. Attitudes towards treatment and therapy expectations were assessed before and after waiting time; consumer satisfaction and help-seeking behavior during the waiting time were assessed post waiting. Results: After the waiting time, the two groups differed only in their fear of stigmatization, which had significantly declined in the AW group, and in the subjective preparedness for waiting list and treatment. Additional analyses regarding different patient groups suggested that especially patients with anxiety disorders and patients with little knowledge about psychotherapy benefited from the intervention; on the other hand, some patients with depressive disorders reported negative effects due to the minimal intervention. Conclusions: Findings point out the need for a more sophisticated evaluation of minimal interventions for patients waiting for psychotherapy. Further studies should clarify the differential effectiveness of custom-tailored interventions addressing specific patient populations. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Semantic Overflow of Powerful Feelings: Digital Humanities Approaches and the 1805 and 1850 Versions of Wordsworth's Prelude

Hansen, Dylan 25 April 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Scholars have repeatedly contrasted the 1805 and 1850 versions of William Wordsworth’s The Prelude since the discovery and publication of the former by Ernest De Sélincourt in 1926. Points of contention have included the 1850 poem’s grammatical revisions and shifts toward greater political and religious orthodoxy. While these discussions have waned in recent decades, digital humanities tools allow us to revisit oft-debated texts through new lenses. Wanting to examine scholarly claims about The Prelude from a digital humanities perspective, I collaborated with Dr. Billy Hall to enter both versions of the poem into a data analysis and visualization tool, which displayed the results in topic-modeling outputs and most-frequent-words lists. The 1805 and 1850 topic modeling outputs were essentially identical to one another, suggesting either that scholars have overstated differences between the versions or that the themes of the poem may have evolved in ways not easily captured by my digital humanities methods. On the other hand, the most-frequent-words lists revealed some notable discrepancies between the two Preludes. One set of lists included articles, conjunctions, pronouns, and linking verbs (otherwise known as “stop words”), demonstrating, for instance, that the word “was” appeared with significantly less frequency in the 1850 Prelude. I found that other linking verbs also decreased in the 1850 Prelude, and this discovery prompted me to conduct a stylistic analysis of said verbs. Knowing that a raw statistical count of linking verbs in both texts would reveal only an incomplete portrait of Wordsworth’s shifting verb usage, I divided the verb revisions into two primary categories: replacements of linking verbs with dynamic verbs and descriptors, and removals of lines containing linking verbs. While scholars have previously highlighted the replacement of linking verbs with dynamic verbs and descriptors in the 1850 Prelude, these revisions only account for 30% of the 1850 linking verb revisions. In fact, the majority of linking verb revisions consist of removed 1805 lines. Many of these lines are declarative statements—the removal of which suggests that Wordsworth preferred, in some cases, a less prescriptive approach in the 1850 Prelude.

Psychometrically Equivalent Bisyllabic Word Lists for Word Recognition Testing in Taiwan Mandarin

Dukes, Alycia Jane 08 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study was to develop, digitally record, evaluate, and psychometrically equate a set of Taiwan Mandarin bisyllabic word lists to be used for word recognition testing. Frequently used bisyllabic words were selected and digitally recorded by male and female talkers of Taiwan Mandarin. Twenty normally hearing subjects were presented each word to find the percentage of words which they could correctly recognize. Each word was measured at 10 intensity levels (-5 to 40 dB HL) in increments of 5 dB. Logistic regression was used to include 200 words with the steepest logistic regression slopes in four psychometrically equivalent word lists of 50 words each with eight half-lists of 25 words each. Digital recordings of the psychometrically equivalent bisyllabic word recognition lists are available on compact disc.

Psychometrically Equivalent Cantonese Bisyllabic Word Recognition Materials Spoken by Male and Female Talkers

Conklin, Brooke Kristin 15 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to create psychometrically equivalent word lists in the language of Cantonese for word recognition testing. Frequently used bisyllabic Cantonese words were recorded by a native female and male talker. The word lists were evaluated by administering the word recognition lists to 20 native speakers of Cantonese with normal hearing. Each list was presented at 10 different intensity levels ranging from -5 to 40 dB HL in 5 dB increments. Logistic regression was used to determine the words with the steepest logistic regression slopes. The 200 words with the steepest slopes were then formulated into four lists of 50 words and eight half-lists of 25 words. The mean psychometric slope value at the 50% location for the male talker was 7.5%/dB while the mean slope for the female talker was slightly steeper at 7.6%/dB. The word lists were digitally recorded on compact discs for worldwide use.

Development of Psychometrically Equivalent Speech Recognition Threshold Materials for Native Speakers of Samoan

Newman, Jennifer Lane 06 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The speech recognition threshold (SRT) is an important measure, as it validates the pure-tone average (PTA), assists in the diagnosis and prognosis of hearing impairments, and aids in the identification of non-organic hearing impairments. Research has shown that in order for SRT testing to yield valid and reliable measures, testing needs to be performed in the patient's native language. There are currently no published materials for SRT testing in the Samoan language. As a result, audiologists are testing patients with English materials or other materials not of the patient's native language. Results produced from this manner of testing are confounded by the patient's vocabulary knowledge and may reflect a language deficit rather than a hearing loss. The present study is aimed at developing SRT materials for native speakers of Samoan to enable valid and reliable measures of SRT for the Samoan speaking population. This study selected 28 trisyllabic Samoan words that were found to be relatively homogeneous in regard to audibility and psychometric function slope. Data were gathered on 20 normal hearing native speakers of Samoan and the intensity of each selected word was adjusted to make the 50% performance threshold of each word equal to the mean PTA of the 20 research participants (5.33 dB HL). The final edited words were digitally recorded onto compact disc to allow for distribution and use for SRT testing in Samoan.

Development of Psychometrically Equivalent Speech Audiometry Materials for Measuring Speech Recognition Thresholds in Native Tagalog Speakers

Taylor, Brandon Brian 11 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In addition to the use of pure-tones for testing hearing, speech signals are highly valuable diagnostic tools for identifying and evaluating hearing impairment. Speech audiometry involves the implementation of such signals in the measurement of hearing acuity. One aspect of speech audiometry involves assessment of the speech recognition threshold (SRT) which evaluates an individual's ability to hear and understand speech. While live speech has been used in the past to assess SRT, recorded materials are preferred and have been shown to be advantageous over live speech. High-quality digitally recorded speech audiometry materials have been available in English for some time, but assessment of individuals using speech materials from a language that they do not speak natively has been shown to be both inadequate and inaccurate. Speech audiometry materials have recently become available in many languages. Currently, however, there are no known published recordings for assessment of SRT in the Tagalog language. The goal of this study was to develop psychometrically equivalent speech audiometry materials for measuring speech recognition threshold in Tagalog. During this study Tagalog words were initially recorded by a native speaker selected for accent and vocal quality. The words were reduced down to 90 words to be evaluated in the study. Each of the 90 trisyllabic words were evaluated at 2 dB increments from -10 to 16 dB HL by 20 native Tagalog speakers, all having normal hearing. Based on the results, 34 trisyllabic Tagalog words were selected based on their familiarity to native listeners, relative homogeneity with regards to audibility and psychometric function slope. Each word was then adjusted to make the 50% performance threshold equal to the mean PTA of the 20 research participants (4.3 dB HL). The final edited words were then digitally recorded onto compact disc for distribution and for use in assessing SRT in native Tagalog speakers worldwide.

A JVM-Managed Concurrent Unrolled List-Based Set Using Lazy Synchronization / Samverkande utrullade listbaserade set som använder lat synkronisering i JVM

Farhadi, Adam January 2021 (has links)
The multicore revolution of the early 21st century has introduced a multitude of multiprocessor synchronization techniques for designing concurrent data structures. This thesis explores the concept of “unrolling”, or storing multiple data items per node, in order to increase the concurrent throughput of linked-lists, or more specifically list-based sets of linked nodes. Our contribution is a concurrent unrolled list-based set implemented in the Java programming language which uses lock-based lazy synchronization with memory management handled by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Our unrolled list implementation provides decreased traversal overhead over the state-of-the-art concurrent linked lists under limited contention, along with improved spatial locality due to unrolled node data items being stored in sequential memory locations. Our results show that in comparison to the state-of-the- art lock-based and lock-free concurrent list-based set implementations in Java, our concurrent unrolled list-based set provides between 1.7x to 12.2x increased concurrent throughput under medium contention, and 25.7x to 196.5x increased concurrent throughput under low contention, depending on the ratio of write to read operations. Furthermore, we show that unrolling a concurrent linked-list can provide at least 60% of the performance of the Java concurrency package’s native lock-free skiplist, namely ConcurrentSkipListSet. / Den revolutionerande utvecklingen av flerkärniga processorer under början av 2000-talet har medfört många nya designprinciper för samverkande datastrukturer. Den här avhandlingen behandlar utrullings-konceptet eller hur man lagrar multipla dataenheter per nod för att kunna öka genomströmningen av länkade listor, eller mer specifikt listor bestående av länkade noder. Vårt bidrag består av samverkande list-baserade set implementerade i programmeringsspråket Java som använder låsbaserad lat synkronisering där JVM (Java Virtual Machine) hanterar minnet. Vår implementering av utrullade listor ger minskad tvärgående overhead över toppmoderna samverkande länkade listor med reducerad kapacitetsbegränsning, och med förbättrad plats eftersom utrullade datanoder sparas på sekventiella minnesplatser. Våra resultat visar att, i jämförelse med andra toppmoderna låsta och låsfria samverkande listbaserade set i Java, ger vår implementation mellan 1.7 till 12.2 gånger mer genomströmning under normal kapacitetsbegränsning och med 25.7 till 196.5 under låg kapacitetsbegränsning, beroende på graden av skriv- och läsprocesser. Vidare visar vi att en utrullad samverkande länkad lista kan ge minst 60% bättre prestanda i Javas paket för låsfria samverkande listor kallad ConcurrentSkipListSet.

Système de listes de vérification interactives du niveau de conformité des maquettes avec les recommandations des fabricants de plateformes mobiles

Ghezzal, Nadir 08 1900 (has links)
L'ensemble de mon travail a été réalisé grâce a l'utilisation de logiciel libre. / La demande d'applications pour les plateformes mobiles a explosé ces dernières années. Chaque compagnie souhaite maintenant offrir pour ces nouveaux appareils les mêmes services que ceux offerts traditionnellement sur internet. Cependant, ces entreprises n'ont bien souvent que peu ou pas de connaissances concernant le développement et le déploiement de tels services. Généralement, la solution choisie consiste à externaliser ce travail en le sous-traitant à une autre compagnie. Dans ce contexte, il est souvent compliqué de s'assurer d'une part que le sous-traitant respecte le cahier des charges et d'autre part que le travail fourni est conforme aux recommandations émises par les fabricants des plateformes mobiles. Afin de pallier au second problème, nous avons créé un système de listes de vérification interactives pour plateformes mobiles. Ce système permet d'évaluer le niveau de conformité des différents composants de l'interface d'une application développée pour une plateforme mobile avec les recommandations du fabricant de cette plateforme. La solution retenue permet de se concentrer sur certains éléments particuliers de l'interface et pallie ainsi aux limites des listes de vérification classiques qui sont souvent trop longues et peu pratiques. La solution retenue offre de plus la possibilité de comparer facilement les caractéristiques des plateformes mobiles entre elles. Pour réaliser ce système, nous avons consulté de nombreux documents portant sur l'univers des plateformes mobiles afin de mieux appréhender leurs spécificités. Suite à l'étude de différentes plateformes, deux d’entre elles, soit iOS et BlackBerry, ont été retenues (il faut noter que la compagnie où s'est effectuée la recherche disposait déjà d'applications pour ces plateformes). Nous avons ensuite analysé plus finement la documentation technique fournie par chacun des fabricants afin d'en extraire les points importants. Afin que les données soient comparables, nous avons créé une nomenclature commune regroupant les composants de l'interface graphique en grandes familles (ex. : barres, saisie d'information, …) en tenant compte également du type d'interaction avec l'appareil (ex. : écran tactile). Nous avons ensuite conçu une solution permettant d'évaluer le niveau de conformité d'une application. L'idée retenue se base sur des listes de vérification permettant de systématiser le processus d'évaluation. Pour pallier aux limites de ces listes, souvent trop longues, nous permettons à l'utilisateur, via un ensemble de filtres, de se concentrer sur un sous-ensemble de composants de l’interface qu'il souhaite évaluer. L'implémentation de cette solution a été réalisée en totalité grâce à des technologies libres et de standard ouvert. De cette façon, nous nous sommes assurés de la portabilité de la solution développée et de l’absence de coûts supplémentaires liés à l'achat de licences. Le système utilise les standards web et repose sur une architecture basée sur le système d'exploitation GNU/Linux, le serveur web Apache, la base de données MySQL et le langage de scripts PHP. Ces logiciels ont déjà fait leurs preuves aussi bien pour les entreprises que pour les particuliers. De plus, la communauté très active qui s'est constituée autour de ces logiciels assure un bon support et une grande stabilité. Après avoir fait le choix de l’environnement de développement, la phase d'implémentation s'est ensuite déroulée en plusieurs étapes. Tout d'abord, l'information a été structurée selon la nomenclature mentionnée plus haut afin de créer le schéma de la base de données. Ensuite, toutes les pages ont été codées avec le langage à balises HTML et les scripts PHP pour le côté serveur et avec JavaScript pour le côté client. Enfin, l'information peut être affichée grâce aux feuilles de style en cascade (CSS), une technologie web permettant de séparer le fond de la forme en matière de mise en page. Nous avons choisi un modèle de développement itératif qui a impliqué les principaux utilisateurs dès les premières étapes de la conception du système. Cette implication s’est poursuivie jusqu’à la fin du projet afin de s'assurer que les fonctionnalités mises en place répondaient aux attentes. L’architecture modulaire qui a été retenue permet également d’adapter facilement le système aux besoins futurs. Afin de mieux comprendre comment on utilise le système, on passe en revue les différentes étapes nécessaires à la réalisation d'une évaluation. Enfin, on a réalisé une étude avec quatre utilisateurs pour évaluer l'utilisabilité du système et recueillir leur niveau de satisfaction. / The need for mobile platforms has increased in the last decade. Companies offering traditional internet services now want to move their applications on these new devices. But, most of the time, these companies do not really have the knowledge to create such applications and often ask a third party company to do the job for them. In this context, it is difficult to evaluate if the solution developed follows the recommendations of the device maker. A system based on interactive check lists has thus been created for this purpose. This system enables the evaluation of the conformity level of an application with the recommendations of the device maker, thanks to numerous filters that let the user focus on specific parts of the graphic interface. The idea behind the project was first to address some problematic issues with classical check lists and to enable the comparison of several mobile platforms with regard to specific interface components. To create this system, a lot of information about mobile platforms has first been collected. After reviewing many mobile platforms, it was decided to focus on iOS and BlackBerry, since the company where the research was performed had already applications running on them. For each platform, the major recommandations to be satisfied were identified. Also, to be sure that the extracted recommendations could be compared, a common nomenclature has been created, where the recommandations are grouped by interface components (ex: bars, data input,…) and by the type of interaction (ex: touch screen). After these preliminary steps, a solution for evaluating the level of compliance was created. We favored a check list approach because it offers a systematic evaluation process. To avoid lists of excessive length, filters were introduced in the system to allow the user to focus on particular aspects of the interface. The implementation was totally realized with open source technologies and open standards. This choice was motivated by the portability of the developed system and by the absence of licence fees. The system relies on web standards and runs on an architecture made of the CNU/Linux operating system, Apache web server, MySQL database and the script language PHP. This software has already proven its reliability for enterprises and for home users. Furthermore, the community evolving around this software offers a good support and ensures a high level of stability. After setting up the development environment, the implementation phase was engaged and took place over a number of phases. The first phase was the creation of the database structure, using the aforementioned nomenclature. The next phase was dedicated to the coding of the different web pages, thanks to the tag language HTML and the PHP scripts on the server side and JavaScript on the client side. Finally, the web page setting was developed using the cascading style sheet (CSS), a web technology that segregates the substance from the style of the web content. We chose an iterative development model where the end users were involved from the early stages of the project. This approach provides a guarantee that the user requirements are fulfilled and that any new developments will be in accordance with the expectations. Furthermore, the system is such that it can be easily modified to tackle future needs. To be able to understand how we use the systeme, we are reviewing the different steps needed to realise an evaluation. Finally, we have made a study with four users to evaluate the usability of the system and to gather their satisfaction level.

Estudo comparativo entre três distintas populações de candidatos a transplante hepático : avaliando a dinâmica da lista de espera em um hospital universitário

Arruda, Soraia January 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O transplante hepático (TxH) vem mudando o curso de doenças graves, incapacitantes e potencialmente fatais, se tornando o tratamento de escolha quando há falência do órgão. OBJETIVO: Comparar as taxas de TxH, exclusão e sobrevida entre candidatos com cirrose descompensada (CIR), situações especiais (SPE) e carcinoma hepatocelular (HCC). MÉTODOS:Foram realizados dois estudos em 358 pacientes: uma coorte retrospectiva (agosto de 2008 - julho de 2009, incluindo 189 pacientes listados) e uma prospectiva (de novembro de 2012 a maio de 2014, com um período de acompanhamento até novembro de 2015, incluindo 169 candidatos a transplante hepático, comparando CIR, HCC e SPE. Foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: K-in (taxas de entrada da lista de espera: K-1in se CIR, K-2in se HCC e K-3in se SPE); K-out (taxa de TxH); K-1out (drop out no grupo CIR); K-2out (drop out no grupo HCC) e K-3out(drop out no grupo SPE). RESULTADOS: Na coorte retrospectiva, 112 casos (59,3%) tinham CIR, 63 (33,3%) com HCC e 14 (7,4%) se enquadraram em SPE. Os tempos médios de avaliação até a inscrição em lista para TxH foram 194 dias (IC 95% 152-236), 36 dias (IC95% 21-50) e 98 dias (IC95% 0-308) para CIR, HCC e SPE, respectivamente (P <0,001). Dos 86 pacientes transplantados (K-out = 45,5%), 31 tinham CIR (K-1in = 27,7%), 44 HCC (K-2in = 69,8%) e 11 SPE (K-3in = 88,6%) (P <0,001). As taxas de drop out foram maiores em CIR (K-1out = 64,3%, K-2out = 30,2%, K-3out = 21,4%, P <0,001). O hazar ratio (HR) para TxH foi 85% (IC95% 1,35-2,55) maior em HCC do que CIR. Na coorte prospectiva, 110 dos 167 pacientes avaliados foram listados (K-in = 65,9%). Os tempos médios de avaliação foram de 783 dias (IC95% 330-1236), 52 dias (IC95% 17-87) e 184 dias (IC95% 19-349) para CIR, HCC e SPE, respectivamente (P <0,001). Em relação ao TxH, o K1-in foi 21,7%, K2-in, 76,4% e K3-in, 92,3 % (P <0,001). K-out foi 57,3% (63/110), K1-out = 50%, K2-out = 21,1% e K3-out = 3,84% (P <0,001). HR para TxH foi 329% superior em HCC do que CIR (HR = 4,29; IC95%: 2,74-6,72). CONCLUSÃO: Neste estudo, os pacientes com cirrose descompensada tiveram um tempo de avaliação para transplante significativamente maior que os outros grupos avaliados, bem como maior taxa de drop out em lista. A taxa de transplante foi significativamente menor nos pacientes com cirrose descompensada, demonstrando que as políticas de alocação de órgãos merecem ser revistas. / INTRODUCTION: Liver transplantation (LT) has been changing the course of serious, incapacitating and potentially fatal diseases becoming the treatment of choice when there is organ failure. AIM: To compare transplant, delisting, and survival rates between candidates with decompensated cirrhosis (CIR), special conditions (SPE), and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). METHODS: We carried out two studies with 358 patientes: a retrospective one (Aug 2008-Jul 2009, including 189 enlisted patients) and another prospective (Nov 2012-May 2014, with a follow-up period up to Nov 2015, including 169 LT candidates), comparing CIR, HCC, and SPE. The following variables were assessed: K-in (rates of waitlist entry – K-1in if CIR, K-2in if HCC, and K-3in if SPE); K-out (rate of LT); K-1out (drop-out in CIR); K-2out (drop-out in HCC); and K-3 out (drop-out in SPE). RESULTS: In the retrospective study, 112 cases (59.3%) were due to CIR, 63 (33.3%) to HCC, and 14 (7.4%) to SPE. The average time from selection to enlisting was 194 days (CI95% 152-236), 36 days (CI95% 21-50), and 98 days (CI95% 0-308) for CIR, HCC, and SPE, respectively (P<0.001). Of the 86 transplanted patients (K-out = 45.5%), 31 had CIR (K-1in = 27.7%), 44 HCC (K-2in = 69.8%), and 11 SPE (K-3in = 88.6%) (P<0.001). Drop-out rates were higher in CIR (K-1out = 64.3%, K-2out = 30.2%, K-3out = 21.4%, P<0.001). The hazar ratio (HR) for LT was 85% (CI95% 1.35-2.55) higher in HCC than CIR. In the prospective study, 110 out of 167 evaluated patients were enlisted (K-in = 65.9%). The average time from selection to enlisting was 783 days (CI95% 330-1236), 52 days (CI95% 17-87), and 184 days (CI95% 19-349) for CIR, HCC, and SPE, respectively (P<0.001). Regarding LT, K1-in was 21.7%, K2-in, 76.4%, and K3-in, 92.3% (P<0.001). K-out was 57.3% (63/110), K1-out = 50%, K2-out = 21.1%, and K3-out = 3.84% (P<0.001). HR for LT was 329% times higher in HCC than CIR (HR = 4.29; CI95% 2.74–6.72).CONCLUSION: In this study, patients with decompensated cirrhosis had a time evaluation for transplantation significantly higher than other evaluated groups as well as a higher rate of waiting list drop out. Transplant rate was significantly lower in patients with decompensated cirrhosis, demonstrating that organ allocation policies deserve to be reviewed.

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