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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entwicklung und Synthese von Materialien für Polyelektrolytmembranen mit ionischen Flüssigkeiten zum Einsatz in Lithium-Ionen-Batterien / Development and synthesis of materials for poly electrolyte membranes with ionic liquids for application in Lithium-ion batteries

Grothe, Dorian C. January 2012 (has links)
Für den Einsatz in Autobatterien gibt es besondere Anforderungen an den Elektrolyten im Bereich der Energie- und Leistungsdichten, um beispielsweise thermische Verluste gering zu halten. Hochleitfähige Elektrolyte mit Leitfähigkeiten im Millisiemensbereich sind hier ebenso notwendig wie auch sichere, d.h. möglichst nicht brennbare und einen niedrigen Dampfdruck besitzende Materialien. Um diese Vorgaben zu erreichen, ist es notwendig, einen polymeren Separator zu entwickeln, welcher auf brennbare organische Lösungsmittel verzichtet und damit eine drastische Steigerung der Sicherheit gewährleistet. Gleichzeitig müssen hierbei die Leistungsvorgaben bezüglich der Leitfähigkeit erfüllt werden. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein Konzept basierend auf der Kombination von einer polymeren sauerstoffreichen Matrix und einer ionischen Flüssigkeit entwickelt und verifiziert. Dabei wurden folgende Erkenntnisse gewonnen: 1. Es wurden neuartige diacrylierte sauerstoffreiche Matrixkomponenten mit vielen Carbonylfunktionen, für eine gute Lithiumleitfähigkeit, synthetisiert. 2. Es wurden mehrere neue ionische Flüssigkeiten sowohl auf Imidazolbasis als auch auf Ammoniumbasis synthetisiert und charakterisiert. 3. Die Einflüsse der Kationenstruktur und der Einfluss der Gegenionen im Bezug auf Schmelzpunkte und Leitfähigkeiten wurden untersucht. 4. Aus den entwickelten Materialien wurden Blendsysteme hergestellt und mittels Impedanzspektrometrie untersucht: Leitfähigkeiten von 10-4S/cm bei Raumtemperatur sind realisierbar. 5. Die Blendsysteme wurden auf ihre thermische Stabilität hin untersucht: Stabilitäten bis 250°C sind erreichbar. Dabei wird keine kristalline Struktur beobachtet. / Within the field of energy storage and charge transfer, the lithium polymer batteries are one of the leading technologies, due to their low manufacture cost and their possible variety of packaging shapes. Despite their good thermal stability and very good weight to energy ratio, lithium ion batteries use as a electrolyte system a mixture of ethylene carbonate and diethyl carbonate as solvent which have a high risk of deflagration when they come in contact with water. Thus the developement of new materials for lithium-ion-batteries are necessary. For the electrolyte there are special requirements in terms of energy- and power density e.g. in order to minimize thermal loss. High conductivity electrolytes with conductivities in the range of milisiemens are as essential as safe materials, like non flammable non-volatile materials. To fulfill these requirements it is important to develop a polymeric lithium ion conductor, which is free of flammable organic solvents in order to ensure safety. Simultaneously it is also ,mandatory to achieve high performances in terms of ion-conductivity. Therefore a concept based on a combination of an oxygen rich polymeric matrix and ionic liquids was developed and verified. Following results were achieved . 1. Synthesis of new diacryalted oxygen rich matrix components with many carbonylfunctions for a good lithium ion transport. 2. Synthesis and characterization of new ionic liquids based on imidazol or ammonium compounds. 3. Investigation of the influences of the cation structure and counter ions for melting points and ion conductivity. 4. Creation of Blendsystems with the developed materials 5. Thermal investigations of these solid-state-electrolytes with DSC and TGA measurements, resulting in thermal stabilities up to 250°C.No crystallization were observed. 6. investigation of these solid-state-electrolytes via AC-impedance spectrometry, resulting in conductivities of 10-4S/cm at room temperature.

Mathematical Models for Investigation of Performance, Safety, and Aging in Lithium-Ion Batteries

Zavalis, Tommy Georgios January 2013 (has links)
Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries have both the power and energy capabilities to be utilized in hybrid electric vehicles and other power demanding applications. However, there are obstacles primarily related to reliability in safety and lifetime. Additionally, there is still room for improvement in the battery performance. In this work, physics-based mathematical models have been successfully set-up and numerically solved to investigate performance, safety, and aging in lithium-ion battery systems. This modeling approach enabled a detailed analysis of the electrochemical processes related to these issues. As the models included many parameters and spatial resolution of several variables with time or frequency, strategies for investigation needed to be developed for most of the work. The accuracy of the investigation was consolidated by the utilization of parameters characterized from experimental work. The performance expressed in terms of polarization was determined for a power-optimized battery cell undergoing various operating conditions. A methodology that separated and quantified the contribution of each process to the polarization was set up, allowing the study of the contributions as a snapshot in time and as an average over a cycle. Mass transport in electrolyte was shown to be a crucial feature to improve especially if the battery is expected to undergo high current-loads for long periods of time. Safety-concerns when a battery cell is short-circuited were investigated for three types of short-circuit scenarios. All scenarios raised the temperature to the point where exothermic side reactions were initiated. The similarities between the scenarios in temperature increase were a result of the limiting current being reached. The differences, however small, were related to the placement of the short-circuit. Especially when the current collectors were not directly connected by the short circuit, an increased electronic resistance was observed which lowered both the generated current and heat. The aging of a battery cell was investigated by model analysis of electrodes harvested from fresh and aged cells. A methodology was used where a frequency-dependent model was fitted to three-electrode impedance experiments by tuning parameters associated to electrode degradation. For cycled cells, electrolyte decomposition products inhibiting the mass transport in the electrolyte and particle cracking in the positive electrode increased the impedance. A similar model was also set up for investigation of the lithium intercalation processes in PAN-based carbon fibers, showing it to have both good mass transport and kinetic capabilities. / Laddningsbara litiumjonbatterier har både ur energi- och effektsynpunkt möjligheten att kunna användas i elhybridfordon och inom andra effektkrävande tillämpningsområden. Batteriets säkerhet och livslängd är dock inte helt tillförlitliga. Dessutom finns det fortfarande utrymme för förbättringar av litiumjonbatteriets prestanda. I det här arbetet har matematiska modeller baserade på fysikaliska egenskaper framgångsrikt ställts upp och lösts numeriskt för att studera prestandan, säkerheten samt åldrandet hos litiumjonbatterisystem. Denna typ av modellering gjorde det möjligt att detaljerat analysera hur de elektrokemiska processerna bidrar. Eftersom modellerna omfattade ett stort antal parametrar och har variabler som förändras i åtminstone en dimension med tid eller frekvens, krävdes det att tydliga strategier för arbetet ställdes upp. Modelleringsstudiens noggrannhet stärktes av att flertalet av de använda parametrarna hade bestämts experimentellt. Polarisationen som ett mått på prestanda bestämdes för ett effektoptimerat batteri under olika laster. En metodik som separerar och beräknar hur mycket varje process bidrar till polarisationen skapades och användes för att studera bidragen över tid eller över en hel lastcykel. Resultaten visade att masstransporten i elektrolyten påverkar till stor del och bör förbättras om batteriet förväntas belastas med hög ström under lång tid. Säkerheten i samband med kortslutning av en battericell undersöktes för tre olika fall av kortslutningar. Alla fall uppvisade en temperaturökning som skulle kunna bidra till att exoterma reaktioner startas och termisk rusning uppstår. Temperaturökningen var liknande i samtliga kortslutningsfall och berodde på att gränsströmmen nåddes inom cellen. Skillnaderna mellan kortslutningsfallen var inte så betydande men kunde härledas till kortslutningens placering. Framförallt fallet då strömtilledarna inte kontakterades av kortslutningen observerades en ökad elektronisk resistans som sänkte både strömmen och värmeproduktionen. Åldringen i en battericell undersöktes genom modellanalys av elektroder som tagits från nya eller åldrade celler. Som metod användes en frekvensberoende modell som anpassades till tre-elektrod-impedansmätningar genom förändring av parametrar som beskriver elektrodnedbrytning. Då cellerna cyklats, visade förändringen av dessa parametrar att impedansen ökar på grund av nedbrytningsprodukter från elektrolyten som hindrar masstransporten och att det aktiva materialet i positiva elektroden spricker. En liknande modell användes också till att undersöka PAN-baserade kolfibrers förmåga att interkalera litium och resultaten visade på att den har mycket goda elektrokemiska egenskaper. / <p>QC 20130520</p>

Caractérisation et modélisation de composants de stockage électrochimique et électrostatique

Devillers, Nathalie 29 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le domaine aéronautique, l'optimisation du rendement énergétique global, la réduction des masses embarquées et la nécessité de répondre aux besoins énergétiques croissants conduisent à développer de nouvelles technologies et méthodes pour générer l'énergie électrique à bord, pour la distribuer, la convertir et la stocker. Dans cette thèse, des éléments de stockage de l'énergie électrique sont caractérisés dans l'optique d'être modélisés. Parmi les différents systèmes de stockage, présentés dans un état de l'art préliminaire, sont retenus les supercondensateurs et les accumulateurs électrochimiques Lithium-ion polymère, considérés respectivement comme des sources de puissance et d'énergie, à l'échelle de l'application. Ces moyens de stockage sont caractérisés par chronopotentiométrie à courant constant et par spectrométrie d'impédance électrochimique. Les essais sont éffectués dans des conditions expérimentales, définissant le domaine de validités des modèles, en cohérence avec les contraintes de l'application finale. Différents modèles sont alors développés en fonction de leur utilisation : des modèles simples, fonctionnels et suffisants pour la gestion globale d'énergie et des modèles dynamiques, comportementaux et nécessaires pour l'analyse de la qualité du réseau. Ils sont ensuite validés sur des profils de mission. Pour disposer d'un système de stockage performant et en adéquation avec les besoins énergétiques de l'aéronef, une méthode de dimensionnement est proposée, associant des composants de stockage complémentaires. Un gestion fréquentielle des sources est mise en oeuvre de manière à minimiser la masse du système de stockage.

Hybrid Controls Development and Optimization of a Fuel Cell Hybrid Powertrain

Koch, Alexander Karl January 2012 (has links)
The University of Waterloo Alternative Fuels Team’s participation in EcoCAR: The Next Challenge provided an unparalleled opportunity to execute advanced vehicle technology research with hands on learning and industry leading mentoring from practicing engineers in the automotive industry. This thesis investigates the optimization of the hybrid operating strategy on board the EcoCAR development vehicle. This investigation provides the framework to investigate the pros and cons of different hybrid control strategies, develop the model based design process for controls development in a student team environment and take the learning of this research and apply them to a mule development vehicle. A primary controls development model was created to simulate software controls before releasing to the vehicle level and served as a tool to evaluate and compare control strategies. The optimization routine was not directly compatible with this model and so a compromise was made to develop a simplified vehicle model in the MATLAB environment that would be useful for observing trends but realizing that the accuracy of the results may not be totally consistent with the real world vehicle. These optimization results were then used to create a new control strategy that was simulated in the original vehicle development model. This new control strategy exhibited a 15% gain in fuel economy over the best case from the literature during an Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule (UDDS) drive cycle. Recommendations for future work include adding charge depletion operation to the simulation test cases and improving the accuracy of the optimization model by removing the simplifications that contributed to faster simulation time. This research has also illustrated the wide variability of drive cycles from the mildly aggressive UDDS cycle having 5 kilowatts average propulsion power to the very aggressive US06 cycle having 19 kilowatts average propulsion power and their impact on the efficiency of a particular control strategy. Understanding how to adapt or tune software for particular drive cycle or driver behaviour may lead to an interesting area of research.

Design of resilient silicon-carbon nanocomposite anodes

Hertzberg, Benjamin Joseph 16 November 2011 (has links)
Si-based anodes have recently received considerable attention for use in Li-ion batteries, due to their extremely high specific capacity - an order of magnitude beyond that offered by conventional graphite anode materials. However, during the lithiation process, Si-based anodes undergo extreme increases in volume, potentially by more than 300 %. The stresses produced within the electrode by these volume changes can damage the electrode binder, the active Si particles and the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI), causing the electrode to rapidly fail and lose capacity. These problems can be overcome by producing new anode materials incorporating both Si and C, which may offer a favorable combination of the best properties of both materials, and which can be designed with internal porosity, thereby buffering the high strains produced during battery charge and discharge with minimal overall volume changes. However, in order to develop useful anode materials, we must gain a thorough understanding of the structural, microstructural and chemical changes occurring within the electrode during the lithiation and delithiation process, and we must develop new processes for synthesizing composite anode particles which can survive the extreme strains produced during lithium intercalation of Si and exhibit no volume changes in spite of the volume changes in Si. In this work we have developed several novel synthesis processes for producing internally porous Si-C nanocomposite anode materials for Li-ion batteries. These nanocomposites possess excellent specific capacity, Coulombic efficiency, cycle lifetime, and rate capability. We have also investigated the influence of a range of different parameters on the electrochemical performance of these materials, including pore size and shape, carbon and silicon film thickness and microstructure, and binder chemistry.

Electrochemistry and magnetism of lithium doped transition metal oxides / Elektrochemie und Magnetismus von Lithium dotierten Übergangsmetalloxiden

Popa, Andreia Ioana 11 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The physics of transition metal oxides is controlled by the combination and competition of several degrees of freedom, in particular the charge, the spin and the orbital state of the electrons. One important parameter responsible for the physical properties is the density of charge carriers which determines the oxidization state of the transition metal ions. The central objective in this work is the study of transition metal oxides in which the charge carrier density is adjusted and controlled via lithium intercalation/deintercalation using electrochemical methods. Lithium exchange can be achieved with a high degree of accuracy by electrochemical methods. The magnetic properties of various intermediate compounds are studied. Among the materials under study the mixed valent vanadium-oxide multiwall nanotubes represent a potentially technologically relevant material for lithium-ion batteries. Upon electron doping of VOx-NTs, the data confirm a higher number of magnetic V4+ sites. Interestingly, room temperature ferromagnetism evolves after electrochemical intercalation of Li, making VOx-NTs a novel type of self-assembled nanoscaled ferromagnets. The high temperature ferromagnetism was attributed to formation of nanosize interacting ferromagnetic spin clusters around the intercalated Li ions. This behavior was established by a complex experimental study with three different local spin probe techniques, namely, electron spin resonance (ESR), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and muon spin relaxation spectroscopies. Sr2CuO2Br2 was another compound studied in this work. The material exhibits CuO4 layers isostructural to the hole-doped high-Tc superconductor La2-xSr2CuO4. Electron doping is realized by Li-intercalation and superconductivity was found below 9K. Electrochemical treatment hence allows the possibility of studying the electronic phase diagram of LixSr2CuO2Br2, a new electron doped superconductor. The effect of electrochemical lithium doping on the magnetic properties was also studied in tunnel-like alpha-MnO2 nanostructures. Upon lithium intercalation, Mn4+ present in alpha-MnO2 will be reduced to Mn3+, resulting in a Mn mixed valency in this compound. The mixed valency and different possible interactions arising between magnetic spins give a complexity to the magnetic properties of doped alpha-MnO2.

Surface Active Sites: An Important Factor Affecting the Sensitivity of Carbon Anode Material towards Humidity

Fu, L. J., Zhang, H. P., Wu, Y. P., Wu, H. Q., Holze, R. 31 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In this paper, we report that various kinds of active sites on graphite surface including active hydrophilic sites markedly affect the electrochemical performance of graphite anodes for lithium ion batteries under different humidity conditions. After depositing metals such as Ag and Cu by immersing and heat-treating, these active sites on the graphite surface were removed or covered and its electrochemical performance under the high humidity conditions was markedly improved. This suggests that lithium ion batteries can be assembled under less strict conditions and that it provides a valuable direction to lower the manufacturing cost for lithium ion batteries.

Fundamental Properties of Functional Magnetic Materials

Wikberg, Magnus January 2010 (has links)
Magnetic properties of powders, thin films and single crystals have been investigated using magnetometry methods. This thesis provides analysis and conclusions that are supported by the results obtained from spectroscopic and diffraction measurements as well as from theoretical calculations. First, the magnetic behavior of transition metal (TM) doped ZnO with respect to doping, growth conditions and post annealing has been studied. Our findings indicate that the magnetic behavior stems from small clusters or precipitates of the dopant, with ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic interactions. At the lowest dopant concentrations, the estimated cluster sizes are too small for high resolution imaging. Still, the clusters may be sufficiently large to generate a finite spontaneous magnetization even at room temperature and could easily be misinterpreted as an intrinsic ferromagnetic state of the TM:ZnO compound. Second, influence of lattice strain on both magnetic moment and anisotropy has been investigated for epitaxial MnAs thin films grown on GaAs substrates. The obtained magnetic moments and anisotropy values are higher than for bulk MnAs. The enhanced values are caused by highly strained local areas that have a stronger dependence on the in-plane axis strain than out-of plane axis strain. Finally, spin glass behavior in Li-layered oxides, used for battery applications, and a double perovskite material has been investigated. For both Li(NiCoMn)O2 and (Sr,La)MnWO6, a mixed-valence of one of the transition metal ions creates competing ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions resulting in a low temperature three-dimensional (3D) spin glass state. Additionally, Li(NiCoMn)O2 with large cationic mixing exhibits a percolating ferrimagnetic spin order in the high temperature region and coexists with a two-dimensional (2D) frustrated spin state in the mid temperature region. This is one of the rare observations where a dimensional crossover from 2D to 3D spin frustration appears in a reentrant material. / Felaktigt tryckt som Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 720

Design of a State of Charge (SOC) Estimation Block for a Battery Management System (BMS). / Entwicklung eines Ladezustand Block für Battery Management System (BMS)

Cheema, Umer Ali January 2013 (has links)
Battery Management System (BMS) is an essential part in battery powered applications where large battery packs are in use. BMS ensures protection, controlling, supervision and accurate state estimation of battery pack to provide efficient energy management. However the particular application determines the accuracy and requirements of BMS where it has to implement; in electric vehicles (EVs) accuracy cannot be compromised. The software part of BMS estimates the states of the battery pack and takes the best possible decision. In EVs one of the key tasks of BMS’s software part is to provide the actual state of charge (SOC), which represents a crucial parameter to be determined, especially in lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries, due to the presence of the high hysteresis behavior in the open circuit voltage than other kind of lithium batteries. This hysteresis phenomena appears with two different voltage curves during the charging and discharging process. The value of the voltage that the battery is going to assume during the off-loading operation depends on several factors, such as temperature, loop direction and ageing. In this research work, hybrid method is implemented in which advantages of several methods are achieved by implementing one technique combined with another. In this work SOC is calculated from coulomb counting method and in order to correct the error of SOC, an hysteresis model is developed and used due to presence of hysteresis effect in LiFePO4 batteries. An hysteresis model of the open circuit voltage (OCV) for a LiFePO4 cell is developed and implemented in MATLAB/Simulink© in order to reproduce the voltage response of the battery when no current from the cell is required (no load condition). Then the difference of estimated voltage and measured voltage is taken in order to correct the error of SOC calculated from coulomb counting or current integration method. To develop the hysteresis model which can reproduce the same voltage behavior, lot of experiments have been carried out practically in order to see the hysteresis voltage response and to see that how voltage curve change with the variation of temperature, ageing and loop direction. At the end model is validated with different driving profiles at different ambient temperatures.

U.S. Governmental incentives and policies for investment in electric vehicles and infrastructure

Zeeshan, Jafer January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of study is to research the development of electric vehicle technology in the United States. This study describes the United States public policies towards electric vehicle technology and system of innovation approaches. The government roles with the help of national system of innovation have been also covered in this study. The point of departure was the study of available literature and U.S energy policy acts which illustrates that the break-through in electric vehicles still not only depended on better battery technology and infrastructure for charging stations but also on social, economic and political factors. The important actors involved in the process are both at local and international level are private firms, governmental departments, research and development (R&amp;D) institutes, nongovernment organizations (NGO’s) and environmental organizations etc. The arguments which are put forward in the background of development of such technologies are to reduce dependence on foreign oil and to reduce emissions of harmful gasses.

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