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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mining, institutions and sustainability: disagreements and challenges / Minería, instituciones y sostenibilidad: desencuentros y desafíos*

Bebbington, Anthony J., Bury, Jeffrey T. 25 September 2017 (has links)
Las tendencias de largo plazo en el consumo mundial continúangenerando crecimiento en la actividad minera. Para muchos países,esto puede significar nuevos recursos para el desarrollo, perotambién podría crear desafíos a la sostenibilidad y conflictos enlas regiones en las que se realiza la extracción. Distintos actoresde los sectores público, privado y de la sociedad civil han prestadocreciente atención a las alternativas para superar estos desafíos yencontrar formas de construir sinergias entre la minería y el desarrollo.La investigación en el Perú —uno de los centros mundialesde reciente expansión minera— pone de manifiesto la presión queeste crecimiento impone sobre el recurso hídrico, los medios de vida(livelihoods) y las relaciones sociales. Estas presiones se derivan delas condiciones institucionales que regulan la expansión minera, laadministración del recurso hídrico y la gestión del desarrollo local.Un problema adicional es la escasa comunicación entre los sistemasde conocimiento basados en el sector minero y aquellos de las poblacioneslocales. Abordar estas fuentes de no sostenibilidad requiereuna forma de generar conocimientos que pueda tender puentes entrediferentes sistemas epistémicos, mantener las relaciones entre losactores interesados que tienen posiciones contrapuestas y generar conocimientos que conduzcan a una innovación institucional, enparticular en los ámbitos relacionados con el monitoreo del aguay con la zonificación ecológica y el ordenamiento territorial. / Global consumption continues to generate growth in mining. In lesserdeveloped economies, this growth offers the potential to generate newresources for development, but also creates challenges to sustainabilityin the regions in which extraction occurs. This context leads todebate on the institutional arrangements most likely to build synergiesbetween mining, livelihoods, and development, and on the socio-politicalconditions under which such institutions can emerge. Buildingfrom a multiyear, three country program of research projects, Peru, aglobal center of mining expansion, serves as an exemplar for analyzingthe effects of extractive industry on livelihoods and the conditionsunder which arrangements favoring local sustainability might emerge.This program is guided by three emergent hypotheses in human environmentalsciences regarding the relationships among institutions,knowledge, learning, and sustainability. The research combines indepthand comparative case study analysis, and uses mapping andspatial analysis, surveys, in-depth interviews, participant observation,and our own direct participation in public debates on the regulation ofmining for development. The findings demonstrate the pressures thatmining expansion has placed on water resources, livelihood assets,and social relationships. These pressures are a result of institutionalconditions that separate the governance of mineral expansion, waterresources, and local development, and of relationships of power thatprioritize large scale investment over livelihood and environment. Afurther problem is the poor communication between mining sectorknowledge systems and those of local populations. These results areconsistent with themes recently elaborated in sustainability science.

Impactos do desenvolvimento em comunidades tradicionais: transição agroalimentar e ajustes adaptativos / Impacts of Development on Traditional Communities: Agrofood Transition and Adaptive Adjustments

Rodrigo de Jesus Silva 14 March 2014 (has links)
O maior acesso ao meio urbano e ao mundo globalizado pode estar colocando em risco o modo de vida dos povos tradicionais, gerando impactos na alimentação e no sistema agroalimentar. Com o intuito de inferir as possíveis consequências do desenvolvimento e as estratégias de adaptação dos povos tradicionais às novas demandas socioeconômicas, o estudo foi conduzido nos remanescentes de quilombo Kalunga - GO e com os pescadores artesanais da ilha de Apeú Salvador - PA. Por meio de avaliações quantitativas e qualitativas este trabalho visou entender os impactos ocasionados às comunidades tradicionais devido ao aumento da urbanização, do maior acesso à economia de mercado e políticas públicas. As qualitativas foram aplicadas no sentido de caracterizar as condições socioeconômicas locais, a alimentação, a produção de autoconsumo e as formas de uso dos recursos naturais, utilizando \"recordatório alimentar 24 horas\", depoimentos da população local e observações de campo. As quantitativas foram realizadas através da análise isotópica de unhas dos entrevistados e por meio da avaliação dos fatores de influência na alimentação local. O uso de ecologia isotópica permitiu avaliar a dieta quanto à fonte de origem dos alimentos, natural ou industrial, e caracterizar a alimentação de acordo com o nível da cadeia trófica, presença de carne, peixe, dentre outros. A junção da pesquisa qualitativa com a quantitativa permitiu identificar elementos de transição agroalimentar e mudanças nas formas de uso dos recursos naturais nas comunidades mais acessíveis ao meio urbano. Em contraposição a este padrão de transformação, em algumas comunidades foi identificado um panorama de resistência do modo de vida tradicional e reorganização por meio de estímulos à produção agroextrativista local. A partir da produção do pescado em Apeú Salvador e da farinha de mandioca nos Kalunga, a manutenção do trabalho e o incentivo à autonomia local são alternativas que podem potencializar o ajuste e a adaptação às mudanças globais da modernidade. Embora alguns dos resultados remetam à mudança de hábitos agroalimentares, pondera-se que sob determinadas condições os impactos do desenvolvimento em povos tradicionais podem ser atenuados. Apesar da relativização, salienta-se que as interferências da modernidade no sistema agroalimentar em comunidades tradicionais são reais e precisam ser devidamente considerados por intervenções externas e políticas públicas. / The greater access to urban and globalized world may be endangering the livelihood of traditional people, generating impacts on food and agrofood system. Therefore, aiming to infer these possible impacts of development and adaptation strategies of traditional peoples to new socioeconomic demands, the study was conducted in the remaining slaves Kalunga - GO and artisanal fishermen of Apeú Salvador - PA island. Since, through quantitative and qualitative evaluations the objective was to understand the consequences on traditional communities due to increased urbanization, income, greater access to the market economy and public policy. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations were employed. Qualitative have been applied for characterizing the local socioeconomic conditions, food and forms of resources use, using food 24h recall, reports of local people and field observations. Quantitative evaluation was performed using isotope analysis of fingernails and interviewed by assessment of the influence factors on local food. The use of isotopic ecology allowed evaluating diet as the source of origin, natural or industrial, and characterizing food according to the level of the trophic chain, presence of meat, fish and others. Qualitative research with quantitative allowed to identify elements of agrofood transition on accessible communities. In contrast to this transformation pattern in some communities the resistance of traditional way of life and reorganization was identified through incentives for agroextractive production and other economic activities related to local culture. Based on fish production in Apeú Salvador and cassava flour in Kalunga, the encouragement of work and maintenance of local autonomy are alternatives that may enhance adaptation to global changes of modernity. Thus, although some of the results referring to the change in food habits and use of natural resources, under certain conditions the impacts of development on traditional peoples can be bypassed. Although relativization the interference of modernity on the agrofood system of traditional communities it\'s real and need to be properly considered by external interventions and public policies.

Mudanças no uso da terra e nos modos de vida de assentados rurais no Alto Xingu / Land use changes and livelihoods transformations among Upper Xingu rural settlers

Gustavo da Cunha Sant'Ana 18 April 2017 (has links)
Historicamente, a produção agropecuária na Bacia Hidrográfica do Alto Xingu esteve voltada aos grandes mercados. Nas últimas décadas, observa-se uma importante mudança no uso da terra, dada pela expansão do cultivo de grãos para exportação (como soja e milho) em detrimento das áreas de pastagens. A transição do modo de produção na região atinge inclusive os pequenos produtores e assentados rurais, a despeito da limitação de terras para a produção em grande escala e de sua vulnerabilidade socioeconômica. Especial atenção é dada aos assentados rurais devido às peculiaridades relacionadas à ocupação territorial, as quais acabam por diferenciar a dinâmica de uso da terra, o que afeta, sobretudo, os seus modos de vida. Diante desta problemática, este estudo objetiva identificar as diferentes variáveis que contribuem para o atual contexto de mudança no uso da terra em um assentamento rural localizado no município de Água Boa (MT) e como este fenômeno se relaciona com a manutenção ou não dos modos de vida dos assentados. Os dados foram coletados a partir de entrevistas abertas, não estruturadas e em profundidade em quarenta domicílios rurais. Resultados mostram que a mudança no uso da terra pela expansão do cultivo de grãos ocorre no assentamento da mesma forma que o observado na paisagem da região do Alto Xingu. A mudança do uso da terra no P.A. Jaraguá está vinculada a uma tentativa de superar limitações produtivas, como pastagens degradadas, dificuldades de acesso à água e a capital financeiro para investimentos na produção agropecuária. Como consequência, a área destinada ao cultivo de grãos tem substituído as pastagens e o arrendamento e a comercialização de lotes rurais têm sido estimulados para que este novo modo de produção seja viabilizado, pelo menos em curto prazo. Assim, a expansão da agricultura intensiva de grãos e os efeitos do aumento generalizado dos preços das terras agricultáveis são importantes drivers na tomada de decisão dos assentados sobre o uso da terra. Os resultados apontam que esse contexto é estruturado por (ao mesmo tempo em que também estrutura) novos modos de vida no assentamento, caracterizados por fenômenos socioeconômicos como o envelhecimento rural, a maior participação da aposentadoria e da prestação de serviços (agropecuários ou não, formais ou informais) na geração de renda família e o êxodo rural. / Historically, agricultural production in the basin of the Upper Xingu has been geared to large markets. In recent decades, there has been a major change in land use, given the expansion of grain crops export (such as soybeans and corn) to the detriment of pasture areas. The transition of mode of production in the region can even reach small farmers and rural settlers, despite land limitation for large-scale production and smallholders producers\' vulnerability. In this study, particular attention is given to rural settlers due to the peculiarities related to land occupation, which eventually differentiates the dynamics of land use, affecting substantially their way of life. Faced with this problem, this study aims to identify the different variables that contribute to the current context of change in land use in a rural settlement located in the municipality of Água Boa (MT) and how this phenomenon is related to the maintenance or not of settlers\' livelihood strategies. Data were collected from unstructured in-depth interviews in forty rural households. Results show that the change in land use for the expansion of grain cultivation occurs in the settlement the same way as observed in the landscape of the Upper Xingu region. The change in land use in P.A. Jaraguá might be related to an attempt to overcome production constraints such as degraded pastures, problems with water access and financial investments in agricultural production. As a result, pastures have been replaced by areas devoted to grain crops. Moreover, the lease and sale of rural lots have been stimulated in order to make this new mode of production possible, at least, in the short term. Thus, the expansion of intensive grain cultivation and the effects of increasing general prices of agricultural land are important drivers in the settlers\' decision making on land use. The results show that while this context structures new livelihood strategies in the settlement, it has also been structured by them. In addition, such context has been characterized by some socioeconomic phenomena such as rural aging, larger rates of retirement, rural exodus, and the provision of services in the generation of family income , whether it be agricultural or not, formal or informal.

Agroecology: a proposal for livelihood, ecosystem services provision and biodiversity conservation for small dairy farms in Santa Catarina / Agroecologia: uma proposta para provisão da subsistência de pequenos produtores de leite, serviços ecossistêmicos e conservação da biodiversidade em Santa Catarina.

Andréa Castelo Branco Brasileiro Assing 29 March 2018 (has links)
The challenge of balancing food production, ecosystem services (ESs) and biodiversity conservation evidences the disruption of the present agri-food system. This demands a social-ecological system transformation. For this, the replacement of conventional agricultural practices to agroecological ones has been suggested, since these practices could provide ESs provision, which agriculture and human life are dependent on, and a permeable matrix, which is indispensable for biodiversity conservation. However, the food production activity also needs to afford small farmers livelihood, otherwise, they will not be interested in taking part of this transition. In view of this, the present dissertation has the objective of analyzing agroecology as a proposal to provide farmers livelihood, generate ESs and contribute for biodiversity conservation, integrally. In order to reach the objective proposed, we selected the case study of Santa Rosa de Lima (SRL), located in Santa Catarina (SC) state, which is inserted in area of Atlantic Forest (AF), in Southern Brazil. This municipality has many dairy farmers associated with AF. AF is globally recognized as a priority biome for biodiversity conservation, due to its rich biodiversity and current level of degradation. Furthermore, the biome provides diverse ESs. Dairy activity has been extensively referred as a major driver of AF deforestation, on other hand, dairy activity is of relevance for the state economy and farmers livelihood. Due to the referred, it was brought to SC a potential agroecological and sustainable intensification (SI) dairy system, the management intensive grazing (MIG) system. The hypothesis was that the implementation of this system has potential to increase dairy profitability, reduce reliance on off-farm inputs, provide ESs and decrease pressure on remaining forest. Additionally, by increasing stocking rate and milk yields, farmers may be able to retire land from production to conservation without suffering an economic loss. To analyze the results of MIG implementation in SRL, as an agroeological system with potential to balance economic and ecological goals, we compared social, ecological and economic data of farmers applying MIG and farmers applying conventional systems. These data were collected through farmers interview and an accounting project conducted in the city during one year. As first research result, we found that MIG is still in process to become considered an agroecological system. Therefore, we analyzed this process of transformation through the lenses of social theories for social-ecological system transformation. In summary, our results has showed that MIG is more profitable than conventional systems, have increased land efficiency and showed signs of environmental improvements, however, still needs progresses to become an agroecological and sustainable intensification system. This process of transition has already started in SRL, since, among the mentioned and other evidences, MIG has gradually reduced the use of environmentally damaging inputs and farmers has showed to be more prone to meet environmental law. Our results also indicate social learning as indispensable, and financial capital as necessary to foment the process of transformation. To introduce both in the process, Participatory Processes and Payment for Ecosystem Services are advocated as suitable tools. / O desafio de equilibrar produção de alimentos, provisão de serviços ecossistêmicos (SEs) e conservação da biodiversidade evidencia a ruptura do sistema agroalimentar em vigor. Esta transição demanda uma transformação do sistema social-ecológico. Para isto, a substituição de práticas convencionais por práticas agroecológicas tem sido proposta, uma vez que estas geram SEs, do qual a agricultura e a vida humana são dependentes, e uma matriz permeável, que é indispensável para conservação da biodiversidade. Entretanto, a atividade de produção de alimentos também deve ser pensada no sentido de garantir a subsistência de pequenos produtores rurais, caso contrário, eles não apresentarão interesse em participar desta transição. Devido a isto, a presente tese tem por objetivo analisar a agroecologia como uma proposta para a subsistência de agricultores, a geração de SEs e contribuição na conservação da biodiversidade, integradamente. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, foi selecionado um estudo de caso localizado em Santa Rosa de Lima (SRL), no estado de Santa Catarina (SC), em área de Mata Atlântica (MA), na região sul do Brasil. Este município possui vários produtores rurais associados à MA. A MA é globalmente reconhecida como um bioma prioritário para conservação da biodiversidade, devido a sua rica biodiversidade e estágio atual de degradação. Além do mais, o bioma oferece diversos SEs. A atividade de produção de leite tem sido recorrentemente referida como uma das principais causas de desmatamento de MA, por outro lado, esta atividade é de relevância para a economia do estado e subsistência de produtores rurais. Devido ao exposto, foi trazido para SC um sistema de produção de leite com potencial para ser agroecológico e de intensificação sustentável (IS), o sistema de Manejo Intensivo de Pastagem (MIP). A hipótese inicial consistia em que a implementação deste sistema tem o potencial de aumentar a lucratividade da atividade, reduzir a dependência de insumos externos à propriedade, gerar SEs e diminuir a pressão sobre os remanescentes florestais. Adicionalmente, através do aumento da taxa de estocagem e produção de leite, produtores podem estar aptos a separar terra, antes dedicada para a atividade, para conservação, sem sofrer perda econômica. Para analisar os resultados da implementação do MIP em SRL, como um sistema agroecológico com potencial para equilibrar metas econômicas e ecológicas, nós comparamos dados sociais, ecológicos e econômicos entre produtores que adotam MIP e produtores que adotam sistemas convencionais. Estes dados foram coletados através de entrevistas e um projeto contábil realizado na cidade durante um ano. Como primeiro resultado, nós diagnosticamos que o MIP está ainda em processo de tornar-se agroecológico. Entretanto, nós analisamos este processo de transformação através das lentes da teorias sociais. Em síntese, nossos resultados mostraram que o MIP é mais lucrativo, tem aumentado eficiência no uso da terra e tem mostrado sinais de melhoras ambientais, mas ainda necessita progressos para tornar-se um sistema agroecológico e de intensificação sustentável. Este processo de transição já tem se iniciado em SRL, uma vez que, além de outras evidencias e as já mencionadas, MIP tem reduzido gradativamente o uso de insumos danosos ao ambiente, e produtores tem se apresentado mais inclinados a atender a legislação ambiental. Nossos resultados também indicaram aprendizagem social como indispensável, e capital financeiro como necessário ao fomento do processo de transformação. Para a introdução de ambos no processo, Ações Participativas e Pagamentos por Serviços Ecossistêmicos são entendidos como ferramentas adequadas.

Some demographic aspects of women's access to land for farming in South Africa: a comparison from 2004 to 2007

Nyirasafari, Philomene January 2009 (has links)
Magister Philosophiae - MPhil / The issue of women's access to land is a developmental issue. From a fundamental research view point, this study aims to explore the circumstances in which women access land in South Africa. The study examines the inequalities that may arise in the context of land access, land acquisition; land use, activities taking place on land and closely related issues focusing specifically on women in general, and women headed households in particular. The study is based on demographic characteristics such as age, gender, marital status, occupational groups, education, province of residence and ethnic groups. Bringing together the demographic variables and land related variables, the study captures the structural changes between 2004 and 2007. Using 2004 and 2007 GHS secondary data requested from Statistics South Africa, cross tabulation and bivariate statistical analysis by means of SPSS software was performed. The results obtained indicate that the inequality against women's access to land still persists. Some women have access to land for agricultural purpose but few own it. The findings suggest that a number of factors including age, place of residence, marital status, ethnic group, literacy, educational level, of women are associated with the ability of women to access and acquire land. The sustainable livelihood framework is a theory that guided this study. Diversification is commonly used to prevent time of risks and shocks. In general, the study shows that the proportion of women who had access to land was 16% in 2004. This figure dropped to 14% in 2007. / South Africa

Land Use Change and Livelihood Transition in the China-ASEAN Borderland / 中国-ASEAN跨境域における土地利用変化と地域住民の生業転換に関する研究

Hua, Xiaobo 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(地域研究) / 甲第21904号 / 地博第250号 / 新制||地||92(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科グローバル地域研究専攻 / (主査)教授 河野 泰之, 教授 藤倉 達郎, 教授 藤田 幸一, 教授 竹田 晋也 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Area Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM

Anxiety in the Workplace: A Study of Different Anxiety Relief Methods for Hotel Employees

Carrillo, Cindy 05 1900 (has links)
There is a lack of anxiety relief methods used in the hospitality workplace. This study examines the effectiveness of two forms of anxiety relief through four different methods. The data collection took place in classroom environments at the University of North Texas and the University of New Orleans, both of which are located in southern USA. The independent variables are the recovery method, the mediator variables are restorativeness and emotional improvement, and the dependent variables are negative job affects, positive job affects, turnover intention, and job commitment. Professors were asked for some time during their lecture to conduct the experiment in a classroom environment during the students' class time. Eight classes were visited, with each class being exposed to a designated anxiety relief method. The anxiety relief methods consisted of using a virtual reality headset with sound, virtual reality headset without sound, nature pictures with sound, and nature pictures without sound. Results of 206 usable surveys indicated virtual reality recovery method evoked higher levels of restorativeness than picture recovery method. Restorativeness partially mediated the effects of positive job affects and job commitment. lastly, emotional improvement partially mediated the effects of negative job affects, positive job affects, and turnover intention.

Livelihood diversification and poverty among rural households in Capricorn District, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Maja, Tumiso Nighty January 2019 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. Agricultural Science (Agricultural Economics)) -- University of Limpopo, 2019 / Livelihood diversification in South Africa has become the backbone for many of the households‟ in rural areas and it is perceived as a strategy to cope with the growing population and the rapidly increasing poverty rate. A sizeable number of rural households in South Africa work two or more jobs to generate more income. This serves as a strategy to alleviate their poverty. In spite of these, it is evident that poverty and high rate of unemployment are still prevalent in the rural Capricorn District. Thus, this study examined the nexus between poverty and diversification of livelihoods and to ascertain whether the different livelihood diversification strategies engaged in make rural households better-off or worse-off in the study area. A multistage and simple random sampling technique was employed to collect data from a sample of 216 respondents. Analytical techniques employed were descriptive statistics, FGT Poverty Index and the Probit Regression Model. Nine variables were included as explanatory variables in the Probit Regression and only six variables (gender of the respondents, marital status of the respondents, years of formal education, household size, livelihood index and member of association) were found to be significant at 10%, 5%, 1%, 10%,1% and 5%, respectively. Based on the findings, the study recommends that the diversification of livelihood strategies needs to be strengthened among rural households, investment in formal and vocational training should be intensified to increase rural households‟ participation in more viable livelihood options in the study area.

Multi-Agent simulation of climate change Adaptation

Vidal Merino, Mariana 27 May 2020 (has links)
The Tropical Andes continue to suffer the most radical climatic changes in South America. These changes generate alterations in its ecosystems, and therefore affect local populations, whose livelihoods are dependent on its diversity and functioning. This is particularly true for rural populations who rely on agriculture as their primary source of food and income. Although the biophysical pathways through which climate change can affect these populations have received extensive scientific attention, it is urgent to study the socioeconomic pathways, at scales that allow the development of vulnerability reduction strategies at the local level. The present study is part of the INCA project (International Network on Climate Change), which is a research network that analyses the local strategies of farmers under a changing climate in the Tropical Andes (Lindner et al. 2017). To contribute to this goal this study investigates climate-related vulnerability and climate change adaptation at local scales. First, the current vulnerability of farm household systems (FHSs) to climate-related hazards is assessed. This is done by looking at determinants that are internal (adaptive capital) and external (climate-related hazards) to the FHSs. Based on the recurrence of internal factors, FHSs are categorized into different groups. These groups are validated by observing the effects of climatic events that are specific to each group. The result of the analysis are different typologies or archetypes of climate-related vulnerability. The analysis adopts an archetype approach and develops methods based on multivariate analysis techniques. Second, the study analyzes the impacts of climate change, expressed as an increase in temperature conditions, at local levels. For this purpose, a multi-agent systems model of land-use/cover change is used, specifically the software package MPMAS. The model is the first attempt at a detailed representation of agents-environment interactions in the framework of climate change in the Tropical Andes. The simulation outcomes report on the adaptation of different farm household groups and the effects of climate change on the agricultural landscape. The research was conducted in selected communities in the Central Andes of Peru. The active integration of empirical data with secondary literature in the application of the research methods provided a suitable way to analyze the vulnerability and adaptive capacity of FHSs in the Tropical Andes in a comprehensive manner. Moreover, the use of participatory assessment techniques to obtain empirical data provided an additional perspective for the analysis and improved the understanding of the problem, contributing to deriving analytical generalizations that could hardly be obtained using only quantitative methods. The research results for the study area identify five archetypes of farm household’s vulnerability to climate-related hazards. For each archetype, distinct vulnerability-creating mechanisms are observed. For example, most vulnerable farm households have a very limited amount of adaptive capital: low levels of off-farm employment, few farm animals, small agricultural area, mostly rainfed, and low use of agro-ecological zones. In addition, they occupy predominantly the higher, and therefore less-productive, agro-ecological zones of the watershed. The analysis also makes it possible to derive spatial and thematic priorities for vulnerability reduction that are specific to each archetype. The modeling approach applied proved to be suitable for simulating the impacts of climate change at the local level. In particular, regarding the explicit simulation of FHSs, the productive landscape, and the way in which they interrelate and change in response to an increase in temperature conditions. The incorporation of heterogeneity and dynamics in the modeled population, the use of optimization techniques to simulate decision making, and the multi-periodicity of the model produce non-linearity, uncertainty and trajectory dependence. In addition, the use of vulnerability archetypes is a novel and robust way of creating a heterogeneous population for the initialization of the model. Simulation results show dynamic changes in the agricultural landscape as temperature increases. The area allocated to corn and olluco expands, while potato and oat areas diminish. Investment in tree plantations is largely unaffected. The effects of rising temperatures on farm households’ welfare show a general persistence of poverty in the study area. However, the effect on FHSs income is predominantly positive, allowing some to improve their food poverty position. The FHSs that manage to benefit from an increase in temperature have, on average, larger agricultural and forest areas, a greater amount of savings in the form of animals, hire more salaried labor and practice more mechanized agriculture than the FHSs whose situation did not improve. The results show that, in addition to the effects of climate change on crop productivity, there are other factors influencing land use decisions that deserve more attention in the analysis of vulnerability and climate change impacts. A better understanding of heterogeneity in climate vulnerability and climate impacts is an important step in meeting this demand.

The contribution of small-scale timber farming in enhancing sustainable livelihood at Sokhulu

Jele, Zanele 05 1900 (has links)
Small-scale timber farming provides alternative income for growers selling to forestry, procurement companies and timber suppliers or agents. The research used focus groups and structured questionnaires in the Sokhulu area to determine the contribution of small-scale timber farming to enhance sustainable livelihood. The Sustainable Livelihood Framework measured livelihood levels of different grower types in terms of access to natural, human, financial, social and physical assets. Findings show that timber suppliers had a higher asset composition, than growers selling to companies or growers selling to timber suppliers. Households lacking access to forestry resources sold timber to agents and households wanting to avoid harvesting and transport risks sold timber to suppliers. Timber farming contributes income, employment and business opportunities towards alleviating poverty rather than providing a complete solution. Tree harvesting support households during financial hardship and reduce vulnerability through diversified livelihood strategies. Disadvantages include: trees taking time to mature while immediate income is required, trees exposed to natural hazards, cheating by local harvesting and transport contractors and timber plot sales sometimes do not receive the agreed price. Despite disadvantages, timber farming provide economic benefits and further studies are needed to determine income level on mature trees, by-product sales and whether higher prices for more tonnage will sustain households that wait for tree maturity, thereby determining optimal break-even point for rural timber farmers. / Environmental Sciences / M.A. (Human Ecolgy)

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