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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Främjande eller hindrande? : En studie om socialarbetares uppfattning av arbetsmarknadsinsatser / Promoting or hindering? : A study about social workers perceotion of labor market initiatives

Durguti, Amra, Ohlsson, Amelia January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka socialarbetares erfarenheter av att stödja deltagare i arbetsmarknadsinsatser. För att undersöka detta genomförde vi fem kvalitativa intervjuer med socialarbetare som är verksamma inom arbetsmarknadsenheter i två olika kommuner. Efter intervjuerna genomfördes en innehållsanalys. Resultatet av denna visar att socialarbetarna upplever att klienten påverkas positivt av rutiner och känsla av sammanhang, samt får en viktig referens att tillföra i CV:et. Respondenterna beskrev även ökad självkänsla och ett kontaktnät som främjande för individen. Enligt resultatet finns det faktorer som hindrar socialarbetarna i arbetet med individen. Dessa faktorer är otydlighet i rollfördelningen mellan arbetsförmedlingen och kommunen, otydligheter i lagen samt att det ibland infinner sig en känsla av tvång hos individen avseende deltagande i en arbetsmarknadsinsats. Slutsatsen är att arbetsmarknadsinsatser ger individen möjlighet att utvecklas på individuell nivå för att på sikt nå ett arbete. Direkta resultat av en arbetsmarknadsinsats är ovanligt, då det tar lång tid att se resultat. / The purpose of this essay was to investigate social workers experiences of supporting participants in labor market initiatives. By interviewing social workers in labor market units, in two different municipalities, and by analyzing their narration of what factors increase a client's chance of employment. After the interviews we performed a content analysis. The result of the analysis shows that the social workers feel that the client is positively affected by routines, the sense of context and receive an important reference to add on the resume. The respondents also described increased self-esteem and a network of contacts as promotion for the individual. According to the result, there are factors that prevent social workers from working with the individual. These factors are ambiguity in the division of roles between the employment service and the municipality, ambiguities in the law and that there is sometimes a feeling of coercion in the individual regarding participation in a labor market initiative. The conclusion is that labor market initiatives give the individual the opportunity to develop on an individual level in order to eventually reach a job. Direct results from a labor market effort are unusual, as it takes a long time to see results.

Analysis of government compliance in the provision of water and sanitation to rural communities: a case study of Lepelle Nkumpi local municipality, Limpopo province

Mothapo, Raesibe Anna January 2020 (has links)
Masters in Public Administration - MPA / A persistent challenge facing especially post-apartheid South African rural municipalities is service delivery compliance. Under the guise of scarcity, rural municipalities repeatedly do not comply with legislation, policies and guidelines for the provision of drinking water and basic sanitation services for the poor. Yet, such challenges concern equity, justice and fairness to social policy and seriously impact the sustainability of livelihood of millions of rural households. The main objective of this study is to analyse the extent to which Lepelle Nkumpi Local Municipality has complied with or deviated from specific policies and legislation governing the provision of water and sanitation services at the Gedroogte, Ga Molapo and Magatle (in Zebediela) rural communities and the response of communities. The study was also intended to determine the extent to which water challenges affect the livelihood of the people in the communities. It highlights the refugee-like conditions that millions of South African citizens experience despite official statistics that claim that 86% of the country has access to potable water. A mixed methods design was used for this analysis. The qualitative methods that are used in the study include use of in-depth interviews, site visits, personal stories and the Municipal Integrated Development Programme (IDP). Participatory mapping of water sources; story-telling about water issues; timelines and trend lines by focus group members; transect walks and 7 key informant interviews were used to collect data. A total of 657 quantitative interviews were conducted in three communities. Service delivery compliance has been grossly ineffective and inefficient in Lepelle Nkumpi Local Municipality, especially in the Gedroogte, Ga Molapo and Magatle rural communities. The findings were that these rural communities still depend on state-owned boreholes for accessing drinking water, which are regularly broken and/or in disrepair. Sanitation service provision in the rural communities does not comply with the approved policy of providing ventilated improved pit (VIP) toilets. New settlements have increased the demand for clean water. Shortages of staff with relevant skills such as management, technicians, and administrators are one of the main reasons why there is a scarce supply of drinking water and basic sanitation services at the Gedroogte, Ga Molapo and Magatle communities. Inaccessibility to nearby treatment plants for waste disposal services (situation per community) and inaccessible disposal facilities and the use of disposal sites also affect the health conditions of community members within the Lepelle Nkumpi Local Municipality.

Environmental Education in Rural Development : A Case Study in Mecubúri District, Mozambique

Elfving, Maria, Ristimäki, Sanna January 2011 (has links)
This masters’ thesis is a result of research conducted during three weeks in Mecubúri District, located in northern Mozambique. The study aims to explore environmental challenges and the environmental education in Mecubúri area. It strives to understand how rural farmers are able to use environmental education as a measure to act upon the environmental challenges in the area as well as to strengthen their livelihood assets. The target group of the study is the people living in Mecubúri.A basic understanding of environmental education and the socio-economic situation in Mecubúri was achieved by a systematic collection of empirical data through the use of a methodological approach called Participatory Rural Appraisal. Ethnographic methods such as participatory observation and semi-structured interviews built the base for the qualitative primary data collection and the secondary data was collected through literature reviews. The holistic and human centred theoretical framework Sustainable Livelihood Approach (SLA) laid the analytical base of the study.The most prominent environmental concerns identified by the inhabitants were agricultural issues, uncontrolled bushfires, changes in rainfall and the increased prevalence of strong winds and cyclones as well as sanitation and hygiene. Education was transmitted through both formal and informal communication channels, whereby conservation farming, education related to sanitation and hygiene as well as various educational channels were identified as the most important factors for the rural people in Mecubúri.As a concluding remark, it is argued that the society has a strong social capital which is effectively being used in environmental education. In contrast, an increased effort from the governmental level is advocated whereby a focus on conservation farming is recommended.

The Impact of Land-use change on the Livelihoods of Rural Communities: A case-study in Edd Al-Fursan Locality, South Darfur, Sudan

Bashir, Masarra 31 January 2013 (has links)
Ziele der Arbeit sind die Bestimmung der dominanten Landnutzungsarten im Untersuchungsgebiet von Edd Al Fursan (Sudan) sowie die Kartierung und Analyse der Veränderungen der Landnutzung im Zeitraum 1972 bis 2008 mit Hilfe von multi-temporalen Satellitenbildern (Landsat MSS, TM und ETM sowie Terra ASTER). Des weiteren erfolgt eine Evaluierung des Einflusses von Veränderungen der Landnutzung auf die Lebensbedingungen der ländlichen Bevölkerung in Hinblick auf die Verfügbarkeit von Ressourcen mit Hilfe von quantitativen Untersuchungsmethoden. Um diese Aussagen treffen zu können, werden drei Methoden der Bestimmung von Veränderungen der Landnutzung angewandt, und zwar Post Classification Comparison (PCC), Change Vector Analysis (CVA) basierend auf Tasseled Cap Transformation (TCT) sowie Iteratively Reweighted Multivariate Alteration Detection (IR-MAD) mittels Maximum Autocorrelation Factor (MAF). Neben den fernerkundlichen Untersuchungen wurde eine sozio-ökonomische Feldstudie durchgeführt, die vorstrukturierte Fragenkataloge, Interviews und Gruppendiskussionen mit Personen in regionalen und lokalen Schlüsselpositionen und mit älteren Menschen durchgeführt. Fünf Klassen der Landnutzung und Landbedeckung ergeben sich aus einer Klassifikation der Satellitenbilder mit der Methode der größten Wahrscheinlichkeit (Maximum Likelihood), explizit die Klassen Grasland, Waldland, Brachland, bebautes und landwirtschaftlich nicht genutztes Land. Die Klassifikation schafft eine genaue Grundlage für die Kartierung, Quantifizierung und Analyse der Änderungen. Die Gesamtgenauigkeit der Flächenermittlung beträgt 83% für die Jahre 1972 und 1984, 85% für 1989, 87% für 1999 und 92% für 2008. Die Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die Post Classification Comparison (PCC) eine vollinhaltlich geeignete und leicht anzuwendende Methode der Flächenanalyse darstellt. Change Vector Analysis (CVA) beruhend auf Tasseled Cap Transformation (TCT) wird ebenfalls für die Kartierung und Bestimmung von Landnutzungsänderungen verwendet. Durch TCT wird der spektrale Bildinhalt in die Komponenten Greeness und Brightness transformiert sowie in dem dadurch neu definierten Koordinatensystem die CVA durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse in Form von Vektoren der Veränderung mit messbarer Richtung und messbarem Ausmass der Flächendynamik beweisen, dass die Methode für die Kartierung von Vegetationsbedeckung und insbesondere von Entwaldung und Wiederbewaldung geeignet ist. Durch die Anwendung der Multivariate Alteration Detection (MAD) in Kombination mit dem Maximum Autocorrelation Factor (MAF) werden Veränderungen der Landnutzungsklassen während des betrachteten Zeitraumes visualisiert. Die Ergebnisse beweisen, dass die MAD für die Veränderungsanalyse in multi-spektralen Satellitenbildern sehr gut geeignet ist. Darüber hinaus wird nachgewiesen, dass die Kombination mit dem MAF die Ergebnisse der MAD entscheidend verbessern kann, da Rauschen und geringfügige Änderungen unterdrückt und signifikante Änderungen klarer herausgestellt und damit besser interpretierbar werden. Um die Ursachen für die Veränderungen der Landnutzung und den Einfluss dieser Änderungen auf die Lebensbedingungen der ländlichen Bevölkerung im Projektgebiet zu identifizieren, wurde eine Befragung mittels vorstrukturiertem Fragenkatalog, Interviews und Gruppengesprächen mit 100 GesprächspartnerInnen im Alter zwischen 42 und 65 Jahren in vier nach dem Zufallsprinizip ausgewählten Dörfern ausgeführt. Die Auswertung der sozio-ökonomischen Daten erlaubt die Extraktion der Faktoren, die Landnutzung und deren Änderung beeinflussen, und die zu bestimmten Auswirkungen dieser Änderungen auf die Lebensbedingungen in den Dörfern in Hinsicht auf die Verfügbarkeit von Natur-Ressourcen führen. Die Ergebnisse der Forschungsarbeiten zeigen, dass Fernerkundung und sozio-ökonomische Datenanalyse effizient verknüpft werden können, um anthropogene Einflüsse auf Art und Dynamik von Landnutzung sichtbar zu machen. In bezug auf die gegenständliche Zeitreihe wird durch die Untersuchungen bewiesen, dass zunehmende Bevölkerungszahlen im Gebiet von Edd Al-Fursan in direktem Wirkungszusammenhang mit Veränderungen der Landnutzung stehen.

The Effects of Western Medicine on the Livelihood of Zulu Traditional Herbal Healers in South Africa

Bahamonde, Holly K. 01 January 2015 (has links)
The majority of South African citizens experience inadequate healthcare due to underfunding, mismanagement, staff shortages, and infrastructure problems. Before a healthcare system was created, the sick turned to traditional herbal healers for care. South Africa’s Zulu healers possess specialized knowledge of local plants and medicine thought to have physical and spiritual healing properties. The country’s increasing reliance on Western biomedicine has created a current concern from indigenous medicine conservationists regarding the future of this kind of knowledge. In order to assess the effects of Western medicine on traditional healing practices, I collected data on the various uses of traditional medicine, the frequency in which it is used relative to Western medicine, and how it is maintained in the community. The data identified the various uses and potential problems of Western medicine and Zulu traditional herbal practice in helping the community. The traditional herbal healers revealed close connections between the informational, spiritual, physical, and cultural components of the practice that characterize its livelihood and practice for generations to come. This information allows for a greater understanding of how culture and medicinal knowledge can be entwined together and the positive or negative effects of biomedicine interacting with traditional medicine to help solve sicknesses in not only South Africa, but potentially in our global community.

Governance, poverty and natural resources management. A case study of the Niger Delta

Bakare, Ibrahim A.O. January 2012 (has links)
This study employs ethnographic research to investigate the extent to which local governance affects both poverty and natural resources management in the Delta region. The research develops a framework for governance of natural resources to understand the daily practices of different actors within the local context using informal observation and interviews. In applying the framework, the study places emphasis on resources for governance, actors¿ agency, arrangements of access to resources and governance outcomes in the Delta region. Evidence from the study shows that while the state and corporate actors only contextualise resources in terms of economic value, local actors interprete resources beyond economic value to incorporate symbolic and socio-culturally constructed values linked with historic values. The study also identified relational, routine practices and structural factors which differently shape actors¿ agency for resources management. The context which shapes different arrangements of access to local resources by actors varies. These arrangements are subject to negotiation, power differences and socio-cultural factors. The findings related to governance outcomes reveal both positive (favourable) and negative (unfavourable) outcomes for the livelihood of different actors. The study concludes by exploring implications for local governance in order to address poverty and enhance optimal resource management in the Delta region.

The impact of climate change : its implications and the indigenous adaptation measures for sustainable livelihood in Dikgale Community in Limpopo Province

Chikosi, Shingai Ernesthart January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Anthropology)) -- University of Limpopo, 2017 / Climate change as a developmental problem warrants extensive research to provide information about its implications on the socio-economic and health conditions of rural communities and the types of local adaptation measures they have developed and used to limit its effects. There is evidence that climate change and its negative impacts are mostly felt by poor and rural communities whose economies are dependent upon favourable climatic conditions. Explanations of climate change and its threats to rural communities are among major challenges faced by scientists. Fewer studies prove that these communities are aware of change in climatic conditions and their impacts on people‘s livelihoods. The present study explored the community‘s perceptions of climate change, its impacts on the livelihoods of the community and the mechanisms developed and used by community members to adapt to the impacts of change in climatic conditions. Interviews with community members revealed that the members of Dikgale community are aware of changes in climatic conditions and how these changes impact on their livelihood. They are aware of increased temperature and erratic rainfall patterns. These changes have impacted negatively on their cultural activities. However, adaptation measures used to cope with the change are the indigenous knowledge systems which are informed by the culture and world-view of the community.

Gender role in mangrove resource management: case study in Trieu Phong district of Quang Tri province, Vietnam

Nguyen, Thi Hong Mai, Dang, Thai Hoang 16 January 2019 (has links)
A study on gender roles in mangroves management was conducted in Trieu Phuoc and Trieu Do communes of Trieu Phong district, Quang Tri province to gain a better understanding of gender roles in mangrove management. Research showed that local people are mainly dependent on fishing and aquaculture around the mangroves. Women have a good understanding about the role of mangroves and they are associated with mangroves not less than men, but so far their role has been overlooked. Mangrove management process seems to exclude women. This reduces the common management capacity of community. In addition, communities do not have a common regulation on the management and protection of mangrove forest resources and environment. A number of solutions are recommended such as strengthening the participation of civil society and women in mangrove forest management, developing a mangrove protection strategy and community-based regulations including gender. / Nghiên cứu về vai trò giới trong quản lý rừng ngập mặn (RNM) được thực hiện trên địa bàn 2 xã Triệu Phước và Triệu Độ của huyện Triệu Phong, tỉnh Quảng Trị nhằm có được sự hiểu biết hơn về vai trò giới trong quản lý RNM. Nghiên cứu đã chỉ ra rằng người dân ở đây chủ yếu sống dựa vào việc đánh bắt và nuôi trồng thủy sản tại khu vực RNM. Phụ nữ có hiểu biết khá tốt về vai trò crò RNM và họ gắn liền với RNM không kém nam giới, nhưng cho đến nay vai trò của họ gần như không được nhìn nhận. Công tác quản lý RNM còn hạn chế nữ giới tham gia. Điều này làm giảm năng lực quản lý chung của cộng đồng. Ngoài ra các cộng đồng vẫn chưa có quy ước chung về quản lý, bảo vệ tài nguyên và môi trường RNM. Từ đó nghiên cứu đề xuất một số giải pháp như tăng cường sự tham gia của các tổ chức dân sự và phụ nữ trong quản lý RNM, xây dựng chiến lược bảo tổn RNM và các quy ước quản lý RNM dựa vào cộng đồng bao gồm giới.

Exploring the Existence of Women's Emotional Agency in Climate Change Livelihood Adaptation Strategies: A Case-study of Maasai Women in Northern Tanzania

Doria, Ashley N. 17 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Poverty and environment : a case study of stone crushing as a sustainable livelihood in Lusaka

Nyumbu, Mutande Elizabeth 06 1900 (has links)
Poverty and the environment are closely linked, as people use environmental resources to support livelihoods. Illegal stone quarrying evident in Lusaka, Zambia is symbolic of the use of environmental resources by the poor. Stone crushing provides income yet it is characterized by land degradation, large-scale excavation and dumping of waste materials. This study provides an analytical account of stone crushing as a livelihood in Lusaka and makes recommendations for improving the livelihoods of stone crushers to become sustainable. Using a livelihoods approach, a qualitative study collected data from various role players in Lusaka. Assets (physical, natural, human, social and political capital) for stone crushers were assessed, revealing that stone crushers lack livelihood assets, key options and are exposed to various shocks due to seasonal shifts. Increasing access to key livelihood assets, reducing vulnerability, improving infrastructure, access to justice and tackling social exclusion and gender inequality will enhance their livelihoods. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

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