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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le secteur informel dans les Hautes terres centrales de Madagascar. : le cas de la région Amoron'i Mania / Informal sector in Middle part of Madagascar : the cas of Amoron'i Mania

Andriamanampisoa, Tiana Harivony 25 November 2014 (has links)
Les études sur le secteur informel à Madagascar sont nombreuses et souvent à caractèretrès économique. Celle que nous proposons essaie d’apporter un regard socio-anthropologique surun phénomène complexe qui ne peut se réduire au seul domaine productif. Après avoir délimité lecadrage théorique et méthodologique du sujet, nous nous focalisons davantage sur les spécificitésdes activités de subsistance des Malgaches en ce qu’elles se basent sur le symbolique et lanégociation. Nous présentons ensuite notre zone d’investigation, « le pays des rochers » (RégionAmoron’i Mania), à partir duquel nous avons étayé quatre types idéaux de l’informalité, susceptiblesd’être généralisés à d’autres pays. Celle-ci demeure corrélée au système de parenté et se trouveinextricablement enchevêtrée avec le formel. Contrairement à certaines idées reçues, lamondialisation n’a fait qu’accroître cette imbrication. Nous terminons par une partie critique etprospective où nous évoquons les tentatives de l’État, sinon de réguler, du moins d’engager desprocessus de régularisation de ce secteur. Nous montrons que ce processus reste difficile pourplusieurs raisons, en particulier la corruption, l’affaiblissement de la sphère publique et les crisespolitiques cycliques / Studies on the informal sector in Madagascar are numerous and often based on itseconomic aspects. However, what we propose tries to bring a socio-anthropological perspective on acomplex phenomenon that can not be reduced to purely economic point of view. After defining thetheoretical frame of the subject, we focus more on the specifics of the subsistence activities ofMalagasy people, which are characterized by symbols and negotiation. Then, we present our studyzone, « the rocks area » or Amoron’i Mania region where we have listed four ideal types ofinformality which can become standard in other countries. In addition, informal is stronglyassociated with the parental system and particularly muddled with the formal sector. Contrary towhat one may think, globalization has accentuated this interweaving. At last, we proceed on criticaland prospective points of view, principally on the State’s attempts to regulate this sector. Thisprocess is still difficult because of corruption, the weakening of the Malagasy State and the politicalcrisis

Testing the application of a community resilience assessment: a case study of the Town of Huntsville, Ontario

Davis, Heather 16 November 2011 (has links)
This research explored the application of a resilience assessment (RA) template in an Ontario community to facilitate sustainable community planning. Research and application of sustainable community planning that incorporates management of social and ecological resilience is relatively young territory that requires improved understanding and extension. The research goals were to critically examine the performance of the process used to perform the RA. This inquiry was considered a knowledge-generating evaluation that combined applied research and evaluation research to contribute to theoretical understanding and action. The RA template was field-tested using a single in-depth case study - the Town of Huntsville, Ontario. A mixture of qualitative methods was used to pilot and evaluate the RA, including: key informant interviews, online group discussions, focus groups, and secondary literature review. The process used to perform the RA was evaluated against four criteria that focused on the adequacy of data collection, participant diversity, participant empowerment, and utility for other communities. This research illuminated obstacles and shortcomings within the Resilience Alliance 2010 RA workbook and offered recommendations to improve the utility of the RA for communities and participants. The RA template tested in this thesis could be adapted for application in other communities, including small urban and rural communities and larger municipalities. The RA template would benefit from additional case study research.

Livelihood Strategies and Employment Structure in Northwest Pakistan / Existenzgrundlagenstrategien und Beschäftigungsstruktur in Nordwest Pakistan

Khan, Mohammad Asif 23 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Diversity and abundance of medicinal plants among different forest-use types of the Pakistani Himalaya / Diversität und Abundanz von Medizinalpflanzen in unterschiedlich genutzten Wäldern des Pakistanischen Himalaya

Adnan, Muhammad 20 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Contribution of Small-Scale Gum and Resin Commercialization to Local Livelihood and Rural Economic Development in the Drylands of Eastern Africa

Abtew, Asmamaw Alemu, Pretzsch, Jürgen, Secco, Laura, Mohamod, Tarig Elshikh 21 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This paper examines the extent to which the economic gains derived from gum and resin commercialization impact rural livelihood improvement under different resource management regimes in the drylands of Ethiopia and Sudan. Primary data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 240 randomly selected small-scale producers in four regions with gradients of resource management regimes. The survey was supplemented by secondary data, group discussions and key informant interviews. In the four regions, gum and resin income contributes to 14%–23% of the small-scale producers’ household income. Absolute income was positively correlated with resource management regime and commercialization level. It was higher from cultivated resources on private lands, followed by regulated access to wild resources. In open-access resources, the producers’ income was the lowest, although accessed by the poor and women. However, dependence on gum and resin was higher in open-access resource areas. Households’ socioeconomic characteristics, resource access, production and marketing variables determining income from gum and resin were identified and their variation across the cases is discussed. Overall, gum and resin commercialization in the study areas play a potential poverty alleviation role as a source of regular income, a safety net, and a means of helping producers move out of poverty.

Testing the application of a community resilience assessment: a case study of the Town of Huntsville, Ontario

Davis, Heather 16 November 2011 (has links)
This research explored the application of a resilience assessment (RA) template in an Ontario community to facilitate sustainable community planning. Research and application of sustainable community planning that incorporates management of social and ecological resilience is relatively young territory that requires improved understanding and extension. The research goals were to critically examine the performance of the process used to perform the RA. This inquiry was considered a knowledge-generating evaluation that combined applied research and evaluation research to contribute to theoretical understanding and action. The RA template was field-tested using a single in-depth case study - the Town of Huntsville, Ontario. A mixture of qualitative methods was used to pilot and evaluate the RA, including: key informant interviews, online group discussions, focus groups, and secondary literature review. The process used to perform the RA was evaluated against four criteria that focused on the adequacy of data collection, participant diversity, participant empowerment, and utility for other communities. This research illuminated obstacles and shortcomings within the Resilience Alliance 2010 RA workbook and offered recommendations to improve the utility of the RA for communities and participants. The RA template tested in this thesis could be adapted for application in other communities, including small urban and rural communities and larger municipalities. The RA template would benefit from additional case study research.

Contribution of Farm Forest Plantation Management to the Livelihood Strategies of Farm Households in the High Forest Zone of Ghana / Beitrag kleinflächiger Forstplantagen zu Lebensunterhaltsstrategien der Kleinbauern in der „High Forest Zone“ Ghanas

Nsiah, Bernard 11 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Ghana has experienced a remarkable degradation and depletion of its forest resources over the last 100 years. This process has undermined the socio-economic and socio-cultural importance of the forests for millions of rural people who depend on the resource to support their livelihood. Many rural households have over the past three decades developed strategies to minimize the effects of forest depletion on their livelihood. The establishment of smallholder forest plantation on agricultural land has emerged as an important form of land-use for households to diversify their sources of income and also improve their socio-economic well-being. The main objective of the study was to identify and analyze the endogenous and exogenous factors inducing farm household’s decision to establish farm forest plantation and to analyze its financial contribution to household’s income and livelihood strategies. The study involved a survey of 280 randomly selected farm households from five communities in the Offinso district in Ghana. The multi-stage stratified random sampling technique was used to select as many as 165 households with farm forest plantation as well as 115 without farm forest plantation. A mixture of tools including semi-structured questionnaire, focus group discussions, wealth ranking, forest inventory and market surveys were used to collect the required data. Results from logistic regression analysis revealed that the age of the household head, the number of years of education of the household head, the amount of household labor, the size of household landholding, the ownership of permanent land, the availability of non-agricultural land and household’s participation in past forest plantation development projects are the most important endogenous factors influencing the farm household’s decision to establish farm forest plantation. On the other hand, exogenous factors such as the availability of market and buyers for farm forest products and farm household’s satisfaction with market prices for farm forest products positively influenced the household’s decision to establish farm forest plantation. Prohibitive rules and regulations relating to the harvesting of trees and transportation of timber from private lands and uncertainty in tree tenure as a result of ambiguous policy framework, however, negatively influenced the decision to establish smallholder forest plantation on their agricultural land. The results from household income portfolio analysis show that cash income from selling farm forest products contributed an average of $273.6 to total household’s income in one agricultural season. This amount accounted for 17.6% of total household’s income and represented the second most important source of income after agriculture. The profitability of different land-uses practiced by the households was analyzed using a conventional economic method (Net Present Value). The results from a comparative financial analysis show that the establishment of teak plantation on agricultural land inter-cropped with food crops is the most profitable form of land use for the households compared to pure teak plantation and maize-plantain cultivation. The results of the study underscore the potential contribution of smallholder farm forest plantation to increase the overall household’s income and thereby improve household’s well-being. / Ghana hat während der letzten 100 Jahre eine bemerkenswerte Degradation und Verminderung seines Waldvorkommens erlebt. Dieser Prozess hat die sozio-ökonomische und sozial-kulturelle Bedeutung des Waldes als Einkommensquelle zur Unterstützung des Lebensunterhalts für Millionen ländlicher Einwohner geschwächt. Während der letzen 30 Jahre haben viele Kleinbauern Haushalte Strategien entwickelt um den Effekt, den die Verminderung des Waldvorkommens auf ihren Lebensunterhalt hat, zu minimieren. Die Anlage kleinflächiger Forstplantagen auf Ackerland hat sich dabei als wichtige Form der Landnutzung erwiesen, da sie eine Einkommensquelle zusätzlich zu den vorhandenen bedeuten. Sie haben das Potential, die sozio-ökonomiche Situation der Bevölkerung zu verbessern. Ziel der Studie war die Identifizierung von internen und externen Faktoren, die bedeutend zur Entscheidung von Haushalten über die Errichtung kleinflächiger Forstplantagen beitragen. Desweiteren sollten der finanzielle Beitrag der Forstplantagen zum Einkommen und zu Strategien der Kleinbauern analysiert werden. Für die Sudie werden Datensätze von 280 zufällig ausgewählten landwirtschaftlichen Haushalten aus fünf Gemeinden im Offinso Distrikt in Ghana erfasst. Die mehrstufig aufgebaute zufällige Auswahltechnik wurde benutzt, um die 165 Haushalte mit Forstplantagen und 115 Haushalten ohne Forstplantagen für die Studie auszuwählen. Mehrere Instrumente, wurden genutzt um die benötigten Daten zu sammeln darunter vor allem semi-strukturierte Befragungen, fokusierte Gruppendiskussionen, Wohlstandsranking der Haushalte und eine Forstinventur. Ergebnisse einer logistischen Regressionsanalyse ergaben, dass das Alter des Haushaltsvorstands, die Anzahl der Ausbildungsjahre des Haushaltsvorstands, die Anzahl der im Haushalt vorhandenen Arbeitskräfte, die Größe des dem Haushalt zur Verfügung stehenden Ackerlandes, das Eigentum an Ackerland, verfügbare nicht-landwirtschaftlich nutzbare Flächen und die Teilnahme der Haushalte an Projekten zur Forstplantagenentwicklung die wichtigsten internen Faktoren für die Entscheidung der Kleinbauern zur Errichtung von kleinflächiger Forstpantagen darstellen. Andererseits beeinflussten externe Faktoren wie das Vorhandensein von Markt und Käufern für Produkte der Forstplantagen und die Zufriedenheit der Haushalte mit den gebotenen Marktpreisen für diese Produkte die Entscheidung der Kleinbauern zur Errichtung von Forstplantagen positiv. Demgegenüber beeinflussten Verbote und einschränkende Regelungen zur Ernte und zum Transport von Bäumen auf Privatland und die Unsicherheit bezüglich des Eigentums an den Bäumen als Ergebniss unklarer politischer Vorgaben die Entscheidung zur Errichtung von kleinflächiger Forstplantagen auf Ackerland negativ. Das Ergebniss der Analyse verschiedene Haushaltseinkommensquellen zeigt, dass das Jahreseinkommen der Haushalte mit Forstplantagen höher ist als das der Haushalte ohne Forstplantagen. Der Beitrag zum Jahreseinkommen aus dem Verkauf von Produkten der kleinflächiger Forstplantagen betrug im Durchschnitt 273,6 USD in einer landwirtschaftlichen Saison. Dies entsprach 17,6 % des gesamten Haushaltseinkommens und stellte somit die zweitwichtigste Einkommensquelle nach der Landwirtschaft dar. Die Rentabilität der verschiedenen Landnutzungsarten wurde mit der Kapitalwertmethode (Net Present Value) ermittelt. Diese vergleichende Analyse zeigte, dass kleinflächiger Forstplantagen auf Agrarland bei gleichzeitigem Anbau von Nahrungsmittel die profitabelste Art der Landnutzung für die Haushalte im Vergeich zu ausschließlichem Teakanbau und zum Anbau von Mais mit Kochbanane ist. Die Ergebnisse der Studie unterstreichen das Potential kleinflächiger Forstplantagen, einen Beitrag zur Steigerung des gesamten Haushaltseinkommens und zur Verbesserung des Lebensstandards der Haushalte leisten zu können.

Vulnérabilité et stratégies de subsistance des microentrepreneurs et de leurs ménages dans les quartiers populaires du centre de Yaoundé, au Cameroun

Girard, Christian 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Towards livelihoods security : livelihoods opportunities and challenges in Embui, Kenya

Mwasaa, Walter Mbele 06 February 2013 (has links)
Given the livelihoods challenges which face many rural communities, understanding a community’s livelihoods dynamics and opportunities is one major step to developing workable options to address the challenges. This study has focused on one rural community and used the five determinants of the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach to describe the livelihoods situation in Embui sub-location in Machakos County, Kenya. Residents of Embui have had to deal with the fact that traditional production systems are not sufficient to provide for their livelihoods needs. The community and continues to be challenged by limited capital for diversifying income sources, low skills and limited social and economic services. This study recommends support to marketing of locally produced artifacts, improved access to capital and provision of water for irrigation along with extension services as the key areas of support to improve the living standards of the residents of Embui / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

Resettlement and sustainable livelihoods in Ethiopia : a comparative analysis of Amhara and southern regions

Kassa Teshager Alemu 02 1900 (has links)
Resettlement as a development discourse has become a worldwide phenomenon. This phenomenon is mainly caused by population pressure, war or prolonged hostilities between countries or groups within the country, irreversible environmental degradation and development projects. While there are diverse causes of resettlement situations, this study focused on state sponsored resettlement programmes caused by socio-economic, political and environmental problems in Amhara and the southern regions of Ethiopia. The main objective of this empirical study was to analyse the effects of planned government intra-regional resettlement programme on the sustainable livelihoods of resettled households in Ethiopia. The central research question was: Does a planned intra-regional resettlement programme provide sustainable livelihoods for settler households in the two selected regions of Ethiopia? If it does, what chain of factors explains the livelihood security and sustainability? If it does not, what are the interacting variables and how have they generated a process of livelihood insecurity? To this end, the combination of Sustainable Livelihood Framework (SLF) and Impoverishment Risks and Reconstruction (IRR) models were used as the pillars of the theoretical and conceptual framework of the study. Mixed method design that combines both quantitative and qualitative data from primary and secondary sources were used in this study. Primary data were collected through a household survey, key informants interview, focus group discussion and field observation. A total of 250 households were surveyed and a total of 28 interviewees were contacted from the two regions. A total of 6 focus group discussions were also conducted with purposively selected participants. This study concludes that the effects of planned resettlement on the sustainable livelihoods of resettlers were mixed and challenged the generic representation of the scheme as a success or a failure. The adverse effects were mainly due to policy gaps, the mismatch between policy and practice, poor inter-sectoral and inter-regional integration and inadequate capacity building efforts. Recommendations were provided in line with these gaps. In addition, the knowledge documented through the application of SLF and IRR in mixed method design contributed to the methodological and theoretical advancement of resettlement and livelihood studies. / Development Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Development Studies)

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